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92037 12-MAR 15:15 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo (Re: Msg 91989)
>Would he care to respond...
I think his best responce would be to get 2.4 to those who were promised it. As
he is not on Delphi he would likely not respond to you on the forum. I did
forward your message to him.
If you want to talk to him he can be reached at 314/236-4372.
92045 12-MAR 23:19 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo (Re: Msg 92037)
Thanks for taking my complaint graciously.
Allen Morgan
End of Thread.
92038 12-MAR 16:04 Telecom (6809)
RE: infoexpress? (Re: Msg 92033)
I don't think it could have been that long enough considering I received
my license in July 1993. I did find two Mike Browns in Kentucky. One is
KD4UXW in Richmond and the other is KM4IY in Liberty. Like I said, KM4IY
sure does sound familiar to me -- almost smacks me in the face (g) but I
can't put a voice or a face with the call.
I doubt I can get into the Somerset repeater from here. I think that one's
on 146.880 and we have another 146.880 repeater here in Louisville.
-- Greg
92043 12-MAR 22:43 Telecom (6809)
RE: infoexpress? (Re: Msg 92038)
> I don't think it could have been that long enough considering I received
> my license in July 1993. I did find two Mike Browns in Kentucky. One is
> KD4UXW in Richmond and the other is KM4IY in Liberty. Like I said, KM4IY
> sure does sound familiar to me -- almost smacks me in the face (g) but I
> can't put a voice or a face with the call.
I'd say the's the one.. This Mike stands about 5' 8" tall.. Somewhat plump.
He has a dark beard, curly-headed.
RE: the time.. it might have been before you got your license, seems when
I first mentioned you, he asked had you gotten your license, so it could
have been a while ago.. seems like he did say it had been a while.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
End of Thread.
92039 12-MAR 16:25 General Information
RE: Rick Cooper (Re: Msg 86570)
Chris...I'm on Delphi as CFDMRICK and can be found in the CoCo Sig most of the
time. Please leave a message in my mailbox as to how I can be of assistance.
92040 12-MAR 18:58 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 92034)
> > bit under $3000. I don't know about quad-speed.. I don't know about
> the > future, but I've seen a couple of reviews and articles where they
> say > that as of now, you can't really realize the extra performance from a
> > quad-speed CD-ROM...
> Depends. "N-tuple speed" CD-ROM drives are really only N times as fast
> on large sequential reads. When you start doing random access, their
> advantage falls off fast.
That's basically what I've been seeing.. Plus, some claim that the less-
than-fastest CPU's cannot utilize the extra speed for many things.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92050 13-MAR 01:30 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 92017)
I have several platforms here including an MPC machine. I'm not as impressed
as I thought I would be. Now if I or someone really knowledgable wrote
some software that did what those PCs with the CD drives, I think OSK would
really show it's stuff. Take a look at CD-i to see what OS-9 can do.
AS far as speed in the PCs for graphics, I got the Lion King Storybook for
my son. The mouse animation on my MM/1 is so much better in animation. It
might be because of using a hard drive versus a CD drive but it does llok
oops, look better (sorry Disney).
92054 13-MAR 23:04 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 92050)
I'll have to look at CD-i prior to making a decision but I have a few months
to do my shopping, so no-problem. If I get to Chicago, I'll get a good look.
Thanx Charlie
End of Thread.
92041 12-MAR 18:58 General Information
RE: Pentium SNAFU (Re: Msg 92035)
> my son telling the "You know why Intel didnt call the Pentium the 586...."
> joke. Of course, I had to phone Intel to report the problem with the new
> chip, and, of course, the Intel guy wanted some info on my system which
> required me to boot up..... He didn't laugh.
Could be that they are beginning to have a pretty short fuse by now.. <G>
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92042 12-MAR 20:49 General Information
MM/1 Screen Saver Idea
I've been thinking about the problems associated with getting screen
savers to work on the MM/1. One problem I see is finding out reliably if
the mouse and/or keyboard has been touched.
Normally, a screen saver program waits for some predetermined length of
time before it kicks in. I envision a user state process which sleeps
for 'n' seconds. When the process awakes, it invokes a screen saver and
goes back to sleep. Some "master" process would monitor the keyboard and
mouse to see if either has generated an interrupt. If so, it sends a signal
to the user state process. If the user state process is sleeping and hasn't
activated its screen saver, it starts sleeping for the total time 'n'. If
it receives a signal while the screen saver routine is active, it shuts that
off, restores the window and goes back to sleep for 'n' seconds.
The problem is: there's no easy way to tell if the mouse has been moved,
save doing a constant _gs_mous() which wastes unecessary amounts of CPU time.
The keyboard is also a challenge, since some keys (like SysRq and Scroll Lock)
do not return a character to the application.
I think I've found a way to do this on the MM/1 fairly easily.
Both the keyboard and mouse are interrupt driven devices. If you do an
'irqs' command on the MM/1, you should see something like this:
IMS MM/1 68340 11MB System OS-9/68K V3.0 (max devs: 32, max irqs: 32)
vector prior port addr data addr irq svc driver device
------- ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
26 (2) 1 $009fffe1 $007f9d84 $0001d0be windio w2 (?)
28 (4) 1 $00e00281 $007c7a20 $00012818 sc68681 t3
28 (4) 2 $00e00000 $007f7170 $00026ce0 scsi_mm1a
28 (4) 5 $00e00381 $007f9d30 $000146d6 msdrv
29 (5) 3 $009ffc00 $00000000 $000104ba tk68901
29 (5) 5 $009ffc41 $007f9d84 $00013ab2 keydrv
29 (5) 9 $009ffcc1 $007da4e0 $000250b2 rb37c65 d0
100 2 $fffff780 $007f9d84 $00014a2e snddrv
101 2 $fffff7a0 $007f7170 $00026cea scsi_mm1a
101 2 $fffff7a0 $007da4e0 $00025146 rb37c65 d0
This may differ on a 68070 based MM/1 (could someone with an 070
please send me their 'irqs' output?) By installing an interrupt
service routine on vectors 28 and 29, we can "borrow" interrupts from
our neighboring devices down the chain.
Look at vector #28. Currently, three devices are using that vector
for interrupts. Each device has an associated priority which determines
its position in the interrupt polling chain.
____________ ____________ ____________
| 1 | | 2 | | 5 |
| |______| |______| |
| sc68681 | | scsi_mm1a | | msdrv |
| | | | | |
------------ ------------ ------------
When an interrupt comes into a vector, the interrupt service routine
(ISR) for that driver determines if the interrupt belongs to that device
by checking its hardware. If the interrupt does belong to that device,
it is serviced, and the ISR returns with the carry flag clear. If
however, the interrupt does not belong to that device, then the ISR
returns with the carry flag set, and the kernel calls the ISR of the
next device down the chain.
So if an interrupt came in that belonged to 'msdrv', the ISR of sc68681
would be called first. Since the interrupt belongs to msdrv, sc68681 would
return with the carry flag set. The kernel would then call scsi_mm1a and
the same thing would occur. When the kernel calls msdrv, the ISR sees that
the interrupt is for the mouse, services it, and returns to the kernel
indicating the interrupt was serviced.
We can install an ISR with a priority of 3 or 4 which will sit between
scsi_mm1a and msdrv. So when an interrupt comes in for the mouse, our
ISR gets it first. It can then send a signal to a user state process
which handles the screen saving duties. The user state screen saver
program can then act on the signal accordingly. Once the ISR sends
the signal to the user state process, it "lies" by setting the
carry flag and returning to the kernel so that the interrupt can really
be serviced by msdrv.
