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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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- An Electronic Novel -
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- -Written by The Whip- -
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Headlines tell the story. Your world is teetering on the
brink of self-destruction. You have been chosen to perform the
most crucial and daring of rescue missions. Only by journeying
back telepathically to the first moments of civilization can you
retrieve THE WHEEL OF WISDOM, the small, precious object upon
which survival of your planet depends.
Your voyage will cast you into an interlocking matrix of
four extraordinary and powerful minds. Although these
individuals are dead, their thought patterns survive in a
kaleidoscope realm of shocking episodes and mutating images.
The minds of matrix: Bobby Clemon, assassinated rock star,
voice of a generation; The Generalissimo, ingenious dictator and
hideous criminal of war; The Poet, composer of the glorious
epics which are your culture's supreme literary achievement, a
victim of love; Dr. Eva Fein, scientist, humanist, distinguished
musician, "the female Einstein" of the Late Technological Age.
When you negotiate the labyrinth of these four minds, you
will encounter THE CAVE MASTER, the prehistoric, apelike being
who invented the primary tools of your culture. He safeguards
THE WHEEL OF WISDOM, the potent, mysterious source of all
inspiration. This is the object of your quest.
Doctor Virgil, the originator of neuro-matrix mind travel,
will propel you into MINDWHEEL. Your choices, imagination,
intuition, and skill, as well as the unpredictable dictates of
chance, will determine your success or failure.
A child with the head of a bird, a weeping soldier at a
smoldering fire, a demon of fear, a woman of glass...such are
the images of the beckoning Vortex. You may enter it - in fact,
you must. The universe of MINDWHEEL is turning all around you.
MINDWHEEL requires 64K of memory.
Optional equipment which will improve the game include:
128K of memory for faster play
A second disk drive
A printer
Blank formatted disks
An 80-column card (Note: the original of MINDWHEEL was
unprotected but had a "book protection" which made the player
check a specific word out of the book and type it in. Who ever
cracked side 1 of MINDWHEEL also took the 40-80 column option
out which means you are stuck with 40 columns. (Until a later
crack becomes available.)
Special Features
Perhaps you've made progress in an Electronic Novel and
you'd like to pick up next time where you left off. To do so,
you will need a blank disk. DON'T try to bookmark or write
files to your program disk.
The bookmark disk you use to save your current position
should first be formatted in DOS 3.3. After you have formatted
your bookmark disk, do not use it for anything except storing
versions of Electronic Novels. Any other files written to it
will be destroyed by the bookmark process.
Some Electronic Novels are designed so that you cannot
always save your position. Usually, though, you can bookmark
you novel by following these steps:
1. From inside the novel, type BOOKMARK and press RETURN.
Do not insert your formatted bookmark disk until you are
prompted to do so. NOTE: If you make a mistake and want to
stop the bookmark process, type 'A' to abort.
2. Next, you will see the message TYPE A VERSION NUMBER
(1-8). Type a number from 1 to 8. Give each saved version of
the novel a different number. After you have saved 8 versions
and use 1 again, you will replace the original bookmarked
version 1. Note the number you give each saved version of the
novel. You will need to use the last number with the RESUME
NOVEL command to pick up where you left off.
3. Next you will see the message BOOKMARK DRIVE 1 OR 2?
Type the number of the drive in which you want to have your
bookmark disk.
4. After you have typed a drive number, you will see the
bookmark disk into the drive you specified and press RETURN.
5. Depending upon your position in the novel and whether
you are using one or two drives, the bookmark process will ask
you to insert a particular side of the program disk. Follow the
messages at the bottom of the screen. When the bookmark process
is complete, the novel will begin again where you left off.
To reopen a version of a novel you saved with the BOOKMARK
command, follow these steps:
1. From inside the novel, type RESUME NOVEL and press
RETURN. NOTE: You can use the RESUME NOVEL command only after
you have answered the question the character asks after loading.
If you make a mistake and you want to stop the bookmark process,
type 'A' to abort.
2. Next you will see the message, TYPE A VERSION NUMBER
(1-8). Type the number of the version you want to resume.
3. Next you will see the message, BOOKMARK DRIVE 1 OR 2?
Type the number of the drive in which you want to have your
bookmark disk.
4. After you have typed a version number, you will see the
bookmark disk into the selected drive, and press RETURN.
You may be prompted to insert a particular side of the
program disk. Follow the messages at the bottom of your screen.
When the resuming process is complete, the novel will begin
again from the point at which you typed the BOOKMARK command.
If you have a printer connected to your computer, you can
use this command to create a printed record of the novel.
Follow these steps:
1. Be sure your printer is turned on and cabled correctly
to your computer. Your printer card should be in slot 1. Do
NOT use the PRINTER ON command unless you do have a printer.
Doing so will cause the novel to run erratically and you will
probably have to start over.
2. Follow steps 1-5 under starting the Electronic Novel on
this reference card. Note: You can use the PRINTER ON command
only after you have answered the question the character asks
after loading.
3. After you have answered the question, type PRINTER ON
and press RETURN. Whatever commands you type now, together with
the Electronic Novel text responses, will both print and display
on your screen. To stop printing, simply type PRINTER OFF and
press RETURN.
CTRL-S: Turns off the beep while typing.
CTRL-X: Erases a line you just typed provided you have
not yet pressed RETURN.
CTRL-E or TAB: On a //E or //C will repeat the last line you
typed up to the RETURN
DELETE OR <--: Allows you to back up and correct mistakes
before you press RETURN. It deletes the
character before the cursor and moves the
cursor backward on space
ESC: Stops the changing world of the novel. It
performs the same function as the PAUSE
NOVEL command. When you pause the novel,
the message PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE will
appear at the bottom.
These docs serve as a reference card for the Electronic
Novel, MINDWHEEL, as well as all other future Electronic Novels
released by Broderbund and Synapse.
Written by The Whip 4-19-85