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Miscellanous Nasties
By: Lex Luthor
The Police Station
Most fire bombs are simply gasoline filled bottles with a fuel
soaked rag in the mouth (the bottle's mouth, not yours). The original
Molotov cocktail, and still about the best, was a mixture of one part
gasoline and one part motor oil. The oil helps it to cling to what it
splatters on.
Some use one part roofing tar and one part gasoline. Fire bombs
have been found whcih were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline.
About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistancy,
like jam and is best for use on vehilces or buildings.
Napalms is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is
either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do.
The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The
usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a
two-quart capicity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil
and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where
there is no flame.
Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and
allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess
is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill
a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat
longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler.
Simple safety match heads in a pipe, capped at both ends, make a
devestating bomb. It is set off with a regular fuse
A plastic Baggie is put into the pipe before the heads go in to
prevent detonation by contact with the metal.
Cutting enough match heads to fill the pipe can be tedious work for
one but an evening's fun for the family if you can drag them away from
the TV.
A four strand homemade fuse is used for this. It burns like fury.
It is held down and concealed by a strip of bent tin cut from a can.
The exposed end of the fuse is dipped into the flare igniter. To use
this one, you light the fuse and hold the fire bomb until the fuse has
burned out of sight under the tin. Then throw it and when it breaks,
the burning fuse will ignite the contents.
How to Make Nitroglycerin
By: Karl Marx
The Police Station
! 3/2 N2 + 3 CO2
CHONO2 ----------> +
! Ignition 5/2 H2O + 1/4 O2
(How Nitro explodes--note that the byproducts are nothing but
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water and oxygen)
Nitroglycerin [heretofore Nitro] is a very powerful high-
explosive. I am not sure who invented it but he probably didn't-- the
first person to make it probably blew himself up and his freind got
the info off his notes. Well anyway, the next best thing to Nitro is
TNT which is ten times harder to make but also ten times safer to
make. If you can't use common sense then dont even TRY
to make this stuff--a few drops can be lethal under certain
To make Nitro:
== ==== ======
Mix 100 parts fuming nitric acid (for best results it should have
a specific gravity of 50 degrees Baume') with 200 parts sulphuric
acid. This is going to be HOT at first--it won't splatter if you pour
the nitric INTO the sulphuric but don't try it the other way around.
The acid solutions together can disolve flesh in a matter of seconds
so take the proper measures for God's sake!!! When cool, add 38 parts
glycerine as slowly as possible. Let it trickle down the sides of the
container into the acids or it won't mix thourily and the reaction
could go to fast--which causes enough heat to ignite the stuff. Stir
with a **GLASS** rod for 15 seconds or so then CARFULLY pour it into
20 times it's *VOLUME* of water. It will visibly precipitate
immediatly. there will be twice as much Nitro as you used glycerin and
it is easy to separate. Mix it with baking soda as soon as you have
separated it-- this helps it not to go off spontainously.
NOTES: Parts are by weight and the Baume' scale of spicific gravity
can be found in most chem. books. You ca get fuming nitric and
sulfuric acids wherever good chemicals or fertilizers are sold. It is
positivly *STUPID* to make more than 200 grams of Nitro at a time.
When mixing the stuff wear goggles, gloves, etc. When I first made
the stuff I had the honor of having it go off by itself (I added too
much glycerine at a time.) I was across the room at the time, but I
felt the impact--so did the table it was on as well as the window it
was next to--they were both smashed by only 25 grams in an open bowl.
Oh, yes, glycerine you can get at any pharmacy and you need an adult
signature for the acids. Any bump can make Nitro go off if you don't
add the bicarbonate of (baking) soda--but even with that, if it gets
old I wouldn't play catch with it.
Once you have made the Nitro and saturated it with Bicarb. you
can make a really powerful explosive that won't go off by itself by
simply mixing it with as much cotton as you can and then saturating
that with molten ((parifine--just enough to make it sealed and hard.
Typically, use the same amounts (by weight) of each Nitro, cotton and
parifine. This, when wrapped in newspaper, was once known as "Norbin
& Ohlsson's Patent Dynamite," but that was back in 1896.
Pool Phun
By: Long John Silver
The Police Station
First of all, you need know nothing about pools. The only thing
you need know is what a pool filter looks like. If you don't know
Second, dress casual. Preferably, in black. Visit your
"friends" house, the one whose pool looks like fun!!) Then you
reverse the polarity of his/her pool, by switching the wires around.
They are located in the back of the pump. This will have quite an
effect when the pump goes on. In other words. Boooooooooooommm!
Thats right, when you mix + wires with - plugs, and vice- versa, the
4th of july happens again.
