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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Underground eXperts United
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[ A Man In Need ] [ By Joseph ]
[A man in need]
And as I looked up I could see how it all was supposed to
be. How it was formed and shaped. It was all there.
Everything had been taken care of. Except for the humans.
Starting out
The first time I saw her was at the local store a couple of
blocks from my house. I was stunned, I realized immediately
that she was something special. Not like them whores I
usually met at the pub or in some shabby disco. She was
really something. Her hair was sort of brownish and barely
reached down to her neck. She moved with grace and looked
right at me. Our eyes met and I blushed. I guess I thought
that she, in some strange way, knew what I was imagining
about her. She walked past me and paid her milk at
the counter. She didn't look back when she left the
store. I strolled around the store for about 2-3 minutes
and then went out after her. She was about two hundred
meters away from me when I got out. Her hair floated in the
wind. It was a warm day and I felt very good. I imagined
that I ran up to her and asked her who she was or
something. That wouldn't work. It never did. My personality
and my body is strongly repellent to women. No, this time
there would be no picking up or trying to confront her.
This time I was the one in charge. This time I was not
going to be let down. She kept on walking and walking.
I think we walked three or four kilometers before she
stopped outside a house. She did not turn back once as we
walked. She had no idea that I was following her. It was a
small house with three floors. Perhaps there could be
around twelve apartments in there. I went over to the other
side of the street to see what floor she lived on. It took
a while but after five minutes the lights went on and I saw
her in what must have been her kitchen. I was satisfied
when I started to walk home.
Getting ready
Now what? I thought to myself. Damn it man, you never get
anything done! It was 2 a.m. in the morning and my head
was spinning with ideas as to what I should do next. She
had probably never even noticed me when I met her that
afternoon. I poured another drink of whiskey and lit a
cigarette. She was not all that beautiful either. But with
this one there was something different. My hands began to
shake as I got more and more angry. I am never going to be
able to confront her or anything. I'm just going to sit
here and get more and more drunk. I stood up and put my
coat on. I put the bottle in my coat and walked out. It had
been a long walk back from her apartment this afternoon.
But man! Going back there was even longer. Could be that I
also was heavily drunk perhaps. The whole house was dark
when I arrived. I just stood there like an idiot. Watching
her window. Hoping that she would show herself. I walked in
to the stairwell and went up the three floors to her
apartment. On the door was a small sign saying `here lives
Jessica Tibblin and Rufus'. Rufus must be a dog I thought
in my blurred brain. No one names a child Rufus. Naahh, it
is a dog all right. From inside I could even hear it growl
and chew on something. Perhaps it was chewing on her. I
walked down and out on the street. It was now about 3 a.m.
in the morning and I was feeling very tired. I went home
and got to bed.
When I woke up I had a terrible hangover, but through the
fog in my brain I remembered that her name was Jessica
Tibblin and that she had a dog. I was on summer vacation so
I did not have anything special to do. I decided there and
then that this was to be my project for the summer -
getting her. Nothing else mattered. Never since have I felt
such a strong devotion to a project. I spent the following
two weeks planning it. When I was done I had the perfect
plan. Not much could go wrong. And even if it did, I had
several backup plans memorized. All that was left was to do
First of all I had to watch her for a couple of days to get
to know her habits. I found a really good place opposite
her house, to watch her from. It was about the most boring
thing I had ever done. She went up at around 7 a.m., made
herself some coffee, showered and went to work. At 5 p.m.
she came back with a bag or something. Probably with
groceries in it. When I saw her come out around 10 p.m. one
night I was surprised. But most of all, I was pleased. She
was not fat or anything. But she probably liked to walk
around in the evenings. Her life must be quite boring, I
thought to myself. She walked around for some time and I
followed her at a safe distance. I was somewhat puzzled by
the fact that she did not have the dog with her though.
It was hot and her pace was kind of fast, so she took her
sweater off. Beneath it she had a tight T-shirt that showed
almost everything. My body went berserk, my mind too, I
must say. To the right there was a small park with bushes
and birds and all that shit. Luckily she walked in there.
