a headache. "polkit" is the new, unstable release series. "policykit" is the old series. (See http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/polkit-devel/2009-February/000106.html for an "explanation" of the name change.) It seems that for HAL we need to revert to the old "policykit", since it doesn't compile against "polkit". svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=17425
393 lines
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393 lines
10 KiB
args: with args;
#assert dbus_glib.glib == gtkLibs.glib;
let gnome =
rec {
# Platform
platform = import ./src-gnome-platform-2.26.0.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
glib = gtkLibs.glib;
atk = gtkLibs.atk;
pango = gtkLibs.pango;
gtk = gtkLibs.gtk;
audiofile = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (platform.audiofile) name src;
esound = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (platform.esound) name src;
propagatedBuildInputs = [pkgconfig audiofile];
libIDL = import ./libIDL.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig glib;
input = platform.libIDL;
lex = flex;
yacc = bison;
ORBit2 = import ./ORBit2.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig glib libIDL popt;
input = platform.ORBit2;
GConf = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (platform.GConf) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl glib gtk libxml2
dbus dbus_glib
popt gettext perlXMLParser intltool
propagatedBuildInputs = [ORBit2];
gnomemimedata = import ./gnome-mime-data.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser gettext;
input = platform.gnomemimedata;
gnomevfs = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (platform.gnomevfs) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl glib libxml2 libbonobo
gnomemimedata popt perlXMLParser gettext intltool bzip2
dbus_glib hal openssl samba fam
propagatedBuildInputs = [GConf];
patches = [./no-kerberos.patch];
gail = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "gail-1.22.3";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gail/1.22/gail-1.22.3.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "1s4s0ndjh42i8x2mchz0xm3qcp942vkmz0jsq7ig1d3y4wlk1w03";
buildInputs = [pkgconfig atk gtk];
libgnome = import ./libgnome.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gnome pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser
popt zlib esound gettext intltool;
input = platform.libgnome;
libart_lgpl = import ./libart_lgpl.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
input = platform.libart_lgpl;
libglade = import ./libglade.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gtk libxml2;
input = platform.libglade;
libglademm = import ./libglademm.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libglade;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtkmm;
libgnomecanvas = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (platform.libgnomecanvas) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig libglade perl perlXMLParser gail
gettext intltool
propagatedBuildInputs = [gtk libart_lgpl];
libbonobo = import ./libbonobo.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser ORBit2
dbus dbus_glib libxml2 popt flex
gettext intltool;
yacc = bison;
input = platform.libbonobo;
libbonoboui = import ./libbonoboui.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser libxml2 libglade
libgnome libgnomecanvas gettext intltool;
input = platform.libbonoboui;
libgnomeui = import ./libgnomeui.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gnome pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser
libjpeg esound gettext intltool;
input = platform.libgnomeui;
intltool = import ./intltool.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser;
# Desktop
desktop = import ./src-gnome-desktop-2.26.0.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
libgnomeprint = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.libgnomeprint) name src;
buildInputs = [
perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig popt libxml2
glib pango bison flex gettext intltool
propagatedBuildInputs = [libxml2 libart_lgpl];
libgnomeprintui = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.libgnomeprintui) name src;
buildInputs = [
perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig gtk libgnomecanvas gnomeicontheme
gettext intltool
propagatedBuildInputs = [
gtkhtml = import ./gtkhtml.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser libjpeg gettext intltool enchant isocodes;
inherit gtk atk gail libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui libgnomeui libglade gnomeicontheme;
input = desktop.gtkhtml;
libgtkhtml = gtkhtml;
gnomeicontheme = import ./gnome-icon-theme.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser
iconnamingutils gettext;
inherit (args) intltool;
input = desktop.gnomeicontheme;
gnomekeyring = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gnomekeyring) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig gtk glib perl perlXMLParser gettext intltool
GConf libgcrypt libtasn1 dbus dbus_glib python
gtksourceview = import ./gtksourceview.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser gtk libxml2 gettext
libgnomeprint gnomevfs libbonobo /* !!! <- should be propagated in gnomevfs */
GConf /* idem */ libgnomeprintui libgnomecanvas /* !!! through printui */
input = desktop.gtksourceview;
gtksourceview_24 = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "gtksourceview-2.4.2";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gtksourceview/2.4/gtksourceview-2.4.2.tar.bz2;
sha256 = "1grc2y817c0xd225l0m92ja35x2bgld5npa4w3g21amkqhdnpka9";
buildInputs = [
perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig gnomevfs libbonobo GConf
libgnomeprintui libgnomecanvas gettext intltool
propagatedBuildInputs = [gtk libxml2 libgnomeprint];
scrollkeeper = import ./scrollkeeper.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser
libxml2 libxslt docbook_xml_dtd_42;
