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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Copyright 1997, Michael Thompson, all rights reserved.
The First part of StuBoy's Netware hacking tips... compliments of StuBoy
These are not really hacking tips, but, more of a command guide useful
for whatever. (he he he)
This explains about the rights of Novell Netware 3.12
The rest of the parts will need the preknowldge of the rights of Novell.
These are mostly harmless and can be played around with,
**** with the exception of the EXUCUTE ONLY attrib. ******
Rights explained- (My short summary)- In netware users have set rights
attached to their login scripts of where they can go, what they can view,
and what they can do. The way rights work is like this....
root (the root dir)
courses public (courses and public are sub dirs
| | of root)
|----------| |---------|
students admin dos win (sub dirs of COURSES and PUBLIC)
:if you have any rights to courses then you have the same rights to the sub
dirs and their sub dirs and... *Unless the sysop changes the IRM (below)
*file rights work on a one file basis.
*purging- this command is used through out- (summary)- When files are
deleted in NetWare, NetWare saves them in salvagable state until disk
space is needed, then it just writes over them. There is a NetWare
utility called SALVAGE which allows a user to "undelete" files that have
not been purged. Purging (explain in part two) clears these files from
the server so they may not be SALVAGED.
*The commands to add and modify Netware rights/file attribs/dir attribs are
NOT dos functions. They will be explained in part two.
---- All right abbrevs are in the same case as seen in NetWare.
1:Trustee Rights (user rights)
Name Abbreviation Explanation
---- ------------ -----------
-Read R dir-open/read files in dir
file-open/read file
-Write W dir-open/write to files in dir
file-open/write file
-Create C dir-create subdirs, files,and write to files
file-allows salvage (see salvage in work
station utils-part two)
-Erase E dir-del dir,files, and sub dirs
file-del file
-Modify M dir-change name/attrib of dirs/sub dirs
and file attribs
-File Scan F dir-view file names and sub dirs
file-view file name
-Access Control A dir-change dir IRM and trustee assignments
file-change file IRM and trustee assignments
(see IRM below)
-Supervisory S dir-all rights to files and sub dirs
file-all rights to file
* supervisory rights cannot be removed *
*** IRM- Inhetited Rights Mask- allows the sysop to block certain rights,
of the sub dirs, from the parent dirs. (if you have questions email me)
(this is only way I can think of the descibe this right now)
2: Novell File attributes (different from DOS attribs)
Name Abbreviation Explanation
---- ------------ -----------
-Read Only Ro -<duh>
-Read/Write Rw -<duh>
-Sharable S -Several users may open file at same
-Archive A -Assigned to files that have been changed
needed since last back-up
-Exucute Only X -Prevents exucutables from being copied,
changed, or deleted.
** assigned by supervisor only **
** Once assigned cannot be removed **
-Hidden H -hides files cannot be seen with DOS <dir>
command; must use <NDIR>; prevents files
from being copied/deleted.
-System Sy -system files; hidden, copy inhibit, and
delete inhibit.
-Transaction T -Use on database files; allows NTT system to
to protect files from being corrupted.
(see NTT at bottom)
-Purge P -Purges files as soon as the file is deleted
-Read Audit Ra -not used (supposedly)
-Write Audit Wa -not used (supposedly)
-Copy Inhibit CI -Prevents Mac files from being copied
-Delete Inhibit DI -Prevents users from deleting files
-Rename Inhibint RI -Prevnets users from renaming files
*NTT-NetWare's Transactional Tracking system- protects database files from
being corrupted by such things as power loss.
3: NetWare Directory attribs
Name Abbreviation Explanation
---- ------------ -----------
-System S -Indicates sys dirs(such as dos); protects
with H,CI(in dos), and DI attribs
-Hidden H -Hides dirs; has DI,CI attribs; cannot view
with DOS's dir; use <NDIR>
-Delete Inhibit DI -Prevents users from deleting dir
-Purge P -Purges files when deleted in dir
-Rename Inhibit RI -Prevents users from renaming dir
-Normal N -clears all other attibs from dir