
1789 lines
88 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
...:::/// CLASSIC COWS \\\:::...
Part 1 of the 2-part COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS!
(oo) ( A real COWlector's Item! )
/-------\/ --'\________________________/ * SUMMER 1990 ISSUE! *
/ | ||
* ||----|| Edited by Eric W. Tilenius
~~ ~~ Please send your submissions to:
Cow ewtileni@pucc.Princeton.EDU // ewtileni@pucc.BITNET
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| E.T.'S | (__) (__) (__) (__)
| USED | (uu) (uu) (uu) (uu)
| COWS | /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
|____________| / | || / | || / | || / | ||
|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
|| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
| EASY CREDIT | (__) (__) (__) (__)
|_____________| (uu) (uu) (uu) (uu)
|| /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
|| / | || / | || / | || / | ||
|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
|| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(__) (__) (__) (__)
(oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
/ | || / | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| * ||W---|| * ||w---|| * ||V---||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Cow Cow laden Same cow Nancy Reagan-type
with milk after milking cow with milk
(___) (___) * (___) (___)
(o o) (o o) \ (o o) (o o)
/-------\ / /-------\ / \-------\ / /-------\ /
/ | ||O / | ||O | ||O / | ~#>-+|O
* ||,---|| * ||@\--|| ||,---|| * ||,----|
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
Bull Same bull after Rotc bull after Red-blooded American Bull
seeing above cow seeing other bull shooting the Rotc bull
(__) (__) (__) (__)
(oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
/-------\/-* /-------\/ /-------\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ | || \ )*)(\/* / * / | ||
* ||----|| * \ |||/)|/()( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\/|(/)(/\/(,,/ \)|(/\/|)(/\
Cow munching Grass munching Cow in water Cow in trouble
on grass on cow
(__) (__) * (__) * (__)
(oo) (oo) \ (oo) | (oo)
/--------\/ /-oooooo-\/ \-------\/ \-------\/
* o| || * ooooooooo o o| || / ||
||----|| ooooooooooooo ||----||>==/-----||
ooo~~ ~~ ooooooooooooooooo ~~ ~~ ~~
Cow taking Cow in deep Cow getting the shit
a shit shit kicked out of her
(oo) U
/-------\/ /---V
/ | || * |--| .
* ||----||
~~ ~~
Cow at 1 meter. Cow at 100 meters. Cow at 10,000 meters.
(__) )__( vv vv
(oo) (oo) ||----|| *
/-------\/ *-------\/ || | /
/ | || / | || /\-------/
* ||----|| / ||----|| (oo)
~~ ~~ vv vv (~~)
American Cow Polish Cow Australian Cow
(__) (__) (__)
(oo) ____ (oo) _---_(oo)
/-------\/ /- --\/ /- -\/
/ | || / | || /| ||
* ||----|| * ||___-|| * ||___-||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Freshman Cow at Freshman Cow Freshman Cow
start of school After the "Freshman 15" After the "Freshman 20"
(__) (__) (__)
(OO) (@@) (xx)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
/ | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Cow who drank Jolt Cow who ate Cow who used Jolt to wash
psychadelic mushrooms down psychadelic mushrooms
/\ __
/ \ ||
(__) (__) \ / (_||_)
SooS (oo) \/ (oo)
/------S\/S /-------\/ /S /-------\/
/ | || / | || / S / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----||___/ S * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
This cow belonged Ben Franklin owned Abe Lincoln's
to George Washington this cow cow
* (__) (oo)
\ (oo) /------\/
\-------\/ /| |/ |
| ==$ || / | [) ||
||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Old "One Arm" belonged This cow is obviously
to Ceasar's Palace Hugh Hefner's Heifer
(___) (__) (__)
( O ) (oo) (oo)
/-------\ / \/--------\/
/ | ||V | |
* ||----|| ||------||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
The cyclops that Jason and This cow lived with
the Argonauts met had this cow Dr. Doolittle
(__) (__)
[##] (@o)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /------- (__)
/ | || / | || / | || (oo)
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|---\/
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
This cow belonged This cow lived with This cow belonged to
to Flash Gordon the Little Rascals the Headless Horseman
(____) (____) (____)
(oo ) (o o) ( O O)
/-----------\ / /-----\ /---- /-----------\ /
/ || | \/ / | | \/ | / || | \/
/ || |||| \ | | | | | / || ||||
* ||||-----|||| *| | |-----| | | * ||||-----||||
/\/\ /\/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ ~~~~ ~~~~
This cow belonged This was Salvatore No one was sure whether
to Pablo Picasso Dali's favorite cow M.C. Escher's cow had four
legs or eight
(__) (oo) (__)
(oo) /\/ (oo)
/-------\/ /--/-- \/-----
/ | || / | `-. / | `-.
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
Cow-vertible . . .
*_ *_ ( oo *_
\ (__) \ /\/ \ (__)
\.----( oo____ \.-/----._____ \.( oo___\____
||____\/____ \ ||__________ \ |_\/________ \
Cow-vette Cow-vertible (of cowrse)
* (___) * (___) (__)
\ (o o) \ (o o) (oo)
\-------\ / \-------\ / /-------\/ ________
| ||O | ||O / | ||_|/ O _______
||,---|| ||,---|| * ||----| --
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
Twins Cow Catcher
(__) [@@] ? (__) ? (__)
(oo) <=|~~|=> ? (oo) ? |\/|(oo)
/-------VV /--------- \/ /-------\/ /--| \--\/
/ | || / | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| / | || * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ * ||------|| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~
Cownt Dracula Francownstein Where Cow Cow bird
Cow Cow
(~~) ( (oo) (__)
(oo) ) (OO) (oo)
/-------==--- /------\--/ /------||||||
/ | || / | || / | UX` \||/
* ||----|| * ||----|\O---< HONK! * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~
Groucho's Harpo's Karl's
cow cow cow
(yes, that's the Russian symbol.
Use your imagination.)
