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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
# P A R I S #
# D E #
# N U I T #
For Vampire: the Masquerade.
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By Yann Golanski.(c)1993
But thee I now admire, thee would I choose
For my Religion, or my Muse.
'Tis hard to tell whether thy reverend shades
Has more good Volaries or Poets made,
From thy dark Caves were Inspirations given,
And from thick groves went vows to Heaven
Hail then thou Muse's and Devotions Spring,
'Tis just we should adore,'tis just we should thee sing
J.Norris of Bemerton, Hymn to Darkness
*John "horror" Partrige; for beeing a true Blue Blood.
*James "I am ALWAYS invisible" ***; for beeing a very humane
*Ben "I'll go for a meal." Penford; for having a hard time
with a garou hunter.
*David "but I'm only a little girly" Brumby; for embracing
the Malkavian mind, and becoming a Sabbat.
*Barni "Oh, I've got a hangover!" Wallace; for fighting the
Wyrm, and helping some Lupines.
*Jon "bastard" Munday; for having LOTS OF MONEY, and playing
Shadowrun in Bromley, instead of Vampire!!!
All the play tester's carracters are still living in Paris, even
if they might have died during play, since their enemies are alive
as well!!! Their carracters sheets are given, so that they can be used
as NPCs by others Storytellers, or just ignored!.
Actually, Dot (the malkavian) died, as all of the Sabbat pack! (see
1_ The Kindred of Paris.
1_ The Brujah.
2_ The Gangrel.
3_ The Nosferatu.
4_ The Malkavian.
5_ The Toreador.
6_ The Tremere.
7_ The Ventrue.
8_ The Seties.
9_ Other clans.
10_ Interaction tables.
2_ The Magi of Paris.
3_ The Hunters.
1_The Garou.
2_The Holy Inquisition.
4_ Secret of Paris.
5_ An unexpected party.
(An adventure for Paris by night (play test).)
2_Enter the carracters.
3_Enter the Ravnos.
4_Enter the Sabbat.
5_The last battle.
6_ The Testament.
(An other adventure for Paris by night.)
Thanks to Louis Grandoulan, Phillippe Duchon, Dennis Depalma and
Rolf Bergstrom and all on the Vampire Mailing List. As well to all
my friends those names, I have used.
Many thanks to the Lost Boy (Jim Summers) who put this into ftp, and
to Barni Wallace, who spell-checked the whole thing, correcting
all my orthograph mistakes.
Vampire; the Masquerade is (c) of White Wolf. The following is no
challenge to its copyright.
All names of people, places, and all the events are imaginery. Any
similitude with living or dead (or undead) people is unintended.
# If you are not going to run Paris by Night as a ST; or your own #
# ST is on the list, please do not read beyond that point, since #
# it will give away most of the fun. Thanks. #
"The tripod is the most dangerous political structure."
Moto of the Bene Geserit
1_ T H E K I N D R E D O F P A R I S
Paris is a place where the tripod is the most common
political figure. All aliances or conflicts are on this bases.
| | |
_______|_______ | |
| | | |
Gangrel Brujah Magi Garou
Nosferatu Toreador Tremere Inquisition
Malkavian Ventrue Setties Sabbat
I have set the Vampire Club from "World of Darkness" in Paris.
It has the same owner, and some background. It is floating on the
Seine. Every new kindred to the city will have free membership, and
will have to do a short performance on the stage. She/he will have a
week to prepare her/his show. At the end, Sire Francois Villon will
welcome the new kindred to stay as long as she/he wants, for the
proof that one is an artiste has been given. If what they have done
is crap, he will invite the new comer to leave his city. If it is
THE PITS, he will order a Blood Hunt on the "chien qui a osser me
presenter une tell chose!" ("On the dog who presented such a thing!".)
This is very rare, as every kindred is told that they better do
something good. On the other hand, if he is impressed by the show
(such as very good french poetry, etc..) he will be most pleased to
help the new comers in the future!
This must be played in live action (rolls to play instrument..
botch is always possible, no others!). Let them know that they are in
the "citee des arts". Costumes, and advice are avaiable from
Sebastien, but he will never set up something. Villon will never
speak another language but he understands several others, and won't
mind if the new comer performs in another language.
This performance can be anything, like a play, a demonstration
of one's abilities, a song, a lecture on a subject (art is good, but it
can be on anything else, as long as its not borring!). Eg: A Tremere
could do some "magical tricks"; a Malkavian could mimic the Tremere....
I am using different rules for Diablerie:
*First you advance in generation acording to (your generation/vessel
generation) rounded to a lower value. If the vessel is of the same clan
as you; then you gain +1 in any CLAN disciplines the vessel had, if
they are above your own level. If from another clan, you can develop
the vessels MAIN dicipline, without having to learn it. (same price as
a non-clane dicipline, but no need for a teacher.).
*That's the good things, now the bads:
Roll your conscience against your humanity:
1 or more successes---lose one humanity and a conscience
No successes----------lose 2 humanity and a conscience
Botch-----------------as above, and the character gains a
derangment and he/she frenzies...
Now, some part of the vessel will pass onto you (his/her soul
is beeing mixed with yours), so you will start to develop a
trait of character which will be close to the nature of the vessel.
The greater the jump, the greater the reincarnation.
Eg1= Nathaniel diablerises a Ravnos of 8th generation, he ends up
a a 8th (he was 9th), and only gets mild kleptonania.
Eg2= Nathaniel diableries Villon, he ends up as a 6th generation,
with a mix of Villon's soul and his own..he died as Nathaniel, and
Villon died as well, but now there is a being with a bit of both!
Eventualy, Villon will take over the new body and be re-born as a
6th generation Ventrue.....
*All disadvantages from Diablerie Mexico are still present!
It makes diablerie more powerful, but it has a very
at the same time!!!). In Paris, a diablerist will gain a very bad
reputation due to the Lady, who will "hate" him/her and will try to
make his/her life very misserable! The only diablerie permitted is
after a Blood Hunt, if the Prince is realy impresed by the courage
of the players, and he is very VERY angry at the hunted! Even so, he
will try to make the character do a wrong move and kill him/her as
soon as possible; or at least to make his/her life very misserable!!!
Some of them go through the wall,
Some of them could never stay,
Some of them falling...Into the flames.
Mary Goes Round, 1964 spirit.
1_ T H E B R U J A H :
Since the last 200 years, the clan has been known to
be active in Paris. There greatest achievment was the French Revolution,
in 1789, they manage to take control of France, and only an alliance
of the other clans succeeded in destroying their "Republique". They have
then waited till the 18 of March 1871: the Paris Commune! 100 days of
anarchy across the streets of Paris. It was eneded by the army, lead
by a ghoul of the Ventrue. Then the prince, after seeing that the
Brujah destroyed his library at the Lovre, ordered a Blood Hunt on
" Tous les membre de ce clan depravee et inutile!!!"(all the members
of this useless and deviant clan). The biggest Blood Hunt ever called
among vampires: All Brujahs were hunted down and killed by all the
other clans. There was no pity. None survived, and Paris was free of
their influance till the 20 century. the Elders of the clan took their
revenge in 1917: The Russian Revolution was set and succeeded. All the
other clans were told not to interfere. In may 1968, there was a
burst of Brujah and the country was taken by surprise! The prince
agreed to let the clan come back into Paris, and the clan ended the
"mai 68" revolution.
There are no leaders of the Brujah in Paris, only a
inn, where they meet and plan what to do. They are all of 10th
generation or above since no older Brujah will go to Paris...They
still remember the Commune!!! The pub is called: La Taverne de Nesle,
rue dauphine.
There are lots of gangs in Paris (skinheads, punks,
etc...), feel free to do your own Brujah, but they will be "young"
(100 years old). The players could become leaders of the clan, or can
start as one of the leaders (they are 5 called: Philippe, Bruno,
Vanesa, Delphine, and Vincent. They are all 8th generation).
My Lady D'Arbanville
Why do you sleep so still
I'll wake up tomorrow
And you will be my fill
My Lady D'Arbanville
Why does it greave me so
Your heart seems so silent
Why do you breath so low
My Lady D'Arbanville
You look so cold this night
Your lips feel like winter
Your skin has turned to white
I love you my Lady
For in your grave you lie
I'll always be with you
This rose will never die,
This rose will never die.
And Also The Tree, Lady D'Arbanville
2_T H E G A N G R E L
They were the most powerful in the past, able to cross
the kingdoms, as they wish. Now there are only dreams of that time,
and plans for the future!
Paris has a very small population of Gangrels, in
fact they do not live in the city, but in the woods near it. All
parks in Paris are theirs, but only few live there. They hate the
Toreadors even more here, since it is them who have develpped Paris
so much. Their leader is a women, who died around the 14 century, not
a lot is known about her but that she is the Lady of Arbanville!
She came to Paris 50 years ago, and became the leader of a brood who
lived there. She seized control of the Boy Scout movement and it is
said that Lord Baden Powell was one of her freind. (she didn't make
him a vampire, because she loved him to much to inflict the curse on
him. And at that time she was already in Golconda.). She made an
aliance with the Nosferatu (with Jean) and the Malkavian (with
Benoit) clan to move against Abelard, the Tremere leader of Paris.
The Lady and he have been enemies since the first time they saw each
other. She doesn't know what he is doing in Paris but wants to prevent
him from doing anything. She knows that he practised diablerie to
gain power, and that he will be ready to use it again, if he finds
an elder! But she has no proof of it.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Lady D'Arbanville Nature:Care giver Generation:7
Player: Demeanor:Care giver Haven:none
Chronicle:Paris Clan:Gangrel Concept:noble
Strength.....**ooo Charisma.......****** Perception...******
Dexterity..******* Manipulation....**ooo Intelligence..****o
Stamina......**ooo Appearance....******* Wits........*******
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken....******* Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness..******* Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......***** Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........***** Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge....********* Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......***** Music...........***oo Linguistics...*****
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth........****** Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...***** Survival......******* Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......**ooo Allies..........**ooo Conscience....*****
Animalism.******** Contacts........**ooo Self-Control..****o
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude...****** Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....*oooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......ooooo Injured -1 O
Protean...******** Retainers.......ooooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........****o Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I was invited to quit the Camarilla and join the Inconnu
sortly after my achieving of the Blessed State of Golconda, but my
Children need me to show them that there is a way to be free from the
frenzy, and live accepting the Beast as a part of yourself. I will never
force them, if they don't want to join me it is all right, but I'll try
to convince them all. My powers are great (since the Beast helps me now)
but I will not use them, there are too many who will be jealous and
might want to comit diablerie on me! But I will always answer them and
advice them on how to reach this The Blessed State.
My frienship with the Garou, or Lupines as we calll them,
is long. I helped them against the evil force of a demon in the past
(what they called a Bane). Now they consider me as one of their freinds
and they are, in some sort, very close to me childrens.
Of all clans, the Tremere are the one I fear the most! They are
on the wrong way and they might unlease powers far above their
power to control. Anyway, Tremere will pay for his Crime.
IMAGE: long blond hair, with eyes as deep as the sea, the Lady is one
of the most beautifull women of the world. She always wear a white
dress and is always charming to mortals and kindred alike.
ROLE PLAYING: You will aid anyone on their way to Golconda, if they
ask you. You will try to help any vampire who comes to you with
goodness in her. Always smile, and try to make the others around you
happy. If there is a Tremere in the room, you will not speak to him,
nor help him. The Toreadors are blind to the beauty of the world and
try to create their own, it is the wrong way: but they can learn, and
you can teach them. Consider that in every Kindred, there is at least
5% of good!!!...
Play tester character:
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Manhanell Nature:Rebel Generation:9
Player:Barni Demeanor:loner Haven: warehouse
Chronicle:Paris Clan:GANGREL Concept:outlaw.
Strength.....***oo Charisma........***oo Perception....**ooo
Dexterity....****o Manipulation....**ooo Intelligence..***oo
Stamina......***oo Appearance......*oooo Wits..........***oo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......**ooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....**ooo Drive...........*oooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....**ooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........****o Firearm.........*oooo Investigation.*oooo
Dodge........***oo Melee...........*oooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......**ooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...*oooo
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........*oooo Medicine......*oooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........*oooo
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........*oooo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...ooooo Survival........***oo Science.......ooooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Magus lore....**ooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....**ooo
Animalism....**ooo Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..****o
Celerity.....*oooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......*****
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......****o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....*oooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......*oooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......*oooo Injured -1 O
Protean......***oo Retainers.......**ooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........*oooo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUNS: Leave me alone, I just want to find that b**** from the
Sabbat and kill her. Why? well, she nearly got me last time, in
South Africa, but I have grown and learnt much more about my powers.
Oh but she will find out very soon! (it is Virginia)
IMAGE: A tall black man, always in leather on a big bike!
ROLE PLAYING: Leave me alone!
NOTES: shy/over confident/vengence (against enemy)/enemy (virginia)/
iron will (cf Dorophy, in Malkavians)/True love (his sire)/
He who was living is now dead
We who were living are now dying
With a little patience.
4_ T H E N O S F E R A T U :
They are controlled by 3 vampires: Jean, Eric, and
Laurent. They sleep in the catacombs and control all the other
"dwellers under the sky" (the sky is in fact the stones above their
head.). All the Cataphiles (cata: catacombes, philes:love. It is the
name of the people who come to this place, and respect it.
