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Editor's Note:
It snowed today (It's Nov. 25th right now.) It was 60 and sunny
on Saturday, and now that it's tuesday it snows. Dont't you just love
DC? It was in the mid 60s Dec. 6th too....Anywah, It's near Xmas now,
and it's colder. (Kinda neat, you get to see al the times I sat down at
the computer to get this thing together. I don't have too much to say
this issue. I have 2 articles from Mr. Gardner Swan, a man who should
get credit for being the first person to actually submit anything without
me pestering them, which should get him some good guy points.
Anyway, This was going to be the religion/god issue, but I couldn't
come up with enough stuff having to do with religion, so that Idea went
down the tube.
There’s also some stuff in this issue by Hakim Bey(not his real
name), an anarchist who wrote the book Temporary Autonomous Zone
(TAZ). In this book he talks about the need to create places that, if
only for a little while, are outside of government control. The piece in
this issue concerns Permanent Autonomous Zones, and it’s all pretty
well explained in the article.
I got Microsoft Publisher for Xmas, and that’s why this thing
looks so much artsier than in previous issues. Well, Here’s the info I
put in every issue: I review recors, zines, and anything else you send
my way. I'll even give you a free ad. If you send me an article and I
print it I'll send you 2 free issues. Back issues are available for $1 or
some stamps, subscriptions are $5 or a book of stamps. If you want I'll
send you back issues as part of your subscription. Send all
correspondence to:
Helter Skelter c/o Derek Teslik
3519 Woodbine St.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
or by e-mail:
dteslik@ix.netcom..com or
dhorse@cult.empire.org or
or call my bbs:
The Omniverse (301)718-0225
To put the country simple, earth has a lot of things other folks might
want...like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few
changes made. Like more carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, and room
for their way of life. We've seen this happen before, right in these
United States.
Your way of life destroyed the Indian's way of life.
The Indian reservation is extinction.
But I offer this distinction. I'm with the invaders, no use trying to hide
that. And at the same, I disagree with some of the things they are
Oh we're not united anymore than you are
Oh we're not united anymore than you are.
Conservative factions is set on nuclear war as a solution to the Indian
Others disaggree
Others disaggree
I don't claim that my methods are one hundred percent humane, but I
do say,if we can't think of anything quieter, and tidier than that...
We are all not that much better than new earth aches.
There is no place else to go
The theater is closed
There is no place else to go
The theater is closed
Cut word lines
Cut music lines
Smash the control images
Smash the control machine.
Melt Away...--New Alternative/Rock Music Zine that reviews the best
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you like Rock, Alternative, or even techno, Melt Away... will be
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Against Apartheid.
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There's a little cybercommunity looking for folks to join in.
The telnet address: spring.com
sign on as new.
Hall, announcer for NBC-TV's THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY
LENO, commits himself to NUTHOUSE, the magazine of amusements
by and for delightfully diseased minds, in Issue 18. Join the hilarity. $1
payable to Twin Rivers Press, PO Box 119, Ellenton, FL 34222.
Member of the beat generation born at the wrong time looking for
kindred souls. I read burroughs, kerouac, boyle. I listen to miles
davis, fugazi, nou, hendrix. I write long letters about absolutely
nothing and about everything in that the nothing I write about is the
essence of life, which is everything, isn't it? Pen pals write to Derek
Teslik/3519 Woodbine St./Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Permanent TAZs
by Hakim Bey
TAZ-theory tries to concern itself with existing or emerging situations
rather than with pure utopianism. All over the world people are leaving
or "disappearing" themselves from the Grid of Alienation and seeking
ways to restore human contact. An interesting example of this-on the
level of "urban folk culture"-can be found in the proliferation of hobby
networks and conferences. Recently I discovered the zines of two such
groups, Crown Jewels of the Hlgh Wire (devoted to the collection of
glass electrical insulators) and a journal on cucurbitology (The Gourd).
A vast amount of creativity goes into these obsessions. The various
periodic gatherings of fellow-maniacs amount to genuine face-to-face
(unmediated) festivals of eccentricity. It's not just the "counter-culture"
which seeks its TAZs, its nomad encampments and nights of liberation
from the Consensus. Self-organized and autonomous groups are
springing up amongst every "class" and "sub-culture". Vast tracts of the
Babylonian Empire are now virtually empty, populated only by the
spooks of MassMedia, and a few psychotic policemen.
