This has melpaBuild compile the irony-server executable automatically. This means each user of the irony executable doesn’t have to wait for it to compile on each new use. This depends on this PR to work correctly: https://github.com/Sarcasm/irony-mode/pull/537
431 lines
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# package.el-based emacs packages
# Recommended: simply use `emacsWithPackages` with the packages you want.
# Alterative: use `emacs`, install everything to a system or user profile
# and then add this at the start your `init.el`:
(require 'package)
;; optional. makes unpure packages archives unavailable
(setq package-archives nil)
;; optional. use this if you install emacs packages to the system profile
(add-to-list 'package-directory-list "/run/current-system/sw/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa")
;; optional. use this if you install emacs packages to user profiles (with nix-env)
(add-to-list 'package-directory-list "~/.nix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa")
# When adding a new package here please note that
# * please use `elpaBuild` for pre-built package.el packages and
# `melpaBuild` or `trivialBuild` if the package must actually
# be built from the source.
# * lib.licenses are `with`ed on top of the file here
# * both trivialBuild and melpaBuild will automatically derive a
# `meta` with `platforms` and `homepage` set to something you are
# unlikely to want to override for most packages
{ lib, newScope, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchgit, fetchFromGitHub, fetchhg, fetchpatch, runCommand, writeText
, emacs, texinfo, lndir, makeWrapper
, trivialBuild
, melpaBuild
, external
with lib.licenses;
elpaPackages = import ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/elpa-packages.nix {
inherit fetchurl lib stdenv texinfo;
melpaStablePackages = import ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/melpa-stable-packages.nix {
inherit external;
melpaPackages = import ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/melpa-packages.nix {
inherit external lib;
orgPackages = import ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/org-packages.nix { };
emacsWithPackages = import ../build-support/emacs/wrapper.nix {
inherit lib lndir makeWrapper stdenv runCommand;
packagesFun = self: with self; {
inherit emacs melpaBuild trivialBuild;
emacsWithPackages = emacsWithPackages self;
pdf-tools = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "pdf-tools";
version = "0.90";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "politza";
repo = "pdf-tools";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0iv2g5kd14zk3r5dzdw7b7hk4b5w7qpbilcqkja46jgxbb6xnpl9";
nativeBuildInputs = [ external.pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = with external; [ autoconf automake libpng zlib poppler ];
preBuild = "make server/epdfinfo";
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
:repo "politza/pdf-tools" :fetcher github
:files ("lisp/pdf-*.el" "server/epdfinfo"))
packageRequires = [ tablist let-alist ];
meta = {
description = "Emacs support library for PDF files";
license = gpl3;
elisp-ffi = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "elisp-ffi";
version = "1.0.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "skeeto";
repo = "elisp-ffi";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "0z2n3h5l5fj8wl8i1ilfzv11l3zba14sgph6gz7dx7q12cnp9j22";
buildInputs = [ external.libffi ];
preBuild = "make";
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
:repo "skeeto/elisp-ffi"
:fetcher github
:files ("ffi-glue" "ffi.el"))
meta = {
description = "Emacs Lisp Foreign Function Interface";
longDescription = ''
This library provides an FFI for Emacs Lisp so that Emacs
programs can invoke functions in native libraries. It works by
driving a subprocess to do the heavy lifting, passing result
values on to Emacs.
license = publicDomain;
agda2-mode = with external; trivialBuild {
pname = "agda-mode";
version = Agda.version;
phases = [ "buildPhase" "installPhase" ];
# already byte-compiled by Agda builder
buildPhase = ''
agda=`${Agda}/bin/agda-mode locate`
cp `dirname $agda`/*.el* .
meta = {
description = "Agda2-mode for Emacs extracted from Agda package";
longDescription = ''
Wrapper packages that liberates init.el from `agda-mode locate` magic.
Simply add this to user profile or systemPackages and do `(require 'agda2)` in init.el.
homepage = Agda.meta.homepage;
license = Agda.meta.license;
emacsql-sqlite = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "emacsql-sqlite";
ename = "emacsql-sqlite";
version = "20180128.1252";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "skeeto";
repo = "emacsql";
rev = "62d39157370219a1680265fa593f90ccd51457da";
sha256 = "0ghl3g8n8wlw8rnmgbivlrm99wcwn93bv8flyalzs0z9j7p7fdq9";
recipe = fetchurl {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milkypostman/melpa/3cfa28c7314fa57fa9a3aaaadf9ef83f8ae541a9/recipes/emacsql-sqlite";
sha256 = "1y81nabzzb9f7b8azb9giy23ckywcbrrg4b88gw5qyjizbb3h70x";
name = "recipe";
preBuild = ''
cd sqlite
stripDebugList = [ "share" ];
packageRequires = [ emacs emacsql ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://melpa.org/#/emacsql-sqlite";
license = lib.licenses.free;
elpy = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "elpy";
version = external.elpy.version;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "jorgenschaefer";
repo = pname;
rev = "39ea47c73f040ce8dcc1c2d2639ebc0eb57ab8c8";
sha256 = "0q3av1qv4m6aj4bil608f688hjpr5px8zqnnrdqx784nz98rpjrs";
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
(elpy :repo "jorgenschaefer/elpy" :fetcher github)
patchPhase = ''
for file in elpy.el elpy-pkg.el; do
substituteInPlace $file \
--replace "company \"0.8.2\"" "company \"${company.version}\"" \
--replace "find-file-in-project \"3.3\"" "find-file-in-project \"${(melpaPackages self).find-file-in-project.version}\"" \
--replace "highlight-indentation \"0.5.0\"" "highlight-indentation \"${highlight-indentation.version}\"" \
--replace "pyvenv \"1.3\"" "pyvenv \"${pyvenv.version}\"" \
--replace "yasnippet \"0.8.0\"" "yasnippet \"${yasnippet.version}\""
packageRequires = [
company find-file-in-project highlight-indentation pyvenv yasnippet
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ external.elpy ] ++ packageRequires;
meta = {
description = "Emacs Python Development Environment";
longDescription = ''
Elpy is an Emacs package to bring powerful Python editing to Emacs.
