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User Guide
Using Python
Several versions of the Python interpreter are available on Nix, as well as a
high amount of packages. The attribute python
refers to the default
interpreter, which is currently CPython 2.7. It is also possible to refer to
specific versions, e.g. python35
refers to CPython 3.5, and pypy
refers to
the default PyPy interpreter.
Python is used a lot, and in different ways. This affects also how it is
packaged. In the case of Python on Nix, an important distinction is made between
whether the package is considered primarily an application, or whether it should
be used as a library, i.e., of primary interest are the modules in
that should be importable.
In the Nixpkgs tree Python applications can be found throughout, depending on what they do, and are called from the main package set. Python libraries, however, are in separate sets, with one set per interpreter version.
The interpreters have several common attributes. One of these attributes is
, which is a package set of Python libraries for this specific
interpreter. E.g., the toolz
package corresponding to the default interpreter
is python.pkgs.toolz
, and the CPython 3.5 version is python35.pkgs.toolz
The main package set contains aliases to these package sets, e.g.
refers to python.pkgs
and python35Packages
Installing Python and packages
The Nix and NixOS manuals explain how packages are generally installed. In the case of Python and Nix, it is important to make a distinction between whether the package is considered an application or a library.
Applications on Nix are typically installed into your user
profile imperatively using nix-env -i
, and on NixOS declaratively by adding the
package name to environment.systemPackages
in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
Dependencies such as libraries are automatically installed and should not be
installed explicitly.
The same goes for Python applications and libraries. Python applications can be
installed in your profile. But Python libraries you would like to use for
development cannot be installed, at least not individually, because they won't
be able to find each other resulting in import errors. Instead, it is possible
to create an environment with python.buildEnv
or python.withPackages
the interpreter and other executables are able to find each other and all of the
In the following examples we create an environment with Python 3.5, numpy
. As you may imagine, there is one limitation here, and that's that
you can install only one environment at a time. You will notice the complaints
about collisions when you try to install a second environment.
Environment defined in separate .nix
Create a file, e.g. build.nix
, with the following expression
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python35.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ numpy toolz ])
and install it in your profile with
nix-env -if build.nix
Now you can use the Python interpreter, as well as the extra packages (numpy
) that you added to the environment.
Environment defined in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
If you prefer to, you could also add the environment as a package override to the Nixpkgs set, e.g.
using config.nix
{ # ...
packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs; {
myEnv = python35.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ numpy toolz ]);
and install it in your profile with
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myEnv
The environment is is installed by referring to the attribute, and considering
the nixpkgs
channel was used.
Environment defined in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
For the sake of completeness, here's another example how to install the environment system-wide.
{ # ...
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(python35.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ numpy toolz ]))
Temporary Python environment with nix-shell
The examples in the previous section showed how to install a Python environment
into a profile. For development you may need to use multiple environments.
gives the possibility to temporarily load another environment, akin
to virtualenv
There are two methods for loading a shell with Python packages. The first and recommended method
is to create an environment with python.buildEnv
or python.withPackages
and load that. E.g.
$ nix-shell -p 'python35.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ numpy toolz ])'
opens a shell from which you can launch the interpreter
[nix-shell:~] python3
The other method, which is not recommended, does not create an environment and requires you to list the packages directly,
$ nix-shell -p python35.pkgs.numpy python35.pkgs.toolz
Again, it is possible to launch the interpreter from the shell.
The Python interpreter has the attribute pkgs
which contains all Python libraries for that specific interpreter.
Load environment from .nix
As explained in the Nix manual, nix-shell
can also load an
expression from a .nix
file. Say we want to have Python 3.5, numpy
and toolz
, like before, in an environment. Consider a shell.nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python35.withPackages (ps: [ps.numpy ps.toolz])
Executing nix-shell
gives you again a Nix shell from which you can run Python.
What's happening here?
- We begin with importing the Nix Packages collections.
import <nixpkgs>
imports the<nixpkgs>
calls it and thewith
statement brings all attributes ofnixpkgs
in the local scope. These attributes form the main package set. - Then we create a Python 3.5 environment with the
function. - The
function expects us to provide a function as an argument that takes the set of all python packages and returns a list of packages to include in the environment. Here, we select the packagesnumpy
from the package set.
