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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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| Motorola |
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| 666 88888 000 5555555 |
| 6 8 8 0 0 5 |
| 6 8 8 0 0 0 5 |
| 666666 88888 0 0 0 555555 |
| 6 6 8 8 0 0 0 5 |
| 6 6 8 8 0 0 5 |
| 66666 88888 000 555555 |
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| 6805 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary |
| |
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| |
| |
| |
| _________ _________ |
| _| \__/ |_ |
| Vss |_|1 40|_| PA7 <--> |
| _____ _| |_ |
| --> RESET |_|2 39|_| PA6 <--> |
| ___ _| |_ |
| --> INT |_|3 38|_| PA5 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| Vcc |_|4 37|_| PA4 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| --> EXTAL |_|5 36|_| PA3 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| --> XTAL |_|6 35|_| PA2 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| NUM |_|7 34|_| PA1 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| --> TIMER |_|8 33|_| PA0 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC0 |_|9 32|_| PB7 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC1 |_|10 MC6805U2 31|_| PB6 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC2 |_|11 30|_| PB5 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC3 |_|12 29|_| PB4 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC4 |_|13 28|_| PB3 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC5 |_|14 27|_| PB2 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC6 |_|15 26|_| PB1 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PC7 |_|16 25|_| PB0 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PD7 |_|17 24|_| PD0 <--> |
| ____ _| |_ |
| <--> PD6/INT2 |_|18 23|_| PD1 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PD5 |_|19 22|_| PD2 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> PD4 |_|20 21|_| PD3 <--> |
| |______________________| |
| |
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|Written by Jonathan Bowen |
| Programming Research Group |
| Oxford University Computing Laboratory |
| 8-11 Keble Road |
| Oxford OX1 3QD |
| England |
| |
| Tel +44-865-273840 |
| |
|Created August 1981 |
|Updated April 1985 |
|Issue 1.1 Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemon.|Op|HINZC|IXED#RBT|Description |Notes |
|ADC s|F9|*-***| XXXX |Add with Carry |A=A+s+C |
|ADD s|FB|*-***| XXXX |Add |A=A+s |
|AND s|F4|--**-| XXXX |Logical AND |A=A&s |
|ASL d|78|--***| X X |Arithmetic Shift Left |d=d*2 |
|ASLA |48|--***|X |Arithmetic Shift Left |A=A*2 |
|ASLX |58|--***|X |Arithmetic Shift Left |X=X*2 |
|ASR d|77|--***| X X |Arithmetic Shift Right |d=d/2 |
|ASRA |47|--***|X |Arithmetic Shift Right |A=A/2 |
|ASRX |57|--***|X |Arithmetic Shift Right |X=X/2 |
|BCC a|24|-----|X |Branch if Carry Clear |If C=0 |
|BCLR b|11|-----| X |Bit Clear |b=0 |
|BCS a|25|-----| X |Branch if Carry Set |If C=1 |
|BEQ a|27|-----| X |Branch if Equal |If Z=1 |
|BHCC a|28|-----| X |Branch if Half C. Clear|If H=0 |
|BHCS a|29|-----| X |Branch if Half C. Set |If H=1 |
|BHI a|22|-----| X |Branch if Higher |If CvZ=0 |
|BHS a|24|-----| X |Branch if Higher/Same |If C=0 |
|BIH a|2F|-----| X |Branch if Int. High |If I=1 |
|BIL a|2E|-----| X |Branch if Int. Low |If I=0 |
|BIT s|F5|--**-| XXXX |Bit Test |A&s |
|BLO a|25|-----| X |Branch if Lower |If C=1 |
|BLS a|23|-----| X |Branch if Lower or Same|If CvZ=1 |
|BMC a|2C|-----| X |Branch if Mask Clear |If I=0 |
|BMI a|2B|-----| X |Branch if Minus |If N=1 |
|BMS a|2D|-----| X |Branch if Mask Set |If I=1 |
|BNE a|26|-----| X |Branch if Not Equal |If Z=0 |
|BPL a|2A|-----| X |Branch if Plus |If N=0 |
|BRA a|20|-----| X |Branch Always |PC=a |
|BRN a|21|-----| X |Branch Never |No operation|
|BRCLR c|01|-----| X|Test for Bit Clear |If b=0 |
|BRSET c|00|-----| X|Test for Bit Set |If b=1 |
|BSET b|10|-----| X |Bit Set |b=1 |
|BSR a|AD|-----|X |Branch to Subroutine |-[SP]=PC,BRA|
|CLC |98|----0|X |Clear Carry |C=0 |
|CLI |9A|-0---|X |Clear Interrupt Mask |I=0 |
|CLR d|7F|--010| X X |Clear |d=0 |
|CLRA |4F|--010|X |Clear Accumulator |A=0 |
|CLRX |5F|--010|X |Clear Index register |X=0 |
|CMP s|F1|--***| XXXX |Compare |A-s |
|COM d|73|--**1| X X |Complement |d=~d |
