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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
001=Usr:0 Null User 07/08/87 00:40 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19
1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2$************************* INSTALLED: 19 MAR 88 ***************************
3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator
7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately
8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the
10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the
12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out
14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering
15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 03/19/88 11:10 Msg:1311 Call:8871 Lines:5
20 Astrology: Astrology is the "raison d'etre of astronomy.
21 It is inadvisable to do anything without first consulting an astrologer.
22 I once knew a man who never consulted an astrologer, and now he is dead.
23 An Astrologer would have been able to forewarn him.
24 ***************************************************************************
003=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/19/88 12:26 Msg:1312 Call:8873 Lines:6
25 This Is Phoenix Polymorph.
26 I was woundering what started the topic we've been exploring. Was it the sudde
27 n entrance of the unknown lady Jody? Was it someting to do with 'The New Age'
28 whatever that is. Or did it just happen?
29 off
30 ^C
004=Usr:210 BRITTANIA SCARBO 03/19/88 14:12 Msg:1313 Call:8875 Lines:5
31 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
32 Hello. I'm back! Justin has a new computer! But I just popped in to say hi.
33 I have no real time today, but I'll be back shortly.
35 Phoenix: See you soon on BP, promise.
005=Usr:336 NOAM RANN 03/19/88 14:20 Msg:1314 Call:8877 Lines:4
36 (-=>+ [NOAM] +<=-)
37 LooKS LiKe i MiSSeD BeiNG FiRST THiS TiME. I GueSS i'LL TaKe CReDiT FoR THe La
39 (-=>+ [NOAM] +<=-)
006=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/19/88 14:43 Msg:1315 Call:8879 Lines:4
40 this is Phoenix again, could some-one spread the word on no-name that I'm not
41 paid yet? The cheque's in the mail....
42 thanx
43 ^C
007=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 03/20/88 00:28 Msg:1316 Call:8895 Lines:8
44 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This is Kev C. ################################
45 I have to ask the same question:
46 WHY?
47 .. Do we send troops to Honduras!?????!!!!
48 Ass holes!
50 /s
51 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ###################################
008=Usr:272 Talos 03/20/88 00:37 Msg:1317 Call:8896 Lines:8
52 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
53 Whats worse is they say the troops will NOT be sent into hostile environments.
54 Bullshit. Why are they there then? If the heat gets turned up, off they'll go.
55 Anybody on No Name, HELP! I can't read the address to send to Les. I had it
56 written down, but twice I've sent it out and twice it came back saying "Wrong
57 Address". What's the (New?) address?
58 Talos
59 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
009=Usr:188 Justin Klein 03/20/88 01:06 Msg:1318 Call:8897 Lines:27
60 ==============================Justin the Blue=============================
61 T H E S U N * D I A L T I M E S
62 Number One
63 ===========================================================================
64 Dateline PDX, 20-Mar-88: Justin the Blue here, returning to the
65 legendary BackWater With my own computer, my own modem, and little time
66 but a need to be foolish in front of many. There fore.....
68 The equipment:A Xerox 820-1 w/64K memory, runs CP/M. Has 300baud
69 -acoustic(well, at least 300 baud is better than zero....
71 Expect pithy commentary on whatever I want in the coming weeks, in-
72 cluding Ecotopia Now! and the now-legendary(in circles you arent in) Editor
73 With A Mohawk. See ya....
75 >Justin the Blue<
76 Ruler of the Grave
77  King of the Really Serious
78 Dude in charge of the Businesslike
79 Overlord of the Efficient
80 President of the Spartan
81 Incredibly Silly
82 Newly Minted
83 Winner of the Boarder War
84 House Proofreader
85 What it Was.
86 ===========================================================================
010=Usr:237 barefoot john 03/20/88 04:20 Msg:1319 Call:8902 Lines:16
87 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
89 Knowing ignorance is strength.
90 Ignoring knowledge is sickness.
92 If one is sick of sickness, then one is not sick.
93 The sage is not sick because he is sick of sickness.
94 Therefore he is not sick.
95 Tao Te Ching [seventy-one] -Lao Tsu
96 -----------------------------------------------------------------
97 Christanity is the more recent of three great dharmas. Each of
98 them has their own book of 'truth', transmitted directly from
99 GOD. What seems most significant is the amazing similarity!
101 From the confluence of Suck Creek & the Tennessee River...
102 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
011=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 03/20/88 10:58 Msg:1320 Call:8915 Lines:17
103 [][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
104 d. - "I can speak directly for God" He spoke to me in a dream and told
105 me all truth. Does this make my musings and meanderings the truth?
106 Of course not. And neither does the christian bible saying the
107 same thing make it so. The prophecies of Nostradamus also show
108 much of what is happening to us, and few regard them as absolute
109 truth.
110 And let us look at just one of the prophecies now coming true, that
111 of wars and rumors of war. Sure, there is war every where now, but
112 how much of that is new, and how much of it is just *news*? I
113 submit that although war has become more destructive, it has not
114 become more prevalent. We just hear about it more thanks to the
115 age we are in. Each generation points to things that say "This
116 surely is the end times!" And here we are yet.
118 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
012=Usr:47 John Dilks 03/20/88 18:05 Msg:1321 Call:8925 Lines:28
120 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
121 Capt'n: It's not surprising that the "books" are similar. One of the
122 primary reasons for people to look to religion is to provide an answer
123 to life. Usually exemplafied with the statement "Why am I here?"
124 It is thus only natural that the religions provide the answer. However
125 as Friar pointed out above, stating an answer in a book hardly provides
126 any sort of proof of the existance of God.
127 d: Profound statements and predictions are hardly the sole property of
128 the bible. These sorts of things can be found in many writings. I've got
129 a book of quotes that has some very profound statements in it about life
130 and humanity. These are not writtings from a God, they are from ordinary
131 people. There is nothing special about seeing life as it is, you only
132 need to open your eyes and see it. It has always been there and always
133 will be.
134 I see that you haven't changed your tune, you still start your arguments
135 with the same old saw. The Bible is the word of God, the bible says that
136 God exists, therefore God exists. That is a very poor circular argument.
137 You would fail logic class should you attempt to use that sort of structure.
138 Because the bible exists in quantity is hardly proof that it is more than
139 it is, a book, it only shows the zealousness of those that push it.
140 There are more IBM PC type personal computers than any other kind. That
141 fact doesn't make it the best computer, nor does it make it God's computer,
142 All it means is that there are more IBM PC style personal computers than
143 any other kind. Any other interperitation of that is mearly speculation
144 and opinion. The same goes for the bible, the quantity mearly describes
145 the quantity, nothing more.
146 John Dilks --
147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
013=Usr:245 Doug King 03/20/88 20:20 Msg:1322 Call:8932 Lines:5
148 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
149 Justin-You said you won the boarder war? Which one? The one between me and your
150 wife to be? We never resolved that one! I still think this is my boarder!
