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PPiC Issue #16
Contents: Author
Editors Note -Scourge
Bashes and bad asses -Ground Zero
How 2 kill a BELL -Enigma
Nick Math -Overkill
Anarchy @ School #3 -No Name
Fuck you list. -Compilation (By No Name)
Editors' Note
You know, I really hate fags. I had some queer on
America Online ask me if I wanted to jack off with him voice.
(Of course I declined). If you know of any good gay bars (good to bash)
or any beaches where they hang out, go do society a favor, and
destroy them. It even says in the good ol' Bible that gays need to die.
And God blew them all up. Take an example put forth by God, and go kill
a gay today!
<Hmm.. I thought I was editor of this one.. Oh well -NN>
Bashes and Bad-Asses
-Ground Zero
This is a fag board
Mainly this is inhabited by college kids,
iCE members, and MAGiC. AWESOME logon
screens, one by Hoaks is REALLY good.
Good online selection of elite files.
Stomach Pump
NOTE: The last few T-Files have been rather dull, standard carp, no big
"PLANS" On how to take over the world, Very little "NEW" Shit, but now thats
all gonna change..
Enigma Of PPiC PRESENTS: "How to Kill A Bell Employ"
If you don't agree with this, Then quit reading it. This is only for
enjoyment purposes so don't try that lame ass "Your teaching people to kill
The most important thing to remember about Bell employs is that they are
normal people, But unlike you and me they don't like phone phreakers.
It'd be rather easy to kill one but they are a lot like the police, you
shoot one and everyone phreaks, your phone lines are canceled and shit.
The first thing you must do to kill one, short of getting names and
researching them and going to the employes house and blowing his fukn brains
out, is lure them to someplace to kill them.
The best and easiest way of lureing them is by causing a phone outage.
this can be accomplished several ways. Blowing up phone boxes, Cutting wires,
etc. The way of choice is going to a scoping out a house for a few weeks,
figure out how often they go out, when, where they go, how long they are out,
etc. You then yank the phone lines outta the little grey box on the side of
there house. As soon as the people go to make a phone call, no dial tone.
They get a hold of the phone company some how and they come out and fix it.
Now you have a few choices:
1) Just stand there and shoot them in the head.
2) Hide in a tree and snipper them.
3) Do the fun thing.
Okay number 1 and 2 are rather obvious. Now number 3 is a little trickier.
Instructins on the fun thing:
1) Get a whole lot of ammunition.
2) Get a big truck or van.
3) Get a lot of gasoline.
4) Get a lot of drugs and beer.
5) Automatic weapons (need I say more?)
Okay.. Fill the truck/van up with the beer. Smoke/inject all the drugs.
Now your almost ready.. Put your clips into the full auto weapons..
Now this is the easiest/fun part.
Locate all green boxes int he general area. open them up. Rip out all wires.
Shit, while your at it cut electrical wires, rip out pipes, Light off bombs.
all sorts of shit. Okay. now call and complain. do all the complaining from
a Payphone. dial the number to the phone company. complain. Say your such
and such and your gonna cut your service if they don't get there by 5.
Okay.. Now place friction bombs (Easiest is a iodine, ammonia dipped in
toilet paper on the door one) now when they open it its gonna go "BOOM"
So know they are gonna call the bomb squad. If you don't think its important
enough.. Call the phone company and say someone got eletricuted, or that your
a line man and that about 10000 phones are out. (Which is actually the truth)
Hehehe.. when about 10 of these people get there start shooting. the feds will
show, rather then running, stand on the roof of a house, start shouting about
how the government is full of fascist stupid fucks and that the phone company
is ripping us off. Now is the time to blow up the area. Run into the house your
on, go to the basement and open the sewer line. now drop a match into it.
Hopefully you'll blow up about 6 or more city blocks and hundreds upon
hundreds of reporters, bell employes, cops, swat teams, shit maybe even some
secret srvice guys.. Fun as hell..
The End.
Other ways to kill people (Since we are on the subject)
Get A LOT (Notice I said A LOT!) Of caffience pills, grind
them up, Put them in a little container, mix with food pop,
just about anything. If you give him enough in a short period
of time, his heart rate will accelerate and he'll die. If you
don't feel like grinding it up, go to a school, Supply store
and say you need it for an analytical chemistry project on
different types of asperin.
Easiest, Cheapist substance in the world to come across.
