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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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\__) \ Print: 2 cp Fantasy News Network # Subscribers: 145 \
| # Contributors: 10 |
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| News for the Adventurers, By the Adventurers |
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| Vol II, Issue #7 Date: Jun 1, 1994 |
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| Genesis Man/Founder:digdug@iastate.edu | __
\ Hack and Slash Man/Editor:msphil@birds.wm.edu \ (_ \
News from the Forgotten Realms
News from the World of Greyhawk
News from Krynn
News from Ravenloft
News from Spelljamming Worlds
News from the D&D Worlds
News from Thunder Rift
News from AErth
News from ORIGINAL Worlds
News from a Campaign Journal
Thanks to Greg Booth, booth@mdd.com.mot.com, for the name of the
Journal, and thanks to Trevor, trevor.jones@acadiau.ca, for the
beautiful header! And let's not forget Doug Tran (digdug@iastate.edu)
for founding FNN and TAJ!
Reporters this issue:
Sonja (kowa@informatik.uni-koblenz.de)
Sir Kirkland (knorthrup@vnet.ibm.com)
Andy Merritt (amerritt@armltd.co.uk)
Eric F. Schetley (onestar+@pitt.edu)
Oscar Swida (SWIDA@softlab.ii.uj.edu.pl)
Sonja (kowa@informatik.uni-koblenz.de)
rjp3@cornell.edu (Richard J. Pugh)
Anthony Ross (ROSSA@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu)
Martin Ott (p581mao@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)
Mike Phillips (msphil@birds.wm.edu)
Special thanks to all who contributed!
-- Mike, Editor (msphil@birds.wm.edu)
This one is a month late. I apologize for the delay, which was
caused by a number of factors including: leaving school, end-of-the-
semester crunch, extreme fatigue, and others. From this point
onwards, TAJ will be distributed via the FNN list (FNN@le.ac.uk), and
submissions should be mailed to the list. Acknowledgement of
submissions will be made, but not distributed via the list (i.e. it's
a really moderated list). For subscription information, see the end
of this issue.
HTML pages have been created in order to place FNN and The
Adventurer's Journal on the World Wide Web. However, they are looking
for a home. If you can provide such, please contact me at
msphil@birds.wm.edu, and we'll arrange for a transfer and a means of
the author maintaining them. Many thanks!
In other news, the response to the s-f version of FNN: TAJ has
been positive (although there hasn't been much news submitted yet,
hint hint), and I'm thinking about making it bimonthly to begin with.
If you have any news at all, go ahead and submit it, I can certainly
use it :-) Same conventions as for FNN: TAJ.
On a more personal front, I have just left my position as a
consultant at the College of William & Mary. The result is that my
normal (and advertised) address of msphil@tsrv1.ts.wm.edu is
disappearing, and anyone who needs to contact me should do so at
msphil@birds.wm.edu instead. Hopefully, I will get one of the staff
positions I am applying for here, which means I will have a new
permanent address then.
The next issue is due out August 1st, from the listserv, as I am
going bi-monthly until September. Have a great summer, and if you are
around, submit news of your campaigns!
-- Mike, msphil@birds.wm.edu
(Technically Toril, which includes Maztica, Kara-Tur, the Hordelands,
and Al-Qadim)
Lately, King Gronk Granite-Eye has been plagued by internal strife
in his outpost. A group known at the Red Anvils has been threatening
any non-dwarves in the outpost. About half of the 8 members of the
Fellowship of the Empty Mug (Gronk's adventuring group) are half-elves
and have been staying at the outpost to help King Gronk with his war
against the Zhentish army in Daggerdale. The problem escalated when
Zerch the Battlerager was killed in his sleep. He was found with a
Red Anvil pinned in his chest. Now, Zerch was a dwarf but in one of
his battle rages he had attack King Gronk. It has been assumed that
this is the reason the Red Anvils killed him.
The very next day, another Red Anvil attack occurred, this time on
Marabu, a human cleric of Helm who was assisting King Gronk.
Fortunately, the mage Laurellin arrived soon enough to get help to
chase off the Red Anvils, but Marabu was sorely injured. King Gronk,
using his Boots of Speed, hurried outside the outpost to where many of
his Fellowship were camped to get a cleric to help Marabu. As if King
Gronk's luck was not already bad enough, the group was attacked by a
Zhentish raiding party. During the fight, there were some minor
injuries, but King Gronk was poisoned by a Zhent cleric. He was saved
by the quick application of a Neutralize Poison spell. Upon returning
to the outpost with the rest of the Fellowship, it was found that
Marabu was able to heal himself enough to stabilize his condition. In
response to these attacks, King Gronk has issued an ultimatum to the
King Gronk received notice that Yngwie of Sembia (a harper agent)
and Randall Mourn would like to meet with him to discuss battle plans
that could free Daggerdale of the Zhentish troops. The meeting was to
be held about a day's travel from Granite Pass. Also, Maldor
Malmquist, Magistrate of Waterdeep, has arrived to give any and all
assistance to King Gronk against the Zhents. King Gronk set off for
the meeting with Yngwie with the Fellowship of the Empty Mug and
Maldor in tow. Thanks to the efforts of Tierra the Ranger, the group
spotted an assault force of Zhentish beast, 4 trolls and 16 orcs.