The keyboard vector (#29) makes it somewhat more difficult on my system:
29 (5) 3 $009ffc00 $00000000 $000104ba tk68901
29 (5) 5 $009ffc41 $007f9d84 $00013ab2 keydrv
29 (5) 9 $009ffcc1 $007da4e0 $000250b2 rb37c65 d0
An ISR could be installed at priority 4, but it might catch the interrupt
of keydrv, or it might catch the interrupt of rb37c65. The good news is
that the priority of the keyboard driver can be changed by using moded or
dEd to modify the IRQ priority field in the /term and /w* descriptors.
The key is to make the keyboard and mouse ISRs be the last devices on
that vector by adjusting their priority, and leaving at least one position
between it and the next to last device so that our screen saver ISR can be
Boisy G. Pitre
Internet: boisy@os9er.waukee.ia.us Delphi: BOISY
"Character is what you are in the dark." -- D. L. Moody
92044 12-MAR 23:15 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91993)
No, I would not assume that. The data sheets show the same
type of info for my Quantum 240Meg SCSI and it does do 256 byte
sectors (Which is a good thing since I'm still stuck with OSK 2.3).
Why not give it a try? By the way, I have a Seagate 40 Meg SCSI
harddrive on the CoCo-3 thanks to the SC-II and the 4n1 board. One
time when I was in the mood for experimenting, I took it out and plugged
it into the OSK machine. OSK had no complaints! So now, the way I
defragment the CoCo hard drive is to have the OSK machine copy the data
out, "deldir" from the root, and then dsave the files back. It still
takes ahout an hour, but it's much better than using floppies.
92046 12-MAR 23:37 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92019)
Also, one can take the SCSI drive and later use it with most
quality PC's as the majority of CD-ROMs are SCS
92047 12-MAR 23:43 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92025)
I helped install a new IBM 9920-170 mainframe at work and it used
SCSI hard drives. Our Tandem computer also uses SCSI, and the Sparc stations,
and the HP9000's and the Novell fileservers...Come to think of it, about
the only thing that doesen't is the PC clone desktop units.
92051 13-MAR 15:32 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92047)
> I helped install a new IBM 9920-170 mainframe at work and it used
> SCSI hard drives. Our Tandem computer also uses SCSI, and the Sparc stations,
> and the HP9000's and the Novell fileservers...Come to think of it, about
> the only thing that doesen't is the PC clone desktop units.
> Allen
Hee, hee. Time to invest in SCSI companies!
92053 13-MAR 22:58 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92019)
I love my scsi drive especially since adding Matt Thompson's SCSISYS. I just
don't see any scsi drives for sale in the big stores. I'd love to get my hands
on a ST-277-N-1(65meg) so I can backup up my existing drive. I bought one at
the Cocofest but when I got it home I couldn't get it to run. Gave it to Keith
(REVKAK) to play with. My HD is very sensitive to jolts. Its crashed twice alr
already. I won't move it any more, unless I get a backup. I'll find something
soon. Thanx Charlie
92057 14-MAR 01:00 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92053)
Try JEM Computers (617-497-2500) they have SCSI HDs at great prices... Not sure
if any support 256 byte sectors, but just for examples, they have a Conner
CP-3100 (104 meg) for 59$ (reburb), and Quantum ELS127S (127 Meg)
for 89$ (NEW!)... And for real space needs... a Seagate ST41650 (1.4G)
for 399$ (NEW!)... They also carry lots of other great bargins. I plan
on getting one of he 1.4 gig drives for my BBS, and a Quantum 127 meg for
my MM/1 in the next few weeks...
92072 16-MAR 22:35 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92057)
On 14-MAR 01:00 MITHELEN said to CHARLESAM
> Try JEM Computers (617-497-2500) they have SCSI HDs at great
>prices... Not sure if any support 256 byte sectors, but just for
>examples, they have a Conner CP-3100 (104 meg) for 59$ (reburb), and
>Quantum ELS127S (127 Meg) for 89$ (NEW!)... And for real space
>needs... a Seagate ST41650 (1.4G) for 399$ (NEW!)... They also carry
>lots of other great bargins. I plan on getting one of he 1.4 gig
>drives for my BBS, and a Quantum 127 meg for my MM/1 in the next few
>weeks... --
> Paul
There is one other problem with SCSI drives!! The Mac drives should work
fine with a CoCo, but not all PC drives will. The PC uses a parity check bit
even on the hard drive. If you can't turn this parity bit off (Seagate's
have a jumper), you can't use it on a Mac or CoCo!!
Francis (Frank) Swygert
Publisher, "the world of 68' micros" Magazine
`[1;34;43mRainbow V 1.11 for Delphi - Registered
92075 17-MAR 01:42 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92057)
Thanx Paul, the prices quoted sound like my ballpark. I have SCSISYS so I can
handle 512 sectors. I'll call them this weekend. Regards Charlie
92080 17-MAR 21:52 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92075)
Forget the Conner Cp 3100 as it is for a "green PC" and requires the
appropriate drivers and/or hardware. I have one that will not talk
to my Disto 4in1 with or without SCSISYS 256 or 512 sectors. It is on
its way back after I got a call from JEM yesterday explaining the
It seems that it powers down after now activity to save power. The hitch
is that the driver must send a hex code to wake it up and wait for power
up and then read or write to it. (now = no)
Hope this saves some headaches trying to get an incompatible drive going.
Best wishes, Keith
92085 18-MAR 00:43 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92072)
> The Mac drives should work
> fine with a CoCo, but not all PC drives will. The PC uses a parity check
> bit even on the hard drive. If you can't turn this parity bit off
> (Seagate's have a jumper), you can't use it on a Mac or CoCo!!
I know all about that stinking jumper <G>.. I worked about a week trying
to get my ST1096N working on my coco.. At that time, Seagate had a BBS.
I dloaded a file for it, It had a diagram using IBM graphics to show all
the jumpers etc, but the meaning wasn't clear when displayed on the coco,
and my printer at that time didn't support IBM graphics, so it still didn't
help me.. I finally got it working, and it was a real thrill seeing that
thing format... I was beginning to get kind worried <G>
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92090 18-MAR 02:33 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92072)
Are you sure you don't have that reversed? I ask as:
(1) PC's do not have SCSI interfaces as standard equipment, so whether
parity would be required would be up to the interface, and likely
differs from one to another.
(2) AFAIK, the Mac *does* require parity. Having an Atari STe, I am aware
of this due to the fact that some host adapters for it cannot
handle parity, and it has been noted that drives intended for use
on the Mac have parity enabled.
92091 18-MAR 11:04 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92080)
Yeah, I'm going to stay with a scsi drive. I'm having headaches getting my
Disto 4in1 board up and running. I also need info on the 6551a chip in the
controllers and paks. Which pin is the IRQ line? I'm supposed to jumper it
to pin 40 on the connector. I have no idea which pin it is. This is all part
of Cocokiwi's IRQ hack. I'm home this weekend if you have time to get over.
Thanx much Charlie. PS*** As always, Linda has baked some cookies and the
coffee pot is always going. Later....
92096 18-MAR 16:54 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92090)
> Are you sure you don't have that reversed? I ask as:
> (1) PC's do not have SCSI interfaces as standard equipment, so whether
> parity would be required would be up to the interface,
> (2) AFAIK, the Mac *does* require parity.
I'm not sure which would be which, but the Disto Controller, at least,
does *NOT* use it. My Seagate came with the parity pins jumpered,
(enabled), and I had to remove it.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92097 18-MAR 16:54 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92091)
> Yeah, I'm going to stay with a scsi drive. I'm having headaches getting
> my Disto 4in1 board up and running.
