7243 lines
312 KiB
7243 lines
312 KiB
The ruling passion, be it what it will,
the ruling passion conquers reason still.
--- Alexander Pope
Graze on my lips; and if those hills be dry,
Stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie.
--- Shakespeare
Passion often makes a madman of the cleverest
man, and renders the greatest fools clever.
--- La Rouchefoucauld
She weaves the winding-sheets of souls, and lays
them in the urn of everlasting death.
--- Pollok
@ COPYRIGHT 1992-1993 by The Guide Creator
The following game is the property of its author, who hereby states
that he retains the copyright. You may distribute it at will,
that nothing in the guide, this notice, or any of the credits are
altered in any way; and that you do not make a profit from it.
Table of Contents
Initial Reactions to this Guide
The Wild-Thing Rules
Conception: What are the odds?
Pregnancy In AD&D?
When Does the Stork Come?
Spells for the Mother
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Sexual Tendency
The Bitch Rule
The Rack Critical Hit Chart: For Men Only
Seduction: More Than Reaction Rolls
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Sexualis Morbus (Sexual Diseases)
Sexual Insanity?
Sex and Sexuality in the Realms
Spells with Zip
Clerics Would Use These Spells?
A Bard's Sexual Spell-Songs
Sexual Psionic Powers
Magic Items Your Mom Wouldn't Approve of
Cupid's Chaotic Arrows
Houri: Wizard Kit
Seducer: Wizard Kit
"I'm Just A Gigolo..." Gigolo: Bard Kit
Getting to Know a Prostitute (Random Generator)
Filling the House of Ill Repute
Case: The Blue Tavern (Entertainment And Pleasure)
A New Look at Old Monsters
Porno Periodicals of Humanoids
An Abyss Level
Adventuring Ideas
Has Anyone Played a Homosexual Character?
Plots for Homosexual Characters
Other Related Reading Materials
A Few Good Stories
Special Thanks
The Internatinal Bitnet Address Book
The Bitnet Controversy of the Guide
Bitnet Address of Guide Contributers
Last Update: 12/01/93
Initial Reactions to this Guide
"The AD&D sex guide is interesting to say the least."
"...it's a pretty handy guide to have really."
--- Matt Sullivan
"The people in my group love the guide!!!"
"Imagine my player's face when he realized he had screwed a
wight lich!!!"
--- Larry Barthel
"...let me intrude to tell you that my wife and I really like
what you have come up with."
"We both have rather chaotic sensual souls as characters."
--- Morgan Blackheart
"It certainly has some interesting ideas in there."
"My friend, who is DM'ing this rather, umm, slutty city, has made good
usage from it..."
--- Steve Langton
"There where nice ideas." "Great Idea & Fun!"
"...it looks GREAT !!!" "It looks good & Fun."
--- Vinnie
"Well, I've read over the pages and it looks GREAT!"
--- Mike Parasich
"It takes perversion to a higher level."
--- Brian Deffinbaugh
"I... found it quite enjoyable and reasonable for application to AD&D."
"The guide is really good -- I am very impressed with the work..."
--- Jason Golden
"I have looked it over gleefully..."
--- Lonadar
"It looks great! We've been pondering the problems of pregnancy... It
looks as if your manual will take care of that and lots lots lots
--- Lisamarie Babik
"I also wanted to tell you that your compilation of sex in AD&D rules
was hilariously funny and extremely FUN."
--- Adam Rios
"...really wild! I really enjoyed the humor and couldn't resist in
printing a copy for myself."
"The sex guide did have its moments..."
"I am looking forward in hearing from you again."
--- The Mage (Nancy)
"Reading your guide was real fun and I think using it will be even more
--- Mike Wellenbeck
"I enjoyed your guide, and it will certainly add some spice to my next
--- Mike Williams
"I just wanted to commend you for the guide... It was great... the
imagination of everyone involved was excellent."
--- J.J. Sutton
"Fascinating guide you have here."
"You and others have obviously spent a lot of time and effort bringing
it to its present incarnation."
"I am most impressed, and can't wait to pore over it in more detail."
--- Corwin
"Interesting and amusing."
--- David A. Tumarkin
"I found it really amusing, and while I'm not sure if I will use its
materials in my games I find it is really inspiring..."
--- Roberto Di Meglio
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I just looked over the Sex Guide and
I must say: FANTASTIC!!! GREAT!!! SUPERB!!!!"
--- Alexander Forst
"Excellent work, and thorough."
--- Scott Spetalnik
"I read you guide... Its very good!!! Thanks a lot."
--- Carlos Fernando
"Thank you very much! From the short look I had at the guide just now
it looks good and useful. Always nice to see something both amusing
and functional."
--- Rhonda Peters
"...by the way I am greatly impressed -- it will help out with my DMing
--- Sasha Nielson
"I just wanted to write and tell you I loved it..."
"It was amazing."
"I didn't realize how much you could actually put into sex in AD&D."
"I plan to be starting an AD&D world soon, and I hope to use it."
"Thank you very much, and once again, I think you have done a marvelous
--- James A. Hooper
"Most Excellent!"
--- Joe Delisle
"I really really enjoy the guide to sex!"
"I think it is the funniest thing I have read in a long time."
"Bravo, good job, two thumbs up."
--- Thomas The Forlorn
"I enjoyed the Guide to D&D Sex. It was worth many a hearty guffaw."
--- Robin F. Righettini
"You did an excellent job on it."
--- Rich Watts
"I found the Sex Guide rather humorous."
"I don't know if my DM is going to use it but I might find some of the
stuff useful, if not entertaining for other players."
--- Eric Chaves
"I appreciate you work and thank you for it."
"I don't use AD&D, but a German role-playing system here. So of course
I have to redo the game-specific things. However, this document is a
great collection of ideas and I'm going to use a lot of it."
--- Donald Buczek
"I wrote to say thanks a lot for writing/compiling/editing the guide."
"...it's just wonderful, funny to read, useful and well written."
"Again, thanks a lot for the guide... just GREAT."
--- Jarmas
"Thank you for the info in the Sex Guide. It has already proved
helpful, because of the pregnancy of one of the elves, the rest of the
female characters are mellowing out on the drinking/sex everytime we
enter a town. The males are also chilling out, I think they know that
they are running a chance for disease now."
--- Arden Meyer
"The Complete AD&D guide to Sex has become my DM's guide."
--- Callen
"I got the Sex Guide, a friend sent me a copy. I shrugged it off as
perverted :) But then scanned through it anyway. My apologies, it is
not at all what I expected!
"I am taking my PC's through the Forgotten Realms for a while, then
plan to whisk them off to Ravenloft for a laugh. You have given me
some great ideas to throw at my poor PC's :)"
--- Deanna
"It started out as a small simple project, but it splooged into a
massive document of infinite knowledge."
"Who'd a thought anybody would show an interest."
--- Guide Creator
Most everybody has had a character come in contact with a person
of the opposite sex, but the encounter was nothing more than the brief
statement: "I'll have sex with the fair lass and leave". This leaves
out a lot of exciting role playing that can turn into a lot of
humorous anecdotes. What if one of the involved people can't
"perform"? What about getting a disease? Getting pregnant? Spells?
Magic-Items? Classes? But where could a player find a could source of
On the ADND-L Bitnet list (an electronic mail forum for AD&D), a
person posted rules for characters to have sex. I though that this was
quite clever and a little demented. Well, just having a few sex rules
didn't seem so useful so I made some disease and insanities to make it
more interesting. I thought I had a pretty nice guide so I requested
some help on the list for people to look it over. Well, this caused
quite a stir and I realized that the guide was very incomplete as
suggestions for more sections started pouring in. Well, over a few
months ideas, comments, criticisms, and additions kept coming. I even
established a small mailing list to correspond to these people.
I saw somw successful guides created by another list member, so I
asked if I could mimic his organizational style and other key elements
like the title, copyright, preface, quoting, etc.. We are both hoping
that this style will be used in other works to bring some type of unity
to all guides. Eventually, this final product was reached.
This guide will add a new and often times funny dimension to any
campaign. The key is funny. One objective was to try and keep it
light and fun. Although some things may be considered perverse, it was
created in an jocular fashion. The intent isn't to offend or disgust
it is only to enhance the game. This guide is so extensive that there
should be something for everybody. And if not, then you can just throw
it away (it's not like you had to pay for it or something). I'm sure
that TSR has plans to publish there own sex guide <yeah, right>.
For the most part, the information enclosed will have been
play-tested and in a workable form. In others, you may have to make
further adjustments to fit the ideas into your campaign.
This material is the fruit of my labor with special assistance
from a few great people of the ADND-L Bitnet list. Although most
material is my own, it is not all my own. Some material was submitted
from others, and I merely edited it. Also, many people inspired much
of the guide. Plus, they made a considerable amount of suggestions,
comments, and criticisms. Acknowledgment to these people is given in
the Special Thanks section of this guide. I would acknowledge them at
the beginning of the guide, but the acknowledgments are specific and
would be confusing if not read after reading the guide.
I prefer that this guide is not mass distributed. This is a very
extensive supplement that few deserve. Most criticized, mocked, and
scorned me and my comrades while creating it. Only people who are
helpful, creative, and appreciative deserve to view this guide.
Therefore, be wise and selective when distributing it and don't give it
to every Tom, Dick, and Conan. However, permission is granted to pass
on the material so long as no profit is gained.
For those that do have a copy, I ask that you register with me.
Then, I will be able to give you new versions and updates of the guide
as it continues to expand, so you won't be stuck with an old copy.
For those that do receive this guide, I ask that the material is
unchanged. If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments, criticisms,
additions, recommendations, or complaints; I would be very interested
in hearing them. The only way the guide can get better is for everybody
to contribute in one form or another. At the very least I would be
like to be informed of the usefulness of the guide (and add it to the
story section). All help would be appreciated. Because I plan to make
continuous updates, I would appreciate that people do not make the
guide available via FTP sites because they tend to accumulate old out-
of-date versions.
I would appreciate that my name as well as those in the Special
Thanks section are not removed, changed, or altered since we are the
ones who deserve credit our names should remain with the guide.
Of course I can't really stop anybody from doing what they want. I
just ask that you respect those who made this guide possible because
I'm sure that they will continue to make great material for AD&D.
The copyright is not a mere facsimile of my imagination, it is
actually copyrighted and normal copyright laws apply. It would be
foolish to make such a large compilation and not really copyright it.
The Guide Creator
Much criticism has been aimed at this guide because of its topics.
Some feel that characters are forced to roll instead of role-play.
Some feel that its contradictory to increase role-playing by adding
more tables.
I don't think that some rules hamper role-playing. A lot of
players don't like bad things to happen to their characters and will
prevent these things to happen. Having the rules allows the DM to
ensure that the character suffers, but fairly. Of course the player
must still role-play, but now he will know what abilities are effected.
On the same note, I find that tables give the characters something to
work with instead of just saying something is happening. The character
still must role-play. It just helps to give the players some
direction. Being free to let a character do anything in the name of
role-playing isn't right for AD&D. AD&D has many rules and to
criticize rules that others make isn't fair. Why not criticize the
combat system, spell casting, and such? You could say that the
limitations put on spells hampers role-playing. Why not let characters
flourish with dramatic spell-use that isn't encumbered with rules? My
point is that some rules are to much, but using certain ones that you
like at the right time
will enhance role-playing by giving players something to work with.
However, I do feel that some rules are encumbersome. I didn't
care for the sex rules in this guide and haven't used them, but some
people do and that is fine. The conception rules I feel are useful
because characters find out if they are pregnant randomly (for females)
without the DM deciding. Because when the DM decides, the character
assumes (with good reason) that the pregnancy occurred for some
dastardly plot reason.
There are many types of players around, some like rules others
don't. I just put everything in my guides based on what people ask
for. I don't limit the guide to just what I want. I just don't use
what I like. I make available what people want and suggest.
I would like to quote a friend, Morgan, who seems to say it all
about people's complaints:
"I think all those that complain that the guides are too strict or
difficult to roll are a wee too steeped in the judicial side of
the game, i.e. following the rules to the letter. I suppose
someone ought to mention that what you're doing is creating guides
for those who want to have a bit more realism in certain
situations, not creating rules that MUST be played. In general,
I've found a lot of useful ideas contained in your guides which
can be used or abused to make my games more enjoyable. Thanks for
collecting all of this stuff."
(There's one in every bunch!)
NOTE: These rules are not necessarily suppose to be taking
seriously. If anything, they are provided for your amusement. It
seems people will make rules for anything. Before throwing this guide a
way because of this section, you might want to read the whole guide and
then only throw out sections like this one. And if you keep sections
like this one, you may want to seek counseling :)
There comes a time in an adventurer's life when he/she wants to
engage in the act of sex. Unfortunately, the DM's Guide and Player's
Handbook avoid the subject for obvious reasons. A player rolls dice
from pottery to dancing, so why not sex.
At first glance, it may seem that a character can have sex for
quite a long time. This is true for player characters. They have
superior attributes and thus can perform better (that's why they're
great adventurers). However, an average character would have
attributes between 9-12. Using the below rules, an average character
(10 or 11 in all attributes) could go a minimum of 10 or 11 minutes
(rounds) and might be able to go an additional 10 or 11 minutes if
very, very luck (dice deities willing, but don't bet on it).
Some DM's may feel that certain races should be more adept at sex
than others. Many arguments can be made for every race. The one race
that most people feel should have modifiers is the dwarf race.
However, since theses rules are based on constitution and since initial
character generation gives bonus or penalties to Constitution (dwarves
get +1), it is not necessary to give additional modifiers to race.
The following is the steps to go through to see if a character can
continue having sex:
1) A character can initially last a minimum of rounds equal to his/her
constitution with certain modifiers. Table 1 lists modifiers to
constitution by dexterity (remember: it's how you use it). Table 2
lists modifiers to constitution by strength (gotta be able to keep up).
Table 3 lists modifiers to constitution by the partner's charisma
(charismatic partners really enhance sex, even if their comeliness
isn't high). If he/she wishes to continue, then he/she must make
constitution checks (Step 2).
2) After the initial rounds pass, the character must make a
constitution check for each round he/she wishes to continue. Modifiers
to this check are from Table 1 and Table 2 And Table 3, plus cumulative
modifier of -1. The character also needs to make a time to climax
(TTC) check. A 1 on a 1d6 for males and a 1 on a 1d10 for women
indicates such an occurrence. An additional TTC roll is made and a
result of 1 indicates multiple orgasms (keep rolling while 1s come up).
Of course, males could have trouble continuing after this, but the
player can make such decisions.
3) A failed check means the character lost interest for whatever
NOTE: In most cases it takes two to tango, so remember to keep track of
all participates.
TABLE 1: Dexterity Modifier
A. Score Modifier
03-05 -4 <-- not much fun
06-08 -2
09-12 0
13-15 +2
16-18 +4 <-- someone could get hurt
TABLE 2: Strength Modifier
A. Score Modifier
03-05 -4 <-- wears out easily
06-08 -2
09-12 0
13-15 +2
16-18 +4 <-- nasty
TABLE 3: Partner's Charisma Modifier
A. Score Modifier
03-05 -4
06-08 -2
09-12 0
13-15 +2
16-18 +4
Sure characters screw around, but in never seems like they get
anybody pregnant or get pregnant themselves unless on a whim of the DM.
UNTIL NOW! Below is a very simple system to make the decision fairly.
To start, get the base chance for each character (Table 1) that
participated in sex and add the appropriate Constitution modifiers
(Table 2). Then roll percentile dice for each person. A successful
roll indicates fertility. If both are fertile than conception has
occurred. Of course, this assumes that both characters are of
compatible race and are at age where conception can occur (DM's
judgment), and it is the female's fertile time of the month. Some DM's
may allow all races to reproduce offspring. Other DMs may limit which
races can breed together. This decision should remain that of
individual DMs.
TABLE 1: Base Chance
Race Chance
Dwarf 22%
Elf 13%
Gnome 20%
Half-Elf 54%
Halfling 50%
Human 77%
NOTE: The maximum age for each race was divided by 100. This number
was divided into 100% to get the base chance (fractions rounded). This
gives an accurate representation of how fertile an overall race is. If
a DM wishes to add more races, all that would be needed is the maximum
age of that race.
TABLE 2: Constitution modifiers
A. Score Modifier
03-05 -6%
06-08 -4%
09-10 -2%
11-12 +2%
13-15 +4%
16-18 +6%
Some may argue that age should play an important role in
fertility, but age isn't represented in these rules. However,
Constitution plays a role in fertility and Constitution is used here.
A character's Constitution fluctuates because of age (page 24 of the
Player's Handbook). Thus, age is taken into consideration because of
Constitution changes due to age. To make any more modifiers would be
double jeopardy.
Elven Interfertility (page 40 of The Complete Book of Elves)
Elves have been known to produce children with beings of other
races. Most of these are the offspring of a union between elves and
humans. Elf females sometimes find themselves drawn to human men for a
brief while, and human women cannot resist the charms of certain elf
males. The child of these unions is usually born and reared in the
civilization of its mother; elf males rarely want humans in their
lands, and most elf females don't want to bear a child outside the
elven realms, nor to abandon it to humans.
While elves may dally with members of other races, there is
usually no offspring from such unions. Something in the natures of the
races involved makes such a child distinctly improbable. Only with the
aid of strong magicks or unforeseen coincidences has there been any
result from these dalliances.
Apart from the physical differences, elves find most other races
unappealing in appearance. Dwarves have their beads, and halflings
have their hairy feet and considerable girths. While elves may get
along with these races, they do not, for the most part, seek to grow
any closer than good friends would.
Thus, while elves may be physically infertile with other races,
they generally choose not to be. While there are many half-elves in
existence, most of those known are of human descent. One or two
half-elf/half-dwarves have cropped up in legends, but little remains of
what their abilities were like or what the circumstances of their
births were.
Celebration of Birth (page 50 of The Complete Book of Elves)
Since elf children are few (or at least far fewer than human
children), the birth of an elf is a cause of great celebration. Births
are always times of great joy. The village turns out in profusion,
setting aside the day's work to celebrate with the infant's parents.
Following a two-year pregnancy, elf woman are glad to celebrate
the lightening of their burden. They happily join in the festivities
honoring their newborn. Such celebrations typically last several days
and conclude with the naming of the infant. Children are given a
private name by their parents and then given a public name. The secret
name is known only to the elf, his or her parents, and the priest
presiding over the ceremony. While knowing the name gives no power
over the elf, it is a sign of love and respect when an elf reveals his
her true name.
Gifts and wishes are often bestowed upon an elf child at birth by
family and close friends of the parents. Such presents usually have a
lasting impression on the elf, for favors given to an infant are far
from ordinary. One child was given the ability to speak to dragons;
she later bused the gift to great advantage when she averted a war
between her village and a nest of green dragons living nearby. Another
child was gifted with always knowing when someone lied to him.
Life Cycle of the Dwarves (page 25 of The Complete Book of Dwarves)
Dwarves reproduce very slowly compared to humans and orcs. The
birth of twins is rare and triplets and quadruplets do not occur. The
majority of families have only one or two children to care for. This
is seen as a virtue because it allows them to lavish their time and
care on one child, and give that child a better education than would be
possible with several.
With mammals, gestation period is usually dependent on size. Yet
TSR made the elves, who are smaller than humans, have a gestation
period of 24 months. Instead of making things complicated, size is not
dependant on gestation in these rules but rather maximum age. This
will be explained after Table 1.
Table 1 lists the length of pregnancy for each race. Also, it
lists the duration of each stage of the pregnancy. The length of each
stage is given as well. Half-elf pregnancies could last as long as 24
months or as little as 9 months depending on how much human or elf the
unborn child is. The number given is for DMs who don't want to bother
with complicated inter-racial percentages.
TABLE 1: Pregnancy
Total Length Duration of
Race of Pregnancy Each Stage
Elf 24 months 2 months 20 days
Gnome 16 months 1 months 24 days
Dwarf 15 months 1 months 20 days
Halfling 7 months 0 months 24 days
Human 9 months 1 month 0 days
Half-Elf 12 months 1 months 10 days
NOTE: The length of pregnancy was derived from the knowledge that
an elf's pregnancy lasts 24 months (from The Complete Book of Elves)
and that the elves life span is 750 years. 750 divided by 24 yields
the number 31.25. 31.25 was then divided into the life spans of all
races to get the length of pregnancy with the exception of humans.
Since human pregnancy in AD&D can have real-world basis, the length is
given as 9 months. 14.44 (derived from dividing 130 by 9) could have
been used rather than 31.25 but the 31.25 is based on the fantasy elf
race and so the number was used for the other fantasy races.
Each stage of pregnancy is listed below with the effects that the
pregnant character will suffer. Refer to the effects section for
specifics. Elf pregnancies are quite nice and comfortable. Therefore,
DMs may forgo certain unpleasant effects for pregnant elves.
1st Stage
- Check for mood swings at 55% chance.
- Check for morning sickness (20%).
- Lower constitution by 1 because of increased fatigue.
2nd Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 65% chance.
- Check for morning sickness (25%).
- Lower constitution by an additional 1 for a total of -2 to
constitution because of increased fatigue.
- Increase in urination output.
3rd Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 75% chance.
- Check for morning sickness (30%).
- Danger during spell-casting.
- Increase in urination output.
4th Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 45% chance.
- Check for morning sickness (10%).
- Noticeable weight gain. Increase weight appropriate to race.
- Food cravings: Friends may be sent on wild treks to find exotic
food to curb the pregnant women's cravings.
- Lower dexterity by 1 due to loss of agility.
- Thief skills Climb and Move Silently suffer a -5%.
- +5% chance of spell failure due to discomfort.
5th Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 35% chance.
- Check for morning sickness (05%).
- Weight gain. Increase weight appropriate to race.
- Food cravings.
- Lower dexterity by an additional 1 for a total of -2 to
dexterity because of lack of agility.
- Thief skills Climb and Move Silently suffer an additional -5%.
- +1d6% chance of spell failure due to discomfort.
6th Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 25% chance.
- Weight gain. Increase weight appropriate to race. Adjustment
armor size is likely and probably expensive.
- Food cravings.
- Lower dexterity by an additional 1 for a total of -3 to
dexterity because of lack of agility.
- Thief skills Climb and Move Silently suffer an added -1d10%.
- +1d6% chance of spell failure due to discomfort.
7th Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 35% chance.
- Check for backache.
- Lower dexterity by an additional 1 for a total of -4 to
dexterity because of lack of agility.
- Speed cut by half. Must rest triple the normal amount of times.
- +1d6+6% chance of spell failure due to discomfort and lack of
8th Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 45% chance.
- Check for backache.
- Lower dexterity by an additional 1 for a total of -5 to
dexterity because of lack of agility.
- Speed cut by half. Must rest triple the normal amount of times.
- +2d6+3% chance of spell failure due to discomfort and lack of
9th Stage
- Check for mood swings for this stage at 55% chance.
- Check for backache.
- Lower dexterity by an additional 1 for a total of -6 to
dexterity because of lack of agility.
- Speed cut by half. Must rest triple the normal amount of times.
- +3d6+2% chance of spell failure due to discomfort and lack of
- Develops nesting habits (i.e. desire to make a warm, cozy home
and prefer not to go anywhere).
The formula to check for backache is as followed:
50% - (Strength + Constitution) + 5 for every previous stage of
backache. The backache lasts for 2d4 days. If a woman has a backache,
she is in great pain. She should get rest and not engage in strenuous
activity. If she decides to, the DM may want to impose a 1d4 hit point
loss for every turn of strenuous activity to simulate the agony.
Usually in the last three stages of pregnancy, backache is
constant, so DMS may wish this upon the character. DMs may desire to
make a temporarily (until pregnancy is over) drastic reduction of hit
points to simulate the constant agony of the woman.
The following are the steps to develop a moody female:
- The female character must roll 1d6 every eight waking hours for
an attitude.
- The female may reroll if a situation has been unusually
stressful (i.e. after melee, during an argument, etc.).
- Any person who comes in contact with the female (ex. other
player characters) may request a reroll once per day. Only one
reroll may happen each day. The reroll represents people who
influence the female thereby changing her moods (for better or
for worse).
- For a roll of 6 on Table 2, roll 1d6 again. A 1 indicates
an obsessive behavior. Thus, she becomes obsessive about
whatever the party is doing at the moment to the point of not
letting anyone or thing in her way of trying to accomplish her
TABLE 2: Moods & Attitudes
Roll Moods & Attitudes
1 happy, cheerful, optimistic, helpful, friendly
2 self-pity, unhelpful, brooding, pessimistic
3 pissed off, vengeful, cruel
4 depressed, sullen, feeling inadequate
5 depressed. brooding, pessimistic
6 restless, impatient, takes control, urge to get on with
things, roll 1d6 for obsession check
Needless to say, running a character with all of these different
attributes which change all of the time tests the player's ability to
roll play to a maximum.
Roll d% on Table 3 to get the level of morning sickness. If the
woman continues to have morning sickness from a previous stage, then an
additional rule on the table isn't necessary.
Mild morning sickness consists of 1 to 2 hours of nausea a day.
Moderate morning sickness lasts 1d4 hours a day after which check for 1
to 2 hours of nausea with-1 penalty. Chronic morning sickness lasts
2d4 hours a day after which check for 1d4 hours of nausea with -2
TABLE 8: Level Of Morning Sickness
Roll Level How Long
01-60 None n/a
61-80 Mild 3 stages
81-98 Moderate 5 stages
99-00 Chronic 9 stages
A character has nausea if a constitution ability check is failed.
A person with nausea feels like vomiting. The character has difficulty
concentrating and therefore has a -05% chance of spell failure for
every hour of nausea. Furthermore, she suffers a -1 to dexterity and
strength for the duration of nausea.
Some feel that there should be a charisma penalty imposed to a
pregnant character. Supposedly, pregnant women find themselves fat,
ugly, and undesirable. Thus, they don't give of an aura of coolness,
magnetism, leadership, and determination. Not to many will follow a
moody, weak woman. This "ugly" state would also be reflected in
Others feel that a pregnant character should get a bonus to
charisma. Supposedly, pregnant women "glow with motherhood". Being
pregnant is the essence of womanhood and many males find this
attractive. In fact, a pregnant woman can get people to wait on her
beckon call because she seems so helpless. This "natural beauty" can
be reflected in comeliness.
Given these completely different views. A DM should make charisma
adjustments based on the individual views of those that the pregnant
character meets. Thus, one NPC may find her attractive and thus she
gains a bonus to comeliness and charisma. On the other hand, an NPC
can find her repulsive and thus she suffers a penalty to comeliness and
A pregnant mage or cleric can cause weird things to happen to an
unborn child if she casts spells after the 2nd stage of pregnancy.
Magic is the ability to shape, control, harness, and utilize natural
forces that infuse the world and surround the character. When a mage
or cleric uses her magic ability, this force can influence the
development of an unborn child.
Every time a mage or cleric casts a spell after the 2nd stage of
pregnancy, there is cumulative chance equal to the spell level that an
effect has occurred.
For example, Roxanne The Mage is in her 3 stage of pregnancy. She
casts a 2nd level spell. There is a 2% that the unborn child is
effected. The player rolls a 25 on the percentile dice and thus
nothing happens to the unborn. Then, Roxanne casts a 3rd level spell.
Now there is a 5% (2+3) chance of the unborn child to be effected. But
the percentile dice show a 56 and the child is safe.
A psionicist shapes, controls, harnesses, and utilizes natural
forces that infuse her own being. The essence of a psionicist is mind
and body. Since the unborn is in the body, psionic powers that are
manifested can greatly effect the unborn child.
For every psionic strength point (PSP) used by the psionicist
after the 2nd stage of pregnancy, there is cumulative chance equal to
the number of expended PSPs that an effect has occurred.
Each time a pregnant character travels to another plane after the
2nd stage of pregnancy, there is cumulative chance that an effect has
Going to the elemental planes gives a cumulative 5% chance of an
effect occurring.
Going to the ethereal plane gives a cumulative 25% chance that an
effect has occurred.
Going to the astral plane gives a cumulative 50% chance that an
effect has occurred because of the strain.
The effects of going to the outer planes is relative to alignment.
For each difference in alignment there is a cumulative 2% chance that
an effect has occurred. Thus, a lawful good character visiting a
chaotic evil outer plane will give the unborn child a 12% (lawful ->
neutral -> chaotic = 3 or 6%, good -> neutral -> evil = 3 or 6% for a
total of 12%) chance of an effect.
Every time the pregnant woman loses a level for whatever reason
after the 2nd stage of pregnancy, there is cumulative chance equal to
the number of levels drained multiplied by 10 that an effect has
occurred. If an effect does occur, minus 5 to the die roll on the Type
of Effect Table for each level drained.
If any aging effect is inflicted upon the pregnant woman (such as
the Haste spell), the aging effect is split between the mother and
child equally. This, of course, may cause immediate labor and birth of
the child. Due to increased development rate, the child must make a
system shock roll based on its mother's constitution. Failure
indicates that an effect occurs.
If there is an effect, roll on the following able (subtracting the
stage of pregnancy, i.e. add 10 if in the 5th stage of pregnancy) to
decide if the effect is positive or negative (use appropriate
TABLE 4: Type of Effect
1-25 Positive; roll on Positive Effects Table 5
26-00 Negative; roll on Negative Effects Table 6
TABLE 5: Positive Effects (ROLL 1d10)
1: Born with infravision which enables child to see up to 60 feet in
the dark. If the child's race already has the benefit of infravision
than add 20 feet to the range.
2: Born with a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. paralyzation, poison,
and death magic.
3: Born with a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. rod, staff, or wand.
4: Born with a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. petrifaction or
5: Born with a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. breath weapon.
6: Born with a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. spell.
7: Born with 10d10 - 5 % magic resistance.
8: Born with a lifetime regeneration ability. The child will be able
to naturally (subconsciously) regenerate 1 hit point every turn.
9: Born with a natural (subconscious) ability to "turn" 1 Hit Die
undead. Great potential for child to grow up to be a infamous cleric.
10: Born with a psionic wild talent. To determine talent see page 20
of The Complete Psionics Handbook. If the effect was created due to
psionics, then two wild talents develop.
TABLE 6: Negative Effects (ROLL 1d12)
1: Born with a -1 penalty to all saving throws vs. paralyzation,
poison, and death magic.