Not into total destruction??? When the pump is off, switch the
pump to "backwash". Turn the pump on and get the phuck out! When you
look the next day, phunny. The pool is dry. If you want permanant
damage, yet no great display like my first one mentioned, shut the
valves of the pool off. (There are usually 2) One that goes to the
main drain and one that goes to the filter in the pool. That should
be enough to have one dead pump. The pump must take in water, so when
there isn't any...
Practical jokes: these next ones deal with true friends and
there is *no* permanent damage done. If you have a pool, you must
check the pool with chemicals. There is one labeled orthotolidine.
The other is labeled alkaline (ph). You want orthotolidine. (It
checks the chlorine). Go to your local pool store and tell them
you're going into the pool business, and to sell you orthotolidine (a
CL detector) Buy this in great quantities if possible. The solution
is clear. You fill 2 baggies with this chemical. And sew the bags to
the inside of your suit. Next, go swimming with your friend! Then
open the bags and look like you're enjoying a piss. And anyone there
will turn a deep red! They will be embarrased so much, Especially if
they have guests there! Explain what it is, then add vinegar to the
pool. Only a little. The "piss" disappears.
Car Phun
By: Long John Silver
The Police Station
How to have phun with someone else's car. If you really detest
someone, and I mean detest, here's a few tips on what to do in your
spare time. Move the windshield wiper blades, and insert and glue
tacks. The tacks make lovely designs. If your "friend" goes to
school with you, Just before he comes out of school. Light a lighter
and then put it directly underneath his car door handle.
Wait...Leave...Listen. When you hear a loud "shit!", you know he
made it to his car in time.
Remove his muffler and pour approximately 1 Cup of gas in it. Put
the muffler back, then wait till their car starts. Then you have a
cigarette lighter. A 30 foot long cigarette lighter.
This one is effective, and any fool can do it. Remove the top
air filter. That's it! Or a oldie but goodie: sugar in the gas tank.
Stuff rags soaked in gas up the exhaust pipe. Then you wonder why
your "friend" has trouble with his/her lungs. Here's one that takes
time and many friends. Take his/her car then break into their house
and reassemble it, in their living or bedroom. Phun eh? If you're
into engines, say eeni mine moe and point to something and remove it.
They wonder why something doesn't work. There are so many others, but
the real good juicy ones come by thinking hard.
Bell Trashing
By: The Dragyn
The Police Station
The Phone Co. will go to extreams on occasions. In fact, unless
you really know what to expect from them, they will suprise the heck
out of you with their "unpublished tarriffs". Recently, a situation
was brought to my attention that up till then I had been totaly
unaware of, least to mention, had any concern about. It involved gar-
bage! The phone co. will go as far as to prosecute anyone who rumages
through their garbage and helps himself to some
Of course, they have their reasons for this, and no doubt benefit
from such action. But, why should they be so picky about garbage? The
answer soon became clear to me: those huge metal bins are filled up
with more than waste old food and refuse... Although it is Pacific
Tele. policy to recycle paper waste products, sometimes employees do
overlook this sacred operation when sorting the garbage. Thus
top-secret confidential Phone Co. records go to the garbage bins
instead of the paper shredders. Since it is constantly being updated
with "company memorandums, and supplied with extensive reference
material, the Phone co. must continualy dispose of the outdated
materials. Some phone companies are supplied each year with the
complete "System Practices" guide. This pub- lication is an over 40
foot long library of reference material about every- thing to do with
telephones. As the new edition arrives each year, the old ver- sion of
"System Practices" must also be thrown out.
I very quickly figured out where some local phone phreaks were
getting their material. They crawl into the garbage bins and remove
selected items that are of particular interest to them and their
fellow phreaks. One phone phreak in the Los Angeles area has salvaged
the complete 1972 ed- ition of "Bell System Practices". It is so large
and was out of order (the binders had been removed) that it took him
over a year to sort it out and create enough shelving for it in his
Much of this "Top Secret" information is so secret that most phone
companies have no idea what is in their files. They have their hands
full simply replacing everything each time a change in wording
requires a new revision. It seems they waste more paper than they can
It took quite a while for Hollywood Cal traffic manager to figure
out how all of the local phone phreaks constantly discovered the
switchroom test numbers
Whenever someone wanted to use the testboard, they found the local
phone phreaks on the lines talking to all points all over the world.
It got to the point where the local garbage buffs knew more about the
office operations than the employees themselves. One ph- reak went so
far as to call in and tell a switchman what his next daily assign-
ment would be. This, however, proved to be too much. The switchman
traced the call and one phone phreak was denied the tool of his trade.