What are your problems? (was it you who was asking about parity?)
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92101 18-MAR 22:13 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92080)
"Forget the Conner Cp 3100 as it is for a "green PC" and
requires the appropriate drivers and/or hardware."
"It seems that it powers down after no activity to save
power. The hitch is that the driver must send a hex code
to wake it up and wait for power up and then read or write
to it."
Most 3.5" SCSI drives have this capability, but it is either under the
control of a jumper, or by a software command sent after the initial
The capability pre-dates "green PC's" even, as 3.5" drives were first used
in notebook computers, where power is at a premium.
Even my old 1.6" high (half-height) Connor CP340 3.5" hard drive obeys a
software command to power down until a command to read or write is sent.
I do not know if it can be jumpered to default to this mode, because I
have no info on it's jumper settings, and they are unmarked (except for
the SCSI ID jumpers on the bottom of the drive).
(NOTE: That last bit is a hint for anyone having the data on what the
jumpers on the front of a Connor CP340 do to e-mail me). <grin>
92102 18-MAR 22:21 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92101)
Are you using that Conner CP340 on a PC or on a CoCo? If on a CoCo,
what interface are you using? Disto, Kenton, or other? Also which drivers
are you using? Maybe I can get this thing going! Thanks for the reply.
92106 19-MAR 01:00 General Information
SCSI Hard Drives (Re: Msg 92102)
"Are you using that Conner CP340 on a PC or on a CoCo?"
Neither actually. I am using it on an Atari ST (with an ICD AdSCSI+ host
92107 19-MAR 01:02 General Information
SCSI Hard Drives (Re: Msg 92096)
"I'm not sure which would be which, but the Disto Controller,
at least, does *NOT* use it. My Seagate came with the
parity pins jumpered, (enabled), and I had to remove it."
From what I understand from ST users that have purchased new SCSI drives,
most ship with parity enabled.
Just be glad you did not get a Quantum ELS-series drive. Those do not even
have a jumper to disable parity. That is set via software, and if your
machine cannot handle parity, you have two choices: (1) Find a machine
that can, and use it to disable parity, or (2) return the drive to Quantum
and have them do it.
I am not certain if the newer, larger Quantum drives have kept this, or
returned to a more sensible jumper arrangement for controlling parity.
92108 19-MAR 01:08 General Information
SCSI Hard Drives (Re: Msg 92102)
If the Connor you have has the same jumper setup as my old CP340, this
might help. On the bottom of the drive are 4 jumpers, marked "E", "2", "3",
and "4". The ones labled 2-3 are the three SCSI ID jumpers. I have no idea
what "E" is, but I do recall I could not get the drive to work without it
enabled. I do know it cannot be "enable parity" as the "E" might imply, as
the old host adapter I had when I first got the drive could not handle
parity. The front of the drive has the following jumper setup:
o o o o o o
o o o o o
I have no idea what these jumpers do, except that the lonely pair to the
extreme right are for the activity LED. None of these are jumpered on my
I hope this is of some help to you.
92110 19-MAR 10:00 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92097)
I don't recall asking anything about parity. Anyway, I have Nitros9, ScsiSys,
2 meg board, MPI(which I'm not sure was upgraded since when I open the cover
I can't see anything that looks like an upgrade)3024, DistoSC-II, and of course
a 4in1 board. I've attached a 9v source to j4. Installed the Scsisys.4in1.mp.dr
but on boot, I never do get to the HD. I'm thinking of backing up and try a
unNitros'd boot without the MPI, and leave out the SCSISYS. If I get it to work
then, I'll add one change at a time till I find the problem. This a challenge
so I'm in till I cry or if I get lucky till it works. Thanx Charlie
PS- Any suggestions will be gladly accepted. Later...
92113 19-MAR 12:28 General Information
RE: SCSI Hard Drives (Re: Msg 92107)
The two Quantum drives I have here, a LPS105S and a LT730S both have
jumpers to enable parity. They are shipped with the jumpers installed,
also strapped to id #6. I would guess one reason behind this is that it
is the most convenient place to store the jumper blocks for shipping.
92124 19-MAR 20:14 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92110)
> I don't recall asking anything about parity. Anyway, I have Nitros9,
I asked because someone had asked and was not sure who it was..
> ScsiSys, 2 meg board, MPI(which I'm not sure was upgraded since when I
> open the cover I can't see anything that looks like an upgrade)3024,
> DistoSC-II, and of course
> a 4in1 board. I've attached a 9v source to j4. Installed the
> Scsisys.4in1.mp.dr
> but on boot, I never do get to the HD. I'm thinking of backing up and try a
> unNitros'd boot without the MPI, and leave out the SCSISYS.
That might be a good idea. You might ought to leave SCSISYS in, though
(maybe backing off on it if all else fails).
> If I get it to work
> then, I'll add one change at a time till I find the problem. This a
> challenge now
> so I'm in till I cry or if I get lucky till it works. Thanx Charlie
> PS- Any suggestions will be gladly accepted. Later...
Does it access the drive at all - that is, will it activate the light?
Ummm.. there couldn't be the possibility you have your cable on backward,
could there?
If it accesses the drive but returns an error, you might look into the
parity bit thing, if you haven't already. My Seagate 1096N has a jumper
that enables parity checking, and it had to be removed before it would
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92127 20-MAR 00:17 General Information
RE: IDE HDs (Re: Msg 92124)
Nah, I removed the only jumper at the get go some time back. My drive works
fine with my Kenton controller. I did reverse the cable a few times but when
I start over as planned, I'll have to do that if I still don't have sucess.
I may have asked some questions regarding parity when I was trying to get a
second HD running. I gave up on that project and turned over the drive to a
friend. He's more knowledgable about these things and maybe he'll get it
working. I have three days off this week so I'll start from scratch. Thanx
for feedback. I'll keep you posted. Charlie
92138 20-MAR 22:15 General Information
RE: SCSI Hard Drives (Re: Msg 92113)
"The two Quantum drives I have here, a LPS105S and a
LT730S both have jumpers to enable parity."
I'm not surprised about the Quantum LPS105S, as it is of the same series
and generation as my LPS52S, which has an "EP" jumper.
Oddly enough, my older Conner CP340 must have a jumper installed to
disable parity, rather than enable it. (I discovered from the SCSI FAQ
that was what the "E" jumper on my CP340 was).
End of Thread.
92048 13-MAR 00:36 Programmers Den
cbdemo and G-Windows
Someone sent me a copy of the cbdemo file from CI$ which has a
workable copy of cbdemo. Naturally I tried to use it with
G-Windows immediately. Using it with the G-Windows libraries isn't
as easy as it seemed it would be.
First I tries defining my Window_Set() and auto_events() functions:
#FCN Window_Set(8)
#FCN auto_events(8)
#LIB /dd/GWINDOWS/LIB/wmlib.l
The compiler returned:
------------------------- snip -------------------------
#FCN Window_Set(8)
Invalid symbol name in line 26
#FCN auto_events(8)
Invalid symbol name in line 27
------------------------- snip -------------------------
Well, OK. The function names are longer than the 9 character
maximum so I shouldn't've really expected this to work.
