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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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| Really ELiTE Doodz Prezent : |
| RED-xxx.TXT aka |
| "Leper Messiahs Poetry Corner" |
| By : Leper Messiah |
: "Better Living Through Stupidity." :
. .
For Now............
Slowly the sun begins to set
Darkness moves in and smothers the day's last breath
until, finally, it has killed it off
for now
But alas, Darkness does not come alone
for it brings fear and hatred with it
a fear that is not easily overcome
a hatred so great that day dares not shed it's light
for now
Darkness lives as daylight dies
this ageless struggle never ceases
light has once again lost to darkness
for now......
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
He Above.....
Shiftless, lying undaunted
waiting for his prey
The serenity of it all
is what guides him through the day
He sparks his flame
hiding his grotesqueness from the light
mutilated by the system
what a horrid sight
Struggling for control
He gropes for a sense of reality
making no sense what-so-ever
his life is a mere parody
Everyone's an opponent
in this wicked game
but he above, above the rest
Leper Messiah is his name
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
Creeping, smothering Death unbeknownst
The sudden changs shatters everything
pictures of what was......what could have been
Distant memories are all that are left
insomnia, tossing, turning, begging for sleep
the ease of that of which we take for granted is easily forgotten
Darkness comes........eventually.......but not soon enough
thoughts rampage like a herd trampling through your mind
stumbling, clinging, grasping for reality
or something like it
Who are you? Who am I? pondering simple things
Everyone has an answer but they always seem wrong
Try again that was incorrect
Suddenly a light........but as quickly as there was light
Somehow light forgot about you
leaving you to deal with things still unknown.....
forboding creatures wait for you
travel carefully for "things" seek you
pressure you from all sides
some may attract you...
same may entice you...
DO NOT give in
you'll go...
you can't..
you will..
you want..
but you CANNOT!!
quick wit will not protect you
for the beast has it's "ways"
dare you travel beyond........
beyond the gates of Terminal Countdown......
<EFBFBD>199d5 lm.eden
The Chosen.....
Lead me to the land of wonders
Allow me to fortify my boundaries
Beckon me for now
For I shall be the chosen
Traveling on an endless journey
Seems to me, quite uninhabitated
Destroy me with your words no more
For I know I"m the chosen
Deliver yourself from the evils within
Come and sell your soul
Be admonished of your sins
For I've become the chosen
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
Death Bestows.....
Death bestows
eternal happiness, peace with myself
I feel at ease, a calm
a wonderful feeling like no other
Death bestows
Upon me, a pressureless void
no needs or wants, not a desire
a perfect nothing, deeper into nothingness
Death bestows
A feeling that I have live only to die
leave a small impression on the world
then transcend to another dimension
Death bestows
the way it is and always shall be
the eternalness in the end
shall never be surpassed
Death bestows.........
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
Disposable hero.....
Society beckons him to no end
they cause for him, remorse and pain
as an everyday man, he is only a friend
with no gratitude it's hard to sustain
To them, he is recyclable
Use it for a while then just toss him away
Cool, calm, not too excitable
His life is of service, and of that it will stay
Unlike Clarke Kent, he has no Lois Lane
He leads an everyday life, no abnormalities
Basically a life of dread, constant disdain
He's useful at time, certain informalities
This is how he's dying
He's dying to survive
I don't know what he's made of
I would like to be that way
Most just beckon him for their needs or wants
Then play him off as a zero
He lives for danger, does his own stunts
Leading the life of a disposable hero
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
mostly of the mind
of course there's always "the system"
Perseverance....to be the richest
the smartest, even the most popular
for what?
what joy do you get?
shouldn't we all just be happy with who we are?
No! What the hell was I thinking?
I must be "disturbed"
So I don't step on the people
who helped make me what I am today
Like you...
SO I don't have the money
to bribe my way into everything
Like you...
So what I don't lie, cheat and steal
to get ahead in life
Like you...
And I'm the one you call disturbed?
exile from society
nothing is all you have....
all you are..
yet there are certain things about it..
cool maybe.....
nah that could never be it.
how could it?
is it possible?
this be something that i can like...
that i can respect?
but i am so much better then this....
damn. how can it be?
nothing at all......
thats all it ever will be.....
at all
thats all you are..
for gods sake
look at it.....
it's FAILURE!!!!!
<EFBFBD>199d5 lm.eden
I thought......
I thought mothers were supposed to love
I thought they were always supposed to be there
I thought they were supposed to care....
I guess I was wrong.
What could be more important then their child?
Their own flesh and blood.
Nothing can be more important.
I guess I was wrong.
Nevermind the fact that a mother is the most impotant thing
to a child.
Shouldn't it be the same way in return?
Love, flesh, blood, family....the most important things!!??
I guess I was wrong.
"Till death do us part..." is heard at weddings.
How often do the children hear that?
