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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
- What does a Polack use a "rubber" for? Seal-a-meal
- What do you get when you cross a Polack and a Mongoloid with one leg? a
Polaroid 1 Step
- What is better than 4 roses on a piano? Two lips on an organ
- What do you call a truck load of vibrators? Toys for twats
- What do you call a herd of masturbating cattle? Beef Strokenoff
- Why does an elephant have 4 feet? Because 8 inches isn't enough
- What do you call 2 gay guys named Bob? Oral Roberts
- What can you use used tampons for? Tea bags for vampires
- How can you tell a Polish woman is on her period? She's only wearing 1 sock
- What's the leading killer among Polish women? Toxic sock syndrome
- How do you get a polish woman pregnant? Cum in her shoes and the flies do
the rest.
- How do you get 3 Polacks off a couch? Jerk 1 off and the other 2 cum
- What's red and has 7 dents? Snow White's cherry
- What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an octopus? I don't know, but
it can sure pick lettuce
- What do soy beans and dildos have in common?Both are meat subsitutes
- What's the difference between chicken and meat? If you beat your chicken it
would die
- Why are chickens so ugly? They have a pecker on their face
- What do you call a cow with and abortion? Decalfinated
- What do you call a pimple on a Polacks ass? A brain tumor
- Have you heard of a new Tox Shock Rock group? They only play ragtime
- What do eating pussy and the Mafia have in common? One slip of the tongue
and you're in deep shit
- How do you make paper dolls?Screw an old bag
- How can you tell a Head nurse? The one with dirty knees
- Have you heard about the new Vietnamese cookbook? It's called 101 ways to
wok your dog
- What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an Oriental? A car thief who
can't drive
- What did the Polack do with his first 50-cent piece?He married her
- What do the Post Office & Kinney's have in common? Both have 30,000 black
- How do you cure a Jewish woman of nymphomania? Marry her
- What's Billy Jean King's latest advertising sponsor? Strap on Tools of
- What's worse than getting raped by Jack the Ripper? Getting fingered by
Captain Hook
- Why did the Italian staple his nuts together? Since he couldn't lick 'em, he
felt he should join them
- Three Polacks on a couch - which one's the cock sucker? The one who's
spitting feathers
- What do you get when you cross a black guy with Bo Derek? A "Ten of Spades"
- What do you do when your kotex catches fire?Throw it on the floor and
tampon it
- What's invisible and smells like carrots? Bunny farts
- How can you tell Dolly Parton's kids in a group? They're the ones with
stretch marks on their lips
- What's old, wrinkled and smells like Ginger? Fred Astair's face
- What's green, and smells like Miss Piggy? Kermit's finger
- Which of the following doesn't belong? a wife, meat, eggs, or a blowjob? A
blowjob. You can beat your wife, eggs or meat; but you can't beat a blowjob
- Why do black guys wear high-heeled shoes? To keep from scraping their
knuckles when they walk
- How can you tell a black person has been shot in the head? By the hole in
his radio
- What will they call teh first black test tube baby? Janitor in a drum
- Why can't little black kids play in sandboxes? Cats keep trying to cover
them up
- What's the definition of a virgin? An ugly third grader
- What's the definition of a Happy Roman? Gladiator
- What do elephants use for a tampon? Sheep
- What do you call this? (Puff out cheeks) Polish sperm bank
- What do you call this? (Stick out tongue) Lesbian with a hard-on
- Why don't Mexicans barbeque? Because the beans slip through the grill
- What do you call a Mexican Baptism? Bean Dip
- Have you heard about the new black disaster movie? It's called
A-pack-of-lips Now
- What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? Hold onto your nuts!. This
ain't gonna be no ordinary blowjob.
- What do you call a female clone? A clunt.
- What do you call a Polock with an I.Q. of 176? A village.
- What's the definition of the perfect woman? 1) She's three feet tall, has a
round hole for a mouth and her head is flat so you can rest coctails on it.
2) The sports model has pull back ears and her teeth fold in. 3) The economy
model; she fucks all night and at midnight she turns into a roastbeef
sandwich and a six pack.
