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uuuu uuuu ppp pp ppp pp eee rrr rr
uuuu uuuu pppppppppp pppppppppp eeeeee rrrrrrrrrrr
uuuu uuuu ppp ppp eeeeee rrrrrrrrrrr
uuuu uuuu ppp ppp eee rrr rrr
uuuuuuuuu ppp ppp eeeeeeeeeeee rrr rr 10:
The lemon-lime soda.
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What's up all of you 'zine kiddies out there? Handle here coming
atcha' with some ramblings for the cause of curing boredom.
Okay, I know that I'm going to get bashed after this one, but I have a
confession to make. I've been hanging around with angst ridden alternateens
for the past couple of months. There I said it, ridicule me.
Anyways, the whole point of this thing is to help some of you out
there. Have you read anything lately encouraging you to leave your computer
and go outside into the "real world"? If so it was probably making pretty
good sense to you at the time. Well being the true do-gooder that I am, I
am writing this to tell you that the "real world" is crap. Don't get your
hopes up about going out and having fun, really doing something other than
sitting around turning into a lump of crap, you'll just be disappointed.
Truth is, everyone but me is a moron. Look at this shit, don't turn on my
computer for a month, and I've lost all of what little writing talent I used
to have. I tried the whole normal teenager thing and found that in order to
succeed you have to stop thinking. I'm not saying that you have to stop
thinking for yourself and being an individual, I'm saying you have to become
an un-educated hippy moron.
I know this sounds like crap, but please try to put up with me while
I attempt to slip back into my writing groove. I've always thought that one
of my flaws was I was blinded by hatred, but I was wrong, that was the only
thing keeping me from turning into hippy scum. I've now officially walked
a mile in the shoes of a normal "Nirvana rulez!!" teenager and can say that
I was always right to hate them. They really are morons, not just
misunderstood by the educated. What they are doing isn't fun, just
non-productive. So next time you get the urge to go, "hang" with the guys,
don't do it. Stay home and read a book, take it from me, it will help you
out a lot more in the long run. For the moment I have been tainted by teen
idiocy. Is it permanent? I don't think so, I sure hope not. Listen to me,
I fit in for about 3/4 of one summer and I feel cheated. I could have been
A SWEATY COCK! Please, I know it may sound rough, but we have to beat the
hippies and not just join them. Thank you, and good day.
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Wow, sure am glad I got all of that out, well welcome to my new 'zine
upper 10: The lemon-lime soda. Promising to be the biggest piece of shit that
your ever going to look at. Yeeehhaahhhhhhhhhh!
We here at Upper 10 (namely me) have decided to lay out our beliefs
and what this whole zine' is all about... we like gum. In adition to liking
gum, we also like 'zines.
Now don't get me wrong, I have no intention of this 'zine taking off
but if you both like gum, and 'zines, then maybe you'd like to submit
something to our happy little establishment. Of course you'll have to submit
your stuff to Mercuri because I'm technologically impaired.
We here at Upper 10 would like to now take some time to congratulate
"Baywatch" on all of it's overseas success. We here at Upper 10 also would
like to congratulate Slinky for being the worst piece of crap out there, next
to us. We beat you! We beat you!
[=== + ===]
Tu madre es muy gordo. Mi perro lleva los pantalones. Handleo getse
el bade gradeo en espanol.
You know sometimes I wonder.
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Upper 10: The lemon-lime soda is a shitty 'zine started by Handle that in
all the most likely possibilities won't have a second issue.
Upper 10 members:Handle
(c) copyright and stuff