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Der Weltanschauung Magazine (The WorldView)
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% Editor: The Desert Fox D E R %
% Co-Editor: Rev. Scott Free %
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% W E L T A N S C H A U U N G %
% %
June 4, 1991 Vol. 1, Issue 3. Released On The 4th Day Of Every Month!
Material Written By Computer And Telecommunications Hobbyists World Wide
Promoting the publication of Features, Editorials, and Anything Else....
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"Let us arise, let us arise against the oppressors of humanity; all kings,
emperors, presidents of republics, priests of all religions are the true
enemies of the people; let us destroy along with them all juridical, political,
civil and religious institutions."
-Manifesto of anarchists in the Romagna, 1878
Table Of Contents
- Life In Amerikka............................By: Nuclear Gerbil Productions
- Split Personalities: An Editorial By A Russian
Journalist On How Corrupted BBS Users
In America Are..............................By: Rangott Spliekin
- Robert Morris: The Cornell Findings.........Part 3 of 3
- Effectively Imposing Political Will.........By: Rodney Perkins
- No More Censorship..........................An Excerpt By Jello Biafra
- More Adventures In Mental Masturbation......By: Rev. Scott Free
- Editor's Comments...........................The Desert Fox
Contributing Writers:
Rodney Perkins
Jello Biafra - From The Dead Kennedy's
[ ]
[ Life in Amerika: Pt I ]
[ "We Don't Like It, So You Can't Have It" ]
[ ]
[ (c) 1990 Nuclear Gerbil Productions ]
[ Published Without Consent in A ]
[ High School Newspaper; All Rights ]
[ Reserved ]
[ ]
[ 9/25/90 ]
Hey, you! Yeah, you there. With your hand up. You think
you've got something to say? I bet you don't. All you ever do is
complain, scum, and I'm sick of it. Shut up! Hah! What, you
won't? Well, I've got something I'll slap over your mouth - a
sticker. Take that, punk.
The previous dramatization is an approximation of something
that's recently become conspicuous in Amerikan government. It's
always been pretty prevalent, but rarely is it is flamboyant as
some of the recent efforts. What is it? It's a variety of steps
employed in the political dance - the Censorship Two-Step, the
Reactionary Backlash and the Conservative Mamba. Whatever you call
it, the result is the same. It's the effort of one group to
silence another by any means necessary.
Why this is viewed as necessary is beyond me. I can't find
any flaws in the "live and let live" category and there's no
logical reason for it that takes into account the rights of the
masses. Basically, it is an effort to tighten one group's hold on
power in Amerika. This group are the people we love to hate - or,
at least I do - the conservative, mainly white, mainly financially
well-endowed folk who have brought us resistance to change or
intelligent decisions since the dawn of Amerika.
It's too bad they're not stupid. If they were, it would be
too easy to spot their devious doings. But they're not as dumb as
they sound - they achieve their means through extra-governmental
forces that restrict as well as any law. Take for example the
current crisis that faces Amerika's record industry - sticker or
not to sticker?
Here's the scam: if you blatantly ban something, it's pretty
obvious to everyone that this is a flagrant violation of our
Constitutional rights. Even the most apathetic Amerikans can, at
times, get excited over this one. So, what to do? Well, there's
a powerful force at work in any capitalist economy. Economist Adam
Smith called it the "Invisible Hand." Most of us recognize it by
the motto "Money talks." Economic power is the dominant force in
the United States, and these censors have employed it brilliantly.
Instead of finding a specific group to hate and suppress, these
guys have found certain attitudes and language they'd rather doom.
And, to make sure everyone knows that they think it's egregious
moral doom, they put a little sticker on it. The sticker reads
like this: "Warning: The material in this album is offensive.
Parental caution advised." Fine. Whatever that means, it's
obviously a pejorative label to stick on an album.
How this works is simple. Any shop in Amerika wants to find
the good graces of the majority of the consumers. This tactic
avoids the protests, wrath and boycotts of parts of the righteous
public. So, the album is quietly shelved in the bathroom, hidden
behind the counter, covered with paper and disguised as a Christmas
present, stocked under "Demonic Possession" or simply not purchased
or sold. The latter is the easiest alternative because it deftly
sidesteps all anger from the great righteous ones and allows the
company to portray unassailable Amerikanism. In effect, the album
is censored in part by law and part by economic force. The powers
that be decide that it's obscene and the powers that buy dictate
that it disappear from shelves.
