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498 lines
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From: raymondc@microsoft.com (Raymond Chen)
Date: 15 Mar 93 21:30:37 GMT
Newsgroups: alt.tv.simpsons
Subject: [numnum] Homer's Mmmmm...s and other misc stuff
Assorted lists and quizzes
[$Id: numnum 1.1 93/03/15 01:18:47 raymond Exp Locker: raymond $]
> Num Num
Match the following lines to the appropriate episode.
% Mmm... Barbecue
% Mmm... Beer
% Mmm... Burger
% Mmm... Chocolate
% Mmm... Chocolate
% Mmm... Chocolate (thrice)
% Mmm... Crumbled-up cookie things
% Mmm... Donuts
% Mmm... Duff beer
% Mmm... Fattening
% Mmm... Grapefruit
% Mmm... Hog fat
% Mmm... Horse doovers
% Mmm... Macamadamia nuts
% Mmm... Marshmallows
% Mmm... Money
% Mmm... Organized crime
% Mmm... Pancakes
% Mmm... Pancakes
% Mmm... Potato chips
% Mmm... Purple
% Mmm... Salty
% Mmm... Shrimp
% Mmm... Snouts
% Mmm... Soylent Green
% Mmm... Spaghetti
% Mmm... Sprinkles
% Mmm... Strained peas
% Mmm... The land of chocolate
Barbecue: When Flanders Failed [7f23]
Homer watches the Flanderses' cookout.
Beer: Lisa's Pony [8f06]
Homer is about to buy Lisa's reed but sees Moe's Tavern.
Burger: Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie [9f03]
Homer thinks of Warren Burger.
Chocolate: [?]
Homer is strangling Bart but is distracted by a donut.
Chocolate: Krusty Gets Busted [7g12]
Homer buys ice cream at the Kwik-E-Mart.
Chocolate (thrice): Radio Bart [8f11]
Homer is about to dig into some Neopolitan ice cream.
Crumbled-up cookie things: Lisa the Greek [8f12]
Homer imagines ice cream with all the fixin's.
Donuts: Homer at the Bat [8f13]
Homer sees donuts being delivered.
Duff beer: Dan Castellaneta interview [KROQ 1993-Mar-02]
Phone answering message.
Fattening: Homer the Heretic [9f01]
Homer enjoys an out-of-this-world moon waffle.
Grapefruit: Brother from the Same Planet [9f12]
Bart shoves a grapefruit in Homer's face.
Hog fat: Lisa's First Words [9f08]
Homer learns of the factory next door.
Horse doovers: War of the Simpsons [7f20]
Homer admires Marge's party snacks.
Macamadamia nuts: Bart's Dog Gets an F [7f14]
Homer tries a free sample cookie.
Marshmallows: There's No Disgrace Like Home [7g04]
Homer admires the picnic gelatin dessert.
Money: Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington [8f01]
Homer drools on the money printing press.
Organized crime: Last Exit to Springfield [8f15]
Homer considers life as a union boss.
Pancakes: Blood Feud [7f22]
Homer has pancakes for breakfast.
Pancakes: Stark Raving Dad [7f24]
Homer has pancakes for breakfast at the asylum.
Potato chips: Homer at the Bat [8f13]
Homer imagines chowing down on chips.
Purple: Homer Defined [8f04]
Homer enjoys a donut at work.
Salty: Lisa's Pony [8f06]
Homer swipes a beef jerky from the Kwik-E-Mart.
Shrimp: New Kid on the Block [9F06]
Homer reacts to Marge's thinking that she's allergic to shrimp.
Snouts: Dog of Death [8f17]
Homer learns what goes into dog food.
Soylent Green: Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie [9f03]
Homer hears someone ordering a Soylent Green.
Spaghetti: Treehouse of Horror II [8f02]
Lisa reminds Homer of the school all-you-can-eat dinner.
Sprinkles: Treehouse of Horror II [8f02]
Robo-Homer enjoys a donut.
Strained peas: Homer Alone [8f14]
Homer enjoys Maggie's food.
The land of chocolate: Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk [8f09]
Homer dwells on the phrase.
> Counting Digits
[7G07] Jimbo, Kerny, and Dolph teach Bart about the ``five finger discount''.