151 KEV C.-Asshole is one word not two....
152 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
014=Usr:329 mark Holdahl 03/20/88 20:54 Msg:1323 Call:8934 Lines:2
153 THIS IS WORLD WATCH THREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>03-20-88>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>21:12>
015=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 03/20/88 21:17 Msg:1324 Call:8935 Lines:11
155 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@KEV C<###############################
156 Hey, slugster.
157 True.
158 But hten again, Oh well,
159 How bout a seltzer?
160 MAybe not, you're off duty!
163 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@################################
016=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 03/21/88 03:54 Msg:1325 Call:8948 Lines:14
166 P%*@_%*@_#)%*!_*%@_)%*#$%(!(%_*(^)_^%*_#$(%#^+#$^#+!^*_+#(*+_#$^+^(+^$+#!^(#!+^
167 Phoenix: Aha, I recognize those 'golden' words you used. Yes, a clan (or cult)
168 of colored shell creatures. Yes, blue I believe. What wonderful images those
169 lines bring to mind. Great writers, those ancients were. And I hear great
170 rumor that they are swinging through Portland in the coming months.
172 Capt'n: Part of your message was truncated, and I feel a bit like the
173 treasure hunter who has only has half a map. The wheel house? And bags?
174 The cabin? And the wind, yes, a calm cool wind that caresses the sails, filling
175 them like a gentle dove fills a cupped hand. Horse latitudes? Does this
176 mean you are moving again, or does Suck Creek have a greater hold on you
177 than might have been possible in times past? Is it safe to continue a land-
178 locked form of communications to the previous address?
179 *%$#_)*%#_)%#$_)*%#_)%*)_#*%_)# L'homme sans Parity %*#*@_#%*_*%!)_%*!)+%@_#%*@
017=Usr:52 sandy mcgrath 03/21/88 12:21 Msg:1326 Call:8954 Lines:24
180 (((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))
182 There was only the roar of the river, the wind through the trees and the
183 crackling of our fire. Everything else was silent, yet I could feel life,
184 power all around me. In the flames I could see images. I could see beings
185 dancing in the flames. Memories of a life long past flooded my mind as we
186 quietly talked next to the campfire. The memories filled me with excitment
187 The warmth of heart and soul I felt for the one with me was overwelming. I
188 had finally found the one I had been looking for. The one I had been searching
189 for for so many lifetimes. My brother was finally by my side again.
190 The Wolf and the Cougar were once again rejoined to take their place in the
191 tribe. At one time the two of us guarded the territory keeping all within
192 its boundries safe from harm. Now it is time for the two of us to reclaim
193 that place once again. The Cougar guardian by day and the Wolf guardian by
194 night yet many times guarding and walking together. It is our place to
195 maintain the old ways. The ways past down for eons.
196 The rules were simple. Survival plain and simple... but by the old ways
197 only. The ways of the tribe cannot be changed. The must remain the same
198 inorder for survival to be possible. At times I feel there is so much to
199 remember. Can I live up to the responsibility the Elders have left me with.
200 Deep down inside I know I can. It is only the fears and pressures of my
201 present lifetime that make me feel restricted and afraid.
203 (((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))((( Ripple )))
018=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/21/88 20:00 Msg:1327 Call:8968 Lines:7
204 This is Phoenix Polymorph (aka, the Fire Clown)
205 So, they'll be here, setting the city aflaim? It's been a while since we've
206 heard from them.
208 By the way, what is a diz-buster?
210 ^C
019=Usr:188 Justin Klein 03/21/88 20:27 Msg:1328 Call:8971 Lines:8
211 ==============================Justin the Blue================================
212 Yes, I won the "boarder" war...remember, Slug, I got you spelling it
213 right????(Well, for a while anyway.)
214 All I can say is, if you have a boarder, I hope you are charging a
215 reasonable rent......
216  (It's BORDER, pal! Get it straight! Geeeeez!...Look out, here comes
217 the margarita salt...run for your life.....!)
218 -==========================Justin, no SLUG am I!==========>:-)===============
020=Usr:245 Doug King 03/21/88 21:45 Msg:1329 Call:8979 Lines:5
219 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
220 Sorry Jusin buddy, I forgot the correct spelling. Thanx for the idea of chargin
221 rent for borders (spelled it right! Hah!). I'll start charging your honey,
222 Brittania from now on. Give her a kiss for me, dude! Chow for now!
223 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
021=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 03/21/88 23:09 Msg:1330 Call:8983 Lines:8
224 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Kev C.###################################
225 Hey, slug!!!!
226 call Hudini's, or I will take over your job!
227 Ps, there may be a job for you at big Larr's 248-1960, Tell Larry that Kevin
228 Connell sent you, and ask for a private sig, and whatnot!
230 REMEMBER, Call Hodini's !!!1
022=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/22/88 00:07 Msg:1331 Call:8988 Lines:7
232 Phoenix here, what is the number at Hudini's? I can't ever get through. I kee
233 p getting this crap about the number not being there, and I've tried both local
234 and long dist.! HELP!
236 Mike- Sorry, didn't recognise your name on BP.
238 ^C
023=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/22/88 00:36 Msg:1332 Call:8989 Lines:2
239 Me again. I found the right number fo Hudini's....
240 ^C
024=Usr:53 prince dragon 03/22/88 18:38 Msg:1333 Call:9010 Lines:2
241 does anyone know when agora will be back up?? wuffa
242 .....................................................
025=Usr:210 BRITTANIA SCARBO 03/22/88 20:47 Msg:1334 Call:9015 Lines:8
243 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
244 I think I'd be the one to charge rent, Slug. Shame on you for arguing with a
245 lady!
246 And, guys, at least TRY to spell things correctly. HOUDINI'S, OK?
248 Anyway, anything existential happening that I can tap off o? I need it.
249 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IA the BORDER MISTRESS! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
026=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/22/88 21:10 Msg:1335 Call:9016 Lines:3
251 This is world watch three, on location.....
252 Brittania, my dear, you know I can't spell.....
253 ^C
027=Usr:272 Talos 03/23/88 00:38 Msg:1336 Call:9020 Lines:6
254 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
255 Houdini's Place BBS
256 639-xxxx
257 For those who still need it.
258 Talos
259 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
028=Usr:272 Talos 03/23/88 12:17 Msg:1337 Call:9035 Lines:33
260 In the days of the haze, the color was deep purple
261 And our heads would never be the same
262 A distant metal voice gives us no choice
263 We ride, we ride the killing machine
265 Like a wheel that keeps on turning
266 And a fire that keeps on burning
267 Maybe tomorrow
268 Not today, no no
270 Now the sky is filled with diamonds
271 And the wind it cries Mary
272 And our eyes stare through the window pane
273 The season of the witch brings out the bitch
274 And she will bring us new pleasure new pain
276 Like a wheel that keeps on turning
277 And a fire that keeps on burning
278 Today is now tomorrow
279 Not yesterday, yesterday
281 We still remember, all the reasons why
282 We still remember, after all this time
283 We still remember, the flag still flies
284 We still remember, we will carry on
286 Memories that live forever
287 Sweet emotions yo will treasure
288 Find a place to give them shelter
289 Won't get fooled by helter skelter
291 We Still remember, we will carry on
292 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
029=Usr:322 Stray Cat 03/23/88 14:25 Msg:1338 Call:9040 Lines:9
294 scscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscs
296 Talos - did you write that or what? Sounds like a combination of Lucy in
297 the Sky, Proud Mary, Season of the Witch, etc. What exactly is
298 helter skelter?