I moved faster and came closer to her. I could smell her
scent. I put my mask on. We must have been in the middle of
the park when I got hold of her and dragged her into some
bushes. It was all quiet and the park was empty, except for
some birds. She tried to scream but I held my hand over her
mouth and was quick to get some tape over it. All that came
out of her were silent growling noises. No one would hear
her. I laid her down on the ground and started to undo her
pants. She tried to kick me and fought around a lot with
her arms. I banged her head once or twice to shut her up.
It worked. My adrenaline was pumping and I felt my ears
getting warm. I took my dick out and showed it to her
before I put on a condom. Her eyes widened. I may be a
rapist but I am not stupid.
I took her pants off and put it in her. It was all over in
around four or five minutes. I got dressed and showed her
where her pants were. I also left her a letter that I had
written to her the other night.
"Dear Jessica,
I am so sorry that I had to put you through this. I am a
very lonely and desperate man. I know that whatever I write
in this letter will never make your pain less hard to
deal with. I will never bother you again. I just wanted you
to know, for whatever it is worth, that I am truly sorry!
Kind regards
Ps I am not stupid so do not bother looking for DNA or
fingerprints on this letter. Ds "
I could not give her my real name so I had to come up with
some kind of handle. I got the name Marty from a friend
I used to have some years ago. When I left her I felt great
When I woke up the next day I could hardly manage to get
up. I turned on the radio and heard about a woman who had
been raped last night. It was a major news-story because
the perpetrator had left a note by the victim. It was even
on the TV. They had named me The Gentle Rapist. I had
enormous feelings of guilt as I heard her statement from
the hospital. For a while I thought about sending some
flowers or something. But that would only be stupid.
Though, I think it was a nice idea. I finally got out of
bed and got dressed. It was a pity that I had rushed things
this much. It was stupid and dangerous. Now I had to keep a
really low profile for a couple of weeks. Not showing
myself much in the city. And most of all, avoiding police
cars and police officers as much as I could. That would not
be a problem I thought. School was out and I could do my
shopping in another part of the town.
I walked by Jessica's house a week later. Perhaps it was
not such a good idea, but I had to see her once more. I saw
her standing in the kitchen with a robe on. Obviously she
had called in sick. It looked as if though she was crying.
I felt really low the next couple of days and then decided
to get over it.
Another and another and another
As time went by, I felt more and more frustrated. I had
dreams about Jessica and could not get rid of them. I even
started to hear voices. They never said much. Mostly it was
just `ehrm, naughty boy!' or `you shouldn't have done it
man!'. Sometimes the voices got nasty though and said
things like `Hey man, fuck her', `fuck her!, fuck her!,
fuck her!, fuck her in the ass man!'. I knew that I could
never go anywhere near her but I had to do something.
Otherwise I would definitely lose my mind - if it was not
lost already that is.
My search for another woman began. I spent a lot of time on
the beach watching possible victims. I knew what I was
doing all the time and I always knew there was a good
chance I would get caught. That did not seem to matter much
though. I had to get another woman, no matter what.
One day I stayed a bit longer on the beach. It became
darker and darker and most people packed up and went home.
I stayed at the usual site. I was too lazy to move after a
whole day in the sun. After two hours there was only me and
two other girls left on the beach. I packed up my things
and moved farther away from them. I did not want them or
anyone else to notice me. Most of all I did not want anyone
to remember or recognize me. They started to drink. I
waited patiently for my chance. They got more and more
drunk and they laughed and giggled a lot. Then one of them
apparently decided to go for a swim. That is a very stupid
thing to do when drunk. But I sure as hell was not going to
stop her. That only made things easier for me. As she got
in the water I pulled out my mask and made sure all my
things were packed and ready to go. She was a good swimmer
although she was drunk, she swam around a small island and
I lost sight of her. I decided this was my chance. I put my
mask on and ran up to the other girl who was more or less
dozing of. She was really terrified when I put the tape
over her mouth and started to drag her into some nearby
bushes. I tied up her arms really tight. She only had a
bathing suit so I got her naked in no-time. I introduced
myself as Marty and told her to shut up or I would kill
her. That did not work so I had to bang her head a couple
of times before she got quiet. I put my condom on and
started to fuck her. And boy was this a tight woman! It
didn't take me more than a couple of minutes to finish my
intercourse with her. I left her another of my letters as I
said goodbye and ran off.