Who decides obscenity? One of the most conspicuous
practitioners of this form of censorship is Tipper Gore and her
flunkies, the Parents' Music Resource Center. Although they've
admitted that they don't listen to the music they hate and have
never read the lyrics, the PMRC likes to put out lists of what they
think the Amerikan public isn't mature enough to handle. Words
like "fuck" or "communist revolution" get cut early on. Anything
representing a religion other than the Big Three is generally
frowned upon, and criticism of our flawless government and its
minions is not tolerated at all.
This is dangerous because we have no idea what gets stickered,
and probably won't see it unless we venture far off the beaten
path. Right now, laws are pending in several states to make
stickering legal, and the censorship-with-a-heart lobby is keeping
up its pressure in our nation's capital. At first, this process
seems harmless. Keep the misogynistic rappers 2 Live Crew shut up.
Cease the racially prejudiced noise of pop-metal band Guns and
Roses. Let the New Kids on the Block rule rock and roll.
What the question finally metamorphosises into is this: Do
we want to let these people decide what we can hear? Most of us,
as Amerikans simply struggling to live comfortably, couldn't care
less. Others, such as myself, are concerned not only for our
rights but for the road to hell paved with good intentions our
government is embarking on. I'm more directly affected because
these people want to sticker my music which is a joke. No, I'm not
a raving 2 Live Schmoo fan. I hate Guns and Roses. The good stuff
for me is heavy industrial rock, and I think it's a damn shame this
stuff is getting the axe across Amerika at the hands of purely
self-centered bigots such as Tipper Gore and crew. I guess I'll
leave it to the Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, who have said it better
than I, under the circumstances:
Kill free speech
As an example
Hang the corpse
For all to see
Kill all hope
Of restitution
And all
Who dare oppose me
Kill the words.
by Rangott Spliekin, Soviet News Agency TASS
During my brief visit to the United States in the fall of 1987, I was able
to study certain specialized cases of split personalities. While they are
considered harmless and perhaps tolerably eccentric by the American psychiatric
establishment, it is acknowledged that it is a growing problem among young
Frustrated by a lack of popular recognition which continues to be focused
on earners of large income (The "bottom line" as it is popularly called), these
young geniuses are beginning to talk to themselves. But unlike the ramblers
and murmurers we find here in Moscow, they use the technology available to
individuals in America: the home computer.
A network of electronic bulletin boards exists in the U.S., connected by
commercial telephone lines and available to almost anyone who has a computer
and a telephone connection device known as a "modem." Individual subscribers
can then sign in and talk to other, similarly uninspired individuals. The
system was developed for the quick transfer of information but has degenerated
into a remote, arms-length communications system.
In fact, anyone who can afford to have their home computers occupied most
of the time can establish such a board with "free" software provided by
generous programmers. When I suggested to an official of a conglomerate
telephone company that it was they who created the software to keep technicians
occupied instead of productive and to increase the profits of the telephone
company, the charge was denied.
But I digress.
I interviewed Dr. George Sands of the Institute for Abnormal Electronic
Behavior in Berkeley and he acknowledged that there is a growing problem among
young technicians (which he insisted on calling "users") as the amount of
bulletin boards continue to grow.
"There are actually more bulletin boards than users in the Bay Area [San
Francisco and environs] and they kept talking and arguing with the same people.
Some were clearly showing symptoms of boredom. A few clever ones signed on
these boards under several names, taking on a new persona for each name. They
would call under one name and answer under another name.
"In one case, a man in his mid-fifties had as many as six personas and
possibly as many as eight. One of the personas was actually promoted to
assistant system operator."
"How could that be?" I asked.
"The operator had never actually met this man. Nor heard his voice. In
fact," he chuckled, "one of those personas was a woman. Now that couldn't
happen if he had ever spoken to him on a voice line."
