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PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 10/04/92 2:40 AM
TIME: 10/03 7:10 PM
Some time ago someone tried to post some material on the
involvement of the Aurora Flying Saucer in the creation of
earthquakes but lacked the facts and source of facts to back
up his statements.
The source of the following material is the May 11, 1992
AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY pp 62, 63 - "New Evidence
Bolsters Reports of Secret High-Speed Aircraft" by William
R. Scott. (Wasn't the poster of the material on this plane
also named Scott?) (This article predates Landers quake)
"Evidence of a high-speed, high-altitude classified
aircraft powered by an advanced propulsion system continues
to grow, despite U.S. Air Force claims that no such aircraft
are being acquired by the service.
"Photographs taken over Amarillo, Tex., of contrails
produced by a 'pulser' aircraft show the distinctive 'donuts
on a string' pattern previously reported by observers in
California and Colorado. The contrails are consistent with
exhaust characteristics of several advanced propulsion
concepts, such as a pulse detonation wave engine (PWDE).
"Sightings of high-speed 'pulser' vehicles that leave
either this pattern or a segmented, 'sausage-link' contrail
have been reported for about three years, but Pentagon
officials continue to say they have no knowledge of such an
aircraft. Countering that position, a senior Air Force
officer who recently addressed civic leaders in California
hinted that Peale AFB will be assigned a new 'flight' or
mission within the next two years. Funding requests now
being drafted by Air Force headquarters for facility
construction at Peale would appear consistent with a new
mission. P/ "Unknown aircraft having pulse-type engines
were seen at Peale in late February, but were believed to be
transients. (Anybody, WHAT is a "transient? beth)
"The Texas contrails were photographed on Mar. 23 at 8:30
AM after the aircraft had crossed Amarillo at high speed on
a southeasterly heading. Although the sky was clear and
visibility unlimited, the vehicle was out of sight before
Steven A. Doublass, the photographer, could spot it. He
described its engine noise as a 'strange, loud pulsating
roar...unique...a deep pulsating rumble that vibrated the
house and made the windows vibrate." >
"The powerplant produced a continuous series of short
low-frequency pulses of uniform duration. Douglass said its
sound was 'similar to rocket engine noise, but deeper, with
evenly timed pulses.' P/ "Douglass also is a radio
PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 10/04/92 2:40 AM
hobbyist who publishes 'Intercepts' a monthly newsletter
about military radio monitoring. As a result, he owns
equipment capable of scanning ultra-high frequencies used by
U.S. Air Force aircraft. P/ "After the vehicle passed
Amarillo, Douglass detected digitally encrypted speech on
288 MHz., a narrow-band military frequency used as a
downlink by USAF communications satellites. The only traffic
previously monitored on this frequency occurred during the
gulf war, suggesting that the channel is reserved for
special missions." P/ "Two North American Air Defense
Command frequencies (260.8 MHz. and 364.2 MHz) also were
active at the time. The primary MORAD frequency (260.8 MHz)
is the airborne intercept command channel for the Southwest
U.S. region. Air-to-air communications on that channel were
between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign 'Dragnet 51'
from Tinker AFR, Okla., and two unknown aircraft using the
call signs 'Darkstar November' and 'Darkstar Mike'. Messages
consisted of phonetically transmitted alphanumerics NEXT
PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 10/04/92 2:44 AM
TIME: 10/03 9:04 PM
May 11, 1992 pp 62, 63: "New Evidence Bolsters Reports of
Secret High-Speed Aircraft" by William R. Scott.
"It is not known whether this radio traffic had any
association with the 'pulser' that had just flown over
Amarillo. P/ "On Apr. 5 (a Sunday) and Apr. 22, radio
hobbyists in Southern California monitored transmissions
between Edwards' AFB's radar control facility (Joshua
Control) and a high altitude aircraft using the call sign
'Gaspipe.' The series of radio calls occurred at
approximately 6 a.m. local time on both dates.
"Controllers were directing the unknown Gaspipe aircraft
to a runway at Edwards, using advisories similar to those
given space shuttle crews during a landing approach. The
monitors recorded two advisories, both transmitted by Joshua
Control to Gaspipe; 'You're at 67,000, 81 mi out,' and
Seventy mi. out, 36,000. Above glideslope.'
"The first transmission implied Gaspipe was a special-
-mission aircraft flying at 67,000 ft., well above a 50,000
ft. limit observed by pilots of modern military aircraft
such as the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18. When flying above 50,000
ft., USAF crews typically wear pressure suits as protection
against adverse physiological effects related to low
atmospheric pressure. Crews routinely flying high-altitude
aircraft such as the U-2/TB-1 and the SB-71 above 50,000 ft
always wear full pressure suits.
and Pentagon officials last week about the Gaspipe
communications, they said Joshua Control's documents contain
no record of controllers having 'worked' an aircraft with
such a call sign on those dates. They also confirmed that
no U-2/TB-1 or NASA-operated SB-71s were controlled at those
times. P/ "Data from the Texas and Edwards AFB
observations are augmented by multiple reports of at least
five low-pitched, rumbling sonic booms heard by residents in
the Los Angeles area over the past year. (AW&ST Nov. 15,1991
p.23; Nov. 11, 1991 p.15) Initially these were thought to
be mild earthquakes. On Apr. 16 about 7 a.m. two shocks
were detected approximately 2 min apart -- a now-standard
pattern consistent with two aircraft flying with slightly
different tracks. So far, all the Los Angeles-area booms
have been heard on Thursday mornings between 6 and 8:30 a.m.
"The U.S. Geological Survey's earthquake monitoring
system has recorded five sets of the distinctive shock waves
PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 10/04/92 2:44 AM
as they rolled over Southern California, and confirmed they
were not earthquakes. James J. Mori, a USGS seismologist,
plotted time-of-arrival data from the activated sensors and
compared them to patterns produced by the space shuttle and
SB-7a. P/ "These reference shock-data were derived from
a shuttle orbiter as it descended supersonically towards
Edwards AFB, and from the SB-71 during its 1990 trans-
continental speed record flight. The data provided an
approximate speed/altitude calibration of the USGS sensor
array. Based on those benchmarks, Mori estimated the
unknown aircraft's speed at 'several times the speed of
sound,' possibly as high as Mach 3. P/ "Separately,
during the last seven months, a small team of observers in
southern California logged at least 30 sonic booms believed
to be produced by the same unknown aircraft type that
periodically triggered the USGS sensors. Because its 'boom'
and subsequent engine sound was quite distinctive, observers
claim they could easily distinguish the 'pulser' from NEXT
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