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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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/__________\ M M 0000 0000 SSSSS EEEEEEE /__________\
Issue #20| Disclaimer: The Editor will place almost anything | Dec. 9, 1988
---------- in this newsletter out of a frantic desire to fill ---------------
the issue, so don't blame him for the quality or content of the submissions.
Excepting those he may have written himself, the enclosed items do not in any
way represent the Editor's opinions. In fact, let's be real safe, and say that
as far as this newsletter is concerned, he has no opinions at all. Okay? Good.
**************************** EDITORIALS AND LETTERS ****************************
Greetings. Due to the hugeness of the issue, there will be no editorial.
Sorry it took so long. There are a couple items that will be held till
next issue, due to size.
This issue will be followed by a complete Chapter list.
******************************* EVENTS AND NEWS ********************************
<< Two letters, one of them in response to the multi-thr0ng-a-thon
Megathr0ng-a-thon idea. >>
This idea can stick. I like it. Ok, where are all the mid/south m00ses, huh?
Or is this the only throng in the south/mid area? where are the folks from
IN, ILL, TX, AR, LO, KT, and other surrounding areas huh? Let me know, and
we can decide on a place for the M-T-a-T Middle-United-States-Housing
(that's MUSH). I would be willing to say, have it here in Fayetteville, but
a lot of m00ses might not be able to make it. Plus I am a poor M00se, and
dont own a house or anything like that here. Anyway, let's talk MUSH ppl.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Greetings earthm00ses.
I have pondered the future m-t-a-t and have come up with 2 reasons to have
it in the Andromeda galaxy, convenience,proximity, and ease- 3! 3 reasons
to have it in the Andromeda galaxy: convenience, proximity, ease and
we all have spaceships- 4! 4 reasons to have it in the Andromeda galaxy,
(specifically the twenty-third planet from the star, specifically in the little
village of Myrsxxxphildweeeeblebl00p...nice little town with a few alien
m00ses whose antlers are fourty feet long...oh dear, I seem to have strayed
from the main subject...) 4 reasons to have it in the Andromeda galaxy:
convenience, proximity, ease, we all have spaceships and it's nice-oh
Well, you get my point.
A very confused and whacked out Mr. S.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do hereby propose the last weekend in January for the MTAT. Any
support or objections?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<< From Mitsya, the Red M00se. >>
Over thanxgiving vacation, a m00se was killed in the town of Wiscasset,
ME. It was apparently a hit and run accident, and there was an immediate
funeral and burial, so the identity of this particular m00se remains in
question. If there is a m00se whom you know, and was anywhere *near* the
Wiscasset area, and is now missing, please contact me (ip85033) This cannot be
tolerated. Spaceebaw bolshoi.
***************************** FICTION AND POETRY *******************************
<< Here we have a not-original filksong of sorts, which I found on a listserv
the day after the election. I'm including it because I want to. >>
George Bush seemed so far away
Now it looks as though he's here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
There's not half the choice there used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Had to run
I don't know
He wouldn't say
Most things wrong
Now I long
For yesterday
War was just an easy game to play
Help me find a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<< Two of our most productive contributors this issue are Goblin_m00se and
Salmon M00se. This might, perhaps, fit better under EVENTS, but due to
the way it was written, I figured "what the hell?" >>
(From the Files of M00selock Holmes)
It was a dark and stormy night... raining cats and dogs, London-style. The
night of 21 October, 1988, to be exact. I followed a m00se's vehicle through
the sheets of rain, to a large brown-and-white house somewhere in Connecticut.
With a great roar, the yellow Toyota came to a stop.
Its owner, grabbing a tape out of the glove compartment, cursed as he
stepped into a large puddle. He ran up to the front door, peered in the side
window. Seeing no lights, he vaulted back down the front stairs and ran around
to the side of the house. There was a light on in the cellar, and several
above ground level. He must have realized his actions looked suspicious,
because he ran back to the front porch and rang the doorbell.
