27 lines
814 B
27 lines
814 B
args : with args; with builderDefs;
let localDefs = builderDefs.passthru.function ((rec {
src = /* put a fetchurl here */
fetchurl {
url = http://freshmeat.net/redir/seccure/65485/url_tgz/seccure-0.3.tar.gz;
sha256 = "0isah96p35yxm86dklmgmdkvpflqi2aj4k344jp57chrhg5av74d";
buildInputs = [libgcrypt];
configureFlags = [];
doPatch = FullDepEntry (''
sed -e s@/usr/@$out/@g -i Makefile
ensureDir $out/bin $out/share/man/man1
'') ["minInit" "doUnpack" "defEnsureDir"];
}) // args);
in with localDefs;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "seccure-"+version;
builder = writeScript (name + "-builder")
(textClosure localDefs
["doPatch" doMakeInstall doForceShare doPropagate]);
meta = {
description = "Zero-configuration elliptic curve cryptography utility";
inherit src;