Systemd dependencies for scripted mode were refactored according to analysis in #34586. networking.vswitches can now be used with systemd-networkd, although they are not supported by the daemon, a nixos receipe creates the switch and attached required interfaces (just like the scripted version). Vlans and internal interfaces are implemented following the template format i.e. each interface is described using an attributeSet (vlan and type at the moment). If vlan is present, then interface is added to the vswitch with given tag (access mode). Type internal enabled vswitch to create interfaces (see openvswitch docs). Added configuration for configuring supported openFlow version on the vswitch This commit is a split from the original PR #35127.
294 lines
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294 lines
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{ config, lib, utils, pkgs, ... }:
with utils;
with lib;
cfg = config.networking;
interfaces = attrValues cfg.interfaces;
interfaceIps = i:
++ optionals cfg.enableIPv6 i.ipv6.addresses;
dhcpStr = useDHCP: if useDHCP == true || useDHCP == null then "yes" else "no";
slaves =
concatLists (map (bond: bond.interfaces) (attrValues cfg.bonds))
++ concatLists (map (bridge: bridge.interfaces) (attrValues cfg.bridges))
++ map (sit: sit.dev) (attrValues cfg.sits)
++ map (vlan: vlan.interface) (attrValues cfg.vlans)
# add dependency to physical or independently created vswitch member interface
# TODO: warn the user that any address configured on those interfaces will be useless
++ concatMap (i: attrNames (filterAttrs (_: config: config.type != "internal") i.interfaces)) (attrValues cfg.vswitches);
config = mkIf cfg.useNetworkd {
assertions = [ {
assertion = cfg.defaultGatewayWindowSize == null;
message = "networking.defaultGatewayWindowSize is not supported by networkd.";
} {
assertion = cfg.vswitches == {};
message = "networking.vswitches are not supported by networkd.";
} {
assertion = cfg.defaultGateway == null || cfg.defaultGateway.interface == null;
message = "networking.defaultGateway.interface is not supported by networkd.";
} {
assertion = cfg.defaultGateway6 == null || cfg.defaultGateway6.interface == null;
message = "networking.defaultGateway6.interface is not supported by networkd.";
} {
assertion = cfg.useDHCP == false;
message = ''
networking.useDHCP is not supported by networkd.
Please use per interface configuration and set the global option to false.
} ] ++ flip mapAttrsToList cfg.bridges (n: { rstp, ... }: {
assertion = !rstp;
message = "networking.bridges.${n}.rstp is not supported by networkd.";
networking.dhcpcd.enable = mkDefault false;
systemd.network =
domains = cfg.search ++ (optional (cfg.domain != null) cfg.domain);
genericNetwork = override:
let gateway = optional (cfg.defaultGateway != null) cfg.defaultGateway.address
++ optional (cfg.defaultGateway6 != null) cfg.defaultGateway6.address;
in optionalAttrs (gateway != [ ]) {
routes = override [
routeConfig = {
Gateway = gateway;
GatewayOnLink = false;
} // optionalAttrs (domains != [ ]) {
domains = override domains;
in mkMerge [ {
enable = true;
(mkMerge (forEach interfaces (i: {
netdevs = mkIf i.virtual ({
"40-${i.name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = i.name;
Kind = i.virtualType;
"${i.virtualType}Config" = optionalAttrs (i.virtualOwner != null) {
User = i.virtualOwner;
networks."40-${i.name}" = mkMerge [ (genericNetwork mkDefault) {
name = mkDefault i.name;
DHCP = mkForce (dhcpStr
(if i.useDHCP != null then i.useDHCP else false));
address = forEach (interfaceIps i)
(ip: "${ip.address}/${toString ip.prefixLength}");
networkConfig.IPv6PrivacyExtensions = "kernel";
} ];
(mkMerge (flip mapAttrsToList cfg.bridges (name: bridge: {
netdevs."40-${name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "bridge";
networks = listToAttrs (forEach bridge.interfaces (bi:
nameValuePair "40-${bi}" (mkMerge [ (genericNetwork (mkOverride 999)) {
DHCP = mkOverride 0 (dhcpStr false);
networkConfig.Bridge = name;
} ])));
(mkMerge (flip mapAttrsToList cfg.bonds (name: bond: {
netdevs."40-${name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "bond";
bondConfig = let
# manual mapping as of 2017-02-03
# man 5 systemd.netdev [BOND]
# to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt
# driver options.
driverOptionMapping = let
trans = f: optName: { valTransform = f; optNames = [optName]; };
simp = trans id;
ms = trans (v: v + "ms");
in {
Mode = simp "mode";
TransmitHashPolicy = simp "xmit_hash_policy";
LACPTransmitRate = simp "lacp_rate";
MIIMonitorSec = ms "miimon";
UpDelaySec = ms "updelay";
DownDelaySec = ms "downdelay";
LearnPacketIntervalSec = simp "lp_interval";
AdSelect = simp "ad_select";
FailOverMACPolicy = simp "fail_over_mac";
ARPValidate = simp "arp_validate";
# apparently in ms for this value?! Upstream bug?
ARPIntervalSec = simp "arp_interval";
ARPIPTargets = simp "arp_ip_target";
ARPAllTargets = simp "arp_all_targets";
PrimaryReselectPolicy = simp "primary_reselect";
ResendIGMP = simp "resend_igmp";
PacketsPerSlave = simp "packets_per_slave";
GratuitousARP = { valTransform = id;
optNames = [ "num_grat_arp" "num_unsol_na" ]; };
AllSlavesActive = simp "all_slaves_active";
MinLinks = simp "min_links";
do = bond.driverOptions;
assertNoUnknownOption = let
knownOptions = flatten (mapAttrsToList (_: kOpts: kOpts.optNames)
# options that apparently don’t exist in the networkd config
unknownOptions = [ "primary" ];
assertTrace = bool: msg: if bool then true else builtins.trace msg false;
in assert all (driverOpt: assertTrace
(elem driverOpt (knownOptions ++ unknownOptions))
"The bond.driverOption `${driverOpt}` cannot be mapped to the list of known networkd bond options. Please add it to the mapping above the assert or to `unknownOptions` should it not exist in networkd.")