TAZ-theory realizes that THIS IS HAPPENING- we're not
talking about "should" or "will be"-we're talking about an already-
existing movement. Our use of various thought-experiments, utopian
poetics, paranoia criticism, etc., aims at helping to clarify this complex
and still largely undocumented movement, to give it some theoretical
focus and self-awareness, and to suggest tactics based on coherent
integral strategies-to act the midwife or the panegyrist, not the
And so we've had to consider the fact that not all existing
autonomous zones are "temporary". Some are (at least by intention)
more-or-less "permanent". Certain cracks in the Babylonian Monolith
appear so vacant that whole groups can move into them and settle
down. Certain theories, such as "Permaculture", have been developed
to deal with this situation and make the most of it. "Villages",
"communes", "communities", even "arcologies" and "biospheres" (or
other utopian-city forms) are being experimented with and
implemented. Even here however TAZ-theory may offer some useful
thought-tools and clarifications.
What about a poetique (a "way of making") and a politique (a
"way of living-together) for the "permanent" TAZ (or "PAZ")? What
about the actual relation between temporariness and permanence? And
how can the PAZ renew and refresh itself periodically with the
"festival" aspect of the TAZ?
Recent events in the US and Europe have shown that self-
organized/autonomous groups strike fear into the heart of the State.
MOVE in Philadelphia, the Koreshites of Waco, Deadheads, Rainbow
Tribes, computer-hackers, squatters, etc., have been targeted for
varying intensity-levels of extermination. And yet other autonomous
groups go unnoticed, or at least unpersecuted. What makes the
difference? One factor may be the malign effect of publicity or
mediation. The Media experience a vampiric thirst for the shadow-
Passion play of "Terrorism", Babylon's public ritual of expiation,
scapegoating, and blood-sacrifice. Once any autonomous group allows
this particular "gaze" to fall upon it, the shit hits the fan:-the Media will
try to arrange a mini-armageddon to satisfy its junk-sickness for
spectacle and death.
Now, the PAZ makes a fine sitting target for such a Media smart-
bomb. Beseiged inside its "con-pound", the self-organized group can
only succumb to some sort of cheap pre-determined martyrdom.
Presumably this role appeals only to neurotic masochists??? In any
case, most groups will want to live out their natural span or trajectory
in peace and quiet. A good tactic here might be to avoid publicity from
the Mass Media as if it were the plague. A bit of natural paranoia
comes in handy, so long as it doesn't become an end in itself. One must
be cunning in order to get away with being bold. A touch of camoflage,
a flair for invisibility, a sense of tact as a tactic...might be as useful to a
PAZ as a TAZ. Humble suggestions:-Use only "intimate media" (zines,
phonetrees, BBSs, free radio and mini-FM, public-access cable, etc.)-
avoid blustering-macho-confrontationist attitude-you don't need five
seconds on the Evening News ("Police Raid Cultists") to validate your
Our slogan might be:-"Get a life, not a life-style."
People probably ought to choose the people they live with. ''Open-
membership" communes invariably end up swamped with freeloaders
and sex-starved pathetic creeps. PAZs must choose their own
membership mutually-this has nothing to do with "elitism". The PAZ
may exercize a temporarily open function-such as hosting festivals or
giving away free food, etc.-but it need not be permanently open to any
self-proclaimed sympathizer who wanders by.
Once again, this is already happening-but it still needs a huge amount
of work before it comes into focus. The sub-economies of "lavoro
nero", untaxed transactions, barter, etc., tend to be severely limited and
localized. BBSs and other networking systems could be used to link up
these regional/marginal aeconomies ("household managements") into a
viable alternative economy of some magnitude. "P.M." has already
outlined something like this in bolo'bolo-in fact a number of possible
systems already exist, in theory anyway. The problem is: -how to
construct a true alternative economy, i.e. a complete economy, without
attracting the IRS and other capitalist runningdogs? How can I
exchange my skills as, say, a plumber or moonshiner, for the food,
books, shelter, and psychoactive plants I want-without paying taxes, or
even without using ally State-forged money? How can I live a
comfortable (even luxurious) life free of all interactions and
transactions with CommodityWorld? If we took all the energy the
Leftists put into"demos", and all the energy the Libertarians put into
playing futile little 3rd-party games, and if we redirected all that power
into the construction of a real underground economy, we would already
have accomplished "the Revolution" long ago.
The hollowed-out effigy of the Absolute State finally toppled in
"1989". The last ideology, Capitalism, is no more than a skin-disease
of the Very Late Neolithic. It's a desiring-machine running on empty.