On the other hand "Tourists", are people who go there and trash the
place.) are they herd, and some of them are retainers. They are
regrouped in groups like: the deepcats, The psi-div (servants of the
3 elders). Or they just have a underground name:Gandalf,Gizmo,La Taupe
Legolas(they are the psi-div) others are cataclisme, cataract, caton,
etc... Nobody knows how many there are, but they have all 2 things in
common: they love the Catacombs, and are ready to defend it! (Once,
there was a skinhead group, who went down. Sometimes later, all the
Cataphiles knew it. (they leave handouts in special places, and the
others can read them.) They all met in one place, and made a "bust"
into the skinheads, who NEVER returned.).
There are around 300 kmsq of tunnels under Paris, and
they where made as a maze. Each tunnel has a name, like on the ground.
But they are different, so there is no hope of getting out. The
Cataphiles made maps of the place, but give them only to their
trusted allies. The IGC (inspection generale des carriers, inspector
of catacombs) patrols the Catas to get every body out(see after);
they can give fines up to 5000 Fr, and if you are in possession of
bones, then it goes to court, and you might have a prison sentence.
Entrances are in fact pits with ladders on their side, at the bottom
there is a corridor. This are about 1.60 m height, the temperature is
fixed all year and around 20 C. There are some rooms, which various
sizes: Z, Zlard, L'abris Laval, La plage.... This is where most of
the cataphiles can be found (generaly partying, and listening to music
like Dead Can Dance, And Also The Tree, or more "cold wave" stuff).
The Nosferatu fight against the Ventrue of Paris over
the cata, since the mayor of Paris (Jack Chirac is blood bonded to
Labianus) wants to closed them forever. The IGC is their weapon.
Their relation with the Toreadors is good, even if their clans are
enemies. It is said that Eric and Arnaud were very good friends in
the past, and they still see each other from time to time.
They live under the Monparnass Graveyard, among the
rest of those who fell during the Commune. Some strange facts about
Jean, Eric, and Laurent is that no one has ever seen then. It is
wispered that they are so horrible that they cause fear in mortals
and great uneasiness among kindred. They, in fact, look as if there
were no flesh between there skin and their bones. Along with their
Nosferatu appearance, they look like Undead from your worst
nightmare! It is said that they all have the corruption touch, and
that plants, and small animals die from their touch.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Jean Nature:cynical/loner Generation:6
Player: Demeanor:curmudgeon Haven:Catacombes
Chronicle:Paris Clan:NOSFERATU Concept:student
Strength.....***oo Charisma........*oooo Perception....****o
Dexterity..******* Manipulation....**ooo Intelligence..***oo
Stamina......***oo Appearance......sorry Wits.........******
Acting.......***oo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness..******* Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....***oo Etiquette.......**ooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........***oo Firearm.........**ooo Investigation.***oo
Dodge.......****** Melee...........****o Law...........ooooo
Empathy......***oo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...****o
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......**ooo
Leadership...*oooo Security........***oo Occult........****o
Steerwise....****o Stealth.........****o Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge..****** Survival......******* Science.......***oo
Auspex.......**ooo Allies..........**ooo Conscience....***oo
Animalism...****** Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..**ooo
Celerity.....**ooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......*****
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....**ooo Herd............***** HEALTH
Obfuscate..******* Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency.....****** Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......*oooo Injured -1 O
Protean......***oo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***** Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUNDS NOTES: Back in the old days, when I was studing in Poland
I found the most beautyfull lady ever! I loved her so much, but she
went away with another...my sadness had no limit. It was in 1556 in
the Yagelon University in Krakow that I saw her again, but she found
someone else to love, another women! But these days are over now and
she is dust...I still live, remember her and cry.
I can speak many languages, and I travelled a lot, until
I found Paris, and it's kingdom of the dead! My doom is too great
to carry, and no one will ever see me again; but they can still hear my
voice, that chills their unearthly blood!
IMAGE: Ever seen the nosferatu page 54 of WoD? Well he is even worse.
ROLE PLAYING: Be strange, make everyone feel uneasy (especialy women).
Then, change and be happy for a minute or so...
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Eric Nature:loner Generation:6
Player: Demeanor:Bon vivant Haven:Catacombes
Chronicle:Paris Clan:NOSFERATU Concept:student
Strength....****** Charisma........**ooo Perception....***oo
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation....***** Intelligence..****o
Stamina.....****** Appearance......sorry Wits..........****o
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness...****** Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......****o Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........***** Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.***oo
Dodge........***oo Melee...........ooooo Law...........**ooo
Empathy.....****** Music..........****** Linguistics..******
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........***oo
Steerwise....****o Stealth.........***** Politics......****o
Subterfuge..****** Survival........***** Science.......ooooo
.............ooooo Sing............****o Art.........*******
.............ooooo ................ooooo History.......****o
Auspex.......****o Allies..........****o Conscience....*****
Animalism...****** Contacts........****o Self-Control..***oo
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......*oooo
Dominate.....***oo Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....**ooo Herd............***** HEALTH
Obfuscate..******* Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......***** Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......**ooo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........****o Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I received the curse by the same Sire as Jean, and so we
knew each other from the start! But what a curse! I cannot walk among
the beauty of the world, since I am one of their most ugly things. But
what a benediction, my lore of the world is so great that nothing
is unknown to me...well somethings are but you know what I mean!
One of my few children is living in the Opera House, he
has even a book written about him! I will always be happy to see
some of my clan, who love art! In fact, we should be the artistes of the
undead, the Toreadors should consider our feeling and acept us as
true "lovers" of Art! Many of us already sleep under the most beautyful
Cathedrals of Paris!
IMAGE: well hard to guess....
ROLE PLAYING: You have an integral culture on art. You know true
ugliness, therefore you know beauty. You know a lot and hate it when
someone corrects you, BUT the problem is that you have a very bad
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Laurent Nature:Fanatic Generation:6
Player: Demeanor:bon vivant Haven:Catacombes
Chronicle:Paris Clan:NOSFERATU Concept:film maker
Strength.....***oo Charisma........***oo Perception..*******
Dexterity..******* Manipulation....***** Intelligence..****o
Stamina......***oo Appearance......sorry Wits..........****o
Acting.......****o Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...***oo
Alertness....***** Drive...........****o Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge.......****** Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......***** Music...........***** Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...***** Security........ooooo Occult........ooooo
Steerwise....****o Stealth.........***** Politics......*****
Subterfuge..****** Survival.......****** Science.......ooooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Film making...****o
.............ooooo ................ooooo Film theory..******
Auspex.......****o Allies..........ooooo Conscience....*****
Animalism...****** Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..*****
Celerity.....****o Fame............ooooo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............***** HEALTH
Obfuscate..******* Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......***** Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........****o Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: Laurent is the most secret of his kind, never speaks.
In fact he speaks only to Eric and Jean. He loves all modern art,
and especialy cinema. He has seen almost all the films, but
he hates theater. "Theater cannot give you the deep emotions and
feelings that a camera can" as he says. He is in love with a mortal,
but loves her too much to inflicte the Curse on her. If something
happens to her, he will hunt and kill, in the most horrible way, the
He gives money to some cinemas, especialy the Max Linder
Panoram (he owns it, as a matter of fact). He is in on his way to
Golconda, and will reach it very soon. In fact, some say that he is
a member of the inconnu (this is untrue).
(since he never speaks, this was recored by Eric)
IMAGE: .....If I say: appearence of 5, you won't belive me.
ROLE PLAYING: He will never speak, nor be seen. But he can be
"sensed" (with very hight Auspex, or by luck) in a cinema. (He is in
love with "Piero le fou" by Godard, and will see it whenever it is
playing. )
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Erik Nature:loner Generation:7
Player: Demeanor:Fanatic Haven:Opera house
Chronicle:Paris Clan:NOSFERATU Concept:singer
Strength.....*oooo Charisma.......****** Perception....*****
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation....**ooo Intelligence..**ooo
Stamina......*oooo Appearance......sorry Wits..........***oo
Acting.......***** Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....***** Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......****o Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......***** Music...........***** Linguistics...****o
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........***oo
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...***** Survival........***oo Science.......ooooo
Singing...******** ................ooooo ..............ooooo
Auspex.......*oooo Allies..........*oooo Conscience....*****
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..**ooo
Celerity.....***** Fame............***** Courage.......*****
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............***oo HEALTH
Obfuscate....***** Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......**ooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......****o Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......ooooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........ooooo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND:Ever heard of the Phantome de l'Opera? (phantom of the
Opera?). Well he is the one. His herd are the workers of the Opera.
He has forgotten that he is a Kindred and feeds in a second state (he
cannot remember feeding...).
IMAGE: He has the most elegant clothes in this time, and wear a white
mask over his face, as well as a hat. He can take care of some very
good singers and become their Mentor for sometime. He will NEVER
reveil his vampiric nature, even to a kindred. He will go into
frenzy if someone refers to him as: Vampire, Kindred, Cainite,
ROLE PLAYING: He will speak to no one, but other singers. You know
you are far from better that them, so you require respect. Act like a
father watching his sons.
There are little nosferatu in Paris, but most of them
are art lovers, and live in the catas, or under cathedrals, or
Play tester carracter:
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Pilate Nature:Care giver Generation:8
Player:James Demeanor:curmeudgen Haven:catas
Chronicle:Paris Clan:NOSFERATU Concept:?????
Strength.....****o Charisma........**ooo Perception....****o
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation....***oo Intelligence..**ooo
Stamina......****o Appearance......***oo Wits..........***oo
Acting.......**ooo Animal Ken......*oooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....****o Drive...........ooooo Computer......**ooo
Athletics....**ooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........***oo Firearm.........*oooo Investigation.***oo
Dodge........***oo Melee...........**ooo Law...........*oooo
Empathy......ooooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.**ooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......**ooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........**ooo Occult........*oooo
Steerwise....**ooo Stealth.........***oo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...ooooo Survival........**ooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....**ooo
Animalism....*oooo Contacts........*oooo Self-Control..***oo
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....**ooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......**ooo Mentor..........**ooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......ooooo Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......ooooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........*oooo Mauled -2 O
Vicissitude..*oooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I came here to follow a girl. I killed her parents, in a
frenzy and now I feel responsable for her. I am trying to help every
one around (prostitutes, homeless), and I try to protect them
from the evil of mankind. Now go away, I don't like you! I diableriesed
a Tzamesee, so I learned her dicipline, and made myself pretty again..
(ST note: I was feeling generous!!!).
IMAGE: Handsome guy, very beautyfull!!!! OR ugly, he can change!
ROLE PLAYING: Who are you? Go away!
NOTES: ward (the little girle)/one eye/insane sire/
"Non,je ne suis pas fou..."
De Medicise
3_ T H E M A L K A V I A N S.
The Malkavians has two very distinct groups in Paris:
(i) The first is called thor et a dhor: They control all the clubs
around and in Paris. They are the "next generation of artists".
They will enter frenzy, if the name Toreador is pronounced in their
presence: They are caitiffes who thinks they have a clan! as Benoit,
their leader says. They will never attack the Toreadors, because of
logic no one understands. Some whisper that The former Prince was a
Malkavian, and that Villon killed him to take control. (this is
untrue, the former Prince was a Ventrue: Labianus!).
(ii) The second are more "classic", if such thing has ever existed.
They are ruled by the youngest vampire ever made! he is 15th
generation and 3 years old! She has a nurse, Tatiana, who was
embrased after she lost her child. In fact it is her who has
convinced the others to have a baby at their head. "la verite sort
de la bouche des enfants" (truth comes from children's mouths) is her
They are have all one thing in common: they are NOT
mad.... they are completly insane, behond any hope of understanding.
They are even more stange over here than any where else!
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Benoit Nature:bon vivant Generation:6
Player: Demeanor:devian Haven:La Loco
Chronicle:Paris Clan:MaLkAvIaN Concept:unknown
Strength.....***oo Charisma......******* Perception....**ooo
Dexterity....*oooo Manipulation....****o Intelligence..**ooo
Stamina......*oooo Appearance.....****** Wits..........***oo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...****o
Alertness....****o Drive...........****o Computer......***oo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......*oooo Finance.......****o
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........****o Investigation.**ooo
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........ooooo Law...........****o
Empathy......***oo Music...........****o Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...****o Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise...****** Stealth.........****o Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...****o Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex......****** Allies..........***** Conscience....****o
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........***** Self-Control..*oooo
Celerity.....***oo Fame............***oo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....****o Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............****o HEALTH
Obfuscate....***oo Influences......***oo Bruised O
Potency......***oo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......****o Injured -1 O
Protean......**ooo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..**ooo Status..........****o Mauled -2 O
.Conjuring...****o ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I lead the Thor et a Dhors of Paris! Don't let the Caitifes
who called themselves of our clan misjudge me position. I let Villon
be Prince, because it is too much hassel to me. I've already got my club
to worry about! I am also the secret leader of the Anarchs...don't tell
it to anybody, even they don't know about it!
My history is simple: there is no such thing as the Past, and it is
raining today. Lovely sound of the cars outside. Leave me now,
I have to see my fiancee, Karine ( a 7 generation, owner of the Zenith),
Did I tell you that she was my child? No, probably not; but we are the
Blood Oath together, and I might even taste her tonight! Did you ever
share blood with one of our kind? No, it is a pitty, it is great fun!