Dr. Sands dismissed my contention that the bulletin board system was
dehumanizing, explaining that it was what was said about telephones when they
were first developed. "Americans have too little history to take it seriously.
They much prefer playing with their tools which they often mistake for toys.
Ships were redesigned, in the Nineteenth Century, for quick, commercial, and
sometimes revenue-evading, trips to all parts of the world. Soon afterwards,
Americans were racing them for sport. The home computer is just another
misused tool."
The real danger, he went on to say, is that more individuals will become
isolated from their fellow men. "Home computers are much more entertaining
than even T.V. and television has created a whole generation of stay-at-homers,
referred sarcastically by some commentators as 'couch potatoes.'" If anything
has staved off this horrible eventuality, he went on to say, it is the fact
that more training is required to operate a home computer than a television
At the moment, only "the best and the brightest and the most eccentric" are
falling prey to this problem."
I asked the good doctor how such people can be spotted and
institutionalized for their own good.
He gave the following indications.
1. Their homes lack most furniture, having only the bare essentials.
2. Everything is spotlessly clean except for the television set which will
have a layer of dust on the screen.
3. The bed is never made.
4. There will be six or seven phone lines to the home.
5. Only computer manuals will be present, no other books.
6. The men will be almost universally divorced (no women have fallen prey to
this yet despite the fact that some of the pathological personas are
women) or be on the verge of divorce.
7. Their children, if any, will have run away from home. No very young
victim has had any children.
8. Sexually, they will be inactive. At least, they won't reproduce.
9. As with alcoholics, they will be scrupulously careful to report to their
jobs each day but they will be uncreative and rarely be promoted to
positions of responsibilities. Not because of lack of abilities, but
because they will evade the extra time necessary to accomplish these
10. The refrigerator will contain only spoiled potato chips and half-opened
cans of beers. Many of these users drink soft-drinks because of the high
sugar content. One institutionalized case had not eaten in six days. He
was found by the police in a small grocery store, after closing hours,
with open bags of chips and six-packs of Cokes lying about, laughing
hysterically and trying to dial out on the computerized cash register.
When they saw the thick glasses and the plastic pen holder in his pocket,
they notified Dr. Sands.
The United States government has tried unsuccessfully to introduce
electronic bulletin boards in the Moscow area so our geniuses are similarly
engaged in fruitless labor.
The great Pavlov once pointed out that to hypnotize a chicken, you merely
need to draw a chalk line along pavement, place the chicken so its legs are on
either side of the line and it will freeze. Human beings require a more complex
hypnotic tool and television has served the state well over the years.
Now, such a hypnotic tool has been found for the intelligentsia. It's even
got them talking to themselves.
The Shockwave Rider [Part 3 of 3]
The Cornell Commission: Morris & The Worm
This is the final part in a three part series on Robert T. Morris.
The Cornell Commission: On Morris and the Worm
Based on the evidence presented, the commission finds that:
* Robert Tappan Morris, a first-year computer science graduate student at
Cornell, created the worm and unleashed it on the Internet.
* In the process of creating and unleashing the worm, Morris violated
Computer Science Department policy on the use of departmental research
computing facilities.
Impact of the Worm
* The performance of computers "infected" by the worm degraded substantially,
unless remedial steps were taken. Eventually such infected computers would
come to a halt. These symptoms were caused by uncontrollable replication of
the worm clogging the computer's memory. The worm, however, did not modify
or destroy any system or user files or data.
* Based on anecdotal and other information, several thousand computers were
infected by the worm. The commission has not systematically attempted to
estimate the exact number infected. Many thousands more were affected in the
sense that they had to be tested for infection and preventive measures
applied even if the computers were not infected. It appears that the
operation of most infected and potentially affected computers and of the
research done on those computers was brought to a halt in order to apply
remedial or preventive measures, all of which required the diversion of
considerable staff time from more productive efforts.
Mitigation Attempts
* Morris made only minimal efforts to halt the worm once it had propagated,
and did not inform any person in a position of responsibility as to the
existence and content of the worm.
Violation of Computer Abuse Policies
* The Cornell Computer Science Department "Policy for the Use of the Research
Computing Facility" prohibits "use of its computer facilities for browsing
through private computer files, decrypting encrypted material, or obtaining
unauthorized user privileges." All three aspects of this policy were
violated by Morris.
