I had the basic version of this laying around for some while but didn't
continue on it. Originally it was for testing support for the Neo layout
introduced back then (8cd6d53
We only test the first three Neo layers, because the last three layers
are largely comprised of special characters and in addition to that the
support for the VT keymap seems to be limited compared to the Xorg
Yesterday @NicolasPetton on IRC had troubles with the Colemak layout
(IRC logs: http://nixos.org/irc/logs/log.20160330, starting at 16:08)
and I found that test again, so I went for improving and adding to
While the original problem seemed to be related to GDM, we can still add
another subtest that checks whether GDM correctly applies the keyboard
layout. However I don't have a clue how to properly configure the
keyboard layout on GDM, at least not within the NixOS configuration.
The main goal of this test is not to test a complete set of all key
mappings but to check whether the keymap is loaded and working at all.
It also serves as an example for NixOS keyboard configurations.
The list of keyboard layouts is by no means complete, so everybody is
free to add their own to the test or improve the existing ones.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
161 lines
5.0 KiB
161 lines
5.0 KiB
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:
with import ../lib/testing.nix { inherit system; };
testReader = pkgs.writeScript "test-input-reader" ''
readInput() {
touch /tmp/reader.ready
echo "Waiting for '$1' to be typed"
read -r -n1 c
if [ "$c" = "$2" ]; then
echo "SUCCESS: Got back '$c' as expected."
echo 0 >&2
echo "FAIL: Expected '$2' but got '$c' instead."
echo 1 >&2
main() {
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
ret="$((readInput "$2" "$3" | systemd-cat -t "$1") 2>&1)"
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then error=1; fi
shift 3
return $error
main "$@"; echo -n $? > /tmp/reader.exit
mkReaderInput = testname: { qwerty, expect }: with pkgs.lib; let
lq = length qwerty;
le = length expect;
msg = "`qwerty' (${lq}) and `expect' (${le}) lists"
+ " need to be of the same length!";
result = flatten (zipListsWith (a: b: [testname a b]) qwerty expect);
in if lq != le then throw msg else result;
mkKeyboardTest = layout: { extraConfig ? {}, tests }: with pkgs.lib; let
readerInput = flatten (mapAttrsToList mkReaderInput tests);
perlStr = val: "'${escape ["'" "\\"] val}'";
perlReaderInput = concatMapStringsSep ", " perlStr readerInput;
in makeTest {
name = "keymap-${layout}";
machine.i18n.consoleKeyMap = mkOverride 900 layout;
machine.services.xserver.layout = mkOverride 900 layout;
machine.imports = [ ./common/x11.nix extraConfig ];
testScript = ''
sub waitCatAndDelete ($) {
return $machine->succeed(
"for i in \$(seq 600); do if [ -e '$_[0]' ]; then ".
"cat '$_[0]' && rm -f '$_[0]' && exit 0; ".
"fi; sleep 0.1; done; echo timed out after 60 seconds >&2; exit 1"
sub mkTest ($$) {
my ($desc, $cmd) = @_;
my @testdata = (${perlReaderInput});
my $shellTestdata = join ' ', map { "'".s/'/'\\'''/gr."'" } @testdata;
subtest $desc, sub {
$machine->succeed("$cmd ${testReader} $shellTestdata &");
while (my ($testname, $qwerty, $expect) = splice(@testdata, 0, 3)) {
waitCatAndDelete "/tmp/reader.ready";
my $exitcode = waitCatAndDelete "/tmp/reader.exit";
die "tests for $desc failed" if $exitcode ne 0;
mkTest "VT keymap", "openvt -sw --";
mkTest "Xorg keymap", "DISPLAY=:0 xterm -fullscreen -e";
in pkgs.lib.mapAttrs mkKeyboardTest {
azerty = {
tests = {
azqw.qwerty = [ "q" "w" ];
azqw.expect = [ "a" "z" ];
altgr.qwerty = [ "alt_r-2" "alt_r-3" "alt_r-4" "alt_r-5" "alt_r-6" ];
altgr.expect = [ "~" "#" "{" "[" "|" ];
extraConfig.i18n.consoleKeyMap = "azerty/fr";
extraConfig.services.xserver.layout = "fr";
colemak = {
tests = {
homerow.qwerty = [ "a" "s" "d" "f" "j" "k" "l" "semicolon" ];
homerow.expect = [ "a" "r" "s" "t" "n" "e" "i" "o" ];
extraConfig.i18n.consoleKeyMap = "en-latin9";
extraConfig.services.xserver.layout = "us";
extraConfig.services.xserver.xkbVariant = "colemak";
dvorak = {
tests = {
homerow.qwerty = [ "a" "s" "d" "f" "j" "k" "l" "semicolon" ];
homerow.expect = [ "a" "o" "e" "u" "h" "t" "n" "s" ];
symbols.qwerty = [ "q" "w" "e" "minus" "equal" ];
symbols.expect = [ "'" "," "." "[" "]" ];
dvp = {
tests = {
homerow.qwerty = [ "a" "s" "d" "f" "j" "k" "l" "semicolon" ];
homerow.expect = [ "a" "o" "e" "u" "h" "t" "n" "s" ];
numbers.qwerty = map (x: "shift-${x}")
[ "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0" "minus" ];
numbers.expect = [ "%" "7" "5" "3" "1" "9" "0" "2" "4" "6" "8" ];
symbols.qwerty = [ "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0" "minus" ];
symbols.expect = [ "&" "[" "{" "}" "(" "=" "*" ")" "+" "]" "!" ];
extraConfig.services.xserver.layout = "us";
extraConfig.services.xserver.xkbVariant = "dvp";
neo = {
tests = {
layer1.qwerty = [ "f" "j" ];
layer1.expect = [ "e" "n" ];
layer2.qwerty = [ "shift-f" "shift-j" "shift-6" ];
layer2.expect = [ "E" "N" "$" ];
layer3.qwerty = [ "caps_lock-d" "caps_lock-f" ];
layer3.expect = [ "{" "}" ];
extraConfig.services.xserver.layout = "de";
extraConfig.services.xserver.xkbVariant = "neo";
qwertz = {
tests = {
zy.qwerty = [ "z" "y" ];
zy.expect = [ "y" "z" ];
altgr.qwerty = map (x: "alt_r-${x}")
[ "q" "less" "7" "8" "9" "0" ];
altgr.expect = [ "@" "|" "{" "[" "]" "}" ];
extraConfig.i18n.consoleKeyMap = "de";
extraConfig.services.xserver.layout = "de";