"Dear -Insert your name here-,
When I first saw you I could not believe my eyes. You were
so beautiful I could hardly believe it. I am a very lonely
and desperate man and I knew I was never going to make love
to you. The reason I raped you is not because I want to be
evil to women or anything. It is just that I never get to
sleep with anyone. I know that it is really not an excuse
for my very rude and bad behavior. But I hope perhaps you
can understand why. Please feel safe that I will never
touch you or even come near you again. Once again, I am
truly sorry that I had to put you through this!
Kind regards
Ps I am not stupid so do not bother looking for DNA or
fingerprints on this letter. Ds "
As I ran off I could hear her friend shouting and crying as
she found her. That did not matter to me at all. I was
completely cold. That did not surprise me much though.
Because I had already stepped over the line and I knew
there was no turning back. There was no reason to have
feelings of guilt or second thoughts. That would only make
me feel bad.
I think I must have raped about 10 to 15 women the
following months. Once I barely escaped when two
police officers heard the silent sounds from a woman I
was raping. I probably ran about 5 kilometers before I
stopped. I was really afraid and lurked in some bushes for
two hours before I dared to go home. I left my letters to
every single one of the women. Except for the one that I
didn't finish with. I made big news with my serial-raping.
Experts from all over the country gathered to make a
psychological profile of me. They found out that I was in
my late thirties and that I probably had had a terrible
youth. A small dick and an IQ below 90. They could not have
been further from the truth. I was 19 years old and was
still in school. My IQ was about 120-130 and my dick about
20 centimeters. Probably bigger than anyone's in that
fucking expert-group.
It's getting warm in here don't you think?
Media decided to focus on me. I believe that they must have
had around ten news reports and talk shows about me. I was
flattered but also very, very scared. What had started out
as a way for me to get rid of some of my frustration had
now turned in to a media circus. I decided to give them a
little something to chew on. "Svart eller Vitt" (talk show)
seemed to be a good place to start out with so I sent a
long letter to them explaining why I was doing it. I could
not help myself, so I wrote a lot of crap about my
"political" motives. I explained to them that if the
Swedish government did not release a dozen of the worst
criminals, I had to go on raping women. Of course I was
just pulling their leg, but there was a huge debate whether
they should do it or not. That gave them something to think
about for a while. I tried to calm down and kept a low
profile for a couple of weeks. After five weeks the police
and media was wondering if I perhaps had fled the country
or if I was dead. I was not.
That, they noticed on the 14th of August.
During my "sleeping" period I suppressed a lot of feelings.
I felt insecure and was always looking behind myself to see
if someone was following me. In the beginning of August I
was in very bad shape and was basically very angry all the
time. I could not sleep and I had terrible nervous
shakings. School had begun but I did not dare to go there
because I was afraid someone would recognize me. My anger
focused more and more on the people around me. Then, on the
12th of August I bought a sniper-rifle and a Glock 17 on
the black market. It was not cheap and it all felt very
weird. The rifle I got was a fine piece of art with
silencer and laser aiming. It had beautiful magnification
and I could get a very clear view of just about anything
that moved within a two-hundred meter range. Somewhere in
the back of my mind I knew what was about to happen but I
did not care. My paranoia got worse. I could no longer walk
downtown or go to a shop. I had to get my groceries
delivered to my door. I did not dare to look anyone in
the eyes. It became clear to me that there was only one
thing left to do. That last thing had to be one hell of a
nasty deed. It was time for me to leave. This time with a
bang and not with the tail between my legs running off into
the bushes.
14th of August
When I woke up that day I was sure. This was the day.
I cleaned and loaded my weapons. I made sure I had enough
ammunition for a day or two in the city. I had some serious
hunting to do now. I put my rifle in a bag and my Glock 17
in a holster under my arm. I put my jacket on and went out.
No one noticed me. No one cared and it all felt so calm. I
walked around in the city for a while watching the people
with a new sense of awareness. These were the people who
had drived me crazy. They were the ones guilty of what was
considered to be my crimes. Well, this time you will all
have to pay, I thought to myself.
Almost in the center of the city lies a tall office
building which houses just about everything from insurance
companies to dentists. I went in and took the elevator to
the top floor. Of course they had locked the door to the
roof, so I had to kick it open before I could get out.
