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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
T h e G R E E N Y w o r l d D o m i n a t i o n T a s k F o r c e
"DroogSpeak: What We Say and Hear"
by Diamondback (and others)
"Stab him in the Lanzars!"
"What? Does it look like I KNOW stuff?!?"
"Gerbils." "Chickens." "Chainsaws." "GOD MODE!!!"
-Diamondback n' Zen: typical conversation
"Yeah...but don't hold that (our friendship) against me as a silencer
of my views."
"Show us your tits!"
-Chad, Zen's cousin
"Hi, my name is Sam."
"(insert ANYTHING here), dammit."
"I understand."
"Good day, sir."
-Ratt Fink
"Is this gonna require effort?"
-Trojan Man
"Can I have $5?"
"Spit on your hand, and stroke my cock at a medium pace..."
-Adam Sandler
"They....uhh....put me under sedation.....I wake up...my teeth all
punched out....gums....bleeding....dripping blood.....and my....
pants....unbuttoned.....and.....why they do this?!?....why....I
don't understand.....AAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAGH!!!!"
-The Jerky Boys "Dental Malpractice"
"Your head looks like a pumpkin."
"I'm goin' to DisneyLand."
"I'm not hungry!"
"You don't KNOW me, man!"
-Seth the Man
"She is a very nice girl."
-Trojan Man
"Cynicism isn't being a skeptic, it's reality."
"Thingys. You know that thingy over there? You put that thingy beside
that thingy, and you use the thingy to make the thingy. It's all about
"Un bumpin on das noggin."
-Hoggle(not really, but you guys know what I'm
talkin' about<G>)
-Zen's truck
"Blam! Bang a lot! Zowie!"
"Sounds like a personal problem."
"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw!"
"I have no life when TRACIE's not here<whimper> <whimper>."
-Seth the Man
"I need a job."
-All of us
"I are a gradjuate."
"The fuzzy red headed kid and the big breasted blonde woman."
"Guess what, guys?!"
-One of us
"We don't care."
-The rest of us
"Your not holding up your end of the friendship."
"We don't care."
-The rest of us
"It no work, I go home."
-Some old weird guy at the ATM machine
"McDonalds?" "Yup."
-Diamondback n' Zen: typical conversation
"Wanna go coyote huntin'? Coo."
-Billy Buckshot(ask us about this later)
"Nice shoes, wanna fuck?"
"I wanna sink her pink!"
-Chad, Zen's cousin
"He's the man."
"I know, the BAG!"
-Various members of the production of the 5
minute movie, "The Bag" (c) 1994
"[Aerik] isn't bitter, he isn't better, he's BUTTER!"
-Lady Kirby
-All of us
"Will you have toe sex with me?"
-Beth da Petereater
"Would you like to buy some rubber nee-ples?"
"(insert witty insult here)"
"Jesus Christ is very nice, but I like Oreos..."
"Hit that perfect beat boy, beat boy!"
"You will be assim...Oo! Coke!"
Well....there ya have it....a sloppy mess of quotes mainly thought up
by Diamondback, with several people hunched over the monitor offering
suggestions here n' there. Yeah.
GwD Command Centers-
Chaos (806)797-7501
SysOp-Seth Sometimes (Mission Control)
GridPoint (405)920-1347
SysOp-Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest)
Federation Slayers' (806)798-8168
SysOp-Big Red Fed
The Starchy White Boy BBS (803)###-####
SysOp-Fastjack (Moved to South Carolina, number available soon)
Light My Fire (806)795-4926
The Snake's Den (806)793-3779
The Siege Perilous (806)762-0948
Brazen's Hell (301)776-8259
SysOp-Brazen (Eastern Outpost)
Club Baby Seal (817)429-4636
SysOp-Zippy (Penile Implant Site)
copyright (c) 1994 by Diamondback of GwD Inc. :FIGHT THE POWER:
GREENY world Domination Task Force copyright (c) 1993 by Lobo: GwD :
All rights reserved to All That is Gangrene (Green gangs?) \---------------/