This commit includes a substantial refactoring of `nix-generate-from-cpan`. This somewhat simplifies the code through the use of the CPAN::Meta module while adding the following features: - The program now takes an optional maintainer on the command line that is subsequently added into the generated package. - An attempt is made to convert the license specified inside the META.json or META.yaml file to a license in `stdenv.lib.licenses`. - An attempt is made to disambiguate attribute names of packages whose name is a reserved word in Nix. - Write logging output using Log::Log4perl. - Print module RSS feed URL. The RSS feed, hosted by MetaCPAN, can be used to track updates to the module.
466 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
466 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use CPAN::Meta();
use CPANPLUS::Backend();
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive qw( describe_options );
use JSON::PP qw( encode_json );
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
use Readonly();
# Readonly hash that maps CPAN style license strings to information
# necessary to generate a Nixpkgs style license attribute.
Readonly::Hash my %LICENSE_MAP => (
# The Perl 5 License (Artistic 1 & GPL 1 or later).
perl_5 => {
licenses => [qw( artistic1 gpl1Plus )]
# GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.
agpl_3 => {
licenses => [qw( agpl3Plus )],
amb => 1
# Apache Software License, Version 1.1.
apache_1_1 => {
licenses => ["Apache License 1.1"],
in_set => 0
# Apache License, Version 2.0.
apache_2_0 => {
licenses => [qw( asl20 )]
# Artistic License, (Version 1).
artistic_1 => {
licenses => [qw( artistic1 )]
# Artistic License, Version 2.0.
artistic_2 => {
licenses => [qw( artistic2 )]
# BSD License (three-clause).
bsd => {
licenses => [qw( bsd3 )],
amb => 1
# FreeBSD License (two-clause).
freebsd => {
licenses => [qw( bsd2 )]
# GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.
gfdl_1_2 => {
licenses => [qw( fdl12 )]
# GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3.
gfdl_1_3 => {
licenses => [qw( fdl13 )]
# GNU General Public License, Version 1.
gpl_1 => {
licenses => [qw( gpl1Plus )],
amb => 1
# GNU General Public License, Version 2. Note, we will interpret
# "gpl" alone as GPL v2+.
gpl_2 => {
licenses => [qw( gpl2Plus )],
amb => 1
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.
gpl_3 => {
licenses => [qw( gpl3Plus )],
amb => 1
# GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. Note, we will
# interpret "gpl" alone as LGPL v2.1+.
lgpl_2_1 => {
licenses => [qw( lgpl21Plus )],
amb => 1
# GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0.
lgpl_3_0 => {
licenses => [qw( lgpl3Plus )],
amb => 1
# MIT (aka X11) License.
mit => {
licenses => [qw( mit )]
# Mozilla Public License, Version 1.0.
mozilla_1_0 => {
licenses => [qw( mpl10 )]
# Mozilla Public License, Version 1.1.
mozilla_1_1 => {
licenses => [qw( mpl11 )]
# OpenSSL License.
openssl => {
licenses => [qw( openssl )]
# Q Public License, Version 1.0.
qpl_1_0 => {
licenses => [qw( qpl )]
# Original SSLeay License.
ssleay => {
licenses => ["Original SSLeay License"],
in_set => 0
# Sun Internet Standards Source License (SISSL).
sun => {
licenses => ["Sun Industry Standards Source License v1.1"],
in_set => 0
# zlib License.
zlib => {
licenses => [qw( zlib )]
# Other Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved license.
open_source => {
licenses => [qw( free )],
amb => 1
# Requires special permission from copyright holder.
restricted => {
licenses => [qw( unfree )],
amb => 1
# Not an OSI approved license, but not restricted. Note, we
# currently map this to unfreeRedistributable, which is a
# conservative choice.
unrestricted => {
licenses => [qw( unfreeRedistributable )],
amb => 1
# License not provided in metadata.
unknown => {
licenses => [qw( unknown )],
amb => 1
sub handle_opts {
my ( $opt, $usage ) = describe_options(
'usage: $0 %o MODULE',
[ 'maintainer|m=s', 'the package maintainer' ],
[ 'debug|d', 'enable debug output' ],
[ 'help', 'print usage message and exit' ]
if ( $opt->help ) {
print $usage->text;
my $module_name = $ARGV[0];
if ( !defined $module_name ) {
print STDERR "Missing module name\n";
print STDERR $usage->text;
exit 1;
return ( $opt, $module_name );
# Takes a Perl package attribute name and returns 1 if the name cannot
# be referred to as a bareword. This typically happens if the package
# name is a reserved Nix keyword.
sub is_reserved {
my ($pkg) = @_;
return $pkg =~ /^(?: assert |
else |
if |
import |
in |
inherit |
let |
rec |
then |
while |
with )$/x;
sub pkg_to_attr {
my ($module) = @_;
my $attr_name = $module->package_name;
if ( $attr_name eq "libwww-perl" ) {
return "LWP";
else {
$attr_name =~ s/-//g;
return $attr_name;
sub get_pkg_name {
my ($module) = @_;
return $module->package_name . '-' . $module->package_version;
sub read_meta {
my ($pkg_path) = @_;
my $yaml_path = "$pkg_path/META.yml";
my $json_path = "$pkg_path/META.json";
my $meta;
if ( -r $json_path ) {
$meta = CPAN::Meta->load_file($json_path);
elsif ( -r $yaml_path ) {
$meta = CPAN::Meta->load_file($yaml_path);
else {
WARN("package has no META.yml or META.json");
return $meta;
# Map a module to the attribute corresponding to its package
# (e.g. HTML::HeadParser will be mapped to HTMLParser, because that
# module is in the HTML-Parser package).
sub module_to_pkg {
my ( $cb, $module_name ) = @_;
my @modules = $cb->search( type => "name", allow => [$module_name] );