2: Born with a -1 penalty to all saving throws vs. rod, staff, or wand.
3: Born with a -1 penalty to all saving throws vs. petrifaction or
4: Born with a -1 penalty to all saving throws vs. breath weapon.
5: Born with a -1 penalty to all saving throws vs. spell.
6: Unborn is mutated into a demon (1st edition vocabulary). Possible
possessed by the evil intelligence of a demonic creature. DM should
decide what type of demon the child shall be.
7: Radically different coloration of skin. The color change can either
be advantageous or disadvantageous to the child, depending on whether
the new color will give him/her a camouflage appearance or make him/her
a laughing stock. A child's color can change to any other color. The
color change is left to the DM and is limited only by the imagination.
8: The child's eyes are much different than normal. Roll 1d6 to
determine the types of eyes: 1 = huge and protruding; 2 = small and
stalked like a crab's; 3 = large ad turreted, move independently like a
chameleon; 4 = appear normal but child has 1d4 additional eyes; 5 =
multifaceted like an insect's; 6 = the child appears to have no eyes
(any eye sockets are empty, but the child moves and reacts like one
with normal vision).
9: The child's eyes appear and function normally except for their
color: 1 = solid black; 2 = blank white; 3 = glowing red; 4 = glowing,
venomous green; 5 = putrid pink; 6 = opalescent.
10: The skull or head of the child is adorned with unusual outgrowths.
While it is possible for a child to attack with these outgrowths (when
he/she grows up), this mutation does not give the child an additional
attack per round. Roll 1d4 to determine the type of adornment: 1 =
antlers, as a small deer, that do 1-2 hp slashing and rendering damage
each; 2 = horns, as a small bull, doing 1-3 hp stabbing damage each; 3
= single horn, like a small unicorn horn without magical properties,
doing 1-4 hp stabbing damage; 4 = curved horns, like a ram, that can be
used to butt an opponent for 1-4 hp damage.
11: The child has a tail. While it is possible to use the tail for
attack, this does not give an additional attack per round. Roll 1d4 to
determine the type of tail: 1 = short, useless, and non-functioning; 2
= long and prehensile, can be used to hold a shield or other object but
cannot be used in attack; 3 = long and segmented, ending in a
nonpoisonous stinger that does 1-4 hp damage; 4 = long and whip-like,
can be used to inflict 1-2 hp damage.
Normally, labor will occur 36+1d4 weeks after conception for
humans, elves, and half-elfs. Labor will occur 38-1d4 weeks after
conception for dwarves and halflings.
When a character suffers over 50% of total hit points in damage,
there is a chance that she suffers a miscarriage based on how long she
has been pregnant. For the first three stages (1,2,3) the chance of a
miscarriage is 50%. For the second three stages (4,5,6) the chance of
a miscarriage is 25% The woman has 3d4 hours to get to a cleric for a
Cure Critical Wounds to save the child. Of course, the child must make
a system shock based on its mother's constitution to survive. In the
case of a miscarriage, there is a 25% of hemorrhaging. Hemorrhaging
causes 3d6 points of internal damage to the character.
For the last three stages (7,8,9) instead of a miscarriage there
is a 50% chance for a premature birth.
When a women has her first child, she will be in labor 4d6 hours.
Subsequent labors will be for 1d10 hours.
The chance for a successful birth is based on the following
formula (use mom's stats): success % = System Shock + (2 * Strength).
The DM has two options for an unsuccessful birth. Kind DMs can
make the mother make a system shock/2. If she succeeds then the child
makes a roll to check for failure on the table based on the following
formula: (system shock/2) - 1 for each day premature. (NOTE: subtract
10% from the table for each day the child is premature.) This option
gives the character and child a second chance. A more sinister DM can
require a roll on the table without any second chances.
TABLE 7: Failed Birth (Roll 1d100)
1-40 child dies
41-80 mother dies
81-98 both dies
99-00 Both live
DMs may adjusted the table based on their own campaign.
The mother must spend 1d6+3 days in recovery. If the character
wishes to engage in strenuous activities rather than recover, the DM
can implement penalties to abilities (i.e. strength, constitution,
dexterity). The bitch rule should remain in effect for an additional
1d4 weeks after birth.
Level 1
Detect Pregnancy Prevent Nausea
Summon Midwife
Level 2
Assist Labor & Birth
Level 6
'Irnar's Poloroidic Pregnancy
Detect Pregnancy (Divination)
Class: Cleric
Level: 1
Sphere: Divination
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the priest to detect pregnancy in any creature.
The priest will also know the day of conception, stage of pregnancy,
estimated day of birth, and gender of child.
Prevent Nausea (Abjuration) Reversible
Class: Cleric
Level: 1
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 6 turns/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell will prevent the woman from getting nausea for the
duration of the spell. The reverse of this spell will cause nausea to
the victim, male or female.
Summon Midwife (Conjuration/Summoning)
Class: Cleric
Level: 1
Sphere: Summoning
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: none
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell will summon the nearest midwife. The midwife will get
the summons. She is under no obligation to respond to the summons, but
very few midwifes will ignore it unless unfortunate circumstances
Assist Labor & Birth (Necromancy)
Class: Cleric
Level: 2
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: none
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell has multiple functions to assist the mother in labor
and birth:
Epidural - Produces a numbing of the lower back and pelvis to
reduce stress on the mother during labor.
Push - Assists mother in pushing the child out. Will cut the time
of labor by 1d4 hours.
Turn Baby - Will position the child correctly during labor for
proper birth.
The material components of this spell are boiling hot water and towels.
'Irnar's Poloroidic Pregnancy (Necromancy)
Class: Mage
Level: 6
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell will speed up the pregnancy of a woman from 9 stages to
9 hours (1 hour for each stage left until birth). The pregnatn woman
must make a system shock when its time to give birth. Success
indicates that the birth is successful, failure indicates that child
dies and the woman suffers a permanent -1 reduction to constitution.
'Irnar is still researching, but the priestesses of the Mother
Goddess are doing their damndest to hunt him down and destroy his
research, it is a violation if their creed.
Some parental mages have created a few useful cantrips. Below is
list of them. They have a small description and should not need
additional explanation.
Burp - causes the infant to pass gas.
Create Cheerios and Milk - creates a healthy portion of cereal w/ milk.
Gallager's Food to Mush - transfers food to edible mush for infants.
Turn Toddler - keeps a whinny kid at bay.
Alcohol has a very bad effect on the developing brain of the
fetus. In some areas, the brain may never totally mature. In addition
to reduced learning capabilities, a person has little or no sense of
"right or wrong". He/she has little sense of time, so that a potential
long jail term means little to him/her, and he/she doesn't see the
benefits of saving money today to spend next year, or to study today
for a test next week. These symptoms can range anywhere from almost
unnoticeable to very pronounced, and facial disfigurement (small,
misshapen eyes and a flatter nasal area) can even occur.
Some Fetal Alcohol Syndrome victims are somewhat socially inept.
Not in a "nerdy" manner, but they seem to be unable to have healthy
friendships. They are attracted to dangerous elements, such as the
other troublemakers (unable to separate right from wrong, etc). They
can't seem to resist peer pressure, and if pressured, will drink,
steal, etc.. Their work ethic is bad, unable to see the future as
imminent. The awful thing is, it's not their fault!
Therefore, if a woman drinks at ANY time during pregnancy (even if
she doesn't know she's pregnant) and if she consumes even a small
amount of alcohol, there is a risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The more
often she drinks, the greater the risk and the greater the possible
effects. The player should roll 1d100 when the baby is born, with a
cumulative possibility of having Fetal Alcohol Syndrome of +5% for
every time the mother had two or more alcoholic drinks (in one sitting)
during the pregnancy. If the result is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, then
the DM has two options in deciding on the results:
1: The player rolls 1d100 with a cumulative +5% for every time the
mother had two or more alcoholic drinks (in one sitting) during
the pregnancy. Then consult Table 1.
2: The player rolls 1d12 with a cumulative +1 for every time the
mother had two or more alcoholic drinks (in one sitting) during
the pregnancy. Then consult Table 2. Note that the character has
all of the symptoms up to and including his/her die roll. That
if the player rolls a 6 then the character has results 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, and 6.
Table 1: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Results
Roll Effect
01-03 Intelligence is 4d4.
04-06 Intelligence is 3d4.
07-09 Intelligence is 2d4.
10-12 Intelligence is 1d4.
13-15 Wisdom is 4d4.
16-18 Wisdom is 3d4.
19-21 Wisdom is 2d4.
22-24 Wisdom is 1d4.
25-27 Strength is 4d4.
28-30 Strength is 3d4.
31-33 Strength is 2d4.
34-36 Strength is 1d4.
37-39 Some facial disfigurement. Charisma is 4d4.
40-42 Some facial disfigurement. Charisma is 3d4.
43-45 Extreme facial disfigurement. Charisma is 2d4.
46-48 Extreme facial disfigurement. Charisma is 1d4.
49-51 Weak. Constitution is 4d4.
52-54 Weak. Constitution is 3d4.
55-57 Very Weak. Constitution is 2d4.
58-60 Very Weak. Constitution is 1d4.
61-63 Learns at 1/4 speed.
64-66 Learns at 1/2 speed.
67-69 Learns at 3/4 speed.
70-72 Cannot have a lawful alignment.
73-75 Must have a chaotic alignment.
76-78 Must have a neutral alignment.
79-81 Unable to save money, destitute. Always gets rid of money.
82-84 Unable to save money, poor. Wastes money on frivolous things.
85-87 Never able to cast spells.
88-90 2d20+8 % magic resistance. Roll ignoring any result above 87.
91-93 Two problems. Roll twice ignoring any result above 87.
94-96 Three problems. Roll thrice ignoring any result above 87.
97-99 Four problems. Roll four times ignoring any result above 87.
00-00 Five problems. Roll five times ignoring any result above 87.
Table 2: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Results
1 Intelligence penalized -1d4.
2 Wisdom penalized -1d4.
3 Strength penalized -1d4.
4 Some facial disfigurement. Charisma penalized -1d4.
5 Weaker. Constitution penalized 1d4.
6 Learns at 1/4 speed.
7 Cannot have a lawful alignment.
8 Must have a chaotic alignment.
9 Must have a neutral alignment.
10 Unable to save money, poor. Wastes money on frivolous things.
11 Never able to cast spells.
12 2d20+8 % magic resistance.
Some DMs may like totally random factors in a character's
generation thus this sexual tendency optional rule is presented. Roll
1d100 on Table 1 to get the sexual tendency of the character using the
appropriate social class modifier from Table 2. The reason for the
social class modifier: the upper classes have more access to
culturally-accepted sexual information and are under strict "moral"
TABLE 1: Sexual Tendencies
Die Roll Tendency
01-80 heterosexual
81-90 bisexual
91-00 homosexual
TABLE 12: Modifiers Due To Social Class
Social Level Modifiers
Lower Lower Class 0
Middle Lower Class 0
Upper Lower Class 0
Lower Middle Class -1%
Middle Middle Class -2%
Upper Middle Class -3%
Lower Upper Class -5%
Middle Upper Class -7%
Upper Upper Class -9%
The Bitch Rule is an option that makes a female PC or NPC very
moody. DMs may make this a requirement for all females. Other
alternatives are making it an insanity, disease, or curse. The Bitch
Rule works best for chaotic characters because they seem to have what
it takes to work.
The following are the steps to develop a moody female:
The female character must roll 1d6 every eight waking hours for
an attitude.
The female may reroll if a situation has been unusually
stressful (i.e. after melee, during an argument, etc.).
Any person who comes in contact with the female (ex. other
player characters) may request a reroll once per day. Only one
reroll may happen each day. The reroll represents people who
influence the female thereby changing her moods (for better or
for worse).
For a roll of 6 on the table, roll 1d6 again. A 1 indicates an
obsessive behavior. Thus, she becomes obsessive about whatever
the party is doing at the moment to the point of not letting
anyone or thing in her way of trying to accomplish her goal.
TABLE: Moods & Attitudes
Roll Moods & Attitudes
1 happy, cheerful, optimistic, helpful, friendly
2 self-pity, unhelpful, brooding, pessimistic
3 pissed off, vengeful, cruel
4 playful, energetic, daring, foolhardy, practical joker
5 vain, proud, lazy, bored, omnipotent feeling
6 restless, impatient, takes control, urge to get on with
things, roll 1d6 for obsession check
Needless to say, running a character with all of these different
attributes which change all of the time tests the player's ability to
roll play to a maximum.
The Bitch Rule initiated in Salina, a chaotic neutral human.
Because of her great contribution to the AD&D game, a profile of her is
Salina - 9th level mage
Physical Appearance: Salina is 5' 6" brunette with grey eyes. She has
remarkable stats (all above 10, INT 17, DEX 18) (honest, that's the way
she rolled it...). She is a real "babe". The longer you are in her
presence, however, the more you realize that her charisma is not quite
up to her comeliness.
Family & Childhood: Her mother died in childbirth. Her father is a
rich/feared/respected merchant/trader/smuggler who bought his title and
measures affection in monetary terms. To increase Salina's value, she
was educated by private tutors and given anything money could buy. She
discovered books and power as a substitute for friends and affection.
Reasons to Adventure:
Boredom; looking for a thrill
Companionship (though she would never admit it to herself)
To gain greater powers and a sense of self away from Daddy
To get away from Daddy's immediate grasp so he doesn't marry her
off to secure a trade agreement or something
General: She lives whim to whim. She has chronic PMS mood swings (aka
The Bitch Rule). She is self serving. All of her likes and dis-likes
are subject to change at any time, though a respect for books and
talent and an attraction to jewelry are pretty consistent. She tends
to dislike being dirty and loathes stupid people unless they have
something she needs from them. She is a sort-of female Q (from Star
Trek TNG). The party puts up with her often dangerous moods because
she is a really good mage.
Adventure Examples: Has a casual but regular relationship with 'Irnar
(a NPC mage who "pops" in every now and again to stir up trouble with
the characters). She keeps the relationship for what she can get out
of him and because he learned some pretty INCREDIBLE moves after being
abducted by a goddess of love. 'Irnar is totally into the physical
aspect of a relation and since Salina is a mage with the best
comeliness in my campaign, she wins out. Salina has been known to
disappear (teleported by 'Irnar) during the middle of her night watch
and reappear with melting snow in her hair. Or completely soaked with
water, or in one case with grass stains and rope burns. The party has
yet to find out what she does on her little side trips. One time she
disappeared for three days then reappeared with no explanations, but
she was in such a good mood that the party counted their blessings and
did not press the questions. Besides, they desperately needed her
since they were about to do battle with an Orcish army.
One time, another mage in the party got Salina mad at him, so he cast a
Globe of Invulnerability around him for protection. Salina,
recognizing the spell promptly threw a dagger +2 at him as a "subtle
way of saying "get out of my face" and continued on her way without
losing hardly a beat.
Another time the party had to pay a toll of one magic item each to a
very old black dragon (I was sorta hoping they'd try to fight the
thing) and Salina, in her helpful, cheery mood promptly offered the
other mage to the dragon saying "If you let us pass, I'll give him to
you" (note: said with a disgustingly cheery voice). The other mage had
to do some quick talking to get out of that one. He did get some help
from the good cleric who was "appalled" that Salina could do such a
The party encountered a pool of whimsy healing water once. Salina got
mad at one of the party members for being stupid, and promptly pushed
him in. (The party at the time did not know the effects of the water.)
Well, the fighter immediately got healed of all of his hit points, got
a whimsy (I don't recall what it was) and drowned because he was
wearing metal armour. Two members of the party finally fished him out,
but they had a dickens of a time resuscitating him. The episode ended
by everyone having a pool fight and pushing someone else in. (All went
in except Salina.)
In another adventure, the party was right in the middle of battling an
awesome mage (Le Morte by name) and Salina suddenly got bored and sat
down to do her nails. The party, without a mage to help them out,
really got whomped on, had to give in to Le Morte's demands, and lost a
Horn of Dwarf Summoning they had spent several months (real time)
trying to get in order to call the Dwarves to battle against the
impending evil of a powerful anti-paladin (Sheol) who is still trying
to take over all of the land.
Well. There you have some of the endearing characteristics of Salina.
The party she runs around with may not like her all that much, but with
players like her, the DM's job of making things difficult for all the
players is made a little easier. ("With characters like her," quipped
the Cleric named Candice Preach, "who needs adventure?")
This background is brought to you by
Morgan the Slightly Chaotic
Female characters are cursed with the Bitch Rule, so how can the
males be equally punished. Well, at long last, it's here. The Rack
Critical Hit Chart.
"Rack" is a term that refers to a shot to the groin. As most guys
will tell you, a hit to the body or face is invulnerably more welcome
and less devastating than a blast to the crotch.
The rack can either be a called shot to the groin, part of a
normal critical hit chart, or (to get more use of it) if the attacker
rolls five higher than the necessary to hit roll (modified ot natural),
it is now considered to be a rack.
The rack chart is as follows:
0-70 Man drops weapon, clutches privates, and loses next 1d4 rounds
of initiative.
71-80 Man is blinded by tears and cannot defend or attack for the next
1d6 rounds.
81-90 Man is stunned for one round and then goes into a berserker rage
for 1d10 rounds. Rules for berserk rage applies.
91-95 Man's voice is permanently altered to 1d4 octaves higher,
dropping his charisma by 1d4. Also stunned for 1d4 rounds.
96-98 Man is permanently rendered impotent. Stunned for 1d6 rounds.
99 Man loses consciousness for 1d10 rounds. (System shock roll can
be made at -50%, if successful, man is only unconscious for 1d4
00 Man goes into shock, no save, and dies. All men within a viewing
distance must make a constitution save at -5 or they clutch
themselves and remain stunned for 1 round.
NOTE: DM's may enforce the rule that any time a man sees another man
getting racked he must make a constitution check to see if he is
stunned for one round. Exception, see 00.
FINAL NOTE: Due to the amount of protection a male will go through to
protect his "family treasure", his AC for his privates is 2 better than
his overall AC. He also gets +2 to his dexterity at any attempt to
dodge. <evil grin>
This is a simple yet effective way to handle a seduction. It is
far more fun than making endless reaction checks and it certainly keeps
players on their feet.
The following are the steps for seducing:
- When the character first comes in contact with someone he/she
wants to seduce, a normal reaction roll is made (see DM's Guide
page 103). If the reaction of the victim is friendly, then a
seduction may take place.
- The preliminary moves are made (i.e. role playing) and attribute
checks are made. The seducer makes a Charisma check with
modifiers from Table 1. The victim makes an Intelligence check
(to see if he/she is dumb enough to fall for it) with modifiers
from Table 1. If the seducer beats the victim's roll by 4 or
more, he/she is doing well and may continue.
- The DM decides how many more checks should be made with suitable
pluses or minuses to the attribute rolls (take into account how
well the player is role playing). Usually no more than three
more successful checks are necessary. Failed checks mean that
the victim of the seduction lost interest, but the seducer can
try again with the Charisma check halved (its not easy to get
back up on that horse after being shot down).
TABLE 1: Attribute Modifiers
Moves Made Seducer Victim
Drunkenly -2 +2
Sleazy/Raunchy -1 +1
Aggressive +1 -1
Gentleman/Lady +2 -2
# of Slots Relevant Check
Proficiency Required Ability Modifier
Contortion 1 Dexterity 0
Massage 1 Intelligence 0
Seduction 1 Charisma 0
Sexual Endurance 1 Constitution 0
Sexual Knowledge 1 Intelligence 0
Contortion - A character with this proficiency is able to contort his
body and limbs into extraordinary positions.
Massage - A character with this proficiency is a master of massaging.
The character has a great knowledge of stroking, kneading, and striking
certain muscular parts of the body. It is used to improve circulation,
sooth the nerves, and stimulate the digestive organs. Massage is also
useful in increasing the tone of muscles after a long illness. Thus,
the character gains knowledge of anatomy and is able to use his hands
skillfully in stroking motions on certain muscles and nerves. A male
who gives massage is called a masseur; a female is known as a masseuse.
A proficiency check isn't necessary unless it is critical for the
massage to be good (ex. soothing a savage before picking his pockets).
This skill also allows the character the ability to strike
pressure points on an opponent. A successful "to hit" and proficiency
check indicates that the victim suffers a -2 on his/her "to hit" rolls
for 1d4 rounds (due to pain and sudden muscle cramps).
Seduction - A character with this proficiency is better at seducing
people than the average person. Thus, he/she gets a +2 bonus when
seducing somebody (see the seduction rules below) if the proficiency
check is made.
Sexual Endurance - A character with this proficiency is able to perform
continual sexual activity longer then most before becoming subject to
fatigue and exhaustion. When a character makes constitution ability
checks during sex, he/she makes a proficiency check. If a successful
proficiency check is made, then the cumulative modifier to constitution
is cancelled.
Sexual Knowledge - A character with this proficiency has a
knowledgeable understanding of sex. Thus, he/she gets a bonus of +1 to
constitution ability checks during sex if a successful proficiency
check is made.
This knowledge is allows the character to know proper "etiquette"
when it comes to sex. Knowledge of sexual customs, preferences,
pleasures, and dislikes, and so forth of people he/she comes in contact
This system does not attempt a specific treatment of a subject
which is beyond its scope and purpose. What is done, however, is to
give general categories of disease and maladies and their game effects.
To contract a sexual disease, the character must be having sex
with somebody who already is inflicted with a disease. The base chance
for contracting a natural disease is 1% per round of sexual activity.
The base chance for contracting a magical disease is 2% per round of
sexual activity. Modifiers are as followed:
Constitution of character
1-3 +4 13-15 -2
4-6 +2 16-18 -4
protected intercourse /2 (cuts the chance in half)
unprotected intercourse *2 (doubles the chance)
Thus, Rath (con. 14) becomes intimate with a person that has a
natural sexual disease unfortunately he prefers not to use protection
(like a sheep-skin condom). He participates in 18 rounds of sex. His
chance of getting a disease is 32% (18-2 X 2). He rolls a 28 on the
percentile dice. Thus, our hero now is infected with a sexual disease.
If only he used protection, his chance of contracting a disease would
have been a mere 8%. A lesson to be learned.
The use of Protection From Disease and Cure Disease spells are of
course very useful for preventing and curing disease.
The DM should decide of the person a character has sex with is
infested with a disease, but if he wants to decide randomly, this
system is provided. The chance of a prostitute having a disease is
already established if Getting To Know A Prostitute (Random Generator)
section of the guide is used. Therefore, the system is provided for
non-prostitute people. Also, this system doesn't handle whether
diseases are natural or magical because some DM's may have magically
rich campaigns ands others may not so odds may vary.
The base chance of having a disease is depend on the size of the
settlement (the theory is that more diseases are found in bigger
settlements where more people interrelate):
Thorp, Dorf 10
Hamlet 25
Village, Wych 30
Town 35
City 40
Modifiers to the base chance are by social level (the theory is that
more disease are transmitted amongst the lower classes because there
are dirtier and less careful):
Lower Lower Class +20 NOTE: not all settlements
Middle Lower Class +15 have these many variations
Upper Lower Class +10 of social level. The DM
Lower Middle Class +5 should be aware of what
Middle Middle Class 0 social levels are around.
Upper Middle Class -5
Lower Upper Class -10
Middle Upper Class -15
Upper Upper Class -20
Thus, a lower lower class citizen of a city would have a 60%
chance of having a disease maybe because she sleeps around to get extra
food money. In a near by hamlet, an upper upper class citizen would
have a 5% chance maybe because he has a private mistress to engage in
sexual activity when he is up to it. While in the city, a citizen of
equal status has a 20% chance maybe because he parties a lot with the
rich and he screws just as much.
At first glance at this system, a person might assume that in a
city 9,000 roughly 40% (3,600) of the population are sexually diseased.
The first item to note is that this system includes only those that
ENGAGE in sexual activity. This eliminates a large amount of the city
including children, elderly, etc.. We'll say that half the city engages
in sexual activity, which seems like a lot. Social level is another
important aspect that must be included. Thus in this example, let us
assume that all social levels exist and there population is equal:
Total Sexual Chance Total Of
Social Level Pop. Active Of Dis. Diseased
Lower Lower Class 1,000 500 * 60% = 300
Middle Lower Class 1,000 500 * 55% = 275
Upper Lower Class 1,000 500 * 50% = 250
Lower Middle Class 1,000 500 * 45% = 225
Middle Middle Class 1,000 500 * 40% = 200
Upper Middle Class 1,000 500 * 35% = 175
Lower Upper Class 1,000 500 * 30% = 150
Middle Upper Class 1,000 500 * 25% = 125
Upper Upper Class 1,000 500 * 20% = 100
Thus, 1,800 people of 4,500 people who have sex of 9,000 people
that live in the city are infected with a sexual disease. This is a
lot, but we're assuming that those that participate in sexual activity
do this with more than one person. The thing to keep in mind is that
this system is to calculate individual persons, not mass population.
When the dice starts rolling, the results usually don't go with the
Natural sexual diseases might not seem as bad as magical, but they
are as terrible. After choosing the desired disease on Table 1, the DM
should roll 1d8 to decide occurrence and 1d8 to decide the severity of
the disease.
Table 1: Natural Diseases
Occurrence Severity
Name Acute Chronic Mild Severe Terminal
E.S.S. 1-4 5-8 1-3 4-5 6-8
Gonorrhea 1-6 7-8 1-5 6-7 8
Insania 1-4 5-8 X X X
Prurire 1-7 8 1-6 7-8 X
Segmen Neus 1-4 5-8 1-3 4-5 6-8
Syphilis X 1-8 1-5 6-7 8
Tuna 1 2-8 1-8 X X
Occurrence determines whether the disease is a single (acute)
attack or whether the disease will recur periodically once contracted
(chronic). Chronic maladies will affect the character periodically, if
they occur at the same time as any other malady (disease, disorder, or
parasitic infestation), the severity of both will be increased. Thus,
if two chronic maladies are contracted, the character is not likely to
survive another disease attack.
Severity refers to the seriousness of the disease, disorder, or
parasitic infestation and determines the period of disability (recover
time or length of illness which terminates in the character's demise)
and the effects of the malady.
MILD: During the period of affliction the character is unable to
perform strenuous activities. Roll once on Table 2 for additional
effects. Some treatment may be determined by the DM to allow a
shortening of the period of illness. A normal period is 1-3 weeks.
SEVERE: A severe malady will lower the character's hit points to
50% of normal and make him/her totally disabled for 1-2 weeks, plus a
further 1-2 weeks of time during which the malady is in the mild state
as the character recovers. Roll twice on Table 2 for additional
TERMINAL: The malady will cause death (or loss of the body part or
function) in 1-12 days (longer periods are stated hereafter in the
discussion of the various maladies). Roll thrice on Table 2 for
additional effects.
Table 2: Additional Effects
Roll Effect
1 Burning during urination
2 Constant pain; -1d4 to attack rolls
3 Gradual brain rot; -1 intelligence and -1 wisdom
4 Hyperactivity; double movement rate, -2 initiative bonus
5 Loss of voice; no verbal spells, singing, etc.
6 Uncontrollable vomiting; -1 constitution per day
7 Sluggishness; half movement rate, +2 initiative penalty
8 10% chance per hour of a spasm which causes dropping of held
Enlarged Scrotum Syndrome (E.S.S.) - This disease is only contracted in
males. The effect is that the male's testicles become quite enlarged
(max. of two feet in diameter each). The victim's movement is
quartered. Constitution is halved. The pain is awful and its really
embarrassing to be seen. There is a 15% chance each month that chronic
victims experience the disease again.
Gonorrhea - An infectious disease of the genitourinary tract, rectum,
and cervix, caused by the gonococcus, transmitted by sexual
intercourse, and characterized by acute purulent urethritis with
dysuria (Hey, its from Webster's Dictionary). There is a 50% chance
each month that chronic victims experience the disease again.
Insania - This disease causes the inflicted to gain a sexual insanity
disorder (DM's choice; see below). The period of affliction lasts 4d6
months. There is a 10% chance each month that chronic victims
experience the disease again.
Prurire - "The Itch" as it is better known is quite an uncomfortable
but not lethal experience. The period of affliction is 1d4 weeks. There
is a 50% chance each month that chronic victims experience the disease
Segmen Neus - This disease is named after a disgusting perverse ogre
who was always pestering female species. The effects of the disease
are as followed:
* -2 to comeliness each day (gradual disfigurement)
* -1 to intelligence each day (gradual stupidity)
* right leg goes bad making movement decrease by 90%
* unable to participate in any sexual activity
There is a 75% chance each month that chronic victims experience the
disease again.
Syphilis - A chronic infectious venereal disease caused by a spirochete
(Webster's Dictionary is so laborious). There is a 50% chance each
month that chronic victims experience the disease again.
Tuna - This disease only manifests itself in female characters. It
causes the victim to reek of the smell of fish. Going unnoticed is
quite impossible. In fact, if cats are around they will follow the
victim. There is a 50% chance each month that chronic victims
experience the disease again.
It is unknown how these magical diseases came about. Some sages
say they're from war, some say that a rip in magical fields caused
them, others say that creatures having sex with certain magical beings
cause weird things. Whatever the reason, magical diseases aren't
pretty. Magical diseases don't have an occurrence or severity. They
last until dispelled by cure disease, wish, etc.. The DM can pick or
roll (2d8) on Table 3.
Some may feel that the these diseases cause to much damage. A
first level character can have sex with somebody infected with acid
secretion and most likely be killed during the encounter. This is true,
but the important thing to remember is that these diseases are magical
and are not necessarily that common in society.
Table 3: Magical Diseases
Roll Disease
2 Acidic Secretion
3 Bitchy Magical Syndrome (B.M.S.)
4 Fiery Secretion
5 Mummy Crotch Rot
6 Orgasmatic Flight
7 Orgasmatic Monster Summoning
8 Orgasmatic Polymorph
9 Poison Secretion
10 Sexual Audible Glamer
11 Sexual Chill Touch
12 Sexual Clairvoyance
13 Sexual Invisibility
14 Sexually Transmitted Lycanthrope
Acidic Secretion - The sexual partner receives 2d8 points of damage on
any round (DM's choice) during each sexual encounter.
Bitchy Magical Syndrome (B.M.S.) - This magical disease only affects
females. Males should reroll on the magical disease table. Females with
this disease suffer the effects of The Bitch Rule.