(mapAttrsToList (k: _: k) do); "";
# get those driverOptions that have been set
filterSystemdOptions = filterAttrs (sysDOpt: kOpts:
any (kOpt: do ? ${kOpt}) kOpts.optNames);
# build final set of systemd options to bond values
buildOptionSet = mapAttrs (_: kOpts: with kOpts;
# we simply take the first set kernel bond option
# (one option has multiple names, which is silly)
head (map (optN: valTransform (do.${optN}))
# only map those that exist
(filter (o: do ? ${o}) optNames)));
in seq assertNoUnknownOption
(buildOptionSet (filterSystemdOptions driverOptionMapping));
networks = listToAttrs (forEach bond.interfaces (bi:
nameValuePair "40-${bi}" (mkMerge [ (genericNetwork (mkOverride 999)) {
DHCP = mkOverride 0 (dhcpStr false);
networkConfig.Bond = name;
} ])));
(mkMerge (flip mapAttrsToList cfg.macvlans (name: macvlan: {
netdevs."40-${name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "macvlan";
macvlanConfig = optionalAttrs (macvlan.mode != null) { Mode = macvlan.mode; };
networks."40-${macvlan.interface}" = (mkMerge [ (genericNetwork (mkOverride 999)) {
macvlan = [ name ];
} ]);
(mkMerge (flip mapAttrsToList cfg.sits (name: sit: {
netdevs."40-${name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "sit";
tunnelConfig =
(optionalAttrs (sit.remote != null) {
Remote = sit.remote;
}) // (optionalAttrs (sit.local != null) {
Local = sit.local;
}) // (optionalAttrs (sit.ttl != null) {
TTL = sit.ttl;
networks = mkIf (sit.dev != null) {
"40-${sit.dev}" = (mkMerge [ (genericNetwork (mkOverride 999)) {
tunnel = [ name ];
} ]);
(mkMerge (flip mapAttrsToList cfg.vlans (name: vlan: {
netdevs."40-${name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "vlan";
vlanConfig.Id = vlan.id;
networks."40-${vlan.interface}" = (mkMerge [ (genericNetwork (mkOverride 999)) {
vlan = [ name ];
} ]);
# We need to prefill the slaved devices with networking options
# This forces the network interface creator to initialize slaves.
networking.interfaces = listToAttrs (map (i: nameValuePair i { }) slaves);
systemd.services = let
# We must escape interfaces due to the systemd interpretation
subsystemDevice = interface:
"sys-subsystem-net-devices-${escapeSystemdPath interface}.device";
# support for creating openvswitch switches
createVswitchDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = map subsystemDevice (attrNames (filterAttrs (_: config: config.type != "internal") v.interfaces));
ofRules = pkgs.writeText "vswitch-${n}-openFlowRules" v.openFlowRules;
{ description = "Open vSwitch Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network.target" (subsystemDevice n) ];
# and create bridge before systemd-networkd starts because it might create internal interfaces
before = [ "systemd-networkd.service" ];
# shutdown the bridge when network is shutdown
partOf = [ "network.target" ];
# requires ovs-vswitchd to be alive at all times
bindsTo = [ "ovs-vswitchd.service" ];
# start switch after physical interfaces and vswitch daemon
after = [ "network-pre.target" "ovs-vswitchd.service" ] ++ deps;
wants = deps; # if one or more interface fails, the switch should continue to run
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute config.virtualisation.vswitch.package ];
preStart = ''
echo "Resetting Open vSwitch ${n}..."
ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br ${n} -- add-br ${n} \
-- set bridge ${n} protocols=${concatStringsSep "," v.supportedOpenFlowVersions}
script = ''
echo "Configuring Open vSwitch ${n}..."
ovs-vsctl ${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: config: " -- add-port ${n} ${name}" + optionalString (config.vlan != null) " tag=${toString config.vlan}") v.interfaces)} \
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: config: optionalString (config.type != null) " -- set interface ${name} type=${config.type}") v.interfaces)} \
${concatMapStrings (x: " -- set-controller ${n} " + x) v.controllers} \
${concatMapStrings (x: " -- " + x) (splitString "\n" v.extraOvsctlCmds)}
echo "Adding OpenFlow rules for Open vSwitch ${n}..."
ovs-ofctl --protocols=${v.openFlowVersion} add-flows ${n} ${ofRules}
postStop = ''
echo "Cleaning Open vSwitch ${n}"
echo "Shuting down internal ${n} interface"
ip link set ${n} down || true
echo "Deleting flows for ${n}"
ovs-ofctl --protocols=${v.openFlowVersion} del-flows ${n} || true
echo "Deleting Open vSwitch ${n}"
ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br ${n} || true
in mapAttrs' createVswitchDevice cfg.vswitches
// {
"network-local-commands" = {
after = [ "systemd-networkd.service" ];
bindsTo = [ "systemd-networkd.service" ];