301 scscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscsc
030=Usr:237 barefoot john 03/23/88 16:40 Msg:1339 Call:9045 Lines:27
302 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
303 John D. -- Permit me to elucidate on my previous inference,
304 hopfully to clarify its meaning. (Interesting side note: 'd'
305 seems to view me as being totally derisive of religion, while
306 you perhaps perceive me as supportive--- Well, 'balance in all
307 things') The point was that there is 'truth' at the core of most
308 religion. It is this essence that we should nurture and preserve.
309 What we should resist is the tyranny of dogma.
311 Christianity has a benin and harmless aspect, part social guide
312 and part genial bully. People are cajoled into believing they must
313 be born again or belong to something. The other side of Christian
314 activity, for nearly 2000 years, has been to imprison people in a
315 mental straitjacket. Any sort of irreverence or rebellon was
316 severely punished.
318 How has this mental prison affected our thinking? First it causes
319 us to ask the wrong uestions. A classic example is underlying
320 theme of the current backwater discusion, "WHY?" The explorer
321 Richard Burton said, "Abjure the Why and seek the How. (There he
322 goes quoting authoritive sources again!) How? ---- can we as
323 individuals and collectively look at ourselves, and our reflection
324 in the words of others, to gain new insight?
326 L'homme -- Still slounin' around the Suck Creek Slough, when I'm
327 not jetting around the country in the company bird.
328 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
031=Usr:210 BRITTANIA SCARBO 03/23/88 18:08 Msg:1340 Call:9049 Lines:7
330 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
332 EGAD! Even the Capt'n is using it now! "Yer Onner, I DEJECT!!"
333 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA (doggone it!) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
032=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 03/24/88 00:01 Msg:1341 Call:9061 Lines:6
336 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Kev C.##################################
337 I'm back. So, what's been going on lately?
338 Slug, if your on duty, then how bout a NY seltzer?
340 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@########################
033=Usr:272 Talos 03/24/88 02:40 Msg:1342 Call:9064 Lines:9
342 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
343 Helter Skelter was a song written by the Beatles which Charles Manson Claimed
344 he heard something in it that told him to murder those people.
345 The whole thing was written and performed by the group Kick Axe on their latest
346 album Rock The World. Go buy it. It's good. Also they do an outstanding version
347 of Fleetwood Mac's song "The Chain". It's beautiful. Enjoy.
349 Talos
350 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
034=Usr:322 Stray Cat 03/24/88 07:34 Msg:1343 Call:9065 Lines:6
352 scscsscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscsccscscscscscccssscccscscsc
354 I kinda knew that but what do the words "helter skelter" refer to (I don't
355 think "we" have the record).
356 sccssccssccscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscsc
035=Usr:397 dragon lady 03/24/88 16:08 Msg:1344 Call:9075 Lines:22
357 -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- 24 Mar 88 -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=-
358 Welcome back, Capt'n! Forgive me if I came across as an antagonist;
359 I was just ribbing you for the chuckles that spill out between your lines!
360 No matter how serious the subject, you irreverently nudge some fun out of
361 it, not unkindly. I like that in a man! Now, I will not "abjure the why"
362 (sounds far too final) but I do "seek the How": How shall I establish
363 that the Bible stands above other books of "truth," at the same time
364 satisfying John Dilk's demand for "accepted logic convention"?
365 Simple. The Bible's strongest evidence of inspiration is prophecy.
366 By this I do not mean vague, sweeping statements such as Nostradamus made.
367 The Bible is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the
368 future--something impossible for humans.
369 The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies. Have they been accurately
370 fulfilled until now? If so, it would be a telling indication of the
371 Bible's being "inspired of God." And it would create confidence in
372 further prophecies regarding events yet to come. Hence, it will be
373 useful to review some prophecies already fulfilled.
374 The ancient city Babylon (famed for its great structure of vaulted
375 archways, tier upon tier: the hanging gardens, "wonder of the world")
376 was located along the Euphrates River, approximately 540 miles east
377 of Jerusalem and some 50 miles south of modern Baghdad. History records
378 that Babylon took the Jews into captivity. Yet, about 40 years before
036=Usr:397 dragon lady 03/24/88 16:53 Msg:1345 Call:9076 Lines:54
379 this happened Jeremiah foretold it. Isaiah predicted it some 150 years
380 before it happened. He also foretold that the Jews would return from
381 captivity. So did Jeremiah, saying that they would be restored to their
382 land after 70 years.--Isaiah 39:6,7; 44:26; Jeremiah 25:8-12; 29:10.
383 How would this return be made possible? By the overthrowing of Babylon
384 by the Medes and Persians in 539 B.C.E. Now, to get an idea of how
385 impossible this prophecy sounded, we can reconstruct a fair resemblance
386 of the appearance of Babylon as it stood in Nebuchadnezzar's day.
387 Historians and archaeologists testify that a system of double walls
388 surrounded the city, the outer wall buttressed by towers. Streets ran
389 through the city from gates in the massive walls. Procession Street,
390 the main boulevard, was paved and its walls alongside were decorated
391 with lions, dragons and bulls in symbol of the honoured gods. According
392 to Herodotus, the great Euphrates River was flanked on either side with
393 a continuous quay, which was separated from the city proper by walls
394 having twenty-five gateways. This sprawling metropolis astride the
395 watercourse was a commercial and industrial center of world trade.
396 More than an important manufacturing center, it was a commercial depot
397 for trade between the peoples of the East and the West, both by land
398 and by sea. Babylon, it is said, had a fleet of three thousand galleys
399 that plied not only the city's canal system but also the great Tigris
400 and Euphrates Rivers. This means that her fleet had access to the
401 Persian Gulf and the seas far beyond.
402 Yet its overthrow was foretold by Isaiah nearly 200 years before it
403 happened, and by Jeremiah about 50 years before it occurred. Jeremiah
404 said that the Babylonian soldiers would put up no fight. Both Isaiah
405 and Jeremiah foretold that Babylon's protecting waters, the river
406 Euphrates, "must be dried up." Isaiah even gave the name of the
407 conquering Persian general, Cyrus, and said that before him "the gates
408 [of Babylon] will not be shut."--Jeremiah 50:38; 51:11,30; Isaiah 13:
409 17-19; 44:27; 45:1.