Next I truncated the names to 9 characters:
#FCN Window_Se(8)
#FCN auto_even(8)
#LIB /dd/GWINDOWS/LIB/wmlib.l
This was better but the Window_Se() wasn't recognized when I tried
to call it:
------------------------- snip -------------------------
Undefined symbol in line 35
Undefined symbol in line 36
Undefined symbol in line 37
------------------------- snip -------------------------
OK, maybe upper case is causing it to choke. So I trys:
#FCN window_se(8)
#FCN auto_even(8)
#LIB /dd/GWINDOWS/LIB/wmlib.l
VIOLA! I made it to the linker before spitting me out. I'll skip
all he unresolved references from function found in wmlib.l because
they could be resolved by linking in the appropiate library and
defining the needed global variables from cstart.a. What I'm not
sure can be resolved easily is:
------------------------- snip -------------------------
Symbol 'window_se' unresolved.
Referenced 3 times by psect 'gtest' in file 'RELS/gtest.r'
Symbol 'auto_even' unresolved.
Referenced by psect 'gtest' in file 'RELS/gtest.r'
------------------------- snip -------------------------
Any suggestions? Beside creating a special G-Windows library for
CDL basic? That would mean stepping thru every Window_Set() and
Window_Get() etc to determine the getstat/setstt being used and I
like C programming just fine.
Stephen (PAGAN)
92052 13-MAR 20:57 Programmers Den
RE: cbdemo and G-Windows (Re: Msg 92048)
> Using it with the G-Windows libraries isn't
> as easy as it seemed it would be.
Hmmm.. You'd think that since Frank supports G-Windows, this would
be high on his priorities.
> I made it to the linker before spitting me out.
> Symbol 'window_se' unresolved.
> Referenced 3 times by psect 'gtest' in file 'RELS/gtest.r'
> Any suggestions? Beside creating a special G-Windows library for
> CDL basic? That would mean stepping thru every Window_Set() and
> Window_Get() etc to determine the getstat/setstt being used and I
> like C programming just fine.
Well, if one were serious about it, could you create an intermediary
file to do something like this?
window_se: bra Window_Set
This would preserve the stack, and it would return back to the original
calling function when the G-Windows function was done.
This could be assembled to be a library file perhaps.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
End of Thread.
92049 13-MAR 00:39 General Information
I pass you this file Uploaded to COCOLIST From: "Bob Billson"
From the cypherpunks mailing list.
People - please note! The following new computer viruses have been
detected in or around the US. Please be alert for them when you
scan your computers.
AT&T VIRUS: Every three minutes it tells you what great service you
are getting.
MCI VIRUS: Every three minutes it reminds you that you're paying too
much for the AT&T virus.
POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS: Never calls itself a "virus", but instead
refers to itself as an "electronic microorganism."
RIGHT TO LIFE VIRUS: Won't allow you to delete a file, regardless of
how old it is. If you attempt to erase a file, it requires
you to first see a counsellor about possible alternatives.
DAN QUAYLE VIRUS: Their is sumthing rong wit your komputer, ewe jsut
cant figyour out watt!
GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS: Nothing works, but all your diagnostic
software says everything is fine.
FEDERAL BUREAUCRAT VIRUS: Divides your hard disk into hundreds of
little units, each of which does practically nothing, but all
of which claim to be the most important part of your computer.
GALLUP VIRUS: Sixty percent of the PCs infected will lose 38 percent
of their data 14 percent of the time. (plus or minus a 3.5
percet margin of error.)
TEXAS VIRUS: Makes sure that it's bigger than any other file.
ADAM AND EVE VIRUS: Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.
CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS: The computer locks up, screen splits erratically
with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side
for the problem.
AIRLINE VIRUS: You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore.
FREUDIAN VIRUS: Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own
PBS VIRUS: Your programs stop every few minutes to ask for money.
ELVIS VIRUS: Your computer gets fat, slow and lazy, then self
destructs; only to resurface at shopping malls and service
stations across rural America.
OLLIE NORTH VIRUS: Causes your printer to become a paper shredder.
JIMMY HOFFA VIRUS: Your programs can never be found again.
CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS #2: Runs every program on the hard drive
simultaneously, but doesnt allow the user to accomplish
KEVORKIAN VIRUS: Helps your computer shut down as an act of mercy.
STAR TREK VIRUS: Invades your system in places where no virus has
gone before.
HEALTH CARE VIRUS: Tests your system for a day, finds nothing wrong,
and sends you a bill for $4,500.
GEORGE BUSH VIRUS: It starts by boldly stating, "Read my docs....No
new files!" on the screen. It proceeds to fill up all the free
space on your hard drive with new files, then blames it on the
Congressional Virus.
ORAL ROBERTS VIRUS - Claims that if you don't send it a million
dollars, it's programmer will take it back.
Last but not least:
LORINA BOBBIT VIRUS: It turns your hard drive into a 3 & 1/2" floppy!
Til then,, Terry g
92055 14-MAR 00:05 General Information
Looking for IMS info.
From: KNOT1 To: ALL
Howdy! I'm wondering if anyone here might have some current
information on IMS, such as if they are still around and if/how
they can be contacted. If so, would certainly appreciate e-mailing
that to me either here (KNOT1) or to wilmoth@msen.com.
For those wanting to know, I was one of the early people to order
an MM/1, and ordered a pretty much full system. I recieved a
partial system at which time I payed the balance for the entire
system. Yes, I have pretty much written it off as a loss, but every
so often I get to feeling guilty about not having gotten it and try
once again to contact them, so far with no luck. Figured I would
give it one more good try. Even if I had to pay for the stuff again
it'd be nice to get the machine working fully, as my CoCo3 is starting
to act a little fritzy.
Well, thanks for your patient ear and any help provided. :-)
(Please remember to use e-mail, as I don't get to read the forum
regularly. Thanks!)
-- Jamie Wilmoth (KNOT1) --
P.S., while writing here, anyone ever think of fixing that welcome
screen CoCoFest pointer from 90960 to 90690 where the message
for it really is? :-)
92062 14-MAR 23:36 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92055)
Try sending mail to NIMITZ here. He's taken over the MM/1 line.
92063 15-MAR 06:32 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92055)
David Graham is who you'd contact. I believe he's still around these
parts as NIMITZ. He bought the rights to the MM/1 from Paul Ward.
Out of curiosity, what did you order ... and what did you receive?
*- Steve -*
92064 15-MAR 21:16 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92063)
First, thanks to those that have pointed me to David Graham. I have
mailed him and recieved an initial contact.
Now, as to what I ordered and what I recieved: What I had ordered was
pretty much a full system of your basic items: MM/1 CPU board, 3 megs
RAM, two high density floppies, I/O board, case, fan, 110 meg Quantum
hard drive, and Magnavox 1CM135 monitor. What I had recieved (after
about a year-and-a-half waiting) was what people called the "Personal"
system: CPU, case, fan, 1 meg shared CPU/video RAM, my two floppies
(though one was broken), and the monitor. I never got the other 2 megs
RAM, I/O board, or hard drive. So with just one floppy I've gotten it
running but can't do much as far as writting code for it, which is what
I had planned on.
So it sits on the floor in my room unused while my CoCo3 fights on. :-)
- Jamie (KNOT1) -
92069 16-MAR 19:48 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92064)
> First, thanks to those that have pointed me to David Graham. I have
> mailed him and recieved an initial contact.
Very good, now maybe you can make some progress..
> Now, as to what I ordered and what I recieved:
> . I never got the other 2 megs
> RAM, I/O board, or hard drive. So with just one floppy I've gotten it
> running but can't do much as far as writting code for it, which is what
> I had planned on.
At least you have a good start, although it was very unfortunate that you
did not get the rest of the stuff. One suggestion, I would try to go for
a little larger HD, if you have to purchase new.. The prices have really
come down and you could get probably a 500 meg for what the 110 would have
cost when you first ordered.