Fiery Secretion - The sexual partner receives 2d6 points of damage on
any round (DM's choice) during each sexual encounter.
Mummy Crotch Rot - This disease is fatal in 1-6 months. For each month
the rot progresses, the victim permanently loses two points of
charisma. The disease can be cured only with a cure disease spell. Cure
wounds and regenerate spells have no effect on a person inflicted with
mummy crotch rot.
Orgasmatic Monster Summoning - Within one round of an orgasm, summoned
monsters appear. There are seven stages of this disease. Each stage is
relative to the number of months the inflicted has had the disease.
Thus in the first month, the disease would be in the first stage.
In the first stage, 2d4 1st-level monsters appear (selected by the
DM, from encounter tables). In the second stage, 1d6 2nd-level monsters
appear. In the third stage, 1d4 3rd-level monsters appear. In the forth
stage, 1d3 4th-level monsters appear. In the fifth stage, 1d2 5th-level
monsters appear. In the sixth stage, 1d3 6th-level monsters appear. In
the seventh stage, 1d2 7th-level monsters appear. The disease becomes
terminal after the 7th stage.
The summoned creatures attack whomever happens to be there for a
number of rounds equal to the stage number + 10.
Orgasmatic Flight - Upon an orgasm, the inflicted levitates if able
(not tied down, etc). Then, he/she takes off in a random direction for
1d20 rounds. Upon coming into contact with a solid object (ex. Wall),
he/she takes off in another random direction. The DM may assign damage
if necessary.
Orgasmatic Polymorph - Upon an orgasm, the inflicted polymorphs into
another creature, save those that are noncoporeal, from as small as
wren to as large as a hippopotamus. Furthermore the victim gains its
physical mode of locomotion and breathing as well. No system shock is
required. This affect does not give the new form's other abilities, nor
does it run the risk of changing personality and mentality. The
duration of the polymorph is 1 turn per constitution point.
Poison Secretion - The sexual partner receives damage (save vs. Poison)
on any round (DM's choice) during each sexual encounter . Roll (1d20)
on the following table to decide damage:
Die Fail Succ.
Roll Onset In Save Save
01-03 10-30 min. 15 0
04-06 02-12 hours 20 10
07-09 01-04 hours 20 10
10-11 02-12 min. 20 01-03
12-13 02-05 min. 25 02-08
14-15 02-12 min. 30 15
16-17 01-02 min. 30 02-12
18 01-04 min. Death 20
19 Immediate Death 0
20 Immediate Death 20
Sexual Audible Glamer - Any time the inflicted engages in sexual
activity, he/she has uncontrollable desires to yell, scream, etc. This
yell becomes louder as the sexual encounter continues. The volume is
based upon the round of sex. During the second round, the volume is
that of one person. The ratio is two rounds for one person's volume.
Thus, the noise increase to the equivalent of two men during the forth
round, the noise of three men during the sixth, and so on.
Sexual Chill Touch - On the tenth round of a sexual encounter, the
inflicted causes a chill touch to his/her partner. The partner will
take 1d10 points of damage due to the absolute cold. Further, the
victim must save versus paralysis or be utterly unable to move. This
paralysis lasts until dispelled in some manner. (This could be real
embarrassing to a government official paralyzed in a sleazy
Sexual Clairvoyance - The inflicted sees in his/her mind some unknown
locale (chosen by the DM) at random times throughout a sexual
Sexual Invisibility - The inflicted slowly turns invisible when having
sex. This transformation begins on the second round and will end when
the sexual encounter is finished. At this point, the inflicted will be
totally invisible. The duration of invisibility is equal to the amount
of rounds of the sexual encounter. (This could be beneficial when a
quick an discreet exit is required.)
Sexually Transmitted Lycanthrope - A person with this disease either
becomes inflicted with lycanthrope or becomes a carrier of the dreaded
disease. The chances to get the disease are as followed:
50% - constitution - 5 becoming inflicted
50% + constitution - 5 becoming a carrier
10% neither
The type of lycanthrope can be rolled (1d6) on the following table:
1 Werebear 4 Wearboar
2 Werefox 5 Wererat
3 Werewolf 6 Weretiger
A character can be struck by insanity due to a curse, psionic
attack, disease, etc.. The DM must make sure the role of the insane
character is role-played correctly. Naturally, these insanities are not
clinically correct. They are designed to conform to game terms and
situations. Their inclusion is to fill an area of the game where a
condition exists and no adequate explanation is otherwise given. The DM
can pick the desired insanity or roll (1d20) on Table 1.
Table 1: Insanities
Roll Insanity
1 Bitchamania
2 Coprophilia
3 Exhibitionism
4 Fetishism
5 Geroniophilla
6 Innecrophilia
7 Masochism
8 Mirusmania
9 Necrophilia
10 Nymphomania
11 Pedophilia
12 Periculuphilia
13 Pigmalionism
14 Sadism
15 Sexaphobia
16 Unus-????mania
17 Uridpsomania
18 Voyeurism
19 Zoophilia
Bitchamania - This insanity can only manifest itself within females.
Males should reroll for another insanity. Females with this insanity
suffer the effects of The Bitch Rule.
Coprophilia - This bizarre insanity causes the character to have an
uncontrollable desire to eat the lees (the sediment of a liquid) of the
sexual partner. If the partner is diseased (hopefully a sexual one),
then the insane person's chance of contacting the disease is doubled
and should be checked after each feast.
Exhibitionism - This insanity causes the victim to have a fascination
of being observed while nude or having sex. The more who witness the
person the better. The person must exhibit himself/herself a minimum of
1d10+4 times a week. A few examples are to have sex in a public places,
flash people, streak, etc..
Fetishism - The victim has a fascination and desire to have sex only if
a specific object is in his/her possession or if possible the object is
used in the act (like rods, rings, balls).
Geroniophilla - This insanity causes the character to strongly desire
sex with older people (a minimum of 1d4 times per week). The older
person must be at least be twice the character's age and is 50% of the
time a three times the character's age (if possible).
Innecrophilia - This insanity causes the character to have an obsessive
fascination with the undead. This obsession extends to the point of
engaging in sexual intercourse with undead creatures when the
opportunity arises. When coming across undead the afflicted character
is 75% likely not to cause harm to the undead. Furthermore, he/she is
50% likely to rape unintelligent undead or seduce (to the point of
begging) intelligent undead. The DM and players can see the dangers of
a character desiring the likes of a vampire.
Masochism - This insanity causes the character to like to be hurt by
the partner (normally a sadistic one), using the same ways as the
sadism. In other words, he/she likes to be on the receiving end of
physical pain during sexual encounters.
Mirusmania - This insanity causes the victim to desire to have weird
sex (although some characters may already do weird things). Some
examples are during fly, jump spells; while polymorphed or ethereal; in
strange places like a dungeon, temple, tree; under the influence of
transmute flesh to spells. The DM and player should flesh out this
insanity for good role-playing purposes.
Necrophilia - This insanity causes the character to have an obsessive
fascination with death and corpses. This obsession extends to the point
of engaging in sexual intercourse with a corpse. The afflicted
character is 50% likely to attempt a sexual act with a corpse of the
opposite sex when such an opportunity arises. Thus, a character
adventuring in catacombs may sneak away from the party for a quick
interlude with the dead. This insanity could reach a point where the
character keeps a supply of dead handy to serve his/her purposes.
Nymphomania - Sex! Sex! Sex! This insanity manifests itself in an
ardent desire, in this case an uncontrollable urge to have sex (lots of
sex). The afflicted will furtively attempt to seduce a person of the
opposite sex, whenever the opportunity presents itself, and he/she will
usually seek out such opportunities. The afflicted must have sex a
minimum of 1d10+10 times per week. Not getting the minimum weekly
requirement causes the person to gain an accumulative +1 to
constitution, but lose an accumulative -1 to intelligence and an
accumulative -1 to wisdom until relief presents itself. Other problems
could be continuous dissatisfaction, inability to prioritize, egotistic
view that everyone wants it, patronizing view that all need to be
defiled by sex because they are naturally evil, or that he/she is doing
people a "favor". He/she will not go to the extent of rape or
molesting, but hiring prostitutes is not above the insanity.
Pedophilia - This insanity causes the character to strongly desire sex
with younger people (a minimum of 1d4 times per week). The younger
person must be at least be half the character's age and is 50% of the
time a fourth of the character's age. Of course this insanity can
cause a lot of trouble with governmental laws on statutory rape.
Periculuphilia - This strange insanity causes the inflicted to have a
desire for sex only in dangerous situations and places. When in such a
situation, the character is 50% likely to go into a sexual frenzy in
which he/she must have sex immediately, preferably with a close sexual
partner. Thus, a character will usually have such a partner along with
him/her when adventuring. Note the afflicted must have this dangerous
sex a minimum of 1d4+1 times per week. Not getting the minimum weekly
requirement causes the person to gain an accumulative +1 to
constitution, but lose an accumulative -1 to intelligence and an
accumulative -1 to wisdom until relief presents itself. Some examples
of dangerous situations and places would be when he/she is surrounded
by a few dragons, in front of a angry lich, or maybe in any battle
he/she is involved in.
Pigmalionism - This insanity causes the character to have an obsessive
fascination with statues because they are cold, have hard muscles, nice
form, unemotional, etc.. This obsession extends to the point of
engaging in sexual intercourse with a statue (if physically possible).
The afflicted character is 50% likely to attempt a sexual act with a
statue when such an opportunity arises. Thus, a character adventuring
in temple may sneak away from the party for a quick interlude with the
a lovely statue. This insanity could reach a point where the character
collects statues to serve his/her purposes. The ideal partner would be
a golem or enchanted statue.
Sadism - The victim of this insanity has a desire to physically hurt
the person which he/she is having sex with. This attack can be done by
various strange ways like whipping, kicking, chaining the partner,
etc.. This insanity could reach a point where the character, under a
orgasm, kills the engaged person.
Sexaphobia - This insanity gives the victim a fear of having sex and
will avoid having sex at all costs. Reasons for this fear may be divine
retribution, superiority complex (nobody is good enough), etc.
Unus-????mania - This insanity manifests itself in an ardent desire and
obsession, in this case an uncontrollable urge to have sex with a
particular type of creature. The afflicted will furtively attempt to
seduce this type of creature (still of the opposite sex), whenever the
opportunity presents itself, and he/she will usually seek out such
opportunities. He/she will not desire to have sex with any other, even
his/her own species; and will actually reek at the thought. When he/she
has sex with such a creature, he/she likes the creature to do weird
things relative to the creature's abilities and talents (see example
below). Of course some creatures maybe harder to get a hold of then
others. The table below is small and simplistic, DMs may add any
creatures he wants. Roll (1d20) on the following table to get the type
of creature that is desired:
Roll Name (????) Type of Creature
1 Daemon Demons *
2 Dimidiuselfe Half-elves
3 Divus Dieties, Demigods, etc
4 Draco Dragons *
5 Druidae Druids
6 Elfe Elves *
7 Giant Giants *
8 Gnome Gnomes
9 Gobla Goblins
10 Gole Golems *
11 Halfline Halflings
12 Homo Humans *
13 Lycanthrope Lycanthropes *
14 Magus Mages
15 Nanus Dwarfs *
16 Nequam Rogues
17 Ogra Ogres
18 Pugna Fighters
19 Sacerdos Clerics
20 Vates Bards
* can be specific type
Example: A person with unus-sacerdosmania insanity will have a desire
to have sex with clerics. When having sex with cleric, he/she might
want the cleric to pray. A person with unus-pugnamania will only have
sex with fighters and might want the fighter to punch, scratch, and
wrestle during sex. A person with unus-vatesmania will only have sex
with bards and might want the bard to sing during sex.
Uridpsomania - This bizarre insanity causes the character to have the
desire to drink the urine of his/her partner. Check for an unhealthy
disease each time he/she drinks.
Voyeurism - The person affected by this insanity only has pleasure from
observing the other's sexual organs or people having sex, especially in
Zoophilia - This insanity manifests itself in an ardent desire and
obsession, in this case an uncontrollable urge to have sex with a
particular type of normal animal. The afflicted will furtively attempt
to seduce this type of animal (still of the opposite sex), whenever the
opportunity presents itself, and he/she will usually seek out such
opportunities. He/she will not desire to have sex with any other, even
his/her own species; and will actually reek at the thought. The table
below is small and simplistic, DMs may add any animals he wants. Roll
(1d20) on the following table to get the type of creature that is
Roll Animal Roll Animal
1 dog 11 mule
2 horse 12 wolverine
3 pig 13 rhinoceros
4 cat 14 hippopotamus
5 monkey 15 boar
6 bear 16 bull
7 elephant 17 buffalo
8 skunk 18 goat
9 camel 19 sheep
10 lion 20 roll twice -ignore this
"In general, the continent of Faerun in the Forgotten Realms is
marked by sexual equality; females and males are equally educated,
respected, valued, and eligible for all roles in society. This applies
just as well to southern lands like Calimshan, in which men often have
several wives while women have only one husband, although the
Northerners and Southerners often misunderstand each others' social
structures. This is typical of a widespread phenomenon throughout the
Realms: in matters of courtship, marriage, sex, and reproduction, as in
most matters, there is enough adventuring and trade that people are
familiar with many foreign customs; nevertheless, most people consider
their own customs to be civilized and proper, while all other customs
are unjust and barbarian. This is as true in Cormyr as it is in
Calimshan, among the Tuigan, and beyond the Dragonwall.
There is a strong emphasis placed on the importance of marriage
throughout the Realms, although courtship, marriage ceremonies, and
family structures vary considerably. Marriage may be conducted by
clerics of almost every church, and the marriages of all faiths are
considered equally valid and binding. While sex is generally considered
more blessed after marriage, there is very little social stigma in the
lands of Faerun placed on premarital sex between consenting
hetero-sexual adults. The prevailing attitude seems to be that a young
woman and young man will choose (or be chosen for) one another, and
that the same mutual feelings that would inspire them to have sex will
lead them to want to be married.
Of course, this ideal is often not satisfied. Trysts, whether
tragic or comically gone awry, are a favorite subject of bards. Rape is
all too common, and is strongly condemned by agents of Good, Chaos, and
Law, as violations of personal rights, individual autonomy, and stable
social order, respectively.
Two variations in particular of this ideal face strong societal
disapproval: interracial and homosexual relations. Interracial
marriages are tacitly considered inferior. The elf who marries a human
is considered to have married beneath her station; her spouse will die
while she is still young, and her half-elven children will face great
discrimination and will never fully be able to participate in their
elven heritage. Similarly, half-orcs are considered somehow even more
tainted than orcs, possibly because of the unspoken assumption that
they are not only half-breed, but the half-breed offspring of rape.
On a related note, although it is common knowledge that many
people and beasts of the Realms owe their existence to crossbreeding of
different species, we do not presently have an adequate explanation for
why some species can crossbreed with others and some can not, nor why
some crossbreeds, like mules, are sterile, and others, like half-elves,
are not.
Homosexual couples are almost unheard of in the Realms, and then
they are a matter of scorn. Lhaeo, Elminster's scribe, is widely
rumored to be Elminster's lover, and the arrangement is only tolerated
because of Elminster's unapproachable high status and legendary
eccentricity. Otherwise, homo-sexuality is only discussed in malicious
gossip and histories of family scandals.
Homosexuals are, however, rumored to be found in disproportionatly
high numbers among certain groups, such as adventurers, who have often
been driven to adventure because they couldn't quite fit into normal
society, and the priesthoods of faiths which require celibacy, since
the priests never need to explain their lack of interest in
conventional marriage. Of course, most people believe homosexuality to
be more common in groups they with which they have formed rivalries or
are actively hostile. Organized groups are said to have formed in
Waterdeep and other large cities, but their memberships and activities
are highly guarded secrets. Little scholarly data are known about the
actual frequency of homosexuals in the Realms, or about their relative
distribution among men, among women, and among the various races,
nations, and occupations.
Sexual matters are not in the explicit portfolio of any major god
in the Realms, although strong cases might be made for Sune, the
bewitching goddess of beauty, and Loviatar, the sado-masochistically
appealing goddess of pain. A small cult has begun to grow praising the
name of Priapus, Lord of Sex and Carnality, whom I take to be either a
new lesser power or else a more explicitly sexual aspect of a more
established god, possibly Sune or Malar Beastlord.
The use of magic in sex has been extremely limited, due in part to
people's understandable reluctance to let mages or clerics experiment
on their sexual organs or psyches. The spells listed above should be
considered extremely rare. After all, only homosexuals and virulent
homo-phoebes would be likely to have spent their lives researching
spells concerning alternative sexualities, and even if such people are
not as uncommon as we think, they are certainly difficult to discover.
Most of the other known spells either use people's sexual desire as a
weapon against them, or show a marked obsession with artificially
enhancing the spellcaster's own sexual pleasure. Unfortunately, rare
are sexual spells designed to help others overcome sexual dysfunctions
or to enhance others' sexual pleasure, and it is this sage's humble
opinion that the most fruitful sexual research lies in this direction."
- Respectfully compiled by Spelling of Amn,
Scholar, Sage, and Priest of Deneir,
for the Preservation of Knowledge
and Augmentation of Wisdom in the Realms
- Reproduced for his Compatriot, Rick Dechance
Spells with Zip
All spells are listed for magic-users, but most can be easily
adjusted for clerical use and should be changed if need be.
Also, some may feel that certain spells are to powerful for the
level given. Before making such judgements, a person should examine
other spells of the same level and the level above. For instance, some
of the cantrips seem powerful; but if they were 1st level, a mage would
probably take Magic Missile or Shocking Grasp over one of them. Also,
Kiss Of Sleeping is just a variation on the 1st level spell Sleeping.
Furthermore, Kiss Of Wounding only does 1d3 and is a melee spell
compared to a Magic Missile's 1d4 and missile range.
Arousal Delay Orgasm
Know Sexual Preference Mordenkainen's Lubrication
Mount Pillow Talk
Slap Sterility
Sexual Attraction Tweak/Goose
Unbutton/Unlace Wet Dream
Level 1
Blown Kiss Change Sexual Preference
Charm Man I Davenet's Seduction
Divine Sexual Orientation Don Juan's Irresistible Kiss
Ecstasy Fascination
Flash Freudian Thoughts
Fyltar's Pheromonal Force Impotence
Kiss Of Sleeping Kiss Of Wounding
Masturbation Power Word, Rut
PMS Reverse Sexual Orientation
Revulsion Seduce Undead
Seduction I Skank
Level 2
Chastity Constant Orgasm
Contraception Homophobia
Jealously Layla's Good Morning Kiss
Kiss Of Weakness Neville's Wandering Hand
Pornographic Glamer Protection From Intoxication
Sexify/Enhance Comeliness Transfer Charm
Vampiric Kiss Voyeur
Level 3
Kiss Of Slavery Kiss of Intoxication
Leomund's Tiny Brothel Sacremon's Emperor's New Clothes
Sex Slave Stanza's Diseased Kiss
Obsession Prowess
Level 4
Angel's Negation Become Phantasmal Lover
Bigby's Bitch Slap Layla's Morning After Kiss
Layla's Seductive Impersonation Layla's Sexy Kiss of Insanity
Lovesickness Power Word, Strip
Stanza's Certain Kiss of Disease Stanza's Enchanted Kiss of Disease
Level 5
Embarrassing Fetish Layla's Beautification
Reverse Gender Orientation Stanza's Certain Enchanted Kiss...
Level 6
Conjure Succubus/Incubus Prismatic Dildo
Sex Change
Level 7
Impregnate Layla's Seductive Shapechange
Level 8
Kiss Of The Nereid Power Word, Castrate
Level 9
Heartbreaker Kiss Of Death
Stanza's Kiss of Immortal Despair Summon Cissaldan
Arousal (Enchantment) Reversible
Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates a state of extreme horniness in the affected
creature, including both biological and physiological effects, although
said horniness is not directed towards anyone or anything in
particular. The reverse of this spell, Disinterest, completely snuffs
out any lust the recipient might be feeling. The material component for
this spell is a sprig of mistletoe.
Contraception (Abjuration)
Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: None
An alternative to the Sterility Cantrip for DMs that don't like
100% protection. This cantrip significantly decreases the probability
of fertilization following coitus. This cantrip is cast after sexual
activity. In some cases this may not be Lawful, and in some may not be
considered Good. The cantrip is also not entirely perfect, offering
only 95% certainty, according to the following table:
Roll % Result
01-95 no fertilization
96 no fertilization anyway
97 one zygote
98 two zygotes (possibly identical)
99 1d6 zygotes
00 both partners pregnant (magic gone awry)
The material component for this spell is a red cape or a red
riding hood.
Delay Orgasm (All Schools)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This cantrip delays any orgasm by 1 round per level of the caster.
Thus, if the TTC indicates an orgasm, it doesn't go into effect until
+1 round/level.
Know Sexual Preference (Divination) Reversible
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature per 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Neg.
This cantrip enables the wizard to read the aura of a creature.
The caster must remain stationary and concentrate on the subject for
two full rounds. A creature is allowed a saving throw versus spell and,
if successful, the caster learns nothing about the particular creature
from the casting. Certain magical devices negate this cantrip.
The reverse, undetectable sexual alignment, conceals the sexual
preference of a creature for 24 hours - even from a know sexual
preference cantrip.
Mordenkainen's Lubrication (Conjuration)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 1 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10" X 3" (rumor has it that Mordenkainen needed this
large amount of coverage)
Saving Throw: None
This cantrip covers an organic surface with a slippery layer of a
greasy nature.
Mount (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 hours/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 mount
Saving Throw: None
By means of this cantrip, the caster conjures a very attractive
person of the opposite sex to serve him/her. The person serves
willingly and well, but at the expiration of the cantrip duration it
disappears, returning to its own place. The mount does not come with
any gear or clothes. The mount can't do anything but perform basic
sexual acts.
This cantrip was created by conjurer apprentices to practice their
art. It is only a cantrip because the conjured being, only serves one
purpose (a fun purpose, but not a practical purpose).
Pillow Talk (Alteration)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 pillow
Saving Throw: None
When this cantrip is cast, the wizard imbues the chosen pillow
with an enchanted mouth. The mouthed pillow will only speak about
sexual topics. The wizard has the option at cast time to decide the
level of vargarity. The level varies from perverse smut to intellectual
discussions on sexual techniques.
Slap (All Schools)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation: The victim of this spell feels a forceful slap across the
cheek. Creatures must save vs. spell or be distracted for one segment,
dazed by the blow (lose concentration of spells, etc.).
Sterility (All Schools)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 30 minutes/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: None
This cantrip is the mages' form of birth control. It is 100%
accurate and can be performed on anybody who consents to it prior to
sexual activity. Clerics have high level spells to accomplish this, but
only mages have such a simplistic form of birth control.
Sexual Attraction (All Schools) Reversible
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 30 minutes/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: None
This cantrip causes the recipient to gain a +1 modifier for every
three levels of the mage to charisma with respect to having sex. Thus,
this spell won't effect any other aspects of charisma; only sex.
Most mages cast the cantrip on his/her partner, so the partner is
more desirable thus making it easier for the mage to perform.
The reverse of this cantrip is Sexual Disgust. The modifier is -1
for every three levels of the mage rather than +1.
Tweak/Goose (All Schools)
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Special
This cantrip causes the victim to feel the sensation of being
"tweaked" or "goosed" as if by an unseen forefinger and thumb. The
portion of the body being tweaked must be seen by the caster and be
uncovered by armor. Victim's who are spellcasters must either save vs.
spell or make an Intelligence check to avoid losing concentration.
Other intelligent, small, and medium sized creatures must make same
save/check or be distracted for one segment. The caster must make a
tweaking motion with his hand in order to affect the spell.
Unbutton/Untie (Alteration) Reversible
Level: Cantrip
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One object
Saving Throw: None
By means of this cantrip, the caster can magically cause the
object of the magic - thread, string, cord, rope, button - to untie or
unbutton itself. The reverse ties or buttons the object.
A stronger spell in the works is Power Word: Disrobe.
Wet Dream (Invocation/Illusion)
Level: Cantrip
Range: Special
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This cantrip consists of a whispered word to another individual,
who will not hear or understand the word, and who will experience a
dream erotic enough to produce orgasm the next time that person falls
asleep. The material component is a feather tinged with blood.
Blown Kiss (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 12 feet
Components: S
Duration: --
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: --
Saving Throw: --
This spell enhances a kissing spell by allowing its range to
become long range instead of by touch. This spell must be cast 1 round
prior to the kissing spell. Any kissing spell may be used in
conjunction with this spell. Note that this allows the caster to blow a
kiss to those that may not desire one. Thus, the problems with physical
contact during combat and such have been eliminated.
Change Sexual Preference (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term
person includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size
or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls, halflings, kobolds, and
The person receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect,
with any adjustment due to Wisdom. If the person receives damage from
the caster's group in the same round the spell is cast, an additional
bonus of +1 per hit point of damage received is added to the victim's
saving throw.
If the spell recipient fails his saving throw, his sexual
preference is changed to the opposite. Thus a man who liked women would
now prefer other men.
The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed person's
Intelligence and is tied to the saving throw. The spell may be broken
if a successful saving throw is rolled, and this saving throw is
checked on a periodic basis, according to the creature's Intelligence
(see following table).
Intelligence Score Time Between Checks
3 or less 3 months
4 to 6 2 months
7 to 9 1 month
10 to 12 3 weeks
13 to 14 2 weeks
15 to 16 1 week
17 3 days
18 2 days
19 or more 1 day
The DM must make sure that the spell recipient adheres to the
effects of the spell, but it isn't necessary to go into detail.
Charm Man I (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 16 feet radius
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d4+1 turns
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: 1d4+4 men of 3 HD/level or lower
Saving Throw: see below
This spell is used by witches and houris, but other clever mages
should be able to adjust the spell for their needs. A witch must have a
Charisma score of at least 11 to cast this spell.
It affects victims the same as a charm person spell. If there is a
leader with a group of men, he may dispel the charm if his charisma
plus a roll of 1d8 is six points or more higher than the witch's
charisma. If the spell is not dispelled by a leader, each man within
the area of effect must attempt a save versus spells. A successful save
negates the effect of the spell for that man only. If there are more
men within range than a maximum number who can be affected, the spell
is directed against the lower-level men first. The spell won't work on
any man who has taken damage from any other action of the same witch
during the current encounter.
There are four level variations of this spell (Charm Man II at
third level, Charm Man III at fifth level). They are listed here
instead of throughout the guide for convenience. The spells and the
difference in duration and area of effect are as followed:
Charm Man II - 1d6+4 turns 1d6+6 men of 4 HD/level or lower
Charm Man III - 1d8+4 turns 1d8+8 men of 5 HD/level or lower
Charm Man IV - 1d10+4 turns 1d10+10 men of 6 HD/level or lower
Charm Man V - 1d12+4 turns 1d12+12 men of 8 HD/level or lower
Davenet's Seduction (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent or until dispelled
Casting time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: see below
The spellcaster may affect one individual of the opposite sexual
orientation to become enamored with the spellcaster and willingly
subject to all of his/her commands. That the victim has been seduced
(magically or otherwise) will be readily apparent to those who make a
successful wisdom check. In order to cast the spell, the spellcaster
must extract a personal item of the victim's, and then cast the spell
onto the item in solitude. When the item is given back to the victim
and recognized, the spell is complete.
The victim is allowed a special saving throw on a d20 based on
intelligence. The roll is modified by adding the victim's wisdom and
subtracting the spellcaster's apparent charisma (OPTIONAL: comeliness).
The spell is effective until dispelled.
While under the enchantment, the victim will take as gospel
everything the spellcaster says, and will strive to protect and defend
the spellcaster at all times. If the spell is broken by another magic
or by the will of the enchanter, however, the victim will remember
everything and know that magic was involved.
Divine Sexual Orientation (Divination) Reversible
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell reveals the hetero- or homo-sexuality of a given
creature of a species with two genders. The material component is a
clear, colorless gem, which changes colors as follows:
red totally heterosexual
orange strongly heterosexual
yellow bisexual leaning towards hetero-
green 50/50 bisexual
blue bisexual leaning towards homo-
violet strongly homosexual
ultraviolet totally homosexual
* Sage's note: This is simply the Kinsey scale of sexuality.
In normal daylight, of course, ultraviolet will not show clearly,
and will appear to anyone without infravision as lavender. The creature
being scried must be alive and visible to the caster. The method of
sight -infravision, scrying, clairvoyance, etc. - does not matter.
Portraits, illusions, or statues, however, will not suffice. The gem
will remain white, indicating spell failure, if the creature is
asexual, its attractions are completely unrelated to gender, or is
magically protected, as by the reverse spell, Hide Sexual Orientation,
which conceals sexual orientation from magical or psionic detection for
24 hours.
Sage's note: although psionics are still a young and arcane
discipline in the Realms, it has been demonstrated that the psionic
science of Aura Sight can reveal sexual orientation, especially when
the subject has expended a great deal of psychic energy on sex or
Don Juan's Irresistible Kiss (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Special
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
When a wizard casts this spell, he/she must kiss the intended
victim and the victim must be able to receive a kiss (i.e. not in
combat). The mage is in control and can decided how long to kiss. After
the kiss, both the mage and the victim are stunned for 1 segment per
round of kissing.
Ecstasy (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 5 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Neg.
The gestures of the wizard, along with his erotic incantations
causes the person to go into an enjoyable, screaming, orgasmatic,
erotic fit. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or
humanoid of giant-size or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls,
halflings, kobolds, and others.
The person receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect,
with any adjustment to Wisdom. If the person fails the saving throw,
he/she loses all dexterity bonuses to armor class. Also, he/she cannot
move from his/her current location. He/she cannot cast spells, attack,
use items, etc. Basically, the character is caught up in a real
pleasurable experience and can't function properly.
Fascination (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 12 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 20 turns
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
The affecting person will be unable to do anything at all except
follow the mage wherever she/he goes, unable to take his/her eyes off
her/him. If attacked, the affected will try to beat off any opponents,
including his own comrades, in a berserk fury (+1 to hit, -1 to AC) in
order to continue moving towards the mage.
