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Ahhhh, yes I can remember my first trip well and it brings tears to my
eyes since it changed my life in excellent ways.
My story will probably be the longest here but 'oh well' it's worth the
I start with a note saying that I was not a serious druggy and was kind of cool and nerdy at the same time all my life, getting my kicks out of the mental, knowledge and facination of everything.
On that note, here goes....
It was 1986 in my apartment near Downtown Dallas.
One day I was at one of the many hippy families appartments in the complex and they said
if I wanted anything to drink, grab it out of the fridge.
I opened the fridge to grab a coke and BLAMMO, I saw over a thousand hits of
blotter rolled up in sheets which they called purple microdot.
I know microdot is a barrel (micro pellet) of LSD so it couldn't have been
It was medium blue in color and in the center there was a small impefect
purple circle that looked like it was made up with some sort of fungus or that an actual purple drop
of LSD was put in the center.
After examination under my little microscope I had since a child I noticed
that in the very center of the blotter there was a pin hole and a chrystal
substance, chrystalized across the hole (Alot like how salt is chrystalized
across the hole of a 'Cheeze Nip').
I then asked how fresh it was and they said it couldn't be any fresher since it was just 'sprayed'
a couple of hours before with a chrystal LSD concoction straight from a new batch at the 'Lab'.
So I asked them if I could purchase some from them and they said that I could
have a couple of hits, one for me and another for one of my old girlfriends and there was plenty
more where that came from!
Girlfriend and I went to my apartment, took a hit each while playing Isao Tomita's
version of Bolero and 'The Planets' on the stereo and sat in separate cumfy
chairs not knowing what to expect.
Within 20 minutes we both felt funny so we kind of worredly grinned at each other.
Between the 20 minute and 35 minute mark we both reported feeling like we were
on speed but a different kind of speed, more like a rush which kept getting
stronger and stronger and 'MY GOD' STRONGER.
By the 40 minute mark we though we were going to go out of our skulls since
the speed or pure energy we were feeling internaly was going to make us jump
out of our skin.
My girlfriend with gritted teeth and a very scrunched up face said 'I
love that music (Isao Tomita) but turn it off since it is making me feel even more speedy'.
I stood up, got a big acid rush which was something like a quick concussion
that resulted in me falling down flat on my face and it took me at least 3
minutes to crawl on my stomach to the stereo to turn it off.
(Thank goodness for the rush since it calmed me down instead of adding to
the feeling of jumping out of skin.)
I crawled back to the chair, took another 2 minutes to get firmly seated back
while my head litteraly felt like it was a block of lead.
The next 5 minutes my girlfriend and I attempted to communicate our experiences with each other
and were doing good at first then second after second our thoughts became more and more
Before the 5 minutes was up my girlfriend's mouth was litteraly locked open, her eyes bugging
and sound coming out of her mouth.
What the acid did is litteraly lock up her brain temporarily to the point of where she though she
was carrying on a conversation, but instead, left her locked in exactly the state it was when she
was talking so she stuck that way for about a minute.
I WOULD have paniced or have really freaked on this if I was in my right mind but for once in my
life and only around 50 minutes into the trip I can surely say that I know what the Beatles meant
by 'So incredibly high'.
I mean, I was complete toast to the point of not only could I not move an inch but got to the point
where I felt like a 10 ton, lead marshmallow, smashed into a cumfy chair and a few minutes later I
simply did not exist.
Nope, I simply did not exist period.
I know for a fact that the stuff took me so far out that I'm