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- another 'zine?!?!
empire of dirt
 issue one
welcome to issue number one of empire...
i bet you're all wondering by now..what the heck is this..i mean..
you download a file...and unzip it, and it's one file...this ansi..
well, lemme explain..eod's not another mag..it's not a newsletter...the closest
thing I can compare it to is CyberData (from Cybernary.union)..infact, this 
is more like Cyberdata on crack...:)
so just sit back and enjoy (or not) as i rant and rave until i get sick of 
right now, i'll intorduce myself before we go any further..i'm Rusty 
of acme...I'll lay all the cards on the table..I'm fifteen, live in a small
town in pennsylvania, run a small group, and haven't spent even an hour on 
the irc - that by which we all swear..and lastly, i'm certainly no expert on
the scene..
so why am i writing this? well...good question..i've always liked
writing and one newsletter for acme a month (pack) isn't enough...so 
i came up with this idea (quite a revolutionary guy, huh? :)...
acme, to clarify is just another one of the hundreds of groups in the
scene today...we accept distros we have some good drawers we have a whq..there 
ya go..
okie..now the mag..err..newsletter...er...issue...:)
no one reading this needs a defention of the scene...but maybe a 
clarification...the scene as we call it..the collective of nets, boards, groups,drawers, and the inet..what's it take to get into the scene? not much..
any dork who's got a friend that calls ld and finds an 800 num can get into it..(that's not how i got in, though..i swear :)
we all participate in this thing...passing files..reading messages..so
getting now to my point..why do all this when we could all have lives?
maybe we're all just techophiles...or pimply faced dorks...or egotistical 
modemers ion the mood for some instant gratification...
either way..we are in the scene..most of us deeply rooted...waking up early to
call in and get onto that board or soemthing..so why is it..that we have to
flame each other? that's the point of this jabbering...
any 800 num i call or irc room (ansi related, that is) or whatever has some
sort of war going on...and it's bringing the scene down...
we all claim to be artists or aspire to be artists...but why thrash someone
else? yeah..when someone requests an ansi more than a few times..or bugs you 
for sites or numbers or vmbs or cc's etc.then lay into him...but the point of 
this is basically...don't lay into anyone cause of their work..
and you know what? I'm sure I'll get lay'd into for this...for preaching..
for being some 'lamer' who wants to 'jump' into the scene...
thinking I'm all that and your mom just cause i got a group and a board..
well..i've heard it all before (greenday sucks) and I'd just like to let all
the big losers out there know i really want them to screw off and shut up..
note to sysops...nuke your losers... :)
^^^subliminal message^^
your bible message for the day is:
"He who closes his ear to the cries of the poor
 will himself cry out and not be heard."
 ù Lameness Central's Oneliners ù 
"hey guys! I'm a dork!!"
"oo oo - so am i!"
"new BBS Loser's Inc. 555-1212 running wwiv v4.23 modded! it RULES!"
"Loser's Inc is my best bbs!"
"I jack off when I upload at 2400 baud!"
"hey guys - spam"
"you jerk! you wrecked it!"
"let's all start a big circle jerk..."
"i like elite files..does anyone have the registered Sango Fighter I?"
-"If at first you don't succeed, try try again" 
-copyright WayneBellSuxWare (c)1985 
 -- unregisterd -- please support shareware!!! -- 
Automessage By: Death #1
okay, I rerolled Tradewars - so start
playing now..
cause my name is death and I think I'm real cool
WWIV Version.........4.23
Sysop is.............UnAvailable
Multitasker..........Windows 2.5
ÄÄ(new user voting freeform plea to voters:)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
i aM s0 3lit3 tHaT i CaN G3T o-3 second WaReZ aZ i JaK 0ff WaTChiNG
mY CPS iN T3RMiNaT3! iRuLE V0Te mE iNT0 ThiS..
and when i l0G int0 r3n3gad3 systems i liKE t0 d0 this sh33iT:
y0ur passw0rd is: ELITE
y0ur addr3ss is: 123 Main Street 
d00dz i aM y0uR m0n i j00 want3d t0 g3t an33 war3z s0 v0te m3 int0 this syst3m.
the point of all that? well first..to get a few smiles...heh..
but second..my real point..
whitch is more lame? I mean it, really.. I'd probably rather login to the wwiv system than to put up with dorks like those '3lit3' ones..
they come into the nuv saying how fast they can get you windoze 95 and how they
are the most elite of them all..blah blah blah..
this is the other kinda person who's bringing the scene down (as opposed to 
the people who constantly flame others..)
anyhow..it's up to you..but i think that with enough feedback we can rid 
ourselves of these losers..
and what i really hate are the ones who come on a Renegade bbs and use like:
%PW in their posts..then say..'I hacked into this system and figured that your 
password is 'ELITE' or whatever..'
