432 lines
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432 lines
31 KiB
[1;35;45mÛß[0;35mÛ[1;45mßß[0;35mÛ[1;45m ß[0;35mÛÛÛ[1;45m ß [0;35mÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÛÛ[1;45mß[0;35mÛÛ[1;45mß[0;35mÛÛ[1;45mß[0;35mÛ[1;45mß[40mÛ[45m²[0;35mÛÛÛßß[1;32mÜÜÜ[0;32mÜ[1mÜ[0;32mÜÜ[1mÜ[0;32mÜÜÜÜ[1;36mÜ[0;32mÜ[1;36mÜÜ[0;35mßßÛÛÛÛÛßß[1;32mÜÜÜÜ[0;32mÜ[1mÜ[0;32mÜÜ[1mÜ[0;32mÜÜ[1;36mÜ[0;32mÜÜ[1;36mÜÜ[0;35mßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß[1;36mÜ[42m²[40mÜÜÜ[0;32mÜ[1;36mÜÜÜ[0;35mßÛÛÛ[1m
[A[79C[1;35;45m²±[0;35mÛß[1;32mÜ[42mÛ²±°[0;32m²[1;42m [0;32m°[1;42m [36m° [32m [36m°[0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²Û[40mÜ[0;35mßÛß[1;32mÜ[42mÛ²±° [0;32mß°[1;42m [36m°[32m [36m°[0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[40mÜ[0;35mßÛÛß[1;32mÜÜÜÜ[0;32mÜ[1mÜ[0;32mÜÜ[1mÜ[0;32mÜÜ[1mÜ[36m [42m±ßþ [0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²Û[0m [35mÛÛ[1m
[A[79C[1;35;45m±°[0;35mÝ[1;32;42mÛ²±°ßþ [0;32m±[37m [35m°[1;32;42m [36m° [32m [36m°[32m [36m°±²Û[40mÝ[0;35mÝ[1;32;42mÛ²±°ßþ [0;35m°[37m [32m±[1;42m [36m°[32m [36m°[32m [36m°±²Û[0;35mÞÝ[1;32;42mÛ²±°[0;32m²[1;36;42m [32m±[0;35m°[1;36;42m °[0;32;42m [40m°[1;36;42m °±²Û[0;35mÞÛ[1m
[A[79C[1;35;45m°[0;35mÛ[1;32mÞ[42m²±°[0;32m²[1;42m [0;32m²ÜÜ[1;42m [36m °[32m [36m°[0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[0;35mÞ[1;32mÞ[42m²±° [0;32m°[35m±[37m [32m²[1;42m [36m°[32m [36m°[0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[40mÝ[32mÞ[42m²±°ßþ[36m [0;32m°[1;36;42m [0m [35m±[1;36;42m [0;32m²[1;36;42m [0;32m±[1;36;42m [0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[40mÝ[0;35mÛÛ[1;45m°[0;35mÝ[1;32mÛ[42mþ [0;32m²[1;42m [0;35m°±[32mÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ[1;36mÜÜÜ[0;35mÞÝ[1;32;42mÛþ [0;32m²[1;42m [0;32m±[35m²[37m [1;32;42m [0;32m±[1;42m [36mÜÜ Ü[0;35mÞÝ[1;32;42mÛþ[0;32m²Û[1;36;42m [0;32m±[1;36;42m [0m [35m²[1;36;42m [0;32m²[42m [1;36m °±²Û[0;35mÞÛ[1m
[A[79C[1;35;45m°±[0;35mÛÜ[1;32mß[0;32m²[1;42m [36m°[0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[40mß[0;35mÜÛÜ[1;32mß[42m [0;32m²Ü[1;42m [0;32m²[1;42m [36m°[0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[40mß[0;35mÜÛÛÜ[1;32mß[36;42m [0;32m±[1;36;42m [0;32m²[1;36;42m [0;32mÜ[1;42m°[36m [0;32m²[1;36;42m°±²[40mß[0;35mÜÛÛ[1m
[1m-[30m another 'zine?!?![0m
[31C[1me[0mm[1;30mpire of di[0mr[1mt[0m
[33C[1;30m issue one[0m
Ä[1;30mÄ[0m<[1;30m [37mw[0me[1;30mlco[0mm[1me[30m [0m>[1;30mÄ[0mÄÄ[1;30mÄ[0mÄ[1;30mÄ[0mÄÄ[1;30mÄÄÄ[0mÄ[1;30mÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[0m
[8C[1;30mwelcome to issue number one of empire...[0m
[1;30mi bet you're all wondering by now..what the heck is this..i mean..[0m
[1;30myou download a file...and unzip it, and it's one file...this ansi..[0m
[1;30m [0m
[1;30mwell, lemme explain..eod's not another mag..it's not a newsletter...the closest[0m
[1;30mthing I can compare it to is CyberData (from Cybernary.union)..infact, this [0m
[1;30mis more like Cyberdata on crack...:)[0m
[1;30mso just sit back and enjoy (or not) as i rant and rave until i get sick of [0m
[7C[1;30mright now, i'll intorduce myself before we go any further..i'm Rusty [0m
[1;30mof acme...I'll lay all the cards on the table..I'm fifteen, live in a small[0m
[1;30mtown in pennsylvania, run a small group, and haven't spent even an hour on [0m