[7F08] Homer and Ned have been neighbors for eight (4+4) years.
[7F16] Persephone ate six (4+2) pomegranates.
[7F15] ``Grease Joe's Bottomless Barbecue... Pit.'' Five (4+1) words.
[8F10] ``As long as he's got eight fingers and eight toes...''
[UFA] ``Four toes on each foot, four fingers on each hand.''
[8F22] ``Five fingers? Ewwwww! Freak show!''
> Marge the Mother
[7G09] Shouldn't we stop somewhere and ask for directions?
[7F23] Bart, don't use the Touch of Death on your sister.
[7F12] Anyone who beats you up for wearing a shirt isn't your friend.
[8F13] And the man wants to hit the ball, too... And he does!
[8F14] When you grow up, you can suck your pacifier all you want.
[8F15] Honey, if that's what you want, we'll do anything we can to help.
[8F16] How was detention today, dear?
[8F21] I hope the Spinal Taps [sic] don't play too loud.
> Homer's lustful `Ohhhhhhhh's
[7G01] When Marge comes out in her blue thing with the things.
[7F20] When he looks down Maude's dress.
[8F01] When he thinks he's won $1 million.
[8F11] Watching the dancing show.
[8F22] Thinking of the Good Morning Burger.
[9F06] Thinking of makin' bacon on the beach.
> The perfect crime
[7f12] (my memory fails me here)
[7f20] Catching and cooking General Sherman.
[8f06] Taking a second job to pay for Lisa's pony.
[advt] Stealing Bart's Butterfinger candy bar in the middle of the night.
> Burns' historical references
[7G03] ``I haven't seen anything like it since Jolson.''
[7F02] ``I was watching the DuMont last night...''
[7F05] Burns compares himself to Satchel Page.
[7F13] ``I once watched Gentleman Jim Corbett fight an Eskimo fellow...''
[7F22] ``Well, Countess von Zeppelin and I...''
[8F13] Burns' team of ringers
[9F05] ``Do you think you could dig up Al Jolson?''
> Homer's bonehead antics
[8f07] Puts a lit welding torch next to a canister of gasoline.
[8f09] Trying to unjam the toaster with a knife.
[8f12] Homer's near-aneurysm.
[8f13] Sheltering himself with a piece of metal and taking cover under
the tallest tree he could find during a thunderstorm.
> Masturbation references
Flying over the head of every ten-year-old in the country.
[7F17] ``I will not grease the monkey (bars).''
[8F09] ``Whack the Weasel'' game
[8F16] ``A little something I call `Plucking the Pickle'.''
``All of us pull a few `boners' now and then.''
[8F20] ``I'd have choked you like a chicken...''
> Principal Spooner's, uh, Skinner's slips-of-the-tongue
[7G08] ``The fourth grade will now favor us with a melody... err...
medley (hee hee) of holiday flavorites.''
[7F06] ``Tonight, Sherbert's, oops, heh heh, Schubert's Unfinished Symphony.''
[8F06] ``Let's all enjoy Lisa Simpson's rendition of Stormy Leather,
uh, Weather.''
[8F22] He introduces ``Samantha Stinky''. She correct him, ``Stanky.''
> Getting the last word
Another quiz. The last line.
% 1. Ach! I told ya ye'd be back!
% 2. After... I... catch... my... breath... can... we... go... home?
% 3. Amen to that!
% 4. Amen!
% 5. And I never have.
% 6. And I'm proud of you today.
% 7. Come on in. Dignity's on me, friends.
% 8. D'oh!
% 9. Daddy.
% 10. Followed by extended periods of gettin' it on.
% 11. From this day forward, I vow to live life to its fullest!
% 12. Get ready for two weeks at the happiest place on Earth, Tijuana!
% 13. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.
% 14. Hail to the bus driver. Bus driver man.
% 15. Hey, no sharing!
% 16. Hey, you did it!
% 17. Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer!
% 18. I do.
% 19. I don't care!
% 20. I doubt it.
% 21. I dunno. They just do.
% 22. I guess he'll be happy when he comes to.
% 23. I thought I <did>.
% 24. I was waiting for someone to say that.
% 25. I won't be back for ten minutes!