As I laid down on the roof, my hands stopped shaking. Down
there, people were walking about in the most happy way you
could imagine. They did not know what was coming. With the
first shot I got a middle aged man. He was probably waiting
for his bus or something harmless like that. He deserved it
though. The second bullet hit a ten year old girl in the
middle of the forehead. Her head exploded like a
watermelon. Her mummy went berserk and started to run
around screaming like crazy. I got her with the third
bullet. Now people started to notice that something was
seriously wrong. It was OK if one person lied down all of a
sudden and did not move. But if three persons lay down in
the same time, in the middle of the city, people tend to
get kind of nervous. A lot of people started to run around
making funny sounds and looking weird. I must have got
around six or seven people with my rifle when I heard the
I quickly reloaded my rifle and put it back in my bag. It
always took the police too long to figure anything out so
why would they succeed this time, I thought to myself. I
left the roof and started to make my way down.
Burger King
As I got out of the building the police actually noticed me
and yelled at me to stop. I gave them the finger and turned
around the corner. Not far from the office building there
was a Burger King restaurant. I got my Glock out and ran
in. If you are going to take a hostage - do it in a place
where there is plenty of food. People more or less went
berserk when they saw me.
'It is alright!, I am a police officer!'
Most people settled down and stopped screaming. Bham. I
shot a waitress just to surprise them. I jumped over the
counter and told everyone to stay calm, and to get me a
Whopper, or they would end up like that waitress. It is
really amazing how fast they can make Whoppers under
gun threat!
I managed to get five people to stay with me in the
kitchen. They were scared shitless and they were all
shaking like hell. One of the girls fainted when I showed
her my gun up close. I laughed at her and told one of the
boys to get her undressed. He refused. I shot him in the
knee. After that he was very cooperative - until he dried
up, that is. So, there I was with two boys and three girls,
one of them naked. She had great tits. Police cars drove up
in front of the restaurant with their sirens hurting my
ears. A S.W.A.T team arrived and tried to organize the
liberating of the hostages and the killing of me. After ten
minutes, the phone began to ring. I picked it up.
'Burger King, what can I do for you sir?'
'Ehrm, ehhr, are you one of the hostages?'
'Hostage? No can't say I am sir!'
'Oh dear.'
'Although I have heard a lot of sounds from the
restaurant behind your back sir!'
He hung up. I almost laughed my jaws out when I saw all the
police officers turning 180 degrees starting to shout and
aiming their guns at the other restaurant. The S.W.A.T team
immediately reconfigured their plan and diverted their
snipers to the other restaurant. This was a perfect time to
get rid of the naked girl. I wrote a large note which I
taped onto her tits saying `Just kidding - I'm having
Whoppers now!'. I poured some cold water on her face and
told her there was a fire and that she had to get out as
quickly as possible. She did not look around or question
anything. She just ran out butt-naked screaming `fire,
fire!'. They had to do another 180 degree turn. This time
they looked as if they were very serious.
The phone started to ring again.
'Hostages 'R Us, what can I do for you sir?'
'Yeah, yeah, really funny.'
'You won't catch me alive you know.'
'We don't care.'
They said that they would give me ten minutes to surrender
or they would come in. No negotiations here. But I had no
thoughts about surrendering. They would not get me alive,
and put me in some nut house. I took out one of the
officers with a well-aimed shot in the stomach. The S.W.A.T
team panicked and started shooting at me. All the windows
collapsed as they poured lead into the restaurant. The cash
registers got blown away, creating an unbearable noise, but
they did not hit anyone of us behind the counter, though.
Fucking amateurs.
From outside I could hear a loud voice declaring that if I
did not come out within the next five minutes they would
shoot tear gas into the place and move in.
So this is it, I thought to myself as I reloaded my Glock.
A deafening fanfare almost cracked my ears and a thick
white fog swept in. I thought that they had used the tear
gas but that was not it - this was something far worse.
I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the man standing
in front of the counter, completely surrounded by white
fog. This had to be some hell of a S.W.A.T team if they
were so good that they only had to send in one man to get
me. But this man was not from the S.W.A.T team, at least
not an earthly one. He lifted his hand to greet me and I
automatically aimed my gun at him. His face showed no signs
of surprise when he saw the barrel of my gun pointing right
at him. He simply looked at it as one looks at a harmless
puppy showing its teeth. I looked him in the eyes and asked
him what the fuck was going on.