I think you'll really be thrilled when you get the MM/1 up to full force. I
got into OSK about a year ago, and OSK, while almost identical in operation
in most respects, is a lot more comfortable to use. (Guys, don't hit me..
it's true...). The commands have a lot of additional options that can really
make life easier.
My system has G-Windows. It looks worlds different from the coco system. It
took me nearly six months, I guess to finally get to where I even liked the
differences between it and the CoCo windows, but now, I'm totally hooked.
Good luck on your upgrade, I'm sure you will really be tickled with it.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92070 16-MAR 21:07 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92069)
Re: the larger hard drive. Yes, that's a very good idea. In fact I
had thought of it back not all too long after I had recieved my partial
system, seeing the falling prices. I'd strongly suspect that should be
much more so now. And yes, does look like I may be having to repurchase
the items. But at least that should be cheaper than starting a new
system from scratch.
-- Jamie (KNOT1) --
92079 17-MAR 21:49 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92064)
I hope you can put your MM1 together. For a while I was like you just
using the 1 meg, no HD system. I finally bought an I/O board and HD
used from a guy who was selling his system. Have loved the machine
ever since.
92084 18-MAR 00:43 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92070)
> Re: the larger hard drive. Yes, that's a very good idea. In fact I
> had thought of it
I think you can get a 500 meg for maybe $300 or so now (SCSI might be a
little higher, but not much). I have a 210 meg and have about 68% free,
but haven't really done any serious scavenging yet.
> And yes, does look like I may be having to repurchase
> the items. But at least that should be cheaper than starting a new
> system from scratch.
I can't speak for Dave Graham, but he isn't affiliated with IMS, and I
would think it would be impossible for him to fulfill all their outstanding
obligations. I would think that he will do all that is within his ability
to help you, though. I really hate to hear of anyone who loses like you
did, but at least you still have a connection by which you can receive
Have you been online all the time? If not, you may be surprised at what's
available for OSK. It's really neat.. Oh, had you been using your MM/1
much or was it too inconvenient w/o a HD?
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92143 21-MAR 20:16 General Information
RE: Looking for IMS info. (Re: Msg 92084)
> I think you can get a 500 meg for maybe $300 or so now (SCSI might be a
> little higher, but not much).
It's not. These days you can get a Quantum LP540 SCSI hard drive for
something like $260.
Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors.
Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside
End of Thread.
92056 14-MAR 00:14 General Information
RE: Space Shuttle (Re: Msg 92031)
Yes, I've got a scanner and I've entered those frequencies, although I
haven't heard anything when I've listened to it.
I remember hearing a voice transmission from the space shuttle quite by
accident a while back, a year or so ago. I had left my scanner on during
the night, woke up and heard the astronauts talking. For a while I thought
I was dreaming <G>.
Joe M. Villarreal
92059 14-MAR 22:43 General Information
RE: Printer Driver (Re: Msg 91874)
Sorry to take so long getting back to you, but I got busy and haven't been
online for a while. Did you try looking in the Tandy database? They may
have a driver there.
92083 17-MAR 22:07 General Information
RE: Printer Driver (Re: Msg 92059)
From: TZT To: CHYDE (NR)
Yes I have. I've tried Tandy, PC Sig, CoCo, and of course OS9. Also left
messages on Echo Mail areas. A lot of try Epson drivers some call Radio
Shack in Texas others said Write one and the rest say good luck. No help
and none of that worked. There might be something wrong with the printer
but it does text ok. I'm going to try to get a DOS program instead of Windows.
If that is a no go I'll just have to save or wait to get a new one. My cash
flow is uncertain right now (might be in a job change or loss) :( .
ateful for all the help I have gotten.
At least we tried.
End of Thread.
92060 14-MAR 23:00 System Modules (6809)
RE: File Managers (Re: Msg 91920)
Do you have the level 1 manuals? he info you want should be in the blue
manual titled _OS-9 Technical Information_.
92093 18-MAR 15:23 System Modules (6809)
RE: File Managers (Re: Msg 92060)
From: JRB To: CHYDE (NR)
I have a variety of OS9 manauls - User Guide, System Programmer's manual
but not a Technical Information manual. It's quite possible that the Dragon
releases of OS9 were not shipped with this manual. If you could provide the
relevent details or point me in the direction where I can find a copy of
this manual it'd be much appreciated.
92099 18-MAR 17:12 System Modules (6809)
RE: File Managers (Re: Msg 92093)
I'm showing Y pointing to the path descriptor and U to the caller's stack.
End of Thread.
92061 14-MAR 23:18 General Information
RE: Tymenet/Sprintnet (Re: Msg 91999)
You should be able to call either (at the same number I think) and ask them
about it. If I remember right they'll send you a petion form and you'll need
to get so many signatures before they'll put in a node.
92066 15-MAR 23:23 General Information
RE: Tymenet/Sprintnet (Re: Msg 92061)
> You should be able to call either (at the same number I think) and ask
> them about it. If I remember right they'll send you a petion form and
> you'll need to get so many signatures before they'll put in a node.
Wonder what it takes to get a node put in? I live in a very small community,
but there are several people who have modems. I doubt we would have enough,
but it wouldn't hurt to try, I guess.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92078 17-MAR 21:49 General Information
RE: Tymenet/Sprintnet (Re: Msg 92061)
> You should be able to call either (at the same number I think) and ask
> them about it. If I remember right they'll send you a petion form and
> you'll need to get so many signatures before they'll put in a node.
> Chris
Thanks Chris. I now hear we have an internet provider interested in
coming to Fulton but I'll pursue the idea of a Sprintnet node still
End of Thread.
92067 15-MAR 23:58 General Information
Communications Decency Act.
I don't remember seeing anything about this Senate Bill posted here, so I'll
mention it.
The Communications Decency Act (S314) is a bill that will try to censor
telecomunication carriers - telephone companies, on-line services, BBSes,
and such. It's aim is to make these service providers liable for indecent
messages that they have (this includes private e-mail as I understand it).
While it was inspired because of the alt.sex newsgroups and the availability
of erotica over the net. From the information I have the bill reads something
like this:
The penalty for any carrier that "makes, transmits or otherwise makes
available any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image or other
communication" which is found to be indecent or harassing would be a fine
of $100,000 or two years in prision.
Who is to decide what is indecent or harrassing is not spelled out, though
I would suspect it would be something similar to current anti-porn laws
(very tough to enforce). I also suspect that many carriers may start to
monitor messages (at least try) to help avoid prosecutions. The cost to
implement the bill would be rather large I suspect (I wonder if this would
pass the Republican cost/benifit analysis <g>). While the ACLU, various
carriers and individuals are fighting the legistlation you may want to
chat with your Senator about it.
92073 16-MAR 22:43 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92067)
For what it's worth, such a bill would cost a lot of companies a hefty sum
of money to follow. Can you imagine what it would cost to hire people to
monitor every news group for "indecent" or "harassing" content? The point
you mentioned is valid is well. What exactly is indecent or harassing?
-- Greg
92086 18-MAR 00:44 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92073)
> Can you imagine what it would cost to hire people
> to monitor every news group for "indecent" or "harassing" content? The
> point you mentioned is valid is well. What exactly is indecent or
> harassing?
Please refer to message 92074 for an example of "indecent" language ;-)
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92092 18-MAR 12:31 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92086)
Exactly my point. What's indecent to me may be kosher for you. Indeed, what's
indecent in Tennessee is likely not in California. Nude beaches are somewhat
common in California. Yet showing excess cleavage in Tennessee will get you
90 days in the slammer. :-)
-- Greg
92098 18-MAR 16:54 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92092)
> Exactly my point. What's indecent to me may be kosher for you. Indeed,
> what's indecent in Tennessee is likely not in California. Nude beaches are
> somewhat common in California. Yet showing excess cleavage in Tennessee
> will get you 90 days in the slammer. :-)
Of course I was only joking in my post, but you are very correct, and it
is a very delicate question.