I'm hoping to see it deliquesce in my lifetime, like one of Dali's
mindscapes. And I want to have somewhere to "go" when the shit
comes down. Of course the death of Capitalism needn't entail the
Godzilla-like destruction of all human culture; this scenario is merely a
terror-image propagated by Capitalism itself. Nevertheless it stands to
reason that the dreaming corpse will spasm violently before rigor
mortis sets in-and New York or LA may not be the smartest places to
wait out the storm. (And the storm may already have begun.) [On the
other hand NYC and LA might not be the worst places to create the
New World; one can imagine whole squatted neighborhoods, gangs
transformed into Peoples' Militias, etc.] Now, the gypsy-RV way of life
may be one way to deal with the on-going melt-down of Too-Late
Capitalism - but as for me, I'd prefer a nice anarchist monastery
somewhere-a typical place for "scholars" to sit out the "Dark Ages".
The more we organize this NOW the less hassle we'll have to face
later. I'm not talking about "survival"-I'm not interested in mere
survival. I want to thrive. BACK TO UTOPIA.
The PAZ serves a vital function as a node in the TAZ-web, a
meetingplace for a wide circle of friends and allies who may not
actually live fulltime on the "farm" or in the "village". Ancient villages
held fairs which brought wealth to the community, provided markets
for travelers, and created festal time/space for all participants.
Nowadays the festival is emerging as one of the most important forms
for the TAZ itself, but can also provide renewal and fresh energy for
the PAZ. I remember reading somewhere that in the Middle Ages there
were one hundred and eleven holidays a year; we should take this as
our "utopian minimum" and strive to do even better. [Note: the utopian
minima proposed by C. Fourier consisted of more food and sex than
the average 18th century French aristocrat enjoyed; B. Fuller proposed
the term "bare minimum" for a similar concept]
I believe that there exist plenty of good selfish reasons for desiring the
"organic" (it's sexier), the "natural" (it tastes better), the "green" (it's
more beautiful), the Wild(er)ness (it's more exciting). Communitas (as
P. Goodman called it) and conviviality (as I. Illich called it) are more
pleasurable than their opposites. The living earth need not exclude the
organic city-the small but intense conglomeration of humanity devoted
to the arts and slightly decadent joys of a civilization purged of all its
gigantism and enforced loneliness-but even those of us who enjoy
cities can see immediate and hedonic motives for fighting for the
"environment". We are militant biophiles. Deep ecology, social
ecology, permaculture, appropriate tech..we're not too picky about
ideologies. Let 1000 flowers bloom.
A "weird religion" or a rebel art movement can become a kind of non-
local PAZ, like a more intense and all-consuming hobby network. The
Secret Society (like the Chinese Tong) also provides a model for a
PAZ without geographic limits. But the "perfect case scenario"
involves a free space that extends into free time. The essence of the
PAZ must be the long-drawn-out intensification of the joys-and risks-
of the TAZ. And the intensification of the PAZ will be....Utopia Now.
Hakim Bey
D R E A M T I M E, A U G U S T 1 9 9 3
"Pure" Punk
by Gardner Swan
It took me a while to think about what I wanted to write this
article about. I didn't just want to write some useless show review, but
it seemed like that was the only thing I could think of. But after talking
a lot on Derek's board about punk philosophy and DIY, I finally
figured out a way to integrate these two topics.
I went to see Green Day on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and
it was a fun show. They even played an Operation Ivy song, which
made me happy. But I just didn't feel anything from the band. It
seemed like they didn't care. Later, someone told me that they thought
Green Day were the biggest sellouts in the world, and that they have
completely changed their music since signing with a major label. As I
think back on that show, I realized how many fakers there were at that
show. One person I know who is about the least punk person I know
was there. Afterwards she said to me, "the ticket was free, so I went,"
or something like that. I think that is such bullshit. I wouldn't go to a
free show if I didn't like the band, and on the same note I paid $55 to
go see the Rolling Stones this summer and I'd pay it again in a second.
I think that so many people these days are full of shit.
Anyway, I just got back from seeing Pure Seeking and The
Skavacados at the Grog and Tankard (Nectar also played but I missed
them. . . sorry Yorke.). Both bands had lots of energy, but Pure
Seeking was especially powerful. The last time I saw them, they were
kind of shabby, not really together. Tonight they were simply
amazing. I was completely blown away by everyone, from Ken
Tanabe's drum solo without using sticks, to Josh Reed's amazing as
always guitar playing, to the subtle intricacies of Nick Rubin's Eddie-
Vedder-esqe voice. Everyone was amazing. The crowd was totally
into it. The emotion from the music was so strong. This is what punk
is really about. It's about being real. It's about doing it yourself.