It combines a number of other packages, both written in Emacs Lisp as
well as Python.
license = gpl3Plus;
emacs-libvterm = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/emacs-libvterm { };
evil-jumper = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "evil-jumper";
version = "20151017";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bling";
repo = pname;
rev = "fcadf2d93aaea3ba88a2ae63a860b9c1f0568167";
sha256 = "0axx6cc9z9c1wh7qgm6ya54dsp3bn82bnb0cwj1rpv509qqmwgsj";
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
(evil-jumper :repo "bling/evil-jumper" :fetcher github)
packageRequires = [ evil ];
meta = {
description = "Jump across buffer boundaries and revive dead buffers if necessary";
license = gpl3Plus;
ess-R-object-popup =
callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/ess-R-object-popup { };
filesets-plus = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/filesets-plus { };
font-lock-plus = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/font-lock-plus { };
ghc-mod = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "ghc";
version = external.ghc-mod.version;
src = external.ghc-mod.src;
packageRequires = [ haskell-mode ];
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ external.ghc-mod ];
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
(ghc-mod :repo "DanielG/ghc-mod" :fetcher github :files ("elisp/*.el"))
fileSpecs = [ "elisp/*.el" ];
meta = {
description = "An extension of haskell-mode that provides completion of symbols and documentation browsing";
license = bsd3;
haskell-unicode-input-method = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "emacs-haskell-unicode-input-method";
version = "20110905.2307";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "roelvandijk";
repo = "emacs-haskell-unicode-input-method";
rev = "d8d168148c187ed19350bb7a1a190217c2915a63";
sha256 = "09b7bg2s9aa4s8f2kdqs4xps3jxkq5wsvbi87ih8b6id38blhf78";
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
:repo "roelvandijk/emacs-haskell-unicode-input-method"
:fetcher github)
packageRequires = [];
meta = {
homepage = "https://melpa.org/#haskell-unicode-input-method/";
license = lib.licenses.free;
hexrgb = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/hexrgb { };
header2 = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/header2 { };
helm-words = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/helm-words { };
icicles = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/icicles { };
irony = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "irony";
ename = "irony";
version = "20190516";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Sarcasm";
repo = "irony-mode";
rev = "c3ae899b61124a747ebafc705086345e460ac08e";
sha256 = "06ld83vzyklfmrfi6pp893mvlnhacv9if75c9pbipjvy6nwfb63r";
recipe = fetchurl {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milkypostman/melpa/3cfa28c7314fa57fa9a3aaaadf9ef83f8ae541a9/recipes/irony";
sha256 = "1xcxrdrs7imi31nxpszgpaywq4ivni75hrdl4zzrf103xslqpl8a";
name = "recipe";
preConfigure = ''
cd server
preBuild = ''
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out
mv $out/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/*/server/bin $out
rm -rf $out/share/emacs/site-lisp/*/server
preCheck = ''
cd source/server
dontUseCmakeBuildDir = true;
doCheck = true;
packageRequires = [ emacs ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ external.cmake external.llvmPackages.llvm ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://melpa.org/#/irony";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
redshank = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/redshank { };
rtags = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "rtags";
version = "2.12";
src = external.rtags.src;
configurePhase = ":";
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ external.rtags ];
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
:repo "andersbakken/rtags" :fetcher github
:files ("src/*.el"))
inherit (external.rtags) meta;
lcs = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "lcs";
version = circe.version;
src = circe.src;
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
(lcs :repo "jorgenschaefer/circe" :fetcher github :files ("lcs.el"))
meta = {
description = "Longest Common Sequence (LCS) library for Emacs";
license = gpl3Plus;
lib-requires =
callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/lib-requires { };
lui = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "lui";
version = circe.version;
src = circe.src;
packageRequires = [ tracking ];
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
(lcs :repo "jorgenschaefer/circe" :fetcher github :files ("lui*.el"))
meta = {
description = "User interface library for Emacs";
license = gpl3Plus;
nyan-mode = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/nyan-mode {
inherit lib;
org-mac-link =
callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/org-mac-link { };
perl-completion =
callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/perl-completion { };
railgun = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/railgun { };
gn = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/gn { };
shorten = melpaBuild rec {
pname = "shorten";
version = circe.version;
src = circe.src;
recipe = writeText "recipe" ''
(shorten :repo "jorgenschaefer/circe" :fetcher github :files ("shorten.el"))
meta = {
description = "String shortening to unique prefix library for Emacs";
license = gpl3Plus;
stgit = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/stgit { };
structured-haskell-mode = self.shm;
shm = (melpaPackages self).shm.overrideAttrs (attrs: {
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ external.structured-haskell-mode ];
thingatpt-plus = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/thingatpt-plus { };
tramp = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/tramp { };
yaoddmuse = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/yaoddmuse { };
zeitgeist = callPackage ../applications/editors/emacs-modes/zeitgeist { };
lib.makeScope newScope (self:
// elpaPackages self
// melpaStablePackages self
// melpaPackages self
// orgPackages self
// packagesFun self