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Network Hacker'S Alliance

NHA (Network Hackers Alliance INC) Newsletter #001 06/12/91
NHA was formed on 06/05/91 at 12:00pm EST. It was formed after
follow thru efforts of ISCC-PUNK were shot down because it was
going no where, and the names did not fit the groups intentions.
NHA is a group dedicated to bringing knowledge to the Hack/Phreak
world about networks and systems that are of use to them. NHA
will indepthly explain varios ways into systems and all-around uses
of networks and shit.

NHA is looking for Writers and Distribution Sites. If you or if you
know anyone intrested in either positions please contact 'Inphiniti' or
'MCi Sprinter' on any fine hack/phreak bulletin board you see our names.

NHA Distribution Sitesas of 06/12/91
# Name Notes
216/662+5115 Inphiniti's Edge World HQ / NHA #000
301/365+9249 Project: Phusion NoT SiTE / NHA #001
216/991-1546 Assians Guild NHA #002
*TEMP DOWN* Stoners Central NHA #003
Current Members as of 06/12/91
Alias Status Classification/info NPA
Inphiniti NHA PreZident AGENT #999
MCi Sprinter NHA PreZident AGENT #998
Zero NHA Advisor/Writer -- formely Grafix F/x
Kurgan NHA Advisor -- Kurgan from Phrack
The Trip NHA Sysop/Writer AGENT #001
Code of Honor NHA Sysop/Writer/Advisor/Co-PreZident ex-Nasty
LoneWolf NHA Writer AGENT #003
Diablo NHA 2B-Sysop/Writer AGENT #004
Acid Pheak NHA 2B-Sysop/Writer AGENT #005

Currently in the works for production from NHA are the following.
* ROLM Hacking Information (Advanced)
* Internet Hacking Information (Intermediate)
* Tymnet PSN Hacking (Advanced)
* AquLink Information/Hacking (Advanced)
* Bell Core Information/Hacking (Intermediate)
* Unix Hacking Volume #1 (Begineer)
* Unix Hacking Volume #2 (Advanced)
* AIX Hacking/Information (Advanced)
* Cellular Phone Phreaking (Advanced)
* VMS/VAX Hacking Information (Intermediate)
* TRW/CBI Usage/Hacking/Info (Advanced)
* Advance Credit Card Fraud (Advanced)

Users wishing to apply seek one of us out..