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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
_____ _____
</ x x \> The </ x x \>
| @ | Hogs of Entropy | @ |
/\__^__/\ present... /\__^__/\
The End is Near
By, Mogel (Senior Officer)
Release Date: 09/02/94
Ok, First let me get this clear: I am not an environmentalist.
Everyone and anyone that is even mildly strict with that sort of thing
would agree that I am just a hypocritical, wasteful, dick (and I guess
that is me). Anyhowzydasie, I'm just sick and tired of some people
<coughcoughpoliticianscoughcough> sitting on their ass, and talking the
lines, but doing shit. I'll admit that I don't do enough, and I don't take
my own advice enough, but these people claim themselves (well, at least
when it's convenient) to be the "examples".
These vary same assholes are into the "number"/statistical facts.
A lot of them. These numbered facts are great for them, because they can
make abstractions and twist things around and then nothing will get done.
However, I'm going defy this and give them a <GASP> thesis...one that's
based solely on a cold fucking hard FACT?...and here it is, plain and
We are destroying ourselves!!!
That's right geezers & Tots, we're doing the big "self-over-fuck".
Does that make you cringe? Well, if your not one of those apocalyptic
bastards - it shouldn't. I mean it's real spiritual and all to predict
the end of the world every few days, but it's tiresome. And there's those
idiots that actually live by the premise that they can do whatever
destructive and wasteful thing they want, since "the world is gonna end
anyway." No you fuck, it's not. Well, maybe in millions (or is it
billions?) of years when our sun burns up it's fuel and expands into a
"Big Red" and grows as big as the orbit of Jupiter... THEN the end will
come. I guess if you wanted to take things to extremes then the end IS
coming, but I think that's a long enough time away to say that we are here
for a long while. Ah, I'm sure some of you really uptight religious
idiots...er, I mean people...have caught me here as an atheist. Well,
actually I'm not -- and I am...ok, so it's hard to explain and I won't even
attempt to do it here, but the idea that Jesus is coming along after we
shit ourselves is shitty in itself. Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit. Ahhh, now
that's out of my system...I'll continue.... The TRUE idea of the bible (a
book which I will respect, but never follow) is to do the same thing that
all religions TRY to do... make people happy (strangely enough, many people
forget this!). But, let's get real now... What is in the church?
Condemnation, intimidation, stupid and unnecessary tradition, and of
coarse a lot and lot of guilt. Does this sound like a way to make people
I'm getting off the already off-the-topic point here (read some of
Mr. Sandman's word's on the topic in his article: "The Freedom Philosophy"),
but the bible (on an abstract level - If you believe the bible on a literal
level your an total phucking moron<g>) says that there's a future where
Heaven is on Earth. That idea is actually thinkable, and you don't have to
be Christian to believe it...I think Lennon said it best...that's right:
WORLD PEACE. Ok, with some of these thoughts off my chest, I'm going to
tell you why the world is falling apart... and why we have to DO SOMETHING
LIKE WE'VE DONE FOR 34+ YEARS. Earth Day was real nice... but face it,
nothings happening...not enough people really care...Writing this I'm
realizing that we really need some fucking change in the government.
AGHH! I said the Clinton word... I don't want "change"... I want a total
When we have a real government represented by the people then I'll
be happy...but the only government that will ever do this is NO government.
Self-Government... That's right... wonderful Anarchy. Not the initial
image that someone may have of chaos. TURE anarchy is a beautiful place.
It's a world where everyone has common sense and has SELF-controlled
Ok, I'm off the topic again... My actual point of writing this was
to talk about the environment... <REALLY!>... I'll get to it then, here's
a run down of five of the "more" dangerous things of what is happening...
HEY!!! Put that Playboy mag away... I'm talking about something
IMPORTANT! It's important to protect the environment at all times for
many reasons... I think one reason could be that the future of human
existence is at stake? What do you think...? Picture, if you will (and
if you don't... you WILL), the world in the far off year of 2030...
(Shit, I'll be FIFTY-FUCKING-YEARS old -- No, wait I forgot, I'm going
to kill myself at thirty...nevermind):
1) The amount of CLEAN water will be scarce -- if nonexistent -- due
to dumping. No, not THAT kind of dumping. I mean toxic dumping - you
know, companies that couldn't give a flying phuk and just dump shit
whenever...And the Oil-Spill rate will surely rise as it has been...That's
right, you'll be drinking up some dirty shit on those fine days... Maybe
toilet water will start to look good?