In another rather humorous incident, a fellow phreak was rumaging
through the trash bin when he heard somone apraoch- ing. He pressed up
against the side of the bin and silently waited for the goodies to
come. You can imagine his surprise when the garbage from the lunchroom
landed on his head. Most people find evenings best for checking out
their local telco trash piles. The only thing necessary is a
flashlight and, in the case mentioned above, possibly a rain coat. A
word of warning though, before you rush out and dive into the trash
heap. It is probably illegal, but no matter where you live, you
certainly won't get the local policeman to hold your flashlight for
To get even with an ex trading friend. Offer to send him the newest
ware by mail. But before you do this take the disk out of its jacket
and do the following:
Take a small dish and pour acetone (nail polish remover) into it.
Now get lotsa matcheads and put them in it. Now pulverize it until
you have a somewhat gooey consistency. This is what you should brush
the disk in a thin layer but make sure you leave a clean area to show
thru the envelope. Now when he boots it, it boots him!!!
-Ziggy Stardust/Boys From Brazil-
Demolition Article #1
By: King Arthur
The Police Station
Like all chemists I must advise you all to take the greatest care
and caution when you are doing this. Even if you have made this stuff
This first article will give you information on making
nitroglyerin, the basic ingredient in a lot of explosives such as
straight dynamites, and geletin dynamites.
Making nitroglycerin
1. Fill a 75-milliliter beaker to the 13 ml. Level with fuming
red nitric acid, of 98% pure concentration.
2. Place the beaker in an ice bath and allow to cool below room
3. After it has cooled, add to it three times the amount of
fuming sulferic acid (99% h2so4). In other words, add to the
now-cool fuming nitric acid 39 ml. Of fuming sulferic acid.
When mixing any acids, always do it slowly and carefully to
avoid splattering.
4. When the two are mixed, lower thier temp. By adding more ice
to the bath, about 10-15 degrees centigrade. (Use a
mercury-operated thermometer)
5. When the acid solution has cooled to the desired temperature,
it is ready for the glycerin. The glycerin must be added in
small amounts using a medicine dropper. (Read this step about
10 times!) Glycerin is added slowly and carefully (i mean
careful!) Until the entire surface of the acid it covered with
6. This is a dangerous point since the nitration will take place
as soon as the glycerin is added. The nitration will produce
heat, so the solution must be kept below 30 degrees
centigrade! If the solution should go above 30 degrees,
immediately dump the solution into the ice bath! This will
insure that it does not go off in your face!
7. For hte first ten minutes of nitration, the mixture should be
gently stirred. In a normal reaction the nitroglycerin will
formas a layer on top of the acid solution, while the sulferic
acid will absorb the excess water.
8. After the nitration has taken place, and the nitroglycerin has
formed on the top of the solution, the entire beaker should be
transferred slowly and carefully to another beaker of water.
When this is done the nitroglycerin will settle at the bottem
so the other acids can be drained away.
9. After removing as much acid as posible without disturbing the
nitroglycerin, remove the nitroglycerin with an eyedropper and
place it in a bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate in case
you didn't know) solution. The sodium is an alkalai and will
nuetralize much of the acid remaining. This process should be
repeated as much as necesarry using blue litmus paper to check
for the presence of acid. The remaining acid only makes the
nitroglycerin more unstable than it already is.
10. Finally! The final step is to remove the nitroglycerin from
the bicarbonate. His is done with and eye- dropper, slowly
and carefully. The usual test to see if nitration has been
successful is to place one drop of the nitroglycerin on metal
and ignite it. If it is true nitroglycerin it will burn with
a clear blue flame.
** Caution **
nitro is very sensative to decomposition, heating dropping, or
jarring, and may explode if left undisturbed and cool.
Demoltion Article #2
By: King Arthur
The Police Station
I have decided to skip the article on mercury fluminate for a
while and get right into the dynamite article.
Dynamite is nothing more than just nitroglycerin and a stablizing
agent to make it much safer to use. For the sake of saving time, I
will abbreviate nitroglycerin with a plain NG. The numbers
are percentages, be sure to mix these carefully and be sure to use the
exact amounts. These percentages are in weight ratio, not volume.