[1;30mthe irc - that by which we all swear..and lastly, i'm certainly no expert on[0m
[1;30mthe scene..[0m
[7C[1;30mso why am i writing this? well...good question..i've always liked[0m
[1;30mwriting and one newsletter for acme a month (pack) isn't enough...so [0m
[1;30mi came up with this idea (quite a revolutionary guy, huh? :)...[0m
[7C[1;30macme, to clarify is just another one of the hundreds of groups in the[0m
[1;30mscene today...we accept distros we have some good drawers we have a whq..there [0m
[1;30mya go..[0m
[8C[1;30mokie..now the mag..err..newsletter...er...issue...:)[0m
[8C[1;30mno one reading this needs a defention of the scene...but maybe a [0m
[1;30mclarification...the scene as we call it..the collective of nets, boards, groups,drawers, and the inet..what's it take to get into the scene? not much..[0m
[1;30many dork who's got a friend that calls ld and finds an 800 num can get into it..(that's not how i got in, though..i swear :)[0m
[1;30mwe all participate in this thing...passing files..reading messages..so[0m
[1;30mgetting now to my point..why do all this when we could all have lives?[0m
[1;30mmaybe we're all just techophiles...or pimply faced dorks...or egotistical [0m
[1;30mmodemers ion the mood for some instant gratification...[0m
[1;30meither way..we are in the scene..most of us deeply rooted...waking up early to[0m
[1;30mcall in and get onto that board or soemthing..so why is it..that we have to[0m
[1;30mflame each other? that's the point of this jabbering...[0m
[1;30many 800 num i call or irc room (ansi related, that is) or whatever has some[0m
[1;30msort of war going on...and it's bringing the scene down...[0m
[1;30mwe all claim to be artists or aspire to be artists...but why thrash someone[0m
[1;30melse? yeah..when someone requests an ansi more than a few times..or bugs you [0m
[1;30mfor sites or numbers or vmbs or cc's etc.then lay into him...but the point of [0m
[1;30mthis is basically...don't lay into anyone cause of their work..[0m
[1;30mand you know what? I'm sure I'll get lay'd into for this...for preaching..[0m
[1;30mfor being some 'lamer' who wants to 'jump' into the scene...[0m
[1;30mthinking I'm all that and your mom just cause i got a group and a board..[0m
[1;30mwell..i've heard it all before (greenday sucks) and I'd just like to let all[0m
[1;30mthe big losers out there know i really want them to screw off and shut up..[0m
[1;30mnote to sysops...nuke your losers... :)[0m
[1;30m^^^subliminal message^^[0m
[8C[1;32myour bible message for the day is:[0m
[8C[1;31m"[35mHe who closes his ear to the cries of the poor[0m
[8C[1;35m will himself cry out and not be heard.[31m"[0m
[34;47m ù Lameness Central's Oneliners ù [37;40m
[1;34m"hey guys! I'm a dork!!"[0m
[1;34m"oo oo - so am i!"[0m
[1;34m"new BBS Loser's Inc. 555-1212 running wwiv v4.23 modded! it RULES!"[0m
[1;34m"Loser's Inc is my best bbs!"[0m
[1;34m"I jack off when I upload at 2400 baud!"[0m
[1;34m"hey guys - spam"[0m
[1;34m"you jerk! you wrecked it!"[0m
[1;34m"let's all start a big circle jerk..."[0m
[1;34m"i like elite files..does anyone have the registered Sango Fighter I?"[0m
[34mÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ[5;1;37;41m---------Quote of the Day!!!---------------------------------------------------[40m