As for making sysops responsible for the content of the system, I don't
think it is best. There should be an attempt to make sure material does
not come through that would not be appropriate for a particular audience,
I think it is unreasonable to make it mandatory for a sysop or sysadmin
screen each and every bit of material that comes through, and slip-ups
should be allowed for.
IMO, if you want to run an adult BBS, well and good, and people have the
right to use it or not. If you're in it to make a profit, I'm sure
your audience will determine what they want to see.
I do think that certain media should be screened. For instance, while going
off on a tangent a little, I don't like to be sitting with my family or
friends watching one of the major networks, expecting to be watching a
"clean" show and suddenly be confronted by very explicit scenes depicting
sexual activity. It can become a little embarassing at times. However,
if you or a group want to watch a XXX show, I see no problem with being
able to flip over and watch one.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92131 20-MAR 20:31 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92098)
The idea of making sysops responsible for the content of posts
seems a little like making the phone company responsible for
obscene phone calls, or the post office responsible for objectionable
Requiring them to `make a reasonable effort' (I know, define
reasonable) seems logical.
Don't blame the lawmakers, they are just reacting to the acts
of a few idiots, like the student at one of my state's universities
who posted a `work of fiction' (kind of a gory one I hear) with
a fellow student's real name in it.
Mr. & Mrs Middle America just bought junior a new computer and
are a little worried about what he will be getting into on the
`information superhighway', so they call their congressman and
tell him to `do something'.
We have a lot of freedom on the various computer communication systems
available, but if enough people abuse it, we WILL lose it.
John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
92136 20-MAR 22:11 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92131)
> The idea of making sysops responsible for the content of posts
> seems a little like making the phone company responsible for
> obscene phone calls, or the post office responsible for objectionable
> mail.
> Requiring them to `make a reasonable effort' (I know, define
> reasonable) seems logical.
To me, resonable effort would be simply seeing to it that extremely -what
shall I say - "off-color"(?) stuff does not pop up unexpectedly in places
where it is not anticipated. And I know that once in a while,
something _will_ pass through, but it is usually easy to tell if it is
an accident.
As for my opinion, I have no objection to having anything you want on a
service, as long as it it going to people who want it. If there is a
group of people wanting XXX graphics etc, so be it.. They should have
access, but I do think a BBS that claims to be a "family" BBS should try
to keep it clean. But, I think that if a sysop begins placing a lot of
stuff on the BBS that the majority does not want, he'll find his user
base dwindling.. Of course, if the users had paid for a particular type
service, and were not getting it, then it might be another question.
But as far as the government monitoring the content of a service, no way!
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92139 20-MAR 23:13 General Information
RE: Communications Decency Act. (Re: Msg 92131)
This is all very familiar to me. A while back, on amateur radio, packet to be
exact, someone posted a 900 for individuals to call if they were against
Desert Storm. (Should be 900 number) Well, someone bitched to the FCC and
all the sysops of the packet stations who handled the message (automatically)
got nice little letters asking for explanation and included threats of loss of
license. (Amateur Radio operators and stations are NOT allowed to do anything
for profit, the 900 number was making a "profit" from the exposure, so
therefore the stations and their operators were violating the FCC rules.)
Got the same results.....a fear of restriction in communication because every
sysop would have to sift through the messages and kill anything that might
possibly be in the "profit" catagory. Needless to say, that would certainly
slow down the system. Somehow, packet radio networks survived and the FCC has
lightened up on what is permissible. For the most part, the amateurs did
restrict they types of messages they send (no profanity, stay away from
"discussions" of religion, sex, politics) and I guess that calmed the powers
that be. The network is basically back to normal. Might be some interesting
parallels worth reading up on.
End of Thread.
92068 16-MAR 04:26 OSK Applications
RE: Get/Put (Re: Msg 92032)
> > I'm sort of working on a game right now (not Pacman <grin>)
> > and I've been using my Mac to make/edit sound effects.
> Great, I can't wait to see what your working on. I also hate to say it
> but I will probably be going over to use my brother's ms-dos machine to
> come up with the sounds.
Hopefully, I'll have it done for the fest. Otherwise, I'm worried it
may not get done since I start work at Microware in June... I don't know
how much time I'll have after that happens! As for the sounds, that's
what those other machines are good for... to help in the development of
software for REAL machines. <g>
> Ok, I'll plan on the keyboard being an option, now I need some
> pointers on how to do it. When any key is pressed on the keyboard, is an
> event generated ? Would I use _ev_signal(), or just check _gs_rdy(), or
> set up an intercept() ? The new _gs_keysns(), does it support all the
> keys or just the number pad keys ?
I'll have to check up on what keys are supported in the new _gs_keysns.
(I have to use it in my game program as well... there was an early
standard that I implemented right away and then the specs changed so I
have to find out what the new way officially is!) In my program, I just
check the _gs_keysns() every so often to determine if a key is pressed.
Of course, the _gs_keysns call just tells you what keys are pressed
down... it doesn't empty the keys from the keyboard buffer. So both of
us will probably have to put a few dummy reads in our program to empty
out all those characters from the keyboard buffer.
-- Joel.
92071 16-MAR 22:11 General Information
Audio CD a last
Hi All,
Sharing a little adventure. Must have been a year ago I bought
HAWKsoft's virtual CD player only to find that the software required
that the user have a revision A WD33c93 SCSI chip on their MM1 I/O
board. I didn't. About a month ago I sent out a call on the Amiga
hangouts on the USENET and several (about 5) people responded willing to
sell me the needed SCSI chip. (They had upgraded). Bought one and went down
to the local RCA place with it. I found a knowledgeable tech who pulled my
non-revision A SCSI chip from my I/O board and put in a socket. Got the
original chip out with no damage but the good news is the replacement
chip works too and now I can use Chris's VCDP software!
Hey, can anyone tell me if, on a CDI disc, there are sound files
and images that can be played/displayed on the MM1? Something analogous
to WAV and GIF files.
92094 18-MAR 15:24 General Information
RE: Audio CD a last (Re: Msg 92071)
I would LOVE to get a Rev A SCSI chip, can you get one for me?
Any help, or direction would be appreciated!
92118 19-MAR 16:04 General Information
RE: Audio CD a last (Re: Msg 92071)
> Hi All,
> Sharing a little adventure. Must have been a year ago I bought
> HAWKsoft's virtual CD player only to find that the software required
> that the user have a revision A WD33c93 SCSI chip on their MM1 I/O
> board. I didn't. About a month ago I sent out a call on the Amiga
> hangouts on the USENET and several (about 5) people responded willing to
> sell me the needed SCSI chip. (They had upgraded). Bought one and went
> down to the local RCA place with it. I found a knowledgeable tech who
> pulled my non-revision A SCSI chip from my I/O board and put in a socket.
> Got the original chip out with no damage but the good news is the
> replacement chip works too and now I can use Chris's VCDP software!
> Hey, can anyone tell me if, on a CDI disc, there are sound files
> and images that can be played/displayed on the MM1? Something analogous
> to WAV and GIF files.
YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!!
Glad to hear that you were able to find one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A copy of the newest version of VCDP is on it's way!!!!
:-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-:
******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.02.00 >******************
92132 20-MAR 21:10 General Information
RE: Audio CD a last (Re: Msg 92094)
> I would LOVE to get a Rev A SCSI chip, can you get one for me?
> Any help, or direction would be appreciated!