no. ingredients amount
#1 NG 32
sodium nitrate 28
woodmeal 10
ammonium oxalate 29
guncotten 1
#2 NG 24
potassium nitrate 9
sodium nitate 56
woodmeal 9
ammonium oxalate 2
#3 NG 35.5
potassium nitrate 44.5
woodmeal 6
guncotton 2.5
vaseline 5.5
powdered charcoal 6
#4 NG 25
potassium nitrate 26
woodmeal 34
barium nitrate 5
starch 10
#5 NG 57
potassium nitrate 19
woodmeal 9
ammonium oxalate 12
guncotton 3
#6 NG 18
sodium nitrate 70
woodmeal 5.5
potassium chloride 4.5
chalk 2
#7 NG 26
woodmeal 40
barium nitrate 32
sodium carbonate 2
#8 NG 44
woodmeal 12
anhydrous sodium sulfate 44
#9 NG 24
potassium nitrate 32.5
woodmeal 33.5
ammonium oxalate 10
#10 NG 26
potassium nitrate 33
woodmeal 41
#11 NG 15
sodium nitrate 62.9
woodmeal 21.2
sodium carbonate .9
#12 NG 35
sodium nitrate 27
woodmeal 10
ammonium oxalate 1
#13 NG 32
potassium nitrate 27
woodmeal 10
ammonium oxalate 30
guncotton 1
#14 NG 33
woodmeal 10.3
ammonium oxalate 29
guncotton .7
potassium perchloride 27
#15 NG 40
sodium nitrate 45
woodmeal 15
#16 NG 47
starch 50
guncotton 3
#17 NG 30
sodium nitrate 22.3
woodmeal 40.5
potassium chloride 7.2
#18 NG 50
sodium nitrate 32.6
woodmeal 17
ammonium oxalate .4
#19 NG 23
potassium nitrate 27.5
woodmeal 37
ammonium oxalate 8
barium nitrate 4
calcium carbonate .5
Household equivalants for chemicles
It has come to my attention that m any of these chemicles are
sold under brand names, or have household equivalants. here is a list
that might help you out.
acetic acid vinegar
aluminum oxide alumia
aluminum potassium sulfate alum
aluminum sulfate alum
ammonium hydroxide ammonia
carbon carbonate chalk
calcium hypochloride bleaching powder
calcium oxide lime
calcium sulfate plaster of paris
carbonic acid seltzer
carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid
ethylene dichloride Dutch fluid
ferric oxide iron rust
glucose corn syrup
graphite pencil lead
hydrochloric acid muriatic acid
hydrogen peroxide peroxide
lead acetate sugar of lead
lead tetrooxide red lead
magnesium silicate talc
magnesium sulfate Epsom salts
naphthalene mothballs
phenol carbolic acid
potassium bicarbonate cream of tartar
potassium chromium sulf. chrome alum
potassium nitrate saltpeter
sodium dioxide sand
sodium bicarbonate baking soda
sodium borate borax
sodium carbonate washing soda
sodium chloride salt
sodium hydroxide lye
sodium silicate water glass
sodium sulfate glauber's salt
sodium thiosulfate photographer's hypo
sulferic acid battery acid
sucrose cane sugar
zinc chloride tinner's fluid
Keep this list handy at all times. If you can't seem to get one
or more of the ingredients try another one. If you still can't, you
can always buy sm all amounts from your school, or maybe from various
chemical companies. When you do that, be sure to say as little as
possible, if during the school year, and they ask, say it's for a
experement for school.
Improvising Black Powder
By: Mr. Byte-Zap
The Police Station
Black powder can be prepared in a simple, safe manner. It may be
used as blasting or gun powder.
Material required:
potassium nitrate, granulated, 3 cups
wood charcoal, powdered, 2 cups
sulfur, powdered, 1/2 cup
alcohol, 5 pints (whiskey, rubbing alcohol, etc.)
Water, 3 cups
heat source
2 buckets -- each 2 gallon capacity, at least one of which is heat
resistant (metal, ceramic, etc.)
Flat window screening, at least 1 ft. Square
large wooden stick
cloth, at least 2 ft. Square
note: the above amounts will yield 2 ounds of black powder. However,
only the ratios of the amounts of the ingredients are important.
Thus, for twice as much black powder, double all quantities
1) place alcohol in one of the buckets
2) place potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in the heat resistant
bucket. Add 1 cup water and mix thoroughly with wooden stick until
all ingredients are dissolved.
3) Add remaining water (2 cups) to mixture. Place bucket on heat
source and stir until small bubbles begin to form.
Caution: do not boil mixture. Be sure all mixture stays wet. If any
is dry, as on sides of pan, it may ignite.
4) Remove bucket from heat and pour mixture into alcohol while
stirring vigorously
5) let alcohol stand about 5 minutes. Strain mixture through cloth to
obtain black powder. Discard liquid. Wrap cloth around black
powder and squeeze to remove all excess liquid.
6) Place screening over dry bucket. Place workable amount of damp
powder on screen and granulate by rubbing solid through screen
note: if granulated particles appear to stick together and change
shape, recombine entire batch of powder and repeat steps 5 & 6.