Flash (Enchantment)
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature per level of the caster
Saving Throw: 1/2 duration
In casting this spell, the mage must expose a body part (knee,
thigh, shoulder, or something more sensitive, as the caster desires)
and call out something appropriate. It will only affect members of the
opposite sex or homosexuals. It will cause all creatures affected to be
stunned by the incredible attractiveness of the body part they have
just seen exposed.
Freudian Thoughts (Invocation/Illusion)
Level: 1
Range: Within hearing range of the subject
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
Sage's Note: This is a great role-playing vehicle for some
players if there characters get this spell cast on them. It could be
real fun having a pervert for a character.
A person subject to this spell begins consciously and
subconsciously to interpret everything in sexual terms. For example,
the subject would perceive a sword attack not only as melee but also as
an attempted rape by a male, and would experience eating a taco
as... well, you get the idea.
The material component is the caster's holy symbol, and the verbal
component is a lewd innuendo.
Fyltar's Pheromonal Force (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10 yards
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell functions as the Arousal cantrip (see above) with two
minor adjustments. First, creatures which cannot smell are
automatically unaffected. Secondly, it raises the morale of all
affected creatures by 1d4. The material component is a rose petal,
crushed during casting.
Impotence (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 5 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 10 rounds/level
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell enables the spell caster to render one creature,
himself or otherwise, impotent (incapable of sexual intercourse). The
material component is a bucket of cold water. The incantation consists
of a specific personality (such as "Baba Yaga") who might be
unappealing to the creature. The saving throw is actually a check on
the disgust the personality generates in the creature. If the creature
finds the person repulsive, he fails the save.
OPTIONAL EFFECT: During the period of impotence, the creature will
attack at -2 and make morale and saving throws at -2. Wisdom,
Constitution, and Charisma scores will be lowered by 1-3 points each
for the duration of the spell. Also, during this time the creature will
feel downright miserable.
Kiss of Sleeping (Enchantment/Charm) Reversible
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 10/level
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
When a wizard casts this spell, he/she must kiss the intended
victim and the victim must be able to receive a kiss (i.e. not in
combat). After the kiss, the victim goes into a deep comatose slumber.
Slapping or wounding awakens the affected creature but normal
noise does not. Awakening requires one entire round.
The reverse of this spell is Kiss Of Awakening which will awaken a
person who is magically asleep.
Kiss Of Wounding (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: 1/2
When a wizard casts this spell, he/she must kiss the intended
victim and the victim must be able to receive a kiss (i.e. not in
combat). This kiss causes the victim to suffer 1d3 hit points of
damage, plus 3 points for each level of experience of the spellcaster,
to a maximum of 1d3+20 points. Those successfully saving versus spell
receive half damage.
Masturbation (Enchantment)
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell causes the horniness of Arousal with the added
irresistible urge to masturbate with any and all external sexual
organs. This spell functions like a combination of an Arousal cantrip
with a command to "masturbate!" If no appendages are free for this
purpose, the subject will rub the sexual organs against any nearby
functional object. The material component is two pieces of cloth,
rubbed quickly against one another.
Power Word, Rut (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 1
Range: 5 yards/two level
Components: V
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One male mammal
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the recipient gains a condition of sexual
excitement and productive activity. This reflects in the recipient as a
gain a +2 modifier for every three levels of the mage to dexterity with
respect to having sex. Thus, this spell won't effect any other aspects
of dexterity; only sex. Also due to his hyper state, the recipient
gains a +1 to hit. Furthermore, two points of intelligence and one
point of wisdom is lost; and one point of charisma is gained. These
bonuses end when the spell ends.
PMS (Conjuration) Reversible
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: one creature
Saving Throw: 1/2
PMS causes the subject to experience an unceasing, agonizing, dull
throbbing pain throughout the groin and lower abdomen, as though all
the muscles in that area were clenched like a vise. THAC0 and all
saving throws are treated as if the subject were one level lower (a
0th-level or 1st-level character automatically misses or fails), and
Constitution and Charisma are reduced by 1 for the duration of the
spell. A successful saving throw results in a nagging headache reducing
Constitution and Charisma by 1 for the duration of the spell.
Reverse Sexual Orientation (Alteration)
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special; Permanent, with saving throw once/day
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special; see below
This spell temporarily converts a creature's sexual orientation
from hetero- to homo-sexual, or vice versa. A bisexual who favors one
gender will now favor the other, and a bisexual equally disposed
towards both genders will be unaffected. Asexual creatures or
creatures of species with more than two genders will be affected, if at
all, by DM's discretion.
There is no saving throw per se against this spell. Rather, upon
first experiencing sexual attraction in the altered way, or upon first
questioning one's unexpected lack of accustomed sexual attraction, the
subject, if strenuously disapproving, is allowed a Constitution check
at -4. A successful Constitution check will experience a strong but
repressive erotic attraction towards a single individual for 1
round/level of the spellcaster, after which the effects permanently
vanish. A new Constitution check may be made once per day, but with a
cumulative penalty of -1 per day. A check of 1 always succeeds.
The material component is a concave lump of clay which the caster
re-molds into a convex lump.
Revulsion (Enchantment) Reversible
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.
Successful casting of the Revulsion spell leaves the recipient
disgusted to the point of nausea at any prospect of engaging in sexual
activities of any kind, no matter how minor. The reverse of this spell,
Indifference, eliminates any negative thoughts or feelings the
recipient may have and replaces them with utter indifference. The
material component of this spell is a leech or the eye of a tuna.
Seduce Undead (Necromancy)
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 24 hours
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 undead + (1 undead /
every 2 levels above 9th of the caster)
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a standing order with one (or more) undead to
engage in sexual behavior of the caster's choice with the caster. The
undead will make no effort to harm the caster, although disease from a
zombie's touch or mummy rot, for example, may (un)naturally occur.
Each orgasm achieved by the caster causes 1d6 damage to the undead.
The material component is a drop of semen mixed with menstrual blood.
Seduction I (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: 6 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 turns or until dispelled
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One person (4 HD/levels or less)
Saving Throw: see below
This spell is used by witches (some warlocks have customized it
for their use). This spell causes the affected person to cast aside all
weapons, armor, and clothing, in an attempt to seduce the witch,
leaving the victim virtually defenseless against attacks from the witch
or any other character or creature. Immediately after the spell wears
off or is dispelled, the victim can retrieve one of his dropped weapons
on a roll of 11 or more on 1d20. If the roll is 16 or more, the victim
may also retrieve a shield or helmet. Rolls may be repeated each round
until successful, as long as the victim stays within grasping range of
the weapon or other object to be recovered.
Saving throws are a straight throw versus spells, modified by
Wisdom only (no magical protection device apply). Furthermore, the
victim saves at -1 for every two points of Charisma of the caster above
12, rounded up (i.e. -1 at charisma 13 or 14, -2 at 15 or 16, -3 at 17
or 18). This saving throw gives characters or creatures with a decent
Wisdom a better chance of saving throw vs. spells, tones the power down
a bit, and makes the calculation of saving throws much easier than the
original method that appears below.
ALTERNATIVE SAVING THROW: The saving throw for this spell is
computed by adding the seduction spell level (1 through 8) to the
charisma score of the witch and subtracting the wisdom score of the
intended victim. The resulting number is used as a modifier (plus or
minus) to a roll of 1d20. The adjusted die roll must be equal to or
greater than a certain number, depending on the class of the intended
victim, for the save to be successful. Fighters need a 13 to save,
rogues need a 12, mages need a 9, and clerics need a 8.
There are seven level variations of this spell (Seduction II at
second level, Seduction III at third level). They are listed here
instead of throughout the guide for convenience. The spells and the
difference in area of effect are as followed:
Seduction II - One person (6 HD/levels or less)
Seduction III - One person (8 HD/levels or less)
Seduction IV - One person (10 HD/levels or less)
Seduction V - One person (12 HD/levels or less)
Seduction VI - One person (14 HD/levels or less)
Seduction VII - One person (16 HD/levels or less)
Seduction VIII - One person (18 HD/levels or less)
Skank (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell turns an innocent, sweet person into a wild and crazy
nymphomaniac. The affected person will be struck by the nymphomania
insanity for the duration of the spell.
This spell is very popular with apprentices at school who like to
cast it on snaughty, preppy girls.
Chastity (Abjuration) Reversible
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell compels the affected creature to abstain completely
from any and all forms of sexual activity, including looking
appreciatively but with sexual undertones, going to whatever lengths
necessary to avoid anything which might lead to lust. The reverse,
Promiscuity, compels the subjects to attempt to engage in their most
preferred sexual activities as much and as quickly as possible. The
material component of this spell is a small silver key.
Constant Orgasm (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell causes the recipient to begin to orgasm, repeatedly,
and with great enjoyment, until the subject's body is no longer capable
of sustaining orgasm. The duration is based on level, but medically
speaking, it could end when the body collapses from exhaustion, or (for
males) when the body can produce no more seminal fluid. The DM may wish
to add possible negative modifiers for combat, movement, etc. Because
of the victim's excited state. A successful saving throw results in a
single orgasm of normal duration.
Homophobia (Abjuration) Convertible
Level: 2
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
Homophobia causes a person, regardless of orientation, to become
angry and nauseous at the concept or sight of any person or behavior
which might be construed as homosexual. The subject will attempt to
evade and void any such thing and, if evasion proves impossible,
hostile and even violent.
Homosexuals affected by this spell will be constantly ill at ease.
The converse spell, Heterophobia, has exactly the same effects, except
that the aversion is towards heterosexuals and heterosexuality. The
material component is a lump of moldy cheese shaped like a triangle (or
a square, for the converse).
Jealousy (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: 6 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn/level
Casting time: 2
Area of Effect: 1-6 persons
Saving Throw: Neg.
The affected people will become jealous of each other to the
extent that they will ignore the mage or any other source of danger
present and quarrel amongst themselves. There is a chance equal to the
mage's intelligence of such an argument leading to blows and, if it
does, there is an additional chance equal to the mage's intelligence of
the fight being to the death. If the fight is not to the death, then
the combatants will come out of the spell when hit.
Layla's Good Morning Kiss (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell wakes up a normally sleeping creature and causes it to
be favourably disposed toward the caster for 1d6 turns. It also removes
any natural hangovers.
Kiss Of Weakness (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
When a wizard casts this spell, he/she must kiss the intended
victim and the victim must be able to receive a kiss (i.e. not in
combat). This kiss causes the victim to lose 2d4 points of Strength for
24 hours. After receiving such a kiss, the victim will be completely
helpless for 1d10 turns.
Neville's Wandering Hand (Enchantment)
Level: 2
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Neville's Wandering Hand is named not after its inventor, but its
first victim: Neville, high priest of Torm, who suddenly found himself
unable to keep from groping and otherwise feeling up the young nubile
acolyte he was initiating into the order. (We hear that his latest
missionary assignment to the Icewind Dale is going nicely.) The
material component is a leaf of poison ivy.
Protection From Intoxication (Abjuration)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the recipient to be immune to the effects of any
kind of alcohol. It also grants immunity to the Houri spell Kiss of
Pornographic Glamer (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Within a 10'x10' vertical square
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates a very convincing, erotic illusion with the
phantasmal effect of an Arousal cantrip nobody who would ordinarily be
sexually excited by engaging in the behavior or by the objects or
people being viewed. The illusion includes visual and auditory effects
Sexify/Enhance Comeliness (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting time: 2
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
The recipient of this spell undergoes a transformation in
appearance to become more sexually attractive to members of the
opposite gender no matter what the recipient's initial comeliness.
Looks, smell, smoothness, and even taste of the outer skin are all
effected. The recipient's comeliness is effected as follows:
Level Comeliness Duration
01 14 10 minutes
02 15 20 minutes
03 16 30 minutes
04 17 1 hour
05 18 2 hours
06 19 4 hours
07 20 8 hours
08 21 16 hours
09 22 1 day
10 23 2 days
11 24 4 days
12 25 8 days
13 26 16 days
14 27 32 days
15 28 64 days
16 29 128 days
17+ 30 256 days
Note that if two mages cast the spell on a person simultaneously,
then their levels may be added together to effect a stronger magic.
Further, this spell has the effect of negating any curse magic which
degrades the recipient's natural beauty.
The material component of this spell is a cosmetic and perfume kit
magically prepared by a thaumaturger.
Transfer Charm (Enchantment/Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: as for the spell transferred
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a caster of higher level to subvert previous
magical charms to his own purposes. For example: Erin, a second level
mage casts Charm Person on a Bryce, who becomes charmed. Anna, a third
level mage casts Transfer Charm onto Bryce, whereupon Bryce becomes
Charmed to Anna. However, Deneira, another third level mage, cannot
Transfer the charm to herself, as she is not higher level than Anna.
Vampiric Kiss (Necromancy)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
When a wizard casts this spell, he/she must kiss the intended
victim on the neck and the victim must be able to receive a kiss (i.e.
not in combat). After the kiss, the victim will lose 2 hit points per
round. The caster will receive one of those hit points per round if
he/she is not at maximum hit points already.
Voyeur (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting time: 2
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
A voyeur is a person who derives sexual gratification from
observing the sex organs especially in secret. Thus, this spell allows
the wizard to see through a person's clothing and examine sexual
organs. Of course the gratification part must be achieved solely by the
mage. The material component of the spell is a small piece of cloth and
a small piece of glass.
Kiss of Intoxication (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 1 turn/level of the caster
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the victim to become completely drunk. He/she
enters a state of great intoxication.
Kiss Of Slavery (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Special
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
When a wizard casts this spell, he/she must kiss the intended
victim and the victim must be able to receive a kiss (i.e. not in
combat). This is actually a Charm Person spell with no saving throw.
Checks to break such a charm are made after twice the normal duration.
The victim of this spell will obey any order unquestioningly.
Leomund's Tiny Brothel (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 hours + 1 hour/level
Casting time: 3
Area of Effect: 15-foot-diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard creates an unmoving, opaque,
sound-proof field of any desired color around his person. Up to 7
other man-sized creatures can fit into the field with its creator, and
these can freely pass into and out of the brothel without harming it,
but if the spellcaster removes himself from it, the spell dissipate.
The temperature inside the hut is a cool 60 degrees Fahrenheit, if
the exterior temperature is between 0 and 100 degrees. An exterior
temperature below 0 and above 100 lowers or raises, respectively, the
interior temperature on a 1 degree-for-1 degree basis. The tiny brothel
also provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust,
sandstorms, and the like. The hut can withstand any wind of less than
hurricane force without being harmed, but wind force greater than that
destroys it.
The interior of the hut is a hemisphere; the spellcaster can
illuminate it dimly upon command, or extinguish the light as desired.
The floor of the hut is soft and springy. Nice big cushy pillows are
also in the brothel. The spellcaster can cause the brothel play soft
romantic music upon command. Note that although the force field is
opaque from the outside, it is transparent from within. Missiles,
weapons, and most spell effects can pass through the hut without
affecting it, although the occupants cannot be seen from outside the
hut. The hut can be dispelled.
The material component for this spell is a small crystal bead that
shatters when the spell duration expires or the brothel is dispelled,
the hair of a prostitute, and a feather (duck feathers work best).
Obsession (Enchantment)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: Neg.
A person under the effect of Obsession is overwhelmed by the
erotic desire for some animate creature chosen by the spellcaster. A
"crush" does not begin to describe the effect. The creature must be
such that the affected person might feel some attraction towards it
under normal circumstances, and the affected person will not act
contrary to alignment or personal ethic. The material component is a
crushed walnut.
Prowess (Alteration) Reversible
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: 24 hours
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None (None for reverse as well)
This spell impressively enhances the size, shape, technique,
stamina, and eroticism of the affected creature with respect to organs
and matters sexual. Affected creatures are treated as having a Charisma
of 18 by anyone they cruise or flirt with, they become stunningly well-
endowed, and they are capable of engaging in extremely hot sex without
rest (bonus of +level X 1d4) to all sexual rolls.
The reverse, Impotence, makes the subject flirt like a clod, dance
like an orc, and seduce like a used-chariot salesman. The subject will
experience appropriate withering, shrinking, and sagging, and will be
unable to achieve erection or lubrication. Affected creatures are
treated as having a Charisma of 3 by anyone they cruise or flirt with.
Orgasm is either impossible or else premature and highly unsatisfying.
The material component is a leaf of mint.
Sacremon's Emperor's New Clothes (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 3
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rds/level
Casting time: 3
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell, devised by my gnome illusionist primarily as a good
prank spell, causes all of the target's clothing and bodily possessions
to become invisible, but not the target itself. The target sees his or
her clothes as they normally are. Swords in scabbards are considered
bodily possessions, but not if in hand. Any clothes put on after the
spell is cast do not become invisible. Invisible items remain so until
the for the duration of the spell or dispelled.
Sex Slave (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This very powerful spell reduces a living, intelligent person into
a lascivious, nymphomaniac sex slave whose only interest is bringing
the caster to orgasm after creative orgasm. Once the spell has
transpired, the former slave remembers everything that has happened.
However, the subject while enslaved will not only not object but will
enthusiastically agree with every sexual suggestion made short of
death. This spell is unequivocally evil.
Stanza's Diseased Kiss (Necromancy)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent until cured
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell causes one randomly chosen normal sexual disease in the
Angel's Negation (Enchantment/Abjuration)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell instantly negates the obsessive-compulsive behaviour
caused by a Seducer, and renders the recipient immune to the non-
magical charms of that Seducer.
Become Phantasmal Lover (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 4
Range: 5 yards /level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until the next morning
Casting Time: As long as it takes (see below)
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the wizard causes his features to shift
in the mind of his victim to conform to those of an individual that the
victim considers to the ultimate lover. Once the spell is successfully
cast (and the save varies according to the amount of preparation in
casting the spell), the recipient will be putty in the hands of the
caster, not out of enchantment but only out of the recipient's own
sense of wish-fulfillment.
This spell takes as much time to cast as it takes to get the
recipient drunk. The more thoroughly tanked the recipient gets, the
worse will be the save:
had a serving of alcohol -1
Slightly intoxicated -2
Moderately intoxicated -4
Greatly intoxicated -8
The material component of this spell is large quantities of
alcohol, which must be passed through the gullet of the recipient.
Bigby's Bitch Slap (Evocation)
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting time: 4
Area of Effect: One female
Saving Throw: Neg.
A version of the Bigby's Hand spells (although probably not from
Bigby). A quasi-real hand (five feet) comes into existence and smacks
the nearest women that the caster commands it to. If the woman knows
her place is in the kitchen, the hand only does 1 point of damage as a
reminder. However if the woman has complained, whined or not been to
the kitchen in three days, the hand instantly grows to the size of a
Titan hand (25 feet) and knocks the woman into the nearest kitchen (be
it 10 feet or 10000 miles) and forces her to cook a three course meal.
If she continuously refuses, the hand will inflict damage on her until
she submits (DM's decision on damage per hit).
The hand has as many hit points as the caster in full health and
has an Armor Class of 0.
The material component of the spell is a leather glove.
Layla's Morning After Kiss (Alteration)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell causes a sleeping being to forget up to one turn of
action, per level of the caster (the caster may make the window of
forgetfulness shorter, if he wishes), that occurred just before he fell
asleep. The caster may remove the forgetfulness at will.
Layla's Seductive Impersonation (Alteration)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to change his form to that of another
seductive being for an extended period of time. He retains all of his
own abilities, and gains all of the natural abilities though none of
the magical abilities of the creature chosen. There is no danger of
identity loss as with a Polymorph. The types of beings that may be
impersonated are as follows: dryad, succubus, nereid, sirine, medusa,
mermaid, sylph, unicorn, vampire, foxwoman. Other similar beings may be
allowed at the discretion of the DM, as the spell works by allowing
similar types of creatures to become similar types of creatures, rather
than the specific forms being locked into the spell.
Layla's Sexy Kiss of Insanity (Enchantment/Necromancy) Reversible
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell inflicts one random sexual insanity. The reverse spell,
Layla's Reforming Kiss, removes one sexually-related insanity. It does
not affect any other forms of insanity.
Lovesickness (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 4
Range: 6 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting time: 4
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell makes its recipient become so much in love with the
mage that as soon as she/he loses sight of the mage, the victim begins
to waste away. The victim stops eating food, turns to drinking, and
becomes a general wreck, fighting at a -5. As a result, she/he will die
of malnutrition in a number of days equal to her/his Constitution score
plus 10, and there is a 10% chance of her/him committing suicide.
What's more, if the mage tells her/him to go away, she/he is compelled
to do so. This unpleasant condition may wear off as a charm person, but
otherwise must be treated by cure disease.
Power Word, Strip (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards/2 levels
Component: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes one person to take off all of his armour,
clothing, weapons, jewelery, etc. as quickly as possible. [inspired by
Tomas from the Unbearable Lightness of Being novel]
Stanza's Certain Kiss of Disease (Necromancy) Reversible
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This spell inflicts one normal sexual disease of the caster's
choice. The reverse, Stanza's Kiss of Curing, removes one normal sexual
Stanza's Enchanted Kiss of Disease (Necromancy)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell inflicts one random magical sexual disease.
Embarrassing Fetish (Enchantment)
Level: 5
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special; Permanent, with saving throw once/day
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special; see below
Sage's note: this spell leaves much room for creative
spellcasting, but is also very restricted and narrowly defined. Please
read with care.
With this spell, the caster can instill in one intelligent
creature an erotic fascination with a single kind of object, behavior
(such that the sight, smell, sound, etc.). A sample of that designated
kind of object or behavior arouses the subject uncontrollably, and such
that erotic pleasure or orgasm is impossible without the presence of
the fetish object or behavior.
Some representative examples of fetish objects are red hair,
spiked heels, whips, jewelled short swords, oak leaves, artificial
limbs or amputees, green tunics, tuna, cheese, sheep, gnomes, gnolls,
red dragons' tongues, royal guards in uniform, children, octogenarians,
members of one's immediate family, psionicists, rangers, mermaids,
lawful neutrals, and Red Wizards of Thay. Some representative examples
of fetish behaviors are having small insects and snails crawl all over
one's body, inflicting pain on another person, inflicting pain on
oneself, being strangled, strangling another person, being bound,
binding another person, being charmed or commanded, staging one's own
mock execution, and innkeepers' daughters pouring beer down one's
This spell is extremely versatile and may be made as detailed and
kinky as desired. Extremely detailed or nearly impossible fetishes,
however, may occur so rarely or be so beyond the capacity of the
subject to locate or bring about that the spell has little effect on
the subject's life than to create enormous sexual frustration. Danger,
pride, and personal cost are not, however, enough to dissuade the
subject from the fetish once it has been made available.
This spell cannot create a fetish for an individual person or
object ("Carolyn Greycloak" or "the Great Ruby of al-Ghasar," for
example). Nor can it, without the aid of another spell, create
homosexual desires in a heterosexual, or vice versa.
There is no saving throw per se against the fetish. Rather, upon
discovering the fetish, the subject, if strenuously disapproving, is
allowed a wisdom check at -4. A successful check leaves the subject
humiliated but thereafter free from the fetish. A new Wisdom check may
be attempted once per day, but since fetishes gain strength over time,
the check suffers a cumulative penalty of -1 per day. A Wisdom check of
1 is always successful.
The material component of this spell is a sample, highly
representative object of the fetish, or an enactment of the fetish
behavior on the part of the spellcaster.
Layla's Beautification (Alteration) Reversible
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/caster's level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: see below
This spell grants the recipient a Comeliness/Beauty of 25+1d6
(maximum of 30), with no saving throw. The reverse, Layla's
Uglification, subtracts 2d12 from the victim's Comeliness/Beauty for
the same duration. Layla's Uglification has a saving throw.
Reverse Gender Orientation (Alteration)
Level: 5
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special; Permanent, with saving throw once/day
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special; see below
Under the influence of this spell, the subject experiences
trans-sexuality, the unshakable conviction that he/she is, despite all
biological evidence, of the opposite gender than the true one. The
subject cannot disbelieve or be persuaded otherwise, and will
immediately adapt hair, clothing, manners, speech, behaviors, etc.,
accordingly. Notice that males will behave in a feminine rather than an
effeminate manner, and similarly for females; the subject has no desire
to parody. If the subject's species has more than two genders, the
resulting gender orientation is DM's choice. If the species has only
one gender, the subject is unaffected.
Like Embarrassing Fetish and Reverse Sexual Orientation, this
spell has no saving throw per se. Upon first consciously realizing that
one's self-identification as male or female has changed, if the subject
strenuously objects, the subject is allowed a Charisma check at -4. A
successful Charisma check leaves the subject confused but no longer
trans-sexual. A new Charisma check may be made each day, but at a
cumulative penalty of -1 per day. A check of 1 always succeeds.
Notice that gender orientation and sexual orientation are
different concepts, and that this spell alone will not change
orientation. However, the subject will claim a different orientation
based on the differently perceived gender. Thus a straight female will
consider herself a male who is attracted to men, and therefore a gay
man; likewise a lesbian will consider herself a man attracted to women,
and hence a straight man.
Stanza's Certain Enchanted Kiss of Disease (Necromancy) Reversible
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
This kiss inflicts one magical sexual disease of the caster's
choice. The reverse, Stanza's Enchanted Kiss of Curing, removes one
magical sexual disease.
Conjure Succubus/Incubus (Conjuration/Summoning/Necromancy)
Level: 6
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to summon a female or male sexual
spirit which is subject to perform the caster's sexual bidding (not
combat). The spirit remains until dismissed. Casting this spell causes
1d8 damage to the caster, and each orgasm with the spirit requires a
saving throw versus death magic. Failing this saving throw permanently
reduces the caster's Constitution by one point. If the spirit causes
someone besides the caster to orgasm, both the caster and the other
person must make the saving throw.
This spell serves few purposes except as a sexual perversion of
the mage. This spell is always popular amongst Necromancers.
Prismatic Dildo (Conjuration)
Level: 6
Range: 60 yards
Components: V
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to conjure up an opaque object within
some orifice of a creature within range, providing the creature with
seven different sexual stimuli. Any creature with Constitution under 6
or fewer than 4 Hit Dice is immediately overcome by the sensation and
falls orgasming and unconscious for 2d4 turns. Any attempt to remove
the dildo only lodges it further, and increases the duration by 2
rounds. The seven colors of the shimmering cylinder function as
Color Order Effect Spell Negated By
Red 1st Pornographic Illusions Disbelief, True Seeing
Orange 2nd Arousal Cantrip Disinterest
Yellow 3rd Expansion/Contraction Hold Person
Green 4th Enigmatic Enema Transmute Water to Dust
Blue 5th Ben-Wa Rotation Chill Touch
Indigo 6th Vibration Irritation
Violet 7th Lubrication Dispel Magic
Each color must be removed in order to negate the dildo before the
end of its natural duration. The spellcaster also may dispel the dildo
at will. It is rumored that other variations of the Prismatic Dildo
exist, both in their effects and their negations.
Sex Change (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent (ALTERNATE: 1 week/level)
Casting time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell causes the victim's sex to change. Thus, a male becomes
female and visa-versa. A save vs. spell negates the effects. After the
change, the victim will be confused for 1d10 turns. Also, he/she will
have a percent chance equal to his/her Constitution of going insane
because of the trauma.
The DM must make sure the victim of the spell acts in the manner
appropriate to the sex. If not, then the spell doesn't really seem
Impregnate (Necromancy) Reversible
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One female (or Special)
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates life and, according to some mytho, a new soul,
in a creature capable of bearing young. Its reverse, Abort, destroys
unborn life. The casting of these spells upon a male, though
theoretically possible, would produce unpredictable effects, although
male pregnancy is not impossible. Casting this spell on an undead is
rumored to result in the gruesome death of both undead and caster.
Both of these spells, especially Abort, are highly controversial both
for Good and for Lawful creatures. The material component for both is
an arrowhead dipped in rabbit's blood.
Layla's Seductive Shapechange (Alteration/Divination)
Level: 7
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Permanent until lapsed
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell discerns the nature of what the victim would consider
most sexually and physically attractive. The spell will make a number
of attempts to uncover this information equal to the level of the
caster, or until the information is procured. Each attempt takes one
segment, and the victim receives a saving throw against each attempt.
Regardless of whether or not he makes his saving throw, he will under
no circumstances notice this aspect of the spell.
This information will be relayed to the caster, who may then opt
to activate the second half of the spell, which is to shapechange into
the form the information would dictate. If the caster does not, he may
apply the unused attempts against someone else, or give up the spell.
If the caster does, the new form is assumed until the caster wishes to
end it.
Example: Layla wishes to infiltrate a party using this spell. She
casts against the Dirdan the fighter first, and he fails his saving
throw on her second attempt. She finds he prefers dirty half-orc women
-- a really distasteful idea. Since she is seventeenth level, she has
fifteen more attempts to direct against the rest of the party. On
attempt seven, she finds that Alex the mage would really like a six-
foot tall snow elf who was wearing black leather. Layla finds this more
acceptable, forgoes her remaining eight attempts, and shapechanges into
a snow elf. The spell makes her clothing into black leather (without
destroying or altering any of its previous properties) and makes her
staff into a bull whip.
After three weeks, she gets bored of Alex, and ends the spell,
changing back to her normal self.
Kiss Of The Nereid (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 8
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: See below
When the kiss is bestowed, the victim must roll a successful
saving throw vs. breath weapon, with a -2 penalty, or drown instantly.
If he/she doesn't drown, he/she finds total ecstasy.
Power Word, Castrate (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 8
Range: 5 yards/two level
Components: V
Duration: Permanent
Casting time: 8
Area of Effect: 10-foot-radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, one or more male creatures of any type
within the spell range and area of effect are castrated. The power word
castrates one creature with 60 hit points, or it castrates two or more
creatures with 10 or fewer hit points, up to a maximum of 120 hit
points. The option to attack a single creature, or multiple creatures,
must be stated along with the spell range and area of effect center.
The current hit points of the creatures are used.
Heartbreaker (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 9
Range: 6 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1/2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell induces a sudden heart attack in its recipient. A save
vs. death is allowed. If the saving throw is failed, the creature makes
a Constitution check. If the check fails, the creature dies. If the
creature survives, he/she will be totally incapacitated for 1d6+6 game
weeks. He/she will also permanently lose one point of Strength and one
point of Constitution, and will have a 5% chance of a future heart
attack every time he/she ever is required to make a Constitution check.