> -Bruce
I have the responses from several people who offered to sell me their
chip but those addresses are at my office. I'll try to remember to email
them to you but if I forget nudge me! BTW, what SCSI chip is in your
End of Thread.
92074 17-MAR 01:30 General Information
WOW! I just put into<Duck> my <IBM> a NEW Video Card<Jakarta>...IT WILL
PLAY CDI MOVIES .......on my PC........
92088 18-MAR 01:48 General Information
RE: CDI (Re: Msg 92074)
> WOW! I just put into<Duck> my <IBM> a NEW Video Card<Jakarta>...IT WILL
> PLAY CDI MOVIES .......on my PC........
> Dennis
Don't try to do anything else while the movies are playing!!! <ducking> That
thing will choke bigtime!!! <grin>
92109 19-MAR 03:16 General Information
RE: CDI (Re: Msg 92088)
NOW! Why would I want to do that???<grin> be nice though! like when you get
End of Thread.
92076 17-MAR 19:22 General Information
Can someone tell me a text editor to replace the original editor on the
OS9 disk? It is very slow and combersome to use.(g)
92081 17-MAR 22:01 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92076)
Try the Applications database here. I myself use EMACS. Many features and very
useful. Also, Sled is very nice...the scale at the top makes WYSIWIG text
editting easy. There are many more here, and many that are available from our
dedicated Coco Vendors! Good Luck!
John Ruppel
CocoNuts in Lansing
92082 17-MAR 22:01 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92076)
The two text editors that I would recommend are: VED by Bob van der Poel
and Dynastar from Frank Hogg. VED is currently available; Dynastar is
not. Of course there is TSEDIT from Radio Shack. There are several
patches here on Delphi for TSEDIT. There are several freeware/shareware
editors in the databases. I cannot speak for or against them as I have
not used them. If you do a lot of text work, I would recommend getting
Zack Sessions WPShel along with TSSpell (spell checker) from Radio Shack.
As you can see there are many ways to go in this area. Hope this helps.
Best wishes, Keith
92087 18-MAR 00:44 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92076)
> Can someone tell me a text editor to replace the original editor on the
> OS9 disk? It is very slow and combersome to use.(g)
You have a couple replies already. One suggestion they made is to get some
of the editors from the database here.. I never got started using them,
have them but never started with them..
I used Ved on the coco. It is rather easy to use, and in conjunction with
its companion text formatter vprint and a good printer, you can output
some really professional-looking text.
I've used scred that comes with the Development Pak. It has some pretty
good features, but it has one bug that will crash if you hit an alt-key
comination.. If you use it, I have a patch for it.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92089 18-MAR 01:48 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92076)
> Can someone tell me a text editor to replace the original editor on the
> OS9 disk? It is very slow and combersome to use.(g)
> cl
Try a few of the editors here in the Database. They all have feechers and
faults, but there are some useful ones. Another suggestion is VED from Bob
van der Poel. I don't have his address in front of me now, but I will get it
for you or someone here will supply it before I do. Email me if you need it.
Bob also wrote and sells VPrint which is a powerful text formatter. The two
are a good word processing combo for the CoCo and OS9.
92103 18-MAR 22:30 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92087)
I just got VED in the mail today. Looks like a good pgm. A lot like
Simply Better. Having ome pblm though. Like when you kill a line Alt-K
in the middle of a paragraph, how do you fill in the blank space
with the following text? (g)
92104 18-MAR 22:33 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92089)
I just found VPrint in todays mail. Got to get er up & runnin. If Ved &
VPrint do the job looks like there's no reason for hanging out
with DECB anymore.(g)
92122 19-MAR 20:14 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92103)
> I just got VED in the mail today. Looks like a good pgm. A lot like
> Simply Better. Having ome pblm though. Like when you kill a line Alt-K
> in the middle of a paragraph, how do you fill in the blank space
> with the following text? (g)
Which VED are you running, CoCo or OSK?
What Alt-K does is kill off everything from the cursor position to, but not
including, the next Carriage Return. At least in the CoCo version. I think
it asks you if you're sure if the line wraps to the next line.
All you need to do is start typing, if in Insert mode to add more text. If
you want to close up the line, just hit the delete-character key (Break on
the CoCo) to delete the CR.
By George, I'm going to send in my order for Ved today, darn it!
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92123 19-MAR 20:14 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92104)
> I just found VPrint in todays mail. Got to get er up & runnin. If Ved &
> VPrint do the job looks like there's no reason for hanging out
> with DECB anymore.(g)
I agree. While it might take a little more effort to get the final product
than with some more integrated software, I feel that your capability with
it is almost unlimited - well, limited probably more by your printer than
anything else. I think they have even got a few config files out that
support lazer printers. I've not tried to do much fancy printing, but
on one occasion I did a little project and was really impressed by the
way it turned out.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92126 19-MAR 23:57 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92104)
> I just found VPrint in todays mail. Got to get er up & runnin. If Ved &
> VPrint do the job looks like there's no reason for hanging out
> with DECB anymore.(g)
Your next move would be to get WPShel from COLORSYSTEMS here and then TSSpell
from Tandy. Add Vu from the database here and you would have a full-blown
powerful word processing package. <grin>
Good Luck.
92130 20-MAR 19:56 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92126)
Ok Bill. I really like this VED. Sooo easy and fast to use.(g)
92145 22-MAR 02:50 General Information
RE: Editor (Re: Msg 92130)
> Ok Bill. I really like this VED. Sooo easy and fast to use.(g)
> cl
Yup. Now when you get VPrint configured to format your text to your printer,
you're in business.
End of Thread.
92077 17-MAR 21:19 General Information
The "final" issue of the CoCo Registry has been mailed. This "final" issue
has 422 records of active CoCoists plus over 20 ads from CoCo companies. Sort
of like continuing series of "last CoCo fests", there may be another "final"
issue of the Registry as soon as we hit 500 records. The price will be $7.
If you are not in the Registry and would like to be, put your name and address
in my mailbox and I'll get you a Registry Data Form in the mail.
92095 18-MAR 15:56 General Information
Well, Chris you shouldda' got our last issue by now. And remmeber one
can (grin) close their eyes and type <g> DOS,, and pretend it's all OS-9.
Cept you don't get the drive noise.
So,,, whatta ya think??
Terry Simons UPGRADE Editor
92100 18-MAR 21:49 General Information
StG BBS... trying to get to work
I've got the BBS almost up and running. You can connect, go through a
new user validation, etc, no problem. But any attempt to actually
log on causes the Coco to crash. Popping up a login from the BBS
crashes. Logging in over the modem crashes. It echos the password
as stars, no problem... you hit RETURN at the end of the password...
and it goes kablooie.
92115 19-MAR 14:09 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92100)
Rick, are you running the "demo" version, or do you have a Registered
system name, and net password? If you tried changeing the system name,
and did not enter the proper net password.. it WILL cause a crash. It is
also possible that perhaps you got the wrong net password for you system
name if you are a registered user... Note that you System name MUST be
tryped exactly as it was when you applied for you net password (ie, case
sensative) If you are just running as a unregistered system, it could
be that you got a bad copy of the CIA module... I might have a good
copy of the generic CIA module around here if you need a replacement.
92117 19-MAR 14:59 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92115)
I'm running the version that's here in the group STG NETWORK BBS V3.0.
The description of that version says that registration is necessary
for network connectivity. But that version also won't let you run the
BBS unless you enter a system name. I entered a system name but hit
RETURN for the net password... is that a problem? If so, perhaps the
unregistered use of that version is more "crippled" than I realized...
you can't run it unregistered at all? Or am I off here? I don't mind
registering it, but it'd be nice to get it to run first. Do I need
to switch to the "demo" version? Obviously, I'm a little confused.