% 26. I'm on the biggest roll of my life.
% 27. I'm the sa-addest kid in grade number two.
% 28. It's a date.
% 29. Ivana Tinkle!
% 30. Lis, you taught me to stand up for what I believe in.
% 31. My brilliant beast.
% 32. Now let's get out of this gas-filled hallway before we all suffocate.
% 33. Now let's go whip donuts at old people.
% 34. Now let's try and get a little shut-eye, okay?
% 35. Number eight. I mean, Santa's Little Helper.
% 36. Nyeah nyeah nyeah-nyeah nyeah!
% 37. Oh my God, he's enjoying it!
% 38. Oh, Homer! We love you!
% 39. Oh, I hate Hallowe'en.
% 40. Oh, I hate having two heads.
% 41. Oh, my goodness!
% 42. Only sick people wanna see my folks kiss.
% 43. Our dad. Now he belongs to the ages.
% 44. Part of this D- belongs to God.
% 45. Peace, man.
% 46. Put on a happy face!
% 47. Soundin' good, Lis!
% 48. Thaht should dew it!
% 49. Thanks, Bart.
% 50. The feeling is more than mutual, sir.
% 51. The meaning of life is...
% 52. There goes the best damned employee a convenience store ever had.
% 53. Third time's a charm.
% 54. Try raising my kids.
% 55. We haven't seen each other in 25 years!
% 56. Well, isn't that nice.
% 57. Well, maybe just a little.
% 58. Well, the world is safe again... but... for how long?
% 59. What's the point?
% 60. Woo hoo! I got my job back!
% 61. Ya hear that, Marge? My boy speaks French!
% 62. Yeah.
% 63. Yes!
% 64. You are so beautiful to me.
% 65. You know who the real crooks are? Those sleazy Hollywood producers!
% 66. You son of a bitch! Good show!
% Answers:
% 1. Groundskeeper Willie, ``Principal Charming''
% 2. Homer climbs Mt. Springfield, ``Lisa the Greek''
% 3. Homer, ``Blood Feud''
% 4. The entire family, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving''
% 5. Homer, ``The Way We Was''
% 6. Leon Kompowski, ``Stark Raving Dad''
% 7. ``Old Money''
% 8. Homer, ``Bart the Genius''
% 9. Maggie, ``Lisa's First Words''
% 10. Homer, ``Mr. Plow''
% 11. Homer, ``One First, Two Fish, Blow Fish, Blue Fish''
% 12. Krusty, ``Kamp Krusty''
% 13. Shopkeeper, ``War of the Simpsons''
% 14. Principal Skinner, ``Otto Show''
% 15. Moe, ``Bart Gets Hit by a Car''
% 16. Homer, ``Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish''
% 17. Adoring crowd, ``Homer's Odyssey''
% 18. Marge, ``Colonel Homer''
% 19. Kent Brockman, ``Lisa the Beauty Queen''
% 20. Moe, on whether Aerosmith will be in, ``Flaming Moe's''
% 21. Moe, ``Dancin' Homer''
% 22. Marge, ``Homer at the Bat''
% 23. Marge, ``Brush with Greatness''
% 24. Homer, ``Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?''