Note that this spell does require its victim to have a heart, so not
all creatures can be affected (i.e. golems, undead, slime, etc).
Kiss Of Death (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 9
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1/2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When the kiss is bestowed, the creature is slain (maximum of 150
hit points can be taken away). After 1d10 rounds the corpse turns to
dust. The creature can't be resurrected. (See Ya! Wouldn't want to be
Stanza's Kiss of Immortal Despair (Alteration/Necromancy)
Level: 9
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1
Duration: Permanent until cured
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell inflicts the victim with the sexual disease or sexual
insanity of the caster's choice, permanently, until it is cured by a
Cure Disease performed by a cleric of a good-aligned god and of higher
level than the mage who inflicted the disease. While the victim suffers
from the disease, the spell prevents him from being killed by it, or in
fact by anything, be it a sword, a fire, another disease, or a blow to
the head. Should the victim drop below 0 hit points, he will become
immobile but remain conscious.
He will be incapable of performing any actions until he is healed
above 0 hit points. Dropping below -10 hit points will not kill him. He
gains no hit points back from resting if he is below 0, his body is too
battered to heal itself and only magical or herbal healing will help
Summon Cissaldan (Conjuration/Summoning)
(As in Harlan Ellison's short "How's the Night Life On Cissalda?")
Level: 9
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: None
Saving Throw: None
The casting of this spell will cause an interdimensional
connection between the world of the spell caster and the alternate
world of the Cissaldans. The utterance of this spell attracts one
Cissaldan which will come through the connection and attack whomever
the spell caster directs the spell against.
The recipient has an immediate desire to "do a disgusting thing
with a disgusting thing" and will fall upon the Cissaldan with much
vigor. The recipient will not be able to do or say anything else since
his or her complete concentration is centered on the Cissaldan. The two
will continue to copulate until the recipient dies of starvation. There
is no known way of separating someone (or something since the
Cissaldans do not discriminate in any way) from a Cissaldan until the
recipient dies. After the death of the spell recipient, the Cissaldan
will return to the world from which it came.
Cissaldans are described as having two penises, two vaginas, and
are physically "disgusting" to look at. They, however, love to make
love so to speak, and can physically adapt to any sexual physiology.
Below is some spell ideas that creative (boarding on sick) mages
throughout the Prime Material Plane are working on.
Animal Magnetism Cure Groin Soreness
Deep Throat Enchant Condom
Engorge Find Mate
Finger of Death Kiss of Strength
The All New Bigby's Forceful Hand The All New Bigby's Grasping Hand
The All New Bigby's Playful Hand Tongues
ReErection Unseen Sexual Servant
XXX Magic Mouth
Most of the mage spells elsewhere in the guide can be easily
transformed into clerical spells for gods who will grant them.
Level 1
Baltasar's Impediment
Detect Venereal Disease
Divine Sexual Experience
Level 2
Protection From Disease
Repair Virginity
Level 4
Level 6
Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy
Baltasar's Impediment (Necromancy, Abjuration)
Sphere: Necromancy, Protection
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 (female) mammal
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to prevent a female from becoming
pregnant. Essentially, it impedes a fertilized ovum from implanting in
the uterus. The casting of Baltasar's Impediment is not necessarily an
evil act; however, the DM should pay particular attention to the
alignment of the caster as well as the social & political (esp.
religious) atmosphere. For example, a lawful good cleric casting this
spell on a teenager without the permission of her parents, church, etc.
should be prepared for the wrath of his deity. A cleric who worships a
fertility god can not cast this spell.
A neutral evil cleric, nephew of the king, might repeatedly cast
this spell on the queen in a secret attempt to usurp the thrown. A
neutral good cleric might cast this spell on all the maidens of the
keep before its fall to the orc siege -- although he cannot spare them
from the horrors to come, at least he can prevent the bastardization
that might result.
The material components are a drop of blood from the target's last
menstrual period (or an ounce of her blood, from anywhere, that has
been mixed with dust and dried in a silver chalice) and the priest's
holy symbol. The priest invokes the name of his deity, touching his
holy symbol to the blood. The woman must then consume it, usually
mixing it with wine or some other fluid. The spell remains in effect
until the first day of the woman's next menstrual period, or a
successful Dispel Magic is cast upon her.
Detect Venereal Disease (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell detects the presence of sexually transmitted diseases
in a creature. A successful Intelligence check reveals the nature and
symptoms of, but not the cure for, any detected diseases. The material
component is the caster's holy symbol.
Divine Sexual Experience (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
Casting of this spell involves taking a clear vessel of water and
releasing a drop of ink into it. The percentage of the water undarkened
by the diffused ink indicates that person's purity score. Although not
absolutely certain, any score under 50% probably indicates loss of
virginity, and with the exception of the rarest of heroes and deities,
the score will be between 25% (casual interaction with others) and 90%
(extreme debauchery). More specific information may be revealed at the
DM's discretion.
Lactation (Evocation)
Sphere: Creation
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Female touched
Saving Throw: 1/2
Lactation, unsurprisingly, causes the subject to begin producing
breast milk. This milk is of the highest nutritive value. A saving
throw results in a single discharge of colostrum.
Repair Virginity (Healing)
Sphere: Healing
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: Permanent (until the obvious happens)
Casting Time: 2 turns
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: 1/2 (Special)
This spell returns the subject to a state of physical virginity.
If the subject makes the saving throw, then all sexual skills,
knowledge, and techniques are retained; if the saving throw is failed,
all knowledge and skills are lost except those known before having lost
virginity. A female will grow an intact hymen, and any physical or
medical damage caused by sex or childbirth will be eradicated. The
subject will legitimately be considered a virgin for all religious
Protection From Disease (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the wizard bestows total invulnerability
to disease. The creature can't contract, become a carrier, or pass on
any disease he/she may already have. This spell doesn't cure disease it
merely prevents its transfer.
When a person is subject to this spell, a glowing light appears on
the subject's palm. This is to assure the person has this protection
on. Therefore, a person he/she can't say "Let's have sex, I have the
protection on."
The material component of this spell is a scoop of mold (a generic
form of penicillin).
Fertility (Alteration, Necromancy) Reversible
Sphere: Creation, Necromantic
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn + 1 turn/target
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell enables the caster to increase the fertility of the
target. The target may be either male or female. The fertility of a
character may be calculated as follows (as per The Complete Guide to
AD&D Sex) Fertility = base chance + constitution modifier. If both
participants are "fertile" at time of copulation, pregnancy results.
Race Chance Constitution Modifier
Dwarf 22% 01-03 -6%
Elf 13% 04-06 -4%
Gnome 20% 07-09 -2%
Half-Elf 54% 10-12 +2%
Halfling 50% 13-15 +4%
Human 77% 16-18 +6%
Successful casting of this spell increases a character's fertility
by 5d6 points. In addition, there is a probability, equal to the level
of the caster (1% per level), that successful conception will result in
multiple births (roll 1d20: 1-17 twins, 18-19 triplets, 20
quadruplets). Multiple castings of this spell on the same individual
(while the first is still in effect) automatically fail, as does
casting on a pregnant person. This effect lasts through the target's
next copulation; thereafter, the target's fertility returns to normal.
Fertility can also be countered magically by spells such as Dispel
Magic, Infertility, or Wish.
The reverse of this spell, "Infertility," destroys the target's
ovaries/testes and automatically results in a failed attempt at
conception (assuming that the target did not save versus spells). The
target remains infertile until a successful Dispel Magic is cast upon
him/her followed immediately by Regenerate (the former dispels the
magic, the latter repairs the physical damage).
Note: Fertility cannot counter the effects of Infertility, but if
the target is already under the effect of the former, he/she receives a
+1 bonus to save.
This spell (and it's reverse) may also be cast upon animals (eg.
horses). The DM may choose the animal's initial fertility based on type
and quality of animal.
This spell can affect up to 1 creature for every 3 levels of the
caster, unless the cleric worships a god of fertility, creation, death,
or destruction, in which case, the cleric can affect 1 creature per
level. Clerics who worship fertility or creation gods can not cast
Infertility. Clerics who worship gods of death or destruction can not
cast Fertility.
The material components for Fertility are the caster's holy symbol
and a seed from any plant (the seed is not damaged). The caster's holy
symbol and the ashes from a handful of seeds are required for the
reverse (the ashes disappear during casting).
NOTE: While the need for this spell might seem a bit
questionable upon initial reading, it works well as a plot aid:
- "Gee, I wonder why there are so many orcs/green dragons/trolls
around lately?"
- "Boy, I sure hope the king has a child with this new queen -
this is his third queen already! I would sure hate to see that
sleazy nephew of his get the thrown!"
- "Look, you gotta help us! There's not been a child born in this
town in 2 years - not even among the livestock!"
- It would also be a sneaky way to get those promiscuous PCs.
Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy (Enchantment)
Sphere: Charm
Level: 6
Range: 20-ft radius circle centered within 60 ft. of the caster
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 turn
Area of Effect: See range
Saving Throw: Special
Yemelat, whose archbishopric is among the most coveted of all the
dioceses of Lord Priapus, is most famous for his Orgiastic Frenzy
spell, first put to shockingly great effect at a Special High Council
of the priests of Helm, Torm, and Tyr. This spell compels those within
its range to engage in sexual activities with wild abandon with anyone
else within the zone. Those within may individually save versus
petrifaction at -5 to stave off the effects, but must save again if
they touch anyone or anything in the zone, including their own bodies,
until they escape the zone or until everyone falls unconscious within
the zone. The material component is a peeled grape.
"Luwain's Ever Lasting Hard-On"
Luwain "Don't Fuck With Me" The Nightingale
To be sang by the tune of
"Everything I do - I do it for you"
The love within your eyes
makes me sure,
I want to give you more...
You ought to know,
I love you so
I will never let you go
Oh, tell me you want my body too
My passion is hardening to you
My body plea
Undress me and you'll see...
Make love to me.
Level 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 2 hours (!!!)
Description: The spell-song insures the creature touched (usually the
bard caster) can engage in continuous intercourse for 2 hours!
Naturally, the partner can't take a whole 2 hours, so here's how it
Take the character's Constitution and add the applying bonuses
from the wild-thing rules: Strength, Dexterity, partner's Charisma. The
lowest bonus may be replaced by the bard's level if desired. The total
is how long the first intercourse will take. During each and every
intercourse, Four checks are to be done (with 1d20), and when one fails
the bard loses 1d6 hit points (instead of stopping). There's a
cumulative -1 to the check with every check done.
Example: Starting at 27, Luwain can make love for 27 minutes to
start, then start again with a score of 27-4=23, and make love for 23
more minutes with checking only the last check of 23-3=20 (a 20 on the
check loses 1d6 hp). Now, Luwain can continue with a score of 19 for 19
minutes, checking against 19, 18, 17 and 16, and so on...
Telepathic Devotion
Power Score: Con -2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: touch
Prep Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact
This is the opposite power of Inflict Pain. While no good comes
from it (no healing or curative effects), it makes the subject
individual shudder and twist in ecstasy. If used in combat, the victim
must save vs. paralyzation in order to keep functioning and fighting.
Failure to save indicates a penalty of -4 on all attack rolls that
round, and any spells being cast are disrupted.
The insidious effects of this power occur when it is used in
conjunction with Inflict Pain. By using the two powers interchangeably,
dependent upon the victim's actions, the victim can be conditioned to
perform certain acts instead of other acts they would normally perform.
For each week of being subjected to this treatment, they must make
a wisdom check, with a penalty equal to the number of weeks of
"treatment" (i.e., 3 weeks of treatment = penalty of -3) or have their
actions in particular scenarios predetermined by their conditioning.
Only one area of behavior may be affected per victim. Depending upon
the behavior modification, there is a chance (DM's discretion) for an
alignment change by the victim.
Power Score: The pleasure is so overwhelming that the victim passes out
for 1d10 rounds.
20: The contact is broken.
Item X.P.
Boo-Hag Goggles 100
Breast Plate +1 600
Earring(s) of Androgyny 250
Everful Baby Bottle 200
Figurine Of The Willing WonTon 400
Frictionless Sheets 250
Gem of the Vo Yure 250
Girdle of Speedy Gestation 500
Girdle of Hippolyte 1500
Hourglass of Parietals 500
Jackknife of Circumcision 2000
Ladies' Glass Ball 2000
Lipsticks Of The Houri
- Sleeping 1000
- Wounding 1000
- Weakness 2000
- Slavery 3000
- Nereid 8000
- Death 9000
Morgaine's Chainmail Bikini 1000
Penis of Astounding 1500
Periapt Of Proof Against Pregnancy 500
Periapt Of Sexual Aides 1000
Perfume/Musk Of Attraction 500
Philter of Love 250
Phylactery of Prophylactics 250
Potion of Aphrodisia 250
Potion of Potency 250
Rahasia's Whirlpool Tub Of Love 500
Ring Of The Bulls 300
Ring Of Perversion ---
Ring Of Protection 1500
Ring of Sexuality Detection 300
Sheet Of Useful Toys 300
Spectacles of Revealing 250
Sword Of Castration 2000
Teeny-Weeny Bikini 1000
Underwear Of Virginity 200
Wand Of Love 2000
Wand of Pillows 1000
Wand Of Vibration 1000
Other Related Magic Items from DM'g Guide
Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity --- p. 170
Keoghtom's Ointment 500 p. 173
Periapt of Health 1,000 p. 176
Boo-Hag Goggles - These goggles make everyone look much more sexually=20
attractive to the wearer than they really are.
Breast Plate +1 - This piece of armor gives the wearer a +1 bonus to=20
adjustment to armor class. Thus, a wearer with AC of 5 will have an AC=20
of 4 when this breast plate is worn. This armor is made of a strange=20
substance referred to by mages as Silicon.
Earring(s) of Androgyny - These earrings make it impossible for anyone=20
to discern the gender of the wearer, even if naked.
Everful Baby Bottle - This baby bottle always contains milk. The milk=20
is kept at a constant warm temperature. Most bottles produce cow's=20
milk, but some can produce milk from other mammals. Some exotic bottles=20
were known to produce enriched dragon's milk.
Figurine Of The Willing WonTon - This appears as a tiny (an inch or so=20
high) statuette of a lovely male or female. When the figurine is tossed=20
down and a command word spoken, it becomes a very attractive living=20
normal sized person that will serve him/her. The person serves=20
willingly and well, but at the end of 12 hours it returns to statue=20
form. The figurine does not come with any gear or clothes. The mount=20
can't do anything but perform basic sexual acts.
Frictionless Sheets - These covers seem like any other silk sheets, but=20
they have a nasty side. Three rounds after coming in contact with=20
living material (i.e. a person) the sheets become completely=20
frictionless. This could be very nasty if there is any strenuous=20
activity occurring at the time. With the loss of friction there will be=20
nothing to hold the person/s in the bed. Depending on the level of=20
activity the person/s could simply slide out of bed or be shot out of=20
bed at a high velocity. There are several applications for this magic=20
item. But if found randomly by a character it could be fun for the DM=20
to suddenly say to a character that while relaxing on his/her newly=20
found sheets the character slides off and can not clime back into bed=20
(HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH). The effect will wear off in 2-8 (2D4) rounds if no=20
living material is in contact with it.
Gem of the Vo Yure - These finely cut and polished stones are=20
indistinguishable from ordinary jewels, although a detect magic spell=20
will reveal its enchantment. When gazed through, the Gem of the Vo Yure=20
enables the user to see all human and kindred creatures as naked. The=20
viewing range is 300'.
Girdle of Speedy Gestation - This girdle reduces the term of pregnancy=20
and labor to 1/10th of normal, with no ill effects to bearer or baby.
Girdle of Hippolyte - This is really a thin metallic chain one wears=20
around the waist. The wearer is completely immune to any diseases or=20
ill effects gained through sexual intercourse (including the level-
draining abilities of succubi/incubi).
Hourglass of Parietals - This typical hourglass compels sexual=20
segregation. Males and females must move into separate rooms of any=20
building containing such an hourglass once time has expired. This=20
device is commonly used in certain lawful suspicious institutions of=20
learning in the Realms.
Jackknife of Circumcision - A magical device used in the initiation=20
rites of certain mythos, which functions as a Knife +2 in the hands of=20
a circumcised male.
Ladies' Glass Ball - A glass ball containing a green substance hangs=20
from a pendant. The ball itself is plugged from the bottom with a plug=20
of cork. The green substance inside, however, will show magical=20
properties. If consumed by a female this green potion will protect her=20
from impregnation for 1d4 months (DMs choice as to information given to=20
PC). However, if consumed by a male the substance will instantaneously=20
cause 1d4 points of damage. Then a save against poison must be made=20
each hour for the duration of days equal to half the PC's Constitution.=20
If he fails he looses one hit point per failure The poison in a male=20
will not kill him but causes him sever discomfort and embarrassment. He=20
will begin to grow hair at an accelerated rate (1d4 inches/day) and his=20
voice will become very feminine (no save).
Lipstick Of The Houri - This lipstick gives its wearer a limited kiss=20
ability mimicking the spell of the same name. The effects last double=20
the duration of the spell. Each stick is good for 5 applications and=20
each application lasts for 1-6 kisses.
Morgaine's Chainmail Bikini - As a fashion conscious adventurer,=20
Morgaine has decided to create the ultimate in sexy adventure-wear, the=20
"Chainmail Bikini".
Provocatively designed to distract opponents, the "Chainmail=20
Bikini" covers only the minimal basics in order to preserve modesty.=20
Both the male and female versions are made of fine quality chain mail,=20
carefully lined with the softest furs available, to ensure no nasty=20
chain burns.
The "Chainmail Bikini" is magically enchanted to provide armour=20
class protection affordable by anyone. The "base model" provides a=20
straight Armor Class 10 and is merely for decorative/distraction=20
purposes, providing basically no protection for the wearer. Other=20
models provide an increasing amount of magical protection, with a=20
corresponding increase in cost.
The special "Temperature-Controlled" models have an added feature=20
which maintains body temperature in extreme cold or hot weather. The=20
creature can stand unprotected in temperatures as low as -30 degrees=20
Fahrenheit or as high as 130 degrees Fahrenheit with no ill effect.=20
Temperatures beyond these limits inflict 1 point of damage per hour of=20
exposure for every degree beyond the limit.
A special model, "Chainmail Chastity", provides a miniature lock=20
and key for those adventurers who are concerned about losing the=20
friendship of their unicorn friends.
And for those dungeons where the DM forgot to put in a bathroom=20
(or for female adventurers at _that_ time of the month) there is the=20
"Port-a-Potty" model, which has a special liner that absorbs wastes for=20
up to one week's time. To clean, remove liner and place in a waste=20
receptacle, intone the appropriate magical phrase, and the liner will=20
"give up" its contents. Intone the other magical phrase to reset the=20
liner for another week's work. Warning: Be certain to reset the liner=20
before the week is out, as the liner will automatically stop absorbing,=20
and there is a 50% chance that the liner will automatically reset=20
itself, leaving the adventurer with a lovely, warm feeling. Evil beings=20
leave trapped versions by replacing the lining with a bag of devouring,=20
for a bit more enjoyment.
A special smaller "Port-a-Potty" diaper model has been created for=20
infants and has been very popular in large cities.
Penis of Astounding - This is a 12' long artificial penis. It is used=20
to stun an observer. When worn by a male, the Penis has a 70% chance of=20
stunning a person for 1d10 rounds. However when worn by a woman, the=20
odds increase to 95%. The penis is not subject to sexual arousal or=20
feeling, thus it can be used in combat, when unsuccessful as a penis of=20
astounding. Another version, the Ultra Penis of Astounding, also comes=20
with a bag of milk.
Periapt Of Proof Against Pregnancy - This engraved gem appears to be a=20
gem of small value. This periapt provides 100% protection against=20
pregnancy for males and females.
Periapt Of Sexual Aides - This gem appears nothing else then a=20
diamond (500-1000 gp), and no magic is detected. When in possession no=20
effect is noted until the possessor engages in sex. Then, if a man is=20
wearing the periapt, he cannot have a orgasm until his partner (which=20
he is having sex with) has at least one orgasm. If worn by a woman, it=20
makes herself more susceptible for orgasms (a roll of 1-2 on 1d10). In=20
a sexual act, if more than one person are using this kind of periapt,=20
they will explode for 3-12 (3d4) of blasting damage (10' radius), and=20
all possessors must check a system shock or lose the fertility.
Perfume/Musk Of Attraction - This liquid increases the wearer's=20
charisma by 1 point. The duration is 1d20 hours. The liquid comes in a=20
small bottle with 2d20 applications.
Philter of Love - As in the DMG page 144, with the following revision:=20
the philter will only inspire love for the next person the imbiber sees=20
who is of the appropriate gender with respect to the imbiber's sexual=20
Phylactery of Prophylactics - A phylactery with 1d6 detachable beads,=20
each one of which functions as a Contraception spell (see guide).
Potion of Aphrodisia - Functions as Obsession spell (see guide)=20
directed towards next person seen by the imbiber, regardless of the=20
viewed person's gender.
Potion of Potency - Functions as Prowess spell (see guide), for 6=20
Rahasia's Whirlpool Tub Of Love - Legend states that this enchanted=20
whirlpool tub was created by Rahasia, Mage Priestess of Ishtar, The=20
Priestess of Love. Whirlpools like this do appear in all Ishtar=20
temples and the best appears at Rashasia's. Now, tubs appear all over=20
Oerth and the Realms mainly as an item of the rich and famous. The tub=20
is approximately 5 feet by 5 feet by 5 feet with side seats in it. The=20
tub can create air bubbles at the bottom that flow delightfully to the=20
top. Also, the temperature of the water can be controlled. Command=20
words are as followed:
Temperature Command Bubbles Command
Cold Frigus Low Humilis
Warm Calidus Medium Modus
Hot Fervidus High Alte
Some clever clerics and mages have created gems that cause the same=20
effects as the whirlpool tub when they are placed in a small body of=20
Ring of the Bulls - This regular ring is engraved with a bull head.=20
When worn by a male, his more-private anatomy increases in size. The=20
size is dependant on the type of the ring (Roll 1d12):
Die Roll Ring Type Effect
1-5 Calf Add 1/3 of the size
6-9 Young Add 1/2 of the size
10-11 Bull Double the size
12 THE BEAST Triple the size (dangerous)
The male also gains a +1 to constitution checks during sex.
Ring of Perversion - Cursed ring that can only be removed by a remove=20
curse spell. While the ring is worn, the person suffers the effects of=20
a sexual insanity (roll on the insanity table).
Ring of Protection - This large ring is for males only and doesn't go=20
on fingers or toes. It provides 100% protection from pregnancy and=20
sexual diseases (both magical and natural).
Ring of Sexuality Detection - A very simple ring with a white,=20
semiprecious stone set in the side, which functions as per the Divine=20
Sexual Orientation spell (see guide), with the following restrictions.=20
Anyone whose orientation is scried makes a Wisdom check at -2. If the=20
check is made, then the scried individuals will sense that they are the=20
subject of some scrutiny. A successful Charisma check following that=20
successful Wisdom check will alert them to the purpose but not -=20
necessarily the source - of the scrutiny.
Sheet of Useful Toys - This appears to a normal sheet adorned with=20
about 20 small cloth patches of various shapes. Anybody can remove a=20
patch. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item. The item=20
is some exciting sexual toy. The toy could be anything like oil, a=20
whip, blindfold, body lotion, body paint, or anything else the DM=20
Spectacles of Revealing - While wearing these, the wearer sees everyone=20
as though they were absolutely naked.
Sword of Castration - This weapon has a +2 bonus to hit and damage. The=20
real power of the sword is when the attacker rolls a non-adjusted 20 on=20
the attack roll. When this occurs, the victim (if male, ignore if=20
female) will lose his most treasured body part. Legend has it that this=20
sword was created by evil (and bitter) Amazon Warriors.
Teeny-Weeny Bikini - This object, when worn, will shrink upon command=20
revealing more and more of the wearer's body thus distracting any and=20
all male counterparts. If the saving throw versus magic is not made,=20
the men around the woman will do various stupid things like run into=20
walls, trip, or make strange burbling sounds as they try not to let it=20
be know how they feel. Although the bikini will shrink, it will or will=20
not reveal anything depending upon the wearer's wishes. Thus, modesty=20
in one might be flagrant display with another. The bikini will fit=20
anyone of any size. The bikini also appears originally as a full body,=20
1920's style swimsuit. Additional References: The Teeny-Weeny-Swimsuit=20
for men. Cost: Varies.
Underwear of Virginity - This underwear is very popular among=20
protective fathers. When worn, the underwear cannot be removed without=20
the command word (usually the father's middle name said backwards). The=20
underwear is normal in respects to touch, but it is impossible to rip=20
or tear. The underwear also magically disposes of body waste before it=20
leaves the body, so there is no mess and absolutely no reason to remove=20
Wand of Love - This wand is very thin, white, and has a lightning star=20
in one point. Anyone struck by the star (=91to hit' roll required) must=20
save versus spell or fall madly in love with the wand possessor. This=20
love is a double strength charm person (all rules apply), but the=20
effected character will even kill persons to retain his/her loved=20
man/woman in romance.
Wand of Pillows - A normal looking wand which produces pillows. Here is=20
the most fun magic item ever found, a "Wand of Pillows". Just point and=20
it produces loads of nice fluffy pillows. Great for padding that=20
dungeon room to sleep. Also, on occasion it can pad the bottom of a=20
drop when one loses all of his/her rope. Furthermore, one can use it to=20
defeat opponents through bewilderment, "Vile villain, stand back or=20
surely I shall slay you with my great and powerful wand", where upon=20
activation of the wand the enemy would fall into uncontrolled laughter=20
etc, etc, etc...
Wand of Vibration - This wand has a small dial at one end. In magical=20
ruins on one end of the dial it reads "Pleasant Tingle" and at the=20
other end of the dial it reads "The Crusher". The last setting is very=20
dangerous and can cause 1 point of structural damage per round to any=20
materials less than or equal to rock. Also, this setting cause 1d10=20
points of damage per round to anybody foolish enough to place the wand=20
in a body cavity at such a high setting.
Other Magic Items Being Worked on
Wand of Instant Gratification (ecstasy spell) - Morgan
Helm of Horniness (cursed item) - Morgan
These arrows are the work of 'Irnar the chaotic mage (protege=20
Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm). Sometimes while trying to=20
enchant an arrow his mind wanders to perverse or romantic thoughts and=20
the actual enchantment isn't quite what he wants. He sells such=20
"rejects" to the local weapons store at discount prices (which are=20
still quite high due to the power of most of them). The weapons dealers=20
then sell the arrows to foolish adventurers. They advertise the arrows=20
as "Gifts from the Love Gods", "Missile Weapons for the Mature", and=20
"If You Like Chaos...". Then, the dealers inflate the price and make a=20
bundle. The arrows are available infrequently and at high cost. (One of=20
the most popular dealers is Secondhand Stan the Pawn and Porno Man).
These arrows are never predictable in their effects. Roll=20
percentile dice and divide by three (round fractions consistently).=20
Arrows may be used only once, at which time they disintegrate into a=20
worthless pile of dust unless stated otherwise. A successful hit from=20
an attack roll must be made to initiate an effect unless stated=20
otherwise. They do not do damage unless stated otherwise.
Mainly chaotic characters use the arrows. Also, characters with a=20
low wisdom tend to use them a lot more that others.
1) The arrow is reflected back at the archer. Roll again to see the=20
effects on the archer ignoring this result.
2) The victim's Charisma is increased by 1d6 to a max. of 18 for 1d4=20
3) The victim's Comeliness is increased by 1d10 to a max. of 30 for 1d4=20
4) The victim's Dexterity with respect to sexual ability increases 1d6=20
to a max. of 18 for 1d4 day.
5) The victim's Constitution with respect to sexual ability increases=20
1d6 to a max. of 18 for 1d4 day.
6) All clothing, armor, and personal belongings carried on the victim=20
fall to ground leaving the victim naked.
7) The victim will fall in love with the first living creature of the=20
opposite sex to meet his/her gaze and feel compelled to follow the=20
creature for 1d4 days in hope to win her/his love.
8) The victim will fall in love with the first living creature of the=20
opposite sex of the same race to meet his/her gaze and feel compelled=20
to follow the creature for 1d4 days in hope to win her/his love.
9) The victim goes into a melancholy depression for 1d4 days during=20
which he/she feels compelled to recite and attempt to write love=20
10) The victim becomes infatuated with himself/herself for 1d4. He/She=20
spends a lot of his/her money on mirrors, fine clothing, perfumes,=20
cosmetics, etc..
11) The victim feels the urge to kiss a living creature of the opposite=20
sex and same race, and will make every attempt to do so.
12) The victim feels the "urge to merge" a living creature of the=20
opposite sex and same race, and will make every attempt to do so.
13) "Love is blind" so victim becomes blind for 1d4 days.
14) The victim becomes "drunk on love". Therefore, he/she is affected=20
as if intoxicated for 1d4 days.
15) The victim becomes "crazed with love" for 1d4 hours. Thus, he/she=20
is confused. Roll 1d10 for the results:
1 Wander away (unless prevented)
2-6 Stand confused one turn (then roll again)
7-9 Attack nearest creature for 1 turn (then roll again)
10 Act normally for 1 turn (then roll again)
16) The victim becomes "love struck" for 1d4 days. Thus, he/she goes=20
into a state of suspended animation. This cessation of time means that=20
the victim does not grow older. His/her body functions virtually cease.
17) "Nothin' says lovin' like a bun in the oven", so female victims=20
become impregnated. Roll 1d10 to find out what the child is:
1-5 same race as parent
6-9 other common race (elf, human, dwarf, halfling, etc.)
10 Demon
Male victims suffer 4d6 points of damage as punishment for going around=20
and getting innocent females pregnant.
18) "Say love with the gift that lasts: a diamond". The tip of the
arrow turns into a diamond during its flight. The recipient's Armor=20
Class becomes 10 due to the piercing of the diamond (dexterity bonuses=20
still apply). The diamond-tipped arrow inflicts 1d10 points of damage.=20
The diamond is worth roughly 1d4 X 1000 silver pieces.