Generally, when people ring doorbells at 11:30 PM, a house's owner answers
the door with a shotgun. Not this time, though. The m00se was let into the
house. I crept up to the newly-lighted window and tried to peer beneath the
window shade, in the 2-millimetre gap between it and the window frame. Wats0n
sneezed, and I shoved my pipe up his nose, to prevent further noises. I turned
back to my vigil.
Inside were four m00ses: Fuzzy, Snarf, SalmonM00se, and Goblin_m00se.
Attaching my suction-cup stethoscope to the window-glass, I sat back on
Wats0n's hunched-over form and listened.
The tape played; at first I thought it was a Beach Boys' song, but its
lyrics had something to do with a Soviet sub grounded in Malibu. Odd, these
four were. They talked quite a bit, their conversation centering on mead,
Scotch-guard, and Lazer Tag. Eventually, around 3:30 AM, they went to sleep.
Some of the more interesting snatches of conversation involved removing
Goblin_m00se's clothes and taking pictures while she slept...
It was a dark and stormy morning. Two people left; SalmonM00se, as I
could identify him now, and the female non-m00se after him. The rain
continued, pouring like dead cats. (I have nothing against cats, mind you, as
long as they're stuffed.) I kicked Wats0n's sleeping form and told him to
climb up to the third-floor window and see what was going on. He fell off the
side of the house, and I left him stuck head-first in the mud. I had more
important things to do. I climbed to the bedroom window.
Goblin_m00se was curled up in bed, pillows everywhere. One m00se, Fuzzy,
stuck his head in, wondering if she was going to sleep forever. Goblin_m00se
finally staggered out of bed, looking like the living dead, then began dressing
in tenth-century clothes. I cursed Wats0n for not buying more film.
Eventually, with two others, they climbed into a Mercury Marquis and sped
off. I tossed Wats0n into my orange Isuzu and pulled out after them. Finally
catching up to them on the motorway, I was hard-pressed to keep up with them.
Their velocity was increasing rapidly, as was mine. I saw, from the corner of
my eye, a hidden police car. As we passed, the radar, which was pointed lazily
out the window, exploded. I had no time to contemplate this happenstance, as
we went to PLAID.
During the ride through hyperspace, Goblin_m00se's automobile
metamorphosed into a maroon dragon. My own vehicle, I am sad to note, could
muster no more than a brightly-coloured iguana. It sufficed, however. We were
at our destination.
We were in a large, rutted field. The dragon was becoming mired in the
soggy ground, and several people ran towards it. "Oh dear," I thought,
"They're going to kill Goblin_m00se." I hopped off of my iguana and hid. After
a second thought, I grabbed Wats0n down from the iguana and pulled him to my
hiding place.
The people were more benevolent than I thought; they merely helped the
dragon to an empty space. Its four riders piled off and walked to a table
marked TROLL BOOTH. There were four: Goblin_m00se, Fuzzy, and two others, one
of them a monk. The monk looked faintly m00sey, but I couldn't tell from that
distance. They paid some gold to the troll, and walked past.
Not much happened for a while, except that they met up with SalmonM00se
and a female M00se whose name I didn't know. I'll have to refer to her
The entire field was full of mediaeval people. I checked my watch; it
read "SOMEWHERE BETWEEN AD 600 AND AD 1650". Well, that's Japanese technology
for you.
The m00ses eventually entered a large barn, with the rest of the
middle-aged people. (Well, most of them were fairly young.) I watched as His
Immensity, the Baron Beyond the Mountain, held court. Immediately following,
the King of the East held court. My head fairly split from the volume of the
"VIVAT! VIVAT! VIVAT!" cries that followed every award.
After that, there was a four-hour Bardic circle, where a couple of the
m00ses sang songs, or told tales. Eventually they wandered off somewhere to
The next day, only a few items of interest happened:
1) Fuzzy and SalmonM00se fenced for a while.
2) SalmonM00se almost shot the King and Queen (Bow & arrow)
3) Goblin_m00se and SalmonM00se took instruction from a knight
named Sir Andrea. They practiced until well after dark.