Apparently, these troops were led by the cleric that poisoned Gronk
just a day or so ago. The trolls, without the cleric to hold them in
check, had decided to feast on the orcs. King Gronk waited until most
of the orcs had died, then he took advantage of the chaos to attack
the trolls. The four trolls were no match for the ranged attacks and
mighty magics of King Gronk's Fellowship. The group travelled on to
meet with Randall Mourn and the Freedom Fighters of Daggerdale. In
the meeting, it was decided that the dwarves from Granite Pass would
protect the left flank of Randall's army. Yngwie would help lead the
assault with Randall's troops, numbering around 600 fighters. The
only problem with Randall's plans was that King Gronk did not have
time to ride back to the Pass and lead his troops to the battlefield
before the fighting started. Maldor Malmquist stepped in to offer his
assistance to King Gronk. Since the need was great, the Fellowship
decided to teleport back to outpost to assemble the troops.
The very next day, 28 of Granite Pass' 45 dwarves marched off for
Kheldor's Hill, where they will fight for the freedom of Daggerdale.
These troops include the 14 elite troops of the Granite Brigade lead
by Snarl's, 11 other stalwart dwarves lead by Obidia Goldbuckle and
finally King Gronk Granite-Eye, Kharos Ironforge and the rest of the
Fellowship of the Empty Mug (Laurellin the Mage, Tiera the Ranger,
Ariel the Druid) with Maldor Malmquist of Waterdeep also in
attendance. Upon arriving at the site chosen for battle, King Gronk
had the magic-user prepare the field with some surprises for the
enemy. First, Maldor built a raised mound to give them the uphill
advantage, then he hid the broken foundation of an old mill with a
Hallucinatory Terrain spell. Ariel the Druid called up a storm to
rain lightning on the enemy. Soon, 400 orcs of the Zhetish army came
into view, and it looked very bad for King Gronk's small group.
Luckily, Randall Mourn sent Yarboro the Cavalier and 100 Fighting
Farmers to help. Still, the odds looked bad, as Celthus the Dread
magically summoned a Bullete (land shark) to fight for him. King
Gronk threw the first blow with his Dwarven throwing hammer, killing
one of the orcs battle commanders. Then the fighting began in
earnest. Ariel the Druid used her Staff of the Woodlands to call up a
treant to hold off one group of soldiers, and Aslor the Ancient called
up a foul cloud of death (actually a Fog Cloud that looked like a
Cloudkill) to hold off another group. Maldor Malmquist called up an
illusionary army to fight for them. Still outnumbered, King Gronk and
his High Priest Gunther beseached Moradin, Father of Dwarves, for aid.
Their prayers were answered and Obidia and his 11 dwarves were swathed
in the bright white radiance of Moradin's favor. The 100 Fighting
Farmers and Yarboro the Bold took on the bulette as Celthus the Dread
and his two wizards engaged in battle with King Gronk, Laurellin,
Kharos, and Ariel the Druid. Mighty magics and incredible heroics
abounded as the fight went on. Soon, groups of orcs began wavering as
their losses grew. They just couldn't compete with lightning from the
sky, fire from the wizards, god-blessed berserking dwarves and trees
that fight with a will of their own (tripping over the foundation
didn't help much either).
So, the orcs started to break away from the fight, the two wizards
under Celthus were killed in combat against the Fellowship of the
Empty Mug. Celthus the Dread, completely outraged at this failure,
went in to kill King Gronk with his mighty magic. Astonishingly, the
magics he hurled at King Gronk just fizzle 5 feet before they hit
(Scroll of Protection from Magic), only his area of effect spell
seemed to hurt the mighty King. King Gronk closed the gap between
them so that Celthus could not call these spells to use, but before
King Gronk could deliver the killing blow, the wizard vanished. King
Gronk was furious that his kill has escaped, but Maldor thought that
the wizard shrank and went into hiding. Tiera found a hole where it
would appear the wizard has gone, and King Gronk was shrunk to allow
him to follow Celthus into the hole. Celthus the Dread tried once
more to kill the King of Granite Pass, but Gronk's Chime of
Interruption left him helpless to his fate.
Thus, the Battle of Kheldor's Hill was won by Gronk, but not
without its losses. Snarl's and the entire Granite Division were
slain as were Yarboro and the 100 Fighting Farmers. With this victory
on the left flank, Randall Mourn and Yngwie were able to lead their
forces to victory over the Zhents.
Sir Kirkland, knorthrup@vnet.ibm.com
Pardon the absence of an article in the last publication, I was
travelling from Greyhawk to the Realms Forgotten. I decided to
indulge in one of my hobbies and climb the mountains known in that
land as the Spine of the World. It was as enjoyable as I expected,
and I decided to write next from the Ten Towns, being as close as I
An interesting coincidence, that I came to be there at just the
right time to gather the material for this article.
Opon my arrival, I learned that the entire southern trade route
has been cut off by a clan of Dark Dwarves. Several messengers have
been sent for aid, but none have returned and they are presumed dead.
Not only are there a good number of dwarves, but there is also a tribe
of frost giants aiding them, and several drow bent upon the plunder of
Icewind Dale. I told them that I would be happy spead the word for
them, so I will do so:
The Peoples of Icewind Dale, in the Northwest corner of
the Realms, have made a call for those who would help them in
dealing with the presence of the evil forces there. They will
pay what they can for such aid.
I trust that there are those reading this article that have the
courage and compassion to help these people in their time of need.