% 25. Homer, ``Jacques to be Wild''
% 26. Homer, ``Lisa's Substitute''
% 27. Bleedin' Gums Murphy, ``Moaning Lisa''
% 28. Bart, ``Bart the Lover''
% 29. Moe, ``New Kid on the Block''
% 30. Bart, ``Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington''
% 31. Marge, ``Call of the Simpsons''
% 32. Bart, ``Black Widower''
% 33. Bart, ``Bart's Friend Falls in Love''
% 34. Bart, ``Homer Alone''
% 35. Homer, ``Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire''
% 36. Homer and Bart, ``Saturdays of Thunder''
% 37. Homer, ``Dead Putting Society''
% 38. Marge, ``There's No Disgrace Like Home''
% 39. Homer, ``Treehouse of Horror''
% 40. Homer, ``Treehouse of Horror II''
% 41. Marge, ``Some Enchanted Evening''
% 42. Bart, ``Homer's Night Out''
% 43. Lisa, ``Homer Defined''
% 44. Bart, ``Bart Gets an F''
% 45. Bart, ``Bart the General''
% 46. The Flanderses and the Simpsons, ``When Flanders Failed''
% 47. Bart, ``Separate Vocations''
% 48. Groundskeeper Willie hammers in a caution sign, ``Radio Bart''
% 49. Krusty, ``Krusty Gets Busted''
% 50. Smithers, ``The Telltale Head''
% 51. God, ``Homer the Heretic''
% 52. Apu, ``Lisa's Pony''
% 53. Homer, ``Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment''
% 54. Homer, ``Bart the Daredevil''
% 55. Krusty, ``Like Father, Like Clown''
% 56. Marge, ``Itchy and Scratchy and Marge''
% 57. Marge, ``A Streetcar Named Marge''
% 58. Radioactive Man, ``Three Men and a Comic Book''
% 59. Homer, ``Dog of Death''
% 60. Homer, ``Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk''
% 61. Homer, ``The Crepes of Wrath''
% 62. Chief Justice Bart, ``Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie''
% 63. Marge celebrates not being pregnant, ``I Married Marge''
% 64. Marge to Homer, ``Simpson and Deliliah''
% 65. Homer, ``Bart the Murderer''
% 66. Miss Winthrop, ``Bart's Dog Gets an F''
Oh, my goodness!
7g01 -- Marge, ``Some Enchanted Evening''
7g02 -- Homer, ``Bart the Genius''
Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer! Ho-mer!
7g03 -- Adoring crowd, ``Homer's Odyssey''
Oh, Homer! We love you!
7g04 -- Marge, ``There's No Disgrace Like Home''
Peace, man.
7g05 -- Bart, ``Bart the General''
I'm the sa-addest kid in grade number two.
7g06 -- Bleedin' Gums Murphy, ``Moaning Lisa''
The feeling is more than mutual, sir.
7g07 -- Smithers, ``The Telltale Head''
Number eight. I mean, Santa's Little Helper.
7g08 -- Homer, ``Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire''
My brilliant beast.
7g09 -- Marge, ``Call of the Simpsons''
Only sick people wanna see my folks kiss.
7g10 -- Bart, ``Homer's Night Out''
I won't be back for ten minutes!
7g11 -- Homer, ``Jacques to be Wild''
Thanks, Bart.
7g12 -- Krusty, ``Krusty Gets Busted''
Ya hear that, Marge? My boy speaks French!
7g13 -- Homer, ``The Crepes of Wrath''
Hey, you did it!
7f01 -- Homer, ``Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish''
You are so beautiful to me.
7f02 -- Marge to Homer, ``Simpson and Deliliah''
Part of this D- belongs to God.
7f03 -- Bart, ``Bart Gets an F''
Oh, I hate Hallowe'en.
7f04 -- Homer, ``Treehouse of Horror''
I dunno. They just do.
7f05 -- Moe, ``Dancin' Homer''
Try raising my kids.
7f06 -- Homer, ``Bart the Daredevil''
7f07 -- The entire family, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving''
Oh my God, he's enjoying it!
7f08 -- Homer, ``Dead Putting Society''
Well, isn't that nice.
7f09 -- Marge, ``Itchy and Scratchy and Marge''
Hey, no sharing!
7f10 -- Moe, ``Bart Gets Hit by a Car''
From this day forward, I vow to live life to its fullest!
7f11 -- Homer, ``One First, Two Fish, Blow Fish, Blue Fish''
And I never have.
7f12 -- Homer, ``The Way We Was''
Third time's a charm.
7f13 -- Homer, ``Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment''
You son of a bitch! Good show!
7f14 -- Miss Winthrop, ``Bart's Dog Gets an F''
Ach! I told ya ye'd be back!
7f15 -- Groundskeeper Willie, ``Principal Charming''
I was waiting for someone to say that.
7f16 -- Homer, ``Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?''
Come on in. Dignity's on me, friends.
7f17 -- ``Old Money''
I thought I <did>.
7f18 -- Marge, ``Brush with Greatness''
I'm on the biggest roll of my life.
7f19 -- Homer, ``Lisa's Substitute''
Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.
7f20 -- Shopkeeper, ``War of the Simpsons''
Well, the world is safe again... but... for how long?