IMAGE: Benoit is always dressed in gothic fashion. He has black hair,
and wears lenses (one violet, the other orange.). He is tall and slender.
ROLE PLAYING: You will always say what you want according to your own
logic, the problem is that no one understands it! (apart from Olivier
another of your children).
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Olivier Nature:Bon vivant Generation:7
Player: Demeanor:Bon vivant Haven:Elysee Montmartre
Chronicle:Paris Clan:MALkavIAN Concept:spotif
Strength.....**ooo Charisma........***** Perception....****o
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation....***oo Intelligence..***oo
Stamina......****o Appearance.....****** Wits..........***oo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......****o Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....****o Drive...........ooooo Computer......*oooo
Athletics...****** Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......*oooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........***** Melee...........ooooo Law...........*oooo
Empathy......ooooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...**ooo
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........*****
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........***** Politics......**ooo
Subterfuge...****o Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex......****** Allies..........***oo Conscience....***oo
Animalism....*oooo Contacts........***** Self-Control..*****
Celerity.....**ooo Fame............*oooo Courage.......**ooo
Dominate.....****o Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............***oo HEALTH
Obfuscate....***** Influences......*oooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........***** Hurt -1 O
Presence.....**ooo Resources.......***oo Injured -1 O
Protean......**ooo Retainers.......*oooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***oo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: So you want to know who I am? Well, let's say that
I loved to be Feanor. You don't know him? he is a dude, from the
Lord of the Rings. Never played Volley Ball, so I cannot be
him...but I still would like to be. I control the parisian of the FEE
(faculte des etudes elfiques, Elven studies university), and I was in
touch with Professor Tolkien. My ghoul-dog, Bilbo bears his name...
No don't worry about him, he just wants to play, as usual!
Look, if there is any bands you wanna see in Paris, I'm the
guy to se, I know it all!
IMAGE: Black hair, and dressed in expensive clothes, he is
always in black, with a pullover (with many small holes in it!)
ROLE PLAYING: You are the one you speak to, a 100 times exagerated!
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Tatiana Nature:fanatic Generation:7
Player: Demeanor:care giver Haven:Charanton
Chronicle:Paris Clan:mAlKaViAn Concept:nurse
Strength.....***oo Charisma........*oooo Perception....***oo
Dexterity....****o Manipulation...****** Intelligence..**ooo
Stamina......****o Appearance......***oo Wits..........*oooo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....****o Drive...........ooooo Computer......***oo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......*oooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........****o Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......***** Music...........**ooo Linguistics...*****
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......**ooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........ooooo
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...****o Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex......****** Allies..........***** Conscience....ooooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........****o Self-Control..****o
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......*****
Dominate....****** Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............****o HEALTH
Obfuscate...****** Influences......*oooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......**ooo Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***oo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: She was embrased after a having an abortion. From
that time on, she sired 9 other vampires, all pregnant, at different
stages (1 a month). She then desided to sire a baby. She sired a women,
who sired another,....to the 14 generation, who sired a baby! The 14,
named Virginie, killed the others and become a 8th generation through
Of course no one knows this fact! She is blood bonded to Tatiana, so
she won't tell anyone. Virginie is in fact a poor 12 year old girl,
who should have listened to her mom when she told: Never speak to
strangers. The only probleme is that she now thinks she is a nurse
and she doesn't remember her past at all, or does she?
IMAGE: Always in a nurses dress, she has red hair and looks very "mean".
ROLE PLAYING: If one of the players plays a child: you will love him
(her)! If not just ignore them as much as you can!
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Mark Nature:child Generation:15
Player: Demeanor:child Haven:Charanton
Chronicle:Paris Clan:MaLkAvIaN Concept:child
Strength.....ooooo Charisma........*oooo Perception....*oooo
Dexterity....ooooo Manipulation....ooooo Intelligence..ooooo
Stamina......*oooo Appearance......**ooo Wits..........ooooo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....ooooo Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......ooooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........ooooo
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...ooooo Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......**ooo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....none
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..none
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......none
Dominate.....*oooo Generation......ooooo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........****o Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......ooooo Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......*oooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***** Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND:Another od Tatiana's experiment, his mind will grow...but
he was made 2 years ago so........
IMAGE: Don't tell me you never saw a baby!
ROLE PLAYING:....well well....take your little brother, 8 years ago,
as a model!
Play tester carracter:
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Dorothy Nature:Competitor Generation:8
Player:Davy Demeanor:Child Haven:a flate
Chronicle:Paris Clan:MaLkAvIaN Concept:child
Strength.....*oooo Charisma........**ooo Perception....****o
Dexterity....****o Manipulation....****o Intelligence..****o
Stamina......*oooo Appearance......**ooo Wits..........**ooo
Acting.......***oo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....ooooo Drive...........ooooo Computer......****o
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........****o Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......ooooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...*oooo
Intimidation.ooooo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...****o Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........****o Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...***oo Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........*oooo Callousness...*oooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........ooooo Instincts.....*****
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Morale........****o
Dominate.....****o Generation......***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....**ooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......**ooo Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......**ooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........*oooo Mauled -2 O
Dementation..*oooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUNS: I am amekitac, or something like that, but everybody knows
me and they are all nice to me. (if they are not I will dominate
then to be!). The only probleme is that they all tell me different
stories....and now I am very confused. Will someone help a little girly
like me? (ST:"Who looked into her eyes???")...But I am a spy for the
Sabbat, since all the others a very notty to me!
IMAGE: A little 8 year old girl...
ROLE PLAYING: Be annoying, it will do very well.
VINCULUM: 4 for all the Sabbat pack of Paris, but they only
have 2 for her....
NOTES: Short/child/concentration/iron will/anesia/obsession.
On iron will, I am using another rule which is as follows:
"you resist at your willpower + 3, and every point you spend (of
willpower), your "dominator" loses a success. It worked very well!
Make sure you know about this if you are playing! Nathaniel has the
same advantage (cf Ventrue).
L'an quatre cent cinquante six,
Je, Francois Villon, ecolier,
Considerant, de sens rassis,
Le frein aux dents, franc au collier,
Qu'on doit ses oeuvres conseiller
Comme Vegece le raconte,
Sage Romain, grand conseiller,
Ou autrement on se mecompte....
F.Villon, le Lais
5_T H E T O R E A D O R S :
They are the founder of Paris, citee des lumieres.
They control art, models, cinemas, museums, monuments...and half of
the world's fashions. One word from their prince, Sire Francois Villon,
makes a vampire the cream of the cream; or nearly nothing! The clan
has control Paris politics till the Religion Wars. The Ventrue
controled the Guise and Henri IV, the toreadors controlled the Valois
family. During this time, the inquisition arrived in Paris and a war
on kindred was set. A conclave was held in Rome, and the Toreadors
lost Paris to the Ventrue: Henry IV become the king, and ended the
wars. Sometime later, the Ventrue areed to let the Toreadors have
the Louvre (the old palace of the king). They built Versaille, so
they could have a eye on all the nobility of France, under their
ghoul: Louis XIV!. He has lived for a long time due to his vampiric
powers, but became a vampire. He died of the final death, in the Paris
commune, killed by a member of the the Sabbat.
In fact, he was killed by Arnaud, who took his blood! but no one knows
The Louvre was, until now, the pride of the Clan.
F. Villon owns it and is the true master of the clan in Europe. The
Universal Exposition is in fact a Toreador meeting. All the Grande
Couture is controlled by Arnaud. The minister of culture, is a ghoul
of Villon, but is dominated to forget this when he changes functions.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Arnaud Nature:Bravo Generation:5
Player: Demeanor:gallant Haven:Le Louvre
Chronicle:Paris Clan:TOREADOR Concept:Artiste
Strength.....**ooo Charisma.......****** Perception....***oo
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation...****** Intelligence..****o
Stamina......**ooo Appearance....******* Wits.........******
Acting.......**ooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....***oo Drive...........****o Computer......ooooo
Athletics....****o Etiquette.......***** Finance.......***oo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........***oo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........***oo Melee...........***oo Law...........****o
Empathy.....****** Music...........**ooo Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...***** Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise....*oooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics....*******
Subterfuge...ooooo Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......***** Allies..........***** Conscience....**ooo
Animalism....*oooo Contacts........***** Self-Control..*****
Celerity....****** Fame............****o Courage.......****o
Dominate.....**ooo Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............****o HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......****o Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....****o Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......*oooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***** Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I was embrased at the same time as my dear friend Eric.
But, my Sire was far more kind to me, and I kept my body as it was
(in a perfect state I will venture to say). Why my freindship with
Eric continued after our "change"? Whan you faced true Ugliness you
can face true beautty!
My two children know it all, Michaele and Brennec (of the 7
generation.) Brennec cannot force himself to kill his enemies, and
got some Cainites in torpor, and staked in his cellar: he just cannot
kill them (humanity of 10, conscience of 5).
I am indeed, the master of the grande couture, and feed of them.
My only retainer is a little cat, who spies for me. Some say that I
have one or two mortal lovers. But I will NOT sire, because I will
have to admit diablerie, since I will never lie to my children, or
to my children's children.....and so on but some questions will never
be answered...
IMAGE: He is a tall and handsome man, try to charm everyone in your
presence. He has dark hair, green eyes, and a tanned skin. He is
aways dressed in the more subtle way to make another person have
good intetions towards him. He speaks with a very gentle and charming
ROLEPLAYING: Be as sophisticated as you can, try to seduce all the
women you are near, but always with charm and as a gentleman.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Sire F.Villon Nature:Bravo Generation:5
Player: Demeanor:Bon vivant Haven:Le Louvre
Chronicle:Paris Clan:TOREADOR Concept:
Strength.....****o Charisma.....******** Perception....****o
Dexterity..******* Manipulation.******** Intelligence.******
Stamina.....****** Appearance.....****** Wits........*******
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....ooooo Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.....******* Finance.......ooooo
Brawl.......****** Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........ooooo Melee..........****** Law...........ooooo
Empathy......ooooo Music........******** Linguistics..******
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...ooooo Security........ooooo Occult........***oo
Steerwise..******* Stealth.........***** Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge******** Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
.............ooooo Singing.......******* Art history.*******
.............ooooo ................ooooo France " ...*******
Auspex.....******* Allies..........***** Conscience....**ooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........***** Self-Control..***oo
Celerity....****** Fame............ooooo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......ooooo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....***oo Herd............****o HEALTH
Obfuscate....***oo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence...******* Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status........******* Mauled -2 O
Chimerstry...***oo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
( See WoD for more information, pages 57 and 45/46)
HISTORY: Get any book on him, and/or read some of his poems, they are
good and give you a fair idea of what he as up to... (exporting
french culture? Me? ...).
6_ T H E T R E M E R E :
The clan has a deep hate for Paris, as they were not
able to go there for a long time due to the importance of the
Magi infulence. (they hate the Tremere for they turned into blood
suckers!!). This past few years, the Elders of the clan have managed
to convinced Villon to get them into the city. The Prince agreed on
one condition: All the tremere, leaving or passing through Paris
must NOT use any magic, and must have a Obsfuscat/Ritual that will
hide him/her to the spells of the Magi. Failure will be followed by
a Blood Hunt on all the clan in Paris. The Ventrue have agreed to
help the Toreadors if such a Hunt is called. The gangrel will help,
but they will not say it. (secretly Villon hopes that it will happend
and he might even set something up... He hates beeing pushed around)
The Elders have agreed to these terms, because they are
so happy to set their agents to Paris, and work their plans. There
is a Chantry in Paris now: Its head is Abelard, known to be a
powerful wizard, and blood mage. Any Tremere going to Paris will have
to go to the Elders who will cast a ritual on him/her. This ritual
will "hide" the vampire to the Arcanum defences, but that is all. See
The Magi of Paris, for more informations.
The Elders plan for Paris is to learn more about the
Toreador power, and why they have so much influence over all the
others. They suspect an ancient to sleep under Paris and want to know
who is she/he! The Settites have made contact with them, and offered
their help! ?WHY? The Elders MUST know who is behind Paris.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Abelard Nature:cruel Generation:6
Player: Demeanor:loner Haven:ile de la citee
Chronicle:Paris Clan:Tremere Concept:mage
Strength.....**ooo Charisma........****o Perception....****o
Dexterity....**ooo Manipulation....***** Intelligence.******
Stamina......*oooo Appearance......***oo Wits.........******
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....****o Drive...........ooooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......***** Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.*****
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........ooooo Law...........***oo
Empathy......****o Music...........ooooo Linguistics..******
Intimidation.***** Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...***oo Security........ooooo Occult......*******
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth........****** Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge.******* Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Magi lore.....*****
.............ooooo ................ooooo Spirit lore...****o
.............ooooo ................ooooo Garou lore....**ooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Kindred lore..*****
.............ooooo ................ooooo Demon lore....**ooo
Auspex.......***oo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....*oooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........***oo Self-Control..*****
Celerity.....***oo Fame............ooooo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....***oo Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor.........elders Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......***oo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy******* Status..........***** Mauled -2 O
Corruption..***** ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
Neptun's....****o ................ooooo Incapacitated O
All others..**ooo (any rituals he needs)
BACKGROUND:( If you are looking for a good guy: see someone else!)
I was born to my new life in God's year 1792, in Spain. My
Sire and mentor were very nice to me (poor fool even let me free of the
Blood Bond!), and he taught me a lot about my new powers...
Now I was the Master of the Ars Magica; I could learn everything and
be the Most Powerful, and then take control of the Orders of Hermes.