[A[79C[1;5;37;41m-[0;30;41m"If at first you don't succeed, try try again"[5;1;37m [0m
[A[79C[1;5;37;41m-[0;36;44mcopyright WayneBellSuxWare (c)1985 [40m
[A[79C[36;44m [5;1m-- unregisterd -- please support shareware!!! -- [40m
[A[79C[1;5;36;44m [0m
[32mAutomessage By: [1;30mDeath #1[0m
[35mokay, I rerolled Tradewars - so start[37m
[35mplaying now..[37m
[35mcause my name is death and I think I'm real cool[37m
[1;33mWWIV Version[0;36m.........[31m4.23[37m
[1;33mSysop is[0;36m.............[31mUnAvailable[37m
[1;33mMultitasker[0;36m..........[31mWindows 2.5[37m
[1;34mÄÄ(new user voting freeform plea to voters:)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[0m
[8C[1;30mi aM s0 3lit3 tHaT i CaN G3T o-3 second WaReZ aZ i JaK 0ff WaTChiNG[0m
[1;30mmY CPS iN T3RMiNaT3! iRuLE V0Te mE iNT0 ThiS..[0m
[1;30mand when i l0G int0 r3n3gad3 systems i liKE t0 d0 this sh33iT:[0m
[1;30my0ur passw0rd is: ELITE[0m
[1;30my0ur addr3ss is: 123 Main Street [0m
[1;30md00dz i aM y0uR m0n i j00 want3d t0 g3t an33 war3z s0 v0te m3 int0 this syst3m.[0m
[1;30m s[0m
[8C[1;30mthe point of all that? well first..to get a few smiles...heh..[0m
[1;30mbut second..my real point..[0m
[1;30mwhitch is more lame? I mean it, really.. I'd probably rather login to the wwiv system than to put up with dorks like those '3lit3' ones..[0m
[1;30mthey come into the nuv saying how fast they can get you windoze 95 and how they[0m
[1;30mare the most elite of them all..blah blah blah..[0m
[1;30mthis is the other kinda person who's bringing the scene down (as opposed to [0m
[1;30mthe people who constantly flame others..)[0m
[1;30manyhow..it's up to you..but i think that with enough feedback we can rid [0m
[1;30mourselves of these losers..[0m
[1;30mand what i really hate are the ones who come on a Renegade bbs and use like:[0m
[1;30m%PW in their posts..then say..'I hacked into this system and figured that your [0m
[1;30mpassword is 'ELITE' or whatever..'[0m
[1;30m^^talk about lame...[0m
[1;30menough about what's wrong with the scene...now rusty's group reviews..[0m
[1;30mgroups:[0m ([1;30mscale of [34m*[30m to [34m*****[30m where five stars is the best...one star sucks[0m)
[8Cacid [1m-[0m [1;34m**** [30mwell..acid was/will always be the gods of the scene..[0m
[16C[1;30mbut as of late they seem to have fallen off a beat with[0m
[16C[1;30mtheir huge packs...although they are toning it down..[0m
[16C[1;30mgood work..as always..[0m
[1;30m [0m
[8Cacme [1m-[0m [1;34m**« [30mas compared to otehr groups we only deserve 2 stars, BUT[0m
[16C[1;30mwe've only got on pack put and we're inproving daily..[0m
[16C[1;30mwait till you see the second pack![0m
[8Caim [1m-[0m [1;34m***[0m [1;30mthe pack i saw AIM003.ZIP was pretty decent..a lot of [0m
[16C[1;30mpipeline logos, though...;)[0m
[8Carmageddon [1m-[0m [1;34m***[0m [1;30malthough they merged with The Guild to form MORBiD,[0m
[16C[1;30mi still felt like reviewing their first and lst pack..and it was[0m[16C[1;30mpretty good...sinister x roicks...and so does the rest of the[0m
[16C[1;30mgroup...good work, KI..nice group..[0m
[8Casia [1m-[0m [1;34m**[0m [1;30mi looked at the first asia pack (new one, right?) and anyhow[0m
[16C[1;30msome of the ascii's flat out sucked...i won't mince words.[0m
[16C[1;30maside from being all ascii (blech) it was decent for a 1st pack.[0m