* Morris was apparently given a copy of this policy but it is not known
whether he read it. Probably he did not attend the lecture during
orientation when this policy was discussed, even though he was present on
* Most probably Morris did not intend for the worm to destroy data or other
files or to interfere with the normal functioning of any computers that were
* Most probably Morris intended for the worm to spread widely through host
computers attached to the network in such a manner as to remain undiscovered.
Morris took steps in designing the worm to hide it from potential discovery,
and yet for it to continue to exist in the event it actually was discovered.
It is not known whether he intended to announce the existence of the worm at
some future date had it propagated according to this plan.
* There is no direct evidence to suggest that Morris intended for the worm to
replicate uncontrollably. However, given Morris' evident knowledge of
systems and networks, he knew or clearly should have known that such a
consequence was certain, given the design of the worm. As such, it appears
that Morris failed to consider the most probable consequences of his actions.
At the very least, such failure constitutes reckless disregard of those
probable consequences.
Security Attitudes and Knowledge
* This appears to have been an uncharacteristic act for Morris to have
committed, according to those who knew him well. In the past, particularly
while an undergraduate at Harvard University, Morris appears to have been
more concerned about protecting against abuse of computers rather than in
violating computer security.
* Harvard's policy on misuse of computer systems contained in the Harvard
Student Handbook clearly prohibited actions of the type inherent to the
creation and propagation of the worm. For this and other reasons, the
commission believes that Morris knew that the acts he committed were regarded
as wrongful acts by the professional community.
* At least one of the security flaws exploited by the worm was previously
known by a number of individuals, as was the methodology exploited by other
flaws. Morris may have discovered the flaws independently.
* Many members of the UNIX community are ambivalent about reporting security
flaws in UNIX out of concern that knowledge of such flaws could be exploited
before the flaws are fixed in all affected versions of UNIX. There is no
clear security policy among UNIX developers, including in the commercial
sector. Morris explored UNIX security issues in such an ambivalent
atmosphere and received no clear guidance about reporting security flaws from
his peers or mentors at Harvard or elsewhere.
Technical Sophistication
* Although the worm was technically sophisticated, its creation required
dedication and perseverance rather than technical brilliance. The worm could
have been created by many students, graduate or undergraduate, at Cornell or
at other institutions, particularly if forearmed with knowledge of the
security flaws exploited or of similar flaws.
Cornell Involvement
* There is no evidence that anyone from the Cornell community aided Morris or
otherwise knew of the worm prior to its launch. Morris did inform one student
earlier that he had discovered certain security weaknesses in UNIX. The
first that anyone at Cornell learned that any member of the Cornell community
might have been involved came at approximately 9:30 p.m. on November 4, 1988
when the Cornell News Service was contacted by the Washington Post.
Ethical Considerations
* Prevailing ethical beliefs of students towards acts of this kind vary
considerably from admiration to tolerance to condemnation. The computer
science profession as a whole seems far less tolerant, but the attitudes of
the profession may not be well communicated to students.
Community Sentiment
* Sentiment among the computer science professional community appears to
favor strong disciplinary measures for perpetrators of acts of this kind.
Such disciplinary measures, however, should not be so stern as to damage
permanently the perpetrator's career.
University Policies on Computer Abuse
* The policies and practices of the Cornell Computer Science Department
regarding computer abuse and security are comparable with those of other
computer science and many other academic departments around the nation.
* Cornell has policies on computer abuse and security that apply to its
central facilities, but not to departmental facilities.
* In view of the pervasive use of computers throughout the campus, there is a
need for university-wide policy on computer abuse. The commission recommends
that the Provost establish a committee to develop such policy, and that such
policy appear in all legislative and policy manuals that govern conduct by
members of the Cornell community.
* In view of the distributed nature of computing at Cornell, there is also a
need for a university-wide committee to provide advice and appropriate
standards on security matters to departmental computer and network facility
managers. The commission recommends that the Vice President for Information
Technologies be asked to establish such a committee.