For 150 years, we travelled the lands and the seas seeking powerful place
to perform powerful rituals, but lo! one day my "beloved" sire did
a spell I could never do, because of my generation (7th at the time).
I went away and cried for nights over my lost hope. BUT a member of
the Sabbat saw me, and told that me I could take the blood of my sire,
and become more powerful through diableri.
I killed the poor fool, and drank his blood, but nothing
happened, I was still a 7th. I set a trap for my sire and in june
1900 drank his blood; thus becoming a 6th!!!!!
My plan was never discovered, and the Elders belive
the story I told them (we were attacted by some hunters, and my
sire met the final death on that day!).
I won't use my powers, unless my "life" depends on it. I
remember one night, I had to kill some Dogs (read Lupines, some of the
Lady's freinds), but it was the only time.
The Elders of the clan see me as a great mage, but
there is something strange about my ways. He hasn't witnessed a sun
rise, because of my ability to conceal my actions, but the council
will be more happy if they could know a bit more about me. They send me
to Paris because I might make a false move: then Villon will order a
Hunt on me, and the council will blame the Toreadors.
I was approached by the Settites to uncover the corpse
of one of them, hidden in France in torpor. They are looking for more
information, and I think that when the Ancient is found; I will
expose the Settites to the Prince (thus gaining prestige, and
wiping out my potential enemies). I think that the Ancient is a
Methuselah, and if that is the case, with the ritual of the bitter rose
I think I will be the True Master of the clan!
IMAGE: He is a tall Spanish-type guy, in his 50s. Aways wearing a
black suit from Chanel, and the most expensive aftershave on the
ROLE PLAYING: You are a Master among Slaves: You respect only those
who have more power than you. The others are your slaves! You will
try to hide your feelings, but if they notice it, never mind they are
just slaves.
7_T H E V E N T R U E :
The clan got control of France after the religious wars,
but they had to wait till Louis XIV became king to really have a hand
on Paris; and therefore on France. Even if Villon is the Prince, he
has to consult the clan to get anything which isn't art done. Villon
hates this situation and will do anything to wipe out the Ventrue from
his city, and France! By some allience with the Brujah clan, the
prince managed to weaken the Ventrue, and now they control few
important people around Paris.
The clan meets in Versaille, every Sunday, to debate on
the affairs of the state. But the clan is weak, and hasn't got the power
to face the Toreadors. But they try to gain control of other clans.
The Nosferatu are an easy aim, since the Toreadors won't help them!
afterwhich the Malkavians, and the Gangrel. They plan to make each clan in
their debt, then call for a conclave, and attack the Toreadors. Well
this is for the future, because the clan is weak and waits for "new
blood". This is due to the intervention of the Brujah clan over this
200 years.
They are lead by an old vampire, since his name
is Labianus, he was Caesar's general, who in 52BC took
Lutece (old name of Paris).
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Labianus Nature:fanatic Generation:7
Player: Demeanor:vivisoner Haven:Versaille
Chronicle:Paris Clan:VENTRUE Concept:soldier
Strength.....****o Charisma........***oo Perception....****o
Dexterity....****o Manipulation....***** Intelligence..***oo
Stamina.....****** Appearance......**ooo Wits..........***oo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...ooooo
Alertness....***oo Drive...........***oo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....***oo Etiquette.......***** Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........****o Firearm.........****o Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........****o Melee..........****** Law...........ooooo
Empathy......ooooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...****o
Intimidation.***** Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...***** Security........ooooo Occult........*****
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........****o Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...****o Survival........**ooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........**ooo Conscience....**ooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts......******* Self-Control..****o
Celerity.....**ooo Fame............**ooo Courage.......****o
Dominate.....***** Generation......sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....****o Herd............***oo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......*oooo Bruised O
Potency......***** Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence....****** Resources.......****o Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......***** Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***oo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I was one of Caesars lieutenants, and the only one left!
I went into torpor soon after being embrased and awoke some 1200
years after. When I saw that my beloved city was a TOREADOR PLACE, I
took imediate action: The War of Religion was set, and I showed them
But after the inquisition days, I was quite happy to welcome
the allience, and left Paris to the Toreador who gave France
to the clan. I still want to see Paris free from this Degenerates,
but the Beast is strong in me, and I know that one day I will hunt
Villon and kill him! I CANNOT order a Blood Hunt on anyone, and this
has made me despair for so long.....
IMAGE: He was a soldier, and is still one! Always in an uniform, and
the general grade. Rather short, but muscular, he is a warrior of old.
His dark skin and hair would reveal his mediteranian origin, if his
accent was less pronouced.
ROLE PLAYING: You are the best warrior ever and proud of it. If the
one you speak to is a soldier, you will respect him; if it is
civilian: They won't know what you are saying, so take time
explaining things to them. ("You know a 44 desert eagle, the gun not
the bird!").
Play tester carracter:
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Nathaniel Nature:Autocrat Generation:8
Player:John Demeanor:Director Haven:a clube
Chronicle:Paris Clan:Ventrue Concept:Politician
Strength.....*oooo Charisma........***** Perception....****o
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation....****o Intelligence..****o
Stamina......**ooo Appearance......***oo Wits..........*****
Acting.......*oooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...***oo
Alertness....****o Drive...........ooooo Computer......*oooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......***oo Finance.......*oooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........**ooo Investigation.ooooo
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........*oooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......**ooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...***oo Security........ooooo Occult........ooooo
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics......****o
Subterfuge...ooooo Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Intrigue......*oooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Seduction.....***oo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Fast talk.....**ooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo City secret...*oooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo Paris knowledg**ooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....*oooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..****o
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......****o
Dominate.....***oo Generation......***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....**ooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......***oo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....**ooo Resources.......****o Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......ooooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........***oo Mauled -2 O
Chimersty....**ooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I came from London, where the political climate isn't
very good for me! I feel that Paris was a good place to go, and I was
right. When I left The UK, I was still a 9th generation, but after
a succesful Blood Hunt, I managed to raised it to 8th. I even got
a brood of my own (well, so he thinks!_All the other players.).
IMAGE: John Steed, from The Avengers!!!
ROLE PLAYING: See above.
NOTES: eidetic memory/iron will (cf Doeophy, in malkavian)/nightclub/
ward (?)/ intolerence (none to hollywood films)/ over confident/
kleptomaniac (uncontrollable due to diablerie!).
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Frank Nature:Bravo Generation:10
Player:Ben Demeanor:competitor Haven:flate(BIG)
Chronicle:Paris Clan:VENTRUE Concept:Nobel
Strength.....**ooo Charisma........*oooo Perception....****o
Dexterity....**ooo Manipulation....****o Intelligence..***oo
Stamina......**ooo Appearance......***oo Wits..........***oo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...**ooo
Alertness....**ooo Drive...........**ooo Computer......***oo
Athletics....*oooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......***oo
Brawl........***oo Firearm.........**ooo Investigation.*oooo
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........***oo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......*oooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...*oooo
Intimidation.***oo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...*oooo Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........*oooo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...**ooo Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Masquerade...**ooo Art impro.......***oo ..............ooooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....**ooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..****o
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......****o
Dominate.....***oo Generation......***oo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....*oooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........***oo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....**ooo Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......ooooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........*oooo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I had a little problem in Germany, this lupine was
after me for some unknown reason, so I left for Paris, but the
Dog have a good sense of smell and followed me! Never mind I
met some nice fellows here and I might stay a bit longer.
IMAGE: A very smart looking German guy.
ROLE PLAYING: Yes sure, what can I do for you? That's one favour mate!
NOTES: Hunted (by a garou)/overconfident/short fuse/eat food/light
"One day, my children, one day
I will return from my sleep,
And that day:
Set, god of corruption, Lord of darkness.
8_ T H E S E T I T E :
Their lord was sleeping for eternity, but they always
belived that He will come back; that day will become night and that
night become total darkness. The darkness is upon the world, for the
followers have found what they are looking for; or so they think!
The political situation of Paris was kown by the
setites for a long time, and now they made their first move to find
out why! They suppose it is because of an old setite, who is in torpor
under Paris, but who still influences the rest of the city (and France.)
They sent 5 setites to Paris, with the aim to discover who is the
Elder, and bring him back to Egypt.
They haven't told Villon they are in Paris, and if
he knew of this in his city, he would order a Blood Hunt at once.
They keep their temple secret, and no one knows where it is. They have
made contact with Abelard, and gave him some help in the past. He will
protect them in Paris, and help them in their search. Of course, he
was corrupted by the leader of the Setites... his lust for power was
too obvious for ANY setite to miss! It is quiet obvious that he
will be killed when the Elder is found.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Sophie Nature:visionary Generation:7
Player: Demeanor:survivor Haven:?????
Chronicle:Paris Clan:FOLLOWERS OF SET Concept:outlaw
Strength.....**ooo Charisma........**ooo Perception....***oo
Dexterity....***oo Manipulation...****** Intelligence..****o
Stamina......***oo Appearance......****o Wits..........****o
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...****o
Alertness....ooooo Drive...........****o Computer......*****
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......***oo
Brawl........***** Firearm.........****o Investigation.****o
Dodge........***** Melee...........****o Law...........***oo
Empathy......**ooo Music...........ooooo Linguistics...**ooo
Intimidation.****o Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...****o Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise....ooooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics......*****
Subterfuge...***** Survival........****o Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........ooooo Conscience....*oooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........ooooo Self-Control..*****
Celerity.....**ooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......***oo
Dominate.....**ooo Generation......????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............*oooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....**ooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......****o Mentor.........****** Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......***oo Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......**ooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..***oo Status..........ooooo Mauled -2 O
Serpentis...****** ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: I was a very nice person, but I was sent in prison...
Well, I net my Sire there and he made me into one of the few followers
of Set!!! I was sent on difficult missions for our God, and I always
succeeded! I ended up in Paris in the 1900 century, but was discovered
by a Nosferatu called Eric, so I left with haste, but now he has
forgotten me and I will have my revenge.
I tested my new reborn power in 1990, by corrupting
a member of the French goverment and making him sign a paper to give
HIV-contaminated blood to some 200 hemophiles! This worked very well,
and all the clans look at the others for an explanation. In fact, they
do not really care, for vampires cannot have AIDS, but the more human
of them want to know who did it! The Sabbat is the first suspect!
IMAGE: She looks like an innocent girl, in her mid 20's. Always a poor
face, which lights when someone takes care of her. Dressed as to
seduce the person you are aiming at, and always talk as to seduce
ROLE PLAYING: You are a plotter and a survivor: the others are just
above nothing: If they serve you, ok; if not corrupt them and use
them.... as long as it amuses you.
9_ O T H E R C L A N S :
They have the right to come to Paris, as long as they stick to
the rules. Some might be send to take a job in the Vampire Club, other
could go there to kill a member of any other clan. (F.Villon, Arnaud,
Laurent, and Benoit have escape such assassinations, and are therefore
not concerned.). Sebastien will provide them a haven in his club.
None of these rats are ever to enter Paris: if they do, Villon
will order a Hunt at once.
They are welcome in France, but not in Paris. They can stay
there, but she/he will have to report his activities to a Toreador
every night at 1200. If she/he enters the Louvre to steal something, he
will find himself/herself watching the sun rise! They can steal any
other things, but art is forbidden. (ie a diamond:ok, a painting:final
This kindred will tend not to go to Paris, it is a city which
is great, from a long distance. Each Salubri who dreams about Paris
will have his worst nightmare. They are able to sense that there is
something strange about that city.
They are few in Paris, and their power is weak. But they will
try to start a conflict among the other clans as soon as they see
an occation. They made an alliance with a pack of Black Spiral Dancers
who are trying to fullfill their own schemes... They are a pack of 5
vampires. They all leave in a communal Heaven in the sewers (the
Nosferatu don't live there!!!), they have another heaven, in an old
church inside Paris, but they will use it only in emergencies. They
are the Templates of the PGttS (if you haven't got the book; go and
buy it! it is worth the money...), with the following modifications:
*Richard: the assamite antitribu. (quietus 4, generation 4,
browl 4, dodge 4, celerity 3.)
*Virginia: the city gangrel antitribu. ( celerity 2, protean 4,
generation 4, brawl 3, finance 2.)
*Vincent: the Lasombra. (dominate 3, obtenebration 5,
generation 6, sabbat status 3, pack recog 3, leadership 5,
subterfuge 5, finance 4.)
*Gerard: the malkavian antitribu. (Auspex 4, dementation 4,
animalism 2, dexterity 4, perception 5, stealth 4.)
*Anne: the Tzimisce priest. (Vicissitude 6, Thaumaturgy 3,
fire ways 3, generation 6, manipulation 5, charisma 5,
occult 4, subterfuge 4, investigation 3.)
Their Vinculums are as followed, the first row is the
value of the mane, the column indicates for who (eg: Richard got a
Vinculum of 9 for Anne. She got a 7...poor Richard!!):
| Vinculum | Richard | Virginia | Vincent | Gerard | Anne |
| Richard | NA | 6 | 8 | 5 | 9 |
| Virginia | 4 | NA | 8 | 4 | 5 |
| Vincent | 8 | 5 | NA | 6 | 7 |
| Gerard | 7 | 2 | 9 | NA | 4 |
| Anne | 7 | 6 | 8 | 1 | NA |
10_ I N T E R A C T I O N T A B L E S.