(Goblin_m00se looks extremely sexy when she swings a sword.)
After that, they went back to the modern world, stopping at a supermarket
without changing their clothes. This elicited many stares. None of them cared.
As I left the house, Wats0n chanced upon a small bag of herbs that I had
bought while in the Middle Ages. He looked into it, and said, "Holmes,
whatever could you be doing with this?
I replied, "Elementary, my dear Wats0n... I'm biding my thyme!"
- copied from M00selock's files by
SalmonM00se & Vegi-M00se
Postscriptum: A very m00sey thing to do is to watch Black Adder on Public
Television. (Especially Blackadder II.) Watch for the
episode with the turnip thingy. COMING SOON: Goblin_m00se
and Salmon-M00se are thinking of transcribing the scripts
of Blackadder II... Requests may be sent to the following
Users from off-BITNet domains (such as EDU) may send to:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<< Here we have a story typed in and contributed (though not written) by
Valerie. :) whose name doesn't lend itself to anything m00sey. >>
by Jim Lattimer
(Excerpts selected by myself.)
"M00se is tall, a hill on hoofs and thin stork legs. He has bony
shoulders, long ears, soft eyes, a mobile muzzle, and a beard."
(Gee....I never knew we looked like that...and I
suppose I ought to do something about my beard then....)
"On his way home, m00se sometimes stands beside the county road to watch
for license plates, though he does not know how to read. Once he saw Iowa,
Wisconsin, and Rhode Island; He sees a lot of Minnesotas, because he lives in
Minnesota and sometimes M00sechusetts (his spelling!!!!)"
(Gee....I never knew we were illiterate...yet could read
those license plates!!)
"M00se said simply, "I'm a m00se."
A m00se, thought the troll. Like a *Buffalo*, he thought, feeling
suddenly hungry. The troll came out to look, and there was m00se, a hill on
quiet hoofs, seven feet tall and eleven hundred pounds.
The troll hesitated. He fidgeted, muttering to himself. 'I do not feel
hungry for a m00se,' he said at last."
or is it
M00semas and the cows
ChristM00se and the cows
"On Christmas morning m00se passed a snowy field along the county road. He
didn't quite pass. Twelve black and white cows with steaming breath and sad
eyes huddled together close to the fence. The cows stared at m00se, their
breath frosting the fur on their foreheads. M00se stared back at them. One of
the cows flapped its ears. Then another cow flapped its ears. M00se flapped his
ears experimentally, searching for the cows' meaning.
'Hello,' he called to them, but the cows didn't answer. They stood,
steaming and staring, ears flapping, looking very sad.
'Merry Christmas,' M00se called. The cows did not wish M00se a Merry
'Happy Chanukah' he said, though Chanukah was almost two weeks past. The
cows did not answer him."
(Poor,poor m00se.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<< Here is that other, rather brilliant contribution by Salmon M00se and
Goblin_m00se. >>
Transcriber's Note: All of our comments will be enclosed in [brackets].
Recently published in a nameless newspaper of ill repute was the following
Article: [TrashyFacts: More people read the National Enquirer than any other
[Fully exposed? That sounds rather RUDE, doesn't it?]
The information contained in this article was found in the safe of the
late Doctor Frood, of the Link0ping Institute in Sweden, after his death.
Doctor Frood was found dead in a locked bathroom, in a tub filled with
chocolate m0usse. Nearby was found a calling-card bearing an odd pyramid, with
the initials S.M.S. printed underneath. Also found in the vicinity were 5,000
crushed kiwifruits. Authorities are baffled, but Inspector LeStr00de of
Scotland Yard insists that the culprits are a terrorist tourist troop from
Taiwan. [If they only knew! Heh heh heh]
By Dr. Vroomfondel Frood
What is Underwater Bl00ping? The Art of Underwater Bl00ping was
discovered in the quaint little village of Farmington, Connecticut, in the
United States of America. This practice, shunned by most Americans, is a
secret rite practiced by an underground organization, of which this researcher
has found extremely little information.