7f21 -- Radioactive Man, ``Three Men and a Comic Book''
Amen to that!
7f22 -- Homer, ``Blood Feud''
Put on a happy face!
7f23 -- The Flanderses and the Simpsons, ``When Flanders Failed''
And I'm proud of you today.
7f24 -- Leon Kompowski, ``Stark Raving Dad''
Lis, you taught me to stand up for what I believe in.
8f01 -- Bart, ``Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington''
Oh, I hate having two heads.
8f02 -- Homer, ``Treehouse of Horror II''
You know who the real crooks are? Those sleazy Hollywood producers!
8f03 -- Homer, ``Bart the Murderer''
Our dad. Now he belongs to the ages.
8f04 -- Lisa, ``Homer Defined''
We haven't seen each other in 25 years!
8f05 -- Krusty, ``Like Father, Like Clown''
There goes the best damned employee a convenience store ever had.
8f06 -- Apu, ``Lisa's Pony''
Nyeah nyeah nyeah-nyeah nyeah!
8f07 -- Homer and Bart, ``Saturdays of Thunder''
I doubt it.
8f08 -- Moe, on whether Aerosmith will be in, ``Flaming Moe's''
Woo hoo! I got my job back!
8f09 -- Homer, ``Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk''
8f10 -- Marge celebrates not being pregnant, ``I Married Marge''
Thaht should dew it!
8f11 -- Groundskeeper Willie hammers in a caution sign, ``Radio Bart''
After... I... catch... my... breath... can... we... go... home?
8f12 -- Homer climbs Mt. Springfield, ``Lisa the Greek''
I guess he'll be happy when he comes to.
8f13 -- Marge, ``Homer at the Bat''
Now let's try and get a little shut-eye, okay?
8f14 -- Bart, ``Homer Alone''
Soundin' good, Lis!
8f15 -- Bart, ``Separate Vocations''
It's a date.
8f16 -- Bart, ``Bart the Lover''
What's the point?
8f17 -- Homer, ``Dog of Death''
Well, maybe just a little.
8f18 -- Marge, ``A Streetcar Named Marge''
I do.
8f19 -- Marge, ``Colonel Homer''
Now let's get out of this gas-filled hallway before we all suffocate.
8f20 -- Bart, ``Black Widower''
Hail to the bus driver. Bus driver man.
8f21 -- Principal Skinner, ``Otto Show''
Now let's go whip donuts at old people.
8f22 -- Bart, ``Bart's Friend Falls in Love''
Get ready for two weeks at the happiest place on Earth, Tijuana!
8f24 -- Krusty, ``Kamp Krusty''
The meaning of life is...
9f01 -- God, ``Homer the Heretic''
I don't care!
9f02 -- Kent Brockman, ``Lisa the Beauty Queen''
9f03 -- Chief Justice Bart, ``Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie''
Ivana Tinkle!
9f06 -- Moe, ``New Kid on the Block''
Followed by extended periods of gettin' it on.
9f07 -- Homer, ``Mr. Plow''
9f08 -- Maggie, ``Lisa's First Words''
The perl script starts here. Execute as "perl -x $0"
$"=""; unlink("$0.old"); rename("$0", "$0.old") || die "Can't rename ($!)";
open(I, "$0.old") || die "Can't open $0.old ($!)";
open(STDOUT, ">$0") || die "Can't write $0 ($!)";
sub skipglop { # Blip to and delete next %-group, incl. the line that follows
print while ($_ = <I>) && !/^%/;
0 while <I> =~ /^[%\f]/;
# The ``Mmmmm...'' quiz.
&skipglop; @o = ();
push(@o, $_.<I>), print "% Mmm... $`\n" while ($_ = <I>) =~ /:/;
print "\f\n\n@o\n";
# The ``Last line'' quiz.
&skipglop; @o = (); push(@o, $_ . <I>) while ($_ = <I>) !~ /^$/; # collect
$n = 1; @a = (); foreach (sort @o) { # build/emit questions
/\n.... -- /;
printf "%% %2d. %s\n", $n, $`;
push(@a, sprintf("%% %2d. %s", $n, $'));
print "\f\n% Answers:\n%\n@a\n@o\n"; # emit answers and source