# Scrollkeeper has disappeared from recent Gnome releases, but
# it's still being used.
input = {
name = "scrollkeeper-0.3.14";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/desktop/2.16/2.16.3/sources/scrollkeeper-0.3.14.tar.bz2;
md5 = "b175e582a6cec3e50a9de73a5bb7455a";
gnomedesktop = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gnomedesktop) name src;
# !!! should get rid of libxml2Python, see gnomedocutils
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser gtk glib libgnomeui
scrollkeeper libjpeg gnomedocutils gettext which
python libxml2Python libxslt intltool
configureFlags = "--disable-scrollkeeper";
libwnck = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.libwnck) name src;
buildInputs = [pkgconfig gtk perl perlXMLParser gettext intltool];
gnomemenus = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gnomemenus) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser glib python gettext intltool
librsvg = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.librsvg) name src;
buildInputs = [libxml2 libart_lgpl pkgconfig glib pkgconfig pango gtk];
libgweather = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.libgweather) name src;
configureFlags = "--with-zoneinfo-dir=/etc/localtime"; # is created by nixos. This is the default location of debian/ gentoo as well
buildInputs = [
gettext perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig gtk libxml2 gnomevfs
intltool libsoup
gnomepanel = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gnomepanel) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser gtk glib ORBit2 libgnome libgnomeui
gnomedesktop libglade libwnck libjpeg libpng scrollkeeper
xlibs.libXmu xlibs.libXau dbus_glib gnomemenus gnomedocutils
gettext libxslt librsvg libgweather which intltool
configureFlags = "--disable-scrollkeeper";
libsoup = import ./libsoup.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl pkgconfig libxml2 glib
libproxy GConf sqlite;
input = desktop.libsoup;
startupnotification = import ./startup-notification.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl pkgconfig x11;
# Strangely, startup-notificatio has disappeared from Gnome
# releases, but it's still used.
input = {
name = "startup-notification-0.8";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/desktop/2.16/2.16.3/sources/startup-notification-0.8.tar.bz2;
md5 = "d9b2e9fba18843314ae42334ceb4336d";
metacity = import ./metacity.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser glib gtk
GConf startupnotification gettext libcm intltool zenity gnomedocutils;
inherit (xlibs) libXinerama libXrandr libXcursor
libXcomposite libXfixes libXdamage;
enableCompositor = true;
input = desktop.metacity;
zenity = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.zenity) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig glib gtk
gettext intltool gnomedocutils libglade
preConfigure = ''export NIX_LDFLAGS="$NIX_LDFLAGS -lX11";'';
configureFlags = "--disable-scrollkeeper";
gnomedocutils = import ./gnome-doc-utils.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser python
libxml2 libxslt gettext libxml2Python;
input = desktop.gnomedocutils;
gconfeditor = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gconfeditor) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser GConf gnomedocutils
gtk libgnome libgnomeui gettext libxslt intltool
polkit dbus_glib
configureFlags = "--disable-scrollkeeper";
vte = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.vte) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser glib gtk python gettext intltool
propagatedBuildInputs = [ncurses];
gnometerminal = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gnometerminal) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser gtk GConf libglade libgnomeui
startupnotification gnomevfs vte gnomedocutils gettext which
scrollkeeper python libxml2Python libxslt intltool
configureFlags = "--disable-scrollkeeper";
libgtop = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.libgtop) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser glib popt gettext intltool
gnomeutils = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (desktop.gnomeutils) name src;
buildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl perlXMLParser glib gtk libgnome libgnomeui
libglade libgnomeprintui gnomedesktop gnomepanel libgtop
scrollkeeper gnomedocutils gettext libxslt xlibs.libXmu intltool
configureFlags = "--disable-scrollkeeper";
gtkdoc = import ./gtkdoc.nix {
inherit (platform) gtkdoc;
inherit stdenv pkgconfig gnomedocutils perl python libxml2
xmlto docbook2x docbook_xsl docbook_xml_dtd_43 libxslt
in gnome