7) Spread granulated powder on flat dry surface so that layer about
1/2 inch is formed. Allow to dry. Use radiator , or direct
sunlight. This should be dried as soon as possible, preferably in
one hour. The longer the drying period, the less effective the
black powder.
Caution: remove from heat as soon as granules are dry. Black powder
is now ready for use.
Wierd Drugs
By: Pa Bell
The Police Station
1. Obtain 15 pounds of ripe yellow bananas
2. Peel all and eat the fruit. Save the peelings
3. Scrape all the insides of the peels with a sharp knife.
4. Put all the scraped material in a large pot and add water.
5. Boil 3 or 4 hours until it has attained a solid paste considtency.
6. Spread paste onto cookie sheets and dry in ofen for about 20
minutes. This will result in fine black powder. Usually one will
feel the effects after smoking three to four cigarettes.
Cough syrup:
mix robitussion a-c with an equal amount of ginger ale and drink. The
effect are sedation and euphoria. Never underestimate the effects of
any drug! You can od on cough syrup!
1. Collect five to ten toads, frogs will not work. The best kind are
tree toads.
2. Kill them as painlessly as possible, and skin immediately.
3. Allow the skins to dry in a refrigerator four four to five days, or
until the skins are brittle.
4. Now crush the skins into powder and smoke. Due to its bad taste you
can mix it with a more fragrent smoking medium.
1. Take several whole nutmegs and grind them up in an old grinder.
2. After the nutmegs are ground. Place in a mortar and pulverize with
a pestle.
3. The usual dosage is about 10 or 15 g rams. A larger dose may
produce excessive thirst,anxiety,and rapid hart beat, but
hallucinations are rare.
1. Take 1 pound of raw peanuts (not roasted)
2. Shell them, saving the skins and discarding the shells.
3. Eat the nuts.
4. Grind up the skins and smoke them.
The Book Of The Unlawfuls
By: Shadowspawn
The Police Station
-=] Section I [=-
-=] Bombs [=-
--- ----- ---
House Hold equivalants
----- ---- -----------
Name Equivalant
---- ----------
acetic acid vinegar
aluminum oxide alumia
aluminum potassium sulfate alum
aluminum sulfate alum
ammonium hydroxide ammonia
carbon carbonate chalk
carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid
calcium hypochloride bleaching powder
calcium oxide lime
calcium sulfate plaster of paris
carbonic acid seltzer
ethylene dichloride dutch fluid
ferric oxide iron rust
glucose corn syrup
graphite pencil lead
hydrochloric acid muriatic acid
hydrogen peroxide peroxide
lead acetate sugar of lead
lead tetrooxide red lead
magesium silicate talc
magesium sulfate Epsom salts
naphthalene mothballs
phenol carbolic acid
potassium bicarbonate cream of tarter
potassium chromium sulfate chrome alum
potassium nitrate saltpeter
sodium dioxide sand
sodium bicarbonate baking soda
sodium borate borax
sodium carbonate washing soda
sodium choride salt
sodium hydroxide lye
sodium silicate water glass
sodium sulfate glaubers' salt
sodium thiosulfate photographers hypo
sulferic acid battery acid
sucrose cane sugar
zinc choride tinner's fluid
------------ --------------
-=] Smoke Bomb [=-
--- ----- ---- ---
4 parts sugar
6 parts potassium nitrate
over low flame till melts stir well, then pour into container. Before
it soldifies, put a few matches in for fuses.
*One pound of this stuff will fill a block nicely with a thick cloud
of white smoke*
-=] Generic bomb [=-
--- ------- ---- ---
1) Aquire a glass container
2) Put in a few drops of gasoline
3) Cap the top
4) Now turn the container around to coat the inner surfaces and then
5) Add a few drops of potassium permanganate (<-Get this stuff from a
snake bite kit)
6) The bomb is detonated by throwing aganist a solid object.
-=] Section II [=-
-=] Hacking [=-
--- ------- ---
-=] Conferance calls [=-
--- ---------- ----- ---
*I recomend that you do this local*
To make a conference call with as many people you want, just call the
operator ("0") and say "Hello, I'd like to make a conference call."
Then give the (first) Names (not pirate names, ether) and the phone
#'s of the people you want to call And she'll do it.(hint: make sure
that the people you are callin are expecting it. because its damn
annoying to be talking to 3 people and having the third be busy for
the whole time
-=] Charge-a-call phones [=-
--- ------------- ------ ---
On a charge-a-call phone (there blue but dont have any coin slots)
take a hex wrench (with a hole in the middle) and remove the screw in
the middle for an extention!
-=] Free calls [=-
--- ---- ----- ---
From a pay phone, (the kind that gives you a dial tone AFTER you put
in the dime) and drop in your dime. Then dial the #, then put another
dime in! It'll come back out when you finish your call.