410 Again, the setting: Isaiah's writing was completed by about 732 B.C.E.
411 Cyrus had not been born when it was written. The Jews were not taken
412 into exile to Babylon until 617-607 B.C.E., and Jerusalem and its temple
413 were not destroyed until 607 B.C.E. In detail the prophecy was fulfilled
414 starting in 539 B.C.E...the night of October 5/6.
415 That fateful night in the city of Babylon, coregent Belshazzar held
416 a banquet with a thousand of his grandees. Nabonidus was not there to
417 see the ominous writing on the plaster wall: "MENE, MENE, TEKEL and
418 PARSIN" because he had taken refuge in the city of Borsippa to the SW.
419 Neither was Cyrus' army sleeping in their encampment around Babylon's
420 impregnable walls, for it was a night of great activity! In brilliant
421 strategy Cyrus' army engineers diverted the mighty Euphrates River from
422 its course through the city. Then down the riverbed the Persians marched,
423 up over the riverbanks, to take the city by surprise through the gates
424 along the quay.
425 The Greek historian Herodotus explains: "Had the Babylonians been
426 apprised of what Cyrus was about, they would have made fast all the
427 street-gates which [were] upon the river...But, as it was, the Persians
428 came upon them by surprise and so took the city." Quickly passing through
429 the streets, killing all who resisted, they captured the palace and put
430 Belshazzer to death. It was all over. In one night Babylon had fallen,
431 ending centuries of Semitic supremacy; control of Babylon became Aryan,
432 and Jehovah's word of prophecy was fulfilled!
037=Usr:397 dragon lady 03/24/88 17:39 Msg:1346 Call:9077 Lines:11
433 But there is more! Just in time for the Jews' 70-year exile to end,
434 Cyrus returned the captive Jews to their homeland, in 537 B.C.E. What
435 about the city Babylon? Both Isaiah and Jeremiah foretold that it would
436 eventually become uninhabited ruins. True to prophecy, today Babylon
437 is a desolate heap of mounds.--Isaiah 13:20-22; Jeremiah 51:37, 41-43.
438 No man can accurately foretell the future in detail. That is beyond
439 human ability. However, the Creator of the universe possesses all the
440 necessary facts and can even control events. Thus he can be spoken of
441 as the One who is "telling from the beginning the finale, and from long
442 ago the things that have not been done."--Isaiah 46:10; 41:22,23.
443 -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- d -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=-
038=Usr:52 sandy mcgrath 03/24/88 20:50 Msg:1347 Call:9085 Lines:1
444 (((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))((( lurking around )))((( Ripple )))
039=Usr:47 John Dilks 03/24/88 21:50 Msg:1348 Call:9088 Lines:120
445 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
446 'd', I wouldn't be too quick at calling Nostradamus's prohecies
447 'vague and sweeping' Quite the contrary, the primary reason for his
448 notoriety is his rather explicit and to the point predictions.
450 Here is one from quatrain 24, second ten centuries:
451 Bestes farouches de faim fleuves tranner,
452 Plus part du champ encontre Hister sera.
453 En caige de fer le grand fera traisner,
454 Quand rien enfant de Germain observera.
456 Translated to English it becomes:
457 Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers, the greater part of
458 the battle will be against Hitler. He will cause great men to be dragged
459 in a cage of iron, when the son of Germany observes no law.
461 This is a direct prediction of Hitler and his evil deeds. There are
462 several other references to Hitler, so this is not a coincidence.
464 Or we can look at another popular prediction in II.51:
465 Le sang de juste a' Londres sera faulte
466 Brule's par fouldres de vingt trois les six;
467 Le dame antique cherra de place haute
468 Des mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.
470 Translated to English this becomes:
471 The blood of the just will be demanded of London, Burned by fire in
472 three times twenty plus six. The ancient lady will fall from her high
473 position and many of the same denomination will be killed.
475 This is a prediction of the Great London Fire of 1666, in which the
476 Cathedral of St. Paul's was destroyed killing those seeking protection
477 from the fire within it.
479 Nostradamus predicted the life and death of kings, nations. Many of
480 the predictions giving specific dates while others referred to
481 activities over particular periods of times. His predictions were no
482 worse for accuracy or explicit nature than the ones you quote from the
483 bible.
485 -- John Dilks --
487 Ten easy steps on learning how to be a prophet (or profit depending on
488 your view point).
490 1. Study history extensively, your best material will come from here.
491 History always repeats itself, so just reword some past historical items
492 into present and future predictions and call them your own.
494 2. Predict devastating events. People seldom remember happy or positive
495 events when they are predicted, they are too busy enjoying them. When
496 bad things happen they want someone to tell them "I told your so".
497 Somehow it makes people feel better when they think that someone knew
498 what was going to happen.
500 3. Sprinkle in some rather obvious events that even an idiot could
501 predict that way they will more likely believe the more outlandish
502 predictions. An example would be to predict war in an area of the world
503 where there has always been war like the middle east. The chances of it
504 happening are quite good.
506 4. Don't worry about the predictions not coming true. People don't
507 remember predictions that don't come true, they only remember the ones
508 that do especially when they are particularly devastating.
510 5. Publicize! By all means, toot your horn. This is why you should
511 predict a lot of things. The more you predict the greater the
512 probability that some of them will occur. When they do come true
513 publicize them!
515 6. Be a little vague so that you can adjust any prediction to fit a
516 situation when it does occur, but not so vague that you can't point to
517 it and say that it is a detailed prediction of the occurrence. You can
518 add the details after the occurrence.
520 7. Natural and man-made disasters are very productive predictions. They
521 always have and always will occur, so you can't go wrong here.
522 Earthquakes, fire, flood, pestulance, and war are always good for a few
523 predictions. The further into the future you predict the more outrageous
524 your claims can be. Earthquakes seem to be quite popular with the past
525 prophets. Probably because they were so devastating and are fairly easy
526 to predict if you pay attention to history. Currently the San Andrea's
527 fault quake prediction is a good one to get onto. It is extremely likely
528 that it will happen within the next couple of decades, and when it
529 happens you can say you predicted it! All you have to do is predict that
530 it will happen "this year" every year until it does. If you are
531 particularly adventuresome give a specific date. If you hit it (one in
532 365 chance) you'll be a big success (see #5 above though). If you miss,
533 you can still say "well it did happen this year, so I was close".
535 8. Always use props or ritualism mechanisms to divine your predictions.
536 People don't want to believe that you yourself actually come up with the
537 predictions, but they will happily believe that the predictions come
538 from outside of you either through spirits or from some God.
540 9. When the prediction involves the present or near future always be
541 vague enough so that people can rationalize it away. Let them interpret
542 it in their own words. The more rope you give them the greater chance
543 that they will find a way to accept it as truth. But be sure to weave
544 some common truth or obvious prediction that they can anchor themselves
545 to so that they can believe the prediction as a whole. Remember, you can
546 always expand on the prediction and add the details later. If you die
547 and your predictions are particularly voluminous your followers can then
548 interpret and expand on them if you give them something that can be
549 easily adjusted.
