
29 lines
908 B

# This file was auto-generated by cabal2nix. Please do NOT edit manually!
{ cabal, ansiTerminal, cereal, downloadCurl, filepath, HTTP
, network, optparseApplicative, terminalSize, text, zlib
cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
pname = "sloane";
version = "1.9.1";
sha256 = "0scnvir7il8ldy3g846xmrdkk2rxnlsiyqak0jvcarf2qi251x5i";
isLibrary = false;
isExecutable = true;
buildDepends = [
ansiTerminal cereal downloadCurl filepath HTTP network
optparseApplicative terminalSize text zlib
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1
cp sloane.1 $out/share/man/man1/
meta = {
homepage = "";
description = "A command line interface to Sloane's On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences";
license = self.stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
platforms = self.ghc.meta.platforms;
maintainers = [ self.stdenv.lib.maintainers.akc ];