O__O \_|_/
(oo) (oo)
/-------\/ /-------\/
/ | || / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Cow at Disneyland Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty
(__) (__)
~~ (oo) (--)
~~~~ /-------\/ /-\/-\
~~~~~ / | || /| |\
~~~~~ * ||----|| ~ | | ~
~~~~~~~~ ====~~====~~==== | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ /----\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ \
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ * ~
Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu Cow sunning at Fort Lauderdale
(What a bod, huh guys?)
)\ (__)
/ \ (oo)
Cow trying out for a part
in the new JAWS movie
* (__)
\ (DD)
\ /-------\/
|\ / | ||_\_/
\ | \ (__) * ||----|
\\|| \(oo) ~~ ~
\||\ \\/ Cow chugging brews and staring at
~~ \|| sunbathers at Fort Lauderdale
\\ ||
~~ / / / / / / / / / / /
\\_ / / / / / / / / / / / /
\_ / / / / / _______ / /
Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen / / / / | \ / /
/ / / (__)| / /
/ / / (oo)| / /
( @@@ ) /-------\/ |
( @@ ) (------------) / | ||~_|
@@ (__) ( *>COUGH<* ) * ||----|
@@ (oo) . . . ( *>COUGH<* ) ~~ ~
/--UU--\/ (____________)
/ | || Cow sheltering from English Weather
* ||---||
(New) Jersey Cow
\ \ / /
\ \ (__) /
(__) \ \ (xx)/
(DD) \ +--------+\//
/-------\/ \| | /
/ | || +--------+
* ||----||
~~ ~~
Cow fantasizing about "Riding the Mechanical Bull"
| |\ \
| | \ \ ____________________
| \ \ \ | |
| \ \ \ | +------------+ |
| \ \ \ | | (__) | |
| \ \ \| | (oo) | |
| \ \ | | o\ .\/. | |
| \ \| | | \/ \ | |
/---\ \ | +------------+ |
/ \ \| |
| | | |
\ / | |
\---/ | |
| |
( )
Cow-struction worker.
: = :
: :
:,','. '. : :---\
..,,,',.',',;,'.';'.'.'.,.'.'..:. : :
Cow town after a visit by the cow-struction worker.
o o
|__| (__) (__)
(oo) (oo) =(oo)= oo
/-------\/ /-------vv /-------\/
/ | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
bill bixby bela lugosi boris karloff claude rains
male relative cow cow cow
(__) // (__) (__)
(oo)// (oo)===(oo)
/-------\// /-------\/ \/-------\
/ | |// / | || || | \
* ||----| * ||----|| ||----|| *
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Julie Andrews Cow Siamese cows
o o (__) ~
\ / (oo) /
\ / _____\/___/
(__) \__/ / /\ / /
(oo) _______(oo) ~ / * /
/---------\/ /| ___ \/ / ___/
/ | x=a(b)|| / | { }|| *----/\
* ||------|| * ||{___}|| / \
~~ ~~ ||-----|| / /
~~ ~~ ~ ~
Mathematical Television This cow does Disco
Cow Cow (That's what comes of
(developer of (Cow-thode snorting cow-caine)
cow-culus) Ray Tube)
| [---]
| |
| | |------========|
/----|---|\ | **** |=======|
/___/___\___\ o | **** |=======|
| | ___| |==============|
| | ___ {(__)} |==============|
\-----------/ []( )={(oo)} |==============|
\ \ / / /---===--{ \/ } |
----------------- / | NASA |==== |
| | * ||------||-----~
----------------- || | |
/ / \ \ ~~ ~ |
/ ---- \
~~ ~~ This cow jumped over the Moon
([][]) "I have this recurring dream
__\/_--U about golden arches.".. (__)
/\ \__ ~ :..("")
/\\\ / / //\ ____\_____\/ //
/----~/__/\ /\ // \\/ \___ / //
\\\____/--\-- // /-/__________/ //
/====== \/ =======/==============//
*_/ / \ /~ // / \\
/ \ ~ // \\
Psycowlogist and patient
\~~~~~~~~\ (__) (o o)
\~~~~~~~~\\ (oo) \ /
*-----\_______\/\/ \--O--/
~_______/ --- \______~ // -----\
~--------\ \S/ /\_____~ \\/_~{} /==V===[]
\______/ \_____\\//
It's a bird... //\\ The Boss
It's a plane... // \\ (Bruce Holstien)
// //
~~ ~~
_____________________________ H H
| |-------------| H (__) H
| | ________ | H (oo) H __
| COWNTY | | (|__|) | | H / \/ \ H / \
| JAIL | | |oo| | | H | | | | H | STOP |
| | |__|\/|__| | H D===b=----- H \ __ /
| | o | H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H ||
| | ~ | H H ||
| | ] | H H ||
| | | H H ||
|_____________|_____________| H H ||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Some cows get in trouble... Cattle Guard
( ( )
( ( ) )
( ( )
( / )
( ( \\ )
( | // )
| | (__)
| | (oo) (__)
| | ----\/ ______(oo)_____
| | || ( _)_______(__) )
**| | ---|| \ __________/
Cow Hide Cow Pie
\ | / ___________
____________ \ \_# / | ___ | _________
| | \ #/ | | | | | = = = = |
| | | | | \\# | |`v'| | | |
| | \# // | --- ___ | | | || | |
| | | | | #_// | | | | | |
| | \\ #_/_______ | | | | | | || | |
| | | | | \\# /_____/ \ | --- | | |
| | \# |+ ++| | | |~~~~~~| | | | || | |
| | \# |+ ++| | | |~~~~~~| | | | || | |
~~~| (~~~~~) |~~~~~#~| H |_ |~| | |||| | |~~~~~~| |
| ( ||| ) | # ~~~~~~ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~________/ /_____ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |
`v'- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||||| |
|| |`. (__) (__) ( )
(oo) (oo) /---V
/-------\/ \/ --------\ * | |
/ | || ||_______| \
* ||W---|| || || *
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
"Cow Town"
\ (__) (__)
\\(oo) (\/)
/-----\\\/ /-------\/
/ | (##) / | ||
* ||----||" * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
This cow plays bagpipes. Cow from Beijing
