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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
$$$$T""P$$$ba, ,gd&P""T&bg. ,gd&P""T&bg.
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ggg "Bullshit" ggg
$$$ by -> Trimmerhead $$$
$$$ $$$
$$$ (* HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #913 -- 11/30/99 *) .,$$$
Is there anyway that one person can master the art of bullshit?
We all know what it is, and we all have done it, many many times. Think
about it, you aren't quite sure what to write for a paper, what to say to
someone, or how to do something. So what do you do? Bullshit. It's the
obvious and most appealing thing to do. The best part is, if you are
good at it, is when you you get away with it. But getting caught, that
just plain sucks shit. Many people attempt bullshitting but few can
master it. Myself, I have been rather successful with the bull. From
6th grade to 10th grade was the training and trials. There was much
failure along with the glory of a successful bull. For junior and senior
year of high school, the bull seemed to flow effortlessly, as if aided
with ex-lax. From homework and quizzes to final projects and term
papers, 90% of all work was bullshit. Note: any non bullshit was in
guitar class, cooking, and on a paper of my life, and possibly one math
test where i actually knew what was goin on. anyway.
Discussing test taking methods with a friend, we compared styles
of level of bullshit. For my friend his tally board, called "the
bullshit meter", is fairly simple, with certain complexities. There is a
scale of 0 to 100% in determining bullshit. The more bullshit, thought,
and importance of the item needing bullshit, the higher the the % value.
For example, a multiple choice quiz would receive a meek 1/4%, a short
answer test gets 30%, long essay getting 50% and a term paper getting
everything and them some.
Now, mine on the other hand is a little different. The degree of
bullshit is determined again by 1) bullshit needed, 2) thought that would
be required, 3) more important the event, and 4) time used to perform the
art. But basically it is like the scoring system of the British TV show
"Who's line is it Anyway?".
Whatever system you use, mine, my intellectually advanced friend,
or your own, one thing will always remain the same. BULL IS BULL and you
can't bullshit a bullshiter.
oh...i don't have any friends.