
288 lines
8.6 KiB

{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, copyPathsToStore
, srcs
, xlibs, libX11, libxcb, libXcursor, libXext, libXrender, libXi
, xcbutil, xcbutilimage, xcbutilkeysyms, xcbutilwm, libxkbcommon
, fontconfig, freetype, harfbuzz
, openssl, dbus, glib, udev, libxml2, libxslt, pcre16
, zlib, libjpeg, libpng, libtiff, sqlite, icu
, coreutils, bison, flex, gdb, gperf, lndir
, patchelf, perl, pkgconfig, python2
# optional dependencies
, cups ? null
, mysql ? null, postgresql ? null
# options
, mesaSupported, mesa
, buildExamples ? false
, buildTests ? false
, developerBuild ? false
, libgnomeui, GConf, gnome_vfs, gtk2
, decryptSslTraffic ? false
inherit (srcs.qt5) version;
system-x86_64 = lib.elem stdenv.system lib.platforms.x86_64;
# Search path for Gtk plugin
gtkLibPath = lib.makeLibraryPath [ gtk2 gnome_vfs libgnomeui GConf ];
dontInvalidateBacking = fetchurl {
url = ";a=patch;h=0f68f8920573cdce1729a285a92ac8582df32841;hp=24c50f8dcf7fa61ac3c3d4d6295c259a104a2b8c";
name = "qtbug-48321-dont-invalidate-backing-store.patch";
sha256 = "07vnndmvri73psz0nrs2hg0zw2i4b1k1igy2al6kwjbp7d5xpglr";
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "qtbase-${version}";
inherit version;
srcs = with srcs; [ qt5.src qtbase.src ];
sourceRoot = "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-${version}";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" "gtk" ];
postUnpack = ''
mv qtbase-opensource-src-${version} ./qt-everywhere-opensource-src-${version}/qtbase
patches =
copyPathsToStore (lib.readPathsFromFile ./. ./series)
++ lib.optional decryptSslTraffic ./decrypt-ssl-traffic.patch
++ lib.optional mesaSupported [ ./dlopen-gl.patch ./mkspecs-libgl.patch ];
postPatch =
cd qtbase
patch -p1 <${dontInvalidateBacking}
cd ..
substituteInPlace configure --replace /bin/pwd pwd
substituteInPlace qtbase/configure --replace /bin/pwd pwd
substituteInPlace qtbase/src/corelib/global/global.pri --replace /bin/ls ${coreutils}/bin/ls
sed -e 's@/\(usr\|opt\)/@/var/empty/@g' -i config.tests/*/*.test -i qtbase/mkspecs/*/*.conf
sed -i 's/PATHS.*NO_DEFAULT_PATH//' "qtbase/src/corelib/"
sed -i 's/PATHS.*NO_DEFAULT_PATH//' "qtbase/src/corelib/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake"
sed -i 's/NO_DEFAULT_PATH//' "qtbase/src/gui/"
sed -i 's/PATHS.*NO_DEFAULT_PATH//' "qtbase/mkspecs/features/data/cmake/"
substituteInPlace qtbase/src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp \
--replace "@glibc@" "${}"
substituteInPlace qtbase/src/network/kernel/qhostinfo_unix.cpp \
--replace "@glibc@" "${}"
substituteInPlace qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp \
--replace "@libXcursor@" "${libXcursor.out}"
substituteInPlace qtbase/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp \
--replace "@openssl@" "${openssl.out}"
substituteInPlace qtbase/src/dbus/qdbus_symbols.cpp \
--replace "@dbus_libs@" "${dbus.lib}"
substituteInPlace \
qtbase/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/compose/generator/qtablegenerator.cpp \
--replace "@libX11@" "${libX11.out}"
+ lib.optionalString mesaSupported ''
substituteInPlace \
qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_glx/qglxintegration.cpp \
--replace "@mesa_lib@" "${mesa.out}"
substituteInPlace qtbase/mkspecs/common/linux.conf \
--replace "@mesa_lib@" "${mesa.out}" \
--replace "@mesa_inc@" "${}"
setOutputFlags = false;
preConfigure = ''
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PWD/qtbase/lib:$PWD/qtbase/plugins/platforms:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
-plugindir $out/lib/qt5/plugins \
-importdir $out/lib/qt5/imports \
-qmldir $out/lib/qt5/qml \
-docdir $out/share/doc/qt5"
prefixKey = "-prefix ";
# -no-eglfs, -no-directfb, -no-linuxfb and -no-kms because of the current minimalist mesa
# TODO Remove obsolete and useless flags once the build will be totally mastered
configureFlags = ''