The commission believes that the acts committed in obtaining unauthorized
passwords and in disseminating the worm on the national network were wrong
and contrary to the standards of the computer science profession. They have
little if any redeeming technical, social or other value. The act of
propagating the worm was fundamentally a juvenile act that ignored the clear
potential consequences. The act was selfish and inconsiderate of the obvious
effect it would have on countless individuals who had to devote substantial
time to cleaning up the effects of the worm, as well as on those whose
research and other work was interrupted or delayed.
Contrary to the impression given in many media reports, the commission does
not regard this act as an heroic event that pointed up the weaknesses of
operating systems. The fact that UNIX, in particular BSD UNIX, has many
security flaws has been generally well known, as indeed are the potential
dangers of viruses and worms in general. Although such security flaws may
not be known to the public at large, their existence is accepted by those who
make use of UNIX. It is no act of genius or heroism to exploit such
A community of scholars should not have to build walls as high as the sky to
protect a reasonable expectation of privacy, particularly when such walls
will equally impede the free flow of information. Besides, attempting to
build such walls is likely to be futile in a community of individuals
possessed of all the knowledge and skills required to scale the highest
There is a reasonable trust between scholars in the pursuit of knowledge, a
trust upon which the users of the Internet have relied for many years. This
policy of trust has yielded significant benefits to the computer science
community and, through the contributions of that community, to the world at
large. Violations of such a trust cannot be condoned. Even if there are
unintended side benefits, which is arguable, there is a greater loss to the
community as a whole.
This was not a simple act of trespass analogous to wandering through
someone's unlocked house without permission but with no intent to cause
damage. A more apt analogy would be the driving of a golf cart on a rainy
day through most houses in a neighborhood. The driver may have navigated
carefully and broken no china, but it should have been obvious to the driver
that the mud on the tires would soil the carpets and that the owners would
later have to clean up the mess.
Experiments of this kind should be carried out under controlled conditions in
an isolated environment. Cornell Computer Science Department faculty would
certainly have cooperated in properly establishing such an experiment had
they been consulted beforehand.
The commission suggests that media exaggerations of the value and technical
sophistication of this kind of activity obscures the far more accomplished
work of those students who complete their graduate studies without public
fanfare; who make constructive contributions to computer science and the
advancement of knowledge through their patiently constructed dissertations;
and who subject their work to the close scrutiny and evaluation of their
peers, and not to the interpretations of the popular press.
(a most modest proposal)
By R. Perkins - Contributing Editor
People call it by many names but the game that most all
politicians play is nothing more than MOB PSYCHOLOGY. A basic
fact known to any attentive observer of modern politics is that
one of the most important qualities of a "good" politician is his
or her's power to manipulate their constituency. This essay will
attempt to prime other's on how to run hardcore mind games and
psychological tricks on large groups of people. in hopes of
gaining political power. Like thousands of other con men and
professional politicians, you will learn how individuals can
easily and effectively impose their will on others.
First, it must be stressed that popular politicians all
share a few important characteristics. There are terms for people
who use their knowledge, charm and "intellect" to impose their
wills on others. Professional and amateur psychologist often call
these people "sociopaths." We have another term for these people.
They are often called "leaders." This is such a frequent
occurrence that it can't be ignored. All individuals who gain a
certain amount power seem to go through some degree of
psychological change. What person hasn't experienced an inflated
ego or delusions of grandeur when he or she gained some social or
psychological advantage over others? The modern "leader" is most
often unconcerned with others beyond their usefulness to his or
her's cause. Are you a leader?
Next, you will find that dealing with modern political
systems not only requires pathological behavior, it requires both
modern knowledge and modern techniques. The biggest task a
politician faces is getting elected. The smart politician always
tries to get into a system which grants him the power to do as he
or she pleases. Only through power and control can one sustain
the type of political life wanted. The governments of Fascist
Italy, Nazi Germany, and modern America are great examples of
systems which supported and are supporting the phenomenon known
as "professional politicians". Just by electing people into
office, the public unconsciously gives them the right to do as
they please. Just by virtue of their positions, many politicians
are given the freedom to operate them in the manner they see fit.