[8Cbedlam [1m-[0m [1;34m**« [30ma small group here...but some decent stuff..the highlights[0m
[8C [1;30mwere obsidian and warhammer's work...other than that..too much[0m
[16C[1;30mlit..could've been better..but not too bad..[0m
[8Cblade [1m-[0m [1;34m*** [30mwell..aren't they dead yet? :) anyhow..blade has always[0m
[16C[1;30mbeen doing good work and probably always will...not to mention[0m
[16C[1;30mthat their member boards are really cool looking..[0m
[8Cbleach [1m-[0m [1;34m*** [30mwith lD! as a standing member and a second pak out ?!?![0m
[16C[1;30mbleach is here to stay and has some really good artists in it..[0m
[16C[1;30mi hope to see more from this cool, young group..good one lD![0m
[8Cbroken [1m-[0m [1;34m***[0m [1;30mtoo much lit and ascii (lit sux..ascii should be limited)..[0m[16C[1;30mbut the ansi and vga in their packs was good..but their dead [0m
[8Ccase [1m-[0m [1;34m* [30mwhy release a pack (the 0595 (may)) with only 3 members, one[0m
[16C[1;30mansi, and 2 .mods? seriously..how can this help your group?[0m
[8Ccia [1m-[0m [1;34m****[0m [1;30mthis group is always on the rise..and in may, when most packs[0m[16C[1;30msucked, the cia pack shined through as one of the only ones that[0m[16C[1;30mdidn't toally bite..[0m
[8Ceden [1m-[0m [1;34m**« [30mtoo much lit in this group..and the ansi could be better...[0m
[16C[1;30mbut they'll probably improve..[0m
[8Cemerge [1m-[0m [1;34m***[30m born from the dead of broken, this group had too much lit[0m
[16C[1;30mand ascii (just like borken :)...maybe they should colly those[0m
[16C[1;30mascii's up and just delete those rejected lits..but again..[0m
[16C[1;30mthe ansi that _was_ in there was cool..[0m
[8Cfirm [1m-[0m [1;34m***** [30mokay..so they aren't an art group..i know..but no-one [0m
[16C[1;30mmake better RG mod packs..and nobody probably ever will.[0m
[16C[1;30mso kep it coming..and expand that obvý support!! :)[0m
[8Cice [1m-[0m [1;34m**** [30mthey're there..they've always been neck and neck with[0m
[16C[1;30m'the great acid' :)..and they still are...:)[0m
[16C[1;30mbut thanx for sepereating the vga in your pack(s)..[0m
[8Cillness [1m-[0m [1;34m***** [30millness is defenitely the best modding group for the[0m
[16C[1;30mbest bbs software you can run..obv/2 (nope, I'm not biased :)[0m
[16C[1;30magain, not an art group..but they rule their scene..and they[0m
[16C[1;30mhave some good art in their mods and in their packs..[0m
[16C[1;30mand with lD! in your group, how can you go wrong? ;)[0m
[8Cimmortal couriers [1m-[0m [1;34m*** [30mwell..don't say that this 'thing' i'm writing[0m
[16C[1;30moffers nothing for you warez guys, cause here's my review of[0m
[16C[1;30mthe immortal couriers pack..well, they're a courier group..[0m
[16C[1;30mwith a pack..and about 5 cool ansis...wow..! well, it was[0m
[16C[1;30mdifferent...and pretty cool..[0m
[1;30m [0m[7Cintegrity [1m-[0m [1;34m***** [30min my opinion, these guys are the best group in the[0m
[16C[1;30mart scene today..Darkforce simply rules as do all of the artists[0m[16C[1;30min this group...i fully expect them to run away as the best [0m
[16C[1;30mever and continue to get better and better and better..[0m
[16C[1;30mso now that I plugged them, you ask, what are they paying me?[0m
[16C[1;30mnothing but the best packs I can download..[0m