|COMA |43|--**1|X |Complement Accumulator |A=~A |
|COMX |43|--**1|X |Complement Index reg. |X=~X |
|CPX s|F3|--***|X |Compare Index register |X-s |
|DEC d|7A|--**-| X X |Decrement |d=d-1 |
|DECA |4A|--**-|X |Decrement Accumulator |A=A-1 |
|DECX |5A|--**-|X |Decrement Index reg. |X=X-1 |
|EOR s|F8|--**-| XXXX |Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs |
|INC d|7C|--**-| X X |Increment |d=d+1 |
|INCA |4C|--**-|X |Increment Accumulator |A=A+1 |
|INCX |5C|--**-|X |Increment Index reg. |X=X+1 |
|JMP d|FC|-----| XXX |Jump |PC=d |
|JSR d|FD|-----| XXX |Jump to Subroutine |-[SP]=PC,JMP|
|LDA s|F6|--**-| XXXX |Load Accumulator |A=s |
|LDX s|FE|--**-| XXXX |Load Index register |X=s |
|LSL d|78|--0**| X X |Logical Shift Left |d={C,d,0}<- |
|LSLA |48|--0**|X |Logical Shift Left |A={C,A,0}<- |
|LSLX |58|--0**|X |Logical Shift Left |X={C,X,0}<- |
|LSR d|74|--0**| X X |Logical Shift Right |d=->{C,d,0} |
|LSRA |44|--0**|X |Logical Shift Right |A=->{C,A,0} |
|LSRX |54|--0**|X |Logical Shift Right |X=->{C,X,0} |
|NEG d|70|?-***| X X |Negate |d=-d |
|NEGA |40|?-***|X |Negate Accumulator |A=-A |
|NEGX |50|?-***|X |Negate Index register |X=-X |
|NOP |9D|-----|X |No Operation | |
|ORA s|FA|--**-| XXXX |Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs |
|ROL d|79|--***| X X |Rotate Left |d={C,d}<- |
|ROLA |49|--***|X |Rotate Left Accumulator|A={C,A}<- |
|ROLX |59|--***|X |Rotate Left Index reg. |X={C,X}<- |
|ROR d|76|--***| X X |Rotate Right |d=->{C,d} |
|RORA |46|--***|X |Rotate Right Acc. |A=->{C,A} |
|RORX |56|--***|X |Rotate Right Index reg.|X=->{C,X} |
|RSP |9C|-----|X |Reset Stack Pointer |SP=007EH |
|RTI |80|?????|X |Return from Interrupt |{regs}=[SP]+|
|RTS |81|-----|X |Return from Subroutine |PC=[SP]+ |
|SBC s|F2|--***| XXXX |Subtract with Carry |A=A-s-C |
|SEC |99|----0|X |Set Carry |C=1 |
|Mnemon.|Op|HINZC|I#DEXRBT|Description |Notes |
|SEI |9B|-0---|X |Set Interrupt Mask |I=1 |
|STA d|F7|--**-| XXX |Store Accumulator |d=A |
|STX d|FF|--**-| XXX |Store Index register |d=X |
|SUB s|F0|--***| XXXX |Subtract |A=A-s |
|SWI |83|-----|X |Software Interrupt | |
|TAX |97|-----|X |Transfer Acc. to Index |X=A |
|TST s|7D|--**-| X X |Test zero or minus |s |
|TSTA |4D|--**-|X |Test Accumulator |A |
|TSTX |5D|--**-|X |Test Index register |X |
|TXA |9F|-----|X |Transfer Index to Acc. |A=X |
| CC |-*01?| |Unaffect/affected/reset/set/unknown |
| H |H | |Half carry (Bit 4) |
| I | I | |IRQ interrupt mask (Bit 3) |
| N | N | |Negative (Bit 2) |
| Z | Z | |Zero (Bit 1) |
| C | C| |Carry/borrow (Bit 0) |
| |I |Inherent |
| X | X |Index (no offset, Op=X) |
| n,X | X |Index (8-bit offset, Op=X-10H) |
| nn,X | X |Index (16-bit offset, Op=X-20H) |
| nn,E | E |Extended (Op=X-30H) |
| nn | E | ditto when EXTEND is default |
| n,D | D |Direct (Op=X-40H) |
| n | D | ditto when DIRECT is default |
| #n | # |Immediate (Op=X-50H) |
| a | R |Relative (PC=PC+2+offset) |
| b | B |Bit set/clear |
| c | T|Bit test and branch |
|DIRECT |Direct addressing mode |
|EXTEND |Extended addressing mode |
|FCB n |Form Constant Byte |
|FCC 'string' |Form Constant Characters |
|FDB nn |Form Double Byte |
|RMB nn |Reserve Memory Bytes |
| A |Accumulator (8-bit) |
| CC |Condition Code register (8-bit) |
| PC |Program Counter (11-bit) |
| SP |Stack Pointer (11-bit, 61H to 7FH) |
| X |Index register (8-bit) |
| a |Relative address (-125 to +129) |
| b |Bit (0 to 7), byte (0 to 255) |
| c |Bit, byte, relative address |
| d |Destination |
| n |8-bit expression (0 to 255) |
| nn |16-bit expression (0 to 65535) |
| r |Register A or X |
| s |Source |
| string |String of ASCII characters |
| + |Arithmetic addition |
| - |Arithmetic subtraction |
| * |Arithmetic multiplication |
| / |Arithmetic division |
| & |Logical AND |
| ~ |Logical NOT |
| v |Logical inclusive OR |
| x |Logical exclusive OR |
| <- |Rotate left |
| -> |Rotate right |
| [ ] |Indirect addressing |
| [ ]+ |Indirect addressing, auto-increment |
| -[ ] |Auto-decrement, indirect addressing |
| { } |Combination of operands |
| {regs} |All registers {PC,X,A,CC} |
| $ |Program Counter content |
| 0061H to 007FH |Reserved for stack (see RSP) |
| FFF8H to FFF9H |Hardware interrupt vector |
| FFFAH to FFFBH |SWI instruction interrupt vector |
| FFFCH to FFFDH |Non-maskable interrupt vector |
| FFFEH to FFFFH |Reset vector |