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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
But you'll NEVER break me. Not even
my drILL SergeAnts could do that.
Cliff Hillegass is dead. Long live Hillegass.
Hillegass, founder of Cliffs Notes was 83.
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"This ain't no party
This ain't no disco
This ain't no foolin' around
No time for dancin'
Or lovey dovey
I ain't got time for that now...."
--Talking Heads
"Life During Wartime"
from Stop Making Sense
Hi, I'm Prime Anarchist and this is issue 274 of
the 'zine. Are you C'ing the phull mune? It's
nice. It's always nice. 0105070239
"Do you think the moon ever overflows?" she
asks me.
And in the middle of the night you say nothing.
Just, "yeah sure. uh huh." Go back to bed.
Well, it's Official.
According to the Boston Globe, McDonalds has been
using beef extract all along.
The fast-food giant, who many environmentalists
and vegetarians believe is a menace to society, has
been saying since 1990 that its fries are cooked in
pure vegetable oil, using "potatoes, partially
hydrogenated soybean oil and 'natural flavor.'"
What they conveniently fail to tell anyone is
that the 'natural flavor' comes from beef. The only
way to find that out is to contact a McDonald's
customer-satisfaction representative. If you do,
they'll tell you honestly what's in it and ask you
to please not make a fuss.
Many people who've written to the "customer
satisfaction" department for many reasons including
meat issues have just received a form letter and
coupons for meals to come.
This author once wrote in simply, "your food
just plain sucks, and I don't think I'll ever eat
at a McRestaurant anymore," and received four
coupons for a full meal* at any store.
*full meal, of course meaning big mac, biggie
fries and biggiewiggie drink with no substitutions
Not able or willing to use them, the author posted
them up on a bulletin board near a laundromat.
This morning's Boston Globe article about a Class
Action suit beginning against McDonalds corp., says
that McDonalds believes using "natural flavor" as a
synonym for beef extract is within federal Food and
Drug Administration guidelines. If that's true,
vegetarians would be wise to check each and every
processed food they buy.
I'll end this quoting the Globe a little because
the ending to THEIR article is good. Real good.
Harish Bharti, the Seattle lawyer who filed the suit
against McDonald's Tuesday, said "McDonald's contention
that the information was available to people if they had
only asked is insulting.
"Not only did they deceive these people," he said. "Now
they are claiming that all these people were deceived because
they were stupid. This adds insult to injury."
o ooooo
o o o o We take up less space;
o o o o oo
o o o o And say twice as much.
o o o ooo
& LETTUCE - 4 You 2 cONsumE
Fm: Accounting
Subj: muffins
As of today, meeting muffins will be for client consumption
only. And when possible, encourage them to go "halvsies"
with one another.
Onward and upward
-the Mgt.
- -
to: marco
It was perfect! [about a poem in ati]
- -
Going through my old notebooks, and I
found the list of songs off the Waffle
House jukebox. Thought you'd want it.
1. Waffle House Family I/II
2. Waffle House Home I/II
3. I'm Cooking at the Waffle House
4. There's a Special Lady at the Waffle House
5. Good Food Fast
6. Wafflee Doo-Wop
7. Waffle House Thank You
8. We're Dedicated
9. We're Gonna Push
10. What Can We Do
11. Overdoing
12. It's Waffle House Time
13. Why Would You Eat Grits Anyplace Else
14. I'm Going Back to the Waffle House
15. I Like What I See at Waffle House
16. 844,739 Ways to Eat a Hamburger at Waffle House
17. What Remains
18. Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
19. Saturday Night at My Place
20. They've Got a Coke for Me
21. Waffle House Hashbrowns (I Love You)
22. I Feel Good (at the Waffle House)
23. There are Raisins in My Toast
24. Happy Birthday
- -
Make an impression that's unique
and easy to remember.
This is a must for individuals or
businesses who want to have a personalized
email at their web address.
[ed note: did you say for free?]
- -
By providing clean, public shell corporations
that are ready for merger We have assisted over
200 business clients in becoming public companies.
We will provide a COMPLETE package containing
all the necessary documents for submission to the
required regulatory agencies.
If you do not already have your own merger team,
We can refer you to a variety of...
[ed note: quick, where's the barf bag]
ATI - Once again NOT brought to you by
All New (tm) RoundUp - Ol' Mother Earth
doesn't stand a chance. Twice as strong.
No air, no water, no planet; no problem.
ATI - has been phormatted perfectly pfor
your palm-pilot since prior to the 90's.
"He wanted to know if he would be in the book
because if so he might have problems. The Deputy
Directorate of Operations had just assigned him
to a course in Latin American studies at the
University of Wisconsin. He would be starting
next September, the first DDO operations officer
in living memory to be sent for graduate study.
He would have to keep up his State Department
cover while there, and obviously it would be
blown if I mentioned him."
--from Philip Agee's "On The Run"
A caller on Milwaukee's "Waddya Know" radio show
suggested that they clone former UN General
Secretary Butrous Butrous Gali, so you could
have Butrous Butrous Butrous Butrous Gali Gali.
\ \
\ \
Subway Sandwich Shop. I'm "assistant manager's assistant."
Higher wages, no benefits. They drop me down to two shifts
a week.
During my lunch break I call NPR's business department
and help pay for four anti-globalism ads.
"Hello, Subway," the assistant manager answers the phone.
"But he's my best worker, and all the lower employees
like and trust him.
"OK boss. You know what's best for the company. It's as
good as done."
She removes me from the schedule and doesn't say a word
about it. Tries to be as nice, albeit distant, as she can
to me for the rest of my shift.