- Why is Ray Charles smiling all the time? Because he doesn't know he is
- Why do they call camels the ships of the desert? Because they're full of
Iranian seamen.
- Why did God give blacks rhythm? Because he fucked up their hair.
- What do you call a black test tube baby? Janitor in a drum.
- What do elephants use for tampons? Sheep.
- What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion? A piece of ass that
makes your eyes water.
- How do you say "fuck you" in Jewish? Trust me.
- Why do dogs lick their balls? Because they can.
- Why don't Puerto Ricans have checking accounts? Because it's hard to sign
checks with a spray can.
- What are the two greatest lies? The check is in the mail, and I won't come
in your mouth.
- How do you brainwash an Italian? Give him an enema.
- Why wasn't Christ born in Italy? Because they couldn't find three wise men
and a virgin.
- Did you hear about the Polock who studied five days for a urine test?
- Did you hear about the Polock who thought asphalt was a rectal problem?
- What do you say to a one legged hitch-hiker?Hop in.
- Why do Jews havev such big noses? Because air is free.
- Why was one of Helen Keller's legs yellow? Because her dog was blind, too.
- Why did the gut trade in his wife for an outhouse? Because the hole was
smaller and the smell was better.
- Did you hear that the NFL is going to use green footballs next year?Did you
ever hear of a black dropping a watermelon?
- Where do you get virgin wool? From ugly sheep.
- What did Adam say to Eve? Stand back, I don't know how big this thing gets.
- What's green and smells like pigs? Kermit's finger.
- How do you break a Polock's finger? Punch him in the nose.
- Why are chickens so ugly? You'd be ugly, too, if you had a pecker hanging
out of your forehead.
- Where is an elephant's sex organ? In his feet; if he steps on you you're
- What do you call a gay Indian? A brave fucker.
- Why does Nancy Reagan always climb on top? Because Ronnie can only fuck-up.
- What do you call an Italian with an I.Q. of 180? Sicily.
- What's another reason God created the orgasm? Because he couldn't wait for
the second coming.
- Why is being a dick not all it's cracked up to be? First of all you have a
head but no brains; there's a couple of nuts following you around all the
time; your next door neighbor is an asshole and you best friend is a cunt.
- What do you call a beautiful girl in Poland?A tourist.
- Did you hear about the new Vietnamese cookbook? 100 ways to WOK your dog.
- What does a guy with a 12 inch cock have for breakfast? I usually have bacon
and eggs.
- You know it's going to be a bad day when you get to your office and there's a
60 Minutes News Team waiting for you.
- Why do Mexicans have re-fried beans?Have you ever heard of a Mexican doing
anything right the first time?
- What's the definition of mass confusion? Father's day in Oakland.
- What's the ultimate rejection? When you're masturbating and your hand falls
- What happens to a Jewish man when he walks into a wall with a full erection?
He breaks his nose.
- How come the Mexican Army only used 600 Mexicans at the Alamo? Because they
only had 2 cars.
- If God hadn't meant pussy to be eaten, he wouldn't have made it look like a
- You know the bartender's pissed-off when you find a string hanging out of
your bloody mary.
- Why is Italy shaped like a boot? Do you think they could fit all that shit
in a tennis shoe?
- What's the hardest thing about a sex change from a man to a woman? Inserting
the anchovies.
- Did you hear about Ku Klux Knievel? He tried to jump 18 blacks with a steam
- What do you call a Greek girl who keeps running away from home? A virgin.
- What's a Polish shishkabob? A flaming arrow through a garbage can.
- What do you do in case of fallout? Put it back in and take shorter strokes.
- Why don't Italians eat fleas? Because they can't get their little legs
- What do you do with a dog that doesn't have any legs? Take him for a drag.
- What's the brown stuff between elephant's toes? Slow natives.
- How do you know when an elephant's been fucking in your garage? Your Hefty
bags are missing.
- Why are Dolly Parton's feet so small? Nothing grows in the shade
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