Execute command with --run
A convenient option with nix-shell
is the --run
option, with which you can execute a command in the nix-shell
. We can
e.g. directly open a Python shell
$ nix-shell -p python35Packages.numpy python35Packages.toolz --run "python3"
or run a script
$ nix-shell -p python35Packages.numpy python35Packages.toolz --run "python3 myscript.py"
as shebang
In fact, for the second use case, there is a more convenient method. You can
add a shebang to your script
specifying which dependencies nix-shell
needs. With the following shebang, you
can just execute ./myscript.py
, and it will make available all dependencies and
run the script in the python3
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages(ps: [ps.numpy])"
import numpy
Developing with Python
Now that you know how to get a working Python environment with Nix, it is time to go forward and start actually developing with Python. We will first have a look at how Python packages are packaged on Nix. Then, we will look at how you can use development mode with your code.
Packaging a library
With Nix all packages are built by functions. The main function in Nix for
building Python libraries is buildPythonPackage
. Let's see how we can build the
{ # ...
toolz = buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "toolz";
version = "0.7.4";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "43c2c9e5e7a16b6c88ba3088a9bfc82f7db8e13378be7c78d6c14a5f8ed05afd";
doCheck = false;
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/pytoolz/toolz/";
description = "List processing tools and functional utilities";
license = licenses.bsd3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fridh ];
What happens here? The function buildPythonPackage
is called and as argument
it accepts a set. In this case the set is a recursive set, rec
. One of the
arguments is the name of the package, which consists of a basename (generally
following the name on PyPi) and a version. Another argument, src
specifies the
source, which in this case is fetched from PyPI using the helper function
. The argument doCheck
is used to set whether tests should be run
when building the package. Furthermore, we specify some (optional) meta
information. The output of the function is a derivation.
An expression for toolz
can be found in the Nixpkgs repository. As explained
in the introduction of this Python section, a derivation of toolz
is available
for each interpreter version, e.g. python35.pkgs.toolz
refers to the toolz
derivation corresponding to the CPython 3.5 interpreter.
The above example works when you're directly working on
in the Nixpkgs repository. Often though,
you will want to test a Nix expression outside of the Nixpkgs tree.
The following expression creates a derivation for the toolz
and adds it along with a numpy
package to a Python environment.
with import <nixpkgs> {};
( let
my_toolz = python35.pkgs.buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "toolz";
version = "0.7.4";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = python35.pkgs.fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "43c2c9e5e7a16b6c88ba3088a9bfc82f7db8e13378be7c78d6c14a5f8ed05afd";
doCheck = false;
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/pytoolz/toolz/";
description = "List processing tools and functional utilities";
in python35.withPackages (ps: [ps.numpy my_toolz])
Executing nix-shell
will result in an environment in which you can use
Python 3.5 and the toolz
package. As you can see we had to explicitly mention
for which Python version we want to build a package.
So, what did we do here? Well, we took the Nix expression that we used earlier
to build a Python environment, and said that we wanted to include our own
version of toolz
, named my_toolz
. To introduce our own package in the scope
of withPackages
we used a let
expression. You can see that we used
to select numpy from the nixpkgs package set (ps
). We did not take
from the Nixpkgs package set this time, but instead took our own version
that we introduced with the let
Handling dependencies
Our example, toolz
, does not have any dependencies on other Python
packages or system libraries. According to the manual, buildPythonPackage
uses the arguments buildInputs
and propagatedBuildInputs
to specify dependencies. If something is
exclusively a build-time dependency, then the dependency should be included as a
, but if it is (also) a runtime dependency, then it should be added
to propagatedBuildInputs
. Test dependencies are considered build-time dependencies.
The following example shows which arguments are given to buildPythonPackage
order to build datashape
{ # ...
datashape = buildPythonPackage rec {
name = "datashape-${version}";
version = "0.4.7";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://pypi/D/DataShape/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "14b2ef766d4c9652ab813182e866f493475e65e558bed0822e38bf07bba1a278";
buildInputs = with self; [ pytest ];
propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [ numpy multipledispatch dateutil ];
meta = {
homepage = https://github.com/ContinuumIO/datashape;
description = "A data description language";
license = licenses.bsd2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fridh ];
We can see several runtime dependencies, numpy
, multipledispatch
, and
. Furthermore, we have one buildInput
, i.e. pytest
. pytest
is a
test runner and is only used during the checkPhase
and is therefore not added
to propagatedBuildInputs
In the previous case we had only dependencies on other Python packages to consider.
