This has been reported by @qknight in his Stack Overflow question: https://stackoverflow.com/q/50678639 The correct way to override a single value would be to use something like this: systemd.services.nagios.serviceConfig.Restart = lib.mkForce "no"; However, this doesn't work because the check is applied for the attrsOf type and thus the attribute values might still contain the attribute set created by mkOverride. The unitOption type however did already account for this, but at this stage it's already too late. So now the actual value is unpacked while checking the values of the attribute set, which should allow us to override values in serviceConfig. Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@nix.build> Cc: @edolstra, @qknight
211 lines
6.7 KiB
211 lines
6.7 KiB
{ config, lib, pkgs }:
with lib;
cfg = config.systemd;
lndir = "${pkgs.xorg.lndir}/bin/lndir";
in rec {
shellEscape = s: (replaceChars [ "\\" ] [ "\\\\" ] s);
makeUnit = name: unit:
pathSafeName = lib.replaceChars ["@" ":" "\\" "[" "]"] ["-" "-" "-" "" ""] name;
if unit.enable then
pkgs.runCommand "unit-${pathSafeName}"
{ preferLocalBuild = true;
allowSubstitutes = false;
inherit (unit) text;
mkdir -p $out
echo -n "$text" > $out/${shellEscape name}
pkgs.runCommand "unit-${pathSafeName}-disabled"
{ preferLocalBuild = true;
allowSubstitutes = false;
mkdir -p $out
ln -s /dev/null $out/${shellEscape name}
boolValues = [true false "yes" "no"];
digits = map toString (range 0 9);
isByteFormat = s:
l = reverseList (stringToCharacters s);
suffix = head l;
nums = tail l;
in elem suffix (["K" "M" "G" "T"] ++ digits)
&& all (num: elem num digits) nums;
assertByteFormat = name: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && ! isByteFormat attr.${name})
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' must be in byte format [0-9]+[KMGT].";
hexChars = stringToCharacters "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
isMacAddress = s: stringLength s == 17
&& flip all (splitString ":" s) (bytes:
all (byte: elem byte hexChars) (stringToCharacters bytes)
assertMacAddress = name: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && ! isMacAddress attr.${name})
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' must be a valid mac address.";
assertValueOneOf = name: values: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && !elem attr.${name} values)
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' cannot have value `${attr.${name}}'.";
assertHasField = name: group: attr:
optional (!(attr ? ${name}))
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' must exist.";
assertRange = name: min: max: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && !(min <= attr.${name} && max >= attr.${name}))
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' is outside the range [${toString min},${toString max}]";
assertOnlyFields = fields: group: attr:
let badFields = filter (name: ! elem name fields) (attrNames attr); in
optional (badFields != [ ])
"Systemd ${group} has extra fields [${concatStringsSep " " badFields}].";
checkUnitConfig = group: checks: attrs: let
# We're applied at the top-level type (attrsOf unitOption), so the actual
# unit options might contain attributes from mkOverride that we need to
# convert into single values before checking them.
defs = mapAttrs (const (v:
if v._type or "" == "override" then v.content else v
)) attrs;
errors = concatMap (c: c group defs) checks;
in if errors == [] then true
else builtins.trace (concatStringsSep "\n" errors) false;
toOption = x:
if x == true then "true"
else if x == false then "false"
else toString x;
attrsToSection = as:
concatStrings (concatLists (mapAttrsToList (name: value:
map (x: ''
${name}=${toOption x}
(if isList value then value else [value]))
generateUnits = type: units: upstreamUnits: upstreamWants:
pkgs.runCommand "${type}-units"
{ preferLocalBuild = true;
allowSubstitutes = false;
} ''
mkdir -p $out
# Copy the upstream systemd units we're interested in.
for i in ${toString upstreamUnits}; do
if ! [ -e $fn ]; then echo "missing $fn"; false; fi
if [ -L $fn ]; then
target="$(readlink "$fn")"
if [ ''${target:0:3} = ../ ]; then
ln -s "$(readlink -f "$fn")" $out/
cp -pd $fn $out/
ln -s $fn $out/
# Copy .wants links, but only those that point to units that
# we're interested in.
for i in ${toString upstreamWants}; do
if ! [ -e $fn ]; then echo "missing $fn"; false; fi
x=$out/$(basename $fn)
mkdir $x
for i in $fn/*; do
y=$x/$(basename $i)
cp -pd $i $y
if ! [ -e $y ]; then rm $y; fi
# Symlink all units provided listed in systemd.packages.
for i in ${toString cfg.packages}; do
for fn in $i/etc/systemd/${type}/* $i/lib/systemd/${type}/*; do
if ! [[ "$fn" =~ .wants$ ]]; then
if [[ -d "$fn" ]]; then
targetDir="$out/$(basename "$fn")"
mkdir -p "$targetDir"
${lndir} "$fn" "$targetDir"
ln -s $fn $out/
# Symlink all units defined by systemd.units. If these are also
# provided by systemd or systemd.packages, then add them as
# <unit-name>.d/overrides.conf, which makes them extend the
# upstream unit.
for i in ${toString (mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.unit) units)}; do
fn=$(basename $i/*)
if [ -e $out/$fn ]; then
if [ "$(readlink -f $i/$fn)" = /dev/null ]; then
ln -sfn /dev/null $out/$fn
mkdir -p $out/$fn.d
ln -s $i/$fn $out/$fn.d/overrides.conf
ln -fs $i/$fn $out/
# Create service aliases from aliases option.
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: unit:
concatMapStrings (name2: ''
ln -sfn '${name}' $out/'${name2}'
'') unit.aliases) units)}
# Create .wants and .requires symlinks from the wantedBy and
# requiredBy options.
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: unit:
concatMapStrings (name2: ''
mkdir -p $out/'${name2}.wants'
ln -sfn '../${name}' $out/'${name2}.wants'/
'') unit.wantedBy) units)}
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: unit:
concatMapStrings (name2: ''
mkdir -p $out/'${name2}.requires'
ln -sfn '../${name}' $out/'${name2}.requires'/
'') unit.requiredBy) units)}
${optionalString (type == "system") ''
# Stupid misc. symlinks.
ln -s ${cfg.defaultUnit} $out/default.target
ln -s ${cfg.ctrlAltDelUnit} $out/ctrl-alt-del.target
ln -s rescue.target $out/kbrequest.target
mkdir -p $out/getty.target.wants/
ln -s ../autovt@tty1.service $out/getty.target.wants/
ln -s ../local-fs.target ../remote-fs.target \
../nss-lookup.target ../nss-user-lookup.target ../swap.target \
''; # */