'My son, you have wronged. Please do the right thing now
and I will lead you to the gates of hell where you will
repent for a couple of years. We have been watching you
from up there and we all know that deep down you are a good
soul. So please come with me and things will work out just
'So... you are Jesus incarnated huh? Well you'll have to
do more than to throw a smoke grenade to convince me of
that. And about that good soul crap; that's bullshit! I'm
evil as hell and I love it.'
His eyes darkened when I questioned his authenticity. He
reached for something in his robe. Before he could get it
out I screamed at him to stop. 'How do I know that's not a
gun?' 'Well my son, you will just have to trust me on this
one'. I lowered my Glock and nodded, telling him to
proceed. When he got the object out, I was stunned. It was
a small model of the earth. It almost glowed and looked
more real than the photos I had seen from the shuttles. He
held it up to me and told me to get a good look. I jumped
over the counter and walked up to him. The small model
actually looked as if someone had taken earth and shrunk it
to the size of a grape.
'OK, you are one hell of a model-builder. But what's so
great with this one?'
He focused his eyes on the continent of Europe. It began to
grow. After a while the model was still the size of a grape
but it was all filled with Europe. One could see small
cities and small tiny dots of people running around down
there. He focused on Sweden and then Uppsala. I could see
the whole city. Full with life and police cars of course.
'Now my son, pick one of the police officers out there.'
'Sure, take that sniper on the roof.'
'Look, as I now remove him from the face of the earth.'
He moved his fingers over the model. First nothing
happened. Then he slowly started to dissolve in a funny
way. After five seconds he was gone.
'Man!, that was awesome! You really are Jesus.'
'Yes, and I want you to follow me now.'
'I can't do that you know. Mankind has treated me so bad
and I really have no choice but to try to get even with
some of them. They have followed me all my life. Nothing I
have done could change that. There's always been school and
a lot of unnecessary shit they have told me to do. Just to
keep me busy and to keep my mind away from these thoughts
of freedom.'
'But you still have your free will you know. You can't
blame these people for being ignorant and stupid. Besides,
I really can't believe that all of these people are
'Well, maybe you haven't watched all that carefully from
upstairs but this is the way things actually happen.
All over the western world people are slowly becoming more
and more like zombies. I never wanted to have anything to
do with them. I told the people 'in charge' lots of times,
but no one cares. I just want to leave this shit and grow
my plants and write poems to beautiful women. I never
wanted to do anyone any harm. Can't you see it man? My
crimes are fucking symptoms of a social disease!'
Jesus went silent for a couple of seconds.
'Indeed, very good arguments,' he suddenly said. 'Let's
go get them all.'
Jesus jumped over the counter and told me to get back there
with him. I was kind of surprised by the way he was acting.
But, what the hell! I have always had a way with words. I
tried to give him my rifle but he would not accept it. He
just smiled a hellish grin at me. Pointed his finger out
the window and started blasting away all the fuckers out
there. It did not take long for us to remove every living
soul within a 200 meter radius.
Hey, Bonsai!
When we were done he looked at me and smiled. He told me
that he had not had this much fun in a thousand years.
'So, my son. How can I help you now?'
'Please give me a life Jesus. It would be most kind of
you if you set me up in perhaps Japan or something and give
me some peace.'
'So be it!'
He snapped his fingers. The surroundings more or less
melted down and it all went black. When I woke up I was
lying in a small bed with a really beautiful Japanese woman
standing over me. She asked me in bad English how I liked
my Tea. There was not much that could surprise me anymore
so I told her I wanted it "black". I stood up and looked
around. It was a small house but it was nice. In front of
me stood two beautiful bonsai-trees. I looked out through
the small window. A huge mountain rose a few miles from my
house. I recognized it as the Fuji mountain. I heard what I
supposed to be my woman talking to me from the kitchen.
'Darling, when are you going to work on your bonsai-
'I'll start right after Tea dear!'
Written by Joseph <josef@kuai.se>
uXu #328 Underground eXperts United 1996 uXu #328
Call THE CRIME SCENE -> +1-516-873-8903