Occasionally you have also system libraries to consider. E.g., lxml
Python bindings to libxml2
and libxslt
. These libraries are only required
when building the bindings and are therefore added as buildInputs
{ # ...
lxml = buildPythonPackage rec {
name = "lxml-3.4.4";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://pypi/l/lxml/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "16a0fa97hym9ysdk3rmqz32xdjqmy4w34ld3rm3jf5viqjx65lxk";
buildInputs = with self; [ pkgs.libxml2 pkgs.libxslt ];
meta = {
description = "Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries";
homepage = http://lxml.de;
license = licenses.bsd3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ sjourdois ];
In this example lxml
and Nix are able to work out exactly where the relevant
files of the dependencies are. This is not always the case.
The example below shows bindings to The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West, commonly known as
FFTW. On Nix we have separate packages of FFTW for the different types of floats
, "double"
, "long-double"
). The bindings need all three types,
and therefore we add all three as buildInputs
. The bindings don't expect to
find each of them in a different folder, and therefore we have to set LDFLAGS
{ # ...
pyfftw = buildPythonPackage rec {
name = "pyfftw-${version}";
version = "0.9.2";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://pypi/p/pyFFTW/pyFFTW-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "f6bbb6afa93085409ab24885a1a3cdb8909f095a142f4d49e346f2bd1b789074";
buildInputs = [ pkgs.fftw pkgs.fftwFloat pkgs.fftwLongDouble];
propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [ numpy scipy ];
# Tests cannot import pyfftw. pyfftw works fine though.
doCheck = false;
preConfigure = ''
export LDFLAGS="-L${pkgs.fftw.dev}/lib -L${pkgs.fftwFloat.out}/lib -L${pkgs.fftwLongDouble.out}/lib"
export CFLAGS="-I${pkgs.fftw.dev}/include -I${pkgs.fftwFloat.dev}/include -I${pkgs.fftwLongDouble.dev}/include"
meta = {
description = "A pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the FFT library, presenting a unified interface for all the supported transforms";
homepage = http://hgomersall.github.com/pyFFTW/;
license = with licenses; [ bsd2 bsd3 ];
maintainer = with maintainers; [ fridh ];
Note also the line doCheck = false;
, we explicitly disabled running the test-suite.
Develop local package
As a Python developer you're likely aware of development mode (python setup.py develop
instead of installing the package this command creates a special link to the project code.
That way, you can run updated code without having to reinstall after each and every change you make.
Development mode is also available. Let's see how you can use it.
In the previous Nix expression the source was fetched from an url. We can also refer to a local source instead using
src = ./path/to/source/tree;
If we create a shell.nix
file which calls buildPythonPackage
, and if src
is a local source, and if the local source has a setup.py
, then development
mode is activated.
In the following example we create a simple environment that
has a Python 3.5 version of our package in it, as well as its dependencies and
other packages we like to have in the environment, all specified with propagatedBuildInputs
Indeed, we can just add any package we like to have in our environment to propagatedBuildInputs
with import <nixpkgs> {};
with pkgs.python35Packages;
buildPythonPackage rec {
name = "mypackage";
src = ./path/to/package/source;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ pytest numpy pkgs.libsndfile ];
It is important to note that due to how development mode is implemented on Nix it is not possible to have multiple packages simultaneously in development mode.
Organising your packages
So far we discussed how you can use Python on Nix, and how you can develop with it. We've looked at how you write expressions to package Python packages, and we looked at how you can create environments in which specified packages are available.
At some point you'll likely have multiple packages which you would
like to be able to use in different projects. In order to minimise unnecessary
duplication we now look at how you can maintain yourself a repository with your
own packages. The important functions here are import
and callPackage
Including a derivation using callPackage
Earlier we created a Python environment using withPackages
, and included the
package via a let
Let's split the package definition from the environment definition.
