40 lines
1.2 KiB
40 lines
1.2 KiB
args : with args;
rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/lazarus/lazarus-0.9.26-0.tgz;
sha256 = "1pb6h35axdmg552pvazgi7jclkx93vssy08cbpa4jw3rij7drhnl";
buildInputs = [fpc gtk glib libXi inputproto
libX11 xproto libXext xextproto gdkpixbuf
stdenv.gcc makeWrapper];
configureFlags = [];
makeFlags = [
/* doConfigure should be specified separately */
phaseNames = ["preBuild" "doMakeInstall" "postInstall"];
preBuild = fullDepEntry (''
export NIX_LDFLAGS='-lXi -lX11 -lglib -lgtk -lgdk -lgdk_pixbuf -lc -lXext'
ensureDir $out/share
tar xf ${fpc.src} --strip-components=1 -C $out/share
sed -e 's@/usr/fpcsrc@'"$out/share/fpcsrc@" -i ide/include/unix/lazbaseconf.inc
["minInit" "defEnsureDir" "doUnpack"];
postInstall = fullDepEntry (''
wrapProgram $out/bin/startlazarus --prefix NIX_LDFLAGS ' ' "'$NIX_LDFLAGS'"
'') ["doMakeInstall" "minInit" "defEnsureDir"];
name = "lazarus-0.9.26-0";
meta = {
description = "Lazarus graphical IDE for FreePascal language";
homepage = http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org ;