More Fun Stuff for Terrorists
By: Anselot the Slayer
The Police Station
Carbide Bomb
This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Exercise extreme caution.... Obtain some
calcium carbide. This is the stuff that is used in carbide lamps and
can be found at nearly any hardware store. Take a few pieces of this
stuff (it looks like gravel) and put it in a glass jar with some
water. Put a lid on tightly. The carbide will react with the water to
produce acetylene carbonate which is similar to the gas used in
cutting torches. Eventually the glass with explode from internal
pressure. If you leave a burning rag nearby, you will get a nice
Portable Grenade Launcher
If you have a bow, this one is for you. Remove the ferrule from an
aluminum arrow, and fill the arrow with black powder (I use grade
FFFF, it burns easy)and then glue a shotshell primer into the hole
left where the ferrule went. Next, glue a BB on the primer, and you
are ready to go! Make sure no one is nearby.... Little shreds of
aluminim go all over the place!!
Auto Exhaust Flame Thrower
For this one, all you need is a car, a sparkplug, ignition wire and a
switch. Install the spark plug into the last four or five inches of
the tailpipeby drilling a hole that the plug can screw into easily.
Attach the wire (this is regular insulated wire) to one side of the
switch and to the spark plug. The other side of the switch is attached
to the positive terminal on the battery. With the car running, simply
hit the switch and watch the flames fly!!! Again be careful that no
one is behind you! I have seen some of these flames go 20 feet!!!
Harmless Terror
By: The Prowler
The Police Station
To all those who do not wish to inflict bodily damage on their victems
but only terror.
These are weapons that should be used from high places.
1) The flour bomb.
Take a wet paper towel and pour a given amount of baking flour in
the center. Then wrap it up and put on a rubber band to keep it
together. When thrown it will fly well but when it hits, it covers
the victim with the flower or causes a big puff of flour which will
put the victim in terror since as far as they are concerned, some
strange white powder is all over them. This is a cheap method of
terror and for only the cost and seal it. (Make
sure there is no air in it since the solution will form a gas and
you don't want it to pop on you.) Then put it in a bigger plastic
bag and fill it with vinegar and seal it. When thrown, the two
substances will mix and cause a violently bubbling substance to go
all over the victim.
Electronic Terrorism
By: King Tut
The Police Station
It starts when a big, dumb lummox rudely insults you. Being of a
rational, intelligent disposition, you wisely choose to avoid a
(direct) confrontation. But as he laughs in your face, you smile
inwardly---your revenge is already planned.
Step 1: follow your victim to his locker, car, or house. Once you
have chosen your target site, lay low for a week or more,
letting your anger boil.
Step 2: in the mean time, assemble your versatile terrorist
kit(details below.)
Step 3: plant your kit at the desig- nated target site on a monday
morning between the hours of 4:00 am and 6:00 am. Include a
calm, suggestive note that quietly hints at the possibility
of another attack. Do not write it by hand! An example of
an effective note:
"don't be such a jerk, or the
next one will take off your
hand. Have a nice day."
Notice how the calm tone instills fear. As if written by a
homicidal psychopath.
Step 5: choose a strategic location overlooking the target site. Try
to position yourself in such a way that you can see his
facial contortions.
Step 6: sit back and enjoy the fireworks!
Assembly of the versatile, economic, and effective terrorist kit #1:
the parts you'll need are:
1) 4 aa batteries
2) 1 9-volt battery
3) 1 spdt mini relay (radio shack)
4) 1 rocket engine(smoke bomb or m-80)
5) 1 solar ignitor (any hobby store)
6) 1 9-volt battery connector
step 1: take the 9-volt battery and wire it through the relay's coil.
This circuit should also include a pair of contacts that when
separated cut off this circuit. These contacts should be
held together by trapping them between the locker,mailbox, or
car door. Once the door is opened, the contacts fall apart
and the 9-volt circuit is broken, allowing
the relay to fall to the closed postion thus closing the
ignition circuit. (If all this is confusing take a look at
the schematic below.)
Step 2: take the 4 aa batteries and
wire them in succession. Wire the positive terminal of one
to the negative terminal of another, until all four are
connected except one positive terminal and one negative
terminal. Even though the four aa batteries only combine to
create 6 volts, the increase in amperage is necessary to
activate the solar ignitor quickly and effectively.
Step 3: take the battery pack (made in step 2) and wire one end of it
to the relay's single pole and the other end to one prong of
the solar ignitor. Then wire the other prong of the solar
ignitor back to the open position on the relay.
Step 4: using double sided carpet tape mount the kit in his locker,
mailbox, or car door. And last, insert the solar ignitor
into the rocket engine (smoke bomb or m-80).