551 10. Don't publicize too strongly until after the prediction comes true
552 if your into present and near future predictions, that way you can
553 rewrite the prediction more easily. This also allows your followers to
554 do the same for those predictions that last past your own life span.
555 The less written wording there is the easier it is to rewrite the
556 history of the prediction.
558 Finally,
559 Don't worry about nay-sayers, for every nay-sayer there is a
560 sucker out there ready and willing to believe anything you pour into
561 their gullible little minds.
563 -- J.D. --
564 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
040=Usr:272 Talos 03/24/88 22:59 Msg:1349 Call:9090 Lines:13
565 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
566 Ah yes, well, Nostrodamos (SP?) was rather close in his predictions. But it
567 seems to me the further in the future he went the further he was off. He did
568 come real close to Hitler (He guessed Himler), and who knows maybe in 2086
569 there will be a nuclear war. I can't take the Bible seriously, I'm not knocking
570 God or religion (Relax big guy!), After King (Whatshisname, Richard?) had the
571 Bible rewritten, all authenticity was lost and threfore is considered void. (No
572 Refunds!). The "Educated" guess by scholars was It was rewritten to "Fit" the
573 events of their current past more closely. I don't know if this is true or not,
574 I'm just wasting time typing on this bbs while waiting for some other bbs's to
575 open up. Enough for now!
576 Talos
577 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
041=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 03/25/88 01:02 Msg:1350 Call:9098 Lines:4
578 %*#()$%*@)(%*!_)*+%$*!+)*!~_#*!_$*!)_&#%_)*!%_)!*$!)@*$_)!*~_)$*_!$*!_@$*_)!*@$
579 Cap't : Glad to hear you are having a flying good time! I would surmise that
580 the business is indeed looking up. More on that other ship of fools later.
581 *$)(@#*$)_@$*)_*$!@_)$*!)_@$*!@$!$ L'homme sans Parity *$@#*$!)_$@)$*!@)$!%&!)*
042=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 03/25/88 20:34 Msg:1351 Call:9127 Lines:12
582 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
583 As our dear friend Ronnie Ray-gun would say, "There you go again." Try not to
584 use biblical quotes as proof that something specific occured. It just won't
585 work. If you can find the corroborative evidence as to specific predictions
586 in other sources, then we can talk.
587 As an aside, why is it usually christians who feel they must justify and prove
588 their religion? I have never had a Buddhist or Confucian try and convert me,
589 and Islam would rather the western world die a painful death. I am not sure,
590 but perhaps it is a fundamental insecurity? I don't know.
591 As for the ten commandments of succcessful prognostication, GREAT!!!
592 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
043=Usr:245 Doug King 03/25/88 22:58 Msg:1352 Call:9132 Lines:3
594 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
595 I really don't give a rat's hat for any of this bible stuff. I agree with J.D.
596 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
044=Usr:272 Talos 03/26/88 02:46 Msg:1353 Call:9141 Lines:8
597 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
598 Well, I'm not that religious myself Slug, Personally I like JD (Jack Daniels
599 that is, Not that I don't like J.D., I just Prefer Mr. Daniels. In fact, I like
600 to get into fights with Jack and lose, badly!). I don't think I'm any religion,
601 but when I'm falling down a cliff, I do believe you'll hear me screaming to s
602 some god or other!
603 Talos
604 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
045=Usr:237 barefoot john 03/26/88 02:59 Msg:1354 Call:9142 Lines:19
605 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
606 Swaying trees and rippling waters mingled with toughts of scarcely
607 remembered images. It was time to again don the cloak of the ancient ways.
608 Was he up to the task? Yes, the potential was there, waiting like a coiled
609 spring. Necessity would bring it forth like a fresh spring rain seduces
610 the blossoms from the wild flowers.
611 First he must remember. No written record of the ancient ways existed.
612 Such writing was considered to be a mere reflections of the real thing. For
613 countless ages the understaunding had been passed on from teacher to student
614 through experience. Young hunters learned from those who knew the ways of
615 the deep wood. Sure, swift hands taught the skills of spinning and weaving
616 Wait, that wasn't entirely true. Somewhere deep among the trees there
617 was a crystal clear pool. All around it were large rocks, carved into many
618 shapes and symbols. Once he'd been taken there and gazed in wonder at the
619 luminous images. Could he find his way alone? Who would guide him now that
620 Kiji had joined the spirits? It was said that you could only hope to find
621 the pool if your motives were pure. Now he must remember the rituals of
622 tranquility and purification.
623 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Still Waters~~~
046=Usr:237 barefoot john 03/27/88 03:40 Msg:1355 Call:9175 Lines:18
624 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
625 L'homme --- Somewhat, but it's paid for in the coin of personal
626 freedom. Lookin' at the terrain ahead it sure would be great
627 to have a 'double-barrelled code slinger', such as yourself,
628 as a travellin' companion Here's hoping you'll be laughing
629 and dreamin' again soon.
631 BRITTANIA --- The capt'n been using it for longer than he cares
632 to remember, however feel free to share it. It's unlikely any
633 would confuse our styles.
635 'd' --- Aren't you the naughty one? <chuckle> Pushing the Bible
636 Button, causing all the boys to jump on it like a June bug on
637 an apple blossom.
638 Here's another cosmic mystery folks. Way down here in 'DIXIE'
639 the June Bugs arrive in May, but the May Flies don't show up
640 until June.
641 {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
047=Usr:414 Nora Nogood 03/27/88 13:30 Msg:1356 Call:9183 Lines:6
642 This is a test.
643 This is only a test of the emergency bitcom system.
644 We are attempting to contact anyone through outer space on
645 bitcom..
646 IF you have eight legs, four ears and ten eyes, please contact.
647 I repeat. Please contact through this bulletin board.
048=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 03/27/88 17:32 Msg:1357 Call:9193 Lines:16
648 _____________________________________________________________________________
649 d: As I understand it, the Old Testament only achieved a form resembling it's
650 current one *during* the Babylonian exile. There is apprently a lot of
651 evidemce that it0gas massively edited and re-written then. Thus none of the
652 "prophecies" of the exile can be considered valid, as the may have been added
653 at thiis time.
654 Given the level of literacy at any time until the Middle Ages, re-writing
655 the Scriptubes without getting caught would be childishly simple. And don't
656 forget translators errors. The most grievous example of *that* is the infamous
657 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." The word translated as witch, was
658 actually "poisoner". Yn view of the suffering caused by this *one* error and
659 the hundreds of years it took to get it corrected (actually it *still* hasn't
660 been corrected in many translations!!!) I find it impossible to accept the
661 Bible as the word of God. If0He qllowed this kind of error, what other errors
662 may be there?
