
105 lines
3.8 KiB

diff --git a/src/sage/ b/src/sage/
index 1ddfc7cfb9..45033d6328 100644
--- a/src/sage/
+++ b/src/sage/
@@ -203,97 +203,13 @@ var('ARB_LIBRARY', 'arb')
var('SAGE_BANNER', '')
var('SAGE_IMPORTALL', 'yes')
-def _get_shared_lib_filename(libname, *additional_libnames):
- """
- Return the full path to a shared library file installed in
- ``$SAGE_LOCAL/lib`` or the directories associated with the
- Python sysconfig.
- This can also be passed more than one library name (e.g. for cases where
- some library may have multiple names depending on the platform) in which
- case the first one found is returned.
- This supports most *NIX variants (in which ``lib<libname>.so`` is found
- under ``$SAGE_LOCAL/lib``), macOS (same, but with the ``.dylib``
- extension), and Cygwin (under ``$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/cyg<libname>.dll``,
- or ``$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/cyg<libname>-*.dll`` for versioned DLLs).
- For distributions like Debian that use a multiarch layout, we also try the
- multiarch lib paths (i.e. ``/usr/lib/<arch>/``).
- This returns ``None`` if the file does not exist.
- sage: import sys
- sage: from fnmatch import fnmatch
- sage: from sage.env import _get_shared_lib_filename
- sage: lib_filename = _get_shared_lib_filename("Singular",
- ....: "singular-Singular")
- sage: if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
- ....: pattern = "*/cygSingular-*.dll"
- ....: elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
- ....: pattern = "*/libSingular.dylib"
- ....: else:
- ....: pattern = "*/lib*"
- sage: fnmatch(lib_filename, pattern)
- True
- sage: _get_shared_lib_filename("an_absurd_lib") is None
- True
- """
- for libname in (libname,) + additional_libnames:
- if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
- # Later down we take the last matching DLL found, so search
- # SAGE_LOCAL second so that it takes precedence
- bindirs = [
- sysconfig.get_config_var('BINDIR'),
- os.path.join(SAGE_LOCAL, 'bin')
- ]
- pats = ['cyg{}.dll'.format(libname), 'cyg{}-*.dll'.format(libname)]
- filenames = []
- for bindir in bindirs:
- for pat in pats:
- filenames += glob.glob(os.path.join(bindir, pat))
- # Note: This is not very robust, since if there are multi DLL
- # versions for the same library this just selects one more or less
- # at arbitrary. However, practically speaking, on Cygwin, there
- # will only ever be one version
- if filenames:
- return filenames[-1]
- else:
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- ext = 'dylib'
- else:
- ext = 'so'
- libdirs = [
- os.path.join(SAGE_LOCAL, 'lib'),
- sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')
- ]
- multilib = sysconfig.get_config_var('MULTILIB')
- if multilib:
- libdirs.insert(1, os.path.join(libdirs[0], multilib))
- for libdir in libdirs:
- basename = 'lib{}.{}'.format(libname, ext)
- filename = os.path.join(libdir, basename)
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- return filename
- # Just return None if no files were found
- return None
# locate singular shared object
# On Debian it's libsingular-Singular so try that as well
-SINGULAR_SO = _get_shared_lib_filename('Singular', 'singular-Singular')
+SINGULAR_SO = '/default'
# locate libgap shared object
-GAP_SO= _get_shared_lib_filename('gap','')
+GAP_SO = '/default'
var('GAP_SO', GAP_SO)
# post process