"Bye," she says, "see you tomorrow?"
"Alright, goodbye," I say, "be a good person," at the
end of my last shift.
Cambridge Confrontation
You definitely won't need a weatherman to know which
way this wind blows. In southern new england it's
going from Boston to NYC. And that's usually a large
"It's like Berkeley in the '60s where an action can resonate
across the country," said Mark Engler at 27 West 44th St NYC
where Harvard Alum are giving some NY "ground support" to
Boston's Living Wage Campaign. "This is something that could
be one of those signs of the times."
Engler (Class of '98) has been involved in anti-sweatshop
and living wage campaigns for the past five years. He hopes
the current battle at Harvard will have a galvanizing effect
on campuses across the country. They've been locked down
inside Massachussetts Hall for a couple weeks now. They
finally rated television and other corporate media coverage
for a couple days now.
Yesterday I traded some records here in Wisconsin at one of
my favorite used record stores. Metro Records. Lots of hip-
hop and house, trance and drums, but lots of folky stuff too.
Along with my trade I bought a Buddah 2 Record set. Now
you might know Buddah mostly for their highest prophet in
the 60's, Melanie Safka. Yeah, she's the one who told us
we have brand new rollerskates and she's got a brand new
key; and she also asked us to look what they did to her song.
Well this record has Charles Osgood interviewing Harvard
Corporation officials and offsets that against interviews
with members of Students for a Democratic Society when,
on April 9, 1969 they seized University Hall to support
their demands.
1969. Nothing's changed since, has it? Well, little.
Here's what Kenneth Jost had to say about it way back
then. He was WHRB's Managing Editor.
Cries had erupted at Berkeley, at Columbia, San Francisco
State, but many people felt that it couldn't happen at
Harvard. During the winter of 1968-69, however tensions
rose as the Harvard Administration and the Students for a
Democratic Society came into repeated conflicts. Then, on
April 9, the radicals seized University Hall student radio
station, WHRB-FM. These sounds capture the emotional
reaction, the shock that followed the seizure, the outrage
that followed the police bust the next day. Emotions played
a vital part in determining the actions of all the groups
in the crisis: students, faculty, and administration. Yet
the striking aspect of that emotionalism was the extent to
which it was channeled into constructive discussion about
the larger issues which lay behind the crisis: the university's
ties with the military, the university's relationship with the
community, the distribution of power within the university,
and -- most importantly -- the university's role in dealing
with such problems as Vietnam, poverty, racism. If Harvard's
crisis proved anything, it proved that even in emotional
times people can reason together if they try. That fact
alone should provide some optimism for the future.
This year's most newsworthy issue is a living wage for
Harvard Corporation's hourly employees. But that connects
so many other issues also doesn't it? Sweatshops, the war
on drugs, round-up getting into our drinking water, what
They say they don't plan on directly addressing issues
surrounding Sodexho Marriott's abuse of the new growing
US prison labor movement until after they've won this
living wage issue first.
It's gonna be a long storm, and I mostly just want
to know how many times Crimson students will have
sung "We Shall Not Be Moved."
A T I T A K E S A L O O K A T :
The phollowing spams have been sent to alt.2600.414
from April 4 - May 4. [alphabetized by subject]
Credit Repair 101
Extensive Studies Show that the Average
Help the Children. Report Child Porn
How to legaly avoid credit card interest
Re: remove convicting evidence off your
Re: Security.............
Re: the best wy to get rich
the best wy to get rich
Very Important read only if you need
<> <>
<> A A TT II <>
<> AAAA TT II <>
<> A A TT II <>
<> <>
Send blogs, cogs and pol(l)ywogs to: ati@etext.org
Webby nominations and libellous gossip about CNN,
AP and Fox's Shephard Smith should be directed to:
get the 'zine in marked up form (custom
made - each one unique!) at:
We end with a poem by breed and it's titled:
big bosomed popstars
pedaling ultra corporate images of coolness and sex appeal
for the sole purpose of selling soft drinks
thirty-second bursts of eye and ear candy
featuring steroid toned men and anorexic women
designed to make you feel bad about yourself
so you will buy the latest fragrance from Calvin Klein
news gives the straight story
as long as it doesn't conflict with the corporate
lives lived vicariously
through dramas, sit-coms, soaps
wanna be like mike
love, popularity, and personal strength
now come in disposable containers
but don't dare challenge this
the greatest of empires
our ideas are holy and our intention just
"we are the hollow men"
we will disney-fy the world
and lend it a helping Big Mac
"we are the stuffed men"
we will give you the dead things
in return for the live things
"our dried voices, when we whisper together"
we will give you a T.V.
in return for your culture
"are quiet and meaningless"
and if you should disagree
we have plenty of ways to deal with you
"the dead land"
gas, and spin
and the killers of men
"violent souls, but only as the hollow men, the
stuffed men"
don't tell us of your wonderful dream
if it doesn't fit in with profit
it is no dream at all
"this is cactus land"
Our capital, our possession are dearer to
"the hollow men"
"the stuffed men"
are dearer to us, than your
"headpiece filled with straw"
your measly dre...
"and voices are"
we will go on wi....
"and voices are"
capital, democracy
can't you see we'll give you democracy
"and voices are"
in the distance rising
democracy, see we're not so bad
"and voices are"
in the distance rising against the rule
of hollow images and their masters
we'll give you a VCR....
"and voices are"
in the distance rising against the tyrant
the dollar in all its forms
the tank and the rifle
are doomed to die
this is the way the world begins
this is the way the world begins
not with a whimper
but a shout
feedback? ati@etext.org