663 _______________________________Leonard_________________________________________
049=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 03/28/88 01:04 Msg:1358 Call:9213 Lines:27
664 &*%@*%_@#*)_*_)!*%$@+1#(%+!_#%_)#@!*%!_)*%_!#*%_)^*_)*_)^*$_)^*#)_^*#_)^*#_)^*#
665 Cap't : Alas, I too would enjoy the coding companionship of a free-spirit not
666 confined to the ways of the Warnier-Orr and the like. The slap-dashers and
667 the tele-hacking electronic nufer-do-wells quickly tire and discourage those
668 of a more lofty and more deeply committed engineering stance.
670 I have been told by more than one person that good things come to those who
671 wait, and 'what comes around goes around.' The paths f consciousness take
672 two distinct paths at this point. How long to wait? In waiting there is no
673 action, and inaction often spells doom. But what is better? Action in a
674 direction that is wrong, or inaction that brings neither good nor bat. But
675 to act is to take destiny in your own hands. Karma be damned! For it is I
676 who guides my ship in the sea of existence. Is this so wrong, or are the
677 musical philosophers who said "If you choose not to decide, you still have
678 made a0choice" correct after all. Perhaps it is a combination of both
679 contexts into one usable philosophy of life - White and Black don't exist.
680 Day and Night are merely dreams. Everything is gray, all is between the
681 extremes. Meld the paths that vorm bight and left, and forge your own
682 trail through the between.
684 Work on the between I will - but perchance what do you say about these
685 things. I have grown to respect the calls of your ever-insightful watch.
686 Just as the keen-eiud wure picked to stand and search the open sea for
687 those things that were desired and feared, you are asked to give your
688 opinion, in whatever form you wish. It is up to the captain of a ship
689 to decide the actions in response to the calls of0the0watch.
690 *&%@*%@#*%@(%&)@#%*@#%&@#%@% L'homme sans Parity %&#@)(%&@#)(&~!@_()*!@_)$*!@
050=Usr:85 Mark Forsyth 03/28/88 02:32 Msg:1359 Call:9215 Lines:9
691 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
692 Leonard - You pointed out just one of the }any dranslation errors in
693 the bible. One that comes to my mind is the ever favorite
694 saying "The virgin Mary." Well, guess what word they goofed.
695 The original word means young, NOT virgin.
696 I too vind it hard to believe something that has been subject
697 to so much change of the years. If only the originators of the
698 bible could read it today, what would they say?
699 = = = = = = = = = = = = -Mark.= =
051=Usr:245 Doug Ki~g 0 03/28/88 18:09 Msg:1360 Call:9229 Lines:3
700 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
701 Mr. Parity, there is also the saying "No matter where you go, there you are."
702 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
052=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 03/28/88 18:44 Msg:1361 Call:9230 Lines:8
703@I thought that was "No matter where you go, no matter what you do,
704@ there you are, doin' it."
7 6 Sounds fromiliar.....
708 Mr. Polymorph, Banzai Institute, Wilsonville branch.
710 ^C
053=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 03/28/88 22:25 Msg:1362 Call:9237 Lines:5
711 _____________________________________________________________________O___O
712 I am most familar with the verse I quoted due to having a large number
713 of acquaintances in the Wicca community. As you can imagine the are not
714 exactly thrilled with the "literalist" types....
715 _________________________________Leonard__________________________________
054=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 03/29/88 06:08 Msg:1363 Call:9244 Lines:2
716 I have seen my share of crazy witches, and in my opinion they should all be
717 placed in a wicca basket!
055=Usr:415 Tom Richardson 0#?29/88 10:12 Msg:1364 Call:9255 Lines:16
718 Looking for help in setting up this modem to operate at 1200 baud.
719 It is a Rixon TA-1200 (a 1 series) not auto dial. Works fine at 300
720 baud, but on 1200 it reaches the bbs, and then prints strings of
721 garbage instead of words as the bbs tries to communicate. Am embarrassed
722 that I only return garbage to system. Am using 7 bit word setting, even
723 parity, ^M^MNU dial string and AT D initial. Software is "Mite", part
724 of the Framewbk package. Modem self tests seem to run OK. Any help would
725 be greatly appreciated. I can return help with info on home audio/video,
726 as that is my specialty. If on bbs, send message to Tom Richardson. Land
727 voice line is 239-8833.......often q machine, but will record as long as
728 you keep talking. Thanks.
730 ep
056=Usr:61 Emu 03/29/88 20:59 Msg:1365 Call:9268 Lines:23
734 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.=.-.-.-.-.-.
735 "To sleep; perchance to dream..." Actually, L'homme, sleep has been
736 experienced in the near past by me and my other. The third in our party
737 is still a three ring circus (eat, sleep, get messy), but the second
738 parameter yc increasing in duration (thank God). Perhaps in another few
739 days we shall all meet again, and you may gaze upon the new flesh of my
740 flesh, bone of my bone, spirit of my spirit.
742 Between the DEQ and dual SU carbs, I'm quite disgusted0at the moment. I'm
743 even going as far as calling in the professionals to take over. I've given
744 up hope for doing it myself. This poor auto has never forgone the brutality
745 of tri-county environmental abuse, since it used to live in that othur twn.
747 By the way, I might have some more used reference material to pass on to you
748 if you are willing. They have something to do with the box on my desk at
749 work (hint hint).
750 Sorry, nothing more literate than that. Someday, `erhaps Miranda shall
751 have something more to tell us. Anyway, give me a call, I've got some
752 new toys to show you...
754 A hearty "Hello" to those who might know me, and "See youse guys later..."
756 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.->-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu
057=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 03/29/88 23:33 Msg:1366 Call:9272 Lines:12
757 *#$%*@)_%*@_#*!@_)*!+(!@_+)$(!@)_$(*)_@!~($!_+$)(!+|$)+_!*$_!*$)_!#&%!)_*!_)$*
758 Emu: Ah yes, good old SU's. My Holley's other name ic folley, because sometimes
759 it seems like folly to get it to behave - usually it does, the last adjustments
760 I made seemed to help out quite a bit. A thank the maker for manual chokes!
762 I would like to visit and see all of your latest creations and toys. I knowest
763 what you speak of, and will submit to less decorative conversational routes for
764 further discourse on those subjects.
766 Good to see your tired but smiling face around here again. May the sun always
767 shine in your part of the world.
768 *%#_*%_)@%*@)%*@#)_%*@_#%*@_)#*%_)@ L'homme sans Parity %*#)_@%*_#%*@_#*%@_#%*@
058=Usr:272 Talos 03/30/88 00:33 Msg:1367 Call:9274 Lines:7
769 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><:.<*>,*><*><*><*><*>
770 Of rules:
771 I feel it is best that we break some, bend some, ignore some, and
772 enforce some so that the world continues turning at it's own pace.
