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The following is a translation from the "Enraged Seagull" a French
anti-capitalist journal. It is a statement of their principles.
If you wish to contact them, write to:
Caribou/La Mouette
62222 St. Martin Boulogne
Who Are We?
We define ourselves as libertarinas because:
We reject all economic systems, all political institutions state or private
which are founded on the exploitation of man by man, on authority and
We sturggle at the same time against all forms of State Capitalism which
conceal themselves or are concealed under the names, Marxism-Leninism,
Bolshevism, Stalininsm etc. and against liberal capitalism with its attendant
waste and (effrene'e, don't know that word MB) consumption. They strike
us as being two sides of the same coin.
We see all over a world of social inequality, the rule of profit which is
leading more and more to a society which is out of balance, polluted,
inhuman and directly responsible for racism, passive idiocy, politcal
and financial corruption.
We are for the self-organization of the workers, the inhabitants, the
consumers in forms of their own choosing which are not just reproductions
of the mafias of the Right, of the Left or the bureaucratic unions, the
defects of which we denounce in the strongest terms.
We are for a Direct Democracy which corresponds to the real needs of
individuals regardless of sex, race or nationality anc certainly not
the profits of merchants, public figures, bureaucrats or the famous.
We're not appealing to anyone to blindly "follow" us without question.
We desire to work with anyone and everyone who wish to radically change
society by seizing their destiny in their own hands.
Finally, the Seagull consistently refuses all contributions having
racist or discriminitory character, meddling in the private lives of
people (except in the context of their political or social functions)
also all propaganda with electoral goals and all forms of commercial
Qui Sommes Nous?
Nous nous definissons comme libertaires parc que:
Nous rejetons tous les systemes economiques, toute las institutions
politiques etatiques or privees qui se fondent sur l'exploitation de l'Homme
par l'Homme, sur l'autorite et la hierarchie.
Nous avons toujours lutte, a la fois contre toutes les formes de
Capitalsime d'Etat qui se dissimulaient our se dissimulent encore sous
les noms de Marxisme-Leninisme, Bolchevisme, Stalinisme etc...et contre les
capitalismes liberqux avec leur cortege de gaspillage et de consommation
effrenee. It s'agit pour nous des deux revers de la medaille.
Nous considerons que, partout dans le monde, les ineqalites sociales la
loi du profit et du plus for conduisent a une societe de plus end plus
desequilibree polluee, hnhumaine et sont directement responsables du
racisme, du cretinisme passif, de la corruption finaciere et politque.
Nous sommes pour l'auto-organisation des travailleurs, des habitants,
des consommateurs... etc. etc.