if ( scalar @modules == 0 ) {
# Fallback.
$module_name =~ s/:://g;
return $module_name;
my $module = $modules[0];
my $attr_name = pkg_to_attr($module);
DEBUG("mapped dep $module_name to $attr_name");
return $attr_name;
sub get_deps {
my ( $cb, $meta, $type ) = @_;
return if !defined $meta;
my $prereqs = $meta->effective_prereqs;
my $deps = $prereqs->requirements_for( $type, "requires" );
my @res;
foreach my $n ( $deps->required_modules ) {
next if $n eq "perl";
# Hacky way to figure out if this module is part of Perl.
if ( $n !~ /^JSON/ && $n !~ /^YAML/ && $n !~ /^Module::Pluggable/ ) {
eval "use $n;";
if ( !$@ ) {
DEBUG("skipping Perl-builtin module $n");
my $pkg = module_to_pkg( $cb, $n );
# If the package name is reserved then we need to refer to it
# through the "self" variable.
$pkg = "self.\"$pkg\"" if is_reserved($pkg);
push @res, $pkg;
return @res;
sub uniq {
return keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @_ } };
sub render_license {
my ($cpan_license) = @_;
return if !defined $cpan_license;
my $licenses;
# If the license is ambiguous then we'll print an extra warning.
# For example, "gpl_2" is ambiguous since it may refer to exactly
# "GPL v2" or to "GPL v2 or later".
my $amb = 0;
# Whether the license is available inside `stdenv.lib.licenses`.
my $in_set = 1;
my $nix_license = $LICENSE_MAP{$cpan_license};
if ( !$nix_license ) {
WARN("Unknown license: $cpan_license");
$licenses = [$cpan_license];
$in_set = 0;
else {
$licenses = $nix_license->{licenses};
$amb = $nix_license->{amb};
$in_set = !$nix_license->{in_set};
my $license_line;
if ( @$licenses == 0 ) {
# Avoid defining the license line.
elsif ($in_set) {
my $lic = 'stdenv.lib.licenses';
if ( @$licenses == 1 ) {
$license_line = "$lic.$licenses->[0]";
else {
$license_line = "with $lic; [ " . join( ' ', @$licenses ) . " ]";
else {
if ( @$licenses == 1 ) {
$license_line = $licenses->[0];
else {
$license_line = '[ ' . join( ' ', @$licenses ) . ' ]';
INFO("license: $cpan_license");
WARN("License '$cpan_license' is ambiguous, please verify") if $amb;
return $license_line;
my ( $opt, $module_name ) = handle_opts();
level => $opt->debug ? $DEBUG : $INFO,
layout => '%m%n'
my $cb = CPANPLUS::Backend->new;
my @modules = $cb->search( type => "name", allow => [$module_name] );
die "module $module_name not found\n" if scalar @modules == 0;
die "multiple packages that match module $module_name\n" if scalar @modules > 1;
my $module = $modules[0];
my $pkg_name = get_pkg_name $module;
my $attr_name = pkg_to_attr $module;
INFO( "attribute name: ", $attr_name );
INFO( "module: ", $module->module );
INFO( "version: ", $module->version );
INFO( "package: ", $module->package, " (", $pkg_name, ", ", $attr_name, ")" );
INFO( "path: ", $module->path );
my $tar_path = $module->fetch();
INFO( "downloaded to: ", $tar_path );
INFO( "sha-256: ", $module->status->checksum_value );
my $pkg_path = $module->extract();
INFO( "unpacked to: ", $pkg_path );
my $meta = read_meta($pkg_path);
DEBUG( "metadata: ", encode_json( $meta->as_struct ) ) if defined $meta;
my @build_deps = sort( uniq(
get_deps( $cb, $meta, "configure" ),
get_deps( $cb, $meta, "build" ),
get_deps( $cb, $meta, "test" )
) );
INFO("build deps: @build_deps");
my @runtime_deps = sort( uniq( get_deps( $cb, $meta, "runtime" ) ) );
INFO("runtime deps: @runtime_deps");
my $homepage = $meta ? $meta->resources->{homepage} : undef;
INFO("homepage: $homepage") if defined $homepage;
my $description = $meta ? $meta->abstract : undef;
if ( defined $description ) {
$description = uc( substr( $description, 0, 1 ) )
. substr( $description, 1 ); # capitalise first letter
$description =~ s/\.$//; # remove period at the end
$description =~ s/\s*$//;
$description =~ s/^\s*//;
$description =~ s/\n+/ /; # Replace new lines by space.
INFO("description: $description");
#print(Data::Dumper::Dumper($meta->licenses) . "\n");
my $license = $meta ? render_license( $meta->licenses ) : undef;
INFO( "RSS feed: https://metacpan.org/feed/distribution/",
$module->package_name );
my $build_fun = -e "$pkg_path/Build.PL"
&& !-e "$pkg_path/Makefile.PL" ? "buildPerlModule" : "buildPerlPackage";
print STDERR "===\n";
print <<EOF;
"$attr_name" = $build_fun rec {
name = "$pkg_name";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://cpan/${\$module->path}/\${name}.${\$module->package_extension}";
sha256 = "${\$module->status->checksum_value}";
print <<EOF if scalar @build_deps > 0;
buildInputs = [ @build_deps ];
print <<EOF if scalar @runtime_deps > 0;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ @runtime_deps ];
print <<EOF;
meta = {
print <<EOF if defined $homepage;
homepage = $homepage;
print <<EOF if defined $description;
description = "$description";
print <<EOF if defined $license;
license = $license;
print <<EOF if $opt->maintainer;
maintainers = [ maintainers.${\$opt->maintainer} ];
print <<EOF;