774 Talos
775 <*><*><*><:.<*>,*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
059=Usr:53 prince dragon 03/30/88 17:23 Msg:1368 Call:9288 Lines:1
060=Usr:416 Robert Dinse 03/30/88 19:06 Msg:1369 Call:9294 Lynes:47
777 Try Eskimo North (206) For-Ever (206) 367-3837
778 ut-sr o Conference o User-to-User Chat
779 nline Games o Programming o Usenet Mail Access
780 Room Messages o Unix Access o Tutorials
781 o Humor o Picue0  File Transfer
782 o Pix Support o No Time Limit o No u/d ratio reqd
783 => Multi-User capability supports simultaneous callers.
784 Interact in real-time in Chat, Conference and Games!
785 >Cneee etfins, Share Opions - Realtime!
7860 > Chat with any other user online! Realtime!
787 => Online Gae sr-User Chess over modem!
788 Otherlands pits you against other users and computer
789 gnrtdcetrs 9 Games Online! Try them!
790 >Poramming online, Basic, C, Fortran, Pascal.
791 => Online tutorials and help! Over 2-1/2 megabytes of help
792 flst epyou learn the ins and outs of this system.
793 >Uee ol-iemil!
794 => Room Message System - Topic divided message system.
795 >Fl nxAcs o>ALL< users.
796 => Humor - We have hundreds0of kilobytes of humor! If you
797 ne ag,cekout our humor section!
798 => Pictures - Over 200 digitized picture files and programs
799 t ipa hmfrmost microcomputers!
800 >Fle Transfer - Xmodem, Xmodem CRC, 1k Xmodem, Ymodem,
801 Zmodem,0Ker}it, ASCII trnfr.Areas for just about
802 aycmuter, just about any type of file, binaries,
803 suce, text, pictures, music, try it!
804 => Online utilities - tar, ar, arc, lu, cpio, zoo for
805 archiving/de-archiving online; pack/unpack/pcqd,
(06 compress/uncompress/zcat, sq/usq/catsq for file
807 compression/decompression online, and many others!
809 RQIEET<on Eskm ot!
810 => Your first >TWO WEEKS ARE 100% FREE< that'c for
811 >OPEEUNRESTRICTED ACCESS< so you can look us over
812 and decide for yourself. After that it's only a low
813 $/onth fee to help us with our $250/month phone bill
814 adnwaditions to the system.
815 => Validation is required! We vqlidate by phone within 24
816 hours of your applicto!Tis is necessary for your
817 ko o o' ike those programs that
818 format your disk without warning, we don't like them
819 ete!S. lease forgive the inconvienience!
820 Eskimo Nobth (206) For-Ever
821 300/1200 (206) 367-3837
822 2400 (206) 365-5458
061=Usr:272 Talos 03/31/88 22:24 Msg:1370 Call:9329 Lines:6
824 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
(25 Counting wn!!! In 1 hour and 10 minutes I'll be 20yrs old! (So that means
826 365 days, 1 hour and 10 minutes til I'm 21. However, this will be my 3rd annual
827 twenty-first birthday party. Well, see ya around.
828 0 Talos
829 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
062=Usr:245 Doug King 04/01/88 18:33 Msg:1371 Call:9356 Lines:5
831 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
832 Hmmmmmm....Not 21 huh Talos? We'll have to talk about this when you drop by
833 Houdini's for a drink......... Chow for now!
834 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
063=Usr:421 Robin Ramsey 04/01/88 20:45 Msg:1372 Call:9362 Lines:11
835 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
837 And the debate still goes on....l'homme greatest appologies a long0dime since
838 we last chatted and yes I did receive the note dated sometime in july I believe
839 and no I don't have the address on the envelope. But I have a new on here.
840 We moved over the hill to the other side of the island. Wetter but what the hey
841 ...I still have my snorkle. Take note 630 Wanaao RD Kailua HI 96734
842 If you get bored during working hours (ours) try 1-800-533-0066.
843 Best wishes to all!
845 ::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*::::::::::::::::
064=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 04/02/88 08:36 Msg:1373 Call:9372 Lines:11
846 *%#$*%)_$#*%_)@%*@_)%*_@)*_)%*_#%@_#)%(@_)^&%*#_)_@!$(*!_)(+~_#|(#)_+*#)%*_)!$!
847 Aha : Another thought-long-lost soul is heard from - this time from a tro`ycal
848 paradise in the pacific ocean. Alex! You old risk hacker you, glad to hear that
849 you received at least some of the mail I pointed your way. I have recorded the
850 address and the phone number. hmmm. a '1-800' number, I will have to try that
85! out. And what's this about moving to the other side of the island? Wetter, like
852 in 200 inches annual wetter? And we all think Portland is puddle city! Glad to
853 hear from you, and I hope Barb and Alex II are doing well. Expect some sort
8540of communications soon. You know, Alex, there hasn't been a Risk game like
855 the good old Risk games since you left...
856 *&%@*%()@*_)~*$)_!&%)#*)@_#%*@)#_ L'homme sans Parity %*#)*%@)_#%*_!~)@$*!+@$!+
065=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 04/02/88 10:32 Mcw:1374 Call:9374 Lines:3
857 L'homme - There is a game starting up on CBBS NW, three spots open at this time
859 Black, pink, and yellow.
066=Usr:351 art yerkes 04/02/88 16:10 Msg:1375 Call:9378 Lines:6
860 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[K[[ART----ART ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
861 BACK again to those who were here long enough.
862 I'M here noto those who werent.
863 I got an account on GEnie (like compuserve)
864 Now they forgot my password.
865 [[[[[[[[[[[[[K[[[K[[[[[[[[[[[[[ ART==ART ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
067=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 04/03/88 00:34 Msg:1376 Call:9397 Lines:8
866 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Kev C.############################
867 'scuse me, cap'n barefoot, but are you named after your talents?
868 If so, I am also interested in barefooting- if not, I look like a total fool!
869 Anyways- I am really kindof bored with this bible stuff, and all those
870 prophet quotes. It really has nothing to do with life0(mi~e, anyways).
871 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#################################3
068=Usr:237 barefoot john 04/03/88 00:50 Msg:1377 Call:9398 Lines:22
874 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>> }
875 Aye, a call from on deck, and with a ring of urgency. "Ease 'er
876 off to l'ward a bit, she'll ride the waves much easier. Listen,
877 she'll tell you when you've got it right."
879 By the time he got topside with two stea}ing cups, "Southwind"
880 was 'full and by'. She still rushed wildly down the face of the
881 big waves, but the 'frenchman' had a steady hand on the wheel.
883 "See you have mastered the skills of wind and wave, now the Sea
884 chooses to deach 'seamanship'. When you began this voyage, to
885 search for the 'mysteries of the sea', you might have suspected
886 there would be a test now and then to see if you are ready for
887 what comes next." (They aways have such things in0the0mystery
888 adventures!) "Let's take a short reef in the main, that should
889 ease the strain a bit until this gale blows by. Now where did I
890 put that chart?"
