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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
-x- turb0 'zine numba tres -x-
yes here is another issue of turb0 'zine. just for yer reading enjoyment.
not really. the reason i right these is cuz i feel like it and express
what i have on my mind at the moment or during the day.
hopefully, this issue will have snuff paked full. maybe, maybe not.
+--x-country music-x-----------------------------------------------------------+
country music is not all that bad. acutaly, i don't any of it. even tho
a couple of my friendz listen to it and my mom listenz it when she getz
me off the stereo system.
but right now, i'm listen to country (dont shoot!). it is shania twain,
which i have to say is fine as hell. almost got my hand of a pic of her.
i usually listen to rock, r&b, alternative, heavy metal, etc. the only rap
musik that i listen to is coolios songz and ll cool j's.
+--x-takin a leek-x------------------------------------------------------------+
hmm. dont you guyz hate it when you have to get up in the middle of the
night and a piss. it seems like it is a long time, but it only has been
like 15 secondz.
one time i almost pissed in the bath tub. luckily i didn't, cuz then i
would've had a prob.
i wonder how girlz, ladiez, women (whatever you wanna call them), take
pisses. no shit they take them sittin down. sometimez i just wanna ask
some girl, what is it like. but hey, i might end up getting slapped.
its okay for guyz to admit that they take pisses in the shower, cuz even
i do. i even know some girlz that do. they just let it slid down there
legs. nasty!
+--x-this guy-x---------------------------------------------------------------+
well there is this guy in my chemistry class (yes, i take chemistry and
believe it or not, it was my choice). he was in my homeroom last year.
anywayz, his name is tommy. he can talk about everything. take shitz,
pissez in the shower, sex, how to use a condom. you name it has prolly
talked about it in my class or another one.
actually, he is kinda of a funny guy. does a pretty good forrest gump and
does a few jim careys. anywayz, enough with dat.
+--x-first distro-x-----------------------------------------------------------+
guess what? i logged onto illegal immagrents last night. a local board to
me in the 602 ac. anywayz, i said trip "you wanna be a distro..." and he
then said for your fukin zine, hell no. jus kiddin he didn't say that,
he actually said this "sure". wow! that was alot. grin. anywayz, his
board will be going down this weekend after national turkey day and he is
puttin up his new m0dded like hell rg board called poo! believe me it
will kick, cuz he's jus like dat.
da numba for his board is sumthing like 602 - 589 - 0791. so like give it
a call afta this turkey day weekend.
+--x-more distros-x-----------------------------------------------------------+
everyone i need more distros, so like email me sum info bout yer b0ard
at soul.raider@blast.neta.com or contact me on poo and send email to
big hurt.
+--x-this note i found on da street-------------------------------------------+
heheh. guess what? found a note on the street going to my friends house
afta school to get sumthing. everythang below is in its full, nuttin
changed. maybe you will get a kick out of it, maybe you wont.
Nick -
Hey! How's my favorite brother?
I want to apologize for not even telling you
I found another ride. It was really pathetic?
of me!! So, I'm sorry!
What are you doing tonight for halloween?
I want to go to castles and coasters, but
I don't know who to go with. All of my
'so called friends' are doing something gay,
gueer, fagish !!
Anyway ... I guess have no idea
what's going on with me and Chris. I feel like
I just left him hanging, and I don't know
how to apologize. I really did (Do) like him.
I guess I feel a relationship with him would
be really serious and when it's over I'm left
all alone, like the last time I let myself
get caught in all that 'Love' crap. Anyway, I
think he thinks it has something to do
with Zach, It Doesn't.
I guess you could say I've been
faced with too many decisions lately,
and I keep making the wrong one's, so
I've been avoiding - responsibility - as much as
I possibly can, which has gotten me into
some deep shit this past week - I guess
I have alot of explaining to do. So...
can we talk sooner or later ?
Love Your little SIS,
Rachel K.
that was the entire note in full. pretty nifty wasnt it. sounds
either like a freshman in h.s. or a 7th or 8th grader to me. oh
well, it ain't my business, even though i went against their
privacy of puttin this note in my zine. heheh. well, nick dropped
it didn't he?!?
another great board in arizona - 602 ac - is blastertronics. which has
grown in the past year and a half. it started out as a single line
board with only a few file and msg basez, but know it is a 6 line board
(3 regular linez, 3 telnet linez) and has 4 cd roms full of snuff online
with a bunch of registered games, along wit a big selection of file and
msg basez. too bad it aint a warez or an art board. that would kick. oh
well. there is over 1220+ userz and the inet to the local users is
totally free. they have a ftp address which is ftp.blast.neta.com and
the telnet address is blast.neta.com - pretty simple, eh?
it has a few art paks. but they jus aint down wit the scene. they're more
of pd people. oh well, they're still kewl.
+--x-school today-x-----------------------------------------------------------+
well i went to school as usual. i had to finally slam my alarm, cuz it
kept on goin off. finally got up and went to catch the bus. anywayz, i
got there, had to do an essay second hour. more work durin third hr
math. 4th hour finally came and it was homeroom. chatted all hour. then
english came 5th and i goofed off and talked all hour. i really hate that
english teacher, she's jus a plain out beyotch. went to lunch 6th hour
and ate my food that my friend bought for me, saved three buckz, and then
talked till da the bell rang and was off to class. went to 7th hour,
which is the easiest class, ap computer science (computer programming).
i was suppose to be doin the linked lists in turbo pascal, but instead i
drooled over the girl, christy (christen) across the hall. afta dat class
was over, i followed her, cuz she jus happened to walk in front of me.
she had on sum tight and high shorts (did i mind, hell no). she has nice
soft legs that look so yummy! anywayz, went to chemistry, finished a
paper about atomic bombz and turned it in and chatted the rest of the time
until the bell rang. then got on the bus and came home. sounds boring.
it kind of is, but it really aint.
i talked to sumone on irc in the #ansi channel last night and let him
read the zine. he liked it alot. so much, he even dized p0rk! which aint
that bad of a zine at all. anywayz, he said "better than p0rk" and not
even thinkin i said "the other other white meat". silly me. that was
really pointless. i jus dl'd the other zines this morning before school
and i'm gonna check them out later. the onez i dl'd were klunk, dto,
p0rk, y0lk (they put out at least 30 of those fukerz). at this rate, i
could bet them in like 14 dayz. jeah right!
+--x-i call myself god-x------------------------------------------------------+
today and yesturday i've been telling everyone i'm god. and i see people
coming back to me and saying god (sum of those people i dont even know).
why do i call myself god? hmm. cuz i needed an ego change and wanted
everyone to know that i am there. so i jus to them that.
last issue i did a babe of the month award and well guess what. i promised
some pics of demi moore, which never got put in there. so i decided to not
put them in any further zines. if you have net access then you can use
tin or whatever program to goto usenet and go to the:
alt.binaries.nude.celeberties or
thatz it.
well i've decided to stop writting for know. maybe, i'll do another issue
tonight, if i think of sum more goodiez to put in it. well catch ya all
send all yer comments, flames, threats, etc. to soul.raider@blast.neta.com
thanks! and peace out m0f0z!!!
-x- turb0 'zine numba tres -x-
(end of the fukin file!)