Your kit is now complete!
I --- (9 VOLT)
I ---
/ I
/ I
/ I
I - ( PACK )
I ---
---- -----
How to Make Bugs Breakdance
By: The Daredevil
The Police Station
Hello, name's Daredevil. I am about to present you with step by
step instructions on how to make insects and such to dance around like
Michael Jackson. Havoc Chaos and I figured this out while over at
Havoc's home. Bugs can breakdance, despite popular belief!
The first thing you will need is a neat pair of tweezers. Their use
will become obvious later in this SoftDoc. While tweezers work best,
I also recommend scissors and (oops.) exacto-knives for those without
shaky hands.
The next thing you will need is a bug. I highly recommend flies, as
they are abundant, and nobody really misses them. Some people get
angry if you use insects like spiders or crickets. (Don't ask me,
darn those enviromentalists.)
Flies can be found around window sills, fresh meat, or any
beer-guzzling father. They are pretty much easy to trap, but the catch
is that you'll need them alive. Fly swatters and newspapers should not
be used to catch these little buggers. Horse flies also are not
recommended, as they are supposed to bite. (Hey, i've never been
bitten. If you have, send me E-Mail, okay? -DD) The common house
fly works best.
Now, capturing these pests alive is the thing. Get a glass or
something, and trap it. Wait a while, and watch it fly feebly around
the jar looking for a way out. If you're smarter than you look, it
won't get out. It's real fun to shake the jar and stun the sucker.
Take the fly from the jar with a 'kleenex' or something of the like,
and hold it so it's pitiful wings are accessable to you. Now, with the
tweezers I mentioned above, pull his wings off.
(AUTHORS NOTE: Some lesser minds have accually called me 'sadistic'
because of the fact that I pull flies wings off. Well, you don't hear
them complaining, do you? -DD)
Anyways, now that his wings are gone, all he can do is hop and run
around like a complete fool. Now, here's the fun part.(What do you
mean, pulling the wings off was the fun part!?)
The first trick is to teach it the backspin. Put your new-found pet
in the (a) corner in your room. The fly will then attempt to climb
the wall. But, the poor, pitiful creature won't make it. He will
fall to the dusty floor onto his back. This is where you come in. If
he isn't spinning around, then give him a little help. They will be
back-spinning in no time at all!
You'll notice that flies without wings jump around a lot. This
really looks like a neat act, and they can really jump far. (Coming
next: Fly Olympics? Nahhh...)
To make a fly moonwalk, watch it as it crawls around on your dresser
top. Give it a fling with your index finger, and it will almost "fly"
across the space it's in! Not only does it go backwards, but upside
down, rightside up, right, left, north, south, etc...
My favorite trick is to get a paper plate(You know, the cheap ones
your mother buys from K-Mart...) and put your friend on top of the
plate. Bounce him up and down on the plate, and watch him attempt to
walk afterwards. It's really neat.
Well, this is just about all of the neat little tricks you can do
with bugs. You can take up boring Sunday afternoons with this
pasttime, and maybe we'll se a breakdancing bugs contest one of these
days. Maybe not.
(ANOTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE: Lord Omega of Shadow Keep BBS suggests to
spray them with 'Windex' and other household items. They really get
weird, according to him.)
I just also wanted to point out that Havoc the Chaos's Stepmother
warned us that pulling wings off of flies was beginning signs of
insanity. We are not in ANY way responsible for people's sanity,
after they take up this sport. It was rumored that Charles Manson
liked to play with flies...
The Best of The Station
By: The Prowler
The Police Station
<-> Mace Substitute <->
3 PARTS: Alchohol
1/2 PARTS: Iodine
1/2 PARTS: Salt
3 PARTS: Alchohol
1 PARTS: Iodized Salt (Mortons)
It's not actual mace, but it does a
damn good job on the eyes...
<-> CO2 Canister Bomb <->
Take a Co2 canister and cut the top almost off but leave a little to
form a hinge. Let out the Co2 and insert a M80 into it. Insert fuse
throught hole in top. Close the top by welding or epoxy glue. When
ready to ignite just light... Pretty neat eh?
<-> Unstable Explosives <->
Mix solid Nitric Iodine with househould ammonia. Wait overnight and
then pour off the liquid. You will be left with a muddy substance. Let
this dry till it hardens. Now throw it at something!!!!
<-> Jug Bomb <->
Take a glass jug, and put 3 to 4 drops of gasoline into it. Then put
the cap on, and swish the gas around so the inner surface of the jug
is coated. Then add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution
into it and cap it. To blow it up, either throw it at something, or
roll it at something.