[16C[1;30mand the reason they are so good is cause they are out on time[0m
[16C[1;30mevery month and have the best art around, and never take[0m
[16C[1;30mmore than 2 minutes to d/l..not to mention they're not stuck up.[0m[16C[1;30ma real class act here..[0m
[8Cnation [1m-[0m [1;34m****[0m [1;30mi guess I'm really giving Maestro a four stars here..:)[0m
[16C[1;30mbeing that this is sorta solo thing for him...but hey..it rocks![0m[16C[1;30mgood work, man...the fonts are as unreadably cool as ever..:)[0m
[8Crain[1m -[0m [1;34m***[0m [1;30mi'm looking at the second rain pack..but i dunno how old it[0m
[16C[1;30mis or anything...i'm pretty sure pale's not in rain anymore,[0m
[8Crise [1m-[0m [1;34m**«[0m [1;30mi know that apothecary moved on..but i never liked this[0m
[16C[1;30mgroup...and thought that a lot of what was in the packs wasn't[0m
[16C[1;30mrelease worthy...or at least nothing that would have qualified[0m
[16C[1;30mto meet acme release standards..[0m
[8Cshiver [1m-[0m [1;34m****[30m well..they got the UG best small group award over cia..[0m
[16C[1;30mthere's an accomplishment ! not to mention some darn good[0m
[16C[1;30martists are in this group...good thing they cut down from their[0m
[16C[1;30mnear 100 member size...:) good stuff here![0m
[16C[1;30mone thing, though..get a new file_id.diz for once![0m [1;30m:)[0m
[8Csop [1m-[0m [1;34m**«[0m [1;30mi think they merged with DoS...but the fonts that corruption[0m
[16C[1;30mdid while still in SoP were cool..[0m
[8Cspastic [1m-[0m [1;34m****[30m this group was number one in most people's eyes..they[0m
[16C[1;30mwere awesome..but then a bad may packet was released and eerie[0m
[16C[1;30mquit and so it's been ... there for a while..but hey.they're [0m
[16C[1;30mstill a really good group and I'm sure they'll pursue the lead[0m
[16C[1;30monce again..again, a group to check out..( you gotta be in a [0m
[15C[1;30m cave if[0m [1;30myou've never seen a spas pack anyhow...:)[0m
[8Cturbo [1m-[0m [1;34m-«[0m [1;30mthese guys freaking bite it really hard...their whole pack[0m
[16C[1;30mconsisted of ripped off ansis or the draw fonts..[0m
[16C[1;30mwhen i saw their pack i wanted to kill the prez of their group[0m
[16C[1;30mw.o.a(words of advice): blacklist any turbo members...they suck.[0m
[8Cunion [1m-[0m [1;34m**** [30munion is..a very underestimated..group if you ask me...but[0m
[16C[1;30mthey are really good! really, really good! Nailz just rocks..[0m
[16C[1;30mlook for them to make a move![0m
[8Cwicked [1m-[0m [1;34m***« [30mwell, normally i down on ascii..but wicked just rocks![0m
[16C[1;30mfor some reason their ascii is different from all the rest..[0m
[16C[1;30mbetter...and they are definitely on top of their scene..[0m
[8C[1;30manyhow...i hope i didn't make anyoe mad with my reviews..but i guess [0m
[1;30mon the same token, i really don't care too much..it's my opinion, and my ratio[0m
[1;30mthat i'm wasting to download the packets...so i'll say what i want...:)[0m
[1;30mtake that![0m
[1;30mÄ<[0mads for some boards and some rusty originals[1;30m>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[0m
[14C[1;32;42mÛß ßß ß ß ß ß ßß ßßÛ[0m
[14C[1;32;42m² ° [0;32mß[1;42m [0;32mÛß[1;42m [0;32mß[1;42m ²[0m
[14C[1;32;42m± ± [0;32mÜ [31mþ[32m ßßßßß [31mþ[32m Üß[1;42m [0;32mÜ[31mþÜ[32m ßßßßßßß[30;42mÜ[1;32m ±[0m