The Monk of the Shadows
Forgotten Realms : "Gnomeville", near Waterdeep
Background: Gnomeville is an underground township, run by gnomes, but
with assorted other humanoids, including orcs, humans and goblins (but
no elves of any type). Gnomeville is a dangerous place, and slavery
is common. It is situated hundreds of feet underneath the High Moor,
southeast of Daggerford, and there are no known direct ways to the
surface. The quickest routes to the surface involve a week of travel
underground past some very dangerous areas. It is through such areas
that our adventurers have come (actually they are a group of
Daggerford Militia on a secret mission reported about previously -
though this has no relevence to Gnomeville).
An unknown group of adventurers who advertised their abilities by
carrying around a demon head have caused something of a stir. A human
bard from their number gave an impressive performance in the Collar
and Whip, and afterwards was approached by a group of elves passing
through Gnomeville.
The next day, these elves were seen waiting for the bard and his
friends, and after a little talking a fight broke out in the street.
Several volleys of magic missiles shot to and fro, and one of the
elves ran off, seemingly chased by an invisible monster. The elven
mage and his other companions were quickly defeated by the bard and
his friends. Just one of the elves was left alive, clearly for
interrogation. It is reported that one of the bard's friends emanated
a powerful aura of good - a strange sign indeed.
This group left town the following day, and the captured elf was
seen alive a day or two later, without most of his possessions,
seeking work as a mercenary.
Andy Merritt <amerritt@armltd.co.uk>
(Oerth is the name of the World of Greyhawk)
Greyhawk: Oerth: The Free City of Greyhawk.
Near the ruins of the Great Greyhawk Library, investigators from
several religious, adventuring, and political organizations have been
checking for survivors, treasure, and artifacts that might have
survived the explosion two months past.
To date, they have been able to recover only a handful of the
library's prized documents. Several adventurer's guides have survived
the blast, as well as some of the magical armors and equipment stored
Today, however, a member of the Spelljammer's Aid Society
uncovered a cracked ceramic bell jar. Witnesses reported that, upon
touching the jar, the elven male was consumed by "an other-worldly
fire, as if a portal to the inner planes opened there and then".
The elf, a Tarran Jaz from Toril, was consumed immediately. In
his place was a fiery demon, standing approximately fifty feet tall.
The creature radiated intense heat and flame, killing all those around
him immediately and setting the already charred ruins aflame once
Several of the local powerful magic-using community, including
some from the former ruling Council of Eight, appeared to try and
contain the creature.
One such wizard, who, according to eyewitness reports, wore armor,
appeared upon the scene. The creature seemed to recognize this
wizard, and started to charge him. The unnamed wizard produced a
hand-sized diamond and, after muttering what were obviously magical
commands, threw the diamond toward the demon. In a flash of brillant
white light, both mage and demon disappeared.
Some say that the wizard, a young-looking human male, was visiting
Mordenkainen from another world. However, the master mage would not
be questioned on the subject. The firestorm produced by the demon's
appearance did not disappear with the creature: another city block's
worth of homes and businesses were destroyed by the intense heat and
All told, fifteen sentients died and another 100+ were injured
fighting the blaze.
Eric F. Schetley <onestar+@pitt.edu>
(Krynn is the name of the Dragonlance world)
Krynn : Taladas : League of Minotaurs : Kristophan
Last night, there was a small battle between Saiones and group of
"strangers". Saione sergeant said it wasn't a "gang war", he supposed
they were conducting business (nothing special in that part of
Kristophan), but when Saione patrol approached, the "strangers"
attacked the soldiers. During the battle, three of them escaped (with
a strange, long package). Saiones suppose that package is an ancient
artifact from Ansalon (fugitives probably don't know about it) and may
be dangerous.
If anyone has seen fugitives, please contact with nearest Saiones
Descriptions of suspects:
Kender male ->
Height about 120 cm, dark hair, wears leather armor and
hoopak, (IMPORTANT!) has a dog.
Elven male ->
Height about 170 cm, wears chain mail, long bow probably came
from Armach-Nesti, so pay attention to his accent)
Human male ->
It's certain he is foreigner, came from Ansalon three days
ago. His name is Jorman.
Krynn : Taladas : League of Minotaurs : Thenol frontier
This morning, we received news that the village of Telima, near
the Thenol frontier, was completely destroyed. Nobody knows what
happened. People suppose it was Thenol military action.
It is strange that all the bodies have vanished. Probably, the
corpses will be animated and included in the Thenol army. It is
possible that Thenolities are preparing for a great offensive, so the
General of the Army sent III and V Legions near Teluch.
Oscar Swida, SWIDA@softlab.ii.uj.edu.pl
(Ravenloft is the Demi-plane of Dread)
Ravenloft : Darkon : Il Aluk
A group of adventurers was hired by the local thieves' guild to
prove evidence that Mystal Firestorm, an elemental mage of fire, had
set fire to one of the houses of the guild and that this crime was
ordered by the local baron. The adventurers managed to get into the
house of the mage while he was absent for a few days. While doing so,
two members of the group were killed in traps. However, the
adventurers finally found a contract proving that the baron had hired
the mage to set the house on fire.
Sonja, kowa@informatik.uni-koblenz.de
(Spelljammer is the AD&D system that allows travel from world to world
via skyships)
Omnispace : Omni : Spire of Eternal Thought :
Lord Monitor, Imperium Ars Magican of the Council of Nine, the
ruling body of Omnispace, announced today that he will be resigning at
the next solar phase.