In point of fact, the practice is not only shunned by most individuals, it
is relatively UNKNOWN - a fact which points to the conclusion that this secret
society is a mind-bogglingly large organization filled with the most devious
individuals, all bred to superhuman abilities.
It is these abilities which make underwater bl00ping possible - but these
powers are not visible to the normal eye. Never have I encountered any sort of
signal whereby the members of this society may make themselves known to each
other - but nevertheless, apparently THEY can tell the difference between a
normal human being and one of their own terrible kind.
In my researches at the Miskatonic University, located in Massachusetts, I
found amongst the fragmentary Pnakotic Manuscripts a reference to this
practice, mentioned in conjunction with, of all animals, the moose. The passage
reads as follows:
Ichi ya fernandop00, Of the great god Fernando Poo,
Zum bagel lox The skalds of old wisely refrain
et kreemcheese t00. to sing.
Khargle alkazeltsur ickkity-ack, For if they do, their stomachs
Pleah, mitzvah barbell distend and they do fart
destroyeth plaque. violently unto their deaths.
Yippi-kiy-yiy-burgerking Nevertheless, there (are) those
Barbi-queued twinkies whose whispers He will suffer,
hys praysez sing. those of the dark Underground.
Yoo luk mahvelous, In their secret rites, that
zi lectroids bl00p, Bl00ping which they do,
Io Grand M00se P00bah The Grand P00bah M00se presides
Leviam00se goeth plaid. and they all went home for tea.
As the reader can plainly see, this passage hints at even darker
possibilities, more terrible than even the original translator of the Pnakotic
Manusctipts, L. Howard Phillips, had guessed.
For the signs of these rites can still be seen today! This Bl00ping is
carried out even as I write! Around the nation, and perhaps even the world,
people congregate and perform these dark rituals! And what of the moose? Where
do they fit in? And yet, the common person on the street knows naught of this
matter. This researcher walked up to 97 people and pronounced the secret word
"Bl00p". Ninety-six people showed no useful reaction. The ninety-seventh, a
policeman, arrested the researcher. Perhaps even the police have been
infiltrated? It cannot be said at this time.
The President of the United States of America, when asked if he had any
knowledge of this matter, replied: "Well... as President of this great nation,
I can assure you that lima beans and Twinkies continue to be this country's
greatest resource. If it were not for our country, our nation would not be
where it is today."
Although these Bl00pers are clever, there are some methods of detecting
their actions. The following paragraphs record actual eyewitness accounts of
chance discoveries of the rituals:
LANSING, NEW YORK: It was horrible! I was standing in the
supermarket check-out line, buying food to bring back to my
camper, when two women bl00ped at me! I declare! It frightened
me so much that I dropped my eggs right on little Bobbi-Jo!
SOMEWHERE, MASSACHUSETTS: Verily, I tell thee, 'twas not more
than twelve feet away from me! I could not believe mine own ears!
An entire throng of people shouted, "BL00P"! Sixteen tents then
GNOME, ALASKA: I was walking along, worried about my new lipo-
suctioned nose, wondering if I looked as dashing as Sean Penn,
like the doctor said I did, when a whole lodge of them, dressed as
tourists, Bl00ped! The ice cracked, and I fell into the water.
My nose got so cold that it swelled back up to its original size!
I was crushed! Hey, are you herring what I say?
Further documents reveal that Underwater Blooping are generally held in
reservoirs. It is with this practice that the members of this secret society
find their greatest...
(We are sorry to announce that this work was not completed due to the
untimely death of its author. Dr. Vroomfondel Frood was found in his bathtub,
pummeled to death by 5,000 kiwifruits. The Swedish Coroner's office has marked
his death as "Due to Natural Causes".)
- Transcribed by
SalmonM00se & Goblin_m00se
*************************** MISCELLANEOUS NONSENSE *****************************
<< From Salmon M00se. >>
Q. How many M00ses does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. They'd prefer to keep people in the dark.
*************** AND, OF COURSE, THE UBIQUITOUS M00SE LIST UPDATE ***************
Will follow the issue.