${lib.optionalString developerBuild "-developer-build"}
-opengl desktop
-qpa xcb
-${lib.optionalString (cups == null) "no-"}cups
${lib.optionalString (!system-x86_64) "-no-sse2"}
-${if mysql != null then "plugin" else "no"}-sql-mysql
-${if postgresql != null then "plugin" else "no"}-sql-psql
-make libs
-make tools
-${lib.optionalString (buildExamples == false) "no"}make examples
-${lib.optionalString (buildTests == false) "no"}make tests
# PostgreSQL autodetection fails sporadically because Qt omits the "-lpq" flag
# if dependency paths contain the string "pq", which can occur in the hash.
# To prevent these failures, we need to override PostgreSQL detection.
PSQL_LIBS = lib.optionalString (postgresql != null) "-L${postgresql.lib}/lib -lpq";
propagatedBuildInputs = [
dbus glib libxml2 libxslt openssl pcre16 sqlite udev zlib
# Image formats
libjpeg libpng libtiff
# Text rendering
fontconfig freetype harfbuzz icu
# X11 libs
xlibs.libXcomposite libX11 libxcb libXext libXrender libXi
xcbutil xcbutilimage xcbutilkeysyms xcbutilwm libxkbcommon
++ lib.optional mesaSupported mesa;
buildInputs =
[ bison flex gperf ]
++ lib.optional developerBuild gdb
++ lib.optional (cups != null) cups
++ lib.optional (mysql != null) mysql.lib
++ lib.optional (postgresql != null) postgresql
# FIXME: move to the main list on rebuild.
++ [gnome_vfs.out libgnomeui.out gtk2 GConf];
nativeBuildInputs = [ lndir patchelf perl pkgconfig python2 ];
# freetype-2.5.4 changed signedness of some struct fields
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-Wno-error=sign-compare";
postInstall = ''
find "$out" -name "*.cmake" | while read file; do
substituteInPlace "$file" \
--subst-var-by NIX_OUT "$out" \
--subst-var-by NIX_DEV "$dev"
preFixup = ''
# We cannot simply set these paths in configureFlags because libQtCore retains
# references to the paths it was built with.
moveToOutput "bin" "$dev"
moveToOutput "include" "$dev"
moveToOutput "mkspecs" "$dev"
# The destination directory must exist or moveToOutput will do nothing
mkdir -p "$dev/share"
moveToOutput "share/doc" "$dev"
# Move the QGtkStyle plugin to the gtk output
mkdir -p "$gtk/lib/qt5/plugins/platformthemes"
mv "$out/lib/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/" "$gtk/lib/qt5/plugins/platformthemes"
rm "$out/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui/Qt5Gui_QGtk2ThemePlugin.cmake"
# Set RPATH for QGtkStyle plugin
qgtk2_RPATH="$(patchelf --print-rpath "$qgtk2")"
patchelf "$qgtk2" \
--add-needed \
--add-needed \
--add-needed \
--add-needed \
--set-rpath "$qgtk2_RPATH"
postFixup =
# Don't retain build-time dependencies like gdb.
sed '/QMAKE_DEFAULT_.*DIRS/ d' -i $dev/mkspecs/qconfig.pri
# Move libtool archives and qmake projects
if [ "z''${!outputLib}" != "z''${!outputDev}" ]; then
pushd "''${!outputLib}"
find lib -name '*.a' -o -name '*.la' -o -name '*.prl' | \
while read -r file; do
mkdir -p "''${!outputDev}/$(dirname "$file")"
mv "''${!outputLib}/$file" "''${!outputDev}/$file"
inherit lndir;
setupHook = ../../;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = with lib; {
homepage =;
description = "A cross-platform application framework for C++";
license = with licenses; [ fdl13 gpl2 lgpl21 lgpl3 ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ bbenoist qknight ttuegel ];
platforms = platforms.linux;