Think for yourself, be yourself. It's not about the kind of music you
listen to or the kind of clothes you wear or the sacrifices you have to
make. It's about being and doing whatever it takes to make whatever
you know is right happen.
I don't want everyone to go out and start liking Pure Seeking
now. I want you to listen to whatever you want and if you like Pure
Seeking or whatever other band I like then that is good, because every
band, especially Pure Seeking, deserves recognition. I think that bands
that really know and enjoy what they are doing will always be more
fun to see, and I hope you agree with me. It's seems to be a natural
progression for "punk" music, because the mainstream took away what
was ours.
After the show I approached Tanabe to tell him how phat (ed:
I'd perfer the word "good" but it's his article) the show was, and he said
that he knew that I played guitar so it was cool to be complimented by
an "expert." I wouldn't call myself that, but I would like to say thanks
to Ken and the rest of Pure Seeking, as well as to The Skavacados and
lastly, to Green Day, for making me realize what integrity is worth.
Punk is not dead, it just has a new face.
I wrote this article at about 2:30 am, so it may be a little
whacked out. I think what inspired me to write it is the "Jesus was a
Punk" article from Helter Skelter issue #1. It's not an argument against
the article, but instead just another view. It is also not meant as an
attack on Christianity or Christians, I am just stating my problems with
it and how it conflicts with my punk philosophy. So read on and
Do It Yourself -- Don't Listen to God!
(again by Gardner Swan)
Recently religion has been brought up a lot in the media because
of all this prayer in school crap. Well I guess it's relevant now so I will
write about religion, because it is one of my favorite subjects to argue
and state my opinion on. I believe that Christianity is the most anti-
punk, anti-DIY thing in existence.
At the root of DIY is the concept that everyone should think for
themselves. Christianity tries to take away this freedom of thought by
creating some omnipotent being who judges us all. It attempts to set an
ultimate right and wrong based on the thoughts of some old (thousands
of years old) guys. I find it much more enlightening to think up my
own definition of right and wrong.
Another problem that I have with Christianity is that Christians
seem to think that people need to have a god, or at least a strictly
defined set of morals to be good people and help the world. This is
also a blatantly anti-DIY idea, as it implies that you must rely on
someone else to be a good person. I would also like to point out that I
help people out because I want to be helped out when the shit hits my
fan, and I think it was the Bible that said, "Do unto others as you would
have done to you," or whatever. I don't need to look forward to heaven
in order to do good, nor do I need to fear hell. Give me a break and
think about it for a minute.
Back to the fundamentals of punk/DIY, I think a key ingredient
in "doing it yourself" is knowledge. The concept of God is used as an
explanation of many things that we don't understand right now. An
example of this is the creation of the universe. Why would anyone say
that the universe was created by something that they don't even know
exists, and then stop there? That is completely illogical and shows
weakness in anyone's argument that uses such idiotic tactics.
There are many other anti-punk aspects of Christianity, such as
Original Sin and the superiority of God, but I feel that I have rambled
on pointlessly long enough. And I want all of you kiddies out there to
remember something this holiday season: Christmas is the celebration
if the birth of marketing genius, which symbolizes man's eternal link
with elves, flying reindeer, and unlawful entry through chimneys.
Why just Punk Rock?
by Derek Teslik
I became aware of one of the most severe limitation of the punk
movement earlier tonight. Punk, an attitude, culture, movement, and
set of ideals, has only embraced one form of music in communicating
those ideals. Rock is fun and easy to play, true, but why stop there?
Jazz, for example, has been for the most part ignored by punks
everywhere. Nation of Ulysses approached punk jazz, but they too fell
back on rock and roll. While I think it would be much too difficult to
organize an entire punk symphony (practice space, $$$ for instruments,
punks with a long enough attention span to sit and play one song for an
hour, all are big problems), punk jazz is within our grasps. Jazz, you
may recall, has its roots in the underground. Now, as most of the old
jazz pioneers are dying off, jazz music is becoming stale and boring.
All any jazz band needs is a drummer, a bassist, and someone to
blow his horn, play her piano, or the like. While it may take a little
more musical skill and knowledge to jet some jazz numbers down than
it does to play three-chord punk rock that's not a bad thing. Punk rock,
with a few innovative exceptions that would not even be called "punk"
by purists, is getting amazingly boring. In "Salad Days" Minor Threat
talked about how punk was getting stale and that was around 1983!