This announcement came as a complete surprise to all gathered
within the Spire of Eternal Thought. All of Omnispace's governors
were gathered for the Annual Conference of Omni. The other members of
the council have not released statements at this time.
Second Magician Colicor was off-world when the announcement was
made. He is currently on the Rock of Bral in Spiralspace, attending
an Arcane conference. He was unavailable for comment.
Lord Monitor held the position of Imperium Ars Magican for
approximately half a millenium, longer than any previous council
leader. Since becoming magi, he helped unite the worlds of Omnispace
under one banner, suggested the establishment of the Magiocracy which
is in use today, established the Omnispacial Defense Force, and
started many programs which advanced relations between human, non-
human and demihuman races.
His resignation came as a complete shock. Lord Monitor would not
comment on his plans for the future, nor would he comment on whether
he would stay with the Council as a member emeritus. Some believe
that Lord Monitor will be travelling to the Outer Planes, possibly the
newly-discovered city of Sigil.
Omnispace : Omni : Clifford :
The Repository of All Thought, Lord Monitor's sponsored library of
magic, history and treatises, has suddenly disappeared. Security had
been increased since the destruction of the Greyhawk Library, but this
did not seem to help.
Lord Monitor was still unavailable for comment.
The Repository had been staffed with just a skeleton crew at the
time of its disappearance. No survivors have been located.
The disappearance occured during the middle of the night.
Surrounding homes, guard posts and overhead Spelljamming craft
reported no explosions, saw no flashes of light.
A strong aura of magic has been noted in the area, leaving
investigators to believe that this was a magical attack. However,
given the level of magic used to remove the Repository, the attacker
must have been a very powerful mage or priest.
This is the second such attack on libraries specalized in
adventurer's lore. The first, Two months back, was an attack on the
Great Greyhawk Library, heralding the loss of many major tomes and
reference works from many different worlds and planes.
The Repository was a similar facility, but it was devoted
primarily to spelljamming works, histories of the Omnispace sphere and
many irreplacable, valuable spellbooks. Works from such previous magi
as Anrot Kal, Mikklani, Annamari, and the beholder mage Tornot are now
forever lost.
Omnispace : Omni : Spire of Eternal Thought :
With the resignation of Lord Monitor, there is a rumor circulating
that the bounty for artifacts delivered to the Spire of Eternal
Thought will be increased. As of this writing, no evidence has been
presented to prove this rumor.
The following list are confirmed artifacts that are now in the
possession of the Council.
One (1) Artifurnace
Talisman of the Outer Planes
Bracers of Wildspace
Trident of Argoth
The All-Seeing Eye of Aberdeanth
The books of Lazarus, including the `lost' editions.
One other item still remains a mystery. All tests on this item
have to date resulted in no definite answers. The only thing of
interest on the large, bas-relief box is a single red button on the
top of the appratus. To date, it is believed that Lord Monitor has
refused to let anyone push the button, but with his stepping down,
Colicor may not have the master magi's reservations.
Omnispace : Wildspace, near the former location of Sphereworld :
Since the disappearance of Sphereworld two solar months past, the
observation satellites originally set up to monitor the 'planet' have
been relativly quiet. However, a report received today from the
Omnispacial Defense Force indicates something may be happening out
Observation Post K-12, manned by the husband and wife clerics Dar
and Mari Nightwynd, and the sage Ranthamus, noted a brief flash of
light near the location of Sphereworld. The flash appeared for nearly
two minutes before fading out. The Nightwynds took an Elven Flitter
close to the area of the light to investigate, but could find nothing
out of the ordinary.
Rumor has it that Imperium Ars Magican-Elect Colicor will order
the satellite observation posts abandoned when he assumes control of
the Council of Nine next month. He has long opposed the posts, and,
with the disappearance of Sphereworld, believes the posts are "a waste
of Omnispacial funds which could be used elsewhere."
Lord Monitor started the observation program of Sphereworld when
he assumed head of the Council of Nine some half-century past. It has
been rumored that Magical Colicor wishes to remove all traces of Lord
Monitor's influence on the sphere when he assumes office.
Original: Tomar: Free City
A strange, extremely tall copper-skinned male sentient appeared in
a mythal surge yesterday in the Free City. Only known as 'Taraq', the
strange individual appears to be human, although he stands a head
taller than most, and seems to have certain dwarvish-qualities about
Taraq has been seen in the presence of a Beholder escort. Other
information has yet to be made available.
Also, an unnamed thief has been found dead in one of the back
alleys near the Golden Orbus Inn. His death leads some to speculate
that a war between rival theiving guilds is on the horizon. As of
yet, none have taken claim for his death. It was the first such
homicide case in six months, since the end of the so-called Assassin
The thief was killed with a metal-edged weapon, beholder
investigators revealed. A director says the blade was extremely
sharp, slicing cleanly through the man's neck.
{NOTE: The Free City of Toram is run by beholders, and is used as a
port of call for traders, black marketters, and other 'businessmen'.
It is laid with a powerful mythal which prevents beholders from using
their abilities aganist others of their race within its boundaries.}
Eric F. Schetley <onestar+@pitt.edu>
Spelljammer : Solaris, Mt. Kardras :
Official Press Release of the Spelljammer's Aid Society
The Imperial Elven Navy has announced that it will no longer be
conducting regular patrols in the Sphere of Solaris. The announcement
came after the Muldravian Stellar Navy, and numerous independent
merchants and adventurers noted the orderly withdrawal of elven ships
from the vicinity of Beacon, where their most important base is
located. The base itself is gradually being dismantled and its crews
are being evacuated. Witnesses describe the withdrawal as orderly,
and very organized, but extremely rushed.