19) "Love is in the eyes of the beholder". During the flight of the=20
arrow, it becomes a 70 hp beholder (Monstrous Compendium Vol. 1) and=20
attacks the intended recipient of the arrow. Upon the victim's=20
destruction, the beholder will attack randomly.
20) The victim begins dancing for 1d4+1 rounds, complete with feet=20
shuffling and tapping. This dance makes it impossible for the victim to=20
do anything other than caper and prance; this cavorting worsens the=20
Armor Class of the victim by -4, makes saving throws impossible except=20
on a roll of 20, and negates any consideration of a shield.
21) The victim has the urge to become a prostitute and will attempt to=20
fulfill this urge for 1d4 days.
22) The victim contracts a random normal sexual disease.
23) The victim contracts a random magical sexual disease.
24) The victim contracts a random sexual insanity.
25) The victim attracts frogs for 1d4 days. The frogs are plain,=20
ordinary frogs whether you kiss them or not.
26) If the victim is male, he develops large breasts for 1d4 days. If=20
the victim is female, she develops an enormous amount of body hair and=20
will prefer to urinate standing up.
27) The arrow is a Heartbreaker. The arrow turns into a lightning bolt=20
that inflicts 10d6 points of damage upon contact. A successful save=20
versus spell reduces the damage to half (round fractions down).
28) The arrow is a Screamer. The whistling sound is like the sound of a=20
bomb falling, but without any effect whatsoever. Normal damage.
29) The arrow becomes semi-intelligent with a great knowledge of poetry=20
equal to a bard's. It will constantly follow the victim around=20
receipting all forms of love poetry.
30) The arrow turns into a rose upon contact.
31-33) REROLL
This kit is based on knowledge from The Complete Wizard's
Handbook. To understand character kits and their use, please reference
chapter 3 of the said guide.
DESCRIPTION: The Houri is a nymph of paradise. She was born in a seedy
section of a city, growing up in a poor and miserable life but dreaming
of a better future. Yet, instead of turning to a life of thievery like
most, her beauty and intelligence leads her to a life a magic. Once
there, she specializes in charming, enchanting, and seducing.
Some people look down upon her as a disgusting prostitute and
vixen. Others view her as a sensual beauty and the most desirable being
on the Prime Material Plane.
In addition to normal magic-user requisites, the Houri must have a
minimum Charisma of 15 (her voluptuously alluring beauty and charm
being evident). Also, a Houri is female (although adjustments can be
made for men and thus a Gigolo wizard kit is born). Furthermore, she
must be of chaotic alignment.
PREFERRED SCHOOLS: The most appropriate school for the Houri is
BARRED SCHOOLS: All other schools are barred.
ROLE: The Houri is a fun-loving, charming person who can find herself
mingling at all the high-class parties with many men-a-calling. She can
also be found being a high-class prostitute for the wealthy and well-
to-do. Her magic abilities are not always known by the company she
keeps, which leads to mystery on why she is so alluring.
Having a terrible and trapped childhood, the Houri is glad to
adventure, traveling to many cities being the flirt in each. Her
abilities of charm and communication make her valuable when in contact
with intelligent beings (shes so irresistible). Because of this, she
tends to be viewed as the leader of the group, although this probably
isn't true (such matters of tactics, marching order, etc. are of little
importance to her).
WEAPON PROFICIENCY: REQUIRED: dagger or knife. The Houri is often fond
of long, thin pins such as hat-pins and hair-pins, which can be easily
concealed on the Houri's person and do 1-3 points of damage.
NONWEAPON PROFICIENCY: BONUS: Etiquette, any one of the sexual
proficiencies listed in this guide (player's choice). RECOMMENDED:
(General) Artistic Ability, Dancing, Languages (Modern), Singing
(Rogue, no penalty) Gaming.
EQUIPMENT: The Houri can spend her money on anything she likes.
Remember, that the Houri should maintain a level of high beauty. Thus,
jewelry, fine clothing, and perfumes are a favorite items of purchase
for a Houri.
SPECIAL BENEFITS: The Houri has a special power of seduction. Seduction
is an ability which is used against individual males of the same or
similar race as the Houri. The Houri's percentage chance of seducing is
given by the following formula:
Houri's level
-------------------------- X 100
victim's level + modifiers
Fighter +3 Elf/Half-elf +1 * +1 for each
Rogue +3 Dwarf/Gnome/Halfling +2 outsider
Mage +4 Orc/Half-orc -1 (see below)
Cleric +5
1 -6 08-14 0
2 -4 15 +1
3 -3 16 +2
4 -2 17 +3
05-07 -1 18 +4
Heavily clothed +1
Scantily/Provocatively clad -1
Nude -2
(The latter state will not be terribly practical under
most circumstances, and might well lead to arrest for
indecent exposure.
A seduced man will drop his weapons, become oblivious to his
surroundings, and attempt to engage the Houri in a passionate embrace.
In such a state he is extremely vulnerable (especially to kiss spells
which are very popular amongst Houris). However, if the Houri does not
attempt to use a spell on a seduced victim, he is allowed to make his
saving throw versus spell. If this is successful, then he realizes what
has happened in which case the seduction is broken and he cannot be
immediately seduced again. Breaking the seduction, however, does not
affect the success of the spell being used.
Seduction cannot be used in combat and cannot work against other
females except those that are homosexuals. The presence of other
individuals in close proximity (within ten feet, or obviously watching)
will reduce the chance of success of the seduction attempt. For each
outsider present, add 1 to the modifier.
Seduction lasts for a number of turns equal to five times the
Houri's level, or until broken. It can be broken in a number of ways,
i.e. if the Houri attempts to use a kiss spell as above, or if she
resists his attentions (the victim is allowed his saving throw versus
spell each time she does so), or if the victim is attacked. In the
latter case, the seduction is instantly broken.
Seduction can only be used on a single individual at a time; a
Houri may use the ability a number of times per day equal to her level.
EXAMPLE OF THE USE OF SEDUCTION: Lirona the Houri (3rd level,
human) is attempting to seduce Thad Leaf the thief (5th level, human).
The scene is the Golden Griffon Inn. There are a number of other people
present but no one is paying any particular attention to the pair.
Lirona's chance of seducing Thad is equal to 3 (her level) X 100
divided by 5 (Thad's level) +3 (modified for a thief), i.e. 300 / 8 =
37.5%. Lirona rolls 30. Success! Thad is taken in by her charms.
However, a bar is no place for a romantic liaison. Eagerly he
accompanies her upstairs to her room, his arm around her slim waist,
not suspecting the fate that awaits him when he gets there...!!!
Additionally, the Houri receives a +3 reaction modifier from men.
SPECIAL HINDRANCES: A Houri is not allowed to wear protective armor;
indeed, the less clothing she wears, the more effective she is.
The Houri receives a -3 reaction modifier from women, for obvious
The Houri refuses to live the terrible poor life she once had.
Thus, when making purchase, the Houri accepts nothing but the best,
whether it be a meal, a room for the night, a weapon, or even a chest
to carry her possessions. Any time she buys any item, the Houri must
pay 10 to 100 percent more than the listed price in the Player's
Handbook. The DM will decide the price paid by the Houri, which may
vary from item to item, depending on the quality of merchandise in a
particular locale.
WEALTH Options: The Houri receives only (1d4+1) x 5 GP for starting
RACES: A Houri can only be human, elven, or half-elven.
This kit is based on knowledge from The Complete Wizard's
Handbook. To understand character kits and their use, please reference
chapter 3 of the said guide.
DESCRIPTION: Where the Houri tends to be bubbly and perhaps a little
indiscriminate, the Seducer (Seductress if female) is more subtle and
discreet in his efforts. He will be dressed elegantly but not showy,
have excellent taste in all that matters, and be very capable of
following through on everything he promises... but whether he does, is
another story. Seducers are the Valmonts and the Casanovas of the magic
world. In addition to the normal requirements for a magic user, the
Seducer must have a minimum 15 Charisma and 12 Wisdom (to be able to
figure out all the tricky angles to use on which particular person).
PREFERRED SCHOOLS: Seducers may not specialize.
ROLE: The Seducer is the man that all the women swoon over and the
Seductress the woman men fight over. They are manipulators in cunning
and subtle ways -- yet they are not all evil, some merely wish to
explore their sexuality in as many ways as they can, and some are
merely looking for a mutual good time.
WEAPON PROFICIENCY: RECOMMENDED: Dagger, or some other small weapon
easily hidden and carried about.
NONWEAPON PROFICIENCY: BONUS: Etiquette, Dancing, Artistic Ability, any
one sexual NWP. The Seducer is assumed either to have come from a high-
class background or to be aspiring to/pretending to have one.
RECOMMENDED: Languages (Modern), Singing (Rogue, no penalty) Gaming.
EQUIPMENT: The Seducer should spend a fair amount of money on good
clothing, and should bear in mind if male that taking all those lovely
ladies to dinner will cost a pretty penny.
SPECIAL BENEFITS: The Seducer possesses a similar manner of seduction
as the Houri, but with the following modifications:
Seducer's level + his Charisma
Victim's level + modifiers + Widsom bonus
vs. charm spells
Fighter -1 Elf/Half-elf +1
Rogue +2 Dwarf/Gnome/Halfling +2
Mage -2 Orc/Half-orc -1
Cleric +1
A seduced man will drop his weapons, become oblivious to his
surroundings, and attempt to engage the Seducer in a passionate
embrace. Seduction cannot be used in combat and cannot work against
members of the opposite sex except those that are homosexuals. The
presence of other individuals in close proximity (within ten feet, or
obviously watching) will reduce the chance of success of the seduction
attempt. For each outsider present, add 1 to the modifier.
Seduction lasts for one hour per level of the Seducer, or until
broken by: the victim being attacked, the Seducer resisting the
attentions and the victim making a saving throw versus spell, or other
circumstances at the DM's discretion.
Additionally, the Seducer receives a kind of "professional
courtesy" from fellow charmers. Such creatures as mermaids, succubi,
medusae, vampires, sirines, or others that use natural charm spells
(DM's discretion) will not attack the Seducer and will be friendly
toward him as long as he is the same toward them. Same creatures will
be neutral to the Seducer's companions so long as those companions are
same toward them, but even should the companions attack the creatures
will not attack the Seducer until he attacks them.
SPECIAL HINDRANCES: The Seducer must maintain his wardrobe, and is
constantly replacing articles which have been muddied or torn. They are
such perfectionists in their craft that they will dispose of anything
that will harm their seductive craft unless it can be perfectly mended.
They will also pay 10%-100% more than the normal cost whenever making a
purchase due to their exacting standards.
The longer a Seducer practices, the more charming he becomes -- so
much so, in fact, that any humanoid of the opposite sex who comes in
contact with him must save vs. spell at a penalty equal to the
Seducer's level, and with no magical protective aid (no rings of
protection, etc., but Wisdom bonus is allowed) or become mildly
enamoured of him and disposed towards jealousy of any perceived rivals.
This can work to the Seducer's advantage, but not when he's trying to
seduce the Duchess and the enamoured chambermaids are putting mud in
her stockings.
Additionally, should a natural 1 be rolled on the saving throw,
the victim will become completely obsessed with the Seducer. The victim
will do anything (even violate his alignment) to gain the Seducer's
love, and will deal ruthlessly with all rivals, real or perceived.
This condition will last until negated by a Cure Insanity cast by a
cleric of higher level than the Seducer, a Heal, a Limited Wish, a
Wish, an Alter Reality or an Angel's Negation is cast on the afflicted.
Alternately, 2d12 sessions psychotherapy lasting one hour each will
grant the same result as an Angel's Negation.
WEALTH OPTIONS: The Seducer begins with 5d4x10 gold pieces of starting
money to simulate his higher standing. However, he must spend 50% of it
on clothing.
RACES: A Seducer can theoretically be any race, although most DMs would
probably prefer to limit it to humans, elves and half- elves.
This kit is based on knowledge from The Complete Bard's Handbook.
To understand character kits and their use, please refer to chapter 2
of the said guide.
SPECIALTY: Entertainer/Lover/Romantic.
QUALIFICATIONS: Standard ability scores (Dexterity of 12, Intelligence
of 13, Charisma of 15). Gigolos must have a Constitution of 16 or more.
Humans, Half-elfs, Elves may become Gigolos but they must be male.
Although it is not required, the recommended alignments for
Gigolos are Neutral Good, Neutral, and Neutral Evil. These alignments
seem most appropriate. Lawful characters would steer clear of
situations that Gigolos often find themselves in. Also, chaotic
characters couldn't remain with just one person long enough which is
what the Gigolo kit is all about.
INTRODUCTION: I'm Just A Gigolo (Sad and Lonely)
--- by Roth Van Clevens
I'm just a Gigolo and everywhere I go,
people know the part I'm playin',
Pay for every dance, selling each romance,
ohhh, what they're sayin',
There will come a day, when youth will pass away,
what will they say about me,
Well the in crowd will know, I am just a Gigolo,
LIFE goes on without me,
I, ain't got nobody,
nobody cares for me, nobody, nobody,
I'm so sad and lonely,
sad and lonely, sad and lonely,
Won't some sweet mama come with me,
I ain't so bad,
Booza Booza Bop Tity Bop.
DESCRIPTION: Sages refer to gigolos as men paid to be women's escorts
or lovers. Some view gigolos as sad versions of Gallants, but gigolos
are more. Sure Gallants are pure and romantic, but their only concern
is their own personal passions. They charm and steal the hearts of
women and then wisk away. The only time Gallants are concerned for
others is when they can obtain glory and prestige. On the other hand,
Gigolos make their living entertaining women. Their whole purpose is to
please and satisfy women.
ROLE: A gigolo travels the lands looking for a beautiful woman (usually
wealthy and single and probably being a widow) to satisfy. He will stay
with one woman until the situation becomes unrewarding.
When a gigolo goes adventuring, it is likely the result of a
request from a fair maiden, to retrieve an item of beauty and love, or
for some other romantic cause. Unless a woman is present, the gigolo
will probably stand clear of danger. But if a woman is looking on, then
the gigolo will be quite the hero.
SECONDARY SKILLS: Merchant, Domestic Servant.
WEAPON PROFICIENCY: Gigolos must use gentleman weapons such as the
rapier, epee, foil, sabre, and dagger. They may not use missile weapons
such as long bow, short bow, crossbow, darts, etc..
NONWEAPON PROFICIENCY: BONUS: Etiquette, Sexual Endurance, Sexual
Knowledge, Massage, Poetry. Recommended: (General) Artistic Ability,
Dancing, Languages (Modern), Singing (Rogue, no penalty).
ARMOR/EQUIPMENT: A Gigolo is not allowed to wear protective armor;
indeed, the less clothing he wears, the more effective he is.
The Gigolo gains a +05% adjustment to the Detect Noise thief
skill, because listening is very important to him (especially for the
approaching footsteps of husbands, boyfriends, etc). Also, a Gigolo
gains a +10% adjustment to the Read Languages thief skill, because most
of Gigolo's customers are going to be fairly educated and most of them
are likely to have a substantial library.
Poetic Charm: A Gigolo who directs his attention to one person of
the opposite sex can attempt to win that person's heart. This requires
the Gigolo to perform many subtle acts of wit and charm. Among these
acts must be the recital of at least one poem concerning the person.
The entire effort takes a minimum of 10 minus the bard's level turns
(not less then one turn), after which the person rolls a saving throw
vs. Paralyzation with a -1 penalty per four levels of the Gigolo.
Failure means that the person is affected as if the Gigolo cast a Charm
spell on him or her.
The effect is not magical and doesn't wear off over time, unless
the Gigolo treats the person badly or exploits them. Each abuse results
in another saving throw being rolled to break the Gigolo's charm. The
Dungeon Master may apply adjustments based on the situation.
Personalize: This Benefit allows the Gigolo to personalize any
song, poem, or story for 1 person. This makes the person targeted feel
as if the poem, song, or story is about them. Once a piece has been
personalized the target will perform any suggestion the Bard makes as
long as it is not contrary to their nature for 2d10 rounds. If a Bard
personalizes a bit for someone else within 5 turns of the previous
target, the first target will fly into a rage from jealousy. Although
the first target may not act right away, he or she will attempt some
form of revenge. It is up to the Dungeon Master to determine the
quantity and method of revenge.
Domestic Skill: A Gigolo will excel at any one domestic skill. The
Bard will be able to succeed in all but the most extreme attempts at
his or her particular skill. The domestic skills include but are not
limited to: cooking, cleaning, shopping, butler, fashion consultant,
etiquette, diplomacy, wine connoisseur. The Bard should pick one of
these to excel in, but may take any of the others as a proficiency.
These skills are used by the Bard to impress any customer and can
become an asset when payment is considered.
Conceal Activities: The Gigolo may have more than 1 customer. This
ability allows the Bard to Conceal his activities with one customer
from his other customers. It comes into effect when a customer asks the
Bard about his "off-time". The Bard is able to skillfully fend off any
inquiries by redirecting them onto other subjects. Only under a spell
or spell-like effect will the Bard reveal his other activities (unless
he wants them revealed, of course).
The Gigolo receives a -3 reaction modifier from men, for obvious
reasons. Also, the Gigolo will not gain any followers and will in most
cases not have a strong hold.
The Gigolo suffers a -10% adjustment to the Pick Pockets thief
skill, because he doesn't practice this skill much since it has little
value for him.
The Gigolo refuses to live the terrible poor life. Thus, when
making purchase, the Gigolo accepts nothing but the best, whether it be
a meal, a room for the night, a weapon, or even a chest to carry his
possessions. Any time he buys any item, the Gigolo must pay 10 to 100
percent more than the listed price in the Player's Handbook. The DM
will decide the price paid by the Gigolo, which may vary from item to
item, depending on the quality of merchandise in a particular locale.
The Gigolo contacts many females in an intimate way. If he
contacts any sexual disease and passes it on to a client, he will not
be contacted by any new clients, and as word gets around he will lose
all his clients. Eventually he will not be able to support himself in
his current place of residence and will be forced to move to another
Before getting to know a specific prostitute, the prostitute pool
should be known. The DM may make adjustments as she/she deems
To decide the number of prostitutes in a given settlement examine
Table 1. Make adjustments based on alignment of the settlement (Table
2). NOTE: Most DMs feel that the number of prostitutes should never
exceed 10% of the total population unless the settlements primary
function is prostitution. Therefore, adjustments should be made
TABLE 1: Number of Prostitutes
Settlement Population # Of Prostitutes
Thorp 20-80 1d6
Hamlet 100-400 1d10
Village, Wych 600-900 1d20
Town 1500-6500 1d100
City 10000-60000 2d100
TABLE 2: Alignment Adjustments To # Of Prostitutes
Lawful divide by 2
Chaotic multiply by 2
Good divide by 2
Evil multiply by 2
Information on prostitutes working under management can be found
in the "The House Of Ill Repute" section.
Not all prostitutes are alike. Below are the steps necessary to
make a very unique and exciting prostitute.
1) Choose an appropriate sex for the prostitute. Randomly, there is a
80% of female prostitutes and a 20% of male prostitutes.
2) Choose an appropriate race in respects to the environment (i.e.
area, population, politics, etc.).
3) Generate ability scores as describe on page 13 of the Player's
Handbook. Method IV is suggested. The prostitutes highest ability
should probably be constitution.
4) Height and weight can be generated randomly using Table 3. Take the
appropriate base score and add the die roll modifier.
5) Roll on Table 4 three times to get hair color, eye color, and
6) Age can be generated randomly using Table 5. Take the appropriate
base age and add the die roll modifier.
7) The various measurements of a women can be generated as followed:
- Roll on Table 6 to get the vital measurement statistic.
- To find bust size, add the Vital Statistic to the proper Bust
modifier (Table 7).
- To find waist size, add the Vital Statistic to the proper Waist
modifier (Table 7) .
- To find hip size, add the Bust to the proper Hips adjustment
(Table 7) .
If the woman's height is below 5 feet, then modify bust and hips by
8) The major measurement of a man is 1d4+5 inches.
9) With prostitutes can come bad things. Roll on Table 9 to decide if
anything bad comes with the prostitute. Then, roll on the appropriate
table in the appropriate section of the guide.
10) With prostitutes can come good things as well. Namely, specialties
that the buyer may really like. Roll on Table 10 to decide if anything
extra comes with the prostitute. With specialties come additional
costs. Adjustments to cost are shown on this table as well. (Cost is
calculate next.)
11) The average cost to hire a prostitute is 1000 SP / number of
prostitutes available. Thus, the average cost for a prostitute in a
town with 10 prostitutes is 100 SP each.
Adjustments are made based on inclination. Roll on Table 10 to get
inclination with adjustments from Table 11 and Table 12. Add the
listed percent of the current cost to the current cost to get the new
cost. Inclination is just an attitude that the prostitute has towards
the prospective client which affects the price.
Another adjustment is made based on specialty, which was
calculated early (Table 9) Add the listed percent of the current cost
to the current cost to get the new cost.
The last adjustment is made based on the race of the prostitute.
Multiple the multiplier from Table 13 to the current cost to get the
final cost. (NOTE: This adjustment is mainly for human settlements. An
all dwarven settlement would have a higher demand for other creatures
then dwarves. Thus, prices for humans would probably be more.)
Additional costs can manifest itself when patronizing a courtesan.
A player might have to spend money on a meal (they got to eat too),
alcoholic beverages (no doubt), a room (unless you like doing it in an
alley), and medical expenses (you give them a disease, you pay for it).
Now, a nice versatile prostitute has been created, but there still
is room for improvement. Keep in mind that some prostitutes are thieves
(probably high-level) and should have such abilities. Some could even
be fighters with weapon specializations in knives and daggers. There
could even be cleric prostitutes who worship some evil deity of lust.
The thing to remember is that a DM can use a prostitute as a very
important NPC. Prostitutes usually have information (dirt) on everybody
who passes through their beds; not to mention pillow talk info. That
shouldn't have been told. A prostitute is more interesting than the old
fat tavern keeper with old boring stories. Keep this in mind, before
throwing out such an encounter.
TABLE 3: Height And Weight
Height in Inches Weight In Pounds
Race Base* Modifier Base* Modifier
Dwarf 43/41 1d10 130/105 4d10
Elf 55/50 1d10 90/70 3d10
Gnome 38/36 1d6 72/68 5d4
Half-Elf 60/58 2d6 110/85 3d12
Halfling 32/30 2d8 52/48 5d4
Human 60/59 2d10 140/100 6d10
* Females tend to be lighter and shorter than males. Thus, the base
numbers for height and weight are divided into male/female values.
Note that the modifier will allow for a broad range in each category.
TABLE 4: Color Stats.
Roll Hair Color Eye Color Complexion
01-13 Brunette Lt. Blue Dusky Olive
14-26 Blond Dk. Green Bronze
27-34 Auburn Hazel Milky White
35-42 Sable Brown Ebony
43-50 Crimson Crimson Lt. Red
51-58 Silver Silver Yellow
59-67 White Lt. Green Brown
68-75 Sky Blue Dk. Blue Golden
76-83 Lt. Green Pink CHOOSE
92-99 Iridescent CHOOSE CHOOSE
00 Bald Each Eye Diff. CHOOSE
TABLE 5: Age
Race Base Modifier
Dwarf 40 5d6
Elf 100 5d6
Gnome 60 3d12
Half-Elf 15 1d6
Halfling 20 3d4
Human 15 1d4
TABLE 6: Vital Measurement Statistic
Roll Vital Stat.
01-30 22"
31-50 23" * Constitution V. S. Modifier
51-65 24" 3-8 -2
66-77 25" 9-12 0
78-82 26" 13-18 +2
83-85 27"
86-90 28"
91-94 29"
95-97 30"
98-99 31"
00 32"
Table 7: The Measurements
Charisma * Bust Waist Hips
3 0 5-30" +6d6"
4-5 5-8" 2-12" +1d6"
6-8 6-9" 1-4" 0
9-11 7-10" 1-2" 0
12-15 8-11" 0 0
16-17 9-12" 0 -1"
18 10-12" 0 -2"
* Optionally, you may prefer to use Comeliness rather than
Charisma since Comeliness is a better representation of beauty.
TABLE 8: Prostitute Extras
Roll Extra
01-49 Nothing
50-79 Natural Disease
80-89 Magical Disease
90-99 Insanity
TABLE 9: Specialty
Roll Specialty Adjustment
01-49 Nothing 0
50-69 Massage + 10%
70-79 Anal Sex + 20%
80-89 Oral Sex + 40%
90-97 Bondage + 60%
98-99 Roll Twice + 80%
00 Roll Thrice + 100%
TABLE 10: Inclination
Roll Inclination Adjustment
01 Loathe + 100%
02 Hate + 75%
03-04 Dislike + 50%
05-06 Aloof + 25%
07-08 Sympathetic - 30%
09-11 Interested - 40%
12-14 Playful - 50%
15-16 Capacious - 60%
17-18 Fondness - 70%
19 Infatuation - 80%
20 Passionate - 90%
TABLE 11: Disposition Modifier To Inclination
Roll Disposition Mod.
01-02 Angry -3
03-04 Jealous -2
05-07 Pensive -1
08-10 Tired 0
11-13 Tender +1
14-15 Excited +2
16-17 Ardent +3
18-19 Erotic +5
20 Obsessed +6
TABLE 12: Charisma of Client Modifier to Inclination
Charisma Mod.
0-12 0
13-16 +1
17 +2
18 +3
TABLE 13: Racial Multipliers to Cost
Race Multiplier
Human 1.0
Elven 5.0
Half-Elven 2.5
Dwarven 3.0
Halfling 4.0
Orchish 0.5
Half-Orchish 0.7
Exotic (Other) 8.0
The information for this section is taken from
The Free City Of Haven (Copyrighted 1981 Gamelords Ltd.)
A brothel, bawdy house, whore house, relaxation emporium, or
whatever the name are places where a person may go for an evening of
entertainment (so to speak).
A brothel comes in three sizes: Size Employees
Small 4d4
Medium 6d6
Large 8d8
In addition to the regular employees listed above, there will be a
number of amateurs who use a house as a base. They will usually average
50% of the regular staff of that house. There will usually be a small
number of girls in training, frequently working as maids for the top
regulars. They will number approximately 25% of the regulars - these
girls do not yet work with the customers.
As Table 1 shows, there are four classes of brothels. The DM can
roll randomly or choose. Slavery is banned in most places, but not all;
so it is included in the table.
TABLE 1: Brothel Classes
Roll Class
01-03 Fine
04-12 Normal
13-16 Low
17-20 Slave
House amateurs usually receive about one-half the going rate; one
does not find amateurs on a slave house. The racial mix in the average
house of its class is given on Table 2; one may either specify the race
of the girl involved (as in the rules in the prostitute random
generator), or roll dice (1d100) for each girl to see who's available.
TABLE 2: Races Found in Different Classes
Race Fine Normal Low Slave
Human 01-62 01-67 01-70 01-60
Elven 63-70 68-70 --- 61-64
Half-Elven 71-82 71-79 71-75 65-74
Dwarven 83-84 80 --- 75
Halfling 85 81 --- 76
Orchish 86-88 82-87 76-84 77-84
Half-Orchish 89-97 88-99 85-00 85-95
Exotic (Other) 98-00 00 --- 96-00
Houses tend to be run by women, although some are managed by men
(occasionally chosen by the girls, frequently simply the "boss" who has
hired them). If run by a woman, she is usually (80%) a high rank
courtesan herself, and will occasionally be available to preferred
(wealthy - and I do mean filthy, stinkin' rich) customers.
There are usually some additional costs involved in patronizing a
courtesan in such an establishment. Although entertainment is usually
provided at no extra cost in the major houses, a character should
expect to spend the price of the girl's meal and alcoholic beverages.
If a character should wish to spend the entire night with the lady of
his choice, the cost increase by 50%. This does, of course, provide one
with a room for the night as well as a cuddly bed companion. If a man
is dealing with one of the girls who work on the street, there is a 25%
surcharge to provide a room, unless the customer has nearby (within 2
to 3 blocks at the farthest) quarters.
Time spent in a house can be as much as 4 to 6 hours (if not
overnight). With one of the street girls, an interlude should occupy
about 1-1/2 to 2 hours.
The chance of a prostitute having a disease is less based on the
class of a house in which the girl works. The higher the class of the
house, the better health care the girls receive, and the lower the
chances of infection.
In a Normal house, there is a -5% modifier to the chance of the
girl being infected. In a Fine house, there is a -10% modifier to the
chance of the girl being infected. In a Slave house, there is a -15%
modifier to the chance of the girl being infected. This is high because
most slavers consider losing income or valuable property to disease
uneconomical. With the girls on the street, there is no modifier to the
chance of the girl being infected.
The information for this section is taken from
The Free City Of Haven (Copyrighted 1981 Gamelords Ltd.)
The Blue Tavern
(Entertainment and pleasure)
OWNER: Kinalla Silkskin (STR: 9, DEX: 9, CON: 15, INT: 12, WIS: 9, CHA:=20
12) was once considered the most beautiful and accomplished courtesan=20
in the city (40 years ago). She is still attractive (particularly for=20
the generic set), and will occasionally entertain a customer. Black-
haired (with the help of a good hairdresser), black-eyed, and still=20
slender, she has a good business mind, and succeed in purchasing the=20
Blue Lantern from its former madame some 20 years ago; the quality and=20
name of the establishment have increased under her management.
HOURS: 24 hours a day.
EXTERIOR: A three-story building that is slightly inset from the street=20
proper. It has a wide opening centered on the ground floor, above which=20
hangs a large lantern which glows blue (the color is intense enough to=20
be easily distinguished even in full daylight). There is an ally on the=20
south side of the building, a walled garden in the rear, and a row of=20
small shops to the immediate north.
INTERIOR: Immediately inside the opening is a spacious room dominated=20
by a fountain which sprays a lightly scented blue liquid into the air=20
above the wide basin. Three elaborately carved screens block the view=20
of the other exits from this room.
Behind the screen to the left is a lounge (to handle the musicians=20
and entertainers who perform in the theater). A hall leads to the wings=20
of the theater, and to a dressing room. To the right is a large office,=20
where the accounting and management personnel work. It is seldom=20
occupied after about 6:00 PM, and is almost always locked, even during=20
normal business hours.
