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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
itsuka, aitsu-to tatakau toki-ga kuru... / __ \
Ryuuko-no Ken 2 |_| | |
__ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ __| |
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<__/ <__/_____|
AoF2 Dictionary Release 94i20.7 September 20, 1994
While you're "waiting" for one move to complete it's animation,
you can perform in advance further moves. For example, throw a
fireball (or some kind of flying body attack) and while it's executing
do the motion for another move. The second move will come out
immediately after the first completes (provided that you're not
knocked out of it.)
"Desperations" as I call them are special moves which are even
more devastating than "Power moves". The major requirement is that
your strength be low, you can tell when you see the white border of
your strength meter flashing. A full or almost full spirit meter is
needed too. These are marked with a "!!" in the move listing.
This FAQ is presented in three parts. A "dictionary" giving
general text information, a move list giving the moves, and a "Quick
Sheet", listing all the moves on a single page (print at 10cpi 8lpi).
There is no regular schedule to the FAQ's revisions (I'm very bad at
keeping schedules) rather, it's released when it's released... =^)
You can ftp these and many other files from ftp.netcom.com. Look
in the /pub/vi/vidgames/faqs directory. This archive is kept by Andy
Eddy, (vidgames@netcom.com) senior editor at Gamepro Magazine and
general nice guy.
This FAQ should be found as: (given 8.3 filenames for us fools
who bought MSDOS machines =^)
aof2dict.txt "Dictionary", this information file.
aof2move.txt Move list.
aof2quik.txt "Quick Sheet"
Play as King. Jump, and while still in the air, buffer a Double
Strike. She'll start rising up the screen doing (jumping) low punches
and not stop (she'll go up off the top of the screen, reappear from
the bottom, and keep rising). Once she leaves the screen the first
time, she can't be hit, however she can't do any attacks either, and
the game will more or less lock up after the timer runs out (since
King is technically still in mid-motion.) You'll have to reset the
machine to break out.
Play as Jack. Jump and buffer a Super Hip Attack. Jack will
now hover above the ground. Jack will return to Earth if jumps or
does a flying attack of some kind.
Howard, Geese:
Like how Fatal Fury Special (GarouDensetsu SPECIAL) features Ryo
Sakazaki in a special "Dream Match", Geese Howard makes an appearance
in Art of Fighting 2. Geese appears after Mr. Big. Conditions to
meet him is like Ryo in FFS. Don't lose. If you lose a round, don't
worry, just have a friend jump in and beat him 2-0, you can also
"switch sides" provided the continuing player wins 2-0.
Birthdate: January 21 (26 years old)
Height: 183cm
Weight: 82kg
Blood Type: B
Origin: America
Special moves are:
Reppuuken Same as in the Fatal Fury series
HishouNichiRinzan Jumping slash with an arm
Explosion Ball Punch with light ball on hand
Deadly Rave A RyuukoRanbu like rush.
tease Come on, yellow belly.
win/perfect Die, Yabo!
Unfortunately, unlike Ryo in FFS, Geese may not be used in
this game.
For those who can handle JIS code, at the bottom of this file is
a uuencoded text file containing all the character and move names in
their original Japanese form along with romanized readings, plus track
listings for the soundtrack CDs. If you can't read JIS code, you can
still uudecode and view ASCII part of the file, just cut out the nasty
looking parts. (Though there won't be much to look at after.)
"Ki" or spirit, is one element which sets the Art of Fighting
games apart from other arcade fighters prior. Each player has a
spirit meter along with their strength meter. All special moves take
spirit to perform, low levels of spirit cause weaker forms of the
special moves to come out, and no spirit will either cause a move to
be undoable or done in a very weak way. Rationing and finding
opportunities to "recharge" spirit must now enter your strategy. Not
to mention "teasing" which lowers your opponent's Ki but leaves you
vulnerable for a moment. The only other games to have teasing moves
up to this game's release are Fatal Fury 2 & FFSpecial, and World
Heroes 2 & WH2JET however, teasing is only for show.
Music & Mags:
There is a soundtrack disc available in Japan. If you don't know
anyone living in or going to Japan, consult Iain Sinclair's Game Music
BGM list. There's information on ordering Japanese CDs in there.
Title: "Ryuuko-no Ken 2"
Artist: SNK/Neo Sound Orchestra
Maker: Pony-Canyon Scitron
Catalog#: PCCB-00144
Release: February 18, 1994
Price: 1500yen
Also of note is the soundtrack for the original Art of Fighting,
"Ryuuko-no Ken", catalog# PCCB-00101, released November 20, 1991,
(everything else is same as above.)
The CD contains 50 tracks spanning over 56 minutes and 8 seconds
of play time. All the music, voices, and sound effects in the game
are included (Japanese "version", Robert, Yuri, King, and John all
have different voices between English & Japanese modes.)
The AoF disc is 42 tracks, 44'57".
Gamest #115 (5.15) is a special issue devoted entirely to Art of
Fighting 2 (Ryuuko-no Ken 2). Profiles, moves, tips, history, art,
and data are included. Obtaining a copy may be difficult, contact
your nearest Japanese book store. Cover price is 1280 yen.