The navy has refused to divulge any details about the withdrawal
from Solaris. Many analysts believe that the navy wants to avoid a
conflict with the Muldravian Empire and its allies, and figures that
Solaris isn't worth the risk. However, considering that the navy has
been trying to re-gain control of the sphere for close to sixty years,
using every method it could, this is highly unlikely.
The announcement brought a sudden rise in the pirate and vigilante
activity that has been plaguing the sphere for several months.
However, the Muldravians have been able to effectively control the
situation. The Muldravians currently have twelve flotillas patrolling
the sphere, nine of which have a new Warhawk ship with a full
complement of Sparrowhawk fighter craft.
Spelljammer : Spiralspace, Rock of Bral :
Official press release of the Bral News Service.
The Spelljammer's Aid Society, one of the most prominent
organizations for assisting space travelers of all types, has
officially condemned the Grand Arcane Trading House (GATH). The
announcement came at the close of the Conorg conference, which was
recently conducted at the Rock of Bral.
Two days after the close of the conference, a mercenary hammership
attacked the "Eternal Wanderer." This famed ship holds charters from
both the Spelljammer's Aid Society and The Seekers, and also enjoys
some financial backing from the Conorg Collective Consortium. The
attacking hammership was captured, and proof was obtained linking the
attack to the GATH chief executive, Tee-Ess'Arr. Authorities in
several spheres have suspected Tee-Ess'Arr's involvement in a number
of violent incidents of late, but this is the first time that any
solid proof has been obtained.
The GATH has long been the primary supplier for spelljamming
technology, but in recent months it has been cutting supplies and
cancelling orders in numerous locations. The Spelljammer's Aid
Society has been attempting to break from the GATH for several months,
but it could not do so without risking financial destruction. With
the attack at Bral, and a new arrangement with the Conorg Collective
and its partner company, the Maifair Conglomerate, the survival of the
Society was assured.
The Society plans to continue all existing services, and the
various research and exploration projects will resume after a two-
month re-organization. All current dealing with the other
organizations will continue as planned with no interruption.
Spelljammer : Spiralspace, Rock of Bral :
Official Press Release of the Royal Bral news service
In what has been described as "a misunderstanding," the
dreadnought "Eternal Wanderer II," was detained for approximately an
hour by two ships of the Bral guard. The Conorg Collective Consortium
had requested a moratorium on illithid vessels for the duration of its
six-day business conference. The Eternal Wanderer II, originally an
illithid ship, was therefore intercepted during its approach to Bral.
The craft was boarded by a squad of several crack commandos who were
expecting to find illithids. They instead found the standard
complement of humans, elves, and the like.
Fortunately, no one was injured, though the crew of the Eternal
Wanderer had to show great restraint. Onestar, the captain of the
craft, is supposed to have asked the commando leader if he was
planning to have children, while preparing to castrate the man with
his katana. Hall-ee-mor Dargess, the first officer, was much more
subtle, stating that he would file a complaint with the Spelljammer's
Aid Society. Such an action would have proven devastating to Bral's
economy. The incident made Bral look bad in the eyes of the Conorg,
as one of the delegates for the conference (the arcane scholar Blaise
Pascal) is a crew member of the Eternal Wanderer.
A spokesman for Prince Andru said that one of the guard commanders
had failed to read the latest intelligence reports. Had the commander
done so, he would have been expecting the dreadnought, which had a
docking reservation. In compensation for this incident, and to save
face with both Conorg and the Society, Andru allowed the Wanderer to
dock at his personal docks, gave the crew access to several of the
palace facilities, and held a "Bar-B-Que" feast in their honor several
days later.
rjp3@cornell.edu (Richard J. Pugh)
(Mystara is the D&D "Known World" as introduced in X1 - The Isle of
Dread and developed in the Gazetteer and Hollow World product lines)
Soderfjord Jarldoms : Castellan :
Thaumont 21, AC 1004
Following a great deal of publicity, the eminent Thyatian scholar
Hartur of Tel-Akbir gave a 3 hour recital of his translation of
traditional northern love ballads in Thyatian. Sources indicate that
there was only one audience member, a lovely blond woman who lives in
the woods outside of town.
Harfur declined to be interviewed for this report, stating,
"Hmmph...no sense of culture...no sense of national pride...see if I
ever bother to recite...hmmph..." <This is part of the hook for "A Way
With Words", a low-level adventure that appeared in issue #41 of
Dungeon magazine.>
Soderfjord Jarldoms : Soderfjord :
Thaumont 26, AC 1004
The small village of Randagok was destroyed earlier this week by a
giant attack, according to reports filtering down from the northwest.
Apparently, the village was razed and all inhabitants taken prisoner,
as the villagers are all missing and the village lies destroyed.
Soderfjord Jarldoms : Soderfjord :
Flaurmont 10, AC 1004
Reports indicate that the Thyatian merchant vessel, Sulla, was
attacked by bandits while sailing up the Saltfjord River en route to
the village of Sorfeld. Jarl Rangar the Stout issued the following
statement, "Well, what do you expect? Any merchant bringing valuable
goods upriver in the future would be well served to hire a solid
company of my men to defend his profits, ya can't be too careful these
days." While the extent of the loss is not fully known at this time,
the Thyatian ambassador Marcus Asterius Lallus has acknowledged that a
number of sailors and slaves are missing following the attack. The
ambassador has offered a 5 markka reward for any escaped slave brought
to the Thyatian embassy in Soderfjord.