The opening behind the third screen leads to a room with a wide=20
marble staircase. To the left is the"Hall of Beauty".. where many fair=20
flowers wait to be plucked. There are usually 4d4 girls lounging about=20
here, in various states of revealment. A wide opening leads to the=20
entertainment area, where wine and song are provided (if you came=20
through the Hall, you already have the women). The theater area is two=20
stories, and has a large stage with a runway and an orchestra pit. A=20
long bar in the rear dispenses alcoholic beverages of many kinds.=20
Meals may be ordered from the kitchen. Most of the food supplies for=20
both the girls and the customers are stored in the pantry off the=20
The remainder of the house is devoted to living (and working)=20
quarters for the regular girls. The smaller rooms on the second and=20
third floors are used for the transient entertainment of clients. The=20
larger rooms area housing for the regulars. Kinalla has a suite on the=20
third floor, with a circular iron staircase giving access to both the=20
garden and the bar.
PRICE RANGE: As per the girl's qualifications.
QUALITY: This house is Fine, and of medium size.
OUTSTANDING ITEMS: There is young newcomer, Bianca (STR: 8, DEX: 10,
CON: 18, INT: 9, WIS: 7, CHA: 15), who has made quite a splash with the
customers. She is the runaway daughter of a noble family and is a
neutral courtesan. She has altered her name and dyed her hair to change
her appearance.
CASH BOX: The money gained in the theater-bar is kept in a wooden=20
coffer stashed under the curved end of the bar. The girls are=20
responsible for collecting their own earnings, and are expected to pay=20
one-quarter to the house (if Kinalla discovers a girl is cheating on=20
the amounts, she simply requests her to leave and not return; Kinalla=20
does not believe in violence).
Staff: Kinalla, Bianca, and 17 other girls (11 of whom split the large=20
rooms used for residence). There are 12 part-timers, 3 maidens-in-=20
training, and various ancillary service personnel (none of whom reside=20
in the house). The bouncer, Kethelas (STR: 17, DEX: 14, CON: 11, INT:=20
10, WIS: 7, CHA: 10), a bull of a man with sufficient physical power to=20
toss an unruly customer lightly over the garden wall into the alley,=20
has worked at the Blue Lantern as long as Kinalla, and has been her=20
best friend and lover nearly that long.
Customers: Many
NPC ENCOUNTERS: A cast of thousands.
SCENARIO: The Nobleman's Daughter
Player's Information: In most of the taverns of the city, the=20
disappearance of Lady Byelaya Tainley some three months ago caused many=20
whispers. She still has not been located, and no ransom note has been=20
received by her family. Descriptions of the 16 year old girl (very=20
beautiful and highly attractive, medium height, slender, blonde hair,=20
blue eyes) have been nosed about, and the family is offering a reward=20
of 1,000 silver pieces for news of her. The girl was always known as a=20
loner by the other maidens of the high, rich quarter. She had only one=20
close friend - Cortina de la Riis.
DM's Notes: Byelaya Tainley has had dreams of being a hetaera (a very=20
high class courtesan) since she heard, as young girl, a very romantic=20
story in which the heroine was a courtesan (she had confided these=20
dreams to no one, not even her closet friend). Three months ago, she=20
dyed her hair brown, changed her name to Bianca, and ran away from=20
home. She began working at the Blue Lantern. No one at the house knows=20
her origins, and certainly no one suspects she is the daughter of a=20
noble house. Bianca (byelaya - both names mean "white") is a natural=20
courtesan - she enjoys men, and men definitely enjoy her. She has that=20
indefinable quality of innocence that is irresistible. She has rapidly=20
progressed, in the little time she has been at the Blue Lantern, from a=20
very green novice to a competent intermediate.
A few weeks ago, Cortina de la Riis, Byelaya's only close friend=20
among the girls of the rich section, was traveling to her voice lessons=20
and spotted a young girl with brown hair who closely resembled Byelaya=20
(Bianca had gone out to do a little shopping, and was not wearing her=20
veil) except for the hair color. Cortina has worried about Byelaya=20
since her disappearance, and has asked her brother Thomas to check out=20
the girl she spotted circumspectly. Thomas is looking around for a=20
group to do some investigating on this matter, and there is a chance he=20
may choose the player-characters to do the job.
Kuber Hasbin: Note that the information for this section is taken from=20
The Free City Of Haven (Copyrighted 1981 Gamelords Ltd.) page L-2.
Kuber lives and works in the deepest wilds of the city. His house=20
includes a clinic in which he treats anyone who walks in the door (he=20
has even been known to make house calls!), regardless of financial=20
status (there ain't none in his part of town). Kuber doesn't practice=20
healing for the love of mankind (or any other race, for that matter).=20
He is totally interested in the spectrum of disease available in the=20
area. At times he has been heard to comment that he has "seen diseases=20
I would not have believed it possible for a person to contract. With=20
what this one man had, he should have been dead 5 years ago!" Kuber's=20
house is given an unobtrusive guard by the Thieves' Guild, who=20
appreciate the work he is doing, whatever his motivation. Anyone in the=20
quarter can give directions to Kuber's House.
Midwife: This encounter is with a solitary female, whose job it is to=20
deliver babies. The midwife will be returning from a delivery or going=20
to one (in which case she will be in a hurry).
She will only react in a friendly manner if she is approached with=20
great caution. She will flee on an adjusted reaction score of 55 or=20
less, and on a score of 25 or less she seek the help of a patrol to=20
apprehend the offenders who "scared" her (whether they actually did or=20
There is a 20% chance that the midwife will possess useful=20
information, which she will freely divulge to party members if she is=20
befriended first. She will be offended by an offer to pay her for what=20
she knows.
Prostitute: NOTE that this encounter was taking from an old adventure=20
and contradicts other prostitute information that is found in this=20
This encounter is a one or more women (can be men for women=20
adventurers). The DM must decide the number relative to population,=20
law, underworld activity, etc..
A prostitute will be somewhat annoying trying to convince her prey=20
that she is desirable. If she succeeds, her fee is usually between 20=20
and 100 SP.
There is a 75% chance that a prostitute will possess valuable=20
information. Such information requires a fee of course. There is also a=20
25% chance that the prostitute has a disease (natural or magical).
Given the multitude of items in this guide, the old monsters that=20
habit a campaign world can be rediscovered or a new light. Below is a=20
list of monsters that are or can be sensual, sexual, and seductive in=20
Monster 2nd Edition 1st Edition page
Alu-demon --------- Monster Manual II 35
Doppleganger Monstrous Compendium 2 Monster Manual I 29
Dryad Monstrous Compendium 2 Monster Manual I 35
Foxwoman Monstrous Compendium 2 Monster Manual II 80
Harpy Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 51
Kelpie Monstrous Compendium 2 Fiend Folio 55
Lamia Monstrous Compendium 2 Monster Manual I 59
Lamia Noble Monstrous Compendium 2 Fiend Folio 59
Medusa Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 66
Nereid Monstrous Compendium 2 Monster Manual II 95
Nixie Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 74
Nymph Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 74
Penaggalan --------- Fiend Folio 71
Satyr Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 85
Sirine --------- Monster Manual II 109
Succubus --------- Monster Manual I 18
Sylph Monstrous Compendium 2 Monster Manual I 93
Unicorn Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 98
Vampire Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual I 99
Wolfwere Monstrous Compendium 1 Monster Manual II 127
Low-intelligent beings have an obsession with smut. They love to=20
purchase and look at pornographic periodicals. Player character's can=20
come across such periodicals in humanoid housing, a seedy magazine=20
stand, a gross conquered enemy, etc.. These periodicals need a name and=20
the following system gives a periodical a name:
1) Roll 2d10 on a Table 1 to get the race that created the periodical.=20
The writing (if any) in the periodical will be of the preferred=20
language of the race.
2) To get the name of the periodical:
- Roll 1d30 on Table 2 to get an adjective. You may roll more than=20
once if desired.
- Roll 1d20 on Table 3 to get an noun.
Thus, a roll of 4 and a roll of 14 would produce Jiggling Hooters.=20
But this isn't good enough for the old DM, so he rolls for another=20
adjective and gets a 25 Oily Jiggling Hooters. And the roll from step 1=20
reveals that Orcs created this periodical. Thus, we have Oily Jiggling=20
Hooters of Orcs.
TABLE 1: Humanoid Creators
Die Die
Roll Humanoid Roll Humanoid
2 Bugbear 12 Drow Elf
3 Gully Dwarf 13 Ettin
4 Gnoll 14 Goblin
5 Hag 15 Half-Orc
6 Harpy 16 Human
7 Hill Giant 17 Hobgoblin
8 Kobold 18 Lizard Man
9 Mongrelman 19 Orc
10 Ogre 20 Troglodyte
11 Were-Rat
TABLE 2: Adjectives
Roll Adjective Roll Adjective Roll Adjective
1 Arousing 11 Big 21 Delectable
2 Erotic 12 Fleshly 22 Greasy
3 Hard 13 Hefty 23 Hors d'oeuvre
4 Jiggling 14 Juicy 24 Large
5 Luscious 15 Moist 25 Oily
6 Profuse 16 Savory 26 Scrumptious
7 Sensual 17 Slimy 27 Sticky
8 Stimulating 18 Succulent 28 Sumptuous
9 Swollen 19 Tantalizing 29 Tender
10 Titillating 20 Voluptuous 30 Warted
TABLE 3: Nouns
Roll Noun Roll Noun
1 Balls 11 Bolas
2 Butts 12 Caves
3 Clubs 13 Dungeons
4 Holes 14 Hooters
5 Jugs 15 Knockers
6 Lingerie 16 Mounds
7 Pits 17 Rods
8 Staves 18 Strongholds
9 Stuff 19 Swords
10 Wands of Wonder 20 Wonkers
A typical periodical may contain perverse artwork, Q&As, forum,=20
advice column, letters, or raunchy stories. They are not necessary=20
created on printing presses. They can be hand-written or drawn by=20
scribes or artists. The lower intelligent beings are so primitive they=20
usually have clumps of scrolls with their perversion on them. The key=20
for success with this system is for the DM to think. How intelligent=20
are the authors? What resources do they possess? What is believable=20
and realistic? This isn't a detailed system, it is merely guidelines to=20
stimulate creative thought in the DM.
The smells of incense, perfume, and oily naked body's are thick in=20
the air as you enter this Abyssal layer. The layer itself encompasses a=20
massive palace that stretches far and wide, beyond the imagination.=20
This layer, is the home of the unholy Queen of all Succubi and Incubi,=20
Silviana. Being the demon princess of Lust, Sex, and Sodomy this layer=20
is filled with countless thousands upon thousands of succubi and incubi=20
engrossed with every conceivable sexual act. The halls of this palace=20
are all lined with beautiful slaves whose bodies have been painted=20
gold, and their sexual organs made to be on display for all to see as=20
the slaves are forced to stand in erotic positions, living statues for=20
their demon princess. This plane gives new meaning to the idea of=20
torturous pleasure, as the lust and desires of any slave or demon upon=20
this plane will rarely, if ever, go satisfied for any significant=20
period of time. Demons and monstrosities populate this plane by the=20
thousands, but each one is always deceptively beautiful, their purpose=20
being to seduce all intruders and slaves into their service. The=20
pheromones that permeate this layer are such that any mortal who enters=20
must make a save verses poison each hour at -3, or their lustful desire=20
will become so strong that they will stop what they are doing and race=20
to join the nearest orgy within the layer (since they are so many going=20
on all the time, one shouldn't be far). Characters with a high wisdom=20
or willpower will get certain bonuses against the save, at the DM's=20
It is rumored that demons and daemons from all over frequent this=20
layer constantly when they have a chance to pursue personal pleasures.
Demon Prince(ess) of Lust, Sex, and Sodomy
Queen of Succubi and Incubi
Lesser God(dess)
Movement: 12"
AC: -5
HD: 16 (69 hit points)
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage per attack: special
Special Attacks: see below
Special Defences: see below
Magic Resistance: 50%
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: figurines of men and women in erotic positions
Plane: the Abyss (the Layer of Lust, Sex, and Sodomy)
Psionics: nil
X.P.: (use charts in DMG to calculate experiance)
Str: 18 Dex: 20 Con: 23 Int: 21 Wis: 16 Cha: 25 Com: 30
The Queen of this layer herself will always appear in a form that=20
can spark the most wanton abandon of lust and sexual desire possible in=20
her victims minds. However her true form is slightly different. Being=20
the fact that she represents all spheres of immoral sexual desire, the=20
Queen is, in her true form, a bisexual hermaphrodite. She is really=20
neither female or male, but both, however because from the known=20
accounts by sages and wizards who have some knowledge of Silviana, she=20
is referred to as a female because she has appeared as one more often=20
than a male by most tales. Even in her true form her aura of lust and=20
sex is enough to cause any man or woman to have hard problems=20
controlling their sexual desire for Silviana.
Silviana is the queen of all Succubi and Incubi, and her home=20
plane is a palace filled with them, all constantly in the acts of=20
immortal sex. When confronting victims or intruders, Silviana always=20
takes on the guise of an extremely beautiful woman (or man) that brings=20
out the most possible desire in her victims. Her true form is no less=20
beautiful. Being a hermaphrodite, Silviana has soft creamy skin, long=20
golden hair, and sky blue eyes. Silviana's body is a perfect meld of=20
male and female quality's, almost to the point where, except for the=20
very desirably sized and shaped sex organs, one might be mistaken that=20
Silviana is simply a masculine looking female. When confronting a=20
victim, Silviana will switch to either, only her female characteristics=20
or her male characteristics. Anyone who gazes upon Silviana when in=20
either form, must make an automatic save verses petrifaction (at -3, -6=20
if on the home plane of the demon) or be overcome by such a massive=20
amount of sexual desire that they will drop all they are doing and=20
immediately prostrate themselves naked before her/him. Note: if a=20
character in the party has expressed they do not have a sexual desire=20
for Silviana's present choice of form (stated at the time of the save,=20
DM's keep record of what they say) they must (still make a normal=20
save, no minus). Silviana's sexual pheromones are so powerful that they=20
can alter the personality and characteristics of a character to desire=20
to engage in sex that would otherwise be not normal for them! =20
Appropriate bonus's (up to the DM) can be awarded to characters who=20
have expressed characteristics that might be helpful in combating=20
Silviana's charm.
When Silviana physically attacks (she rely's more on her charm=20
than actually having to attack someone) she will attempt to strike=20
someone, anyone so struck will be drained of one level (including all=20
hit points gained for that level, spells, etc.). If Silviana has=20
charmed someone and decides to attack them, she will kiss them. Her=20
kiss, being exceptionally deadly, will drain 3 levels from a victim.=20
Anyone who is completely drained by Silviana is doomed to serve as a=20
pleasure slave for her, for all eternity.
Silviana can summon 2-8 Succubi (Incubi) at will, or 1-4 of any=20
other type of demon. As for her relations with other demon lords and=20
princes, they remain neutral in all situations being the fact that all=20
the other lords like spending their vacations on her plane...
The Love Boat
The player characters book passage on a magic-flying luxury cruise=20
ship nicknamed "The Love Boat" for a relaxing time in the clouds. On=20
the ship, the PCs encounter the crew: Captain Stubing, "Gopher", "Doc",=20
Isiac, Julie McCoy. Also, they encounter loads of interesting people=20
and plenty of opportunities to use the rules and stuff that are=20
presented in the guide.
Dog Man Needs a Date
An uncharismatic man hires the PCs to help him attain the=20
affection of a lovely maiden. This allows great opportunity for role-
playing, which includes buying new clothes for him, teaching him how to=20
act, etc.. Problems could arise if the maiden falls in love with one of=20
the PCs. Also, the maiden could have a large fighter boyfriend who=20
could be really angry.
A PC seduces a very beautiful nice willing person. The following=20
day, the PC meets the twin who is mean, bad, and boring. This could=20
lead to nice effects.
Paternity Suite
After returning with the spoils of a great adventure, a male=20
character is confronted with a paternity suit from a fair lass who he=20
was promiscuous with only a few months ago.
Vampire & Seduction
The party is on some sort of extended vacation, staying in an=20
inn/bar. A frequent visitor is a tall, dark, suave, charming man=20
dressed in formal evening wear, accompanied by a different woman every=20
time. He comes in every 2nd or 3rd night. He always orders bloody marys=20
and doesn't drink them. He is quite wealthy and very pleasant. There is=20
something almost magnetic about him. He has fascinating eyes. (DM=20
should do everything he can to make it believable that he could be a=20
vampire, despite the unusual setting (city).
Either he charms (seduction) a female party member and takes her=20
away, or a beautiful dancer comes in looking for her missing sister,=20
who was last seen coming to this bar with the tall dark gentleman. She=20
tries to convince a party member to help her look for her sister being=20
seductive about it. Both are eventually charmed by the Gentleman. In=20
any case, make a party member disappear into this Gentleman's lair.
He has a gothic style house in a nice part of town. There is=20
nothing obviously amiss here. If the party asks around, this guy is a=20
pillar of society, a kind, philanthropic fellow, well respected by his=20
peers. He runs a magic shoppe. He is a mid-level wizard with a head for=20
business, who gave up adventuring to start a business.
His house looks just like a vampires house might look (black=20
velvet curtains, etc). He has a private sanctuary inn his basement,=20
the only entrance to which is a rune-encrusted door (trapped or=20
enchanted in any way appropriate to the party). He supposedly has a=20
chapel down there, but really has a large complex, where various=20
vampiric rituals, and all-night parties take place. All of the missing=20
people have been charmed into believing that they have been turned into=20
slave vampires. They will aid their master if at all possible.
The party must break in and forcibly take their companion away=20
from this place. Again, make the evidence somewhat contradictory=20
whether the Gentleman is a vampire or not. Most evidence should say=20
yes, but make some things contradict this.
The gentleman has a cursed ring of the vampire, a powerful evil=20
artifact which makes him believe he is a vampire and gives him many of=20
the powers of a vampire, as well as some of the drawbacks. Make him=20
dislike things that cause a vampire harm, but don't make it obvious=20
whether is works. Make him have a reflection, but have a dead vampire=20
victim show up, etc.. At the end, have the party realize that he is not=20
a vampire at all but rather is a cursed fellow with an intrinsically=20
good nature.
"I've never played one, but..."
"We're not gay, not that there's anything wrong with being gay."
The following is an essay compiled from a discussion on the topic. many=20
points of view went into this essay. Also, the validity of statements=20
made is not known.
The "Army of Lovers" (i.e. exclusively homosexual comapny of=20
soldiers) was something out of the ancient Greek city-states. There was=20
one one city-state, Thebes, where being gay was a "requirement" if you=20
wished to become a soldier. This was not a strict requirement, but was=20
considered highly advantageous. It was reported to be (by writers in=20
other city states) to be one of the most effective armies at the time.=20
The unit was called the Thebian Sacred Band, and they served under=20
Alexander. They worked in buddy teams: a spear-men and a shield man.=20
They were reknown for their extreme closeness, fierceness, and=20
efficiency in battle (esp. if their lover was killed!)
Note, that in Sparta, all male children were raised up by the=20
state, trained to be soldiers, the menial work was left to the=20
"helotas" (slaves). They had male companionship for most of the time,=20
so that is why their sexual interests were different. In Sparta,=20
homosexuality was accepted, but not like it was in Thebes. Spartans had=20
more of a Roman respect for women.
That's not to say that romantic involvement, or even long-term=20
relationships weren't common between soldiers in the other city-states.=20
It had a lot to do with the inequality of women, and their place, in=20
ancient Greek society. In ancient Greece, women were considered=20
inferior to men. Not quite (but almost) property. Certainly not=20
something a person would want to spend lots of quality time with. The=20
most common opinion of women was that they wree good for one thing -=20
having babies. If a man had to have sex for that, well, that's one of=20
the things a dutiful hisband did. But if you wanted a relationship,=20
passionate sex, someone you could talk with afterwards, men were where=20
it was at (although this is a bit exaggerated).
It was common practice in upper-crust Athenian society for young=20
boys to be "taken in" by an older gentleman, who would become the=20
youth's mentor and also lover. This was considered a healthy=20
From what remained of the Greek literature, it is obvious that=20
women were more often that subject of male sexual desire, than men.=20
After all, it was a women (Helena) the Spartans fought for a couple of=20
decades with the Trojans, according to Homeros. Odesseus and his=20
soldiers were tempted several times by females, on his journey to home,=20
and it was a female (his wife) he wanted to return so badly, and this=20
female was courted by many - noble - males, and he got so mad when he=20
saw this that he wiped out all those males because of one female.
Now, in Rome thigns were not quite the same. The Romans held a=20
similar low opinion of women. Not quite as low, but it was down there.=20
Women were considered eminently suitable for sex. Discussion,=20
companionship, camaraderie, wree all still male-oriented, but women=20
were considered capable of satisfying the purely physical needs. That's=20
not to say that there was anything wrong with having sex with a man. As=20
long as you were on top. Screwing a guy was manly; being screwed was=20
effeminate, shameful. Caesar came under fire several times, not because=20
of his numerous affairs with men, but because he liked to be on the=20
bottom. However, although it is true that women had their strict rule=20
in the society, they were not supposed to mingle in politics, and so=20
on. But those that read "Antigone" from Sophokles will see that they=20
were not thought of as domestic animals. Or even worse, women were=20
considered property to be used for the reason of reproduction and=20
personal gain for a family.
Most Romans were very touchy on the issue of homosexuality. If one=20
wanted to be a homosexual, it was alright as long as one were a closet=20
homosexual. If one were open, one could pretty mush kiss any chance of=20
a political life good bye! Nero was the Emperor, and could crush his=20
enemies. If he wanted to be a homosexual, it was alright cause he had=20
power. Romans believed that men should have women, and the women should=20
be subservient to men. If one wanted to have another man, go ahead,=20
just don't tell anyone!
It wasn't brought up in Glory of Rome, but actually Julius=20
Caesar's Tenth Legion had a slight reputation for being Caesar's=20
"favorite" legion.
Both societies were very male oriented, which is why there is=20
little writing about lesbians at the time (though it was there).
In a typical European setting, homosexuality would certainly be=20
frowned upon. This does not, of course, mean that there aren't any=20
homosexuals running around - just that they are secretive, repressed,=20
One can't deny that homosexuality was widespread before the=20
advent of Christianity, but it was considered as an alternative only,=20
not the necssarily the way. In any case, there is no need to make an=20
issue with homosexuality in a campaign, but having carious sexual=20
orientations can really make for interesting adventures.
For example, a nobleman's gay lover vanishes or is captured -=20
perhaps to be used against him. So he hires a group of discreet=20
adventures to deal with the situation.
In the Thieves' World books, there are a group of mercenaries=20
known as "Sacred Banders". They appear to be male couples who are=20
excellent fighting teams (it is assumed that they shared the same=20
tents, and did certain things... but they didn't go into it). They are=20
supposedly based on some historical Athenian units, or some such thing.
On one campaign world, which has evolved to cover many continents=20
and cultures, there is a whole spectrum of secual attitudes. In some=20
cultures, homosecuality is not frowned upon, and is indeed considered=20
to be normal. There is even an island based upon an Aztec legend where=20
there are only women. They are ruled by priestesses who is divinely=20
enabled to brew a potion which will impregnate a woman.
One adventuring party spent a long time travelling with a pirate=20
named Dalin and first mate, Shandar. The two guys were clearly best=20
friends who had been adventuring together for many years. The party was=20
always impressed with how close they were. The group never even=20
suspected the truth.
And not a small exert about a strange character:
"Hendrix is an old, ugly, gnome illusionist. He is lawful=20
evil, and his goal is to have sex with as many different people/things=20
as possible. He wants them willing and alive, but he'll take them by=20
force if necessary. He's also fond of guile.
He has a ring of polymorph self and a couple of other trinkets=20
he's acquired along the way. Whenever he starts a new adventure he=20
joins the adventuring party in disguise. Most of the disguises are=20
helped out by his trinkets, but some of them aren't even plausible.=20
Yet, somehow they keep getting accepted, though. Some examples are=20
Dorien Wolfride a female halfling ranger, Noli of Clan Ironfoots male=20
swarf wizard (he can't cast spells but fakes it), Huneysuckle=20
Rapevictimson a male half-orc paladin.
Hendrix is actually doing quite well in his mission.=20
Unfortunately, the other adventurers are rabid heterosexuals, so=20
Hendrix has only attmepted hetero seduction. He can't wait to see their=20
faces when he's found out."
The Gay Man and the Jealous Wife
Have some important married person (maybe nobility) fall in love=20
with one of the characters. This should be a "from afar" affection=20
originally. Then when the man's wife finds out about it, she could do a=20
couple things. First, try to have the character killed off, so she can=20
keep her husband. Or, she could try to frame the character as being a=20
succubus (or similar) in disguise. Using the theory that her husband=20
COULDN'T be gay, since he married her, hence the character must be=20
using magic or something. Either way, when the wife first begins this=20
stuff, the character should be unaware of the man's feelings, and be=20
tasked with finding out what the lady has against him (the whole party=20
could be affected too).
A variant of this could be a gay couple, where one falls for the=20
character and the other wants the PC dead.
Saying No
A very beautiful women begins making appearances (could be an=20
adventurer) when the party is in town. Initially, she's just friendly=20
towards the party, then little by little it becomes apparent that she's=20
interested in the homosexual. One option, the party must tell her and=20
convince her she's got no chance with him. The character could tell=20
her, and who knows how she'll react when she finds out. Probably,=20
initial rage or disgust, but up to this point, the party should have=20
been getting the impression that she's really a very=20
nice/important/heroic person.
This could lead to further role-playing encounters as the party=20
tries to keep her as a friend.
Land of Fairies, Literally
The party enters a foreign city where homosexual is the norm. The=20
entire party is viewed with disgust (except the gay character, and he=20
is looked down upon for befriending the "straights", said with disgust=20
by all NPCs in the town).
A chance for excellent role-playing encounters for all concerned.
Reverse Rape
The character could be raped by some powerful/important woman.=20
Perhaps a magic-user, who could have some nasty original spells,=20
specifically for torturing the guy. Then it becomes the party's "test=20
of friendship to hunt the offender down and kill her. One would hope=20
they would do no different if it was a female character who was raped=20
by a man.
Evil of Homosexuality
Have the party enter a city/dominion/area where homosexuality is=20
suddenly being persecuted to the extreme (a la Spanish Inquisition).=20
The local ruler has outlawed it, the church too, all the major powers=20
have decide that it is the root of all evil and the reason their=20
city/dominion is undergoing economic hardship (which is just an excuse=20
to cover the results of their own corruption). Homosexuals are being=20
burned at the stake etc...
The homosexual party member might well feel the need to combat=20
this persecution, and if powerful enough, be the champion of local=20
homosexuals. If he/she is stupid enough to confront the ruling elite, a=20
great chase scene can be had, but the party should escape. Now the=20
possibilities for a lengthy campaign where the homosexual character=20
(With or without the aid of the rest of the characters) can form a=20
underground resistance movement. If the character isn't that willing to=20
help out, an old lover can run into him/her on the street and threaten=20
to expose them if they don't help (another way would be to have the=20
character watch as an old lover is burnt at the stake, and character=20
should be resolved to help at that sight).
So, the party gets embroiled in all kinds of planning, raids,=20
rescues, waging the battle for the hearts and minds of the public,=20
maybe even an assassination or three if that's how you're players are.=20
Meanwhile they are pursued an harassed with increasing strength until=20
the climax. Perhaps one of the city/dominion leaders is a really a=20
homosexual, and the party convinces them to confess in front of the=20
people, who knows?
The Geisya, DRAGON issue #121 - A special NPC class that entertains=20
adventurers the oriental way.
Romance and Adventure!, DRAGON issue #161 - How romance can be=20
incorporated into an AD&D campaign.
Human Voices, DRAGON issue #177 - A love story of the sea.
One Funny Occurrence ---
One of the clerics in my party went to an inn that also provided=20
companionship for the night, either preference. When he got his=20
bedmate, he and she had a little fun. (the encounter lasted 10 minutes=20
game time, heh,heh). Afterward, they did it again, and this time it=20
lasted 1 hr. 15 min., with him fainting at the end. When he woke up, he=20
found himself in a cell, and the woman nowhere to be seen.
It turns out that a woman named the White Lich had been taking out=20
potential enemies throughout the kingdom (she is a LICH). It also=20
turned out that it wasn't "white" lich, but "wight" lich.
Imagine my player's face when he realized he had screwed a wight=20
--- Larry
Learning About True Love ---
Mowahpehnoksie (Mo), Plainsman warrior (my character) was on a=20
quest (solo) for a lost plainsman treasure. The first part of the=20
quest was the creation of a sacred bundle, the tribal shaman told Mo=20
that he had to acquire a lock of hair from his one true love as an=20
ingredient in the sacred bundle. As it turned out Mo had a "one true=20
love" in the person of Vasquez, an elven privateer/warrior of=20
extraordinary beauty and sword skill. Mo had been chasing Vasquez for a=20
long time, all to no avail. She kept telling him that she would marry=20
him when he could beat her in a duel. No one had ever beaten her in a=20
duel. Anyhow, Mo sets off for the city where Vasquez was docked. First=20
he checks at the Bloody Blade, a tavern partially owned by Vasquez, the=20
bartender says she is down on the docks talking to her crew (of=20
cutthroats). Mo goes to the docks, the first mate says that she just=20
left and said she would be back in a few days. A disappointed Mo goes=20
back to the tavern to leave a message, but the bartender tells him that=20
Vasquez just came in and went up to her rooms. Mo goes up there and=20
gets invited in. Vasquez is wearing a robe, and has a full bath of=20
water drawn, she dumps Mo into the water, one thing leads to another...
When Mo wakes up, Vasquez is standing by the window, she turns=20
says "Tyche sends her regards" changes into her true form, a succubus=20
and teleports away. Tyche was an old enemy of the adventurers that had=20
heard about Mo's quest, and wanted to set him up. Mo eventually found=20
Vasquez at her father's castle where he had to explain what had=20
happened, and see if she would still give him her hair (she did, taking=20
pity on the fool). To make a long story short, Mo passed through many=20
more trials, and succeeded in the quest. The succubus in the scenario=20
had been careful to control her draining abilities while with Mo,=20
because the real reason for all the subterfuge was delivered to Mo=20
roughly nine months later, a bouncing baby alu-demon. What is the moral=20
of this story? Don't have pre-marital sex? No, then what? Shapechanging=20
creatures can make for very interesting bed partners.