After they are elected, there is almost no possible way to tag or
control what they do. It is a guarantee that no matter how bad a
president is in this modern era, someone can either cover it up
or get him through his first term of office without the public
being alerted to his incompetency. These control of the public's
ability to reject or dissent against government policy is one of
the trickier and subtler aspects of America's democratically
elected government.
Wait a second! One has to get elected before one can run
free through the American political system. One must understand
how mob psychology applies to the election system. Most
governments, no matter how democratic or free they claim to be,
have to maintain a certain amount of control over their
population to stay in power. In America, this process is based on
its much lauded but easily manipulated election system. By
targeting groups and playing on these groups most obvious beliefs
and ideals, politicians easily fool people into electing them
into office. Archetypal images such as family, flag, and church
are the most easy to play with. Racial politics are dirty but
have been proven to be effective. Things like sexual preference
and social beliefs are also good subjects to fiddle with. In the
right areas of the country, appeals to certain religious beliefs
can be good for your campaign image.
These manipulative tricks work and have been working for
years. The late Lee Atwater was a professional at this. He not
only helped Ronald Reagan and George Bush win office, he made
Micheal Dukakis look like one of the worst villains in history.
He played on every fear and paranoia that Americans have: crime,
race, war and patriotism. Liberalism was made synonymous with
murderers, rapists and child molesters while conservatism was
turned into the great white hope; the savior of all decent
people. Names such as Willie Horton should be familiar. Flag
factories, patriotism, and 1000 points of light are a few other
obvious cons. North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms won his last
senatorial race by playing on white people's fears of black
people's social and economic advancement. Ronald Reagan won his
two terms by blatantly playing to what was then rabid fears of
world domination by the Soviet Union. He also attempted to create
a false sense of moral superiority by playing on American fears
of crime, "pornography", and other so-called "vices". To help you
in your quest for the perfect campaign, here are a few rules and
(Rules and other shopping tips)
1. Whatever one does, do not do it shabbily or lazily.
Operate in as professional a manner as possible.
2. Never directly attack your opponent. Attack them in
subtle ways through ads on television, in newspapers and on
modern telecommunications systems (i.e.; electronic bulletin
3. Paint the public image of the opponent before they can do
it themselves. Make them look how YOU want them to look.
4. Think big. The larger you think, they greater the
5. Money can be a problem. Find others who will do work for
you for free. Do you know a person into desktop publishing? Do
you know someone with video equipment? Or can you do it yourself?
Modern technology allows more work to get done with less people.
Use computers to your advantage. They may be the emperor's new
clothes but they will help you get lots of work done cheaply and
6. Never under estimate the public's willingness to believe
you. It seems as if skepticism and critical thinking is a rarity
among today's public. They seem to be willing to believe almost
anything that the news media, politicians, and "leaders" tell
7. Look for angst and turmoil in your opponent's own
faction. Play on their problems and promote schism within the
organization. An opponent who becomes separated from his allies
is much easier to beat.
The following is an article by Jello Biafra, transcribed, with
permission, from his magazine "No More Censorship"
Hello Friends,
I feel very frightened as the Reagan-Bush era sinks its teeth
further into our daily lives. Even in my most paranoid moments I never
thought it would come to this-the-all-too-mysterious death of Abbie
Hoffman; the growing infiltration and influence of the religious right
in federal , state and local governments; the Mein Kampf the Mini-
series treatment of Oliver North; talk of sending drug suspects to
hard-labor "boot-camps;" the media coddling and unwitting promotion of
neo-nazi youth gangs; and the "zero tolerance" mentality of that ugly
from the Ed Meese Pornography Commission, the Child Protection and
Obscenity Enforcement Act. Works of literature or art out of favor with
local censors can now be labeled "Child Porn". An arrest blitz is
rumored to begin in August. Anyone who can afford the hundreds of
thousands of dollars fighting and appealing a case like this will wind
up colliding with the Reagan-Bush Supreme Court, whose recent anti-
civil rights rulings show an alarming nostalgia for the days of Gone
With the Wind.