I always thought that as I grew older, they would care less
I guess I was right
<EFBFBD>199d5 lm.eden
(uh-oh here i go)
Love is stupid
sure, it's great in the beginning
but it fucks you up the ass royally when it's over
it sux dood, i was in love once.
for three fucking years
it was awesome, all that i ever wanted in life
shit she treated me great.
she looked fucking incredible
she was sweet, a little shy and a virgin :)
two months i waited for her to kiss me
six months we waited to have sex
and i was cool with that.
shit before her, it was like a week, no sex, c-ya
but i loved her
how the fuck could i be in love? I was sixteen
and i was engaged to this chick.....
well anyway, after time went on, it got a little worse
but it was still great. two years into this it was still OK
but After that, i was to fucking "in LOVE" to let her go.
shit she dogged me
never wanted to see me
never even called me
but i couldn't break it off with her
eventually i snagged her cheatin on me
i dumped her
i cried
i fucking cried like a little baby
why? SHE cheated on me.
fuck man after it was over with her
i thought about her everyday
and I broke up with her
i wanted her back everyday
every girl i was with, i SAW tara (the three year relationship chick)
I couldn't get "serious"
I couldn't LOVE anyone the way i loved her
I compared all the girls to her
i completely dissed a good good friend of mine (female)
she wanted to start a relationship with me
i dissed her
now, i regret it
i lost LOVE
i coulda had it but no.
to this day, she still sorta has feelings (the second girl i mentioned)
i have feelings to
but she's in philly and i'm here
shit now, i'm in LOVE and i can't have it
LOVE sucks ass
This wasn't meant to be a LiT at first. but when i posted this
so many people responded to it, i decided to go back and cap.
<EFBFBD>199d5 lm.eden
Mental Porn.....
Psychadelic Fermentations
dripping through the wells of my inner-self
colors......WHOA man colors!!
Hear the Pretty birdie?
Just groovin in my mental state
is it a panic?
just hectic......a solo helter skelter
buggin me out
fidgety, itchy, paranoid..........did you hear that?
What the fuck?
Have I gone iNSANE
or have i just degredated myself into this acidic trance
Just Groovin in my mental state
Anxiety, I hear it but you can't
Turn yourself on to mental porn
or is it just an acidic trance
Just Groovin in my mental state
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
Suicide Note.....
Friendz, loverz, all who have cared
I'd like to take this time to thank you
thank you for when some of you actually were there
for me
thanx for the timez we spent, the laughter shared
and conversationz we've had
But after a while..............ya'll couldn't deal with the shit.....
the shit goin on in my head, heart and soul
abandoned, I just felt so alone, solo
That'z what finally made me realize
that life was no longer worth living
I just don't care about anything anymore
everything I've ever cared for is gone
I'm empty...............just a shell
there has got to be more to life then just that.....
being just a shell.....but that'z all I am
and all I'll ever be so just forget me
It truly was a gift that I had what I had
when I had it
But it is all gone
Vanished <20> Poof <20> C-ya <20> Bu-bye
So As my final request I as of you this........
Please, do not mourn my loss
Mourn for what I have not yet given to the world
I love you all
May I forever rest in peace....
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
Anarchy - 1a: absence of government <society finds its highest
perfection in the union of order with ~ b: a state of lawlessness
or political disorder, due to the absence of governmental authority.
c: a utopian society having no gov't and made up of individuals who
enjoy complete freedom 2a: absence or denial of any authority,
established order, or ruling power. b: absence of order : CONFUSION
c: anarchism
the filtering of the "elite"
from the nothings....has beens...
a perfect race......group.....society......
new regimes....
choose your own destiny
prepare yourself for what comes...
streaking down upon you...
the iron hand......
the iron will.....
there is no better time....
the time is now.....
New World Order
<EFBFBD>199d5 lm.eden
Rasta Oh Rasta
Rasta Mon
Rasta Mon
Ye..who selleth me herb
how art thou?
yeah homeboy chop me two dimes
I want to get blunted right now
Rasta Mon
Rasta Mon
Stand ye on yon corner
keep your eye out for five-o
Damn....Rasta got busted
now where the hell am I gonna go?
Rasta Mon
Rasta Mon
With your big phat dreads
I want to thank ye
For all you have hooked me up with
So lets smoke a doob to the head
Rasta........Oh Rasta.........
<EFBFBD>199d5 lm.eden
Sketchy Thoughts.....
Words, Freefalling, flowing
like a waterfall
Endless circles running through my mind
Tr Tr Tr Tr Trails of nature overwhelming
Is this a dream? This endless journey
of shapes, colors and light
Tr Tr Tr Tr Trails of nature overwhelming
Put a pen to paper
It's just a dream I tell myself
I'll wake up soon.
But do I wanna awaken?
Tr Tr Tr Tr Trails of nature overwhelming
Knowledge escapes us
At times we nuture it,
like a mellow, groovy tune on the tip of our tongues..........
Tr Tr Tr Tr Trails of nature overwhelming
My inkwell has run dry
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic
I sit here tapping away as I gaze into my mind
I see hatred punishment (Tic Tic) anger
and flowers
I see a catepillar in a coccoon
As it takes upon a new body I notice something different
It turns...........turns into a dragon
A dragon filled with hate, anger
and shame
I see a tiger recieving abuse she does not deserve
For she is the sunlight that shines
shines in the dragon's heart
The dragon listens to nothing
as it does as it pleases
and will bring down anyone in it's path
yet he has a feeling that this is not right
still he continues on his warpath Tic Tic Tic Tic
the tiger escapes from the pain
and is tearing the dragon apart from the inside
but he still fights, fights harder then ever
as he leads himself away from his conscience
and lets his anger free
free to reek havoc on the land
The dragon is growing Tic Tic Tic Tic
his conscience tells him to get help
but he ignores the cries of mercy
for he is truly evil and should be killed Tic Tic
To this day they still fight
They fight within myself for I am the dragon........
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> lm.eden
! Copyright (c) Leper Messiah and ReaLLY 3LiT3 d00Dz! 1995 !
! All rights reserved, but two wrongs don't make a right !