NOTE: Mo and Vasquez were eventually married, and are raising=20
their alu-demon daughter as best they can. Vasquez has more or less=20
forgiven Mo for the whole thing, and even helped rescue the kid when=20
she was kidnapped. They are in semi retirement until Soah is old enough=20
to take care of herself. They are very happy to have weaned her off of=20
eating raw meat.
--- John Daniel
Prostitutes Are Nasty ---
Our group of four entered a real sleazy town, it was basically a=20
pirates' cove town where pirates, thugs, and assorted baddies resided=20
when they weren't attacking, raping, and pillaging the neighborhood.=20
The group of us (myself a monk, a fighter, cleric, and mage) were=20
searching for the whereabouts of a lady kidnapped from a prominent=20
merchant from our hometown whom we owed favors too for past help. The=20
trail at this point led to this town where he (the supposed ring=20
leader of the kidnappers) had been known to frequent. Of course, none=20
of the "regulars" there wanted anything to do with a bunch of strangers=20
coming in and we were getting nowhere. Of course, my character wanted=20
nothing to do with this place and considered the whole area to be=20
respite with creeps. Our fighter though was a big burlesque guy and=20
found the prostitution there to be a wonderful, wonderful place. Our=20
cleric (who being female had a rough time with the people of the area)=20
basically stuck by my side and the two of us spent more time searching=20
for the damn fighter than getting information on the kidnapping. Of=20
course, he struck it rich with a talkative hooker and found that the=20
person we were looking for was holdup in the harbor on a boat.
Eventually we snuck down there, boarded and captured the criminal,=20
rescued the lady, then had to battle our way back out. Altogether, we=20
were hounded by:
a) the criminal's pals
b) some other rouges who were smitten by our lovely cleric and=20
wanted her for their own
c) two separate prostitutes who say they are carrying our fighters
child (They can't both be, can they? It must be a scam, at=20
least HE says so...)
d) the "ladies'" pals and family who both insist on marriage or=20
financial reimbursements for what he did to these poor ladies
Well, we made it out fine. Returned to our hometown where we're=20
sort of hero's now, but in danger whenever we leave. Ahhh... what a=20
life adventurers leave.
THE MORALE: Don't let a fighter run rampant in a sleazy town=20
filled with lots of lovely prostitutes.
--- Toa the monk
A Cleric's Penance ---
Although our group engaged in sexual encounters (old favorites=20
like the innkeeper's daughter, the farmer's wife, etc.), it usually had=20
severe consequences. After the treatment of one character, a cleric,=20
the group stayed clear of these opportunities.
This character, a cleric, was seduced by a bar wench during one of=20
our stops. Although the sex was supposedly great, soon after the cleric=20
began to notice a tingling sensation in his groin. Sure enough, his=20
deity had struck him with a venereal disease, and no spell could take=20
it off! The condition became more debilitating until finally, after=20
intense prayer, his god forgave him as long as a certain penance was=20
followed. This involved the usual series of prayers, and one extra=20
condition: on the ground there magically appeared a bag of holding=20
(usable only for the purpose it was intended), and inside was a large=20
supply of BURLAP UNDERWEAR! There was enough for the cleric to change=20
three times daily, which, of course, he was required to do! We all=20
steered clear of barmaids after that!
--- Mario R. Borelli
A Barbarian's Boo-Boo ---
Our adventuring group was exploring a keep of some type looking=20
for the main baddie who was female. When we found her bedroom, she=20
wasn't there. Of course, we began looking through it when one of the=20
male barbarian PC's (played by a female) accidently spilled some=20
perfume on himself which had strange properties. The Barbarian and the=20
elven female mage (played by a male) had a certain sudden=20
uncontrollable urge to make use of the nearby bed (that lasted for=20
about 2 hours game time not real time). By this time everyone was=20
laughing hysterically because their characters were standing outside=20
the open door and were watching the entertainment. Now after everyone=20
stopped laughing (and who wouldn't with a low level barbarian and a=20
mid-level mage going at it) the DM had asked questions and rolled his=20
dice and wouldn't ya just know that the mage got pregnant (snicker).
What made the whole thing so interesting was mainly the fact that=20
the characters are both opposite gender from their players (and the=20
mage doesn't really know she's pregnant yet).
The DM used The Complete Guide to AD&D Sex to make the whole tower=20
and adventure. The DM kept flippin' through and referring to the guide.
--- Xandar
Precise Constitution Points ---
I'd like to tell you about my character (at least, the one for=20
whom this guide is good, since I'm playing at least two characters at=20
any given moment, but that's another story). He is an Elf fighter/bard=20
that due to becoming undead and being resurrected lost 1 Constitution=20
point from his original 11. He asked to return to life (you won't=20
believe it) because he fell in love with a Druid. Due to his chaotic=20
nature, he did some nasty things later (like tempting the police-chief=20
for a gain of about 300 gold pieces...) and had a lover-fight with the=20
druid, but as he apologized to her and did everything he could to=20
please her - they are back together again, and then what? Just as we=20
leave the city, towards the castle that contains a sword and a horse=20
dedicated for the paladin in out party by his god, we meet three(!)=20
meduses!!!! And guess who's becoming a stone on the spot? Yes, me!!! =20
(The other me is a holly-ghost, an undead lawful-good priest of the God=20
of the Sun (I know it sounds crazy) and he is protected by him, so he=20
only got paralyzed in another meduse attack). However, one of my best=20
friends, a vampire magic user (would you please repeat THAT???!!!)=20
succeeded in using him vampiric abilities and use a higher level=20
vampire mage to cast stone-to-flesh on me. He did that three times,=20
=91cause I failed the system shock twice... So, and here we get to our=20
point, I'm left with a Constitution of 7!!! (I still have a Dexterity=20
of 19 and Strength of 17, but I LOVE having sex!!!) ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!! =20
Since my DM makes me, as a bard, write and sing REAL songs for my=20
spells (I need no spell-books or material components - just a suitable=20
song), I am announcing my next spell-song, which I hope to complete by=20
next session: Luwain's Ever Lasting Hard-On!
--- Luwain
A Cleric's Vow ---
I've been in a party with a very complex character. He was a=20
powerful cleric, who had entered clerichood as a sort of excape from=20
his sexuality. He took a vow of chastity of his own accord (his deity=20
certainly didnt' care so long as he was a good, faithful cleric).
Once he was put into no win/no win situation. The only person who=20
could help him was a evil female mage who found him, and his resistance=20
to her many charm, very appealing. Needless to say, the cleric, in=20
order to achieve the good and righteous end, offered himself up.
He stills plays in my world, and now had the terrible guilt (which=20
I use to my advantage) about his poor, illegitamite shild, who being=20
raised by an evil mother, may come back to haunt old dad some day. He=20
is actually an excellent character and is very clever when around those=20
hearty fighters going out on the town.... you know the type. From a=20
DMing perspective, I'd have to say, there's not much difference... it's=20
all in how good a roleplayer they are!
--- Bertnof
A.C. (bitnet address: AC001@FREENET.CARLETON.CA) for his Seducer:=20
Wizard Kit. Also, the following spells: Flash, Layla's Good Morning=20
Kiss, Protection From Intoxication, Transfer Charm, Kiss of=20
Intoxication, Stanza's Diseased Kiss, Angel's Negation, Layla's Morning=20
After Kiss, Layla's Seductive Impersonation, Layla's Sexy Kiss of=20
Insanity, Power Word, Strip, Stanza's Certain Kiss of Disease, Stanza's=20
Enchanted Kiss of Disease, Layla's Beautification, Stanza's Certain=20
Enchanted Kiss of Disease, Layla's Seductive Shapechange, Stanza's Kiss=20
of Immortal Despair.
Adelheyde (MFASSBEN@UCS.INDIANA.EDU) for his very intriguing Become=20
Phantasmal Lover spell.
Larry Barthel (bitnet address: BARTHELM@UMNMOR.BITNET) & his game group=20
for being the first to send pages and pages of a great variety of ideas=20
that were extremely useful in provoking creative elements to the guide.=20
Also, Presto and Nyssa (other bitnet address: BARTHELM@CAA.MRS.UMN.EDU)=20
for their little story of an adventure that is used in this guide.
Morgan Blackheart of The Chaotic Realm (internet address:=20
ECZ5TAN@MVERSUSOAC.UCLA.EDU) and his wife for the addition of TTC in=20
the rules. Also, telling me about the untie cantrip which is found in=20
Unearthed Arcana. Suggestions for the spells Voyeur, Know Sexual=20
Preference, Find Mate, Pillow Talk, and Engorge. Also, the listing of=20
the spell Animal Magnetism. And sending the entire spell Summon=20
Cissaldan. Plus, making the magic item section possible with ideas for=20
the Periapt Of Proof Against Pregnancy, Ring Of The Bulls, Ring of=20
Perversion (suggested ring of lust), Sheet of Useful Toys (suggested=20
robe of useful things), Breast Plate +1, Perfume/Musk of Attraction,=20
Figurine of the Willing WonTon, Wand of Vibration,Everful Baby Bottle,=20
and Gem of the Vo Yure. Even more thanks for the first draft of the=20
bitch rule which was made and used by his wife's chaotic mage Salina,=20
and appears here do to her creativity. Plus, the background of Salina=20
that appeared with The Bitch Rule. Also, the invention of experimental=20
arrows which spawned the conversion to Cupid's arrows which ended up in=20
their own section. Finally, he came up with all the spell ideas that=20
appear in the "Spells for the Mother" section.
Wade for his humorous ideas in the spell section that added a little=20
something. Plus, his tuna disease.
John "Nightwind" Boelter (bitnet address: BOELTER3945@ISCSVAX.UNI.EDU)=20
for informing me of overlooked flaws in the rules, suggestions for each=20
part to make it mucho better, the first draft of the contracting=20
disease system, and other very useful comments.
Bolt A.K.A. Drrainbo for his help in making the Gigolo Bard Kit.
Mario R. Borelli (bitnet address: MARIO.R.BORELLI.3@ND.EDU) and one of=20
his wonderful players for creating the following magic items: Boo-Hag=20
Goggles, Earring(s) of Androgyny, Girdle of Speedy Gestation, Jackknife=20
of Circumcision, Hourglass of Parietals, Philter of Love, Potion of=20
Aphrodisia, Potion of Potency, Phylactery of Prophylactics, Ring of=20
Sexuality Detection, Spectacles of Revealing. Also, his comrade and he=20
created the following mage spells: Arousal, Wet Dream, Divine Sexual=20
Orientation, Freudian Thoughts, Fyltar's Pheromonal Force,=20
Masturbation, Reverse Sexual Orientation, Revulsion, Seduce Undead,=20
Chastity, Constant Orgasm, Contraception, Homophobia, Neville's=20
Wandering Hand, Pornographic Glamer, Sex Slave, Obsession, Prowess,=20
Embarrassing Fetish, Reverse Gender Orientation, Conjure=20
Succubus/Incubus, Prismatic Dildo, Impregnate. Furthermore, his comrade=20
and he created the following cleric spells: Detect Venereal Disease,=20
Divine Sexual Experience, Lactation, Repair Virginity, Yemelat's=20
Orgiastic Frenzy. "On Sex And Sexuality In The Realms" section was=20
contributed by him as well. Finally, he wrote the "A cleric's penance"=20
David Butler (bitnet address: DHBUTLER@MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU) for=20
his Wand of Pillows magic item.
Brandon Cope (bitnet address: A_COPEAB@CCSVAX.SFASU.EDU) for his=20
John Daniel (bitnet address: C548285@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU) the greatest=20
article seeker, for sending via SnailMail an obscure article that=20
appeared in The White Dwarf entitled The Houri Character Class from=20
which I created the Houri Wizard Kit. Also from this article, I created=20
or modified the following spells: Fascination, Impotence, Jealously,=20
Lovesickness, Sex Change, Kiss of Sleep, Kiss of Death, Kiss of=20
Weakness, Kiss of Slavery, Blown Kiss, Hearthbreaker (my personal=20
favorite). Also, the Lipstick Of Irresistibility came from this source.=20
Plus, he referred me to a Witch article in Dragon #114 where some very=20
good spells were found which appear modified in this guide as Charm Man=20
I and Seduction I, plus he made some good modifications to said spells.=20
Furthermore, he is always making suggestions on various parts of the=20
guide. A story by him appears in the story section of the guide. A=20
small comment by him (Babies...what happens when all these adventurers=20
have sex. What are the chances of conception per time?), which spawned=20
the "Conception: What Are The Odds?" section of the guide. Plus, his=20
paternity suit adventuring idea.
Dave, compiler of the Net AD&D Players Supplement (found on a FTP site=20
somewhere on the BITNET) from which was taken the spells Davenet's=20
Seduction, Sexify/Enhance Comeliness, Slap, and Tweak/Goose which I=20
slightly changed but they basically appear as originally created.
Brian Deffinbaugh for the 1st draft of the "Porno Periodicals Of=20
Humanoids" section, which is a very useful additive to any AD&D=20
campaign. Plus, the addition of the magic item Sword of Castration=20
(suggested Sword Vorpal Weapon).
Vicki L. Domansky, a.k.a. Morgaine (bitnet address:=20
Morgaine's Chainmail Bikini.
Lisa Dusseault (bitnet address: LDUSSEAU@ZEUS.UWATERLOO.CA) for her=20
excellent work on the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome section.
Findel the Wonderer ((bitnet address: STU523086351@WSC.COLORADO.EDU)=20
Ladies' Glass Ball magic-item.
The Free City Of Haven (Copyrighted 1981 Gamelords Ltd.) pages L-1 and=20
L-2 where the information for the "The House Of Ill Repute" section=20
came from. Also, page L-3 where the information for the "Case: The Blue=20
Tavern (Entertainment And Pleasure)" section came from. Also, for Kuber=20
Hasbin on page L-2.
Carlos Fernando (bitnet address: GMACFRF@BRUFF.BITNET) for his magic-
items Wand Of Love and Periapt Of Sexual Aides. The great contribution=20
of the following sexual insanities: Coprophilia, Exhibitionism,=20
Fetishism, Geroniophilla, Masochism, Pedophilia, Periculuphilia,=20
Pigmalionism, Sadism, Uridpsomania, Voyeurism, and Zoophilia. Finally,=20
the Sexual Tendency section.
Jason Golden (bitnet address: BEHOLDER@FAITHFUL.IMSA.EDU) for=20
questioning the magical diseases and the multiple orgasm idea. Also,=20
for requesting a system for contracting disease.
James A. Hooper (bitnet address: HOOPER2@SNYCANVA.BITNET) Penis of=20
Astounding magic-item and the spells: Skank, Bigby's Bitch Slap.
The movie Johnny Dangerously for the E.S.S. disease that I modified and=20
Ronald "Greymoon" Jones (bitnet address: JONESRD@SJSUVM1.BITNET) for=20
his Frictionless Sheets magic-item.
The Judges Guild Volume I (Copyrighted 1978 Judges Guild) pages 5-6 for=20
game information on WOMEN. The inclination and vital statistic=20
information found in the prostitute random generator was taken from=20
here and modified slightly to fit into this guide.
David Kelman (bitnet address: KELMAN@NIEHS.BITNET) for his spell=20
Sacremon's Emperor's New Clothes.
Sven De Kerpel (bitnet address: SDKERPEL@VNET3.VUB.AC.BE) for his=20
comments and additions on the prostitute section of the guide which=20
resulted in seven major chances to the tables to make them more=20
realistic and playable.
Steve Langton (bitnet address: SVNSI@CUNYVM.BITNET) for the=20
"Prostitutes are nasty" story in the story section.
Lonadar the Wanderer (bitnet address: LONADAR@JUDY.INDSTATE.EDU)=20
bringing up the race question, commenting on a lot of the spells,=20
adding the feather to the components of Leomund's Ting Brothel.
Luwain "Don't Fuck With Me" The Nightingale of The Fellowship of the
Flying Paladin (internet address: S2909800@TECHST02.TECHNION.AC.IL) for
the Precise Constitution Points story. He created the A Bard's Sexual
Spell-Songs section and contributed "Luwain's Ever Lasting Hard-On" to
Andrew Lohmann (LOHMANN@SOCIAL.CHASS.NCSU.EDU) for his Induce Pleasure
Psionic Power.
Mark Manning (bitnet address: AIO!MARK@TRILLIAN.JSC.NASA.GOV) for his
Teeney-Weeny-Bikini magic item.
John M. Martz (bitnet address: UMARTZ@UNC.BITNET) for his criticisms on
the pregnancy rules and his clerical spells: Baltasar's Impediment,
Hugo M. Nijhof (bitnet address: SBBEHN@HLERUL57) who made a list of
spells from which I took and modified the spells Don Juan's
Irresistible Kiss and Vampiric Kiss.
The Anti-Paladin, Nomed the Accursed (bitnet address:
ARKOIE@JUDY.INDSTATE.EDU) for his abyss level in the section An Abyss
Nosferatu (CALLEN@B857S1.SSC.AF.MIL) for The Rack Critical Hit Chart:=20
For Men Only.
Mike Parasich (bitnet address: MNP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM) for the spells
Cure Soreness, Enchant Condom, Delay Orgasm, Deep Throat, Power Word:
Disrobe; all of which were mentioned.
Arron Sher (bitnet address: ARS3_CIF@UHURA.CC.ROCHESTER.EDU or
which the vampire adventuring idea came from.
Scott Spetalnik (bitnet address: (SCOTTS@FONSRV00.FONOROLA.COM) for
seeing that a bell curve wasn't used with the ability scores.
Matt Sullivan (bitnet address: SULLIVAN_M@CSVAX1.UCC.IE) for his humble
comments and recommendations that inspired a few modifications to the
rules. For the first draft of "Seduction: More Than Reaction Roles"
section, which was very creative.
Tony (internet address: ROSS@LCLARK.EDU) for the in the Homosexual
Plots section: Evil of Homosexuality.
Train, DM (internet address: SDS7966@SILVER.SDSMT.EDU) for the
following ideas in the Homosexual Plots section: The Gay Man and the
Jealous Wife; Saying No; Land of Fairies, Literally; and Reverse Rape .
TSR Hobbies, Inc. whose game made this all possible.
magical item the Girdle of Hippolyte.
Vinnie (bitnet address: GTV@BOUW.TNO.NL) & Rahasia Mage Priestess of
Ishtar The Priestess of Love for ReErection spell idea and suggesting a
spell that simulates the Nereid's kiss. For keeping them comments
coming on everything I needed help on. Plus, he suggested wisdom
modifiers for the Houri seduction rules which were implemented. For
additions to the sexual knowledge proficiency. For the "Adventuring
Idea" section and three ideas (Love Boat, Dog Man Needs A Date, Twins)
that appear there. For the idea and suggestions for Rahasia's Whirlpool
Tub Of Love which appears in the magic-items section.
Owen Winkler (internet address: ODWST@VM2.CIS.PITT.EDU) for a first
draft of the impotence spell that I used.
Xandar (bitnet address: TH729743@PUCAL.BITNET) for his story "A
Barbarian's Boo-Boo" in the story section of the guide.
Following a discussion on the ADND-L discussion list, the section "Has=20
anyone PLayed a Homosexual Character?" was created based on the=20
following persons' comments: Andy Tremble (ANDREWT@CSD4.CSD.UWM.EDU),=20
Geoffrey WYen (SAR4106@CVAXA.CC.OBERLIN.EDU), Akira=20
Gyorgy Schadt (KELSO@POTE.HU), Russ Fontaine=20
After the release of the sex guide, I recieved a message from Rob=20
What would pregnancy do to a theif's skills? What about a mage or=20
bard? We decided that there was no good set rule but that they=20
would be greatly affected.
This led to a large conversation on the ADND-L about pregnancy. The=20
main contibution to the conversation was Vicki L. Domansky, Morgaine=20
suggestions, and ideas came from John M. Martz (BITNET ADDRESS:=20
UMARTZ@UNC.BITNET). John "Nightwind" Boelter (bitnet address:=20
BOELTER3945@ISCSVAX.UNI.EDU) made some great comments, suggestions, and=20
ideas as well as Morgan Blackheart of The Chaotic Realm (internet=20
address: ECZ5TAN@MVERSUSOAC.UCLA.EDU) and his wife. Others were:
Name: John W. Boelter
Alias: Nightwind
Address: Cedar Falls, Iowa U.S.A.
Name: Brandon Cope
Alias: none
Address: Nacogdoches, Texas U.S.A.
Name: John Daniel
Alias: none
Address: Columbia, Missouri U.S.A.
Name: Sven De Kerpel
Alias: none
Address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Brussel Belgium
Name: Vicki Domansky
Alias: Morgaine
Address: Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Name: Jason Golden
Alias: none
Address: Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy,=20
Schaumburg, Illinois U.S.A.
Name: Marc Maurer
Alias: Maxwell Edison
Address: University of Minnesota, Morris=20
Morris, Minnesota U.S.A.
Name: Stan Joseph Paszt, Jr
Alias: Fast Eddie, Silthen, Rayer, JoJo
Address: Chocowinity, North Carolina U.S.A.
Name: Matt Sullivan
Alias: none
Address: Cork City Ireland
Name: Morgan Tanner
Alias: Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm
Address: Los Angeles, California U.S.A.
Name: Vinnie
Alias: none
Address: Delft Holland (Netherlands)
Upon completion of this guide (06/01/92), it was offered to=20
members of the ADND-L Advanced Dungeons & Dragons discussion list that=20
is found on the BITNET computer network. Over 50 people responded and=20
received the guide. Some people disliked the guide and stated their=20
opinions on the discussion list, and others rebutted their complaints.=20
Below is the argument that took place.
I'd like to address all of those out their who insist on creating=20
these insane articles on how to =91role-play' sex in ADND. Now I've=20
tolerated a lot of crazy things on this list and mostly just delete=20
them if I don't want to read them (and sometimes post a message about=20
it without trying to flame anyone). This however is just to dumb and=20
crazy I can't stand it. I don't want to have to =91delete' it... I mean=20
lets take a closer look at this for a second. First off I'm sure many=20
of you have had those silly encounters where your group felt like being=20
goofy and some characters had sex, and perhaps some of you have had=20
serious encounters about this sort of thing to go along with the story=20
of the campaign. But... I think it's really ridiculous that someone=20
might think we could use a guide on how to role-play sex in ADND.=20
Granted sex is very important... but God man... we don't need freaking=20
articles on =91how to do it' because if we don't know already we have no=20
business =91doing it' in the first place.... game or otherwise. I've been=20
playing ADND for several years... and I've encountered stories and spot=20
adventures of ADND sex.... but I never encountered crazy junk like THIS=20
in all 10 years of ADND playing until I kept seeing articles like this=20
last one. Now maybe some of you out their have a different opinion...=20
if so... lets hear it... I'd like to know WHY we should have guides on=20
HOW to have SEX in ADND because I think they are personally a waste of=20
space and just tell me how much time that person had free on his hands=20
to write such a ridiculous article in the first place.
Thank you for your time.
--- Your friendly neighborhood Anti-Paladin
Nomed =91the Accursed'
I have taken the time to read the aforementioned Guide to ADND=20
sex. It is your game, play it the way you want to. If you have fun with=20
it, then more power to you. I find the whole thing infantile and=20
lacking any merit whatsoever. The whole sophomoric tone led to=20
initially believe it was a joke. Perhaps it still is.
On high ground, donning the asbestos.
Come on now, the author of the sex guide was making an attempt at=20
adding something to the game and all of a sudden, out of the woodwork,=20
comes friggin' Siskel and Ebert of literature. Give the guy a break. I=20
haven't completely finished reading the "guide" but come now. People=20
have the right to compile what they like. Ristanofer (sp?): is it truly=20
infantile to experiment?? I see nothing very wrong with it. I think=20
that we should give the guy a break. From what I read, he isn't the=20
only one who helped compile it. There are many others. Are you and the=20
lady (*I'm sorry but I forgot her logo*) going to hunt all of these=20
people down and flame them?? I think not. I think that the best thing=20
y'all can do is mellow out and let someone hang themselves with the=20
newly created length of rope, and if they do not, well, wish them=20
P.S. that was IMHO, of course. And if you must, flames are welcome.
P.P.S. but I prefer not to see any.
I must agree with Deathwish about the sex guide. This discussion=20
list is a forum for presenting ideas related to AD&D. Not those ideas=20
that are good or those ideas that are bad but all ideas. What may be=20
junk to one person may be a gold mine to another.
I can see nothing wrong with offering the guide to the net on the=20
chance that someone may feel it is useful. Obviously someone felt so or=20
the author would not have had all the collaboration on the project from=20
fellow list members.
If you have a problem with someone's work send them private e-mail=20
before flaming them before the list.
Greg Dillingham
I, too, have read the guide. I find it humorous, but of the=20
"Did you hear the joke about the girl with HUGE ...", etc.. It's REALLY=20
infantile (although most of the jokes that truly make me laugh are as=20
well) and I think you're either going to hate it or love it. Me, I'm=20
afraid I hate it. Well done, but I think the original idea was... (I'm=20
gonna duck the flame after this) lame.
Greg (Malek)
As one of the people who made some (minimal) contributions to the=20
guide, I must say the following. While you may not like some parts of=20
the guide, find them infantile, etc., I am sure that there is something=20
in there for every DM. Even if you do not like 99% of it, that last 1%=20
is going to be something that will make your eyes light up, and start=20
the wheels of your mind turning. Read it before passing judgement.=20
=91Nuff Said on the subject....happy dice rolling.
Well I should say read the guide or give it at least a good look=20
before you start saying things like that! It's not just to tell ya how=20
to do the thing but it's to add more flavor and much more fun on this=20
subject. Yes you should really give it a look. It's full of really=20
nice/funny/wonderful/weird ideas. The developers where all very=20
surprised of what became of the Guide and I Think many of you will also=20
be very surprised if you take a look!
Don't think that because it's related to this subject called Sex=20
that it's bad stupid or useless. It certainly ain't an =91Escape from=20
Reality' (or whatever you wanna call it) to have some fake Sex!=20
(...because you don't get enough in your own life.....aahhhwww What a=20
pitty....Oooppss I'm sorry) I really wouldn't wanna trade places with=20
the PC's who were gonna be involved with those rules. Yeah take a look=20
at those real nasty diseases and neat Kiss Spells! You certainly don't=20
wanna be subject of most of those!!! The Guide is there just to add=20
more Fun and fresh ideas to this wonderful game called AD&D.
I have to admit that I first thought it was a stupid idea too but=20
then I saw some nice ideas and joined the developers in making it a=20
nice ***FREE*** good developed product!
Okay I'll now put on my Protection from fire again and wield my=20
Frostbrand so come-on with those Flame Throwers! But Don't try to=20
barbecue me when you didn't gave a good look at the Guide! First look &=20
read before you start Flaming the Thing (yeah You can't start a fire on=20
something if you do not really know what it is! It could be either=20
Alcohol or Water! he he :) And I guess you don't wanna waste your=20
flamethrower on the water!
Valiant Comrades,
Regarding the uproar about the Sex Guide, I agree with the=20
supporters, and to the critics I have to say LIGHTEN UP! If you don't=20
like the principal of the guide, then simply refrain from using it.=20
Even the Dungeon Master's Guide isn't written in stone.
Besides, there is some useful stuff in there. Any GM who can't=20
find creative uses for an Houri NPC should have his proverbial licence=20
And, no matter how you view AD&D, it is still ONLY A GAME. If=20
someone takes offence to the principal or content therein, perhaps a=20
different hobby is in order.
Hall-ee-mor Dargess
How come I never got a copy of the ADND sex guide? I asked for=20
one. Can someone send me a copy please. Sure, it may seem a little=20
silly or stupid, but it can't hurt. I'll read it then decide if I want=20
to use it. There's probably something in it for everybody. What ever=20
happened to free expression? Some people are so oppressive!
Austin Repath
MiXeD iN tHe hEaD
I believe it!
> I'd like to address all of those out their who insist on creating=20
> these insane articles on how to =91role-play' sex in ADND. Now I've=20
> tolerated a want to read them (and sometimes post a message about it=20
> without trying to flame anyone). This however is just to dumb and=20
> crazy I can't stand it.
You "can't stand it" ?!? You have some personal problem with other=20
people's creativity? You may not share others sense of humor and they=20
may not respect your morals, but this is a public access list. You seem=20
to indicate it should be censored! Now step back and realize that=20
other people, myself included, are mature enough to moderate =91use of=20
sex' in our own games. Some of these articles have had some good ideas,=20
while all of them at the very least are intended to be taken light-
heartedly. So have fun with it, or just ignore it.
> adventures of ADND sex.... but I never encountered crazy junk like=20
> THIS in all 10 years of ADND playing until I kept seeing articles=20
like > this last...
I dunno who you've been gaming with... But the college students I have=20
played with have done much "worse" than this list's "Guide to AD&D=20
Sex." Of course like any other "rules for DND" the sex stuff is just a=20
tool. Suggestions...and most of all a good laugh from some creative=20
gamers who defiantly have a grip on the real world.
Think about sex-education through role-playing games :) One must learn=20
that if his promiscuous paladin doesn't wear his "ring of protection"=20
(and I don't mean the one on worn on the hands...) that he may pick up=20
some nasty effects, possibly magical! Eeeooch!
With the slightest bow and tip of his hat,
the Rogue steps back into the night...
You guys need to grow the fuck up. Go out and buy a Hustler or two and=20
figure out what you really should play with, besides yourselves. Notice=20
"elves" in there! *** CENSORED ***
Taipan The Tampon
IN%"lonadar@judy.indstate.edu" Lonadar The Wanderer
IN%"BOELTER3945@iscsvax.uni.edu" John W. Boelter
IN%"c548285@umcvmb.missouri.edu" John Daniel
IN%"gtv@bouw.tno.nl" Vinnie
IN%"SULLIVAN_M@csvax1.ucc.ie" Matt Sullivan
IN%"BEHOLDER@Faithful.imsa.edu" Jason Golden
IN%"MAURERMJ@caa.mrs.umn.edu" Maxwell Edison
IN%"sdkerpel@vnet3.vub.ac.be" Sven De Kerpel
IN%"vicki.l.domansky@mtsg.ubc.ca" Vicki L. Domansky