We first create a function that builds toolz
in ~/path/to/toolz/release.nix
{ pkgs, buildPythonPackage }:
buildPythonPackage rec {
name = "toolz-${version}";
version = "0.7.4";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://pypi/t/toolz/toolz-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "43c2c9e5e7a16b6c88ba3088a9bfc82f7db8e13378be7c78d6c14a5f8ed05afd";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/pytoolz/toolz/";
description = "List processing tools and functional utilities";
license = licenses.bsd3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fridh ];
It takes two arguments, pkgs
and buildPythonPackage
We now call this function using callPackage
in the definition of our environment
with import <nixpkgs> {};
( let
toolz = pkgs.callPackage /path/to/toolz/release.nix {
pkgs = pkgs;
buildPythonPackage = pkgs.python35Packages.buildPythonPackage;
in pkgs.python35.withPackages (ps: [ ps.numpy toolz ])
Important to remember is that the Python version for which the package is made
depends on the python
derivation that is passed to buildPythonPackage
. Nix
tries to automatically pass arguments when possible, which is why generally you
don't explicitly define which python
derivation should be used. In the above
example we use buildPythonPackage
that is part of the set python35Packages
and in this case the python35
interpreter is automatically used.
Versions 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of the CPython interpreter are available as
respectively python27
, python34
, python35
and python36
. The PyPy interpreter
is available as pypy
. The aliases python2
and python3
correspond to respectively python27
. The default interpreter, python
, maps to python2
The Nix expressions for the interpreters can be found in
All packages depending on any Python interpreter get appended
if such directory
Missing tkinter
module standard library
To reduce closure size the Tkinter
is available as a separate package, pythonPackages.tkinter
Attributes on interpreters packages
Each interpreter has the following attributes:
. Name of the folder in${python}/lib/
for corresponding interpreter.interpreter
. Alias for${python}/bin/${executable}
. Function to build python interpreter environments with extra packages bundled together. See section python.buildEnv function for usage and documentation.withPackages
. Simpler interface tobuildEnv
. See section python.withPackages function for usage and documentation.sitePackages
. Alias forlib/${libPrefix}/site-packages
. Name of the interpreter executable, e.g.python3.4
. Set of Python packages for that specific interpreter. The package set can be modified by overriding the interpreter and passingpackageOverrides
Building packages and applications
Python libraries and applications that use setuptools
are typically build with respectively the buildPythonPackage
functions. These two functions also support installing a wheel
All Python packages reside in pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
and all
applications elsewhere. In case a package is used as both a library and an application,
then the package should be in pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
since only those packages are made
available for all interpreter versions. The preferred location for library expressions is in
. It is important that these packages are
called from pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
and not elsewhere, to guarantee
the right version of the package is built.
Based on the packages defined in pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
attribute set is created for each available Python interpreter. The available
sets are
and the aliases
pointing topkgs.python27Packages
pointing topkgs.python36Packages
pointing topkgs.python2Packages
The buildPythonPackage
function is implemented in
The following is an example:
{ # ...
twisted = buildPythonPackage {
name = "twisted-8.1.0";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = http://tmrc.mit.edu/mirror/twisted/Twisted/8.1/Twisted-8.1.0.tar.bz2;
sha256 = "0q25zbr4xzknaghha72mq57kh53qw1bf8csgp63pm9sfi72qhirl";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ self.ZopeInterface ];
meta = {
homepage = http://twistedmatrix.com/;
description = "Twisted, an event-driven networking engine written in Python";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
The buildPythonPackage
mainly does four things:
- In the
, it calls${python.interpreter} setup.py bdist_wheel
to build a wheel binary zipfile. - In the
, it installs the wheel file usingpip install *.whl
. - In the
phase, thewrapPythonPrograms
bash function is called to wrap all programs in the$out/bin/*
directory to include$PATH
environment variable and add dependent libraries to script'ssys.path
. - In the
phase,${python.interpreter} setup.py test
is ran.
As in Perl, dependencies on other Python packages can be specified in the
and propagatedBuildInputs
attributes. If something is
exclusively a build-time dependency, use buildInputs
; if it’s (also) a runtime
dependency, use propagatedBuildInputs
By default tests are run because doCheck = true
. Test dependencies, like
e.g. the test runner, should be added to buildInputs
By default meta.platforms
is set to the same value
as the interpreter unless overridden otherwise.
All parameters from mkDerivation
function are still supported.