Soderfjord Jarldoms : Soderfjord :
Flaurmont 13, AC 1004
In a ceremony today, the high priests of the Temple of Tyr today
stripped the young beserker Eldgrim of his title of "Defender."
Apparently the 17 year-old swordsman failed to act as befitting an
emissary of Tyr during his service as Defender of Randagok, a small
village in the northwest which was levelled by giants several weeks
ago. Eldgrim's testimony at the open hearing indicated that he was
struck unconcious early in the raid and awoke the next day to find the
entire village destroyed. Confidential sources indicate that he was
not lying, but that penance was still required under Tyrian edicts.
High Priest Tangar announced that for two years Eldgrim would be
stripped of his title and exiled from the Northlands, required to
wander the world pondering his fate and attempting to atone for his
failure as defender of Randagok. Eldgrim took his penance stoically,
stating afterwards, "The judgment has been just, from this day forth I
shall call myself Eldgrim the Bitter, for I have failed in my duties
and must pay."
Soderfjord Jarldoms : Castellan :
Flaurmont 24, AC 1004
Well-wishers and wives gathered at the gates today, to wish good
fortune toward a laden caravan headed through the Jotunburg Pass for
Ylaruam. The pass has been considered quite dangerous for several
months now, and this is the first caravan to attempt the journey in
several weeks. The caravan was organized by Ingi and Ivor Horicksson,
two brothers based out of Soderfjord. They have invested a great sum
into purchasing a large quantity of salted herring at wholesale
prices. They hope to sell the sixty barrels of herring to the wealthy
rulers of Ylaruam for an exorbitant profit. Another northerner, Bjorn
"the Pungent", accompanies them, bearing a cartload of tea (Wilmik
black) and tobacco (Suddland leafy #2) for the city of Ylaruam. The
final merchant is one Walid bin-Asswan Shukry (also known as Abu
Ziyad), an Alaysian. Abu Ziyad is bound for the high lands town of
Cinsa-Men-Roo with a load of powders and dyes for the plateau town.
He carries red iron powder, indigo powder, yellow sulfur powder.
Guarding the caravan will be Holgar's Free Axes, a mercenary band
based in Castellan. For this job, almost the entire company will be
going, amounting to some 60 footmen, six sergeants, and of course
Holgar himself. Joining the caravan as passengers are several
unidentified foreigners and one northerner.
[Editor's note: The text of the news was chopped off by the mailer.
While there was more, it did not arrive in time for inclusion in this
issue. Hopefully, it will be available for next issue -- Mike]
Anthony Ross, ROSSA@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu
(Thunder Rift is the new D&D setting, it is only a small valley)
Thunder Rift : Melinir :
The son of Sir Reynald, a minor landed knight whose keep guards
mines to the north of Melinir, was recently reported as missing. It
is probable that Baldwin, the lad in question, was kidnapped, but no
further details are known. A number of adventurers have met with Sir
Reynald in private, but the matters discussed have not been made
Thunder Rift : North of Melinir :
Five strangers arrived in town, leading a mule laden with a large
and heavy chest. Utica, with perhaps 40 or 50 total residents, is a
rough town, having attracted what would often be termed the
'unpleasant elements', and five of these set upon the strangers. All
five, led by town strongman Althling, were left dead, but the new
arrivals walked away severely wounded, two having been rescued from
unconciousness by the only unscathed member of the party. Magic was
reportedly used in the tussle, and the remaining residents have been
reluctant to associate with the strangers.
Mike Phillips, msphil@birds.wm.edu
(AErth is the Dangerous Journeys/Mythus game world, described in Epic
of AErth)
Mike Phillips, msphil@birds.wm.edu
(This is where news from DM-created worlds can be found)
Original : Nimolee, vicinity of New Iport :
A local wizard, known simply as the "Gargoyle Mage," was recently
defeated. This mage had been rapidly gaining power in the area, much
to the distress of local town governments. After locating his castle,
and cutting off his source of granite (which the mage was using to
make the gargoyles), a band of adventurers broke into the castle and
killed many of his assistants and several gargoyles. The mage himself
was apparently killed when he was interrupted during a conjuration
spell. Local authorities are currently locating the remaining
A prominent local wizard known as the Silver Mage, has also
dispatched some of his aids to investigate the castle. He has reason
to believe that the sudden rise in the Gargoyle Mage's power is linked
to a recent magical disturbance in the area. He would not disclose
any further details.
Original : Nimolee, vicinity of New Iport :
Caravan merchants, en route from New Iport to the barbarian lands
to the north, reported seeing a strange, obsidian temple in the
meadows near the trade route. The temple is described as looking like
a huge, black, winged dog, with two siege weapons mounted on top. The
caravan owner allowed four of his guards to approach the temple and
investigate. When they failed to return at a pre-arranged time, some
more guards approached the temple and found that it had vanished.
Damage to vegetation in the area would imply that it somehow "walked
away," or was lifted off the ground.
The same caravan reported seeing the same temple two days later in
a different location, on a high bluff. This time, they were unable to
approach. By the following day the temple had again vanished.