(__) (__) (__)
(\/) ($$) (**)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
/ | 666 || / |=====|| / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Satanic cow This cow is a Yuppie Cow in love
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
/-'''''-\/ /-------------------\/
/ |'''''|| / | ||
* ||''''|| * ||----------------||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Cow in Argyle Stretch Cow
** **
* ** * * * **
* / / \ * *
\ \ / \ / / (__)
* / / \ \ (__) \ \ /--------(00)
/ (00) / / / | |( )
\ /-------\/ \ \ * ||---- ||()
/ / | || / / || ||
\ \ * ||----|| \ \ ~~ ~~
/ / ~~ ~~ / / Cow Chewing Marbles
Cow in Heat
(o o)
/------\ / (__) (__)
/ ____O (oo) (oo)
| / /----\----\/ /-------\/
/\oo===| / || / | ||
| || *||~-----|| * OO----OO
* ~~ ~~ ~~
Cowt in the Act low rider cow
(__) \__\ (__)
(oo) o (oo) (oo)
/-------\/ ____\___\/ *+-------\/
/ | || / | || ||______||
* ||----|| * ||----|| ||----||
Detroit cow Mustang cow pickup cow
(__) (__) \_||_~
(oo) (oo) (*||*)
/---------------\/ /----\/ /-------\||/
/ | || / || / | ||
* ||------------|| *-||----|| * ||----||
li-moo-cow fastback cow teenager's cow
(__) '(oo)`
(oo) /-----'-\/ `
/-------\/ / | |============>
/ | || * ||----| (~)
* ||----|| ~~ ~
~~ ~~ Moo-ammar Cowdafi
holy cow armed and dangerous
(___) (___)
(o o) (o o)
/-------\ / /-------\ /
/ | ||O / | O~ ||O
* ||,---|| * ||,---||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
A Bull A-bomb-in-a-bull No-bull
( )
/-----\ (___)
| | (o o)
| | | (-----) \ /
| | | / / \ O
| * | * | O |
~~ ~~ -----
Coward Phone Bull
}__{ / Send YOUR cow pictures to \
(00) ( ewtileni@pucc.Princeton.EDU )
:****** \/ ==='\___________________________/'
: # ##
"" ""
| | | | *
| | (__) | | \ (__)
| | (oo) | | \ (oo)
| | /-------\/ | | -----------\/--
| | / | || | | ----| |---
| | * ||----|| | | --------
| \______~~____~~___ | \_________________
| _________________ | _________________
| / | /
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
/ \ / \
Cow perched on a tree. Cow attempting to fly off tree.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| \_________________
| _________________
| /
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | (__)
| | *---------(..)
/ \ ~~----~~\/
The attempt results in an udder disaster.
. /\ . . : (__)
. / \ . . : (xx)
/ \ . . * : __------\/
/ \ * : * ||____||
| (__) | . . ** : / | |\
. /| (oo) |\ ** :
/ | /\/\ | \ . . * : Hamburger
. / |=|==|=| \ . * :
. / | | | | \ . :
/ USA | ~||~ |NASA \ . : * (__)
|______| ~~ |______| . : \ (oo)
. (__||__) . . : \-------\/
. /_\ /_\ . . . : 8-| ||
!!! !!! : ||----||
: ~~ ~~
The cow that jumped over the moon. : Flying Cow
../ / | \ \..
./ / / | \ \ \.
/ / / | \ \ \
/ / / | \ \ \
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /(__)
\|/ (oo)
/ | || ||
* ||-++-||
~~ ~~
Cow surviving attack by Red Baron
..---.. (__)
/ \ (oo)
| RIP | /-------\/
| | / | ||
| | * ||----||
| | ~~ ~~
| |
Elvis's Cow... ...Or is it alive and living in tax exile???
/---+ +--\/
/ | | | ||
* ||-+ +-||
~~ ~~ *
David Copperfield's Cow David Copperfield's other Cow
/ | ||
* ||----||
~~ ~~
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
/-------\/ \/-------\
/ | || -~~- || | \
* ||---- -~~- || *
~~ ~~
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
/-------\/ \/-------\
/ | || || | \
* ||----|| ||----|| *
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Barnum's Troupe of performing cows
(__) _--------_
(oo) |__________| BIG
/ | 007 || __________
* ||----|| |_ _|
~~ ~~ --------
Cow licenced to kill Enemy Cow after having met previous cow
The cow that didn't jump
over the moon.
------------------------ !
/ \ Hey diddle diddle
/___\ The cat and the fiddle
|= =| The cow blew up on the
| | launch pad...
| |
TOTALLY \\ | |
OBLIVIOUS TO ||||||> | |
LAUNCH PAD /|##!##|\
/ |##!##| \
/ |##!##| \
| / ~ | ~ \ |
| / ( | ) \ |
|/ ( | ) \|
(( ))
(( : ))
(( : ))
(( ))
(( ))
( )
. *
_ _ *
* \\ *= //
COW BLOWING \\ \\ =* //
UP,ON THE ||||||>> * * ( __ )
LAUNCH PAD // * * * . _ (oo) *
// *= *= * BOOM * ()
// *= * * * ==* \\
________________________________________________ = * \\
// // !! \\ \\
// // || \\ \\
(__) / '' ` )
(oo) o /| /|/|_ | /|
/ \/ / / _ / | | | |
/ _\===~ ___\_____/___ |_____|_|
___|__/ |/\ (___________(_) //|| ||
* ~ ~ * ww ww
Mrs. O'Leary's Cow Cow'nt Dracula
____ ____ |+++++|
|++++| ___ |++++| ____ |+++++|
|++++| |++ ______________________ |++++| |+++++|
|++++| |++/ /( )\ \ |++++| |+++++| __
| | |+| |-oo- | \______ |++++| |+++++| |++|
-----(__)--| \__\/ _(__)_ \ ----------------------------------
o ( oo /_______________________| (oo) \ | __
| _/\_| | M O O - B U S T E R S|__\/\ /| | /oo| - Bleaurgh!
|-| \\____ ------ )_ /| /\
-|_ \_|-_|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 _| * \/ *
\ | __________________________________/
| W| \ \_/ /----------------- \ \_/ /
/ /\ \ \___/ \___/
/ / \ \
~~~ ~~~ Who you gonna call...?
