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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Underground eXperts United
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[ The Art Of Weirdness ] [ By Bob Slack ]
:The Art Of Weirdness:
| 10 things to do online to |
| convince people you are weird, |
| insane, or just a little bizarre |
|by Bob Slack|
(1) Type Fnord? and or ?dronF? at the
end of your messages.
(2) Type fnord in interactive conversations
on the multi-node chat-boards.
(3) Do ascii sends of pictures of "Bob".
(picture of "Bob" included at end)
(4) Type miscellaneous SubGenius and or
Discordian quotes everywhere.
(examples at end of file)
(5) Post messages that sound like weird
(6) Put quotes from songs at the end of
your messages that make no sense or
are weird in themselves.
(examples at end of file)
(7) When signing a message put pope or
Reverend before your name.
(8) Start a small group and call yourselves
the POEE Cabal of (place area of world here).
(9) Listen to GWAR or Weird Al music while
(10) Download everything in the High Weirdness
file area of The Metaphysical Workshop and
live by the words of knowledge you find.
Picture of "Bob" : |for more information about "Bob" consult the Book of|
|The SubGenius |
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SubGenius Quotes:
Praise "Bob"
Fuck em' if they can't take a joke
Bleeding head good, healed head bad
Discordian Quotes:
Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
"If Vegetarians eat Vegatables then I guess that makes me a
Miscellaneous Music Quotes:
"I snuffed a million planets"
"and still have time to cry"
"Because there is more to life"
"The making other people die"
"I wanna see some schmuck with his hair on file running around"
"punching his own head"
-George Carlin-
-=:Bob Slack/SysOp of the Metaphysical Workshop:=-
uXu #149 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #149
Call PEGASUS -> +41-71-715577