<-> Hindenberg Bomb <->
1 Balloon
1 Bottle
1 Liquid Plumr
1 Piece Aluminum FoilL
1 Length Fuse
Fill the bottle 3/4 full with Liquid Plumr and add a little piece of
aluminum foil to it. Put the balloon over the neck of the bottle until
the balloon is full of the resulting gas. This is highly flammable
hydrogen. Now tie the baloon. Now light the fuse, and let it rise.
When the fuse contacts the balloon, watch out!!!
Free Postage!!
By: TAP Magazine
The Police Station
The increasing cost of postage to mail letters and packages is
bringing down our standard of living. To remedy this deplorable
situation, some counter control measures can be applied.
For example, if the stamps on a letter are coated with Elmer's
Glue by the sender, the cancellation mark will not destroy the stamp:
the Elmer/s drives to form an almost invisible coating that protects
the stamps from the cancellation ink. Later, the receiver of the
letter can remove the cancellation mark with water and reuse the
stamps. Furthermore, ecological saving will also result from recycling
the stamps. Help save a tree.
The glue is most efficently applied with a
3jNY##x?jtx<mhpm1<>Th=htsq<xld#uq=qjk=,(## minutes.
For mailing packages, just follow the same procedure as outlined
above; however, the package should be weighed and checked to make sure
that it has the correct amount of postage on it before it is taken to
the Post Office.
Removing the cancellation and the glue from the stamps can be
easily accomplished by soaking the stamps in warm water until they
float free from the paper. The stamps can then be put onto a paper
towel to dry. Processing stamps in large batches saves time too.
Also, it may be helpful to write the word 'Elmer' at the top of the
letter (not on the envelope) to cue the receiving party in that the
stamps have been protected with the glue.
We all know that mailing packages can be expensive. And we also
know that the handicapped are sometimes discriminated against in jobs.
The Government, being the generous people they are, have given the
blind free postal service.
Simply address you envelope as usual, and make one modification.
In the corner where the stamp would go, write in (or stamp) the words
'FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND". Then drop you package or letter in one
of the blue fedral mailboxes. DO NOT TAKE THE LETTER TO THE POST
Sounds very nice of the government to do this, right? Well, they
aren't that nice. The parcel is sent library rate, that is below
third class. It may take four to five days to send a letter to just
the next town.
This too is quite simple, but less effective. Put the address
that you are sending the letter to as the return address. If you were
sending a $20 donation to the pirate's Chest, you would put our
address (po box 644, lincoln ma. 01773) as the return address.
Then you would have to be carless and forget to put the stamp on
the envelope. A nice touch is to put a bullshit address in the center
of the envelope.
Again, you MUST drop the letter in a FEDRAL mailbox. If the post
office doesn't send the letter to the return address for having no
stamp, they will send it back for the reason of "No such address".
Pirates Chest
P.O. Box 644
Lincol, Ma.
Tom Bullshit
20 Fake Road
What Ever, XX
One last thing you might try doing is soaking a cancelled stamp
off of an envelope, and gluing it onto one you are sending. Then burn
the stamp, leaveing a little bit to show that there was one there.
How to Have Fun at K-Mart
By: The Daredevil
The Police Station
Well, first off, one must realise the importance of K-Marts in
society today. First off, K-Marts provide things cheaper to those who
can't afford to shop at higher quality stores. Although, all I ever
see in there is minorities and Senior Citizens, and the poor people in
our city. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead in there. But, once,
I did.
You see, once, after The Moon Roach and Havoc Chaos(Dear friends of
mine) and I were exploring such fun things as rooftops, we came along
a K-Mart. Amused, and cold for that matter, we wandered in. The
Tension mounts.
As we walked up to the entrance, we were nearly attacked by Youth
Groups selling cheap cookies, and wheelchair sticken people selling
American Flags. After laughing at these people, we entered. This is
where the real fun begins...
First, we wandered around the store, and turned on all the blue
lights we could find. That really distracts and confuses the
attendents...Fun to do...
The first neat thing, is to go to the section of the store where
they sell computers. Darkness engulf the earth the day they find Apple
Computers being sold there. Instead, lesser computers like the
laughable Vic-20 can be found there...Turn it on, and make sure
nobody's looking...Then, once in Basic, type...
]10 PRINT "Fuck the world! Anarchy Rules!" (or something to that
]20 GOTO 10 and walk away.
Also, set the sample radios in the store to a santanic rock station,
and turn the radio off. Then, set the alarm for two minutes ahead of
the time displayed there. Turn the volume up all the way, and walk
away. After about two minutes, you will see the clerk feebly attempt
to turn the radio down or off. It's really neat to set ten or more
radios to different stations, and walk away.
One o