(__) (__) (__) (----------)
(00) (-o) (--) . . . ( *>YAWN<* )
/------\/ /------\/ /------\/ (----------)
/| || /| || /| ||
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
Cow w/ Glasses Flirtatious cow (winking) Cow after pulling an all-nighter
* (__) (__) (__) (__)
\ (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
\-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
/| |\ / / \ / \ / / \ \
//||----||\\ * //------\\ * \\--// * \\----\\
~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cow walking Cow jogging Same cow Cow braking
(oo) (__) o * (__)
\/ (oo)/ " | (oo)
____| \____ /-------\/(__ o=o=o=|------\/
---/ --** / | / | |
*____/ |___// * ||----|| ||----||
//--------/ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
//__ Cow Cow pooing
Cow marching standing
Side Front Side back (___) Where's all the bulls!
(__) (__) (__) (__) (O O)/
( oo (oo) oo ) ( ) ~ _/\ /\_ ~
/\_| /\/\ |_/\ / \ \\/ O \//
( OO
\_ | - Add your cows to the official COWlection!
\O Send your cows to: ewtileni@pucc.Princeton.EDU
( --
\_ | - G'nite, and thank you for your support. Zzz z z z z z z z
(__) | | (__)
(oo) | | ($$)
----\/ /-----~~~~~~ /-------\/
|| / | || / | IRS ||
---|| * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Eric the half a cow The unknown cowmic Tax Acowntant
(___) (___) (___)
(0 0) (0 0) (0 0)
\ / \ / \ /
__[_V_]__ __[_V_]__ __[_V_]__
/_________\===: /_________\===: /_________\===:
Cowed Forces
\ _ /
- ( ) - /\
/ " \ /| | (__)
(__) / | | (oo)\
________(oo) /____| | \/| \
/| \/ / \/ | \
/ |_______|| __(_______ |||__ \
* || || |__________| ||| ____\---*
~~ ~~
Thomas Edison's cow Cow hearing his master's voice
) ( _
(____) / \ (__) ==========I
/ = = \ ~ ==' `== (oo) \ |||||| I
(-O--O-) ~ 8 O O 8 /-------\/ \ ||||| I
( ) ~ /------- ( ) / | ||__o=< \ |||| I
/------- ||||||====== / | || \_/ * ||----| \ ||| I
/ | || \/ * ||----|| ~~ ~ \ || I
* ||----|| ~~ ~~
~~ ~~
Groucho Moo-x Chico Harpo
______________________ _______________________
| | | |
| (__) | | (__) |
| (oo) | | (oo) |
| /-------\/ | |---\/ /----|
| / | || | | || / | |
| * ||----|| | |--|| * ||--|
| ~~ ~~ | | ~~ ~~ |
|--------------------| |---------------------|
Normal Cow 0 Cow modulo one 1
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
______________\/______ ____ /-------\/ __
/___/___/___/___/___/_/| /___/| / | || _/_/|
|___|___|___|___|___|_|| |__||/|* //-----|||_|_||
|_|___|___|___|___|___|| |_|__|/|~~ ~/|___||
|___|___|___|___|___|_|/ |___|_|/ |___|_|/
Cow in the GDR before... ...and after 9-Nov-1989
______________(__)_________________ (__)
/_______________(oo)_______________ / (oo)
| \/ || \/
_|_ _|| ||
/__/_______________________________/__/| ||
( ) ( )| ||
| |________________________________| | | ||
\_____________________________________/] /------- /
[] [] [] / | ||
* ||----||
COW-CH ~~ ~~
* *
\ /
\ /
/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ \/
/ (__) \ +----------+
| (oo) ~~~~~~~~~~~\ | | |
|~~~| \/. \\ // \_* |~~~| | |
| |-----`//`====='\\-----| | | |
| |-----//---------||----| | | |
| |_ _ _"_ _ _ _ _ "_ _ _| | +----------+
~||~ ~||~ || ||
+------------+ +
| B A T E S | (__) o
| (0x) ( ) |C O R R A L | (**) /|
---------- | \/ ( ) +------------+ \==/ / |
|\ \ W------ | | ( ) v
| ---------- *---- ====; ( )
| | (__) | \ / ( )
\ | (oo) | \ | ( )
\ | \/ | \+ | ( )
---------- + ( )
Ice Cowbe COWBOOOOOM! | |
o o
Psycho Cow (with knife)
(oo) ------------------------- _______________________
/-------\/ - | Don't have a Bart, man! | |\ ~ ~ /|
/ | || ------------------------- | \ ~ ~ ~ / |
* ||----|| |(_\ ~ COW-PIE ~ /_)|
~~ ~~ |(oo\ ~ /oo)|
The Simpsons' cow | \/ \ ~ ~ / \/ |
|(__) \ / (__)|
\ / \(oo)(_\ ~ ~ /_)(oo)|
\_____________/ \\/ (oo\ /oo) \//
/\___________/\ \ \/ \ ~ / \/ /
Cow in / /\_________/\ \ \ (__)\ / (__) /
trouble / / /\_______/\ \ \ \ (oo) \~/ (oo)/
/ / / / (__) /\ \ \ \ \ \/ :(__)\//
___/_/_/_/_ (oo) \_\_\_\_\___ \ (__):(oo) /
\ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / / \(oo): \/ /
\ \ \ \/_____\/ / / / \\/(__) /
\ \ \/_______\/ / / \ (oo)/
\ \/_________\/ / \ \//
\/___________\/ \:/
/ \
/ \
(__) (__) (______) (__)
(oo) (oo) ( o o ) (oo)
/--------\/ /~~~~~~~\/ /-----\ / /-------\/
./ | | ./ {~)))))_} / | |\/ / | ||
|--W-----| ||`` || * ||----|| * (.)(.)||
| | | | ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~
cow before weight cow after Conceited Dolly Parton's
loss program the program Cow Cow
( OO
______ ______ _____\_ | ______ (__) ______
| | | | | |\O cowstle | | (oo)| |
| |____| |____| | | |__\/_| |
| | | |
| | (__) | |
| __________ | (oo) | __________ |
| | | | \/-------\ | | | |
| | | | ___ | ___ |_\_ | | | |
| | (__) | |_| |_|_| |__|| |__| | (__) | |
| | (oo) | | (oo) | |
| \___\/___/ \___\/___/ |
| |
| |