The Silver Mage of New Iport has announced plans to investigate
the matter.
rjp3@cornell.edu (Richard J. Pugh)
- -
- 349 A.G.W., 12th month -
(Ardor Re Elberon is an original world)
[Editor's Note: This news arrived in my mailbox in two formats, once
written as most news here is, once written in a more modern style. I
chose to publish the more modern style, and invite comments on it.
However, comments should be addressed to msphil@birds.wm.edu instead
of msphil@tsrv1.ts.wm.edu -- Mike]
Glossary (only new stuff):
Entry: Description:
Mem city; south of Weimar, Allanor
Nimthal country; Elven forest state, north-west of Gordeyne
Ramanar town in Ranthir
Ranthir country; Dwarven Kindom, north of Gordeyne
Sauron's Ear sea; bordering south of Gordeyne and Allanor
Taurang country; east of Allanor.
Weimar city; capital of Allanor, east of Gordeyne
Xaxor country; bordering south of Sauron's Ear
GOR. An antique chess game and a music box surfaced after missing
for more than 150 years. For the past months the items were studied
by the mage guild in Gor. The guild master's secretary has now
disclosed the results of the research to the public. Chess game and
music box have been created by means of a contest between a mage and a
bard. Being friends, the bard had claimed to create something magical
which would be more useful, more beautiful, and more difficult than
the mage could do. Thus the mage produced a chess board with figures
that can play against themselves or against a person. In battle the
figures act very realistic. The bard made a music box with five
figures that upon command step out of the box and can perform an
incredible repertoire of songs or dances. The little band appears
real. The independent jury decided for a draw and both items should
be kept together, being of historical importance. This happened in
the north of Nimthal about 200 years ago. The items surfaced only
three years ago. Apparently, the messenger of Nimthal who had to
bring them to Gor was killed near Kont by hill giants nine months ago.
No comments were made by the secretary about the future location of
the chess game and the music box, but from well-informed quarters it
was quoted that both will return to Nimthal. The public can visit a
small exhibition with a demonstration of the objects during the next
week in the city library.
WEIMAR. The congress of magic finished today in Weimar, featuring
finals and the presentation ceremony of the Novum contest. The winner
was the Dwarven Smith's Guild from Ramanar who presented their Plate
Mail of the Planes to the impressed audience. With standing ovations,
the four winners received the honors and the prize money from the
honorable mastermage Cormelman, head of Weimar's mage guild.
One day earlier, the contest was overshadowed by an insidious
sabotage. The public's favourite for the Novum contest, the Singing
Fishes, had been killed by an unknown person who had knocked the
aquarium over.
MEM. The commander of the city guard, master Virgo, was arrested
by vice-commander Mongo. The chief was found to have organized weapon
and drug deals between Taurang and Xaxor via Sauron's Ear. These
countries appear to be building up forces against Gordeyne and
Allanor. "And I thought he was a good friend," Mongo was quoted one
day later, still shocked, "he must have led a double life over many
-Bezlan, itinerant bard from Gogolin. mott@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Martin Ott, p581mao@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
(This was sent to me some time ago, but I have forgotten to include it
in the past two issues. This is a portion of a campaign journal that
was submitted. You may find it of some interest.)
Action takes place in a deviant forgotten realms type world, around
Waterdeep, a huge city, and Dagerford, an almost-frontier town,
Secomber, a small town on the edge of the High Moor. Clearwater,
Highhill, Greenmoor are all fairly insignificant villages.
Laughing Hollow is the elvish settlement nearest to Daggerford.
Finbar - a bard, from near Waterdeep
Tor - a magic user from somewhere a long way away
Arayna - Tor's girlfriend
Paddy - a gnome thief / illusionist from fairly far away
Caljuin - a fighting priest of Tempus from the same place as Paddy
Eddie - a halfling thief, with many scars from somewhere around here
Valdora - a female Paladin from Daggerford
Thweedel - an illusionist from fairly far away
Mob - a cleric of Ukko from fairly far away
Ben - a fighter from Waterdeep
Mairenne - a female elven fighter from Laughing Hollow
Padur - a drug addicted ranger
Delfen - Tor's Tutor, based in Daggerford
Lamonsten - Thweedel's Tutor, based in Waterdeep
Duke Pwyll - Duke of Daggerford
The Watch - Waterdeep Police
The Militia - Daggerford based men at arms mainly there in case
of invasion from Dragonspear. Many of the player
characters are members of the militia, because it
runs a very attractive training scheme!
Dragonspear - the relatively local place where hoards of evil
creatures live, currently building up forces for
another invasion at some point in the not too near
Nightshade - a mad magic user who some time previously employed
the party for a short time
Sherlen - the leader of the Daggerford milita
27th Nov
Finbar contacted someone who would train him at both the
Musician's Guild and a fighting school recommended to him by the
Watch. The party loaned him 850gp to help pay for training, although
party members staying in Waterdeep agreed to keep an eye on him to
ensure he didn't run away without repaying the debt !
Tor arranged for messages to be kept for him at the mages guild,
and Paddy paid off his remaining training costs to his teacher, before
he was hassled further. After much discussion, the party kitty made a
distribution of 500gp to its shareholders. Eddie bought 5 white pills
for 300gp for the party, and they were distributed amongst those
trusted not to use them needlessly (naturally Padur knew nothing of
this). Finbar played another gig at the Jade Dancer, and it went down
well, and was given another slot.
