Print when there is a notification

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niten 2023-05-22 10:12:38 -07:00
parent e0d4400c5f
commit 87b8b005b3
1 changed files with 11 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -24,25 +24,26 @@
(<= 4 urgency 7) :normal
(<= 8 urgency 10) :critical))
(defn listen! [& {app :app mqtt-client
:mqtt-client topic
:topic logger
:logger urgency-threshold
(defn listen! [& {app :app
mqtt-client :mqtt-client
topic :topic
logger :logger
urgency-threshold :urgency-threshold}]
(let [note-chan (mqtt/subscribe! mqtt-client topic)]
(go-loop [note-msg (<! note-chan)]
(if note-msg
(let [note (:payload note-msg)]
(if (t/validate Notification note)
(if (>= (:urgency note) urgency-threshold)
(notify/send-notification! mqtt-client
(-> note
(assoc :app app)
(update :urgency codify-urgency)))
(do (log/info! logger (format "notification: %s" (:summary note)))
(notify/send-notification! mqtt-client
(-> note
(assoc :app app)
(update :urgency codify-urgency))))
(log/info! logger (format "ignoring low-urgency message (%s < %s): %s"
(:urgency note)
(:summary note))))
(let [err (humanize (t/explain Notification note))]
(log/error! logger (format "rejecting invalid notification: %s (%s)\n%s"
(:summary err) (:body err)