[14C[1;32;42m° ² [0;32mß[35mÜ[31;45m±[30m [31m°[30m [31mþ[30m [35;40mÜ[32mßÜ[31mþ[32mÜß[35mÜÜ[31;45m²±° [1;37m [0;31;45mþ[1;37m [0;35mÜ[32mßÛß[1;42m °[0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;32mÛßÛ[35mÞ[30;45m [31m²Ü±ÜßÜþ[1;37mþÜ[0;32mÞÜÝ[1;37;45mÜþ [0;31;45mþ°[40m°[45m°þ[1;37m [0;31;45mÜÜþÜ[1;37m [0;31mþ[32m Ü[1;42m ° [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;32mß [31mþÜ[45mÜÛ²±²Ûß[30m [31mþ°[1;37m²[0;35mÝ[32mÛ[35mÞ[1;37;45m²Ûþ[0;31;45mß±[40m [45m±[1;37m [0;31;45m±²ÛÛ²±°[37;40m [32mÛ[1;42m ± [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;32mÜÛ[35mÞ[31;45m±²²±²[35;40mß[31;45mþ°[30m [31m±[1;37m±[0;35mÝ[32mÝ[1;37;45m ±Ý[0;31;45mܱ²[37;40m [31;45m²[1;37m [0;31;45mþß²Û²±Ý[37;40m [1;32;42m ² [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;35mÞ[31;45m°±²±°[37;40m [35mß[31;45m±[35;40mßßß[31mþ[32m [35mÞ[1;37;45m° [0;31;45m±²Û[40m°[45mÛþܱ°±±°[1;37m [0m [32mÛ[1;42m ° [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ° [0;35mÞ[31;45m°°±°[30m [37;40m [30;45m [31m²[30m [31mÛ[30m [37;40m [31mþ[32m [35mß[1;37;45m [0;31;45m²Ûßþß [1;37m [0;31;45mܱ±°ßþ[37;40m [32mÛ[1;42m ± [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ± [0;35mÞ[31;45m°[30m [31m°[30m [37;40m [30;45m [31mÛ²²±[35;40mÝ[32mÜß[35mÜÜ[37m [35mßßßßß[1;37;45m [0;31;45mþß[1;37m [0;31;45mܲ[40mÜ[32mß[1;42m ² [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ² [0;35mÞ[30;45m [31m°±°²[37;40m [30;45m [31mÞ±±°[35;40mÝ[32mÝ[1;37;45m ± [0;31;45m°±²Û[37;40m [31;45m°Üþ[1;37m [0;31;45m°þ[40mßþ[32mß[1;42m [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;32mÝ[31;45m±²±±²±Üþ°°[1;37mþ[0;32mÞÛ[35mÞ[1;37;45m² [0;31;45m°±²[37;40m [31;45m±[1;37m [0;31;45m°±[40mÛÜ[32m [1;42m [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ° [0;35mÞ[31;45m²²²ÛÛßþ[1;37mÜÛ[0;35mÝ[32mÛÛÝ[1;37;45mßþ [0;31;45m°±[35;40mÜ[31;45m²Ü°±²[37;40m [31mþ[32mß[1;42m [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ± [0;32mÜ[35mß[31;45mÜß²[30m [31m±[1;37m±²[40mß[0;32mÜÛ[1;42m°[0;32mÛ[31mþ[1;37mß[45mÜÜþ [0;31;45m°[1;37m [0;31;45mßþ±[40mß[32mÜ[1;42m°[0;32mÜ[1;42m [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ² [0;32m [31mþ[32mÜ[31mßþ[32m ÜÜÜ [31mþ[32mß[1;42m±[0;32mÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ [31mþ[32mß[1;42m ± [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;32mÜ[1;42m [0;32mÜÛ[1;42m [0;32mÜ[1;42m ² [0;32mÜ[1;42m ² [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;30;42m cybergenesis[1;32m [0;30;42m [1;32m [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ° [0;30;42m acme[1;32m [0;30;42mus hq[1;32m ° [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ± ° [0;30;42msuicide distro[1;32m ± [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ² ± [0;30;42mthe guild distro[1;32m ² [0;30;42m [1;32m ° [0m
[14C[1;32;42m ² [0;30;42m cmw distro[1;32m ± [0m
[14C[1;32;42m [0;30;42m hootie distro [1;32m ² [0m
[13C[30m [1;32;42m [0;30;42m rg newest ver. [1;32m [0m
[14C[1;32;42m° [0;30;42m num: 215.538.9368 [1;32m °[0m
[14C[1;32;42m±[0;30;42m op: shadowhawk<acme> [1;32m [0;30;42m [1;32m±[0m
[14C[1;32;42m²[0;30;42m co: nukem <acme/cmw> [1;32m²[0m
[14C[1;32;42mÛÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜ[0;30;42m [1;32mÜÜÛ[0m
[14C[1;32m [0m
[20C[33;47m°[37;40m[7C° [33;47m±[37;40m[29C[33;47mÛ[37;40m