28th Nov
Tor had a meal out with Arayna, and had to break the news that he
had to leave for a month or so the next day ! She suggested that she
went with him, but her father was furious with the idea, and she
accepted his refusal. Tor promised to send a message if he wasn't
back by mid Jan (a month and a half away).
29th Nov - 9th Dec
Tor & Thweedel returned to Daggerford to get training vouchers,
and Padur came with them too in case any more militia work was
available. Ben went with them because he had little better to do, and
the Daggerford militia seemed like a good job, with good benefits.
The trip to Daggerford was uneventful, and when they arrived Ben
joined up and was shown the ropes, and with Padur spent a week or so
working on routine duty. Tor started his training with Delfen after a
few days delay, and Thweedel returned to Waterdeep clutching the
training voucher, accompanying a patrol. On his return he started
training with Lamonsten.
Meanwhile in Waterdeep, Finbar performed once again, and excelled
himself, and was given another slot at the top of the bill! This top
of the bill slot went ok, but not as well as hoped. Another slot was
arranged, but not at the top of the bill.
Caljuin, Mob, and Paddy looked for jobs. They spoke to a fighter
called Obar who was looking for people to accompany him on a trip down
the Yawning Portal, but he was clearly looking for more experienced
adventurers. The mage who wanted vampire bat claws was still
advertising, and a new notice requesting "experienced adventurers" was
put by the Cellarers and Plumbers Guild !
On the day that Eddie came out of training he asked Nightshade if
there were any suitable jobs, but there weren't right now. A new
notice was seen, put up by Algurun the Argent, the somewhat senile
mage with lots of cats, and sounded interesting, so the party of four
went along. The mission was to retrieve a large green gem of little
intrinsic value, except for its use in a certain magic spell Algurun
was researching. He had used visions to discover where it was, and he
believed it was in the Bluestone Heights. From his visions he had
determined that from a small hill between the two highest peaks,
looking east into a valley a mound should be visible with a standing
stone on it. The mound should be enterable by a slab on the side, and
somewhere within lies the gem, although his visions didn't say where.
Algurun estimated from his vision that the mound was between 300 and
1000 years old. The party accepted the mission - 200 gp expenses and
2000gp for finding the gem, all payment at the end of the mission.
10th Dec
Eddie went to a sage, Ammathair and asked about the Bluestone
Heights and the mound. The sage after a day of research said that the
mound sounded like one of elvish construction, but that elves hadn't
lived in the Bluestone Heights within 1000 years. The most probable
explanation was a barbarian tribe influenced by elves built the mound.
Currently there were no known human, dwarven, elven or gnomish
communities in the Bluestone Heights.
11th Dec - 14th Dec
Paddy, Caljuin, Eddie and Finbar (now trained up to 3rd level)
travelled to Daggerford, and there met up with Ben and Padur. Going
to the militia HQ, they were told about the forthcoming wedding of
Baron Perne's son, and were asked if they would take a message to the
Baron, and attend the wedding as militia representatives. Since the
party wanted to go in this direction anyway, and the idea of being
paid to attend a banquet seemed like a good idea, the party agreed.
The non-militia in the party were made 'honorary militia' for the
duration of this trip.
14th Dec
In the evening at the pub, Finbar started talking to an attractive
elven girl, Mairenne (Graham's new character), and the rest of the
party were out for a reunion drink with "orc A" and decided to play a
practical joke, getting Orc A (who Finbar had never met) to pretend he
was Finbar's toy-boy in front of Mairenne! They left the pub when it
failed to distress Finbar, but looking in the magic box, Mob found a
small vial while wondering what else he could do to the new couple.
Thinking it was a love potion, he waited around with Eddie, and when
they left the pub, Mob cast hold person on them and Eddie splashed the
flowery smelling liquid over the pair of them and then dashed away.
The affects seemed only to be that they both smelled of cheap
(ASCII format)
Volume I:
#1, #2, #3*, #4*, #5*, #6*, #7*
Volume II:
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5*, #6, #7
Starred issues are available as Postscript files, located at
ftp.iastate.edu. They are named fnnvXnY.ps, where X is the volume
number and Y is the issue number. (note that a transfer leaving off
the .Z will result in the file being uncompressed into the normal PS
format before the transfer begins) Some Unix networks have problems
printing the PS files, but desktop machines (PC's, Macs) have reported
no difficulties. The issues were prepared on a Macintosh, using Aldus
Pagemaker 4.2 and the font GoudyMedieval. If anyone knows why this
setup might be having problems with Unix machines, please let me know.
All ASCII issues will be available from listserv@leicester.ac.uk, as part
of the FNN archives as soon as I can place them there.
(VERY important, this is how this Journal stays alive)
Mail me something, with a location, headline optional, and a
description. There are plenty of examples available, of course, from
any issue of FNN: TAJ. I am also fond of receiving multi-part news,
which has a full story over two or more issues, all submitted at once
(and clearly marked as separate pieces). The news will be placed in
the appropriate scrap files.
All mail to the editor should be addressed to FNN@le.ac.uk.
Subscriptions are handled via a listserv now, making my life much
easier (particularly since the account I've been using is vaporizing).
To subscribe, send mail to listserv@leicester.ac.uk, with the body:
will mail all people still on my distribution list once everything is
finished being set up. Hopefully, it won't be more than a couple more
days. Thank you for your cooperation.
DEADLINE: Volume II, number 8 is due out August 1st, so all submissions
for the next issue must be in no later than Friday, July 29th in
order to be included!
Thanks for your support!