Improvement: Use nix-shell for
- Update to 7.1.1
google_apis_25 is missing after due to an error in addon.xml
(upsteam bug).
- Add google_apis_25
- Update google_play_services (v8_rc41 -> v11_rc16)
lxappearance supports both Gtk+-2 and Gtk+-3. The current `lxappearance'
package continues to be for Gtk+-2. Add `lxappearance-gtk3' for Gtk+-3.
A patch is needed in order to look for themes in system data dirs with
* Create "full.pem" from selfsigned certificate
* Tell simp_le to create "full.pem"
* Inject service dependency between lighttpd and the generation of certificates
Side note: According to the internet these servers also use the
"full.pem" format: pound, ejabberd, pure-ftpd.
XSA-206 Issue Description:
> xenstored supports transactions, such that if writes which would
> invalidate assumptions of a transaction occur, the entire transaction
> fails. Typical response on a failed transaction is to simply retry
> the transaction until it succeeds.
> Unprivileged domains may issue writes to xenstore which conflict with
> transactions either of the toolstack or of backends such as the driver
> domain. Depending on the exact timing, repeated writes may cause
> transactions made by these entities to fail indefinitely.
XSA-211 Issue Description:
> When a graphics update command gets passed to the VGA emulator, there
> are 3 possible modes that can be used to update the display:
> * blank - Clears the display
> * text - Treats the display as showing text
> * graph - Treats the display as showing graphics
> After the display geometry gets changed (i.e., after the CIRRUS VGA
> emulation has resized the display), the VGA emulator will resize the
> console during the next update command. However, when a blank mode is
> also selected during an update, this resize doesn't happen. The resize
> will be properly handled during the next time a non-blank mode is
> selected during an update.
> However, other console components - such as the VNC emulation - will
> operate as though this resize had happened. When the display is
> resized to be larger than before, this can result in a heap overflow
> as console components will expect the display buffer to be larger than
> it is currently allocated.
XSA-212 Issue Description:
> The XSA-29 fix introduced an insufficient check on XENMEM_exchange
> input, allowing the caller to drive hypervisor memory accesses outside
> of the guest provided input/output arrays.
XSA-213 Issue Description:
> 64-bit PV guests typically use separate (root) page tables for their
> kernel and user modes. Hypercalls are accessible to guest kernel
> context only, which certain hypercall handlers make assumptions on.
> The IRET hypercall (replacing the identically name CPU instruction)
> is used by guest kernels to transfer control from kernel mode to user
> mode. If such an IRET hypercall is placed in the middle of a multicall
> batch, subsequent operations invoked by the same multicall batch may
> wrongly assume the guest to still be in kernel mode. If one or more of
> these subsequent operations involve operations on page tables, they may
> be using the wrong root page table, confusing internal accounting. As
> a result the guest may gain writable access to some of its page tables.
XSA-214 Issue Description:
> The GNTTABOP_transfer operation allows one guest to transfer a page to
> another guest. The internal processing of this, however, does not
> include zapping the previous type of the page being transferred. This
> makes it possible for a PV guest to transfer a page previously used as
> part of a segment descriptor table to another guest while retaining the
> "contains segment descriptors" property.
> If the destination guest is a PV one of different bitness, it may gain
> access to segment descriptors it is not normally allowed to have, like
> 64-bit code segments in a 32-bit PV guest.
> If the destination guest is a HVM one, that guest may freely alter the
> page contents and then hand the page back to the same or another PV
> guest.
> In either case, if the destination PV guest then inserts that page into
> one of its own descriptor tables, the page still having the designated
> type results in validation of its contents being skipped.
XSA-215 Issue Description:
> Under certain special conditions Xen reports an exception resulting
> from returning to guest mode not via ordinary exception entry points,
> but via a so call failsafe callback. This callback, unlike exception
> handlers, takes 4 extra arguments on the stack (the saved data
> selectors DS, ES, FS, and GS). Prior to placing exception or failsafe
> callback frames on the guest kernel stack, Xen checks the linear
> address range to not overlap with hypervisor space. The range spanned
> by that check was mistakenly not covering these extra 4 slots.