( ______ )
( / \ )
( / \ )
( | | )
| | | |
| | | |
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ (__)
\ \ (oo) /
/---\----\/ /
/ | \ || * (__) /
* ||---\-\\ \ ( OO /
~~ ~~ \---\___/\_|\=/>
~~ ~~ | \===/>
\\_____// | /______/ /
|| | _________\\_\\_____/____________________
/\------\ ~ ~ /
(oo) \ /
(--) * /
Cow Circus: The flying Cowlendas Cow Circus: Tightrope walking
| |\
| (__) | |
| (oo) | |
| \/ | |
| / \ \ | |
///////// \_ \_/////// |
| | / | | (__)
| /++++++< | | _____(oo)
| * | \_\_ | | / | ||
cow-lliope in the circus parade
w \ w (__)
\\ /\ // (oo)
\\/ \// \/
| | (__) >--( )--<
|(__)| (oo) / \
\(OO)/ .-\/-. >--- {} ---<
//\/\\ <| |> v /\ v
|| || \ \/ / | (oo) |
||__|| |\/\/| \(~~)/
/~~ ~~\ /----\ | |
/ ======== \ / \ | |
/ \ /* * * \ / \/ \
|==============| /__*_*_*_\ | \ |
\ / || || ~ / ~
\ ======== / ~~ ~~ *
\ _____ /
Cow balancing on ball Cowslip Cownilingus
(__) -'`- "Here's
(oo) ____________________ ( oo ~ mooing
/-------\/ | | /\_|-- at you,
/ | |\ / | o o o o o o | | \ \__ _ kid!"
* ||----| / ====================== | \___['
~~ ~ || || | ||
Cowncillor his cowch |____|-
| |
~ ~
(__) (__) (__) (__) humphrey cow-gurt
(oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
/-------\/ \/ \/ \/-------\
/ | || =================== || | \
* ||----|| || |--| |--| || ||----|| *
~~ ~~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~~ ~~ (__)
A game of cowntract bridge (oo)
/ \/ ____________
/ \===~__| |
---------------------- _|___ /\ |______________|
(__) | \-/ \-/ || | |=====| | | |
(oo) | _|_ _|_ |__| | *I I| | | |
/-------\/ ---------------------- I I~ ~ | |
/ | || | \-/ | | | |
* ||----|| | _|_ |_| |_| |_| | wolfgang amadeus moo-zart
~~ ~~ ----------------------
Just a humble cownoisseur
(__) (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (__)(__)(__) (__)
(oo(__)oo) (__)o) (oo)((__)(__)oo) (__)(o(__)o)(__)o)(__)
\/(oo)\/ (oo)/(__)/ (oo)(oo)\/ (oo) \(oo)/ (oo)/ (oo)
\/ \/ (oo) \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
a cownfluence
(__( .-< | | |
(oo) | |___|___|
___\/___| |\_____/|
| | | | |
| | | |_______|
>-' | | _ | _ |
*----/\ /-------// |--(_)--|
/ \ / | || |_______| (__)
/ \ * ||----|| | | (++)
~ ~ ~~ ~~ |_______| \/
Egyptian Cow Marie Antoinette's Cow
|---------------| (~\/~) \(:)/
|_______| / | \oo/ (o|o)
|| | || | | /-----\/ /-----\_/
||-----|| | | /| | /| |
||__|__|| | | V ||----|| ~ ||----||
| ___ | | | ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
| |___| | | | Vulcan Cow Klingon Cow
| _____ | (__)
|| || (oo) ---------
|| ||----//\/ ---< Master? >
|| ||B-9 \ | ---------
a Certain Time Lord's Cow (__) ---< EXTERMINATE!!! |
( ----0 ----------------
(___) _\/_
|===| /oooo\---O
________\_/ /oooooo\
| | | /oooooooo\
# ||______|| /oooooooooo\
|| || /____________\
~~ ~~
RoboCow a Dalek Cow
__________________ ___________________ ___________________
/ine McBovine McBov\ /McCow McCow McCow M\ /ttle McCattle McCat\
/cBovine McBovine McB\ /Cow McCow McCow McCow\ /e McCattle McCattle M\
------------------------ ------------------------- -------------------------
\ovine McBovine McBov/ \McCow McCow McCow McC/ \attle McCattle McCatt/
\McBovine McBovine / \w McCow McCow McCow/ \ McCattle McCattle /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ronald McDonald's Cows
@ @
@@@ @
@@ @
Pffii @@@@ @@
___________D @@@@@@
|________ | _______
(__) | / \ /
( oo /~| | __ \ /
/\_|// | | / \ | |
_/____/__| | | | | |
| ___/-----------------_| (__)
| / \ \ \ `(oo)
| / \ | | |\/
| | O | / / __ /
|----| |-----------/ \-\\\ (__)
\ / | o | \\\ _( )_
Cow Express Suicidal Cow
o _____________
/\ / \
[__] ( take off, eh! )
__ | \ / (oo) ----'\_____________/
\/----///\ /-------\/
*/\______(xx) / | ||__|
( ) * ||----| U
~~ ~
Pro-democracy cow from Beijing Canadian Cow
o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o ( ) o ( ) o ( ( o
O ) ( ) ( ) (
o o (__) o o (__) o (__) o o (__)
(oo) (oo) (oo) o (oo) o
/------$$$$ o o /-------\/ o /-------\/ /-------\/
/ | $$$$ / | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| o * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| o
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Santa Cow and his rein cows caught in a Montana snow flurry
_/...\ *==\ ________________
__________ (___) /::::::\ (/_\) / \
/| `(0 0) |:::::::_ (o o) | Moo, Moo, Moo |
/ | \ / /-----+-+--- \ / /\________________/
* |||----|||-/ * / | | | | 0 ___/
||| ||| * | _ |_| _ |
|| --+_+- ||
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Cow -- --
| |_ | |_
/\ |____| |____|
/ O\ Santa Cows
/ , \
/ O \ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _
-/ , \- / |~ |~ \
/ O \ | |~ o| |~ o| |
/, , \ / \ o| o| /
/ O O \ / \ /
-/ , \- / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
/ O , \ / / .