Sorry I cannot give nice pictures for all my NPCs, but this
might help as a quick references for the interactions between some of
the Cainites in Paris. This is only for Camarilla Kindred, for
Sabbat, see above.
*Liste of the names.
Every kindred will be given a letter, in alphabetic
order of his name. Capital letters are for an elder, low case
are for an anarch. Then their relations are as follows:
Letter Name(clan) mbr meaning
A1 Abelard(TRE) 0 Mortal enemies.
A2 Arnaud(TOR) 1 hate.
B1 Benoit(mal) 2 go away.
B2 Brennec(TOR) 3 dislike.
B3 Bruno(br) 4 who are you?
D1 Delphine(br) 5 don't care.
D2 Dorothy(mal) 6 like.
E1 Eric(NOS) 7 enjoy a chate.
E2 Erik(NOS) 8 freinds.
F1 Frank(ven) 9 love.
J1 Jean(NOS) 10 Regent.
K1 Karine(mal) 11 Trall.
L1 Labianus(VEN) 12 Mutual Blood Oath.
L2 Lady of Arbanville(GAN)
L3 Laurent(NOS)
N1 Nathaniel(ven)
M1 Mark(MAL)
M2 Michele(TOR)
O1 Olivier(mal)
P1 Pilate(nos)
P2 Philippe(br)
T1 Tatiana(MAL)
V1 Vanesa(br)
V2 Vincent(br)
V3 Villion(TOR)
V4 Virginie(mal)
| B1 | B3 | D1 | D2 | F1 | K1 | N1 | O1 | P1 | P2 | V1 | V2 | V4 |
B1 | NA | 5 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 12 | 3 | 8 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 5 |
B3 | 3 | NA | 9 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 7 |
D1 | 2 | 8 | NA | 5 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 1 |
D2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | NA | ?? | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
F1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | NA | 4 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
K1 | 12 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 4 | NA | 2 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 3 |
N1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | ?? | 8 | 3 | NA | 4 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
O1 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 3 | NA | 4 | 8 | 7 | 8 | 2 |
P1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 4 | NA | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
P2 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 8 | 4 | NA | 9 | 8 | 4 |
V1 | 3 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 8 | 4 | 9 | NA | 7 | 0 |
V2 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 8 | NA | 2 |
V4 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | NA |
| A1 | A2 | B2 | E1 | E2 | J1 | L1 | L2 | L3 | M1 | M2 | T1 | V3 |
A1 | NA | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 5 |
A2 | 1 | NA | 8 | 8 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 10 | 1 | 11 |
B2 | 6 | 9 | NA | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 4 | 8/9| 3 | 11 |
E1 | 1 | 8 | 2 | NA | 7 | 8 | 3 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 |
E2 | He ony know of Eric, his Sire and belive him dead!
J1 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 3 | NA | 2 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 8 |
L1 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 3 | NA | 7 | 5 | 4 | 0 | 7 | 00 |
L2 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 3 | NA | 7 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 8 |
L3 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 1 | 8 | NA | 3 | 2 | 6 | 1 |
M1 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 11 | NA |
M2 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 4 | NA | 5 | 11 |
T1 | Roll a d10 for each nite, ignore 10 (Mark is blood boned)
V3 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 10 | 2 | NA |
2_T H E H U N T E R S O F P A R I S .
"...When will you rage!"
A garou.
1_ T H E G A R O U :
There is a brood of garous living in the forest near Paris.
They are weak, due to vampire presence, but are still important.
Their aim is to hunt down the Wyrm of Paris! This is a great (and
foolish) task! The only trees in Paris are mutants! Paris is a
stronghold for the Wyrm, the Defence, is their dwelling place.
Companies have their GHQ there, and it is easy to corrupt them. In fact
it is easier to corrupt people here!.
The leader of the brood, Melodie, is a very good friend with
a vampire (the Lady of Arbanville!). The two have known each other for a
long time, and are ready to help the other. Of course this friendship
is not appreciated among other Garou, and Melodie has survived
several challenges on that! Nevertheless the allience between the two is
working pretty well: The ecologist mvts are developing quite well
(around 18% at the last elections...) and the scouts of Paris are
doing more and more things to help Gaia. (meetings, advertising,
etc...). BUT the Lady told the Garou of an evil presence in town:
Abelard, a Vampire/mage of great power. His arrival corresponded to
the arrival of a pack of Black Spiral Dancers, that is what causes
the uneasiness among the garou. Why are they here? Are they related
to Abelard? What are they looking for?
Melodie, is a female garou, very calm and intelligent.
She knows when to rage and when to use her brain. She is an Homid, and
is quiet good looking. She lives in the Mie de Pain (a shelter for
homeless in Paris) and half the staff are also Garou. They serve a
meal every evening to all who come there. They are helped by some
scouts (Who were sent by the Lady, but they don't know it.).
We could hardly ask anyone, even
If we wish to, to accept this as proof
of so wild story.
Jonathan Harker.
2_T H E H O L Y I N Q U I S I T I O N.
Use the vampire hunter of Gary as the head of the Paris
inquisition. He knows of vampires, and of magi. He has been more
oriented to fight the magi (he still belives they are demonologists).
He hasn't got many powers, but he is spyed on by Jean or his retainers.
Following is a list of ideas for a group of hunters who might
give daymares to your players:
[WARRNING: Contribution made and copyrighted by Dennis Depalma alias
"renfield@camelot.bradley.edu", with his permission.]
1. A TEAM! Who in their right minds would want to hunt alone?
For the exact same reason vampires form into coteries, hunters
should create there own circles. Recruiting should be reasonably
high on the list of priorities, putting together a group with
a wide range of skills and resources. Suggested group members
should be:
-The bankroller: The person who has all the cash, a spoiled rich
kid that does it for fun or maybe a tired old man who's devoted
his life to the hunt. Through this cash supply, the hunters will
have access to the absolute best weapons money can buy. Another
idea is to have the hunters bankrolled by the government, a
corporation (Weird R' Us Department) or by organized crime (a
mortal drug dealer who's tired of following orders). Whatever
the money source, it'll allow the players to get some of the
neat toys listed later on.
-Contact person: Could be the same guy as the bankroller, doesn't
have to be. Sure, a vampire controls city government, but is it
the one you're hunting? If not, then your contact man can get the
local police to harass the vampire you are after. He can also go
through the city records system and find a lot of havens. Might
even be able to get some media attention to endanger the
-Occultist: Magick can be a great equalizer against the vampires.
A decent occultist should at the very least be able to help spot
any vampires, and probably help with the tracking. They should
also be able to foil certain attacks, and place alarm wards around
the hunters base, making it hard for the undead or their servants
to catch the hunters by surprise.
-Techie: This is something that is often neglected, in my opinion.
People tend to rely on off the shelf items, but why not find
someone who can help you out by making designer hunting tools? A
flamethrower is WWI tech, any decent shop instructor could crank
out an unreliable one himself. Tech's should also have some type
of chemistry skill, so he can mix up a nice little batch of
plastique or thermite or something similar to surprise a vampire
when he starts his car.
-Detective: Somebody good at shadowing, spotting the undead, and
tracing the indicators of their existence. Somebody who can also,
if necessary, help find replacements for any of the hunters who
happen to buy it.
-Butt kicker: Somebody who can use all the neat guns and stuff
the hunters can have. Also should be physically effective, not
that he could take the vampires in hand to hand (although a Navy
SEAL should be able to take you average (i.e. non-combat monster)
vampire. Somebody to actually pound the stake in, or to actually
fire the rocket launcher into the haven.
2: Good planning. Just because the players are often disorganized
or divided against each other doesn't mean the hunters should be.
These guys are professionals, and presumably very good at what they
do. Not only do they know all the tricks, but they should come up
with new ones as the situation warrants. Booby traps, terrorist
tactics, ambushes, and other dirty tricks should all be high on
their list of things to do. Also, keep them ruthless. These guys
are fighting their very own Holy War, they shouldn't be worrying
about civilians. Blowing up apartment buildings to get at the one
kindred haven on the top floor is not outside their potential. Car
bombs are distributed like party favors, and they take great pains
to always insure that it is one kindred versus half a dozen well
armed, highly trained kine in a venue of their choosing.
3: Appropriate weapons. What's up with all these hammers and
wooden stakes? Not a chance in today's world, buddy. Assault
weapons, heavy pistols, and grenades can immobilize a kindred if
used well. Flamethrowers are hard to buy commercially, but there
is a black market and the technology really isn't advanced. For
capture, there's always crossbows and spearguns, many of which are
strong enough to punch through steel. A high powered rifle and a
telescopic sight makes a great tool for softening up a vampire
before your teammates move in, three or four shots to the head and
chest should leave him low on blood and at least wounded. Tasers
don't work (as far as I know) nor does mace, but an acid sprayer
will do the job on a vampires eyes. Nail guns could be modified
to throw small spikes, and keep in mind the kindreds extreme fear
of fire. Hair spray is a nasty weapon in trained hands.
4: Tactics- Different than organization and planning, this allows
hunters to use attacks the kindred can't. Drive buy shootings
work, because the hunters know who's kindred and who isn't.
Admittedly, it's hard to kill a vampire with guns, but a dozen
shotgun shells will slow him down and make him a little less
5: Daytime movement- the hunters best weapon. If the hunters
find out where the kindred live, no matter what the kindred's
defenses, she can be killed. You've got ghouls, the hunters
kill or disable the ghouls. You've got dogs, the dogs are toast.
You've got the best alarm system money can buy, the hunters have
a mad scientist techie that can circumvent it. You sleep in a
lead lined steel bank vault, the hunters can either break in or
seal it shut. Locking a vampire in forever is almost as good
as killing it.
Or say you have no haven and sleep out doors. No problem.
the hunters follow you to the spot where you earth meld one night,
and spend the day preparing for your reemergence. They coat ...
oh, how about a twenty foot radius circle around where you went
under with about an inch of beeswax, tar, napalm, or even silly
string. When you emerge into the night, they light it up,
simultaneously blasting you to bits with their shotguns. You
get away by earth melding, no problem. They come back the next
night and do it again.
I guess the important thing is to give your hunters a fair shake.
They might not all be Rambo, but they should be able to kick some butt.
Give the hunters as much credit as you give to any of the vampires,
and they should do okay.
Good inspiration for hunter teams:
The terrorists from either of the Die Hard movies.
NOT the Frog brothers.
Here is a list of a hunters who lives in Paris, their leader:
Father Vairnom and his "followers/allies/hunters" who helps him. A poor
kine was embrased a year ago by a vampire of Paris. He went mad, and
tryed to see a priest (to help him finding a way to redemption). BUT
alas, he found Vairnom; who imprisoned him and did some experiments
on him: fire, light, stake, power of the cross, holy water.... The
poor priest lost his mind, and thinks of himself as "the armed arm of
GOD". For him all vampires are evil and must be destroyed: There is
starvation in Somalia, because of vampires; war in middle est, because
of vampire; (insert what you don't like), because of vampires. He
burned the poor kindred who sought help, and try to hunt down his sire:
(who ever you want him to hunt!! a player perhaps?).
He managed to get some help from some other parisians, who
belive in the danger of kindred! They do not know how many they are,
and think that the sire is the last one in Paris!
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Vairnom Nature:fanatic Generation:NA
Player: Demeanor:fanatic Haven:NA
Chronicle:Paris Clan:Pardon me? Concept:priest
Strength.....**ooo Charisma........*oooo Perception....***oo
Dexterity....**ooo Manipulation....****o Intelligence..***oo
Stamina......***oo Appearance......*oooo Wits..........**ooo
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......*oooo Bureaucracy...*oooo
Alertness....****o Drive...........***oo Computer......****o
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......ooooo Finance.......ooooo
Brawl........ooooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.***oo
Dodge........ooooo Melee...........ooooo Law...........ooooo
Empathy......****o Music...........**ooo Linguistics...ooooo
Intimidation.***oo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...***oo Security........ooooo Occult........****o
Steerwise....**ooo Stealth.........ooooo Politics......ooooo
Subterfuge...***oo Survival........ooooo Science.......ooooo
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........***oo Conscience....*oooo
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........***oo Self-Control..**ooo
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Courage.......*****
Dominate.....ooooo Generation......ooooo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......ooooo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......*oooo Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......ooooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Status..........ooooo Mauled -2 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Crippled -5 O
.............ooooo ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: He is utterly mad about vampires... THEY MUST BE
DESTROYED! is all that he thinks. He has no humanity because he will
destroy any other people who help, or know of the existence of vampires
and don't seek their death. His true faith is also an expression of his
belief. It is his internal strength, nothing more....it can be
overidden, if the player/vampire does not belive in his power (or tries
to corrupt him.) his companions are average and of No help whatsoever.
(they will only shoot mindlessly at the vampire..could be dangerouse...
their weapons are stolen and they got no permition to use them).
IMAGE: Fat and ugly. Always wear priests robes.
ROLE PLAYING: You are a fanatic and a holly man:YOU ARE THE ARMED ARM
3 T H E M A G I O F P A R I S .
Paris is (and was) a great place for magi, rituals are
easier to perform and there is much lore to be found in the libraries
of the Orders og Hermess. Their main plot (as regard to Cainites) is
to know a little more about the Tremere Clan. They will let them come
to Paris, then capture some leaders and question them! Well this is a
good plan, even if the Tremere have some powerful rituals they
cannot yet break. They know of Abelard and will try to get him for
interrogation! the ony problem is that the Order is divided as what
to do after: Kill him, or make him a slave, or maybe take immortality
from him.
