
145 lines
6.1 KiB

{ stdenv, fetchurl, zlib ? null, zlibSupport ? true, bzip2, pkgconfig, libffi
, sqlite, openssl, ncurses, python, expat, tcl, tk, xlibsWrapper, libX11
, makeWrapper, callPackage, self, pypyPackages, gdbm, db }:
assert zlibSupport -> zlib != null;
majorVersion = "5.4";
minorVersion = "1";
minorVersionSuffix = "";
pythonVersion = "2.7";
version = "${majorVersion}.${minorVersion}${minorVersionSuffix}";
libPrefix = "pypy${majorVersion}";
pypy = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "pypy-${version}";
pythonVersion = "2.7";
inherit majorVersion version;
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pythonVersion}-v${version}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "1x8sa5x1nkrb8wrmicri94ji8kvyxihyryi8br5fk7gak0agcai0";
postPatch = let
expatch = fetchurl {
name = "tests-expat-2.2.0.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1j3pa7ly9xrhp8jjwg5l77z7i3y68gx8f8jchqk6zc39d9glq3il";
in ''
patch lib-python/2.7/test/ < '${expatch}'
buildInputs = [ bzip2 openssl pkgconfig python libffi ncurses expat sqlite tk tcl xlibsWrapper libX11 makeWrapper gdbm db ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (stdenv ? cc && != null)
++ stdenv.lib.optional zlibSupport zlib;
hardeningDisable = stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isi686 "pic";
C_INCLUDE_PATH = stdenv.lib.makeSearchPathOutput "dev" "include" buildInputs;
LIBRARY_PATH = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath buildInputs;
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath (stdenv.lib.filter (x : x.outPath != or "") buildInputs);
preConfigure = ''
# hint pypy to find nix ncurses
substituteInPlace pypy/module/_minimal_curses/ \
--replace "/usr/include/ncurses/curses.h" "${}/include/curses.h" \
--replace "ncurses/curses.h" "${}/include/curses.h" \
--replace "ncurses/term.h" "${}/include/term.h" \
--replace "libraries=['curses']" "libraries=['ncurses']"
# tkinter hints
substituteInPlace lib_pypy/_tkinter/ \
--replace "'/usr/include/tcl'" "'${tk}/include', '${tcl}/include'" \
--replace "linklibs = ['tcl' + _ver, 'tk' + _ver]" "linklibs=['${tcl.libPrefix}', '${tk.libPrefix}']" \
--replace "libdirs = []" "libdirs = ['${tk}/lib', '${tcl}/lib']"
sed -i "s@libraries=\['sqlite3'\]\$@libraries=['sqlite3'], include_dirs=['${}/include'], library_dirs=['${sqlite.out}/lib']@" lib_pypy/
buildPhase = ''
${python.interpreter} rpython/bin/rpython --make-jobs="$NIX_BUILD_CORES" -Ojit --batch pypy/goal/ --withmod-_minimal_curses --withmod-unicodedata --withmod-thread --withmod-bz2 --withmod-_multiprocessing
setupHook = ./;
postBuild = ''
cd ./lib_pypy
../pypy-c ./
../pypy-c ./
../pypy-c ./
../pypy-c ./
../pypy-c ./
../pypy-c ./_tkinter/
cd ..
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
export TERMINFO="${ncurses.out}/share/terminfo/";
export TERM="xterm";
export HOME="$TMPDIR";
# disable shutils because it assumes gid 0 exists
# disable socket because it has two actual network tests that fail
# disable test_urllib2net, test_urllib2_localnet, and test_urllibnet because they require networking (
# disable test_ssl because no shared cipher' not found in '[Errno 1] error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
# disable test_zipfile64 because it causes ENOSPACE
# disable test_epoll because of invalid arg, should be fixed in as of version 5.1.2
./pypy-c ./pypy/ --pypy=./pypy-c -k 'not ( test_ssl or test_urllib2net or test_urllibnet or test_urllib2_localnet or test_socket or test_shutil or test_zipfile64 or test_epoll )' lib-python
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/{bin,include,lib,pypy-c}
cp -R {include,lib_pypy,lib-python,pypy-c} $out/pypy-c
cp $out/lib/
ln -s $out/pypy-c/pypy-c $out/bin/pypy
chmod +x $out/bin/pypy
# other packages expect to find stuff according to libPrefix
ln -s $out/pypy-c/include $out/include/${libPrefix}
ln -s $out/pypy-c/lib-python/${pythonVersion} $out/lib/${libPrefix}
# We must wrap the original, not the symlink.
# PyPy uses argv[0] to find its standard library, and while it knows
# how to follow symlinks, it doesn't know about wrappers. So, it
# will think the wrapper is the original. As long as the wrapper has
# the same path as the original, this is OK.
wrapProgram "$out/pypy-c/pypy-c" \
--set LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$out/lib" \
--set LIBRARY_PATH "${LIBRARY_PATH}:$out/lib"
# verify cffi modules
$out/bin/pypy -c "import Tkinter;import sqlite3;import curses"
# Python on Nix is not manylinux1 compatible.
echo "manylinux1_compatible=False" >> $out/lib/${libPrefix}/
passthru = rec {
inherit zlibSupport libPrefix;
executable = "pypy";
isPypy = true;
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; };
interpreter = "${self}/bin/${executable}";
sitePackages = "site-packages";
withPackages = import ../../with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv; pythonPackages = pypyPackages; };
enableParallelBuilding = true; # almost no parallelization without STM
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
description = "Fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language (2.7.8)";
license =;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ domenkozar ];
in pypy