: Prepended text to${name}
parameter. Defaults to"python3.3-"
for Python 3.3, etc. Set it to""
if you're packaging an application or a command line tool.disabled
: Iftrue
, package is not build for particular python interpreter version. Grep aroundpkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
for examples.setupPyBuildFlags
: List of flags passed tosetup.py build_ext
: List of packages to be added into$PYTHONPATH
. Packages inpythonPath
are not propagated (contrary topropagatedBuildInputs
: Hook to execute commands beforeshellHook
: Hook to execute commands aftershellHook
: A list of strings. Arguments to be passed tomakeWrapper
, which wraps generated binaries. By default, the arguments tomakeWrapper
environment variables before calling the binary. Additional arguments here can allow a developer to set environment variables which will be available when the binary is run. For example,makeWrapperArgs = ["--set FOO BAR" "--set BAZ QUX"]
: A list of strings. Arguments to be passed topip install
. To pass options topython setup.py install
, use--install-option
. E.g., `installFlags=["--install-option='--cpp_implementation'"].format
: Format of the source. Valid options aresetuptools
, andother
is for when the source has asetup.py
is used to build a wheel,flit
, in caseflit
should be used to build a wheel, andwheel
in case a wheel is provided. In case you need to provide your ownbuildPhase
you can useother
, abort package build if a package name appears more than once in dependency tree. Default istrue
Dependencies needed for running thecheckPhase
. These are added tobuildInputs
whendoCheck = true
Overriding Python packages
The buildPythonPackage
function has a overridePythonAttrs
method that
can be used to override the package. In the following example we create an
environment where we have the blaze
package using an older version of pandas
We override first the Python interpreter and pass
which contains the overrides for packages in the package set.
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python = let
packageOverrides = self: super: {
pandas = super.pandas.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
version = "0.19.1";
name = "pandas-${version}";
src = super.fetchPypi {
pname = "pandas";
inherit version;
sha256 = "08blshqj9zj1wyjhhw3kl2vas75vhhicvv72flvf1z3jvapgw295";
in pkgs.python3.override {inherit packageOverrides;};
in python.withPackages(ps: [ps.blaze])).env
The buildPythonApplication
function is practically the same as buildPythonPackage
The difference is that buildPythonPackage
by default prefixes the names of the packages with the version of the interpreter.
Because with an application we're not interested in multiple version the prefix is dropped.
python.buildEnv function
Python environments can be created using the low-level pkgs.buildEnv
This example shows how to create an environment that has the Pyramid Web Framework.
Saving the following as default.nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = [ pkgs.pythonPackages.pyramid ];
ignoreCollisions = true;
and running nix-build
will create
with wrapped binaries in bin/
You can also use the env
attribute to create local environments with needed
packages installed. This is somewhat comparable to virtualenv
. For example,
running nix-shell
with the following shell.nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};
(python3.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = with python3Packages; [ numpy requests ];
will drop you into a shell where Python will have the specified packages in its path.
: List of packages installed inside the environment.postBuild
: Shell command executed after the build of environment.ignoreCollisions
: Ignore file collisions inside the environment (default isfalse
python.withPackages function
The python.withPackages
function provides a simpler interface to the python.buildEnv
It takes a function as an argument that is passed the set of python packages and returns the list
of the packages to be included in the environment. Using the withPackages
function, the previous
example for the Pyramid Web Framework environment can be written like this:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python.withPackages (ps: [ps.pyramid])
passes the correct package set for the specific interpreter version as an
argument to the function. In the above example, ps
equals pythonPackages
But you can also easily switch to using python3:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python3.withPackages (ps: [ps.pyramid])
Now, ps
is set to python3Packages
, matching the version of the interpreter.
As python.withPackages
simply uses python.buildEnv
under the hood, it also supports the env
attribute. The shell.nix
file from the previous section can thus be also written like this:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
(python36.withPackages (ps: [ps.numpy ps.requests])).env
In contrast to python.buildEnv
, python.withPackages
does not support the more advanced options
such as ignoreCollisions = true
or postBuild
. If you need them, you have to use python.buildEnv
Python 2 namespace packages may provide __init__.py
that collide. In that case python.buildEnv
should be used with ignoreCollisions = true
Development mode
Development or editable mode is supported. To develop Python packages
has additional logic inside shellPhase
to run pip install -e . --prefix $TMPDIR/
for the package.