As Magi is not out yet, this might (actually will) change. But
the basic idea will still be there. Since I don't know of any
clans/orders/??? I cannot tell you who is the leader or anything else,
4 T H E S E C R E T O F P A R I S .
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
Paris, city of light, is in fact a city of darkness.
Corruption is easy in Paris. Anything has it's price, is true in
Paris. All living or undead person in Paris will or are be open to
the touche of corruption, or will corrupt others. Only those will
hight humanity (humanity of 10, councence of 5, or Golconda) will be
immunue to this effect. Note that this is NOT apparent, you (as ST),
must make the climat of Paris as dark as you can.
The ST will have to show Paris on two different
aspects: The first; the beautifull city. La citee des arts, glitering
and lovly. (as in the vampire club, the louvre, etc...). This is where
art express itself. The Toreadors must remain in power, or this dream
will fade! Villon knows it, but still wonders WHY? This is the Paris
you will see in tourist guides, on postcards, and blablablabla.
the second; Paris the pit! corruption, gangs, homeless, blablabla.
It is the Paris of the "cours des miracles" (think the right
translation is Court of the miracles, it was a court of beggars in
the ?? century). you must show your player both sides, and swap from
one to the other as they cross a street, or change tube!
Why the Toreadors didn't "clean" the city and made it
a haven for artistes? well there is an Ancient vampire under Paris.
He walked the earth for millenium, he was sired by Sutekh, in the
Land Of The Pharaons! For millenium he planed total destruction of
the world of the livings, and of the world of the undeads...Now, even
in his unearthly sleep, he still cast a shadow over the small town of
Lutecia, in Gauls. But the truth is far more darker, in his madness
he opened a gate to the Black Lodge; a powerful place, where spirits
meet. He was possessed by a Spirit called Bob, and went into torpor
just after.
Villon is aware that there is something strange in
Paris...He thinks that it might be due to an old and powerful Cainite
but he is not sure. He now suspects that there are powerful spirit
activity and it is the first reason why he allowed the Tremere in
town! He is trying to contact the Inconnue to get their aid, but
had no success so far. One of the future campaine will be set
around the Black Lodge, I'll do it next year (ie 1993/1994). It will
be playtested.
[AUTHORS DISCLAIMERS (by R. bergstrom, agreed 100% by me.)
All the following ideas are my interpretation of creations by David
Lynch and Mark Frost. I am forever indebted to Lynch/Frost, and this
posting is not in anyway meant to challenge whatever copyrights these
fine men may have, so please don't sue or threaten me.
Also, these are MY interpretations of the Lynch/Frost creations, the
show/movie is really vague and mysterious about things, so if anyone
finds they disagree with my extrapolations upon these
characters/events/places, please let me know, either by private email
or by public posting to the list.
One additional disclaimer: The Black Lodge as presented in Twin Peaks
draws heavily on Native American folklore and religion as
inspiration, as such, if anyone knows more about AmerInd beliefs and
would like me to bring these into account better in these postings,
send me any relevant knowledge, and I'll do what I can to modify
this. Or post your own interpretation, I'm more than open to hearing
other peoples interpretations.
In all of the following, the term "seduced" does not neccesarilly
refer to a sexual seduction, in general, I am refering to a form of
spiritual corruption.
Examples from the series or movie are listed in [brackets]
The Disclaimers end here.]
1_The Black Lodge: An Overview.
The Black Lodge is a spiritual force from Native American
belief, which has been modernized and corrupted by the dreams of an
increasingly more and more self-gratifying humanity.
The Black Lodge is spiritual location, another plane of
existance closely tied to the earth, but not by the usual linear
earth-type "you get there by going north" fashion. It instead is a
realm inside of dreams, the soul, and the mind. The Black Lodge is a
domain in the Umbra, darkly linked to Gaia. As such, it can be
reached by Garou stepping sideways, but to do so would require a
great expenditure of Willpower and most importantly Rage to reach it,
I, as a ST would take several from each off the character attempting
to force his way into the Lodge, perhaps even making them permanant
The Black Lodge is a place of Madness. Perhaps at one time it
was pure Wylding madness, but has over time been corrupted by the
Wyrm. It is a place where the Weaver holds no dominion, and realty is
a dream.
Time does not flow linearly within the Lodge. Events can
happen in any order there, effect before cause, effect without a
cause, cause without effect. And time within the lodge relates to
time outside the lodge in the same fashion. If a person is seduced by
the lodge's madness in the year 1990, then it is fair game for the
Lodge Spirits to influence the persons actions in 1940 or 2016, and
within the lodge it will appear that these influences took place
after the persons seduction, usually. There are no hard-and-fast
rules within the lodge. Time is what you make of it.
2_Entering the Lodge:
There are several known methods of entering the lodge. Garou
may be able to force their way into the Lodge by stepping sideways,
as mentioned above. Doing so would be a costly, and dangerous,
Particularily twisted Tremere or Magi might develop a ritual
or spell to allow them access to the Lodge in an attempt to negotiate
with the Lodge spirits in exchange for power. Even the attempt to do
so virtually guarentees the attemptor that s/he will be possesed or
murdered by the Lodge spirits. This does not deter said Magi however,
as their mere desire to enter the Lodge at any point in their life
opens the neccesary doorway for a Lodge spirit to begin directing the
wizard in the direction neccesary to be embraced by the Lodge.
There are locations which exist in nature, similar to Caerns,
which hold portals to the black lodge. These portals open rarely,
usually only once every 50 to 500 years, and are dependant on the
position of the planets. When one of these portals is open, anyone
may enter the Lodge through merely by stepping into the center of the
portal. [The ring of Sycamore trees from the series]
Any one who has been seduced by the Lodge will enter the
lodge in spirit form whenever the Lodge spirit who seduced them
desires. While this is happening, the Lodge spirit will control their
body, making them commit horrendous crimes and acts of evil. The
amount the seduced body/mind recalls of these acts while it is not
being possesed appears to be up to the Lodge Spirit's whim.
Also, any one who has been seduced by a Lodge Spirit will
enter the lodge whenever they fall asleep. In these periods, the
Lodge spirit does NOT enter the body, instead the soul roams the
lodge in what will be remembered as a never-ending tensely surreal
recurring dream, in which the individual wanders a limitless series
of identical rooms interacting with evil reflections of people who
have or will play an important part in their life.
Further, since time has no meaning (or perhaps just a meaning
incomprehensible to humans) within the Lodge, anyone who is fated to
someday be seduced by the Lodge can be influenced by Lodge spirits
before their actual seduction, being posessed as above or entering
the lodge in dream-form, as above. [For example, for the year before
his possession, Cooper wandered the Lodge in his dreams on a highly
regular basis]
And lastly, items brought from the Lodge into Gaia may be
used as portals into the Lodge by those who have been or are fated to
be seduced by the Lodge. These items may allow the doomed to enter
the lodge spiritually and/or physically, and the entrance may or may
not be controlled by the doomed. The specifics vary from item to item
and incident to incident. [The photo Mrs. Chalfont gives to Laura
and/or Teresa Banks's ring are good examples of such items]
3_Inside the Lodge: a visual description.
Most Caern-like openings into the Lodge and most
dream-passages begin in a part of the Lodge known as The Waiting
The waiting room is a large room with thick red curtains for
walls and a zig-zag pattern of off-white & off-black stripes on the
floor. It is furnished by three black apolstered chairs, two of them
next to each other, the third a short distance away and facing at a
90 degree angle perpendicular to the other two. The seperate chair is
adjacent to a small black marble end table with a small white marble
sculptur on it. The sculpture appears to be of a planet or
astrological model, but never manages to draw much direct attention.
The chairs in close proximity to one another have a similar endtable
between them, this one lacking a sculpture. And at either end of the
chair/endtable/chair combination stands a tall brass floor lamp.
Behind the chairs is a near-life size white marble statue of a female
nude Coffee is often served in the waiting room, but I wouldn't
recommend drinking it.
If you pass thru the curtains in any direction you will find
a short hallway, also walled by curtains, and with the same floor.
Passing thru curtains out of this hallway will take you to another
room almost identical to the waiting room. The only difference will
be the furnishings. Apparently an infinite number of rooms such as
this exist, and appear in a totally random order. One is furnished
with a black chair and a single brass lamp, another with nothing but
an ornate silver table, another...etc.
If you continue to travel without a deffinate destination in
mind thru the lodge, you will continue to pass thru room after room
on this order, and most certainly become lost.
However, if you walk with a target location in mind, and are
willing to spend a Willpower, Gnosis, Rage, or HUMANITY point to get
there, you can step thru any curtain and arrive in any location
within the lodge.
Other locations include any entrance room that an artifact
gate or item opens into. Thru these rooms, you MAY be able to exit
the Lodge. These rooms can look like ANYTHING, but probably resemble
the item they are linked to.
The final location is The Meeting Room. This wood-floored
room is where the Lodge spirits get together for reasons
incomprehensible to mankind. This square room is occupied by a small
stage in the corner, several chairs, a dark-colored sofa, and the
infamous green formica table (allso, I could have SWORE I saw a
1960's refrigerator next to one of the chairs).
Possible ways in which the Black Lodge can be used in V:tM :
#1: Much as they were used in the TV show: a bunch of rowdy,
unhuman spirits who drag the PC's into their power struggles as pawns
and/or food.
#2: Another interesting idea might be to make the Black Lodge
= the beast. In this sort of chronicle, all vampires are possessed by
Lodge Spirits when ever they frenzy. All vampire PC's would probably
start out with the Dark Fate flaw. Alternately, you could do this for
lupines, connecting the Black Lodge to the moon and too the Veil.
Either way would work, but I prefer it with the vamps being
possessed, as it fits the concept of them "having no souls" and also
fits well with The Little Man's fascination with green formica
#3: And my final idea for using this, would be to have the
PC's play Lodge spirits. Yeah, you heard me right. This is only
advised if you're dealing only with players who are either very
experienced role-players, or total 'Peaks Freaks. Otherwise, it'd be
VERY difficult for them to stay in character. You've been warned.
4_Additional note about entrances into the Black Lodge:
Aside from the methods of entrance I noted in my earlier
posting, it seems to me that area's which have become slowly and
gradually charged with wyrm energy become more and more similar to
the lodge, until at last the eventually open a physical threshold
into the Black Lodge. By wyrm energy, I'm not talking about high
powered, split second flashes of evil, but rather, in this case,
lethargic/lecherous energies which continually pervade a location.
[examples from the show include One-Eyed Jacks, the Bang Bang Bar,
and the convenience store in Buenos Aries which Phillip Jeffries
discovered] Such locale's become slowly build up with this energy (a
more appropriate description might be "lack of energy", as these
areas tend to syphon off the intellectual energies of those who
enter, leaving them hollow) over years, until they begin to shift
into looking like the black lodge. The change is gradual, and usually
goes unnoticed by those who frequent such locale's, but garou and
mystics who enter the place for the first time will notice a
metaphysical stench/blanket of laziness charging/smothering it. From
such a location, anyone possessed by a lodge spirit may physically
enter the lodge, but it should be costly in willpower and/or
garmonbozia (see below). Inside the lodge, an analog will slowly
begin to form, a combination of the infested locale and the
red-curtain motif of the lodge.
5_The singularity.
"Do you know who I am? I am the arm."
- The Little Man From Another Place
To really stew it all down, there is only ONE lodge spirit.
Only one. It has the ability however to divide itself into lesser
incarnations, more specialized ones. The lodge exists, and it has
it's own goals in mind which it directs the lesser spirits of itself
too, but they can attempt to subvert the goals of the lodge [like The
Giant / The Little Man From Another Place did in the show, trying to
help Cooper avoid being sucked into the Lodge].
The lodge broke itself off into at least 2 separate spirits,
Bob and Mike, there were probably others. Between each of these were
formed lesser spirits that bridged the gap in their personalities and
foci. In addition, they form more lesser spirits whenever they
possess an individual. Any Lodge Spirit can dissolve any and all of
the lesser spirits which are directly linked to them, but cannot
dissolve those further out, and to do any dissolution is very costly.
Defined within the context of the movie/series as both "Corn"
and "Pain & Sorrow", Garmonbozia is in a way the food of the Black
In game statistics, Garmonbozia is pooled trait, similar to
blood pool, rage, gnosis, and willpower in that points of it are
spent to utilize supernatural powers. It is different from all of the
above in that it has no set maximum, and that it can take damn near
forever to replenish.
All Black lodgers also have a hierarchy rating, which defines
how far removed they are from the lodge in the same way that
Generation determines how far a cainite is removed from Caine. The
lodge itself has Hierarchy 0, Bob and Mike each have1's or 2's,
Phillip Gerard and Mrs. Tremond's Grandson are 2's or 3's, etc.
7_Replenishing/Increasing Garmonbozia.
There are at least three ways in which Garmonbozia may be
The most rewarding is thru possession. If a Black
Lodger is able to possess an individual temporarily, and during that
possession cause them to loose a humanity point, the Black Lodger
will reap great amounts of Garmonbozia from it. The figure I
recommend (But have yet to play-test) is as follows:
Have the possessed make another
humanity roll, this one against a low difficulty (3 thru 5). Failure
on this roll will NOT cause them to loose additional humanity.