In a sense, this is the real child abuse. As popular news outlets
point to an alleged rise in teenage "devil worship", more and more
police departments and even doctors are allowing themselves to be
coerced by hate groups like the PMRC and Back In Control into
depriving seriously troubled young people from the type of help they
really need. In what may be their lowest cheap shot ever, Susan Baker
and Tipper Gore took advantage of the vicious gang attack on a female
jogger in New York City and tried to link the crime to rap and rock
music in a May 29 Newsweek editorial. Given the choice of parental
advice like this, play time "worship" of a cartoon character icon with
horns can look like a pretty good deal.
Tipper Gore's book, Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society
contains a "How-To" guide in the back showing how local vigilante
groups can harass and even destroy local radio stations, record stores
and live music theaters they don't happen to like. Many people across
the country have come up to me and said their local alternative radio
stations were under attack from well-funded groups of "concerned
citizens", usually Religious Right lieutenants.
But fighting back can work. A repressive Child Protection Act-
type law was passed by both houses of the Illinois state legislature
and needed only the signature of a Republican Governor, James
Thompson. But Governor Thompson vetoed the bill, thanks to an
effective last-minute campaign by the Illinois Coalition Against
Censorship. Using an often employed tactic of the Religious Right, the
Coalition printed up postcards for interested voter to sign and mail to
the governor expressing opposition to the bill.
Many local branches of the civil liberties organizations could
probably use you time and help in a more directly effective way than
No More Censorship. "Liberal" or not, support them!
We will try to keep you informed of continued developments. One
need only look at China or Central America to see how important it is
to fight to hang on to what we still have.
Jello Biafra
No More Censorship
P.O. Box 11458
San Francisco, CA 94110
By the Rev. Scott Free, Co-Editor
Howdy boys and girls, and welcome to issue #3 of our fine
magazine...our readership is increasing and the response continues to
be positive.
The first thing I wanted to note since issue #2 <remember when I
mentioned the "liberation of Cuba"?, I have been noticing on the news
and in the paper, increasing newsworthiness of stories centering
around our closest Communist regime, more and more stories about the
plight of Cuban refugees, the allegations by unnamed intelligence
sources that indicate that Cuba possesses at least 2 of the banned S-
22 Missiles and the comments Her Bush had made to the effect that we
will lift sanctions against Cuba if they will comply with some U.S.
resolutions regarding their countries policies.
It seems as if the ol' propaganda machine is beginning to prime
the American psyche for a coup of some sort <remember how they primed
us for Grenada during the Reagan administration?>
It seems to me that if Bush was left to face our domestic
disasters he may not win the 92 election as comfortably as he would
like, so I speculate some type of military action early in 92 if not
later this year...hopefully, I am just being paranoid, but I will keep
my eyes open....
Also, I find the allegations that there might have been a
conspiracy to delay the hostage release in Iran till after Reagan was
elected to be somewhat disconcerting, and very viable.
It seems to me that this country is getting a little more shady
all the time...or that some of it's inherent shadiness is now
becoming more apparent.
As we watch our freedoms become more and more tenuous each day as
a result of the secret police training exercises we so affectionately
call "The War on Drugs", I begin to wonder where it will all end...
To tell you the truth, I don't really know, but I do know this,
It is the duty of all free thinking, free speaking Americans to keep
the flame alive, to cry foul at the injustices we see being
perpetrated around us.
That is my soul purpose...to help keep the dream of freedom
alive. And I encourage all others of a like mind to do the same.
Stand up, speak out and read a banned book while you still can.
Rev. Scott Free
Paranoia is not a crime,
it's an art!!!
Editor's Comments
Issue 3 Is Out! I am very pleased to announce that this very magazine is now
being actively distributed in the great country of Germany.
News about the magazine that has developed since the last issue: We have
pretty much decided that we will release the magazine as soon as we have the
material printed up. Once a month does not seem to be fast enough for some
readers. And we should have no problem accommodating them. Other than that,
I really don't have much to say. Keep sending those articles in! I would
personally like to welcome Rodney Perkins to the 'Staff'. He is an outstanding
creator and his articles should appear here on a regular basis. Thanks to all
the reader's who give us support. Pass it around to everyone. Make it spread
like the plague. Make 'em eat 'The World View!'
Of all the things I've ever lost,
I miss my mind the most...
The Desert Fox, HEIC
(HEIC-Head Editor In Charge)