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95 lines
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: :::. : ____,
In Memory, : :: : : |_ _; Karl Marx
,~~ : :::'istorted : `|| says:
--)( : :::. :::: : || "Aufheben!"
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HOOKAH! : :::' :::: :
22 February 1994 : Text File #9 Mongoloid Telecom
'Bob Larson, Radio Christian'
by Spirit of Entropy
Many people each day tune into Christian radio talk show host Bob Larson
and listen to his show. The show, called 'Talkback with Bob Larson', is
broadcast everyday from 4 to 6 pm eastern standard time.
Bob Larson is a fundamentalist. His funde-ism goes beyond orthodox
Christian beliefs however. Bob supposedly talks to people possessed by demons
and claims to be able to exorcise those demons while on the air, over the
telephone. Larson does this while exhorting the portion of his audience that
actually believes his his act to send him money. This money, Larson claims,
will be used to 'help the helpless' on the 'Hope Line' Larson has created, as
well as helping to cover the cost of the air time Larson buys on local radio
stations. Usually, Larson spends the first 20 minutes average of each hour
begging for donations. These donations usually are hundreds of dollars a
The danger Larson represents is actually very real. He appeals to a part of
the American population that is usually uneducated, and highly superstitious.
Larson often takes facts out of context or out and out lies about things he
dislikes ... which is anything non-Christian, or more accurately non-Bob.
A good example of this was the show he did on Feb. 21 about Advanced Dungeons
and Dragons. Larson claimed that rape was a common event in he game, that
character alignment was randomly rolled for, and that the game involved 'the
occult' whatever that means to Bob. All three of those statements are
completely false. A look at the 2nd Edition AD&D Player's Handbook can prove
that in all of 5 minutes. Larson isn't interested in reality. He's interested
in playing off the ignorance of his audience and gaining the $ he wants.
While claiming to be a follower o' the lord, Larson lives quite well.
Despite his angry response towards any inquiry, Bob Larson has mentioned his
ownership of a Jeep, of his own horse, and of a country home. Such belongings
don't reflect the spartan life of a devout spreader of the word!
Homosexuals, people belonging to alternative religions, AD&D players,
people who like Bart Simpson and Beavis & Butthead, and many other people are
all targets for Bob's audience of simple minded people. I personally have had
an incident at a store while shopping for AD&D materials. The woman asked,
"You aren't really involved in that satanic game, are you?". My response, "I'm
sorry ma'am, but you don't know what you're talking about." The woman asked
her god Jesus to 'bless me' and hurried off, afraid. I would hate to see
what would have happened if I would have been looking for a book for a college
Comparitive religions class!
If you're interested in learning more about the absurdity that is Bob
Larson, tune in to your local Christian radio station. He might be here ...
looking to stick his hands in your pocket!
Distorted Digital Erection February 1994 Text File #9
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