2) Yes, the O-zone layer (that thing with the big hole over Maine),
the thing that you never took seriously and told a million lamer jokes
about will haunt you. By 2030, the Ozone layer will be so thin and the
heavily debated Greenhouse effect (Aside - note the opposition to the
existence of an unnatural greenhouse effect is made up primarily of
Republican Conservatives that only act up when there is a money
expenditure at stake) will be so intense that the Fucking POLAR CAPS will
be able to melt and thus will FLOOD most of the land areas across the
globe (Note: Anyone who is not a fisherman is fucked).
3) We will have no form of dependable energy by that point.
WAKE UP - Fusion does NOT exist and we are pissing away what limited
resources we have more and more everyday. Does anyone fucking care??
All we'll have left is the goddam Nuclear power plants... and if we used
them to power everything (and you can imagine how much power will be
needed in the year 2030, as it grows everyday) then there'd be so much
Nuclear/toxic waste we'd shit ourselves trying to put it somewhere...
and get this: It stays radioactive for something like a
Ka-Zillion-Schmillion-Trillion years...hell, the end of the world will
come before that stuff is safe.
4) Do you like animals...? Well, if you do, then it's tough shit...
because by the year 2030 the only animals left will be a few cows, a few
hogs, a lot of cockroaches, and a FUCKING MOOSE. At the current rate of
extinction via the poacher fucks there will literally be one species of
animal becoming extinct every hour!!
5) Oh, and that li'l' thingy called the Rain Forest. Ever hear of
it? Well, fuckit, that thing won't annoy you anymore... that's right!
Nobody will have to hear anymore nagging people asking for money to save
those shrubs. Of coarse we'll all be dead. "Why would we be dead?" You
may have asked (Aside - Even if you didn't ask...you guessed it...I'm
gonna tell you...). Well, see us humans...we need this funny thing called
air... and well, the Rain Forest counts as not one, not twenty, not
thirty-nine, but FORTY PERCENT of our world air supply (or WaS as I like
to call it<g>). "So who needs forty, right? We still got sixty...we'll
be fine..." you may say... But NONONONOPERDOODLES! Remember that lil'
O-Zone thingy I mentioned earlier...we'll if that silly li'l' contraption
get's enough holes in it.. it kills off the big bulk of our WaS... The
Algae in the ocean. Sucks, huh?
Shit. We are fucked up, huh? IS the end of the world coming? Well,
I guess you want me to give you a few words to encourage you to go fight
the powers that be, huh? Well, uh I don't got none. Well, actually I do.
Sorta. Do I sound confused? These are confused times, though<g>. I'll
stop rambling and say this: GET INVOLVED! It's only going to happen if
we let it. That's right. Don't preach world peace, Don't preach about
any glorious future, and DON'T preach about true anarchy if you don't do
shit about what's happening. Educating yourself is neato, but that doesn't
do shit if you just sit there on your lazy ass. Here's a few people of
the more INTERESTING people/agencies that you can contact:
1) To obtain a report on the largest releases of toxic chemicals in
the country, "The Top 500", call the National Wildlife Federation at
(202)7976800 or mail them:
The National Wildlife Federation
Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program
1400 16th St. NW
Washington, DC 20036-2266
2) You want to save paper and reduce that annoying stress to boot?
You can write this group to keep your name off all major mailing lists in
the country... Thus, they won't send you junk/shit mail.
Mail Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
6 E. 43rd St.
New York, NY 10017
3) Nag people. Send a letter to the United Nations Environmental
Programme (Don't ask me why there's no "er" at the end of that...I guess
they just wanted to be weird) urging the UN to intensify discussion/action
on preserving the Rain Forest, among other issues.
Mosfa Kamal Tolba (Sounds contagious)
Executive Director
UN Environmental Programme
P.O. Box 30552
Nairobi, Kenya
4) Not only Hippies recycle! Call the Environmental Defence fund
(you won't have to phreak it, the call is toll free) at 1-800-225-5333.
Ask the operator how much they weigh, their favorite color, what is on
their mind RIGHT NOW, and then (most importantly...I think) ask them to
send you a phree <evilgrin> recycling info pak (I left the "c" out for you
dumb K-Rads, who I would be surprised actually read this far into my
5) Big Daddy-o Greenpeace:
Greenpeace USA, Inc.
1436 U St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 462-1177
6) Nag the shit out of the US Department of Energy.... Tell them
to shape up or you'll use some text files on them<or what's IN the text
files for a better reaction>. You can also get the free cheesey lil' they
offerbook called: "Tips for Energy Savers"..blah! That title makes me
want to murder a boy scout in cold blood.
US Department of Energy
Office of Public Affairs <-------Shit, they have
Washington, DC 20585 a whole office
(202) 586-5575 for THAT.
(c)opyexcusethemanyramblings Mogelian Productions