Try to continue after encountering an exception
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
[objectifier-client.core :as obj]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! go-loop <!! timeout]]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import java.time.Instant))
(:import java.time.Instant
;; Let's see:
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
;; - If anything is detected, send a notification to the callback.
(defn- exception? [obj]
(instance? Exception obj))
(defprotocol ISuanNiServer
(object-channel [_]))
@ -39,13 +44,17 @@
[false e]))))
max-wait (* 5 60 1000)] ;; wait at most 5 minutes
(loop [[success? result] (wrap-attempt)
wait-ms 1000]
wait-ms 1000
n 0]
(if success?
(do (when verbose
(println (format "attempt failed, sleeping %s ms" wait-ms)))
(<!! (timeout wait-ms))
(recur (wrap-attempt) (min (* wait-ms 1.25) max-wait)))))))
(if (< n 10)
(<!! (timeout wait-ms))
(recur (wrap-attempt) (min (* wait-ms 1.25) max-wait) (+ n 1)))
(throw result)))))))
(defn start!
[& {:keys [listen-host
@ -72,14 +81,17 @@
(async/close! image-chan))
(when (-> event :type (= :motion-detected))
(let [cam (syno/get-camera-by-location! syno-client (:location event))]
(>! image-chan
:location (syno/location cam)
:camera-id (syno/id cam)
:snapshot (syno/take-snapshot! cam)
:time (Instant/now)
:camera cam
(>! image-chan
:location (syno/location cam)
:camera-id (syno/id cam)
:snapshot (syno/take-snapshot! cam)
:time (Instant/now)
:camera cam
(catch Exception e
(println (.toString e)))))
(recur (<! event-chan)))))
(go-loop [image-data (<! image-chan)]
(if (nil? image-data)
@ -89,41 +101,47 @@
(let [{:keys [location camera-id snapshot time]} image-data
summary (retry-attempt verbose
#(obj/get-summary! obj-client snapshot))]
(when verbose
(println (str "detected "
(count (:objects summary))
" objects: "
(->> summary
(map name)
(str/join " "))))
(println (str "highlights: " (:output summary))))
(when (> (count (:objects summary)) 0)
(>! obj-chan
:location location
:camera-id camera-id
:detect-time time
:snapshot snapshot
:objects (:objects summary)
:detection-url (:output summary)
(if (exception? summary)
(println (.toString summary))
(when verbose
(println (str "detected "
(count (:objects summary))
" objects: "
(->> summary
(map name)
(str/join " "))))
(println (str "highlights: " (:output summary))))
(when (> (count (:objects summary)) 0)
(>! obj-chan
:location location
:camera-id camera-id
:detect-time time
:snapshot snapshot
:objects (:objects summary)
:detection-url (:output summary)
(recur (<! image-chan)))))
(go-loop [detection-event (<! obj-chan)]
(if (nil? detection-event)
(when verbose
(println "stopping object listener")
(async/close! mqtt-chan))
(do (>! mqtt-chan
{:type :detection-event
:time (Instant/now)
(select-keys detection-event
(recur (<! obj-chan)))))
(do (>! mqtt-chan
{:type :detection-event
:time (Instant/now)
(select-keys detection-event
(recur (<! obj-chan)))
(catch Exception e
(println (.toString e))))))
(->SuanNiServer event-chan image-chan obj-chan listener)))
Reference in New Issue