892 CISTOP -- Thanks for the goodies via u.s. snail. Will do the same
893 soon, via same media. Hope thinks are looking bright for
894 you.
895 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
069=Usr:237 barefoot john 04/03/88 01:23 Msg:1378 Call:9399 Lines:5
896 Kev C. -- I am somewhat infamous for my disdain of footwear in any
897 form. For several years I walked barefoot on the decks of a fine
898 ole' schooner, swashbuckling around the world. Haven't been the
899 same since.
900 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,<<<,< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
070=Usr:159 ted mittelstaedt 04/03/88 20:25 Msg:1379 Call:9418 Lines:10
901 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
902 To those of you who tire of the biblicql quoting going on, your are missing the
903 entire point of the religious fanatics. The thing that has always amazed me
904 about them is their single minded devotion to a device that is nothing more
905 than a collection of shapes on paper. Never mi~d txat the 'Bible' contains its
906 own self proofs, an amazing thing in it's own right, (amazing that anyone
907 stands to believe them) , but the whole point is that they devote their whole
908 philosophical point of reference to a single document.0Gheeb else do you find
909 such devotion?
910 ```````````````````````````000000000001TED`````````````````````````````````````
071=Usr:245 Doug King 04/03/88 23:33 Msg:1380 Call:9425 Lines:3
912 I agree with above.
072=Usr:272 Talos 0 04/04/88 08:45 Msg:1381 Call:9432 Lines:3
914 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
915 I agree with the below.
916 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
07#=Usb:23 Grann 04/04/88 10:34 Msg:1382 Call:9433 Lines:1
917 The last two statements were just plain malarky.
074=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 04/04/88 23:51 Msg:1383 Call:9441 Lines:4
918 I disagree with the two above, but support the above.0My vindings on the
919 third above are still under construction. As for agreeing and disbelieving
920 any of the below, that is non-determinable.
921 __________________________________________________________________________
075=Usr:159 ted mittelstaudt 4/05/88 17:09 Msg:1384 Call:9456 Lines:1
922 Wheres your frame of refrence, buddy
076=Usr:159 ted mittelstaedt 04/05/88 17:58 Msg:1385 Call:9457 Lines:5
923 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
924 Mescage to: Agora bbs/The Runner/ Secular humanist. Sysop of;:
925 Please do not use Cntl-D as the key to get out of your message entry, and
926 into your editor. It is used as the hangup command by my modem
927 ```````````````````````````````````000000 00001TED`````````````````````````
077=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 04/06/88 16:37 Msg:1386 Call:9480 Lines:8
928 Ted: agora runs under Xenix (a form of unix) you *have* to be able to send ^D
929 to use some features. Maybe he'll come up with something for you, but I am
930 inclined to doubt it.
931 Sounds like you are using a Novation modem? I can only assume it was
932 *extremely* cheap. If you've got a pc clone, there are 1200 bps internal
933 modems for as little as $69. If you need an external mdem, it might run you
934 as much as $100.
935 _________________________________Leonard_______________________________________
078=Usr:329 mark Holdahl 04/07/88 14:42 Msg:1387 Call:9497 Lines:15
936 THINS IS WORLD WATCH THREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>04-0'-88.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>16:13>
937 This is Phoenix Polymorph at the Banzai Institute [Wilsonville branch]
939 I'd like to thank whomever left me Mr. Wirth's address an ph.#.
941 I think I have a lead on the socks; It's a plot by the duxti|e and laundry det
942 ergent companies! There is an agent of some sort in the socks that reacts with
943 an agent in the soap causing only one of the socks to disintegrate!
945 16:17>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>>>>wwiii
947 The Phoenix Polymorph Show is brought to you by the Bagwana Corp.
948 Bagwana, makers of Shtinko Cigaretts. Shtinko, for the smell of luxury and the
949 and the smile of arrogqnce.
950 ^C
079=Usr:408 DOUG LEARY 04/07/88 19:47 Msg:1388 Call:9500 Lines:5
951 This is Emilio Lizardo calling World Watch 3 ... I have the socks!! Me!!
952 I have them, and I intend to USE them !!! Deposit three trillion Zods in
953 the0old oak tree by the crossroads, or it will be Sayonara to those hose,
954 Jose`!
955 ....................................... * zot!
080=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 04/07/88 22:59 Msg:1389 Call:9503 Lines:7
956 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Kev C.##3###3##############################
957 Bummer, Cap'n, Barefootin, is real fun, but to no avail, you be famous for
958 what ye are!
959 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@###################################
962@ Gxo txe Hell is Kev C?
081=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 04/07/88 23:43 Msg:1390 Call:9506 Lines:7
963 Phoenix here. I didn't think Banzai took care of you!! Shulduv know you had a
964 hand in this!
965 :
966 O.K. everyone, I've only got 1.35 trill. Zds! Looks like we gotta start a fun
967 d raiser. Uh, doc. what is the time limit?
969 ^C
082=Usr:23 Grann 04/08/88 11:09 Msg:1391 Call:9509 Lines:7
970 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
9'1 World Watch III: I recieved my monthly/bimonthly phone call from Mr. Wirth
972 and wife; I asked about ILLUSIONS and he said he doesn't have it. I relayed
973 his address and phone. It was kinda nice to hear from them... seems Scott
974 is about to0becme a "petty person" soon and will be able to inflict all of
975 his sadistic daydreams upon unsuspecting grunts. :-)
976 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ M&G 880408124620 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
083=Usr:159 ted mittelstaedt 04/08/88 18:53 Msg:1#92 Call:9516 Lines:12
977 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
978 Leonard: Yor assumptions are only half right- I am not using a Novation modem,
979 but the modem I am using is EXTREMLY cheap, as a matter of vact it is free.
980 It is an ENVAX 501, it is really designed to the TELEX network, but it will
981 also connect to the phone network. It has (believe it or not) 15k of memory
982 and full editing features. The idea was for it to connect to a printer a~d
983 terminal and the terminal operator to compose messages for later transmission.
984 I also have a simpler non-programmable modem that WILL send CNTL D and I
985 suppose that I will have to use that when I connect to Agora. I do need an
986 externql mdem, however, since the only thing I have is a terminal.
987 ``````````````````````````````000000001TED```````````````````````````````````
988 bye
990 ////////////////////////////Mercury\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
991 Some religiouc fanatics skip around. Perhaps the bible ione day, koran(Islam)
992 the next, torach(Jew) the third. But as for the converting aspect, well
993 we Christians are going a little over board.....
994 //////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\L\\\L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
085=Usr:428 Mercury X 04/09/88 10:33 Msg:1394 Call:9529 Lines:4
995 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Mercury))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
996 misspelled torah there.....By the way, Cap'n Barefoot-barefootin does sound
997 like fun, might try it sometime....
998 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
086=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 04/09/88 14:16 Msg:1395 Call:9535 Lines:1
999 Gee, I guess I get the last word....