/ , O ,\ (__) /* *\ / ./\.
/ O , O \ (oo) /\ /\ .//.\.
/ O \-\/ **** **** .///\\\.
------------------|| (oo) (oo) ////\\\\.
||/ ||----|| /-------\/ \/-------\ ||
|| ~~ ~~ /| || || |\ ~~
Merry Cow-ristmas * ||----|| ||----|| *
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Christmas Cowols
O *
Moory Cowristmas! ___ /|\
_____________________| |_____ /||o\
/______________________________\ /|o|||\
~ /________________________________\ /|||||o|\
~~ #### || | |||||||||||| | || /||o||||||\
~(oo) ||___|___||||||||||||___|___|| /||||o||||||\
/-------\/ || | |||||||||||| | || /|o||||o|||o||\
/ | || ||___|___||||||||||||___|__ || | |
* ||----|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oooooooooo| |ooooooo
|----------------------| /\
| | /\ /\/ \
| | / \/ / \/\
| | / \ \
| | ----------------------------
|----------------------| o-@@
Minimalist Dead Cow
Mark Rothko Cow
\|}}{}{}{() (&) ~~~~#***
(__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | #\**~~//?<>.+|@@@\/---___
( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | \|}}{}{/?<>.+|@@*&(*$@))(
/\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | |@#)@(&*)($*I!?$>@$|$|$|$
(__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | Jackson Pollock cow
( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo |
/\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | ____________________
------------------------------------------------ | (__) |
(__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | | (oo) |
( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | | /-------\/ |
/\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | | / | || |
------------------------------------------------ | * ||----|| |
(__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | | ~~ ~~ |
( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | | Ceci N'est Pas |
/\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | | Une Cow |
------------------------------------------------ --------------------
Andy Warhol Cow Rene Margritte Cow
oo --
cow by night sleeping cow by night Chesire Cow
________\ / II + (__) ..oo( Hey, there's a cow driving that car! )
|\ `v' \ + II (00)
| \________|____\ \II\ \/-------\
| ( ( @ @ ) ) II + || ||\ (__) ..oo ( How can he )
|\|______\_O_/___| + II ||----|| * (oo) ( afford that? )
| \_______________\ \II\ ~~ ~~ \/--------\
\ (OO_##########_OO) II + || || \
(\(_____[PHIL]_____) + II--+--+--+-II-+--+--+--II+--+--+--+II--+--+-
(_) (_) \II II ~~ II ~~ II
What cows think when people MOO at them
/\\ ~ (__) (__)
/__\\ | ( oo _ (oo)
_ (o o) | /\__|( ) _ /-\/-\
/ \ /\_/\ / | \==//=(_) *POW!* / \
| /|I I| | ==== | |
~/ |I I| | | | |
| |I I| /| _ \ / \
| |I I| / / / \ \ __________\
| |_____| * || || \\
~ *~ ||_ ||_ (_)
cow giving forgiveness Moo-hamid Ali Cow Bell.
(!!) _/\_ \_\
!!!!!!!!(oo) _______(oo) _________(oo)
!/| \/ /| \/ /| Ferrari \/
!/ |______|| / |______|| / |________||
* || || * || || * || ||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Last of the Moo-hicans Mayflower cows Sports Cow
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
/--------------- \/ / ------------- \/
/ ( !S M T W T F! ) / ( |7 8 9 +| )
/ ( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ) * ( |4 5 6 -| )
* ( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ) ( |1 2 3 X| )
( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ) ( |C 0 = /| )
(+-+-+-+-+-+-+) ~---------~
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
/ \ __ ________ ------
DOCTOR _/__\_ |__| | |====|
MOO/ /=(OO) (oo) * | v|
\/ --/==-\/==\ /-------\/ |~~ *|
/ | \==|| \==\ /// / | || ------
* ||-|==|| \==\/==/ * ||----||
~~ ///~~ \===/ ~~ ~~
Gallifreyan Cow Straight out of Cowllege
/-------\/ # #
/ | || \\ //
* ||----||\ \\ //
~~ ~~ \ \ --- /
\ | |
| | |
| | |
| / \_/ \ (__)
| // \\ <--(xx)--#-
| // \\ /\
Cow-a-flower Cow at butcher's party
___--------___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ . . . \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|\/ . (__) . \/| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~~~~~~~~~~~~
|| . . (oo) . . || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|/\ . \/ . /\| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\___ . . ___/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cow in a haggis Cow on top of Ben Nevis
| (__) (__) (__) (__) | * (__)
| ( oo ( oo ( oo ( oo | \ (oo)
_______| /\_| /\_| /\_| /\_| |________ \-------\/
| | | ||
| _____ _____ | ||----||
|___| |________________________| |____| (oo) (oo)
|___| |___|
Cow-pooling rollerscating cow
__ o oo o
(__) \||/
(__) (__) (___)
(__) (oo) (oo) (o o)
( ) /-------\/ /-------\/ /$$$$$$$\ /
( /* ) / | || / | || / $$$$$$$|O
| | * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||w---||
~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Dairy-Air East Indian Cow Injun Cow Cash Cow
( )
(___) PRISON# # # # # ||| |||
(o o) # # # # #(_#) # (O O)
/------------\ / # # # # #(o#) # /------------\___/
/ | #-# # #/-#--#--#-\# # / | |||
* | ||| # # |# # #||# # / || |||
||--------||| # *# |#--#--#||# # * ||----------|||
~~ ~~ # # ~# # #~~# # ~~ ~~
Orville Redencow The Bakker Cows
(__) (__)
/ oo ______ / @@ ______
| /\_| | \ | /\_| | \
| |___ | | | |___ | |
| ---@ |_______| | ---@ |_______|
* | | ---- | | | | ---- | |
\ | |_____ | |_____
\|________| *____/|________|
CompuCow CompuCow After an All-niter
(__) (__)
/ -- ______ / .\/. ______
| /\_| | \ | /\_| | \
| |___ | | | |___ | |
| ---@ |_______| | ---@ |_______|
| | ---- | | * | | ---- | |
| |_____ \ | |_____
*____/|________| \|________|
CompuCow Asleep at the Keyboard CompuCow Discovers Bug in Compiler
\\ \\
\\ \\
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
\ \ \ \
\ \(__) \ \(__)
*--> (oo) *--> (oo)
/ / \/ o / / \/
/ / / /
\ / o \ /
\ / \ /
// //
// o //
B-2 Stealth Bomber cow Stealth cow on bombing run
/ \ ( ) Happy
| \ |--| Mooosic! (__)
| | \ /__ (oo)
+----------+ __oo| \ / -\/ (__)
|Steinway &|_ \/| | / || >----(oo)---->
|___ Sons ___|_/ |__| * ------|| /-------\/
| | | / / | ~~ / | ||
o o o | | ||---- * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~
Chopin'ing Cow TeX cow Steve Martin's cow
(__) +=============================+
(oo) | F R E D ' S S A L O O N |
______ ______\/ (__)| +-----+ |
__|______\__/____/\\[} (xx)| | ___ | |(__)
/ --- \\ --- \/ | |/=|=\| |(oo)
|[] / \ \ / / \ | |==|==| | \/
| @ | \____/ | @ | | |==|==| |
\ / \ / ------------------------------------
--- ---
COW-ASAKI Cows behind bars
__ _________ __ _________
( V _ _ )_ ( V )_
/ ( \o/ ) ) / //// )
( \_O_/ \ ( (---) \
\ /O\ ) \ |moo| )
( @ @ / ( (---) /
(_____/\____) (_____/\____)
o o
o o
o o
(__) (__)
/----(uu) /----(uu)
*__/| \o==s *__/| \o==s
/\(* \| __ \\----==s \)) /\(* \| __ \\----==s \))
|/))* | \ )*\||/))// |/))* | \ )*\||/))//
~ ~\/--\*) ~ ~\/--\*)
Dreaming Cow Cow Dreaming of Silage
(__) o o * (__)
(oo) o o \ (OO)
/-------\/==o o \-------\/
/ | || ____ [] | ||
* ||----|| |__| (/\)s==|----||
~~ ~~ /__\ ~ ~~
Cow blowing bubbles. Cow kicking over lantern that started
the Great Chicago Fire of 1885.
__// \__ |\__|\
/~~~)~~/ ) ( \~~(~~~\ | 00 |
/( _( ~/ \~ )_ )\ \---<( -- )>---/
/ \ // | / \ | \ / \ \ |--| /
/ \ O/ \O // \ \__/ \--/
( )/\ //\( ) ( )
/\ // \ /\ | |
/ / /W COW-TOW W\ \ \ --------
* \( )/ * || ||
\_ _// nn nn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cow after learning that
the vice president has a
(__) (__) (__) (__) lower IQ than he does
(oo) + (oo) = (oo) (oo)
\/ \/ \/ \/ (__,
(__) (__)(__) (__) (__) (__) /-----#-----\'
(oo) + (oo)(oo) = (oo) (oo) (oo) / | Cownucks|| \
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ }}--------}} \ o
== == --
Cownting... This cow plays hockey
moo /`'\ .
(__) MOO! ` / ./ \..
(oo) / ../ .' \.
/-------\/ ../ / ../ \
/ | || ./ ./ ./ \
* ||----|| ./ ./ \ \.
-------~~----~~----- .../ ../ ../ \
\ / / /
Ech-cow (echo)
________________ (__)
~__~ / \ (--)s ---mmmmoooooooOOOOOO!
(oo) ( Milk is logical. ) __ \O//
/-------\/ --'\________________/ / ==s)\_____
/ | || *--/|_/-----/ OO COW
* ||W---|| |__ __ II JOYRIDES
~~ ~~ O O o o / \-----/ \
Mr Spock's cow \__/ \__/
* . . ,
. . * . .
. *
\ / , (__) , ,
- * - ( . |
. / \ , . \/ . - - .
. / \\ , |
, * * / /\\
. /\\ / . .
* . / \\ . .
_|_ , . , / , *
| . , . * , . .
. , . . . * .
The Milky Way
\ / ________________________________
\/ / \
(__) /\ | At times likes these you |
(oo) O O | REALLY CoVet a proper surgeon! |
_\/_ // O \________________________________/
* ( ) // O
\ (\\ // o
\( \\ ) o (__)
( \\ ) /\ (oo)
___[\______/~~~~~~~\__/) o-)__ /\/\
|\__[=======______//________)__\ Cocown (\==/)
\|_______________//____________| \<>/
||| || //|| |||
||| || @.|| ||| (___) /~~~~~\
|| \/ .\/ || /- -\ / MU /
. . ( ~ ) __/______/
'.'.` \_O_/
(_ ~ - _) / ~
( - - | =s
O | *
| O \ \ - |
| \ |
- - |
Cow after one too many Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters.
(__) ---_
(__) _______________* (oo) /| \
(xx)-\ \ /-------\/ / |\ \_ (__)
\/ /-\___________\--\ / | | * ||\ (oo)
* ------ ~~ \____ \/
Boneless Cow No leg cow (ground beef) Two leg cow (lean beef)
\/ \___/
/ / \\ (0 0)
/ /\\ \ /
/\\ / v
/ / \\ |
/ <-------|------->
/ * |
|\ |
/ | \ / __|__
\\ \ \/ \/
/ \\ \ \/ \/
/ \\___\ \/ \/
/ \\ __|__
/ \\ \ /
/ / / \\ |\ /|
/ \\ | V |
/ / \\ | |
/ \\ | |
/ \\ W W
===============================O=========== Stick Cow sunbathing
=========================================== at Malibu wearing a
O) O) special cow bikini.