Rather, total the number of successes made, and multiply them by
their (pre-possession) humanity score. The result is the number of
Garmonbozia points the lodger gets. (For example, Bob is possessing
Leland. He forces Leland to kill Laura, thereby dropping Leland from
a four to a three humanity. Leland rolls four dice against a
difficulty of 3 and gets two successes. 2 x Leland's prepossession
humanity of 4 = 8, so Bob feeds 8 Garmonbozia points off of it. Had
he forced Cooper {Humanity 10} to kill Annie, he could have
potentially gotten around 70 or 80 points from that one act)
The only other safe way to replenish/build up
Garmonbozia is by absorption from those around you. If a Black
Lodger is able to cause an individual near him emotional pain, he can
psychically suck that sadness/sorrow in for nourishment. To do so, he
must concentrate, but it requires no rolls or special actions on his
part. The person in pain, must roll humanity, but with no adverse
effects if they fail, against a low difficulty. If they net any
successes at all, the Black Lodger is gains one garmonbozia point,
two points if the trauma is especially heart-wrenching.
Then there is the dangerous way to get Garmonbozia,
which is too steal it from the other Black Lodgers. ["You stole the
corn from the can on the shelf, Bob! The thread is about to break Mr.
Palmer!" - Phillip Gerard]You can only steal Garmonbozia from those
of an equal or higher Hierarchy number (i.e. those equally or further
removed from the lodge than oneself) To do so requires an action of
any sort which is symbolic of theft or eating off of the other
lodgers plate, at which moment is made a extended contested willpower
roll. Whichever spirit runs out of willpower first automatically
looses 2/3rds of their Garmonbozia (Half of which is gained by the
winner of the duel, and half of which is lost to the lodge itself).
You might also want to allow Garmonbozia to be increased by
spending experience if you play black lodge chronicle type 3 (above),
at a rate of one experience point = about 5 Garmonbozia points. Such
increases could be justified as being the result of all the assorted
crap the characters mere presence has brought into the lives of those
she is around.
8_Using/Expending Garmonbozia.
Garmonbozia is used in many ways. It is spent to power the
Lodge Spirits supernatural powers, it is used whenever they attempt
to possess an individual, it is used to bring someone across into the
black lodge while they sleep, and it is used to create further lodge
9_Creating Lodge Spirits.
A lodge spirit may create (at any time in which it has more
than 2 Garmonbozia points) another lodge spirit. Such lodge spirits
must be warped perspective reflections of oneself, wrapped around a
focus of some sort. [For example: Bob has other things to do than
maintaining constant watch over Leland (Which he does end up doing
anyway as time goes by and Cooper starts getting to close to learning
the truth) so he draws forth an aspect of himself, creating a lesser
spirit which is Bob weaved into the mentality and maturity of Leland
as a child, one to watch over Leland and keep him from figuring out
what was happening to him. Then later Bob needed an agent who's
perceptions would always be in the physical world keeping track of
Cooper et al, so he formed a part of himself into The Owl, which was
focused around spying on coopers actions, and then... well, you get
the point. ]
To do so, it must find a focus, envision a form for
the new spirit which symbolizes that form, and then transfer a
portion of it's life-force into making that vision and foci real. It
must spend one third of it's current Garmonbozia (rounded up)on the
creation. Those points are consumed by the lodge, who then gives the
spirit the immediate capacity to solidify it's vision into a new
lesser spirit.
The new spirit thus created has a Hierarchy number
one larger (weaker) than the spirit who focused/formed it, and has a
starting Garmonbozia pool of 1/2 the pool the "parent" spirit had
just prior to the forming. (Yes, this will net a total Garmonbozia
between the two of them which is LARGER than the Garmonbozia pool
possessed by the spirit who created the other one. Why do you think
Mike was willing to form The Giant and Phillip Gerard? Because he
knew that in the long run it would make him MORE powerful within the
lodge. )
Also, while the personality of the new spirit IS that of it's
creator wrapped around a focus, it IS a free willed spirit, capable
of disobeying or even turning against it's creator over time, but
probably will not do this, for reasons which follow...
10_Dissolving Lodge Spirits.
Any lodge spirit may dissolve any lesser spirits which it has
formed as direct links to itself. [Bob may dissolve Mrs. Tremond's
Grandson, but he can't lay a finger on Phillip Gerard] To do so,
certain conditions must be met:
The spirit you wish to dissolve must be one of your
direct "children": of the Hierarchy rating just above (weaker) than
yourself, and created by you. You may not dissolve another spirits
construct, no matter what it's Hierarchy.
You must currently possess more or equal amounts of
Garmonbozia as it does. Any excess in it's favor will deny you the
right to destroy it.
You must win an extended contested Willpower roll
against it.
and lastly:
You must make some sort of symbolic attack against
it's focus. [For example, in order to destroy Mrs. Tremond's
Grandson, he would have to symbolically weaken it's link to Leland,
perhaps by having possessing someone and forcing them to send Leland
a valentine. :)
Once you have successfully completed the above requirements,
the lodge will grant you the immediate ability to dissolve the spirit
in question. All of it's Garmonbozia will be absorbed by the lodge
itself, along with one third of your own (ST's might think this all
seems pretty drastic, but I believe the dissolution of a Lodge Spirit
should be a major event, an undertaking not taken lightly)
11_Lodge Artifacts:
Aside from creating spirits from themselves, Black Lodgers
may also create physical bodies [Phillip Gerard and The Owl] too.
To do should be more costly, and such a being should only start out
with 1/3rd the Garmonbozia of it's creator, not 1/2, and lacks the
ability to possess that non-physical lodge spirits have.
Physical Artifacts may also be created [Teresa Bank's ring or
the photo Mrs. Tremond gives Laura are both good examples, both being
able to draw a person into the lodge. Another good example is the
coffee cup which traps Cooper's soul in the lodge at the end of the
last episode]. Such items only have 1/4th the Garmonbozia of the
creator, and are indiscriminate in their evil. They perform
particular functions well, using certain powers at the cost of one
Garmonbozia point each. They continue to work toward their focus
until they run out of Garmonbozia, and are non-replenishable. The
reason a spirit would create such an object is simple: artifacts lack
free will, and as such will never turn against you. Also, unlike
spirits, they can be absorbed by their creator at any point without
having to spend the Garmonbozia to to dissolve them.
It is possible for multiple lodge spirits to work together to
create an artifact or spirit which is linked to the both (or all) of
them. Such spirits may be dissolved or absorbed by either without
requiring the permission of either (But the lodge must still think
their actions are in its best interest though).
13_Additional Supernatural Powers:
I don't have time to work out additional powers for the Black
Lodgers, but I can list some already existing powers in the books
which can easily be appropriated for the Lodge Spirits and their
artifacts. The use of any of the following powers should each cost
the Black Lodger from one to five Garmonbozia points, depending on
the relative power of the ability, and the circumstances surrounding
it's use. Costs should be much lower while the spirit is actually
within the black lodge.
From Vampire: the Masquerade :
All the auspex levels seem to fit with the style and
mood of Twin peaks, with the exception perhaps of level 5, but even
that could be made to fit.
Presence level 1 works nicely, yet unreliably.
All the dominate levels work well, with one small
change. Rather than requiring eye-contact, they require that the
spirit who is using them be focused on "seducing" the specific
individual on whom the powers are useable.
Animalism MIGHT be okay, as these are amerindian
nature spirits, sort of, but only if that were the focus of the
spirit using it.
Obfuscate: A definite yes. What more can I say?
From the Storyteller's Handbook:
Visceratika: the levels which let you sense the
movements of everyone in the same building as yourself might work.
[The Fan could always tell when Laura was home...]
Sanguinus might be allowable between a "parent"
spirit and it's "children", but I'd be wary here as a ST, using this
might just make the Black Lodgers seem combat-oriented, which is NOT
what they are, most of them don't even have true physical forms
outside of the lodge.
From the Player's Guide:
The setite powers of corruption are also definite
yes's, but not the stuff about the tongues and turning into snakes.
Necromancy might work too, with the Black Lodgers
being able to call upon the souls of those they've seduced and
corrupted in the past. [I'd hate to meet the ghost of Windam
Earle].But still, I don't think the flavor is right on this one.
Some of the really high levels of the conventional
disciplines seem workable too, but I'd have to say no, you need to
give the Cainites a few advantages (at least, you do if you're not
considering the black lodge to be the source of the beast) over their
non-corporeal brethren.
From the Player's Guide to the Sabbat:
Dementation, the power owned by the Malkavian
Antitribu: This is THE key power of the Black Lodgers, without the
ability to drive people mad, they really aren't worth using. My only
regret is that white wolf didn't include this power in the original
Vicissitude: One could make a VERY good case for
level one of this power.
Obtenebration (?) : Another good one. [and great for
explaining why Leland and the girls were lit by a flashlight when
they made the run to the train car. And don't tell me that Phillip
Gerard was holding the flash light, because he was still back at the
cabin during the scene in question].
From Werewolf: the Apocalypse :
Okay, I admit it. Sorry Sam, but I don't play W:tA
often enough to have many of the gifts memorized. But I'm sure that
many of them are more than appropriate to the Black Lodge, such as
ones controlling the terrain, or driving off animals, or for sensing
the wyrm and things of that nature. I'll have to leaf thru the book
I know there are rules for wyrm bane's possessing
individuals in the book, but I haven't read them in a while. If I'm
not mistaken, I think their rules for fast take-overs, which is
definitely NOT in the spirit of Twin Peaks. It took YEARS for Bob to
get the kind of hold he did over Leland, and about six more to get
the hold he did over Laura. Twin Peaks is about destiny, timelessness
and lethargic evil, not about last second rescues and disposable
badguys. [OK, yes, Windam Earle DID believe in disposable badguys,
but not in thump...he's a puppet. Okay, you kill him, so I possess
the guy standing next to him. You kill him, so I get the guy on the
corner. That's just not Twin Peaks IMHO] Cooper would like it to be
about last second rescues...
14_A real short statement about the motives and mental states of the
Black Lodge Spirits:
Black Lodgers are not neccesarily evil. In the same sense
that Sabbat are not neccesarilly evil. The quick and easiest (and
shortest) description I could come up with for Black Lodge Spirits
personality is this: They're just like Malkavian Antitribu except
that instead of bluntly sucking the blood out of people, they instead
go the more subtle route of wearing down their victims humanity and
feeding off of the sadness and pain this causes. They aren't evil,
just....sick. :)
"As was proven by certain experiments conducted on American
Servicemen during the Vietnam and Korean wars, sleep deprivation is a
one-way ticket to temporary psychosis... and, Diane, I'm working on a
three-day jag..."
- FBI Special Agent Dale Bartholomew Cooper
15_The singularity.
"Do you know who I am? I am the arm."
- The Little Man From Another Place
"The man behind the mask is looking for the book with pages
torn out"
-Mrs. Tremond/Chalfont's Grandson
"Do you know WHO that is!?!??!!!!?"
-FBI Agent Phillip Jeffries to Director Gordon Cole,
talking about Agent Cooper,
because Jeffries could see that
Bob was destined to possess Cooper.
In the tv show, we see at least half a dozen Black Lodge
spirits. First, we see Bob, then Phillip Gerard/The One Armed Man,
then Mike/The Little Man From Another Place, then we hear about Mrs.
Tremond, then we discover that The Giant (Who until that point I had
assumed was an angel) is really not only A: a black lodger, but allso
B: another incarnation of The Little Man From Another Place.
Then, we go to the movie, where we see all of the above (save
The Giant), plus a couple of woodsmen, and a little boy behind a
mask, and a strange little critter which seems to be a weird
Mike-like thing with a face like the little boy's mask and lastly we
get to see Mrs. Tremond, who allso goes by the name Chalfont. Lot's
and lots of these Black Lodgers, right? I thought so at first too,
but I was wrong.
The little man says "Do you know who I am? I am the arm."
Whoa. This took me at first. Then I thought "So, Mike is Phillip
Gerard's arm, and it seems that Mrs. Chalfont's Grandson is sort of
like Leland trapped at the age/moment in which Bob first seduced him.
And the little dancing guy in the corner of the convenience store
looks like Mike with a face made out of Mrs. Tremond's Grandson's
mask, implying that he's a link between Mike and Bob/Chalfont. Then
Bob throws up his arms and it forces that little guy back into the
corner, a certain sign that Bob would destroy this link if he could,
and of course Bob was obviously the owl or linked to the owl, and we
know the doppleganger was really..." Well, I started to think too
fast for words, and this is what I came up with:
To really stew it all down, there is only ONE lodge spirit.
Only one. It has the ability however to divide itself into lesser
incarnations, more specialized ones.
I'll attempt to trace a genealogy of the spirits shown in the
tv show and movie: We start with the lodge. The lodge for some reason
splits itself into at least two persona's. One is Mike, and at least
one of the others is Bob. They are all linked in a web. Between them
they form lesser spirits which bridge the gaps in personality. They
continue on thru physical-world time, possessing humans, feeding off
their pain, and dragging them into the lodge to use as the basis for
the creation of more lodge spirits. Bob takes over Leland Palmer,
creating a new spirit in the form os Leland locked in the age he was
possessed at but wearing a mask. Time passes in the physical world.