Warning: shellPhase
is executed only if setup.py
Given a default.nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};
buildPythonPackage { name = "myproject";
buildInputs = with pkgs.pythonPackages; [ pyramid ];
src = ./.; }
Running nix-shell
with no arguments should give you
the environment in which the package would be built with
Shortcut to setup environments with C headers/libraries and python packages:
nix-shell -p pythonPackages.pyramid zlib libjpeg git
Note: There is a boolean value lib.inNixShell
set to true
if nix-shell is invoked.
Packages inside nixpkgs are written by hand. However many tools exist in community to help save time. No tool is preferred at the moment.
- python2nix by Vladimir Kirillov
- pypi2nix by Rok Garbas
- pypi2nix by Jaka Hudoklin
Deterministic builds
Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6 are now built deterministically and 3.4 mostly.
Minor modifications had to be made to the interpreters in order to generate
deterministic bytecode. This has security implications and is relevant for
those using Python in a nix-shell
When the environment variable DETERMINISTIC_BUILD
is set, all bytecode will have timestamp 1.
The buildPythonPackage
Both are also exported in nix-shell
Automatic tests
It is recommended to test packages as part of the build process.
Source distributions (sdist
) often include test files, but not always.
By default the command python setup.py test
is run as part of the
, but often it is necessary to pass a custom checkPhase
. An
example of such a situation is when py.test
is used.
Common issues
Non-working tests can often be deselected. By default
runspython setup.py test
. Most python modules follows the standard test protocol where the pytest runner can be used instead.py.test
supports a-k
parameter to ignore test methods or classes:buildPythonPackage { # ... # assumes the tests are located in tests checkInputs = [ pytest ]; checkPhase = '' py.test -k 'not function_name and not other_function' tests ''; }
Unicode issues can typically be fixed by including
and exportingLC_ALL=en_US.utf-8
. -
Tests that attempt to access
can be fixed by using the following work-around before running tests (e.g.preCheck
):export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
How to solve circular dependencies?
Consider the packages A
and B
that depend on each other. When packaging B
a solution is to override package A
not to depend on B
as an input. The same
should also be done when packaging A
How to override a Python package?
We can override the interpreter and pass packageOverrides
In the following example we rename the pandas
package and build it.
with import <nixpkgs> {};
python = let
packageOverrides = self: super: {
pandas = super.pandas.overridePythonAttrs(old: {name="foo";});
in pkgs.python35.override {inherit packageOverrides;};
in python.withPackages(ps: [ps.pandas])).env
Using nix-build
on this expression will build an environment that contains the
package pandas
but with the new name foo
All packages in the package set will use the renamed package.
A typical use case is to switch to another version of a certain package.
For example, in the Nixpkgs repository we have multiple versions of django
and scipy
In the following example we use a different version of scipy
and create an environment that uses it.
All packages in the Python package set will now use the updated scipy
with import <nixpkgs> {};
( let
packageOverrides = self: super: {
scipy = super.scipy_0_17;
in (pkgs.python35.override {inherit packageOverrides;}).withPackages (ps: [ps.blaze])
The requested package blaze
depends on pandas
which itself depends on scipy
If you want the whole of Nixpkgs to use your modifications, then you can use overlays
as explained in this manual. In the following example we build a inkscape
using a different version of numpy
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
newpkgs = import pkgs.path { overlays = [ (pkgsself: pkgssuper: {
python27 = let
packageOverrides = self: super: {
numpy = super.numpy_1_10;
in pkgssuper.python27.override {inherit packageOverrides;};
} ) ]; };
in newpkgs.inkscape
python setup.py bdist_wheel
cannot create .whl
Executing python setup.py bdist_wheel
in a nix-shell
fails with
ValueError: ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980
This is because files are included that depend on items in the Nix store which have a timestamp of, that is, it corresponds to January the 1st, 1970 at 00:00:00. And as the error informs you, ZIP does not support that.
The command bdist_wheel
takes into account SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
, and nix-shell
sets this to 1. By setting it to a value corresponding to 1980 or later, or by unsetting it, it is possible to build wheels.