^^talk about lame...
enough about what's wrong with the scene...now rusty's group reviews..
groups: (scale of * to ***** where five stars is the best...one star sucks)
acid - **** well..acid was/will always be the gods of the scene..
but as of late they seem to have fallen off a beat with
their huge packs...although they are toning it down..
good work..as always..
acme - **« as compared to otehr groups we only deserve 2 stars, BUT
we've only got on pack put and we're inproving daily..
wait till you see the second pack!
aim - *** the pack i saw AIM003.ZIP was pretty decent..a lot of 
pipeline logos, though...;)
armageddon - *** although they merged with The Guild to form MORBiD,
i still felt like reviewing their first and lst pack..and it waspretty good...sinister x roicks...and so does the rest of the
group...good work, KI..nice group..
asia - ** i looked at the first asia pack (new one, right?) and anyhow
some of the ascii's flat out sucked...i won't mince words.
aside from being all ascii (blech) it was decent for a 1st pack.
bedlam - **« a small group here...but some decent stuff..the highlights
 were obsidian and warhammer's work...other than that..too much
lit..could've been better..but not too bad..
blade - *** well..aren't they dead yet? :) anyhow..blade has always
been doing good work and probably always will...not to mention
that their member boards are really cool looking..
bleach - *** with lD! as a standing member and a second pak out ?!?!
bleach is here to stay and has some really good artists in it..
i hope to see more from this cool, young group..good one lD!
broken - *** too much lit and ascii (lit sux..ascii should be limited)..but the ansi and vga in their packs was good..but their dead 
case - * why release a pack (the 0595 (may)) with only 3 members, one
ansi, and 2 .mods? seriously..how can this help your group?
cia - **** this group is always on the rise..and in may, when most packssucked, the cia pack shined through as one of the only ones thatdidn't toally bite..
eden - **« too much lit in this group..and the ansi could be better...
but they'll probably improve..
emerge - *** born from the dead of broken, this group had too much lit
and ascii (just like borken :)...maybe they should colly those
ascii's up and just delete those rejected lits..but again..
the ansi that _was_ in there was cool..
firm - ***** okay..so they aren't an art group..i know..but no-one 
make better RG mod packs..and nobody probably ever will.
so kep it coming..and expand that obvý support!! :)
ice - **** they're there..they've always been neck and neck with
'the great acid' :)..and they still are...:)
but thanx for sepereating the vga in your pack(s)..
illness - ***** illness is defenitely the best modding group for the
best bbs software you can run..obv/2 (nope, I'm not biased :)
again, not an art group..but they rule their scene..and they
have some good art in their mods and in their packs..
and with lD! in your group, how can you go wrong? ;)
immortal couriers - *** well..don't say that this 'thing' i'm writing
offers nothing for you warez guys, cause here's my review of
the immortal couriers pack..well, they're a courier group..
with a pack..and about 5 cool ansis...wow..! well, it was
different...and pretty cool..
 integrity - ***** in my opinion, these guys are the best group in the
art scene today..Darkforce simply rules as do all of the artistsin this group...i fully expect them to run away as the best 
ever and continue to get better and better and better..
so now that I plugged them, you ask, what are they paying me?
nothing but the best packs I can download..
and the reason they are so good is cause they are out on time
every month and have the best art around, and never take
more than 2 minutes to d/l..not to mention they're not stuck up.a real class act here..
nation - **** i guess I'm really giving Maestro a four stars here..:)
being that this is sorta solo thing for him...but hey..it rocks!good work, man...the fonts are as unreadably cool as ever..:)
rain - *** i'm looking at the second rain pack..but i dunno how old it
is or anything...i'm pretty sure pale's not in rain anymore,
rise - **« i know that apothecary moved on..but i never liked this
group...and thought that a lot of what was in the packs wasn't
release worthy...or at least nothing that would have qualified
to meet acme release standards..
shiver - **** well..they got the UG best small group award over cia..
there's an accomplishment ! not to mention some darn good
artists are in this group...good thing they cut down from their
near 100 member size...:) good stuff here!
one thing, though..get a new file_id.diz for once! :)
sop - **« i think they merged with DoS...but the fonts that corruption
did while still in SoP were cool..