Then an FBI special operative by the name of Phillip Jeffries is able
to willingly enter the lodge somehow, exerting his will over a part
of it. He affects Mike, changing him forever, and in the process so
changed is Jeffries. Mike is able cast off the wyrm influence from
himself. He takes a bit of Jeffries life force, and uses it to
construct for himself a body which is able to enter the physical
world. He names this body Phillip Gerard (the one armed man), and
locks humanity into thru the weaver. He splits himself off into
several more parts, one known as the The Little Man From Another
Place which houses wisdom locked by the wyld. Another houses madness
locked by the wyrm. Bob is revolted by this, and so destroys the
connection spirit between himself and Mike. However, Mike has by this
time created another spirit (In the form of a hyperactive version of
The Little Man with a face which completely resembles the mask that
Mrs. Tremond's grandson wore) to house his madness, and links this
spirit onto Mrs. Tremond/Chalfont's grandson. Bob is not directly
linked to this little dancing critter, so he can't destroy it without
first destroying Mrs. Chalfont's Grandson, and doing that would cost
him his control of Leland (and, since the black lodge exists beyond
time, he would know that it would prevent him from getting Laura,
Dale, Annie, Windam Earle, and Chet Desmond too, altogether too
costly). So Bob has to live with this connection, and thru it, Mike
is able to syphon off some of Bob's influence and Garmonbozia,
thereby slowing Bob's efforts to consume both Leland and Laura. Not a
perfect fix, but worth attempting anyway in Mike's opinion. So Bob
burnt some Garmonbozia forming Teresa Banks' ring, because he figured
it would bring him enough Garmonbozia to make up for the amount he
had to spend on it. He allso created a spirit form of himself linked
to the fan in the Plamer household so that he could talk to Laura
when Leland wasn't home. Mike saw that he wasn't stopping Bob, and so
formed himself into The Giant to try to warn Cooper off, [but in his
madness (?) he was unable to tell Cooper straight out what was
happening]. Bob was wary of this though, and so formed himself The
Owl to be able to keep an eye on Cooper.
"It's okay, I was having a really BAD dream anyway..."
-Rod, owner of the Fat Trout Trailer Park.
\/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\
\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\
\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\
\\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ ///
\\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\///
\\// \\// \\// \\// \\// \\//
\/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\
\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\
\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\
\\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ /// \\\ ///
\\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\///
\\// \\// \\// \\// \\// \\//
\/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\
...the black dog runs at night
5_A N U N E X P E C T E D P A R T Y.
This is the senario, played on Sundays evenings, during
the Lent term 1993, by me as ST and all the play testers.
It is based on the idea that a Lasombra antitribu is hunting
down all of his children, and children's childrens...etc. He happends
to be a member of the Inconnu, so he cannot hunt them down directly,
BUT he can use other vampires to do it for him: the players!!!!!
Even if he follows the path of Honorable accord, he senses the
corruption of the Black Lodge and has brolen his word of
After being introduced to the Prince; each player will dream
the following dream, and recieve an invitation to dine signed
The Duke of Provence (he is Corwin). The dream is :
"White hands are playing with some cards, making a castle
with them. All the cards are blank. On the other side
there is a red "S" and a "C" (Sabbat/Camarilla) on a
black background, separated by a white line. Then the hand
take one card of the castle, and all falls...."
When they will go to the address, the next night, the Duke will
explain what he wants of them, and will give them a pack of cards:
it has 32 cards, 5 like the carracter in a medieval costume (whatever
suits him the best: knight/paysant/noble/magician...). Another card
has a picture of a street in Paris, near the Eiffel Tower. The name is
Vincent! (NOT the Brujah, the Lasombra). Corwin will be pleased to
swap cards....see after. The Duke (Corwin) wants the players to kill
Vincent (he doesn't care about the rest of the pack) BUT he will
not give them any help (the cards are powerful enough) nor will
he fight along side them. He is from the Inconnu, and has sworn
not to get involved in Kindred and Kine affairs (which he is doing, but
he is covering for it... and the Lodge infuences him as well).
The Cards are a powerful artefacts: If some blood is put on a card
where there is a picture of a place, the user; by spending a willpower
point; can "jump" into the place represented by the picture. If
the user has a card of another person, and some his/her blood
on the card; she/he can speak to the person; if and
only if, this person has a card of the caller, with some of its
blood on it. The caller (or reciever) can "jump" into the place the
other is (by spending a willpower point) providing that they hold
their hands. (ie if one of them doesn't want the other to "jump"
then, he/she cannot jump!!!). These are borrowed from the Amber
Chronicles by Zelazy. The cards might have other powers, but it
is up to the ST to decide, as he wish (as long as it fits the plot)
Do not foget that Corwin gave his world that the cards are not
dangerous per se, and that he is following the path of honerable
If you think that the cards are too powerful, just say that,
at the end of the story: You wake up and feel realy worried about
that strange dream of yours....Cards, which cards? (dominate
is a Lasombra clan discipline, and Morphus ways gives a nice control
other the dreams.....).
The players will have no lead whatsoever to start with;
so it is up to them to find a way to find this Vincent.
VAMPIRE : The Masquerade
Name:Corwin Nature:Player Generation:5
Player: Demeanor:Charming Haven:??????
Chronicle:Paris Clan:Lasombra antitribu Concept:Noble
Strength.....**ooo Charisma........****o Perception....***oo
Dexterity....****o Manipulation....***** Intelligence..*******
Stamina......****o Appearance......***** Wits..........*****
Acting.......ooooo Animal Ken......ooooo Bureaucracy...**ooo
Alertness....****o Drive...........**ooo Computer......ooooo
Athletics....ooooo Etiquette.......***oo Finance.......*oooo
Brawl........**ooo Firearm.........ooooo Investigation.**ooo
Dodge........****o Melee...........****o Law...........*oooo
Empathy......****o Music...........ooooo Linguistics...****o
Intimidation.***oo Repair..........ooooo Medicine......ooooo
Leadership...****o Security........ooooo Occult........********
Steerwise....*oooo Stealth.........**ooo Politics......**ooo
Subterfuge...****o Survival........***oo Science.......**ooo
(any) lore........*****
Auspex.......ooooo Allies..........***oo Callousness...****o
Animalism....ooooo Contacts........***oo Instincts.....****o
Celerity.....ooooo Fame............ooooo Morale........*****
Dominate....****** Generation......ooooo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortitude....ooooo Herd............ooooo HEALTH
Obfuscate....ooooo Influences......ooooo Bruised O
Potency......***oo Mentor..........ooooo Hurt -1 O
Presence.....ooooo Resources.......***** Injured -1 O
Protean......ooooo Retainers.......*oooo Wounded -2 O
Thaumaturgy..ooooo Inconnue Status.***** Mauled -2 O
Obtenebration....8 Alternate ID....**ooo Crippled -5 O
Morphus......***** ................ooooo Incapacitated O
BACKGROUND: Youy wish you knew.....That's my little secret..Only
think, he was Sired by Montano. He is also possessed by a Black
Lodge spirit. More on him later.
IMAGE: As he wishes...
ROLE PLAYING: The perfect gentelmen, or a total bas****.
In the mean time, a Caitif, wanting to join the Ravnos clan
is trying to steal something from the Louvre, as a proof of his
"ability" (he is in fact a Ravnos, but doesn't know his Sire, so
he assumes he is Caitif). A blood hunt will be ordered, and the
players should suspect the Sabbat. You can leave some leads as to
where to find the Ravnos, as a letter in Gypies Cant (posted
sometime ago on the list). The idea is to get the players to
hunt him down, have his blood (or not, this is up to you.)
If she/he does, he will be "badly" seen by vampire
with a humanity of 6 or more. Make sure that the player
gets some powers, but balance them with a derangement of
cleptomania.... Ravnos blood bears a strange curse! Of course
there will be all other (normal) effects for Diablerie...
See "Diablerie Mexico" for details), and become famous in Paris
(status goes +1, unless already above 3 (ie 4 or more)).
At that point, our friends from the Sabbat will appear,
and guess who will be their targets???.... They will try to make
the players join them (since they need more information
on Paris, and these guys are young/neonates vampires, so
do your best to present the sabbat with a good face.)
Their plan is very simple, try to give what the vampire
want, and make him/her join a vinculum. It could be giving
a apprentice to a Nosferatu, political power to a Ventrue,
true freedom to a Brujah, new rituals for a Tremere....or anything
that your players might want/like. This is there to show the
"good" side of the Sabbat, and to put a twisted plot into the
adventure... (imagine one of them joining the Sabbat, and
acting as a spy for them....). Will the players trade their
humanity for power???...You never know!
If all the players accept the deal, they will undergo the
Ritual of Creation, and become true members of the Sabbat. BUT
They will have to drink the other blood in a Vaulderie, with their
own; but the others won't drink theirs. (ie they will have a
rating of Vinculum towards the others, but the others won't have
one towards them.
If some acept to run with the Sabbat, let them plan an ambush
for their fellow ( and former) companions. (use both above and under
If none acept the deal, then the Sabbat will try to
kill them. They will lead them into their haven in the sewers
and ambush them, with the help of some Black Spiral Dancers,
or alone (it is up to you). Their plan must leave NO way out
for the players, they will be trapped with no way of escaping..
(by a fire elemental, or something else up to your fiendish
The Sabbat will think that the player cannot escape their
fate, and won't bother finding out if the players really died.
It would be true, apart from the cards: One can jump out of the trap
with a card, to the street in Paris (see above). The player will
then have to find a GOOD plan to get the Sabbat....Obviously,
they cannot go in the places where they are known, nor to places
where they hang around (ie Vampire Club, clubs, etc.). If they
don't do it: then there will be a Wild Hunt on them, and they will
have a hard time!
If their plan is good, then let the Sabbat fall in it: BIG
fight and let destiny play its wild card!. If their plan is bad,
then, use the Sabbat as more intelligent...
I didn't give a more precise line, because the players WON'T
follow it! You could make connections to other vampires in the city
all dead ends, but it will show more of Paris to your players.
If you want to use Corwin (as the Duc of Provence) for
another hunt, or as a mentor for the players, feel free: He could
always find a "job" for your players. "How about getting this
painting for me?" or "How about going all over the world and killing
Lasombra vampires?" or "Serve me as spies in Paris".....etc. Below is
a list of "botches for hunting rolls" which seem to happend a lot
in my game (for some strange reasons).
*The vessel is a vampire, just take one from the above.
*The vessel is a kine, with wonderful blood. It is so good
that the player must made a conscience roll (diff 7), if he
fails the vessel is drained...if not he will have taken 4
blood pool points, and the poor vessel is going to a party
where he will drink a LOT (you can tell, because he got
a bottle in his/hers jacket.).
*The vessel is a magi, looking for a Tremere....
*The vessel is watched by the police for a reson X.
*The vessel is a carrier of the AIDS virus. (no offence
*The vessel will be found raped and killed the next day,
She was a very good looking person.(no offence intended).
*The vessel is the character's ward/retainer and there is
a chance for frenzy (diff 6). If you are feeling in a bad mood.
*The vessel is a lupine (either a Black Spiral Dancer, or
"good" one, or a ratkine, or any other garou you like....
apart from a were-elephant...).
*When feeding, a group of Sabbat vampires play a little
Gangbanging game.
*The vessel is a undercover police officer on duty.
*The vessel was already "used" that night, and has 6 Blood
pool points.
*The feeding is seen by a group of "teens", who want to serve
the kindred...Only problem, they will tell everybody about
him/her; and will want to become one of the immortals....
*The feeding is seen by a cop, and he wants to become a
vampire.. (he is mad for power and will do anything to kill
his sire, even diablerie....he read and loved The Vampire
6_T H E T E S T A M E N T.
(This is just an idea, it hasn't been played...).
The Prince is living Paris, he is bored with it! He designs a
new Prince and leaves the city in a chaotic state!!!! The "heir" will
be one of the players! The real story, is that Villon wants to see
who will obey him, and who are his enemies, hence a little "game" of
his to make it clear who plots against him! Hope the "heir" has got
*Brujah: Let's create an anachic comunity, they plan an Anarch
*Gangrel: The lady waits, feeling the trap.
*Nosferatu: Panic on board!!!! Spyes are sent everywhere...
*Malkavian: Benoit ask the players to become the Prince, since he
is the leader of the Toreadors, and the city needs a Toreador Prince!
Mark will send a letter, asking him to become the first Malkavian Prince
of Paris...
*Toreadors: They want one of them in charge! and now!!!(this is
a facade as they (the elders) all know the plan...since they are
blood bounded...).
*Tremere: Back up and see what is happening, if they can create
even more trouble, then ask for a Justicar!
*Ventrue: It is our change...CHARGE!!!!
*Sabbat: Let's have a gangbanging games, or maybe more!
Now, when Villon sees who is ploting against him (or if the
situation becomes uncontrollable), he will get out of hiding and
plan to bring down his more important enemies! He will reward the
ex-Prince with allowing him to Sire a child, if the ex-Prince had a
brood (ie other players), he will grant them a boon! (but if they
don't want to use it NOW, he will manage to find a way to reduce it.
eg: by talking about them is good terms (status up) etc....).
# All of the above is copyrighted by Yann Golanski! You can use it #
# freely and make copies, but my name stays on it! Hope you enjoyed #
# it. #