Use 1980 as timestamp:
nix-shell --run "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=315532800 python3 setup.py bdist_wheel"
or the current time:
nix-shell --run "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date +%s) python3 setup.py bdist_wheel"
or unset:
nix-shell --run "unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH; python3 setup.py bdist_wheel"
/ data_files
If you get the following error:
could not create '/nix/store/6l1bvljpy8gazlsw2aw9skwwp4pmvyxw-python-2.7.8/etc':
Permission denied
This is a known bug in setuptools
Setuptools install_data
does not respect --prefix
. An example of such package using the feature is pkgs/tools/X11/xpra/default.nix
As workaround install it as an extra preInstall
${python.interpreter} setup.py install_data --install-dir=$out --root=$out
sed -i '/ = data\_files/d' setup.py
Rationale of non-existent global site-packages
On most operating systems a global site-packages
is maintained. This however
becomes problematic if you want to run multiple Python versions or have multiple
versions of certain libraries for your projects. Generally, you would solve such
issues by creating virtual environments using virtualenv
On Nix each package has an isolated dependency tree which, in the case of
Python, guarantees the right versions of the interpreter and libraries or
packages are available. There is therefore no need to maintain a global site-packages
If you want to create a Python environment for development, then the recommended
method is to use nix-shell
, either with or without the python.buildEnv
How to consume python modules using pip in a virtualenv like I am used to on other Operating Systems ?
This is an example of a default.nix
for a nix-shell
, which allows to consume a virtualenv
and install python modules through pip
the traditional way.
Create this default.nix
file, together with a requirements.txt
and simply execute nix-shell
with import <nixpkgs> {};
with pkgs.python27Packages;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "impurePythonEnv";
buildInputs = [
# these packages are required for virtualenv and pip to work:
# the following packages are related to the dependencies of your python
# project.
# In this particular example the python modules listed in the
# requirements.tx require the following packages to be installed locally
# in order to compile any binary extensions they may require.
zlib ];
src = null;
shellHook = ''
# set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH so that we can use python wheels
virtualenv --no-setuptools venv
export PATH=$PWD/venv/bin:$PATH
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that the pip install
is an imperative action. So every time nix-shell
is executed it will attempt to download the python modules listed in
requirements.txt. However these will be cached locally within the virtualenv
folder and not downloaded again.
How to override a Python package from configuration.nix
If you need to change a package's attribute(s) from configuration.nix
you could do:
nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = superP: {
pythonPackages = superP.pythonPackages.override {
overrides = self: super: {
bepasty-server = super.bepasty-server.overrideAttrs ( oldAttrs: {
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/bepasty/bepasty-server";
sha256 = "9ziqshmsf0rjvdhhca55sm0x8jz76fsf2q4rwh4m6lpcf8wr0nps";
rev = "e2516e8cf4f2afb5185337073607eb9e84a61d2d";
If you are using the bepasty-server
package somewhere, for example in systemPackages
or indirectly from services.bepasty
, then a nixos-rebuild switch
will rebuild the system but with the bepasty-server
package using a different src
attribute. This way one can modify python
based software/libraries easily. Using self
and super
one can also alter dependencies (buildInputs
) between the old state (self
) and new state (super
How to override a Python package using overlays?
To alter a python package using overlays, you would use the following approach:
self: super:
rec {
python = super.python.override {
packageOverrides = python-self: python-super: {
bepasty-server = python-super.bepasty-server.overrideAttrs ( oldAttrs: {
src = self.pkgs.fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/bepasty/bepasty-server";
sha256 = "9ziqshmsf0rjvdhhca55sm0x8jz76fsf2q4rwh4m6lpcf8wr0nps";
rev = "e2516e8cf4f2afb5185337073607eb9e84a61d2d";
pythonPackages = python.pkgs;
Contributing guidelines
Following rules are desired to be respected:
- Python libraries are called from
and packaged withbuildPythonPackage
. The expression of a library should be inpkgs/development/python-modules/<name>/default.nix
. Libraries inpkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
are sorted quasi-alphabetically to avoid merge conflicts. - Python applications live outside of
and are packaged withbuildPythonApplication
. - Make sure libraries build for all Python interpreters.
- By default we enable tests. Make sure the tests are found and, in the case of libraries, are passing for all interpreters. If certain tests fail they can be disabled individually. Try to avoid disabling the tests altogether. In any case, when you disable tests, leave a comment explaining why.
- Commit names of Python libraries should reflect that they are Python libraries, so write for example
pythonPackages.numpy: 1.11 -> 1.12