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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
*************************************** * * * The 1986 COSMOS FILES * * PART III: Service Order Input * * Written by: * * * * SIR WILLIAM * * [KOTRT] * * * *************************************** The 1986 COSMOS FILE series consists of 6 parts, including the introduction, covering all major Service Orders, Work Orders, Reports, Facility and Circuit Alteration, COSMOS-N/PREMIS transactions and a complete list of all the facility prefixes. The 1986 file series is intended for the serious COSMOS hacker. (Not too serious) NOTE: The content of this material is proprietary and constitutes a trade secret. It is furnished pursuant to written agreements or instructions limiting the extent of its disclosure. Its further disclosure in any form without the permission of its owner, Western Electric Co. Inc., is prohibited. hi ho. DISCLAIMER: I take full responsibility for all deaths, physical injuries, emotional stress, and monetary damages as a result of this file. Please send all claims to KOTRT Enterprises, P.O. Box 1223-232, Wunderland, N. Ireland 928301 *************************************** INTRO TO SERVICE ORDER INPUT *************************************** Under COSMOS software version 8.X there are new input procedures for SOE's. Although these are mostly in the area of error handling, they require a bit of discussion, seperate from the basic input. Error Handling -------------- Service order transactions interact with the user more frequently in REV 8.X. Each time the transaction is ready for a new input, it will respond with and underscore "_" at the beginning of the new line. This indicates that the preceding line is correct. If an error does occur, the transaction will respond with an error message and prompt for correction. When an error occurs, you have 4 choices. 1. Re-enter the entire field correctly. 2. Enter line-feed to ignore, (checks rest of line) 3. Enter a ";" to disregard the present circuit. 4. Enter a "." the transaction will disregard all input, and exit. H-LINE inputs. -------------- H-LINE input for the service order trio SOE/CSA/TSA is being rigidly defined in 8.0 according to three categories. These categorys contain fundamentally different types of order/facility information. Category 1: ORD, OT, DD, FDD,J OC, DT, SG, EO, LC Category 2: US, FEA, CCF, CAT, BTN, SS, AO, RZ, FR, GP/CG, CTX/CG/MG/NNX, LDN, RTI. Category 3: FW, RW Category 1 items are primary, once defined they cannot be changed by conflicting category 2, and 3 lines. SERVICE ORDER TRANSACTIONS Transaction Definition =========== ====================== SOE Service Order Input TDZ Telephone Number Assignment lists LDZ Line Equipment Assignment list SOH Service Order withheld SOM Service Order Modification SOC Service Order Cancellation SOW Service Order Withdraw SCM Service Order Completion by MDF SCP Service Order Completion by PAO SCA Service Order Completion - Automatic SCF Service Order Completion for MDF automatic SCI Spare Cable pair inquiry CDD Change Due Date BAI Bridge Lifter Assignment Inquiry LAI Line Equipment Assignment Inquiry NAI Telephone Numbers Assignment Inquiry TAI