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buildInputs = with helpers.packages."${system}"; + [ updateClojureDeps ]; + }; + }; + }); +} diff --git a/src/objectifier_client/cli.clj b/src/objectifier_client/cli.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..add0f60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/objectifier_client/cli.clj @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +(ns objectifier-client.cli + (:require [objectifier-client.core :as obj] + [ :as io] + [ :as cli] + [clojure.string :as str])) + +(defn- read-file-bytes [filename] + (with-open [in ( filename) + out (] + (io/copy in out) + (.toByteArray out))) + +(def cli-opts + [["-s" "--server SERVER" "Hostname of the Objectifier server."] + ["-p" "--port PORT" "Port on which the Objectifier server is listening." + :default 80 + :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)] + ["-l" "--labels" "Only print detected labels."] + ["-h" "--help" "Print this message."] + ["-v" "--verbose" "Provide verbose output."]]) + +(defn- msg-quit [status msg] + (println msg) + (System/exit status)) + +(defn- usage + ([summary] (usage summary [])) + ([summary errors] (->> (concat errors + ["usage: objectifier-client [opts] " + "" + "Options:" + summary]) + (str/join \newline)))) + +(defn- display-probabilities [client filename] + (let [probabilities (obj/get-probabilities! client (read-file-bytes filename))] + (println (str filename ":")) + (doseq [[lbl prob] probabilities] + (println (format " %s - %.2f" + (name lbl) + prob))))) + +(defn- display-labels [client filenames] + (distinct + (mapcat (fn [filename] + (obj/get-labels! client (read-file-bytes filename))) + filenames))) + +(defn -main [& args] + (let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors]}] + (when (seq errors) + (msg-quit 1 (usage summary errors))) + (when (:help options) + (msg-quit 0 (usage summary))) + (when (empty? (arguments)) + (msg-quit 0 (usage summary ["No files provided to scan."]))) + (let [client (obj/define-connection "http" (:server options) (:port options))] + (if (:labels options) + (display-labels client arguments) + (doseq [file arguments] + (display-probabilities client file)))))) diff --git a/src/objectifier_client/core.clj b/src/objectifier_client/core.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f101a8c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/objectifier_client/core.clj @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +(ns objectifier-client.core + (:require [clj-http.client :as client] + [ :as json] + [slingshot.slingshot :refer [throw+]]) + (:import + + +(defprotocol IObjectifierClient + (get! [_ image-data]) + (get-labels! [_ image-data]) + (get-detections! [_ image-data]) + (get-highlights! [_ image-data]) + (get-probabilites! [_ image-data])) + +(defn- url->string [url] (.toExternalForm url)) + +(defn- build-url [{:keys [scheme host port]}] + (url->string (URL. scheme host port "/images"))) + +(defn- send-image! [url image-bytes] + (let [input-stream (ByteArrayInputStream. image-bytes)] + (client/post url + {:multipart [{:name "image" + :content input-stream}]}))) + +(defn- process-response [resp] + (if (<= 200 (:status resp) 299) + (-> resp :body (json/read-str :key-fn keyword)) + (throw+ {:type ::http-error + :status (:status resp) + :reason (:reason-phrase resp) + :response resp}))) + +(defrecord ObjectifierClient [scheme host port] + IObjectifierClient + (get! [self image-data] + (process-response (send-image! (build-url self) image-data))) + + (get-labels! [self image-data] + (-> (get! self image-data) + :labels)) + + (get-detections! [self image-data] + (-> (get! self image-data) + :detections)) + + (get-highlights! [self image-data] + (-> (get! self image-data) + :output)) + + (get-probabilites! [self image-data] + (into {} + (map (juxt (comp keyword :label) :confidence)) + (get-detections! self image-data)))) + +(defn define-connection + [{:keys [scheme host port] + :or {scheme "http" + port 80}}] + (->ObjectifierClient scheme host port))