[20C[33;47m±[37;40m[4C[33;47m°[37;40m ± [33;47m²[37;40m[7C[33;47m°[37;40m[15C°[4C[33;47m²[37;40m
[16C[33mþÜ[47mßß²ßßßß±ßß[37;40m²[33;47mßÛ²±²²[40mÛÜ[47m±[37;40m[5C [33;47mÛ[37;40m [33mÜ[1;37;47m²±°[0m±[33;47mßßß±[37;40m
[16C[33mÞ[37mÛ[1;47mÜþ[0;33;47mÛ[37;40mÛ²ÛÛ[33;47m²[37;40m²ÛÛ[1;47mþ[0;33;47m°[1;37m°ß[0;33;47m°±²²[40mßþ[37m [33;47m²[37;40m [33mÛ[1;37;47m±°[0;33;47m°[37;40m²[33;47mþÜ°[40mÛ[37m
[15C[33;47m°±²[1;37mÛ[0mÛÛÛÛ²Û[33;47mÛ[37;40mÛ[33;47mþܲ±±°[1;37mß[0;33;47m°Û[40mÛ[37m [33;47mÛ[37;40m [33;47m°[37;40m [33;47m±[40mÛ[1;37;47m°[0m²[1;47m°[0;33;47m°±²Ý[40mÛ[37m
[14C[33mþßÞ[47mÜ[1;37mß[0;33;47mÜÜÜÛ[40mßßßßß[47mÛß²²±°[1;37mß[0;33;47m°Û[37;40m [33;47m²[37;40m [33;47m±[37;40m [33;47m°[37;40mÛ[33;47m±[37;40mÛ[33;47m±±²Û[40mÛ[37m
[16C [33mßßßÜÜÜ[47m°±²ßÛÛÛ ß²±°[1;37m°[0;33;47mÛ[37;40m [33mÜ[47m±[40mÜ[47m°±²ß°[40mÜÛ[37m°Û[33;47m ²²ÛÛ[40mÛ[37m
[15C[33m þÜ[47mßß[37;40mÛ[33;47mÜ[37;40mÛÛ[33;47mþÜ[37;40mÛ[33;47m ß þÜÛ²±[1;37m±[0;33;47mÛ[40mþÜ[47mßß[37;40mÛ[33;47m°[37;40mÛÛÛ[33;47mÛ[37;40mÛ[33;47m±[37;40mÛÛ±[33;47mþÜÛÛÛÝ[40mÛ[37m
[16C[33mÞ[47mÝ[1;37mÜþ[0;33;47mÞ[37;40m [1;47m°[0;33;47m ß°°[37;40mÛ°Û[33;47m þßÛ²[1;37m²[0;33mÛ[47m±[37;40mÛ[1;47mÜþ[0;33mÛ[37m [33;47m°[37;40mÛ²ÛÛ[33;47m²[37;40mÛÛ²Û[33;47m þß°[37;40mÛ[33;47m°[37;40m
[16C[33;47mÛ[1;37mÞÛ[0mÛ[33;47mÞ[37;40m [1;47m±[0mÛÛÛ[33;47m±±[37;40m±[33;47m þß°[40mÛ[47mÛ[1;37mÞ²[0mÛ[33mÛ[37m [33;47m±[37;40mÛÛ[33;47m°[37;40mÛ[33;47mÛ þ²Ü[37;40m²Û[33;47m±°°±[40mÜ[37m
[15C [33;47mÛ[1;37mÞÛ[0mÛ[33;47mÞ[37;40m [1;47m²[0m²ÛÛÛ[33;47m²[37;40m²[33;47m [37;40m²[33;47m °±[40mÛ[47mÝ[1;37mÛ±[0mÛ[33mÛ[37m [33;47m²[37;40mÛÛ[33;47m±[37;40mÛÛ[33;47m°°±²Û²±[37;40mÛ[33;47m±°±²[37;40m
[16C[33mÞ[1;37;47mÞ[0;33;47m°[1;37m [0;33;47mßß[1;37mÛßþ[0mÛ[33;47m°ßþ °±²[40mÛÞ[1;37;47mÞ²Ý[0;33;47mß[40mÜ[47mÛþ[37;40mÛ[33;47m²[37;40mÛÛ[33;47m±[37;40mÛ[33;47m°Û²[37;40m²Û[33;47mÞ°[40mÛßþ[37m
[15C[33mþß[47m±[1;37;43mß[0;33;47m²±°[1;37mþ [0mÛ[33;47m±±²[40mß[47mÛܱ²²²[40mÛ[37m [33mß[47mÜ[1;37mßþ[0mÛ[33;47m°[37;40mÛÛ[33;47mÛ°±²[37;40m°[33;47m°Ûßþܲ۱[37;40m
[16C[33;47m²[37;40m [33mßßßßßßß[47m²[40mßß[37m [33mßßßß[47m°[40mßß[37m [33m þßßß[47m±[40mÛþßßß[47mÛ[37;40m±[33mßß[47m²[40mßßßß[37m [33;47m²[37;40m
[17C[1ma[0m t [1;30mo[0m [1;30mm[0m [1;30mi[0m [1;30mc[0m [33;47mÛ[1;30;40md e l u s [0m [1;30mi[0m [1;30mo[0m n [1ms[0m
[60C[1;30m [0m
[23C[36m sop: [1mnuclear dreamer[30m<[36msuicide[30m/[36mmorbid[30m>[0m
[24C[33m [37m [36mco:[37m [1;36mshadowhawk[0m
[23C[36m'mote:[37m [1;36mspam [30m<[36mshiver[30m>[0m
[24C[33m [37m
[24C[33m [36mwit:[37m [1;36mobv/ii [30m<[36mii point ii five[30m>[0m
[24C[33m [37m[5C[1;36mat twenty eight point eight[0m
[22C[36m'fills:[37m [1;36msuicide southern hq[0m
[30C[1;36mwicked southern hq[0m
[30C[1;36mcase southern hq[0m
[30C[1;36macme southern hq[0m
[30C[1;36mcranium central hq[0m
[30C[1;36mmorbid member board[0m
[30C[1;36mfirm distro[0m
[30C[1;36msurge distro[0m
[23C[36m [37m
[25C[36mnum:[37m [1;30m<[36myou[30m>-[36mar2[30m-[36mlame[0m
[1;30mÄÄ<[0mwell, i think I fulfilled the art portion of this thing[1;30m>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[0;34m [37m
[34m [37m[7C[1;30mthere's the art section for this..next time i'll feature two worx[0m
[1;30mjust like this time, cept they'll be by people other than me...:)[0m
[8C[1;30mby now you are probably wondering why i didn't code anything for this[0m