Perhaps greatly confused. :)
I'll give the docs another run-through. Thanks for your help.
92119 19-MAR 17:06 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92117)
You cannot change/set the system name without having a net password...
It SHOULD run fine withough haveing the system name set from the
"logins" program, just no network capability. Try extracting
the CIA data module from the archive, and replaceing the modified
copy with the fresh one from the archive...
92120 19-MAR 19:56 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92119)
I tried a fresh CIA module, and when I use bbsboot to boot up the BBS,
it immediately fires up logins, cause it thinks the BBS is not set up,
cause there's no system name. If you quit out of logins at that point,
it goes right back to logins for the same reason. Hmmm.
92125 19-MAR 20:29 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92120)
I tried a second time with a fresh CIA. No go. Within that CIA, the
system name is _UNKNOWN and the serial number 0842108421. Is there a
different CIA that should be used?
92128 20-MAR 01:14 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92125)
Hmm... It has been a LONG time since I ran StG on a CoCo... And I
don't have a functional CoCo here right now to do experimenting on...
The system name in CIS should be _UNKNOWN for a non registered
sytem... and more then likely the serial number is correct that you listed.
(Still haven't dug up my old CoCo StG archives) I'm thinking maybe something
else hasn't been done that is necessary... Have you run through the rest
of the logins options... especially the port and dir setup options...
I'll try logging into Carl's CoCo tonight, and see if I can figure anything
out (assumeing his system is running) and report back if I find
something ASAP...
92129 20-MAR 09:14 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92128)
Yep, ran through the port and dir setup options in logins. For some
reason it won't boot the BBS cause it thinks that the system is not setup.
And if you enter the system name, it DOES think it's set up, but then it
crashes when you log a user into the BBS. If you enter an incorrect
password, it tells you so and gives you another login prompt. But once
a correct password is entered, kaboom. Pretty little sparklies and a
locked-up system.
92141 21-MAR 01:46 General Information
RE: StG BBS... trying to get to work (Re: Msg 92129)
Hmm... I'm baffled... I wasn't able to get into Carls system last night,
and didn't get to talk to him today, so he would make sure the system was
running tonight (i'll try it again when I logg off here) I might actually have
a coco running at my house by thursday (fingers crossed).
End of Thread.
92105 19-MAR 00:42 OSK Applications
MM/1 joystick
A couple of month's ago Mike Haaland left a message about a problem
with the MM/1 joystick. I thought that I had saved the message, but I
can't find it anywhere. Is there anyone that might have a copy of that
message, that they could re-post.
92111 19-MAR 10:50 OSK Applications
Can you take a look at my e-mail. It contains somekind of error and as
results, I can not read or send e-mail.
I am sending this to GREGL too, just in case.
John D.
92114 19-MAR 14:00 OSK Applications
RE: My_Mail (Re: Msg 92111)
There is no way for me (and I doubt the Greg can) to read/access another
users mail... Your best bet is to contact SERVICE if there is indeed
a problem... or, maybe if you post a capture buffer of the error message
you are getting we can figure it out... (Or email Greg and/or me a copy)
92121 19-MAR 20:01 OSK Applications
RE: My_Mail (Re: Msg 92111)
> Can you take a look at my e-mail. It contains somekind of error and as
> results, I can not read or send e-mail.
Delphi has/had hardware problems today. Tell SERVICE about this.
If you really want to get at this mail.mai file, you could `copy'
it to `something.txt' and try to download that.
Don't touch that mail.mai file otherwise, cause SERVICE can fix it.
John Baer
92134 20-MAR 21:21 OSK Applications
RE: My_Mail (Re: Msg 92121)
I got the message when I logon on today and also discovered that now
my mail is OK. The first time I loged on, I didn't get any message about
hardware problems, but the mail was unreadable and would error if I tried
to send mail. Now it is all OK, can read and send mail fine.
Thanks for the reply. I'll have to remember that next time something
werid like that happens again.
John D.
92140 21-MAR 00:00 OSK Applications
RE: My_Mail (Re: Msg 92134)
Glad everything is working for you now. I got that info from
the `service' Forum. IF you can copy the file, then you can download
the copy. I didn't know how important this file was that you wanted
to get at it, that's why the reply :).
John Baer -
End of Thread.
92112 19-MAR 10:52 OSK Applications
Can you or Paul take a look at my e-mail. I can not read or send e-mail
or even delete the bad file.
Thank you in advance.
John D.
92133 20-MAR 21:12 General Information
Can someone tell me why:
When I copy a cmds pgm from one disk to cmds on another disk I have to
reboot from the new disk before the pgm will work? I have a ptr
routine that I made from Procedure then packed it. Works OK on the
original disk. When I copy it to the cmds dir of a new disk it
will not work. Any ideas?(g)
92135 20-MAR 22:00 General Information
RE: CMDS (Re: Msg 92133)
Have you tried chx "new cmds directory" ? I used to do that a lot until
I finally remembered where everything is. Try pxd to see where your cmds
directory is. Keith
92137 20-MAR 22:11 General Information
RE: CMDS (Re: Msg 92133)
> Can someone tell me why:
> When I copy a cmds pgm from one disk to cmds on another disk I have to
> reboot from the new disk before the pgm will work? I have a ptr
> routine that I made from Procedure then packed it. Works OK on the
> original disk. When I copy it to the cmds dir of a new disk it
> will not work.
I assumme you're talking about a Basic program?
Did you chx to that disk or call it using a complete pathlist? There is
a bug in the shell, or something, which does not allow this, if memory
serves. If you have a packed program in, say /d1/cmds, you can't type
the command "/d1/cmds/program" and get it to run.. runb (or shell?) looks
for a module with the name of the full pathlist (or so I think), and it
just will not work. You can chx to that directory, or you could do
something like this:
(chx /d1/cmds;program)
Of course that will give you an extra shell in procs, but it will work,
and upon completion, you will be returned to the original commands directory.
Hope this helps.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
92142 21-MAR 19:23 General Information
RE: CMDS (Re: Msg 92133)
Let me add one little point to the other replies -- because this
used to confuse me.
Lets say you have your commands dir set to `/d0/cmds' and everything
is working fine.
Now you put a different disk in `/d0'. This disk also has a directory
`/d0/cmds' BUT unless it is an exact copy of the original disk -- that
is one made with `backup' or something similar -- your commands dir
setting is no longer valid. You still have to `chx /d0/cmds' so your
system can find `/d0/cmds' on the new disk.
I cussed my poor old COCO several times before I caught on to that.
John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
92146 22-MAR 03:29 General Information
RE: CMDS (Re: Msg 92142)
> Let me add one little point to the other replies -- because this
> used to confuse me.
> Lets say you have your commands dir set to `/d0/cmds' and everything
> is working fine.
> Now you put a different disk in `/d0'. This disk also has a directory
> `/d0/cmds' BUT unless it is an exact copy of the original disk -- that
> is one made with `backup' or something similar -- your commands dir
> setting is no longer valid. You still have to `chx /d0/cmds' so your
> system can find `/d0/cmds' on the new disk.
> I cussed my poor old COCO several times before I caught on to that.
> ********************************
> John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
It is important to remember that there is a sensor in the diskette drive which
tells the computer that the diskette has been removed.
End of Thread.
92144 22-MAR 00:01 General Information
Can you tell me the source to purchase a /h1 for the 4IN1? Those sounded
like reasonable prices. Huh?(g). Also cables and necessary drivers.
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