The dreaded cowtapult
(__) (___) ** ((__))
(__) (__) (___) \\ ((oo))
(oo) ( ) ( ) \\------\\//
| \/ | ( /*) | | || ||
| | || || | | |||----|||
(___) ~~~ ~~~
Cows doin' it Cows doin' it \_* Cow during an
(( _ _ (___) (__)
( D\ (_)(_)____ (0 0) (oo)
_______\__| | MOOTV____( /-------\_O---moo *-\/-------\
/| || _/\____/ / | || / || | \
/ ||____| \/~ / \ * ||,---|| * ||-----|| *
* || | O O ~~ ~~ \/|(/)(/\(,,/
~~ ~ Romie mooed... while Julie ate.
"Moo-vie Camera" (The Bard's barnyard inspirations)
| |
_______ | |
/ _____ | | ACME MOO-VERS |
/ /(__) || | |
________/ / |OO| || | |
| |-------|| | |
(| | -.|| |_______________________ |
| ____ \ ||_________||____________ | ____ ____ |
/| / __ \ |______|| / __ \ / __ \ | | / __ \ / __ \ |\
\|| / \ |_______________| / \ |_| / \ |__| |___________| / \ |__| / \ |_|/
| () | | () | | () | | () | | () |
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
"The Moo-vers are here!"
-- (__) * (__)* (__)* (__)* (__)
*--- - (QQ) \ (oo) \ (oo) \ (oo) \ (o-)
- \------\/ \-------\/ ~~\-------\/ ~~\-------\/ ~~\-------\/
--- | | | // | // | // | ||
- ||()--|| ||------+ ||------+ ||------+ ||----||
oo oo ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Roller Cow Cows in polonaise
/ (__)
Ship arriving too late to save a drowing cow (apologies to Frank Zappa)
\ / ____
|\/| {___} \__/ \/ * \/
(oo) ( * ) (--) | O O |
/-------\/ V /--------\Q/ /--------\/ \ /
/ | ||__| / | || / | || \**/
* ||----| * ||-----|| * ||----|| --
~~ ~ -- -- -- -- Milkael
Cow from Vulcan Smoking 1-eyed cow Cow w/ rabbit ears Cowbachev
(*) (*)
(__) ~ ~ (__)
(oo) | | | @(oo)@
[..] | = | [..]@@
\ | U (-) | | | | (-) U @@@@
|| ==<_\=====/_|______=_____|=|____________=__|____\====/_>== ||
|| ) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ( ||
|\====| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |====/|
| \ | | | | / |
= * = = = = * =
cows having candlelight dinner
(o o)
( ** ) __\_/__
|e e| //~~*~~\ \___/
\ / ____*===*______* / * \ (O O)
OO * Givenchy *\ / | * | \ \ /
| * * * \ \ |=====| / O
/**************** * "|_____|"
// ************* | | | Cow exclaiming
|| || \_/|| | | | "Holy Cow"
|| || || || |_|_|
v| v| v| v| ~ ~
Haute Cowture COWNT
|[] |\
(__) | |[] |\
(--) | (__) | |[] |\
* _________\/ /| (o-) | (__) | |[]
| (__) /,, ,, /_|_______\/ /| (oo) | (__) |
| __(oo) *--------------/,, ,, /_|_______\/ /| (OO) |
\===== |\/ | *--------------/,, ,, /_|_______\/ /|
_|_/ \_ |===========| *--------------/,, ,, / |
-//\-----/\\ o |===========| *----------------|
\_/ \_/ o |===========| |
----------------- o |================|
Cowazaki COW-WARD o o
/ \
( Freisian a jolly good fellow! )
\________________ ____________/
) ) ()
(__) // ( )
(__) (oo) / (___) ( __ )
/(oo)---\/ (o o) (oo)
/-------\/ || \ /-------\ /-------/||||
/ | ||----|| O|| | \ / | || |||
* ||----|| ~~ ||---,|| * * ||----|| |
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Two cows COW-ngratulating a bull Ayatollah Cow-manhi
(__) |====|
/--------------------/ (oo) \oo/
/ | || / (__) /-------\/ /-------\/
* ||----|| /-----------(oo) / | ||----> / | ||
~~ ~~ \/ * ||----|| * ||----||
___/ ___/ ~~ ~~
Network Virtual Cow Cowcatcher
(with separate frontend and backend) Cow waterskiing (Major league)
/\ __
{__} _[__]_
(oo) /(oo)\
/-------\/ /------@\/@
/ | + || / | |@@
* ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Sacred Cow Zen Cow (eating grass) Hasidic Cow
_____ _________________
/ \ / \
( 1+2=3 ) ( 1+SIN(2x)+COS(3x) )
\__ _/ \_____ __________/ (__)
( ( ) ) >(==)
\\ // )__( /-\/-\
\ (__) / (oo) /( )\
(oo) \/-------* ~ ( ) ~
/-------\/ || | \ ( )
/ | || ||----|| \ /----\
* ||----|| vv vv / \ \
~~ ~~ ~ * ~
COWculator (2) Reverse Polish Cow Cow-a-bunga
~~ ~~
O (___) || * ||----||
| (o o) || \ | ||
(no-bull-ity) ---> % -\ /- || \-------/\
|\/| O | || (oo)
| | | || ( )
/ v-' || ><
/==========| ( )
// || (oo)
,------._(__) || || /-------\/
* | \ ( oo || || / | ||
vv====>----=\/====vv |===========| * ||----||
~~ ~~
COWTOW Bi-cow molecule
(__) (__)
() () _____| oo | |oo|
()() / | /----|-|__|-|
(oo) / | / | ||
/-------UU /____________| * ||----||
/ | || ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
* ||w---|| Cow dressed up Cow dressed up
~~ ~~ as ghost as Frankenstein
Eh, What's up Doc? for Halloween For Halloween
(__) |\/| (__)
(oo) (oo) >(==)
__[_]__\/ /-------VV /-------\/
/ | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| --> . * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Portable Cow Japanese model Lycownthropy Cow-a-bunga (2)
(very handy) portable COW