[1;30mthing..you know..how come i don't have a cool interface like Undergrown or [0m
[1;30mwell, simple answer is that i can't program at all and don't feel like asking[0m
[1;30manyone for this..and i like this format..and it's fun just cause I can write [0m
[1;30mwhatever comes to my head this way...[0m
[1;30malso, i know you all own acidview or a viewer other than TYPE...[0m
[1;30mand hey...you know....with a format as simple as .ANS, it brings some [0m
[1;30moriginality ot this emag (there you go..i finally called this an emag) :)[0m
[1;30mI'm sure i'm not the only person who sits in front of his computer on bbs's [0m
[1;30mwhile listening to music..[0m
[1;30mso i'll just blather about a that for a sec..cause it affects me and how a draw and how i bbs..[0m
[1;30mi like to listen to a lot of stuff..but[0m
[1;30mR.E.M. will always take the cake as my favorite group of all time..[0m
[1;30mafter that is Bush...i think they rock..[0m
[1;30mi like Hootie and the Blowfish (call me what you want, i like them)[0m
[1;30mand i like Dave Matthews Band and Matthew Sweet..[0m
[1;30mLive rocks, too..[0m
[1;30mand Blues traveller..[0m
[1;30mi also like NIN a little...(yup, that's where i got empire of dirt from)[0m
[1;30mthose are my fave bands...i dislike Nirvana..but hole is cool.[0m
[1;30mwow..i don't want any distro's for this emag...i do plan to release it every [0m
[1;30mmonth...and i will commit to that right now.[0m
[1;30mBUT please don't ask for a site..only member boards will be handed out..and [0m
[1;30msince this will always be my solo project, no member boards..[0m
[1;30mso it'll stick to point omega as the world headquarters..[0m
[1;30mi'll upload this thing everywhere anyhow....so who cares..[0m
[1;30mbut now onto boards..[0m
[8C[1;30m800 review..[0m
[8C[1;30matomic delusions - obv/2 - rules[0m
[8C[1;30mterminal countdown - rg - cool config - slow msg bases[0m
[8C[1;30mtranslucent dreams - rg - cool config...gotta loe havoknet[0m
[8C[1;30mgoat blowers anon - rg - rocks..[0m
[8C[1;30mwild side - not the best config..but i love the bbs..great msgs..[0m
[8C[1;30mthe shadow's den - eternity - eternity rules[0m
[8C[1;30mrmjcc - rg - and something is wierd with this system[0m
[1;30mthat's the only ones i can remember right now...[0m
[8C[1;30macme/local sites..[0m
[8C[1;30mpoint omega - obvý - mine - what can i say? it rocks like anything..[0m
[8C[1;30mcybergenesis - rg - good work by my best bud shadowhawk - it's cool[0m
[8C[1;30mexodus - not too shabby! cool art collection..[0m
[8C[1;30mill comm - the best obv/2 i ever saw[0m
[8C[1;30mI've been writing this thing for 2 hours and 9 minutes straight..[0m
[8C[1;30mand in the words of Forrest Gump - 'i gotta pee'[0m
[1;30mhasta la vista..it's been real...[0m
[1;30mleave me feedback about this mag next time you see me on any system..[0m
[1;30mpreferably on Translucent Dreams, point Omega, or WildSide or Atomic Delusions..bye bye and i'll be doing this agin next month if a nuclear meltdown doesn't [0m
[1;30mwipe out my neihborhood..[0m
[1;30mÄÄ<[0mlast words[1;30m>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[0m "[1;30myesterday a dog exploded! 3 fleas were killed in the blast[0m" - george carlin
[1;30mHey Aprule and Jason...i didn't curse at alL![0m
[0mSAUCE00empire of dirt issue number one rusty acme.eod 19950617†z |