spastic - **** this group was number one in most people's eyes..they
were awesome..but then a bad may packet was released and eerie
quit and so it's been ... there for a while..but hey.they're 
still a really good group and I'm sure they'll pursue the lead
once again..again, a group to check out..( you gotta be in a 
 cave if you've never seen a spas pack anyhow...:)
turbo - -« these guys freaking bite it really hard...their whole pack
consisted of ripped off ansis or the draw fonts..
when i saw their pack i wanted to kill the prez of their group
w.o.a(words of advice): blacklist any turbo members...they suck.
union - **** union is..a very underestimated..group if you ask me...but
they are really good! really, really good! Nailz just rocks..
look for them to make a move!
wicked - ***« well, normally i down on ascii..but wicked just rocks!
for some reason their ascii is different from all the rest..
better...and they are definitely on top of their scene..
anyhow...i hope i didn't make anyoe mad with my reviews..but i guess 
on the same token, i really don't care too much..it's my opinion, and my ratio
that i'm wasting to download the packets...so i'll say what i want...:)
take that!
Ä<ads for some boards and some rusty originals>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
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 °  acme us hq ° 
 ± ° suicide distro ± 
 ² ± the guild distro ²   ° 
 ²  cmw distro ± 
  hootie distro  ² 
   rg newest ver.  
°  num: 215.538.9368  °
± op: shadowhawk<acme>   ±
² co: nukem <acme/cmw> ²
°° ±Û
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a t o m i c Ûd e l u s  i o n s
 sop: nuclear dreamer<suicide/morbid>
  co: shadowhawk
'mote: spam <shiver>
 wit: obv/ii <ii point ii five>
 at twenty eight point eight
'fills: suicide southern hq
wicked southern hq
case southern hq
acme southern hq
cranium central hq
morbid member board
firm distro
surge distro
num: <you>-ar2-lame
ÄÄ<well, i think I fulfilled the art portion of this thing>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 
 there's the art section for this..next time i'll feature two worx
just like this time, cept they'll be by people other than me...:)
by now you are probably wondering why i didn't code anything for this
thing..you know..how come i don't have a cool interface like Undergrown or 
well, simple answer is that i can't program at all and don't feel like asking
anyone for this..and i like this format..and it's fun just cause I can write 
whatever comes to my head this way...
also, i know you all own acidview or a viewer other than TYPE...
and hey...you know....with a format as simple as .ANS, it brings some 
originality ot this emag (there you go..i finally called this an emag) :)
I'm sure i'm not the only person who sits in front of his computer on bbs's 
while listening to music..
so i'll just blather about a that for a sec..cause it affects me and how a draw and how i bbs..
i like to listen to a lot of stuff..but
R.E.M. will always take the cake as my favorite group of all time..
after that is Bush...i think they rock..
i like Hootie and the Blowfish (call me what you want, i like them)
and i like Dave Matthews Band and Matthew Sweet..
Live rocks, too..
and Blues traveller..
i also like NIN a little...(yup, that's where i got empire of dirt from)
those are my fave bands...i dislike Nirvana..but hole is cool.
wow..i don't want any distro's for this emag...i do plan to release it every 
month...and i will commit to that right now.
BUT please don't ask for a site..only member boards will be handed out..and 
since this will always be my solo project, no member boards..
so it'll stick to point omega as the world headquarters..
i'll upload this thing everywhere anyhow....so who cares..
but now onto boards..
800 review..
atomic delusions - obv/2 - rules
terminal countdown - rg - cool config - slow msg bases
translucent dreams - rg - cool config...gotta loe havoknet
goat blowers anon - rg - rocks..
wild side - not the best config..but i love the bbs..great msgs..
the shadow's den - eternity - eternity rules
rmjcc - rg - and something is wierd with this system
that's the only ones i can remember right now...
acme/local sites..
point omega - obvý - mine - what can i say? it rocks like anything..
cybergenesis - rg - good work by my best bud shadowhawk - it's cool
exodus - not too shabby! cool art collection..
ill comm - the best obv/2 i ever saw
I've been writing this thing for 2 hours and 9 minutes straight..
and in the words of Forrest Gump - 'i gotta pee'
hasta la vista..it's been real...
leave me feedback about this mag next time you see me on any system..
preferably on Translucent Dreams, point Omega, or WildSide or Atomic Delusions..bye bye and i'll be doing this agin next month if a nuclear meltdown doesn't 
wipe out my neihborhood..
ÄÄ<last words>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ "yesterday a dog exploded! 3 fleas were killed in the blast" - george carlin
Hey Aprule and Jason...i didn't curse at alL!
SAUCE00empire of dirt issue number one rusty acme.eod 19950617†zPÕ