Take an empty syringe and suck air into it. Walk up to said
victem, inject the air right into his arm. As soon as the air
hits his heart. BAM. no more breathing...
Generic Death:
Inject almost anything directly into the blood stream. Air is
the funniest thats why its seperate.. :)
Attack the spleen:
stab them in the spleen. If you punture it, they'll die very
Sincerely yours,
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If you got a comment Or a fukn complaint, call the main board and bitch
at me.
29A (616)78i-1177 NUP: necronomicon
Nicks Math class.
By Overkill
If teachers taught math, and gave real life examples they would definatly
use these in there lessons:
--- <---- Over (Or divided by)
- <---- Minus
1) Nick
---- = Ya right.
2) Girls Nicks dated - Girls that hate nick = -9.99 X 10^23
3) 6 Guys = 2 Girls
4) Nick + lamer = 2Nick
5) Nick <> cool
6) Nick's penis <= 1cm
7) Nick + Hand = White goo
8) Nick + Dog = loud grunts (Screams of joy from both parties)
9) Nicks friends * 100 = 0
10) Nick = fag!
These are just a few of the many possible equations that can be derived from
Anarchy @ School (#3)
By No Name
Hey Another installation in what appears to be a new column in every mag!
Okay.. Lets see.. More fun to have.. Okay.. We are going to get a little
more wild in this particular issue. So it'll be a hacker/anarchy session.
One of the worst things that can happen to your academic career is getting
Expelled from school. The best way to get expelled is to have drugs on ya.
the good ones. You know, coke, crack, big bags of weed, etc.
Now you also need to get a gun. Why? cuz guns are fun.. Now don't go
steal your dads. Steal a teachers, or even a cops.. Make sure its REAL hot
Shoot at people, cars, Cops, etc. Now break into the victems locker.. This
is rather simple. rather then going through all the boring steps once again
go and Download PPiC0001. It has plenty of text on how to break into lockers.
Now break into the locker. Place the gun on the top shelf (be careful not
to leave your prints) Leve it right out oin the open. So they can't miss it.
Now Hide the drugs, in a book bag, Under some papers, so it looks like it
should be hidden.
Now here is the tricky part. Make sure a teacher is near his locker in
Okay. Wait till he reaches out and touches the gun. Now scream gun.
Hopefully the teacher will come over.. If they don't, don't worry about it
Just tell everyone that they got a gun. sooner or later a teacher will hear
and they'll search his locker.
That should be enough to ge them kicked out for at least 10 days.. :)
Now we are on our trip back to the computer lab.. First swing by the
electronics room. Get a shitload of wires, Stop by shop and get a hammer.
now wrap all the wires around the screw driver. Set it next to the master
server in a box, or even mount it beneath it. Plug in.
Slowly the Hd will start having errors, files will disappear, and many many
other problems will occur.
So your standing in metal shop.. Got all these metal shavings and nothing
to do with them? Get a whole shit load of them. Go back to the computer
lab. turn off the computers. this step is VERY VERY important. Now shove
as much of the metal shavings as you can into the fan vent. The next person
to turn on the computer will get a shocking surprise.
Another fun thing to do is, stop by the art room, et some STRONG glue.
If the only have wimpy ass elmers, go to the shop classes, get some crazy glue
now go into a class room when its empty, glue all the teachers things to the
desk. Glue the grade book shut. Glue everything down. HAAHAHAHAH!
Damn. I'm kinda running low on shit to do. I need more ideas for shit.
Shit, I'll even try all the shit. I could always pay my old High School a
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If your on this list you may SUK a dick you lamer ass bitch!
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Anyone who had herpes at 4 years old. (NS)
Jack Rizor (Don't Ever Fukn try to play US!)
Carl C. (You shouldn't touch other peoples shit.)
Jake something or other.. (Don't ever pull a Nick Again)
James B. (Better watch out or i'll kick you in it!)
JUSTIN CASE of Columbia, MD (Phone number: 301-776-0304)
And anyone who thinks our shit suks.
PPiC Members List:
No Name
Ground Zero
Charles Manson
Call 29A today.. To complain or to compliment.
(C)opyright --== Phose Inc. ==-- 1994 All Rights reserved.
PHOSE and PHREE are trademarks of PHOSE international and PHOSE incorperated.
Blah blah blah and a bunch of other small print shit.
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| : : Thousands&Thousands Of obscure files >OnLine< ; |
This file has been for educational and informational purposes only
; . Sysops- Mescalito Ted & Datura . ;
. .