Now we have Tim Yo and the boys at MRR ranting and raving over
the Slant 6 album for example, and to be honest it sounds like a higher
pitched versoin of music I've heard before too many times. It's hard to
convey emotions in a style that is so confined, anyway. Many punks
are anarchists, but you wouldn't know it by analyzing punk rock.
There are three main rules to punk rock: 1) Play fast 2) play loud 3)
play distorted. These "fuck the system, fuck the rules" anarchist bands
never even consider not playing by the punk rock rules. Something
else I've noticed: Punk is about daring to different, and not
conforming, right? How come almost all punk rock sounds exactly
alike? Jazz music has so much freedom in it, if some punks learned to
use it well the entire scene would benefit.
Jazz is ripe for a youth takeover. It is time to storm the jazz
clubs en masse. It is time to steal the horn sections from those silly ska
bands and make some real music with them (no offense, ska people).
It is time, punks of the world, to take back jazz for the underground.
Zine Reviews
Clipper Gore #3&4 Full Sized, 10-12 pages, free. This 'zine has lots of
reviews and some badly drawn comics. PO Box 1446/Waterloo, IA
CTO(pi) #5 Half sized, 20 pages, $1. Artsy, Very artsy. This may be
because this is the art issue, or maybe it's always like this. But this is
all about art and more art.Turil Cornburg/126 paul gore St./Jamaica
Plain MA 02130
Dharma Beat #3 Full Size, 12 pages, $2.50. If you read any Kerouac,
you should like Dharma Beat. DB is a really nice zine covering all
things beat with a focus on Jack Kerouac. This issue had stuff about
JK's funeral and the 25th aniversary of his death. JK subterranean
information Society/PO Box 1753/Lowell, MA 01853
Duplex Planet #132.Half Sized, 16 Pages, $2. I've heard a lot about
this zine, and after finally seeing it I don't see what all the hype is
about. It's just some bored zine editor going around to retirement
homes and interviewing old folks about boring topics. PO Box
1230/Saratoga Springs NY 12866
Eyewash #6 (aka best of Eyewash) half size, 30 pages, $2.50. I really
liked this. There's no real focus, it's just well written and well put
together. Big too. this one is great. Stuff about phil's jobs and the
like. PO Box 20013/Dayton Ohio 45420
Indy "Your Independent Comic Source" #8 Comic Book sized, 48
pages, $2.95. This is a well done journal of the indy comics scene.
Unfortunately, I am not a comics person, so I was lost reading it. I
liked the Mike Diana interview (Mike Diana publishes Bioled Angel,
and was reently jailed for obscenity.) and the art from the comic
reviews. 6281 S. Dolphin Dr/Floral City, FL 34436
Salesman #6 1 strip of paper, free. If you fold a piece of paper 4 times
the long way, cut it into those 4 pieces, and write stuff on each one,
you'll have 4 possible issues of salesman. What it lacks in content (the
whole thing is less than 100 words) it makes up in whatever else there
is. It's reall short on filler, and no ads. That's good. It's pretty
interesting, all things considered.Tom/4400 mass ave/nw Washington
DC 20016.
Snuff It "The Quartely Jounal of the Church of Euthanasia" full sized,
20 pages, $2. I can capture the spirit of the zine by relating their
slogan "Save the Planet, Kill Yourself." Interesting stuff. Very
interesting. PO Box 261/Somerville Ma 02143
Music Review
Gomez/All You can Eat"all stars" split 7" &
Plaid Retina "What I Can't Have"
I like All you can Eat a lot more than I like Gomez. I don't like
pop punk though. if you do, give these things a shot. The stuff was
pretty cool, but it just wasn't my thing. both are $3 each from Little
Deputy Records/PO Box 7066/Austin, TX 78713-7066.
Email:joeyedw@mail.utexas.edu. For clear ordering info see the 1/2
page Little Deputy ad earlier in this issue.
See, if you send me stuff (hell, even zines) you get a free ad. I
usually wouldn’t print an ad this big, but I'm in a generous mood.
Your best bet would be to send somethin maybe 1/6th to 1/4 page
along with anything you send to be reviewed. send something like a
CD and you can have 1/2 a page or maybe even a page. You digital customers,
however, will just have to use the e-mail address for more info....sorry.