Notation in the Full List is as follows:
\|/ "Joystick" notation is used, Imagine the "O" as the ball of the
O-O-O joystick (I know I know, most joysticks have a bat handle) and
/|\ the line represents the shaft. A neutral or centered joystick
O O O is represented by a solitary "O". "(jump)" means to jump and
do the motion. Buttons are given as their respective letters.
Moves in the full sheet are given "right-facing", meaning your
oppponent is on the right (and you on the left).
ub u uf
b c f The Short Sheet uses letters as a space saving measure with
db f df the letters u d b f representing up down back forward,
respectively. Letters are combined for diagonals, and "c"
(lowercase) is for centered (neutral). "(j)" and "(c)" represent jump
and do-close, respectively. Buttons are given as their respective
Power Move:
"Power Moves" as I call them are the "Special Techniques of
Terror" which you usually "learn" after beating your first three
opponents. These do immense damage if successful, if not just look
plain scary (if you're on the receiving end. =^) In a 2-player game
you may do it at any time provided you have the sufficient spirit to
perform it. In the 1-player game, you have the additional requirement
of having to "master" it in the bonus round.
Ryuuko-no Ken:
The original name for this game is "Ryuuko-no Ken", breaking it
down: ryuu = dragon
ko = tiger
no = posessive joining particle (grammar stuff)
ken = fist, (fighting) technique, art
The title has something of a double meaning. First, the Dragon
and Tiger ("Ryuuko") represents two forces which are equally balanced.
Ryo and Robert in this game are the "Dragon" and "Tiger". In this
case, the title translation is on the lines of "Art of Two Rivals".
In the second definition, "Ryuuko" is representative of the
Kyokugen(ryu) Karate style that the Sakazakis and Robert more or
less follow. Loosely, "Art of Kyokugenryu" or "Kyokugenryu Moves/
All the action of the game takes in Southtown, heterogeneous
"melting pot" of people, and fighting styles. On the AoF2 map, the
central portion along with the peninsula on the lower left is the map
of the original AoF. Also, to the lower right is a connected island.
If you recall back to the original Fatal Fury, you'll recognize this
island to be it's map.
The move list includes word breakdowns for the names given in
Japanese, some with "translated" English names. Keep in mind however,
that some of the English names I've given are not word-for-word, and
for those without an English name there may be no "translation" (at
least not a good one) for it. The reason is sometimes you can't just
take the word "ryuu" (for example) and immediately translate it as
"dragon", it may be there to mean the _characteristics_ of a dragon.
Power, strength, fury, etc. The difference is between understanding
the "meaning" and understanding the "emotion" of a word.
"Z" Closing Items:
First, some people who helped in the making of this list. Send
them mail and make 'em feel loved. =^)
Special thanks to Masahiro Abe (pen@win.or.jp).
Thanks also goes out to: Rasheed Rankins (rankinsr@mit.edu)
Herbert Tin Hoy Hu (hoy@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu)
Herbert Yeung (hyeung@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu)
Augusto Floro (asz5sju@sjumusic.stjohns.edu)
Arthur Phan (aphan@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu)
Yoshimitsu Miyashita (graduated.and.gone)
And I'm: Galen Komatsu, you may send corrections, comments,
and rolls of quarters to gkomatsu@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu.
Release History:
Release 0 Early February, 1994
The original listing, primarily contained moves copied off of
the arcade game console display strip and a few moves pulled
from fj.rec.games.video.arcade.
Release 1 March 5, 1994
Updated with more moves, Geese Howard also discovered in game.
Release 2 March 10, 1994
Updated with remaining unfound "desperation" moves graciously
supplied by Yoshimitsu Miyashita. Short-sheet is born. This
version was never actually released except for the short-sheet
sent to a few people.
Release 3 March 17, 1994
Full and short-sheet updated with moves and names. "Dictionary"
(this) is also written.
Release 4 April 2, 1994
Corrections and updates on some moves. "Short Sheet" changed to
"Quick Sheet" (to conform with the filename given). Dictionary
updated with new info on Geese & other items.
Release 5 May 17, 1994
Updates to Dictionary, translations written for moves,
soundtrack information.
Release 6 June 18, 1994
Minor corrections and updates.
Release 7 September 17, 1994
FINAL EDIT. The FAQ since release 4 has included all you needed
to know to play the game (except win. =^), updates since have just
been corrections and addition of random information. As is the
case with this one. Final additions include character profiles
and updates to the dictionary. enjoy!
Copyright 1994 Galen Komatsu. Permission granted to distribute freely
provided no fee is charged outside of raw reproduction costs. Contact
author for inclusion in media, printed, electronic, or otherwise. gtk
...Yuri-chan, kotchi! kotchi! (^_^)
XTC Nakajima Michiyo nin Revolution Atari2600 Ryuuko-noKen2
a total eclipse of the earth occurs when you put your hands over your eyes.
begin 644 aof2.jis
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